GPA H20290 TENDER NOTICE TENDER FOR A TENANCY OF THE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT UNIT NO. 3, GROUND FLOOR, IMMIGRATION TOWER, NO. 7 GLOUCESTER ROAD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG (Tender Reference No. GPA H20290) Tenders are invited for a tenancy of the Government property at Unit No. 3, Ground Floor, Immigration Tower, No. 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong comprising a total floor area of 73 square metres or thereabouts (hereinafter referred to as "the Premises") which is for identification purpose only shown hatched black on the plan (Drawing No. GPA H20290) annexed to the form of Tenancy Agreement annexed hereto (hereinafter referred to as "the Form of Tenancy Agreement") for the purposes of either general retail (excluding restaurant or cafeteria, photo processing services, the sale of cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco products) or a bank duly licensed under Section 16 of the Banking Ordinance (Cap. 155) and on such terms and conditions as set out in this Tender Notice and in the Form of Tenancy Agreement. 2. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereinafter referred to as "the Government") does not bind itself to accept the highest tender or any tender submitted. The Government reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms and conditions of the offer. The Government will consider the past or current performance of the tenderers as tenants of the Government both in examining any tender submitted and in deciding whether or not to award the tender. The decision of the Government whether or not to award the tender shall be final. 3. Tenderers MUST state in the Form of Tender annexed hereto (a) the particular retail trade they intend to use the Premises for; and (b) the FIXED monthly rental (exclusive of rates, management fees, air-conditioning charges, electricity charges and any other outgoings whatsoever) they are prepared to offer to the Government for the tenancy of the Premises. Any tender submitted which is not in conformity with the requirement contained in this Paragraph will not be considered by the Government. The particular retail trade stated in Paragraph 1 of the Form of Tender of the successful tenderer will be inserted into the First Schedule to the Form of Tenancy Agreement and the use of the Premises will be restricted to the trade as so stated. 4. Tenders MUST be (Any tender submitted which is not in conformity with the requirements contained in this Paragraph will not be considered by the Government) :- - 5. 2 - (a) made in DUPLICATE in the Form of Tender annexed hereto; (b) enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to "The Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, Government Logistics Department" and clearly marked : "Tender for a Tenancy of the Government Property at Unit No. 3, Ground Floor, Immigration Tower, No. 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Tender Reference No. : GPA H20290)"; and (c) placed in the Government Logistics Department Tender Box situate on the Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, No. 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong before 12:00 noon on the 21st day of October 2014. In case a black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on the 21st day of October 2014, the tender closing time will be extended to 12:00 noon on the next working day provided that if the extended tender closing day falls on a Saturday, then the tender closing time will be extended to 12:00 noon on the first working day of the following week. (a) Late tenders will not be accepted. (b) Save and except the insertion of the requisite information and particulars at the spaces as indicated in the Form of Tender, there shall be no insertion, deletion or alteration of or to any terms or conditions in this Tender Notice or in the Form of Tender or in the Form of Tenancy Agreement. For tenders submitted with any insertion, deletion or alteration of or to any terms or conditions in this Tender Notice or in the Form of Tender or in the Form of Tenancy Agreement, the Government may not consider or assess any tenders submitted which did not comply with the requirement contained in this Paragraph. 6. All tenderers should submit all the required information and documents including but not limited to the documents as referred to in Paragraph 13 of this Tender Notice before closing of the tender. The Government may not consider or assess any tenders submitted which did not comply with all the terms and requirements of this Tender Notice. Tender evaluation would be conducted on the basis of available information if the required information was not submitted. 7. All tenders submitted shall remain valid from the closing date of the tender th until the 20 day of April 2015 and shall remain binding upon the tenderers and may be accepted by the Government at any time up to the expiry of the said validity period. The Government will consider and assess all tenders submitted which comply with all the terms and requirements of this Tender Notice. - 3 - 8. All tenderers are advised to note that the term of the tenancy is fixed at 3 years from the date to be specified by the Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency and there shall be no extension of the term of the tenancy. On termination of the Tenancy Agreement, the Tenant shall surrender and deliver up vacant possession of the Premises in all respects to the satisfaction of the Government in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Form of Tenancy Agreement. In addition, the Tenant shall have no right to claim compensation in any form or reprovisioning of accommodation from the Government. 9. Tenderers and their directors, employees and agents should not offer any advantage (as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) of the Laws of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) to any employee of the Government Property Agency as an inducement to or reward for or otherwise on account of such employee’s giving assistance or using influence in, or having given assistance or used influence in the tender exercise. If a tenderer commits any offence under the said Ordinance in relation to the tender exercise, the Government Property Agency may invalidate its tender without payment of any compensation. The tenderer will also be liable for all expenses including but not limited to the Government Property Agency’s costs and expenses in the present tender and any subsequent tender(s) arising from or incidental to the invalidation. 10. Tenders will only be accepted from persons or corporations who will occupy the Premises for their own use, and no assignment, sub-letting, underletting or parting with the possession of the Premises or any part thereof or any interest therein will be permitted. 11. TENDERERS MUST FORWARD WITH THEIR TENDERS a CASHIER’S ORDER for an amount in Hong Kong currency equivalent to one month’s rent tendered made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" and drawn on a bank which shall be a bank duly licensed under Section 16 of the Banking Ordinance (Cap. 155). Any tender submitted which is not in conformity with the requirement contained in this Paragraph will not be considered by the Government. All cashier’s orders will be retained uncashed until a decision has been made on the tenders submitted. The successful tenderer is required to pay the security deposit for an amount in Hong Kong currency equivalent to three months’ rent tendered as referred to in Special Condition No. (2)(a) of the Second Schedule to the Form of Tenancy Agreement. If a tender is accepted, the cashier’s order submitted therewith will be treated as part payment of the security deposit as required. All other cashier’s orders will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers at the addresses shown on their tenders. 12. (a) Tenderers when submitting their tenders by way of a subsidiary company should clearly state the names of their parent companies and their correspondence addresses, the names of their contact persons, their telephone numbers and facsimile numbers. - 13. 4 - (b) The person who signs a tender as tenderer shall be deemed to be acting as a principal unless he discloses therein that he is acting as an agent only, in which case he shall also disclose therein the name, address and the name(s) of the contact person(s) of his principal. (c) After the award of the tender, the identity of the successful tenderer and its parent company (if any) would be disclosed by the Government in response to public/media enquiries. The Government reserves the right to announce the tender results without the need to seek the prior agreement of the successful tenderer or its parent company (if any). (a) Tenderers when submitting their tenders by way of an unincorporated firm or business should submit a copy of the valid certificate of business registration as well as Certified Extracts of Information on the Business Register from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue containing the name of the sole proprietor or the names of all the partners, as the case may be, of the said firm or business. (b) Tenderers when submitting their tenders by way of a corporation should submit one copy each of the valid certificate of business registration, the Certificate of Incorporation, the Articles of Association, the Incorporation Form (where the first Annual Return of the Corporation has not been filed with the Companies Registry as at the date of tender submission), the latest Annual Return (if any), the Notice of Change of Company Secretary and Directors (if any) and the Notice of Change of Particulars of Company Secretary and Director (if any) filed with the Companies Registry giving details of its current shareholders and directors. 14. If a tender is accepted, the successful tenderer shall be the Tenant, and he shall be notified of the acceptance of his tender by a letter posted to him at or delivered to the address stated in his Form of Tender. The successful tenderer shall within 7 days of being called upon by the Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency so to do sign or execute a Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed thereto, and shall pay to the Government the balance of security deposit, first month’s rent, management fees and air-conditioning charges due under the said Tenancy Agreement. Where the successful tender has been made on behalf of a principal, the principal shall himself sign or execute the said Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed thereto. Where the successful tender has been made by or on behalf of a partnership, each partner shall sign or execute the said Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed thereto. If the successful tenderer shall fail to sign or execute the said Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed thereto or pay the balance of security - 5 - deposit, first month’s rent, management fees and air-conditioning charges to the Government within the time limit as aforesaid, the Government may either enforce or cancel the tender. On cancellation, the sum forwarded with the successful tender as part payment of security deposit shall, without prejudice to the Government’s right of action for damages for breach of contract, be wholly and absolutely forfeited to the Government as liquidated damages and not as a penalty and the Government shall be at liberty to grant a tenancy of the Premises to other parties or invite tenders or otherwise deal with the Premises at such time and in such manner as the Government shall deem fit. 15. Subject to the due signing or execution of the said Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed hereto, and to the payment of the balance of security deposit, first month’s rent, management fees and air-conditioning charges as hereinbefore provided, possession of the Premises will be given to the successful tenderer within three calendar months of the date on which the said Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed hereto are duly signed or executed. The successful tenderer will be notified by a letter from the Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency of the date on which possession will be so given and the date from which the term of the tenancy shall commence. 16. The total sum of management fees and air-conditioning charges of the Premises are currently determined at HK$4,667.00 per calendar month. Such fees and charges may be increased or revised from time to time by the Government in accordance with Clause (2)(i) of the Form of Tenancy Agreement. 17. All tenderers are advised to note that the Government gives no warranty, express or implied, as to the physical condition or state or safety of the Premises or the building of which the Premises forms part for the suitability of the use of the Premises hereby permitted. 18. The successful tenderer shall accept the Premises in such state and condition as existing on the date on which possession of the Premises is given and all tenderers are advised to inspect the Premises and engage independent and appropriate professionals to conduct necessary surveys of the Premises at their own costs to ascertain the physical condition or state or safety of the Premises prior to the tendering. If tenderers wish to conduct a site inspection of the Premises, they shall on or before the 10th day of October 2014 contact the officer referred to in Paragraph 21 of this Tender Notice for arrangement. 19. The result of the tender will be known on or before the 20th day of April 2015. Tenderers who do not receive any notification from the Government of the acceptance of their offers by the said date may consider their offers not being accepted. 20. (a) In addition to name and address, the tenderer should provide his telephone number, facsimile number and identity document - 6 - number in case of an individual, identity document number of the proprietor(s)/partner(s) and business registration number in case of unincorporated firm, or company registration number in case of corporate body. If he fails to provide the above data it may not be possible for the Government to consider his tender; 21. (b) The above data collected by the Government Property Agency are to be used for the consideration of this tender by the Government and may be used by the Government Property Agency for such purpose and may be transferred to other Government departments to be used for such purpose. The above data may also be used for the consideration of other tenders by the Government at any time and the above data may be used by the Government Property Agency for such purpose and may be transferred to other Government departments to be used for such purpose; and (c) The tenderer has the right to request access to and to request the correction of the above data. The name and address of the officer to whom such request may be made are stated in Paragraph 21 of this Tender Notice. Any enquiry in relation to this tender should be addressed to : Government Property Agency, 31/F, Revenue Tower, No. 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (Attn. : Mr. Denny CHAN Tel. No. 2594 7697 and Fax No. 2877 8993) It is hereby specifically declared by the Government that any statement, whether oral or written, made and any action taken by any Government officer in response to any enquiry made by a prospective tenderer shall be for guidance and reference purposes only. Any statement shall not be deemed to form part of this Tender Notice and such statement or action shall not and shall not be deemed to amplify, alter, negate, waive or otherwise vary any of the terms or conditions as are set out in this Tender Notice or the Form of Tenancy Agreement. 22. A Chinese translation of this Tender Notice and the Form of Tender is attached. In the event of any doubt or dispute in the interpretation of this Tender Notice and the Form of Tender, the Government's intention as expressed in the English version shall prevail. GPA H20290 招標公告 招標承投香港灣仔告士打道 7 號入境事務大樓 地下 3 號單位的政府物業租用權 (招 標 編 號 : GPA H20290) 現 按 本 招 標 公 告 及 夾 附 租 約 大 綱 (以 下 簡 稱 「 租 約 大 綱 」 )所 臚 列 的條款及條件,招標承投香港灣仔告士打道 7 號入境事務大樓地下 3 號 單 位 的 政 府 物 業 ( 以 下 簡 稱「 該 處 所 」) 租 用 權 。 該 處 所 用 於 經 營 一 般 零 售 業 務 (不 包 括 ︰ 食 肆 或 自 助 餐 廳 ; 照 片 處 理 服 務 ; 售 賣 香 煙 、 雪 茄 或 其 他 煙 草 產 品 )或 根 據 《 銀 行 業 條 例 》 (第 155 章 )第 16 條 規 定 獲 妥 為 發 牌 的 銀 行 。 )該 處 所 整 體 樓 面 面 積 約 73 平 方 米 , 位 置 於 租 約 大 綱 夾附的圖則內以綴黑斜線標明,以資識別。 2. 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 (以 下 簡 稱 「 政 府 」 )不 一 定 接 納 出 價 最 高 的 投標書或任何一份投標書。此外,政府有權與任何投標者商議租約條 款及條件。政府在審核任何一份投標書及決定是否批出標書時,會考 慮投標者過往或現時作為政府物業承租人的表現。政府就是否批出標 書所作的決定,屬最終決定。 3. 投 標 者 必 須 在 夾 附 的 投 標 表 格 內,註 明 ( a ) 擬 把 該 處 所 用 於 經 營 何 種 零 售 業 務 ; 以 及 (b)為 租 用 該 處 所 而 擬 付 給 政 府 的 固 定 月 租 (不 包 括 差 餉 、 管 理 費 、 空 調 費 、 電 費 及 任 何 其 他 支 出 )。 未 符 合 本 段 所 載 規 定 的投標書,一概不獲政府考慮。中標者在投標表格第 1 段內所註明的 零售業務,會載入租約大綱第一附表內,而該處所只限用作經營所註 明的業務。 4. 投 標 書 (未 符 合 本 段 所 載 規 定 的 投 標 書 一 概 不 獲 政 府 考 慮 )必 須 : (a) 採用夾附的投標表格,填具一式兩份; (b) 放入信封內封密,信封面書明寄交「政府物流服務署開標委 員會主席收」,並清楚註明「標投香港灣仔告士打道 7 號入 -2- 境 事 務 大 樓 地 下 3 號 單 位 的 政 府 物 業 租 用 權 (招 標 編 號 ︰ GPA H20290)」 ; 以 及 (c) 在二零一四年十月二十一日正午十二時前,放入香港北角渣 華 道 333 號 北 角 政 府 合 署 地 下 的 政 府 物 流 服 務 署 投 標 箱 內 。 若二零一四年十月二十一日上午九時至正午十二時期間正發 出黑色暴雨警告或懸掛八號或以上颱風信號,截標時間將延 至下一個工作天正午十二時。倘延遲後的截標日期為星期 六,截 標 時 間 將 再 延 至 下 一 個 星 期 的 首 個 工 作 天 正 午 十 二 時。 5. (a) 逾期遞交的投標書一概不獲受理。 (b) 除在投標表格所顯示空位上填寫所需的資料和細節外,不得 在本招標公告或投標表格或租約大綱中加插、刪除或改動任 何條款或條件。投標者如對本招標公告或投標表格或租約大 綱所載的任何條款或條件有所加插、刪除或改動,政府有可 能不考慮或評審未符合本段所載規定的投標書。 6. 投 標 者 應 在 截 標 前 提 交 全 部 所 需 資 料 及 文 件 (包 括 但 不 限 於 本 招 標 公 告 第 13 段 所 指 的 文 件 )。 未 符 合 本 招 標 公 告 所 載 全 部 條 款 及 規 定 的投標書,可能不獲政府考慮或評審;如投標書未有提供所需資料, 政府會按所收到的資料評審標書。 7. 所有投標書由截標日期起至二零一五年四月二十日有效,在上述 期限屆滿前,投標書對投標者具有約束力,並可能隨時獲政府接納。 政府會考慮並評估所有符合招標公告所載全部條款及規定的投標書。 8. 所有投標者請注意,該處所的租期定為三年,由政府產業署總產 業經理指定的日期起生效,並且租期不得延長。租約終止時,承租人 須按照租約大綱的條款及條件,騰空交還該處所,並須在各方面令政 府感到滿意。此外,承租人無權要求政府作出任何形式的補償,也無 權要求政府重配地方。 9. 投標者、其董事、僱員及代理人不得向政府產業署任何僱員提供 任 何 利 益 ( 如 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 法 例 第 2 0 1 章《 防 止 賄 賂 條 例 》所 界 定 ) , 作為該僱員在招標事宜上給予協助或運用影響力,或曾經給予協助或 -3- 運用影響力的誘因或報酬,或由於該僱員在招標事宜上給予協助或運 用 影 響 力 , 或 曾 經 給 予 協 助 或 運 用 影 響 力 而 向 他 提 供 任 何 利 益 (如 《 防 止 賄 賂 條 例 》 所 界 定 )。 倘 投 標 者 在 與 招 標 有 關 的 事 宜 上 觸 犯 該 條 例 下 所訂的任何罪行,政府產業署可把其投標書作廢而不作出任何補償。 此 外 , 投 標 者 亦 須 承 擔 因 投 標 書 作 廢 所 引 致 或 附 帶 引 起 的 一 切 費 用 (包 括 但 不 限 於 政 府 產 業 署 是 次 招 標 或 日 後 進 行 任 何 招 標 的 費 用 )。 10. 投標的人或法團須把該處所自用,政府才會考慮接納其投標書。 政府亦不會准許中標者把該處所或其中任何部分或任何權益轉讓、分 租、轉租或放棄其管有權。 11. 投標者遞交投標書時,必須同時附上面額等於一個月租金 (按 投 標 書 所 提 議 租 金 計 算 )的 港 幣 銀 行 本 票 , 抬 頭 人 為 「 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 」 , 付 款 銀 行 須 為 根 據 《 銀 行 業 條 例 》 (第 155 章 )第 16 條的規定 獲妥為 發牌的銀 行。未符合本段所載規定的投標書,一概不 獲政府考慮。政府對投標作出決定前,所有銀行本票均不會予以兌 現 。 中 標 者 必 須 按 租 約 大 綱 第 二 附 表 特 別 條 件 第 (2)(a)條 所 訂 , 繳 交 以 港 幣 計 算 相 當 於 三 個 月 租 金 (按 投 標 書 所 提 議 租 金 計 算 )的 保 證 金 。 如 投標書獲接納,隨投標書附上的銀行本票將視作所規定的部分保證 金。 12. (a) 投標者如以附屬公司身分投標,須清楚註明其母公司的名稱 及通訊地址、聯絡人姓名、電話號碼及傳真號碼。 (b) 以投標者身分簽署投標書的人士,將被視作主事人,除非他 在表格內聲明僅為代理人,若屬如此,便須同時說明主事人 的姓名和地址及聯絡人的姓名。 (c) 標書批出後,政府可應公眾/傳媒的查詢,披露中標者及其 母 公 司 (如 有 )的 身 分 。 政 府 保 留 公 布 投 標 結 果 的 權 利 , 而 無 須 事 先 獲 得 中 標 者 或 其 母 公 司 (如 有 )的 同 意 。 13. (a) 投標者如以非法團公司或商號身分投標,須附上有效商業登 記證副本及由稅務局局長發出載有該公司或商號獨資經營人 -4- 或 全 體 合 股 人 (視 乎 屬 何 種 情 況 而 定 )姓 名 的 商 業 登 記 冊 內 商 號資料摘錄核證本。 (b) 投標者如以法團身分投標,須附上以下文件副本各一份:有 效商業登記證、公司註冊證書、組織章程細則、法團成立表 格 (如 在 提 交 投 標 書 當 日 仍 未 把 首 份 周 年 申 報 表 送 交 公 司 註 冊 處 存 檔 ),以 及 送 交 公 司 註 冊 處 存 檔 載 有 公 司 全 部 現 任 股 東 及 董 事 詳 情 的 最 近 期 周 年 申 報 表 (如 有 )、 更 改 公 司 秘 書 及 董 事 通 知 書 (如 有 ), 以 及 更 改 公 司 秘 書 及 董 事 詳 情 通 知 書 (如 有 )。 14. 如投標獲接納,中標者即成為承租人。中標者將獲發信通知,通 知信會按投標表格所載地址寄予中標者。中標者須於政府產業署總產 業經理發出通知後七日內,簽署或簽立租約及夾附的圖則,並向政府 繳付根據租約應付的保證金餘數、首月租金、管理費及空調費。倘中 標者的投標書為代主事人所投,租約及夾附的圖則須由主事人親身簽 署或簽立。倘中標者為合股公司,或由他人代合股公司投標,則租約 及夾附的圖則須由每一名合股人簽署或簽立。如中標者未有在上述限 期內簽署或簽立租約及夾附的圖則,或未有在上述限期內向政府繳付 保證金餘數、首月租金、管理費及空調費,則政府可依照是次招標的 規則辦理或取消標書。若取消標書,中標者隨投標書附上作為部分保 證金的款項,將全數充公,作為協定賠償金而不是作為罰款,但此舉 不影響政府因中標者違約而向其要求賠償的權利。同時,政府有權將 該處所租予他人,或招標競投,或在其認為適當的時候,以其認為適 當的方式處置該處所。 15. 中標者妥為簽署或簽立租約及夾附的圖則,並繳付前述規定的保 證金餘數、首月租金、管理費及空調費後,該處所的管有權將於租約 及夾附的圖則妥為簽署或簽立當日起計三個曆月內移交中標者。政府 產業署總產業經理會發信通知中標者移交管有權及租約生效的日期。 16. 該 處 所 的 管 理 費 及 空 調 費 現 時 定 為 每 曆 月 合 共 港 幣 4,667.00 元 。 政 府 可 按 照 租 約 大 綱 第 (2)(i)條 不 時 修 訂 有 關 費 用 。 -5- 17. 所有投標者請注意,有關該處所或該處所為組成部分的樓宇的實 際情況、狀況或穩固安全程度,是否適合作招標公告所批准的用途, 政府均不會作任何明示或隱含保證。 18. 中標者接收該處所時,須按移交管有權當日該處所的情況及狀況 接收該處所。所有投標者請於投標之前,自費安排到該處所視察和進 行勘測,以確定該處所的實際情況、狀況或穩固安全程度。投標者如 欲到該處所實地視察,須在二零一四年十月十日或之前與招標公告第 21 段 所 述 的 人 員 聯 絡 , 以 作 安 排 。 19. 投標結果將於二零一五年四月二十日或之前公布。投標者如在該 日仍未收到政府通知說明其標書已獲接納,可視作投標落選論。 20. (a) 投標者必須提供其姓名/名稱及地址;投標者如屬個人,亦 須提供其電話號碼、傳真號碼及身分證明文件號碼;投標者 如屬非法團公司,須提供經營人/合股人的身分證明文件號 碼和商業登記號碼;投標者如屬法人團體,則亦須提供公司 註冊編號。投標者如未能提供上述資料,政府可能無法考慮 其投標書; (b) 政府產業署收集上述資料,旨在供政府考慮本投標書,並可 供政府產業署作該用途,又或轉交其他政府部門作該用途。 此外,上述資料亦可在任何時間供政府用以考慮其他投標 書,並可供政府產業署作該用途,又或轉交其他政府部門作 該用途;以及 (c) 投標者有權要求查閱及改正有關資料,負責處理這些要求人 員 的 姓 名 和 聯 絡 地 址 載 於 本 招 標 公 告 第 21 段 。 -6- 21. 如對是次投標有任何查詢,請聯絡: 香港灣仔告士打道 5 號 稅 務 大 樓 31 樓 政府產業署 (經 辦 人 : 陳 奕 明 先 生 電 話 : 2 5 9 4 7 6 9 7 ; 傳 真 : 2877 8993) 政府特此聲明:政府人員對有意投標者的查詢所作出的任何口頭或書 面陳述及所採取的任何行動,均只供指引及參考之用。任何陳述不得 視作構成招標公告的一部分。這些陳述或行動不得據以或視作闡述、 更改、否定、豁免或在其他方面修改本招標公告或租約大綱所列出的 任何條款或條件。 22. 此為招標公告及投標表格的中文譯本。倘對本招標公告及投標表 格的詮釋有任何懷疑或爭議,當以政府在英文本所表達的原意為準。 Tender must be made in DUPLICATE GPA H20290 FORM OF TENDER TENDER FOR A TENANCY OF THE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT UNIT NO. 3, GROUND FLOOR, IMMIGRATION TOWER, NO. 7 GLOUCESTER ROAD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG (Tender Reference No. GPA H20290) Tender for a tenancy of the Government property at Unit No. 3, Ground Floor, Immigration Tower, No. 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong comprising a total floor area of 73 square metres or thereabouts (hereinafter referred to as "the Premises") as shown for identification purpose only hatched black on the plan (Drawing No. GPA H20290) annexed to the form of Tenancy Agreement annexed to the Tender Notice in respect of the Premises (hereinafter referred to as "the Form of Tenancy Agreement") on such terms and conditions as specified in the said Tender Notice and the Form of Tenancy Agreement and at the fixed monthly rental specified below. To : The Chairman, Tender Opening Committee, Government Logistics Department, Ground Floor, North Point Government Offices, No. 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong I/We, ______________________________________________________ (name of tenderer) of ___________________________________________________________________ (address of tenderer) having read the said Tender Notice and the Form of Tenancy Agreement and examined the plan (Drawing No. GPA H20290) annexed to the Form of Tenancy Agreement, hereby offer to rent the Premises from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereinafter referred to as "the Government") at a Fixed monthly rental of Hong Kong Dollars_______________________________________ only (HK$ ) (exclusive of rates, management fees, air-conditioning charges, electricity charges and any other outgoings whatsoever) for a term of three years certain commencing on such date to be specified by the Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency and on such terms and conditions as are set out in the said Tender Notice and the Form of Tenancy Agreement for the kind of trade and services and at the monthly rental as specifically indicated and listed in the following schedule : - Premises Intended use of the Premises 2 - The range and class of goods and services to be provided Monthly Rental (HK$) (exclusive of rates, management fees, air-conditioning charges, electricity charges and any other outgoings whatsoever) Unit No. 3, Ground Floor, Immigration Tower, No. 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 2. If this tender is accepted, then until the Tenancy Agreement and the plan annexed thereto are duly signed or executed, this tender together with the written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding agreement between me/us and the Government. 3. A CASHIER’S ORDER for Hong Kong Dollars only (HK$ ), which is equivalent to one month’s rent tendered as mentioned in Paragraph 11 of the said Tender Notice issued by a bank (being a bank duly licensed under Section 16 of the Banking Ordinance) (Cap. 155) made payable to "The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region" is forwarded herewith as part payment of security deposit if my/our tender is accepted. 4. I/We understand that the Government reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms and conditions of the tenancy of the Premises pursuant to Paragraph 2 of the said Tender Notice and the use of the Premises is restricted to the purposes as set out in the First Schedule to the Form of Tenancy Agreement and that my/our tender will not be considered unless it is accompanied by the cashier’s order referred to in Paragraph 11 of the said Tender Notice. 5. I/We agree to keep my/our offer open for acceptance by the Government until the 20th day of April 2015, and to be bound by the terms and conditions of the said Tender Notice. 6. (a) I/We understand that the Government reserves the right to disclose the identity of the successful tenderer and its parent company (if any) and to announce the tender results in accordance with Paragraph 12(c) of the said Tender Notice. (b) I/We consent that the Government and its officers may use the data collected pursuant to Paragraph 20(a) of the said Tender Notice together with any information of my/our performance or breach of any terms and conditions of the tenancy of any - 3 - Government sites or premises, whether past, current or future, for consideration of this tender by the Government, and the Government Property Agency may use the data and information for such purpose and may transfer the data and information to other Government departments to be used for such purpose; and that the data and information may also be used for consideration of other tenders by the Government at any time, and that the data and information may be used by the Government Property Agency for such purpose and may be transferred to other Government departments to be used for such purpose. (c) Dated the I/We also confirm that for the avoidance of doubt and for the purposes of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) or otherwise, the provisions in Paragraph 20 of the said Tender Notice and the provisions in Paragraph 6 of this Form of Tender including the consent stated therein shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding that this tender is not accepted by the Government. Where the tender is accepted by the Government, the said provision and consent shall survive the execution of the Tenancy Agreement and the tenancy, and shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding the expiry or termination of the tenancy. day of 2014. If the tenderer is a natural person trading as a firm or business in sole proprietorship OR persons trading as a firm or business in partnership, Part A should be completed. If the tenderer is a limited company, Part B should be completed.) Part A (Please read the note below before completing this Part) In the case of a sole proprietorship, this tender must be made in the name of the sole proprietor. In the case of a partnership, the tender must be made in the names of all the partners. A copy of the valid certificate of business registration as well as Certified Extracts of Information on the Business Register from the Commissioner of Inland Revenue containing the name of the sole proprietor or the names of all the partners, as the case may be, of an unincorporated firm or business should be enclosed with this Form of Tender. - 4 - Personal Information of Tenderer (INCLUDING ALL PARTNERS, if any) 1. Name (in block letters) Telephone HKIC No. / Mobile / Residential Address / Fax No. Signature / 2. Name (in block letters) Telephone HKIC No. / Mobile / Residential Address / Fax No. Signature / 3. Name (in block letters) Telephone HKIC No. / Mobile / Residential Address / Fax No. Signature / 4. Name (in block letters) Telephone HKIC No. / Mobile / Residential Address / Fax No. / Signature - 5 - trading in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the name of: Name of firm / business: _________________________________________________ Address of firm / business: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Business Registration Certificate No.:_______________________________________ Signature of Witness: ___________________________________________________ Name of Witness (in block letters):_________________________________________ Occupation: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Part B (Please read the note below before completing this Part) The name of the company must be inserted. A copy each of the valid certificate of business registration, the Certification of Incorporation, the Articles of Association, the Incorporation Form (where the first Annual Return of the Corporation has not been filed with the Companies Registry as at the date of tender submission), the latest Annual Return (if any), the Notice of Change of Company Secretary and Directors (if any) and the Notice of Change of Particulars of Company Secretary and Director (if any) filed with the Companies Registry giving details of the current shareholders and directors of the company should be enclosed with this Form of Tender. The original copies of the above documents must be produced for inspection on demand. Please also refer to Paragraphs 12 and 13 of the said Tender Notice. Name of Tenderer (in block letters):________________________________________ SEAL of Tenderer and Signature(s) of authorized officer(s) [Execution by the Tenderer in accordance with sections 127(3) and 127(5) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622)]: _____________________________________________________________________ - 6 - Name (in block letters) of authorized officer(s) and their respective positions: _____________________________________________________________________ Certificate of Incorporation No.:___________________________________________ Registered Office of Tenderer: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Business Registration Certificate No.:_______________________________________ Telephone No.: ______________________ Facsimile No.:______________________ Name of Parent Company (if applicable): ___________________________________ Address (in block letters): _______________________________________________ Name of Contact Person (in block letters): __________________________________ Telephone No.: _____________________ Facsimile No.: ______________________ Signature of Witness :___________________________________________________ Name of Witness (in block letters):________________________________________ Occupation:___________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Provision of Personal Data The information collected by means of this Form of Tender will be used and may be disclosed to other Government departments for the purpose as per Paragraph 20 of the said Tender Notice and Paragraph 6 of this Form of Tender. Tenderers who wish to access to or correct their personal data in this Form of Tender are requested to contact the officer referred to in Paragraph 21 of the said Tender Notice. - 7 - 投標者須填具一式兩份的投標表格 GPA H20290 投標表格 招標承投香港灣仔告士打道 7 號入境事務大樓 地下 3 號單位的政府物業租用權 (招 標 編 號 : GPA H20290) 現 按 照 招 標 公 告 及 其 夾 附 租 約 大 綱 (以 下 簡 稱 「 租 約 大 綱 」 )所 訂 明 的條款及條件,並以下文指明的固定月租,承投 香港灣仔告士打道 7 號 入 境 事 務 大 樓 地 下 3 號 單 位 的 政 府 物 業 (以 下 簡 稱 「 該 處 所 」 )租 用 權 。 該 處 所 整 體 樓 面 面 積 約 73 平 方 米 , 位 置 於 租 約 大 綱 夾 附 的 圖 則 內 以 綴 黑斜線標明,以資識別。 致 : 香 港 北 角 渣 華 道 333 號 北角政府合署地下 政府物流服務署 開標委員會主席 本人/我們 ,地址為 (投 標 者 姓 名 或 名 稱 ) , (投 標 者 地 址 ) 經細讀前述的招標公告及租約大綱,並審閱租約大綱所夾附的圖則,現 提議按照該招標公告及租約大綱所載的條款及條件,以固定月租港 幣 元 正 (HK$ ) (不 包 括 差 餉 、 管 理 費 、 空 調 費 、 電 費 及 任 何 其 他 支 出 )向 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 (以 下 簡 稱 「 政 府 」 ) 承租該處所,租期定為三年,由政府產業署總產業經理指定的日期起生 效。擬議經營的業務及服務類別,以及擬議月租,載列於下表: - 處所 8 - 處所的 提供的貨品及 擬議用途 服務範圍和種類 月 租 (港 幣 ) (不 包 括 差 餉 、 管 理費、空調費、 電費及 任何其他支出) 香港灣仔 告士打道7 號入境事 務大樓地 下 3號 單 位 2. 本 投 標 書 如 獲 接 納,在 妥 為 簽 署 或 簽 立 租 約 及 夾 附 的 圖 則 之 前,本 投標書連同接納書將構成政府與本人/我們之間具有約束力的協議。 3. 現 按 招 標 公 告 第 11 段 所 述 , 附 上 港 幣 (HK$ 元正 )的 銀 行 本 票 , 即 相 當 於 一 個 月 租 金 (按 投 標 書 所 提 議 租 金 計 算 ), 抬 頭 人 為 「 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 政 府 」 , 付 款 銀 行 為 根 據 《 銀 行 業 條 例 》(第 155 章 )第 16 條 的 規 定 獲 妥 為 發 牌 的 銀 行 。 本 投 標 書 如 獲接納,該筆款項將作部分保證金之用。 4. 本 人 / 我 們 明 白,政 府 有 權 根 據 招 標 公 告 第 2 段 所 述,與 任 何 投 標 者 商 議 該 處 所 的 租 約 條 款 及 條 件,以 及 該 處 所 只 限 作 租 約 大 綱 第 一 附 表 所 註 明 的 用 途 。 此 外 , 投 標 時 如 不 同 時 附 上 招 標 公 告 第 11 段 所 述 的 銀 行本票,本人/我們的投標書將不獲考慮。 5. 本 人 / 我 們 同 意,直 至 二 零 一 五 年 四 月 二 十 日,本 人 / 我 們 的 投 標 書都可獲政府接納,並須受招標公告的條款及條件約束。 6. (a) 本 人 / 我 們 明 白 , 政 府 有 權 按 招 標 公 告 第 12(c)段 所 述 , 披 露 中 標 者 及 其 母 公 司 (如 有 )的 身 分 , 並 公 布 招 標 結 果 。 - (b) 9 - 本 人 / 我 們 同 意 政 府 及 其 人 員 可 使 用 依 據 招 標 公 告 第 20(a)段 收集的資 料,以及有關本人 /我們過往、現在或將來履行或違 反 任 何 政 府 土 地 或 處 所 租 約 條 款 及 條 件 的 資 料,供 政 府 考 慮 本 投標書;政府產業署可使用該等資料作該用途,並可把有關資 料轉交其 他政府部門作該用 途;本人/我們亦 同意,有關資料 可 在 任 何 時 間 供 政 府 用 以 考 慮 其 他 投 標 書,並 可 供 政 府 產 業 署 作該用途,又或轉交其他政府部門作該用途。 ( c ) 本 人 / 我 們 亦 確 認,為 免 生 疑 問 及 就《 個 人 資 料 ( 私 隱 ) 條 例 》( 第 486 章 )或 其 他 方 面 而 言 , 招 標 公 告 第 20 段 及 本 投 標 表 格 第 6 段所載規定,包括當中所聲明的同意,即使本投標書不獲政府 接納,仍繼續具有十足效力及作用。如投標書獲政府接納,上 述 規 定 及 同 意 在 租 約 簽 立 後 及 在 租 期 過 後 仍 然 有 效,並 且 儘 管 有關租約期滿或終止,仍繼續具有十足效力及作用。 日期︰二零一四年 月 日 (投 標 者 如 屬 自 然 人,並 以 公 司 或 商 號 形 式 獨 資 經 營 者 ,或 以 合 股 公 司 或 商 號 形式經營者,應填寫 A 部。投標者如屬有限公司,則填寫 B 部。) A 部 (填 寫 本 部 前 , 請 先 閱 讀 以 下 附 註 。 ) 投標者如屬獨資經營,必須以獨資經營人的名義競投;如屬合股公司,則須 以所有合股人的名義競投。非法團公司或商號,須隨本投標表格附上有效商 業登記證副本,以及由稅務局局長發出載有該公司或商號獨資經營人或全體 合 股 人 (視 乎 屬 何 種 情 況 而 定 )姓 名 的 商 業 登 記 冊 內 商 號 資 料 摘 錄 核 證 本 。 - 10 - 投 標 者 個 人 資 料 (包 括 所 有 合 股 人 (如 有 )) 1. 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 ) 電話 香港身分證號碼 /流動電話 /傳真號碼 / / 簽署 住址 2. 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 ) 電話 香港身分證號碼 /流動電話 /傳真號碼 / / 簽署 住址 3. 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 ) 電話 住址 香港身分證號碼 /流動電話 /傳真號碼 / / 簽署 - 11 - 4. 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 ) 電話 香港身分證號碼 /流動電話 /傳真號碼 / / 住址 在香港特別行政區以下列名稱經營業務︰ 公司/商號名稱: 公司/商號地址︰ 商業登記證號碼︰ 見證人簽署︰ 見 證 人 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 )︰ 職業︰ 地址︰ 簽署 - B 部 12 - (填 寫 本 部 前 , 請 先 閱 讀 以 下 附 註 。 ) 投標者必須填寫公司名稱,並須隨本投標表格附上以下文件副本各一份:有 效 商 業 登 記 證 、 公 司 註 冊 證 書 、 組 織 章 程 細 則 、 法 團 成 立 表 格 (如 在 提 交 投 標 書 當 日 仍 未 把 首 份 周 年 申 報 表 送 交 公 司 註 冊 處 存 檔 ),以 及 送 交 公 司 註 冊 處 存 檔 載 有 公 司 全 部 現 任 股 東 及 董 事 詳 情 的 最 近 期 周 年 申 報 表 (如 有 )、 更 改 公 司 秘 書 及 董 事 通 知 書 ( 如 有 ), 以 及 更 改 公 司 秘 書 及 董 事 詳 情 通 知 書 ( 如 有 )。 投 標 者必須在當局提出要求時,出示上述 文 件 正 本,以供查閱。此 外,請 參 閱 招 標 公 告 第 12 及 13 段 。 投 標 者 名 稱 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 )︰ 投 標 者 印 章 及 (各 )獲 授 權 人 簽 署 [ 投 標 者 按 照 《 公 司 條 例 》 ( 第 622章 ) 第 127(3)及 第 127(5)條 的 規 定 簽 立 ] ︰ (各 )獲 授 權 人 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 )及 其 職 位 ︰ 公司註冊證書號碼︰ 投標者註冊辦事處︰ 商業登記證號碼︰ 電話號碼︰ 母 公 司 名 稱 (如 適 用 )︰ 地 址 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 )︰ 傳真號碼︰ - 13 - 聯 絡 人 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 )︰ 電話號碼︰ 傳真號碼︰ 見證人簽署︰ 見 證 人 姓 名 (請 用 正 楷 填 寫 )︰ 職業︰ 地址︰ 提供個人資料 藉 本 投 標 表 格 收 集 的 資 料 , 本 署 會 按 招 標 公 告 第 20 段 及 本 投 標 表 格 第 6 段 所 述 作 有 關 用 途,並 可 能 會 向 其 他 政 府 部 門 披 露 有 關 資 料 作 該 用 途。投 標 者 如 欲 查 閱 或 改 正 本 投 標 表 格 所 載 的 個 人 資 料 , 請 與 招 標 公 告 第 21 段 所 載 人 員 聯 絡 。 - 14 - GPA H20290 AN AGREEMENT made this and day of Two Thousand BETWEEN the Chief Executive on behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region care of the Government Property Agency, 31st Floor, Revenue Tower, No. 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as "the Landlord") of the one part and (hereinafter referred to as "the Tenant") of the other part WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS :- (1) the THE LANDLORD LETS AND THE TENANT TAKES from day of 20 ALL THOSE premises being Unit No. 3 on the Ground Floor of Immigration Tower, No. 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (which building is hereinafter referred to as "the Building") having a total floor area of 73 square metres or thereabouts and shown for identification purposes only HATCHED BLACK on the plan (Drawing No. GPA H20290) annexed hereto (which premises are hereinafter referred to as "the Premises") TOGETHER WITH the right in common with the Landlord and other tenants and occupiers of the Building to use all such entrance ways, stairways, lifts, escalators, passageways and landings (if any) in the Building for the purpose of obtaining access to and egress from the Premises so far as the same are necessary for the proper use and enjoyment of the Premises subject to the rights of the Landlord from time to time to restrict such use EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the Landlord and other tenants and occupiers of the Building the right in common with the Tenant to use all such entrance ways, stairways, lifts, escalators, passageways and landings (if any) forming part of the Premises as may be necessary for the purpose of obtaining access to and egress from the remainder of the Building for the term, at the rent and for the purposes as specified in the First Schedule hereto and on such terms and conditions as are hereinafter contained. (2) THE TENANT HEREBY AGREES WITH THE LANDLORD as - 15 - follows :- (a) To pay the said rent on the days and in the manner as specified in the First Schedule hereto; (b) Not to use or permit or suffer the use of the Premises or any part thereof for any purpose other than such purposes as specified in the First Schedule hereto; (c) Not to use or cause, permit or suffer the use of the Premises or any part thereof for gambling or for any illegal, immoral or improper purposes and the determination of the Landlord as to what constitutes illegal, immoral or improper purposes shall be final and binding on the Tenant; (d) Not to make any alteration or addition to the Premises or to the electrical and communication wiring and other installations or the Landlord's other fixtures and fittings nor to install any plant equipment apparatus or machinery within the Premises (other than the equipment used solely for the operation of the Business as defined in sub-clause (j) hereof) without the prior written consent of the Landlord and the Director of Architectural Services (hereinafter referred to as “the Director”) therefor; (e) (i) To make such arrangements for the supply of electricity and other utility services to the Premises as the Tenant shall require and to pay all charges in connection therewith including the cost of installation, maintenance, repair and replacement thereof and, on termination of this Agreement, the cost of dismantling all pipes, conduits, wires, cables, meters, switches and any other apparatus ancillary thereto; and - (ii) 16 - To make his own arrangements at the Tenant’s own expense for the installation of telephones within the Premises and pay all charges in connection therewith, but any installation of telephone lines outside the Premises must be subject to the prior written approval of the Landlord; (f) To repair or replace if so required by the appropriate company or authority under the Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406) or any regulations made thereunder or any amendment thereto or re-enactment thereof all the electricity wiring installations and fittings within the Premises and the wiring from the Tenant's meter or meters to and within the Premises at the Tenant’s own expense; (g) To pay all charges in respect of electricity, telephone, and any other utilities and services supplied to the Premises; (h) To pay and discharge all existing and future rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties and outgoings whatsoever (Government rent excepted) which are now or during the term of tenancy hereby created shall be imposed, assessed or charged upon the Premises or part thereof or upon the Tenant in respect thereof; (i) To pay to the Landlord the management fees and the air-conditioning charges in respect of the Premises in advance on the first day of each calendar month during the term of the tenancy hereby created in the sum of Hong Kong Dollars Four Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Seven ($4,667) per calendar month provided that the Landlord shall be entitled from time to time to serve notice upon the - 17 - Tenant increasing or revising the management fees or the air-conditioning charges and the Tenant shall pay the increased or revised management fees or air-conditioning charges as from the date stated in the said notice, which said notice shall be final and binding on the Tenant. The first of such payments shall be made upon the signing or execution of this Agreement; (j) To observe and comply with all Ordinances (including but not limited to the Town Planning Ordinance (Cap. 131) and the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123)), regulations, bye-laws, rules and requirements of any Government department or other competent authority relating to the use and occupation of the Premises or to any other act, deed, matter or thing done, permitted, suffered or omitted to be done therein or thereon by the Tenant or any employee, agent or licensee of the Tenant and without prejudice to the foregoing at the Tenant's own expense to obtain any licence, approval or permit required by any Government department or other competent authority in connection with the Tenant's use or occupation of the Premises prior to the commencement of the business on the Premises (hereinafter referred to as “the Business”) and to maintain the same in force during the term of the tenancy hereby created and to indemnify the Landlord against all actions, costs, claims, demands, losses, damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the non-observance and non-compliance with this provision; (k) To permit the Landlord and his officers, servants, agents, contractors, his or their workmen and any other persons authorized by the Landlord (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the authorized persons”) at all reasonable times with or without appliances to enter upon the Premises : - (i) 18 - to view the condition and state of repair thereof and in the event of there being any defects or want of repair or maintenance or any other work required to be carried out by the Tenant under this Agreement then and there found, the Landlord may give notice in writing to the Tenant and the Tenant shall within one calendar month of such notice (or such other period as may be specified in such notice) repair and make good the same in accordance with such notice and the Tenant's obligations in that behalf herein contained. In the event of the Tenant failing to comply with the said notice, the Landlord may carry out and complete the works required and the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the costs of such works incurred by the Landlord, and such costs if unpaid on the due date as specified by the Landlord shall carry interest at the rate of two per centum (2%) per annum above the prevailing Best Lending Rate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and together they shall be a debt due from the Tenant to the Landlord, and be forthwith recoverable by action (it being agreed and declared that a certificate under the hand of the Landlord as to the costs of any such works shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the Tenant); (ii) to inspect the Premises and to ascertain that there is no breach of or failure to observe any of the terms and conditions herein contained; and (iii) to take inventories of the fixtures, fittings, furniture and equipment therein or to carry out any works or repair as may be required to be done to the Premises or to any adjoining premises belonging to the - 19 - Landlord; Provided That in the event of an emergency, the Landlord or the authorized persons may enter the Premises without notice and forcibly, if necessary, without being liable to the Tenant for any damage or loss; (l) Not to assign, mortgage, charge, demise, underlet, share or part with the possession of or otherwise dispose of the Premises or any part thereof or any interest therein or enter into any agreement so to do; (m) Not to do, cause, permit or suffer anything to be done at any time in or upon the Premises or any part thereof which in the opinion of the Landlord may be or become a nuisance or annoyance or injurious or dangerous to health or which may cause damage or inconvenience to the Landlord or to the other tenants, owners or occupiers of the Building or, any adjoining or neighbouring lot, lots or premises; (n) To use and operate the Business on the Premises for the purpose as specified in the First Schedule hereto in all respects to the satisfaction of the Landlord; (o) To pay to or reimburse the Landlord the cost of any damage caused to any part of the common areas of the Building by the Tenant, his licensees, employees, agents, contractors or invitees or any other person claiming through or under the Tenant; (p) To keep the Premises open for Business at all times during the business hours as set forth in Special Condition No. 9 of the Second Schedule hereto and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing any suspension of the Business - 20 - for a period of more than 3 consecutive days without the prior consent of the Landlord shall constitute a material breach of this provision entitling the Landlord to determine this Agreement forthwith and to retake possession of the Premises without notice to the Tenant PROVIDED THAT the Tenant shall not be entitled to claim for any refund of the rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges and other charges already paid or any part thereof or for any compensation in whatsoever form in respect thereof; (q) To indemnify and keep indemnified the Landlord and the authorized persons from and against all actions, suits, liabilities, costs, claims, demands, expenses and losses (whether financial or otherwise) whatsoever and howsoever brought or taken in respect of any damage, injury, loss or costs (including but not limited to any legal expenses that may be incurred by the Landlord or that may be awarded against the Landlord or the Landlord agrees to pay) or anything that the Landlord may be obliged to do arising directly or indirectly out of any breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or out of or in connection with the possession, occupation or use of the Premises by the Tenant including but not limited to : (i) all liabilities arising out of the negligence of any person not a party to this Agreement; and (ii) all liability on the part of the Landlord under the Occupiers Liability Ordinance (Cap. 314); (r) (i) At the Tenant's own expense to insure and keep insured at all times during the term of the tenancy hereby created the Premises and all fixtures and fittings therein with insurers previously approved by - 21 - the Landlord in writing in the name of the Tenant with the interest of the Landlord noted on the policy and with the policy containing such provisions for the protection of the Landlord as the Landlord may reasonably require to avoid the interests of the Landlord being prejudiced by any act, neglect, or default of the Tenant or of any employee, contractors, agent, workmen, or of any other occupier, or any licensee or invitee of the Tenant, against loss or damage or costs (including but not limited to any legal expenses that may be incurred by the Landlord or that may be awarded against the Landlord or the Landlord agrees to pay) or anything that the Landlord may be obliged to do arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the possession, occupation or use of the Premises by the Tenant, including but not limited to damage or loss by fire, civil commotion, explosion, earthquake, subsidence, landslip, heave, collision by aircraft or parts of aircraft, articles dropped therefrom, flood, storm, lightning, burst pipes, power supply failure, damage due to any malfunction of any sprinkler system or due to any break, rupture, or any leakage in any sprinkler system, theft, malicious damage, costs of removal of graffiti, impact, and such other risks and contingencies as the Landlord may from time to time require to the full replacement value or reinstatement cost from time to time including architects', surveyors', engineers' and any other professional fees, including demolition charges (if any) with full provision for estimated inflation and loss of rent throughout the term of the tenancy hereby created, and, for sufficient cover against the death of or personal injury to or illness or disease contracted by - 22 - any person and loss or damage or legal costs suffered or paid by any person in connection with the possession, occupation or use of the Premises by the Tenant; and (ii) To duly pay all premiums or other moneys necessary for effecting and keeping up the policies of insurance as required under sub-clause (r)(i) hereof before the same become due and to produce to the Landlord the said policy or policies of such insurance and proof of such payments within seven days of the premiums becoming due failing which the Landlord may take out or renew such policy or policies in any sum the Landlord may deem expedient; all moneys expended by the Landlord under this provision shall be reimbursed by the Tenant on demand and shall bear interest at the rate of two per centum (2%) per annum above the prevailing Best Lending Rate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from the date of payment by the Landlord PROVIDED THAT all moneys received or to be received by virtue of any insurance relating to the Premises maintained or effected by the Tenant (whether or not in pursuance of the obligations herein) are hereby charged to and shall be paid to the Landlord (or if not paid by the insurers directly to the Landlord shall be held on trust for the Landlord) and shall at the option of the Landlord be applied in replacing, restoring, repairing or reinstating the Premises, fixtures, fittings or other assets destroyed, damaged or lost (any deficiency being made good by the Tenant) AND PROVIDED FURTHER THAT should any policy of insurance be rendered void or should any liability on the part of any insurer be - 23 - avoided due to the act, neglect or default of the Tenant or any employee, contractors, agent, workmen or any other occupier or any licensee or invitee of the Tenant, the Tenant shall at his own expense, replace, restore, repair or reinstate the Premises and any fixtures, fittings or other assets therein to the satisfaction of the Landlord. Should the Tenant fail to perform his obligations as above, it shall be lawful for the Landlord and the authorized persons to enter upon the Premises to carry out such works as the Landlord considers necessary and expedient to remedy such failure. The costs of all such works shall be payable by the Tenant to the Landlord on demand (it being agreed and declared that a certificate under the hand of the Landlord as to the costs of any such works shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Tenant); (s) Not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything whereby the policy or policies of insurance on the Premises against the risks referred to in Clause (2)(r) hereof may become void or voidable; (t) To be liable for any act, default, negligence or omission of the Tenant's contractors, employees, invitees or licensees as if it were the act, default, negligence or omission of the Tenant and to indemnify the Landlord against all costs, claims, demands, expenses or liability to any third party in connection therewith; (u) If so required by the Landlord on the termination of the tenancy hereby created, to demolish and remove at the Tenant's own expense and to the satisfaction of the Landlord all alterations and additions made to the Premises and all - 24 - fixtures, fittings, structures, plant, equipment, apparatus and machinery then standing on or forming part of the Premises without any compensation therefor being paid by the Landlord to the Tenant and at the Tenant’s own expense to reinstate and make good any damage to the Premises and the Building resulting from such demolition and removal works. If the Tenant fails to carry out any such works to the satisfaction of the Landlord as required under this Clause, the Landlord may carry out the same and recover the costs so incurred from the Tenant, and such costs if unpaid on the due date as specified by the Landlord shall carry interest at the rate of two per centum (2%) per annum above the prevailing Best Lending Rate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and together they shall be a debt due from the Tenant to the Landlord, and be forthwith recoverable by action (it being agreed and declared that a certificate under the hand of the Landlord as to the costs of any such works shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on the Tenant); (v) To maintain and keep at the Tenant’s expense and to the satisfaction of the Landlord the Premises, all structures thereon, and all fixtures therein and all additions thereto (except trade fixtures) in good and tenantable repair and condition and subject to Clause (2)(u) hereof so to hand over the same to the Landlord at the expiration of this Agreement; (w) To accept the Premises in such state and condition as existing on the date on which possession of the Premises is given; and (x) To perform and observe the obligations on the Tenant’s behalf contained in this Agreement including the Special - 25 - Conditions set out in the Second Schedule hereto. (3) THE LANDLORD HEREBY AGREES WITH THE TENANT as follows :- To permit the Tenant upon his duly paying the rent and observing and performing the obligations on his part herein contained to have quiet possession and enjoyment of the Premises without any interruption by the Landlord or anyone lawfully claiming under or through or in trust for the Landlord until such time as this Agreement is determined. (4) IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE LANDLORD AND THE TENANT as follows :- (a) That in case the rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges or other charges hereby reserved or any part thereof payable by the Tenant shall be in arrears and unpaid for twenty-one days next after the same shall have become due (whether formally demanded or not), or if there is any breach, non-performance or non-observance of any of the terms and conditions to be performed or observed by and on the part of the Tenant herein contained or if the Tenant shall become bankrupt or, being a company, shall enter into liquidation whether compulsory or voluntary, or shall enter into any composition with his creditors or suffer any distress or execution to be levied upon his goods, then, and in any of the said cases, it shall be lawful for the Landlord at any time thereafter to re-enter upon the Premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole, and thereupon this Agreement shall absolutely determine, but without prejudice to any right of action of the Landlord in respect of any antecedent breach, non-performance or non-observance of the said terms and - 26 - conditions and in the event of such re-entry the rent, management fee, air-conditioning charges and other charges already paid or any part thereof shall not be refunded and no compensation whatsoever shall be payable to the Tenant by the Landlord PROVIDED THAT without prejudice to the Landlord's rights hereinbefore contained in the event of the rent, management fees, air-conditioning chargesor other charges hereby reserved or any part thereof not being paid on the due date for payment thereof (whether formally demanded or not) the Tenant shall pay interest to the Landlord on such amount of the rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges or other charges hereby reserved as is unpaid on the due date or dates calculated from the day immediately following such due date or dates until payment of all rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges or other charges due and interest thereon have been paid by the Tenant to the Landlord, such interest to be at a rate of two per centum (2%) per annum above the prevailing Best Lending Rate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited; (b) That the tenancy hereby created is (without prejudice to the terms and conditions hereof) subject also to the Special Conditions contained in the Second Schedule hereto; (c) That if the Premises or any part thereof are rendered unfit for occupation and use by fire, storm, wind, water, typhoon, defective construction, white ants, earthquake, act of God or any other calamity beyond the control of the Landlord and not attributable to any failure of the Tenant to observe and carry out his obligations herein contained, the rent or a part thereof proportionate to the extent to which the Premises shall have been so rendered unfit for occupation and use shall abate and cease to be payable as from the date of occurrence - 27 - of such event or destruction or damage until the Premises or such part thereof shall have been again rendered fit for occupation and use but subject to as aforesaid, no compensation shall be payable by the Landlord to the Tenant PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Landlord shall not be required to reinstate the Premises if by reason of their condition or any Ordinances or regulations or other circumstances beyond the control of the Landlord it is not in the Landlord’s opinion practicable or reasonable so to do in which circumstances the tenancy hereby created shall be determined without any compensation payable to the Tenant; (d) That the Landlord does not warrant, represent or undertake that the Premises are fit or suitable for any particular purpose, use, trade or business whatsoever and the Tenant shall at his own expense obtain all requisite licence(s), permit(s), consent(s), waiver(s) or approval(s) from relevant Government departments or other competent authority or the incorporated owners or the manager of the Building in connection with the use and occupation of the Premises prior to the commencement of the Business and shall in all respects comply with the agreements, conditions, terms and stipulations herein contained; (e) That the Landlord gives no warranty or representation whatsoever as to the state and condition of the Premises (including but not limited to any mechanical and electrical installations, appliances and equipment installed within the Premises) and shall accept no responsibility or liability for any damage, nuisance, loss or disturbance caused to or suffered by the Tenant, occupiers or visitors of and to the Premises arising out of or in connection therewith and all or any structural defects of the Premises; - (f) - 28 That no compensation shall be payable by the Landlord to the Tenant in respect of any loss or damage caused to the Tenant or others by reason of any of the following : (i) any water flowing on to the Premises or fire or landslip or subsidence on, or to, or of, or from the Premises; (ii) any default, breakage, interruption or failure in the supply of electricity, water, air-conditioning or other utilities to the Building and the Premises, or any defect in or breakdown or suspension of the lifts, escalators, air-conditioning plant or other facilities of the Building, or the leakage to the Premises; or (iii) any other causes beyond the control of the Landlord; (g) That on termination of this Agreement in whatsoever manner the Tenant shall have no right whatsoever to claim compensation in any form or reprovisioning of accommodation from the Landlord; (h) That the benefit of this Agreement is personal to the Tenant and not assignable and the rights given in and the benefits of this Agreement may only be exercised by the Tenant and, without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, any of the following acts and events shall be deemed to be a breach of this sub-clause :- (i) In the case of a Tenant which is a body corporate, any take-over, reconstruction, amalgamation, merger, voluntary liquidation or change in the person who - 29 - owns a majority of its voting shares or who otherwise has or have effective control thereof; (ii) In the case of a Tenant which is a partnership, the taking in of one or more new partners whether on the death or retirement of an existing partner or otherwise; (iii) The giving by the Tenant of a power of attorney or similar authority whereby the donee of the power obtains the right to use the Premises; (iv) The change of the Tenant's business name without the prior written consent of the Landlord; (v) The holding on trust by the Tenant of the rights to use the Premises; (vi) The assignment or sharing of any revenues from the Business; and (vii) Any arrangement whereby de facto management and/or control of the Business is vested in or exercisable by any person other than the Tenant; (i) That the Landlord shall have the full right to terminate this Agreement if the Tenant, his employees or agents shall be found to have been convicted of an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) or any subsidiary legislation made thereunder or under any law of similar nature in connection with the procurement of the tenancy hereby created; (j) (i) That each party shall bear his own costs in connection with the preparation of this Agreement; and - (ii) 30 - That the Landlord shall arrange for the stamping of this Agreement and its counterpart, and the Tenant shall pay the adjudication fee and fifty (50) per cent of the stamp duty (if any) chargeable on this Agreement and its counterpart pursuant to Section 13 and the provision deemed to be contained in this Agreement by virtue of Section 42(2) of the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Cap. 117); (k) That any notice to be served by the Landlord or his officers under the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed to be sufficiently served on the Tenant if left addressed to him on the Premises or forwarded to him by post or left at his last known address or in the case of a corporation forwarded to it by post or left at its registered office, and such notice, if sent by post, shall be deemed to be delivered in due course of post at the address to which it is sent; (l) That any notice to be served by the Tenant on the Landlord under this Agreement shall be addressed to the Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency for and on behalf of the Landlord and served on the Landlord by post or by leaving the same at the address of the Government Property Agency mentioned hereinbefore; (m) That wherever in this Agreement it is provided that :- (i) the Landlord or his duly authorized officers shall or may carry out works of any description on the Premises or any part thereof or outside the Premises (whether on behalf of the Tenant or on the failure of the Tenant to carry out such works or otherwise) at the - - 31 cost of the Tenant or that the Tenant shall pay or repay to the Landlord or to his duly authorized officers on demand the cost of such works, such cost shall include such supervisory and overhead charges as may be fixed by the Landlord or by his duly authorized officers; or (ii) the prior approval or consent of the Landlord or the Director or their duly authorized officers is required, they may give the approval or consent on such terms and conditions (including the payment of fees) as they see fit or refuse it at their absolute discretion; (n) That where the context so admits or requires the expression "the Tenant" shall mean the party entering into and signing/executing this Agreement and words importing the masculine gender shall be deemed to include females and corporations and words in the singular shall be deemed to include the plural and vice versa in each case; and (o) That this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties about the subject-matter of this Agreement, and that no statement, representation or promise made by either the Tenant or duly authorized officers of the Landlord has been relied upon by the other party to enter into this Agreement, and that no communications, understandings, representations, promises, oral or written statements, warranties, arrangements or agreements, conditions made by either the Tenant or duly authorized officers of the Landlord prior to the execution of this Agreement with respect to the subject-matter of this Agreement may in any way be read or incorporated into this Agreement. - 32 - FIRST SCHEDULE Term and Date of : Three years certain commencing on the Commencement Purposes for which the 20 day of . : Premises shall be used Range and Class of Goods / : Services to be provided Rent : The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord in advance a monthly rent of Hong Kong Dollars (HK$ ) (exclusive of rates, management fees, air-conditioning charges, electricity charges and any other outgoings whatsoever) without any deduction on or before the first day of each calendar month during the term of the tenancy hereby created. The first of such payments shall be made upon the signing or execution of this Agreement. - 33 - SECOND SCHEDULE Special Conditions referred to in Clauses (2)(x) and (4)(b) of this Agreement (1) At the expiration of the term of the tenancy hereby created, this Agreement shall be deemed to be automatically terminated and the Tenant shall surrender and deliver up vacant possession of the Premises to the Landlord to his satisfaction. The Landlord shall have the full right to arrange for any new tenancy of the Premises at his sole discretion and the Tenant shall at all reasonable times within six calendar months immediately preceding the expiration of the tenancy hereby created and upon prior notice allow prospective tenants to enter upon and inspect the Premises. (2) (a) The Tenant shall on or before signing/execution of this Agreement deposit with the Landlord the sum of Hong Kong Dollars (HK$ ) as security for the due payment of the rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges, rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties and outgoings as aforesaid and the due performance and observance by the Tenant of all and singular the several agreements, covenants, provisions, conditions, terms and stipulations herein reserved and contained. The said deposit shall remain deposited with the Landlord throughout the term of the tenancy hereby created free of any interest to the Tenant. (b) At the expiration or sooner determination of this Agreement if the Tenant shall have paid all rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges, rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties and outgoings herein contained and if there shall be no breach of any of the terms and conditions herein contained on the Tenant’s part to be observed and performed - 34 - the Landlord shall refund the said deposit to the Tenant without interest thereon after the Tenant shall have duly delivered vacant possession of the Premises to the Landlord in accordance with the provisions herein contained but if there shall be any rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges, rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties, or outgoings in arrears the Landlord may apply such deposit towards payment of such arrears of rent and the management fees, air-conditioning charges, rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties, or outgoings and the Landlord shall be entitled to deduct the amount(s) from the said deposit for payment of any rates or other charges in arrears to the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or other corporation (as the case may be) or if there shall be any breach of agreements, covenants, provisions, conditions, terms or stipulations herein contained on the part of the Tenant the Landlord may apply such deposit towards remedying such breach (in so far as this may be possible) without prejudice to any other claim or remedy that the Landlord may have against the Tenant by reason of the breach and shall only pay the balance (if any) of the said deposit to the Tenant. (c) In the case of the Landlord exercising his right to re-enter upon the Premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole under Clause (4)(a) hereof by reason of the default on the part of the Tenant in payment of the rent and the management fees, air-conditioning charges, rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties and outgoings as aforesaid or in performance or observance of any of the agreements, covenants, provisions, terms, conditions and stipulations on the Tenant’s part herein contained, the Landlord shall without prejudice to his other rights and remedies herein contained be entitled to forfeit the whole of the said deposit - 35 - as and for liquidated damages and not as penalty. (d) Nothing contained in this Special Condition shall be so construed as preventing the Landlord from recovering from the Tenant damages in respect of such default over and above the said deposit and the payment of the said deposit shall not be deemed or considered as a payment of rent or any other charges in advance and accordingly in any action for recovery of possession for non-payment of rent or the management fees, air-conditioning charges, rates, taxes, assessments, charges, duties and outgoings payable by the Tenant hereunder, the Tenant shall be deemed to be in default if the same are not paid in accordance with the terms and conditions herein contained. (3) The Tenant shall not store or permit or suffer to be stored in or upon the Premises any dangerous goods as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance (Cap. 295), any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation without the prior written approval of the Landlord. (4) (a) The Tenant shall observe and comply with any requirement which may be imposed by the Director of Fire Services in connection with the occupation and use of the Premises by the Tenant. (b) The Tenant shall at his own expense install and maintain in and upon the Premises such additional fire prevention and fire fighting equipment as may be required by and to the satisfaction of the Director of Fire Services, which installation and maintenance work shall be carried out by the registered fire services contractor or contractors to be approved by the Director of Fire Services. (5) (a) The Tenant shall enclose the Premises with external - 36 - partitioning where necessary and fit out the interior of the Premises at the Tenant's own expense in a good proper and workmanlike fashion using good quality materials and in all respects in a style appropriate to a first class shop in the opinion of the Landlord, all in compliance with the conditions contained in the Third Schedule hereto. (b) Without limitation to the generality of sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition, the Tenant shall :- (i) submit to the Landlord and the Director all plans and specifications (including perspective drawings, plan drawings and electrical schematic drawings) (which drawings, plans and specifications are hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Plans") prepared by an authorized person (as defined in the Buildings Ordinance) (Cap. 123) appointed by the Tenant (hereinafter referred to as “the Authorized Person”) for written approval; (ii) fit out the Premises in accordance with the Plans as approved under sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition under the supervision of the Authorized Person and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Landlord and the Director and no amendment, variation, alteration, modification or substitution of the Plans as approved shall be made without the prior written approval of the Landlord and the Director; (iii) not commence any fitting-out works prior to the written approval of the Landlord and the Director being obtained pursuant to sub-clause (b)(i) of this Special Condition. - (iv) 37 - provide, install and maintain in good repair at the Tenant's own expense all fixtures, movable furniture, furnishings and equipment including counters, stands, lighting (including electric lamp and fluorescent tube replacements), tills, floor mats and protective floor coverings and such security fittingson or within the Premises as the Landlord and the Director shall deem necessary for the efficient operation of the Business; (v) complete all fitting-out works and commence to operate the Business within two calendar months of the commencement of the term of the tenancy hereby created; and (c) The Tenant shall take or cause to be taken all proper and adequate care, skill and precautions at all times and particularly during the carrying out of the fitting-out works, to avoid causing any damage to all the existing services and installations within the Premises or the Building and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Landlord and the authorized persons from and against all actions, suits, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims and demands whatsoever brought or taken in respect of any damage or loss arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the carrying out of the fitting-out works by the Tenant. (d) Any approval given by the Landlord under this Special Condition shall not make the Landlord responsible for any damages or claims arising from defects in the design or quality of the fitting out of the Premises carried out by the Tenant. (6) The Tenant may install a shop sign, if so desired, at the shop front, the size, design and materials of which shall be subject to the prior written - - 38 approval of the Landlord and the manager of the Building and subject thereto, the Tenant shall not exhibit or erect within or on the external walls or external perimeters of the Premises or on the Building any advertising signboard, placards, signs, notices or posters whatsoever except with the prior written consent of the Landlord and the manager of the Building. (7) Subject to Special Condition No.(10) hereof, the Tenant acknowledges and accepts that the Building will be open to members of the public only during the following hours :- (i) between 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays; and (ii) between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. PROVIDED THAT the Building will be closed on all Sundays and public holidays. (8) The Tenant may have access to and egress from the Premises outside the hours as specified in Special Condition No. (7) hereof subject to the prior written approval of the Landlord. (9) (a) Subject to sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition and Special Condition No.(10) hereof, the Tenant shall open and operate the Business : (i) between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays; and (ii) between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays. The Tenant shall not open and operate the Business on all Sundays and public holidays. - (b) 39 - Tenant shall carry on and operate the Business beyond the hours stipulated in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition if required by the Landlord so to do provided that a 7 days’ prior written notice shall be given by the Landlord to the Tenant to that effect. (c) Save as provided in sub-clause (b) of this Special Condition, the Tenant shall not be entitled to change the operation hours of the Business beyond the hours stipulated in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition except with the prior written approval of the Landlord, who may, in granting such approval, impose such terms and conditions (including payment of additional rental) as it shall in its absolute discretion see fit. (10) The Landlord shall have the right to close and prohibit access to the Building or the Premises, without prior notice to the Tenant, at such time and for such duration as it shall in its absolute discretion see fit by reason of any emergency or for any other reason which the Landlord considers proper or sufficient. In the event of such closure, the Tenant shall not be entitled to claim any compensation therefor whatsoever. (11) The security of the Premises and any property therein shall be the sole responsibility of the Tenant, and in particular, the Tenant shall at his own expense : (a) ensure that adequate safety and security measures are taken for the protection of the Premises, the delivery and safe keeping of his goods to and in the Premises, and the transfer of monies from the Premises; and (b) install and maintain such security protection and burglar alarm system for the Premises, provided that the same shall be separate from and shall not interfere with the general - 40 - security system of the Building. (12) The Tenant shall use his best endeavour to make and maintain the Premises and the shop display attractive and in a style and manner satisfactory to the Landlord throughout the term of the tenancy hereby created. (13) Only goods which are the property of the Tenant may be displayed, kept or sold in the Premises. (14) (a) The Tenant shall not make any alteration or addition to the glazing panels and supporting frames or wall surfaces of the Building at the exterior perimeter of the Premises. (b) The Tenant shall reimburse the Landlord the cost of replacing all broken and damaged glazing panels at the exterior perimeter of the Premises whether or not the same be broken or damaged as a result of the negligence of the Tenant. (15) Except with the prior written consent of the Landlord, the Tenant shall not alter any main electricity cable, gas or water pipe or drain or heating apparatus or to cut or damage any of the doors, windows, walls, partitions, staircases or floors of the Premises or to erect, install or alter any fixtures, partitioning or other erection or installation within the Premises or to alter any part of the main structure of the Building or other structural elements thereof or to attach anything to any structural wall or ceiling of the Premises or to paint or make any alteration whatsoever to the exterior of the Premises. (16) The Tenant shall give notice in writing to the Landlord or his agent of any damage to the Premises and of any accident to or defects in the water and gas pipes (if any), electrical wiring or fittings, fixtures, equipment or other services or facilities including but not limited to air-conditioning, ventilation system and fire services installation within the Premises and to repair such damage and defects to the satisfaction of the Landlord failing which such repairs shall be undertaken by the Landlord at the Tenant's expense with the expense so - 41 - incurred at the sole determination of the Landlord(it being agreed and declared that a certificate under the hand of the Landlord as to the costs of any such works shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Tenant). (17) The Tenant shall not overload the electrical wiring or cables apparatus associated therewith in or serving the Premises and shall comply with all requirements and regulations of the utility companies and of the Landlord with respect to the said utilities. (18) The Tenant shall allow pipes, conduits or other conducting media or utility services to pass through, over or under the Premises to serve other premises and areas in the Building and shall permit the Landlord and the authorized persons to enter the Premises at all reasonable times with or without appliances and to inspect, erect, maintain, repair or replace such pipes, conduits or other conducting media or utility services. (19) If the Tenant shall have obtained the consent or approval of the Landlord or the Director whether or not pursuant to the provisions herein contained, the Tenant shall observe and comply with the terms and conditions on which such consent or approval is given and in addition, the Tenant shall in carrying out any works on the Premises follow all instructions and directions of the Landlord or the Director or their duly authorized officers in relation thereto. (20) The Tenant shall at his own expense take all necessary steps and precautions to protect the Premises from : (a) damage by white ants, fire, storm, typhoon, landslip or the like; and (b) becoming infested by termites, rats, mice, cockroaches or any other pests or vermin. (21) The Tenant shall at his own expense : - (a) 42 - keep and maintain the Premises at all times in a clean, neat, tidy, sanitary state and condition in all respects to the satisfaction of the Landlord; and (b) arrange for and effect the daily removal from the Premises of all refuse in accordance with the regulations from time to time made or adopted by the Landlord PROVIDED THAT if required by the Landlord, the Tenant shall use the services provided by the Landlord and shall pay to the Landlord such fees as the Landlord shall determine, whose determination shall be final and conclusive and binding on the Tenant. (22) (a) The Tenant shall not encumber or obstruct or permit or suffer to be encumbered or obstructed with any boxes, furniture, articles, rubbish or other obstruction of any kind or nature nor cause or permit any of his contractors, employees, licensees or invitees to use for any purpose other than that for which they are intended any of the entrance ways, stairways, lifts, escalators, passageways, landings or any other areas in the Building in common use. The Tenant shall not cause or permit or suffer to be caused any damage or dirtiness to such entrance ways, stairways, lifts, escalators, passageways, landings or any other areas in the Building in common use or such fabric, walls or any other facilities in the Building. (b) The Tenant shall pay or reimburse the Landlord forthwith upon demand all costs, losses and damages incurred, suffered or payable by the Landlord arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the Tenant’s failure to comply with or to observe the provisions in sub-clause (a) of this Special Condition. (23) The Tenant shall pay to the Landlord forthwith upon demand the costs incurred by the Landlord in cleansing and clearing - 43 - any of the drains choked or blocked by improper or careless use of facilities linked to such drains by the Tenant or his contractors, employees, licensees or invitees. (24) The Tenant shall operate the Business in accordance with good commercial practice and in all respects to the satisfaction of the Landlord and shall ensure that the reputation of the Building, the goodwill and reputation of the Landlord, other tenants or occupiers of the Building or their businesses or operations carried on in the Building will not in any way be prejudiced. (25) (a) The Tenant shall not carry out any touting or soliciting for business or the distribution of any pamphlet, notice or advertising material outside the Premises or anywhere within the Building by the Tenant or any of the Tenant’s employees, contractors, invitees, agents or licensees; and (b) The Tenant shall not extend the display and sale of the goods or services beyond the Premises. (26) The Tenant shall not cook or prepare any food in the Premises. (27) No cigarettes, cigars or other tobacco related products shall be displayed or sold at the Premises. The decision of the Landlord as to what constitutes cigrettes, cigars or other tobacco related products shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Tenant. (28) The Tenant shall not use or permit or suffer to be used the Premises or any part thereof as sleeping quarters or as domestic premises within the meaning of any Ordinance for the time being in force or allow any person to remain on the Premises overnight unless with the prior written approval of the Landlord. - (29) 44 - The Tenant shall not conduct any closing down or liquidation sale or sale by auction or otherwise permit any other activity of a similar nature to take place in the Premises. (30) The Tenant shall not use any gramophone, radio, television, loudspeaker, musical instrument or similar apparatus or equipment in such a way that the same shall be audible outside the Premises. (31) The Tenant shall not keep any animals or pets within the Premises. (32) The Tenant shall not dump any earth, debris, spoil of whatsoever nature, or building materials on any Government land or properties. (33) The Tenant shall not employ illegal workers and in the event of breach of this Special Condition, the Landlord shall be entitled to terminate the tenancy hereby created by three calendar months' notice in writing and the Tenant shall not be entitled to claim any compensation therefor nor any refund of the rent, management fees, air-conditioning charges and other charges already paid or any part thereof. (34) The Landlord shall have the absolute right at his sole discretion to permit any premises or areas within the Building for use as retail or service business for the purposes as specified in the First Schedule hereto or any other purposes and the Tenant shall make no objection thereto and shall have no right to claim compensation whatsoever for such permission. (35) The Tenant shall not carry out or permit any activity or works on the Premises which in the opinion of the Landlord may adversely affect the stability of the Premises and the structures within or surrounding the Premises. (36) No human or animal remains whether in earthenware jars, cinerary urns or otherwise shall be deposited or stored within the Premises. - (37) 45 - Notwithstanding Clause (1) and Special Condition No. (1) hereof, the Landlord shall have full power to terminate this Agreement and resume, re-enter upon and retake possession of the whole or any part of the Premises if the same shall be required for the improvement of Hong Kong or for any other public purpose whatsoever (as to which the decision of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong shall be conclusive) on giving to the Tenant three calendar months’ notice in writing to that effect to expire at any time. Upon the expiration of the said notice and without prejudice to the Landlord’s right to enforce any antecedent breaches the tenancy of the Premises or any part thereof so resumed shall cease, determine and be void and the Tenant shall quit and deliver up vacant possession of the Premises or any part thereof so resumed and upon the exercise of such power no compensation whatsoever shall be paid by the Landlord to the Tenant in respect of the Premises or any part so resumed regardless of whether the Landlord shall terminate this Agreement during the term of the tenancy. (38) The Landlord shall be entitled from time to time and by notice in writing to the Tenant to make, introduce and subsequently amend, adopt or abolish if necessary such regulations as the Landlord may consider necessary for the proper operation, maintenance or management of the Building or any part thereof. The Tenant shall observe and comply with the said regulations as may from time to time be made or adopted by the Landlord. - 46 - THIRD SCHEDULE Conditions referred to in Special Condition No. (5) in the Second Schedule to this Agreement 1. SHOP FRONT & DOORS (i) Mirror finish stainless steel finish to framing. The doors shall be with 12mm clear tempered glass panels butt jointed with structural sealant; and of a height of 2,100mm including 100mm high top and bottom rails. No doors shall be protruded outside the Premises when open otherwise open lattice roller shutter grilles shall be used. (ii) No fixings will be permitted to the existing structural or suspended ceilings. (iii) Maximum height of shop fascia shall be 600mm above the door (i.e. to align with entrance door head height). 2. CEILING (i) The ceiling shall be of open construction, (i.e. lattice grid or open strip) providing a minimum of 70% net free area in order to avoid modifications to the Fire Services installations. Structural support shall be given by new walls or columns as no support will be permitted from the existing structural ceiling over. (ii) No ceiling element or services are to be constructed above the top of shop fascia (i.e. above 2,700mm above Finished Floor Level). 3. FLOOR AND WALLS (i) The existing granite claddings and flooring shall not be removed but may be covered. No fixing, drilling and cutting of the granite cladding shall - 47 - be allowed without the prior approval of the Landlord. (ii) No fixing, welding, bolting, screwing or gluing shall be permitted to or openings permitted through the existing curtain wall and its frame. Existing sun control coating on the inner face of glass panels shall not be disturbed. (iii) The existing granite claddings and curtain wall may be lined with plaster board or plywood etc. No coating or painting to the existing granite claddings and curtain wall shall be allowed. (iv) The existing granite flooring may be covered by suitable flooring materials but no screeding or coating shall be allowed. A raised hollow floor is permissible so that the existing granite can be protected. (v) 4. The permitted maximum superimposed loading shall be 5 kpa. ELECTRICITY (i) A 60 Amp single phase power supply shall be made available in the switch room as shown on the plan annexed hereto. The Tenant shall be responsible for the subsequent wiring from the switch room to the Premises and shall make application to the Hong Kong Electric Company Limited for the installation of his own KWH meter at his own cost. (ii) The Tenant shall engage the Registered Electrical Contractor under the Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406) to make the necessary electricity connections from the designated meter position to the Premises and the Tenant shall be responsible for all costs incurred thereby. 5. WATER Fresh water supply will not be provided to the Premises. - 6. 48 - DRAINAGE (i) Foul water connection will not be provided to the Premises. (ii) The method used for discharging condensate from all additional air-conditioning units shall be subject to the prior approval of the Landlord. 7. AIR-CONDITIONING (i) Subject to sub-clause (ii) of this paragraph, general air-conditioning (design air temperature at above 25.5oC) will be supplied to the Ground Floor lobby of the Building during the following hours :- Mondays to Fridays : 8:20 a.m. - 5:50 p.m. Saturdays : 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. The air-conditioning supply hours are subject to change from time to time as considered appropriate and prior notice will be given from the Building Management Office of the Building (hereinafter referred to as “Building Management Office”) in case of any changes. (ii) No air-conditioning will be provided on any Sunday, Public Holidays and any day when the Building shall be closed under Special Condition No. (7) of the Second Schedule of this Agreement. (iii) If additional cooling is required, an independent system shall be provided by the Tenant at his own cost. (iv) Additional Fan Coil Units may be added by the Tenant subject to the prior approval of the Landlord. All Condenser Units shall be located at high level in the Upper Basement of the Building or other suitable locations as may be approved by the Landlord. - 8. 49 - FIRE SERVICES The existing FS sprinkler layout shall not be amended. 9. SIGNAGE All signage within the fascia shall be of cut out graphics back lit in white. No moving signs or flashing lights will be permitted. 10. LIGHTING The Premises shall be lit in such a way that other users in the Building shall not be adversely affected by any glare or reflection. 11. FITTING-OUT METHODS (i) All fitting-out works shall be carried out in such a way that the Building including its services installations, the public and other users of the Building are protected from excessive risks, noise and dirt. (ii) The works area shall be completely sealed off from the Ground Floor lobby by full height hoarding or sheeting to prevent the egress of dust and dirt. (iii) The building components shall be prefabricated to ensure quick and simply construction on site. (iv) Before any welding work is carried out, the Building Management Office shall be informed. Temporary covers shall be applied to smoke detectors to prevent activating the fire alarm system unnecessarily. (v) All building debris and rubbish shall be regularly carted away from time to time as directed by the Building Management Office. - 12. - 50 WORKING HOURS FOR FITTING-OUT Subject to the noise level of the fitting-out works emitted being acceptable to the Director of Environmental Protection, the fitting-out works shall be carried out during the following hours :- (i) Weekday Mondays to Fridays (ii) : 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. of the following day Weekend From Saturday 1:00 p.m. through the whole of Sunday till 7:00 a.m. of the following Monday. (iii) Public Holiday From 6:00 p.m. of the previous evening through the whole of the Public Holiday till 7:00 a.m. of the first working day after the Public Holiday. (iv) The above working hours would be further restricted under Noise Control Ordinance (Cap. 400) depending on the noise level emitted by the works. (v) During the fitting-out period, all workmen must register at the Building Management Office before commencing any work on the Premises every day. - 51 - AS WITNESS WHEREOF the Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency, being duly authorized by the Landlord so to do has set his hand hereto for and on behalf of the Landlord and the Tenant has set his hand hereto / has executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. Signed by Chief Property Manager, Government Property Agency for and on behalf of the Landlord in the presence of :- ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )…………………………………………….. Government Property Agency Hong Kong Signed by the Tenant in the presence of :- Name of Witness in block letters : Occupation : Address : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )...................................................................... - 52 - OR Sealed with the Common Seal of the Tenant and signed by in the presence of:- ) ) ) ) ) ) OR (for use by company incorporated in Hong Kong and execute the Tenancy Agreement without a common seal affixed) Executed by the Tenant acting through [ ], its sole director or [ ], its director and [ ], its director or [ ], its director and [ ], its company secretary in accordance with section 127(3) and 127(5) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) in the presence of:- Name of Witness in block letters : Occupation : Address : ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) TENANCY AGREEMENT NO.: GPA H20290 TENANT: PREMISES: THE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AT UNIT NO. 3, GROUND FLOOR, IMMIGRATION TOWER, NO. 7 GLOUCESTER ROAD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG PARTIES Switch Room SIGNATURE LANDLORD WITNESS TENANT WITNESS FACING GLOUCESTER ROAD GROUND FLOOR HATCHED BLACK AREA: 73 SQUARE METRES (ABOUT) (NOT TO SCALE) DATE FILE NO.: SU/TEN/3959/2443 DRAWING NO.: GPA H20290 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AGENCY Dated the day of 20 .............................................................................................. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and .............................................................................................. TENANCY AGREEMENT relating to The Government Property at Unit No. 3 on the Ground Floor, Immigration Tower, No. 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong .............................................................................................. Tenancy No. : GPA H20290 Rent : HK$ per calendar month (exclusive of rates, management fees, air conditioning charges, electricity charges and any other outgoings whatsoever) Term : Three the years certain day of commencing 20 Government Property Agency Hong Kong on
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