October 2014

October 2014
Easy and affordable natural gas logs or wall heaters insure
warmth in the case of a power outage. Be prepared and install
a set of natural gas logs or a wall heater. These natural gas
appliances provide your home with a source of supplemental
heat. It can also help minimize other loss or damage that may
occur from freezing (like frozen pipes).
Currently ORUD is running specials on:
 18” natural gas log set $199
 24” natural gas log set $209
 30K BTU blue flame wall heater $239
(no venting required on items listed above, prices while supplies last)
ORUD offers up to 24 months @ 0% interest financing for
qualified ORUD customers. Just add the low payments to your
utility bill!
Take advantage of this offer before winter hits. Call or stop by
Oak Ridge Utility District
120 S. Jefferson Circle, Oak Ridge, TN.
(865) 483-1377—Open M-F / 8 am to 5 pm
Got questions?
Email us: appliances@orud.org
Call (865) 483-1377
for a free consultation.
Some restrictions may apply-product installations must meet federal code requirements.
Project Safe
I would like to help my neighbors in need by
ORUD customers who face immediate energy related
crises and who meet Project Safe qualifications are
eligible. Such as:
 An elderly couple trying to live on a small, fixed
 A seriously ill or handicapped person without
adequate medical insurance who has no money
left for utilities.
 A single parent with young children or a family hit
by unemployment.
donating $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t o Project Safe.
How can you help?
Project Safe is for emergency situations only. It is not
an on-going source of supplemental assistance.
If you are in need of emergency assistance and live in
Anderson or Roane County… Please contact ADFAC
at (865) 483-6028
Make a pledge of $1,
$5, $10 or more per
month which ORUD
will add to your monthly gas bill.
Your contribution is
tax deductible as are
other charitable gifts
within the guidelines of
your own tax situation.
You may cancel your
pledge at any time with
a phone call to ORUD.
My check is enclosed.
I would like to help my neighbors in need by
donating $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ each month for
Project Safe. Please add it to my monthly bill.
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Account #: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ORUD Thanks You For Helping Others!
Please return this slip with your bill to ORUD.
Need Appliances?
Shop at ORUD
0% Financing Available
(with approved Credit)
We sell:
Safety First
Natural gas is completely safe when it's used the
right way. The dangers occur when it leaks out of
pipes or doesn't combust properly. If you notice an
odor of natural gas (like that of rotten eggs) in your
home, apartment or outside your building at any
time of the day or night, call 1-888-483-1377 or 911
ORUD has 24 hour emergency service 7 days a week.
If you smell a gas odor, please call ORUD immediately.
(865) 483-1377
Call 811 before you dig. There are many buried utilities
including pipelines that can be damaged. Please do not guess
what’s below ground.
Call 811, it’s the law.
Natural gas pipelines are very safe.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Transportation records show that
pipelines consistently have the highest safety record among all major
transportation systems. These pipelines quietly, reliably and efficiently
deliver natural gas throughout the country for domestic and industrial
use. Natural gas pipelines are among the safest methods of
transporting energy.
If you are among the many people who live or work near a natural gas
pipeline, we need your cooperation to help ensure the safety of our
pipeline system, and your neighborhood.
Gas Safety Tips:
 Keep all gas appliances clean and properly
 Never cover fresh air vents that supply air to
your appliances.
 Do not store any flammable materials in or near
the gas appliances.
 Never use your oven or stove top to heat or dry
your clothes.
 Keep the area around your furnace and water
heater clear.
 If the odor of rotten eggs is strong or comes on
suddenly, get everyone out of the house immediately. Call ORUD or 911 from a neighbor's phone
right away.
 If you have older gas appliances, take a moment to check the connectors that link the appliance to the gas line.
One quick way to tell if a gas appliance is working
right is the color of the flame. A properly burning
flame is completely blue.