Race Briefing List of Content Event Schedule Page 2 Race Kit Collection Page 5 Getting to the Race Venue Page 7 Bike Mechanic / Rental Page 9 What to Wear? Page 10 Relay Participants Page 10 Swim Page 11 Bike Page 11 Run Page 12 Transition Page 13 Finish Area Page 13 Important Considerations Page 14 Medical Safety Page 14 Results Page 15 Info booth Page 15 Photos Page 15 Contact Page 15 Start & Transition Area Map Page 16 Race Distances Page 17 Course Maps Page 17 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 1 Event Schedule - Saturday SATURDAY 25 OCTOBER 2014 Wave Cap Time Category ITU ELITE OPEN / U23 Pink 1 6:20 Start ELITE Female (Under 23 and Open) 6:00 Athlete Lounge Open & Check In Elite Open / U23 Male 6:00 Transition Open & Check In Elite Open / U23 Male Athletes Swim Course Open for Warm Up Elite Open / U23 Male 7:00 Athletes 7:40 Line Up & Introduction Elite Open / U23 Male Athletes White 7:50 Start ELITE Male (Under 23 and Open) 2 YOUTH TRIATHLON Blue 3 9:50 Start Youth Boys [14-15] (1999-2000) and Boys Youth Open Yellow 4 9:55 Start Youth Boys [12-13] (2002-2001) Start Youth Girls [12-13, 14-15], Girls Youth OpenRelay 5 Green 10:00 [Secondary School] DISCOVERY TRIATHLON Purple 10:05 Start Discovery Male [40-49, 50-59, 60+] 6 White 10:10 Start Discovery Male [16-19, 20-29, 30-39] 7 Pink Start Discovery Female [16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 8 10:15 60+], RELAYS KIDS TRIATHLON Blue 10:20 Start Kids - Boys [10-11] (2004-2003) 9 Yellow 10:25 Start Kids - Girls [08-09, 10-11] (2005-2006, 2004-2003) 10 Green 10:30 Start Kids - Boys [08-09], Relay [Primary School] (2005-2006) 11 AWARDS CEREMONIES & OTHER ACTIVITIES 10:45 Awards Ceremony Elite Open / U23 11:30 Awards Ceremony Youth, Discovery, Kids 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Distance 1500-39-10 1500-39-10 375-9-2.3 375-9-2.3 375-9-2.3 375-9-2.3 375-9-2.3 375-9-2.3 195-5-2.3 195-5-2.3 195-5-2.3 Page 2 Event Schedule Sunday SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER 2014 Wave Cap Time Category ITU ELITE JUNIOR Green 1 6:30 Start ELITE Junior, Male Yellow 2 6:35 Start ELITE Junior, Female OLYMPIC - AGE GROUPS Pink 3 7:10 Start Olympic Women [all], Relay Teams Blue 4 7:20 Start Olympic Men [18-19, 20-24, 25-29, 50-54, 55-59, 60+] White 7:30 Start Olympic Men [45-49] 5 Purple 7:40 Start Olympic Men [40-44] 6 Green 7:50 Start Olympic Men [35-39] 7 Yellow 8:00 Start Olympic Men [30-34] 8 SPRINT - AGE GROUPS Blue 9 9:00 Start Sprint Women [all] White 9:05 Start Sprint Men [16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34] 10 Purple 9:10 Start Sprint Men [35-39, 40-44] 11 Green 9:15 Start Sprint Men [45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60+] 12 AWARDS CEREMONIES & OTHER ACTIVITIES 10:10 Awards Ceremony Elite Junior 10:30 Awards Ceremony Olympic Women (all categories) 10:45 Awards Ceremony Olympic Men 18-19, 20-24, 25-29 11:00 Awards Ceremony Olympic Men 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60+ 11:15 Awards Ceremony Olympic Men 30-34, 35-39, 40-44 11:30 Awards Ceremony Sprint (all categories) 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Distance 750-17-5 750-17-5 1500-39-10 1500-39-10 1500-39-10 1500-39-10 1500-39-10 1500-39-10 750-17-5 750-17-5 750-17-5 750-17-5 Page 3 Supporting Organisations Supporting Clubs Austsports Association Hong Kong Football Club Swimming and Triathlon Society Hong Kong Dragons Triathlon Club Sonic Sports Association Tritons Triathlon Club Tung Chung Triathlon South China Athletic Association Triathlon 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 4 Participant List The participant list is now available on the event website: Please check your name, race category and start wave number and contact us if you notice any mistake. Note: race category is based on your age on 31 December 2014. Important Reminder - Return your Timing Chip! Volunteers are assigned on race day to collect your chip after you cross the finish line. Please mak e sure your chip is collected. The automated fee for not returning your chip i s HK$128. Not returning the strap of the timing chip will be charged at HK$65. If you forget, please return your chip to The Hong Kong Triathlon Association, Rm 1020, Olympic House,1 Stadium P ath, So Kon Po, Caus eway Bay, Hong Kong, 852 within 2 weeks of the event date or you will be charged to your nominated credit card. Race Kit Collection Date Location Time Local Athletes Collection 18-Oct-14 Olympic House, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 11:00 – 16:00 19-Oct-14 Olympic House, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong 11:00 – 16:00 Overseas Athletes Collection 25-Oct-14 Event Venue 04:45 – 10:30 26-Oct-14 Event Venue 04:45 – 09:00 What To Bring If collecting for yourself: 1. Identification (HKID or passport) 2. Printed copy of entry confirmation email If collecting on behalf of family or a friend: 1. Identification (HKID or passport) 2. Printed copy of signed Authorisation Form 3. Printed copy of Participants Identification (HKID or passport) 4. Printed copy of Participants entry confirmation email For authorisation form click here. Notes If you do not have the required documents you will not be able to collect the race kit. Finisher T-shirts: Bring your race bib to claim your finisher T-shirt in the finish area on the race day. Please note that Hong Kong residents’ race kits cannot be collected on race day. What is in your race kit? Swi m Ca p to be worn throughout the s wi m Ra ce bib to wea r on the front of your a ppa rel on the run Ra ce bib to wear on the rea r of your a pparel on the bike 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Ti mi ng chi p to s tra p a round your l eft a nkl e Sti cker to wrap Sti cker to Sa fety a round your pa s te on the bra cel et to s ea t pos t front of your wra p a round hel met your wri s t Page 5 Fitting a helmet tag The UHF helmet tag used for cycling events is supplied as a self-adhesive label on a protective backing strip. Here’s what in your race pack. (note: you will only get ONE!) Before you attach the helmet tag take a moment to check that the number printed on the tag is the same as the race number that you have been issued. The tag is designed to be positioned on the side of the helmet and should be as close to t he horizontal as possible when the helmet is on the head. The tag should go on the LEFT HA ND S IDE of t he helmet as illustrated. Peel off the protective backing and position the tag on a suitable part of the helmet and then press firmly to attach it. The adhesive is not permanent, you will be able to carefully peel the tag off after the event. NOTE: If you have carbon fibre helmet or the part of the helmet that you are going to attach the tag is made of carbon fibre (the real stuff, not a printed bit of plastic that looks like carbon fibre!) please see a member of the timing team who will advise you what to do. NOTE: NEVER stick the tag directly onto your bike frame or components such as the handlebars, fork or seatpost. It will almost certainly not work as these parts are either made of metal or carbon fibre. 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 6 Getting to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort The race is to be held at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and Sunny Bay area, Lantau Island. Hong Kong Disneyland is located on Lantau Island, and is accessible via an array of convenient transportation options. Arrive at the Disneyland Resort Public Transport Interchange (PTI) which serves as the arrival point for Guests travelling by Mass Transit Railway (MTR), car, taxi, bus, or coach. Waiting areas for wheelchair passengers, tactile maps and tactile guide paths are available at bus or taxi pick up and drop-off areas are provided for the convenience of people with special needs. By MTR The Disneyland Public Transport Interchange serves as the arrival point for Guests traveling by MTR (Mass Transit Railway), car, taxi, bus, or coach. By Disneyland Resort Line Travel on the railway network of MTR and interchange for the Disneyland Resort Line at Sunny Bay Station. Only 33 minutes from the Hong Kong International Airport, MTR Airport station (From Airport station to Tsing Yi Station and transfer to Sunny Bay Station), 27 minutes from MTR Kowloon station and 30 minutes from MTR Hong Kong station where Guests can pick up Park Tickets too! Check out the route map at the MTR website. You can take your bike on the MTR as long as you front wheel is detached from the frame. Local Buses There are three franchised bus rout es operated daily by Long Win Bus and Citybus to and from Hong Kong Disneyland. The cross-boundary bus rout e is also operated daily between Mainland China and Hong Kong Disneyland. Between Hong Kong Disneyland and Hong Kong City Routes R33 and R42 operated on morning peak hours and after the fireworks display finishes in the evening Between Hong Kong Disneyland and Lantau Link Toll Plaza Guests may also take any “A” or “E” bus routes to Lantau Link Toll Plaza and interchange with Route R8, which runs regularly during the day to Hong Kong Disneyland. Guests can get to Lantau Link Toll Plaza by taking one of the following “A” or “E” routes operated by Citybus and Long Win Bus. A discount is offered on the second leg of the journey for passengers using the same Octopus card. Cross-boundary Buses The cross-boundary bus route provides transport services between Hong Kong Disneyland and Mainland China via Huanggang. Car Parks Parking facilities are available for private cars and coaches. 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 7 At Public Transport Interchange There is a pedestrian route from the Public Transport Interchange (PTI) to the Start Point for participants and spectators Daily parking is available for private cars, motorcycles and coaches. For the convenience of people with disabilities, people with a “Disabled Person’s Parking Permit” can park their vehicles at the designated parking bays. For all options and pricing see website. Operating Hours Two hours before and after the park opens and closes Pick-up / drop-off areas There are designated pick-up/drop-off area beside the private car park. Designated pick-up/drop-off areas are also available for Rehabus at the coach park for the convenience of people with disabilities Taxi There are three types of taxis – Urban taxis (red), New Territories taxis (green), Lantau taxis (blue) provide transportation services to and from Hong Kong Disneyland. Operating areas and charges varies depending on taxi type. Operating Areas and Basic Charges can be found on the website: Local Athlete’s Transportation Arrangement By Bus from various city points The Hong Kong Triathlon is offering bus transfers to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, see below schedule and rates. You are required to book your bus in advance by emailing hongkongtriathlon@metasport.com (subject to availability). Saturday 25 October 2014 2014 Pick up time Tentative Return Time Charges (per athlete) Charges (per bike) City Hall, Central 630 1245 HK$90 HK$115 Kowloon Tong KCR Station 630 1245 HK$90 HK$115 Pai Tau Village, Shatin 710 1245 HK$90 HK$115 Pick up point 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 8 Sunday 26th October 2014 年 10 月 26 日星期日 Pick up point Pick up time Tentative Return Time Charges (per athlete) Charges (per bike) City Hall, Central 0415 0530 1330 HK$90 HK$115 Kowloon Tong KCR Station 0400 0550 1330 HK$90 HK$115 Pai Tau Village, Shatin 0415 0610 1330 HK$90 HK$115 Pick up time Tentative Return Time Charges (per athlete) Charges (per bike) 500 1315 HK$60 HK$60 By ferry– Discover Bay Ferry pick up point Jetty, Discovery Bay (close to Marina Ave) Arrive on Time! Reach the race venue one and a half hours before your start time in order to: rack your bike, set up your transition, leave your bag at the bag drop, get your body marked, and do your warm up. Bike Mechanic Ensure that your bike is in good condition and that you have your tyres pumped at the right pressure before the event. If you are not sure, visit a bike mechanic and don’t wait till race morning to find out your bike is not safe to ride. There will be a bike mechanic at the start & transition venue for any last minute mechanical issues. 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 9 Bike Rental For those that have rented a bike from Lung Kei Bike Shop or Elite Sports Limited, you may collect on race morning. Please contact the bike shops directly if you have any questions regarding the rental. You may still be able to rent a bike if you haven’t already done so. Lung Kei Bike Shop. Tel: 2662 5266 (Mr Ho) or 9309 8988 (Mr Law) or Email: acct@amasshk.com Elite Sports Limited. Tel: 9686 7656 (Mr Ho) or Email: hosiulun@me.com Important: Test your (rental) bike before you start your race; in particular your brakes, gearing, seat height and tyre pressure. What to Wear? The event has a few rules related to what you should wear: 1. You must wear the swim cap that is in your race kit. 2. You must wear the security bracelet that is in your race kit. 3. You must wear your timing chip on your left ankle at all times. 4. You must wear your race bib on the front of your apparel during the run 5. You must wear your race bib on the back of your apparel during the bike. 6. You must wear your helmet (with helmet sticker and timing sticker) at all time during the bike, before you remove your bike from the rack until your bike is place back on the rack. 7. You must wear shoes on the run 8. You are not allowed to run bare torso; i.e. you must wear a top during the run that covers your chest. 9. You are not allowed to wear headsets during your race. Athletes that do not adhere to the above rules will be disqualified. Click here for all rules & regulations. You may decide to do the whole race in your cycling, running, or triathlon gear, as long as you adhere to the rules mentioned above. Essential gear: Swim or Tri suit Swim cap Goggles Helmet Drink bottles Running shoes Optional gear: Race belt (for your race bib) Cycling shoes Sun hat Sun block Socks Sunglasses Relay Participants Relay participants need to ensure they understand the race flow process 1. The swimmer starts the race wearing the timing chip at the left ankle 2. Out of the water, the swimmer meets his relay cycling partner at their allocated team slot in the transition area to handover the timing chip 3. The cyclist must be wearing the timing chip at their left ankle before taking their bike of the rack 4. Cycling in the transition area is not allowed. The cyclist must push their bike to the mount line before starting to cycle 5. Upon completion of the bike course the cyclist dismounts at the dismount line and push their bike to the same bike rack in the transition area for the timing chip handover to the team runner 6. The runner must be wearing the timing chip at their left ankle before leaving the transition area for their run 7. At the finish line, the runner receives 3 medals: one for each member of the relay team 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 10 Swim Report at the start area 10 minutes before your wave start and ensure that you pass the timing mat as you enter the start area. The swim course runs anti-clockwise for all race distanc es. Only the Olympic distance & ITU Elite participants have to complete 2 laps of the swim course. All other race distances complete 1 lap of the swim course. See the swim course map for more detail. Lifeguards are deployed on the water to look after you. If you are not able to finish the swim and need assistance from a life guard, you must wave with extended arm to a lifeguard and roll onto your back. Please report to the medical team at the start area if you do not finish your swim. If you are concerned about a group start, we advise you to start at the back and/ or right side of the pack to stay clear from the group and close to the life guards. Bike The bike course is closed off from traffic and consists of 3 phases: 1. Bike Out – from the transition area to the bike lap 2. Bike Lap – the circuit that must be completed several times by some of the race distances 3. Bike In – from the bike lap back to the transition area Bike laps Saturday course: 3 laps for the Youth and Discovery distance 1 lap for the Kids distance Bike laps Sunday course: 3 laps for Olympic Distance 1 lap for the Sprint Distance See the bike course map for more detail. Please take special attention of the following points: 1. For safety reasons, participants have to push their bike for 400m along Sea Point Road before they can mount their bike at Magic Road. 2. For safety reasons, the final 400m along Sea Point Road is a “Yellow Flag” zone, which means that participants are obliged to slow down and are not allowed to overtake at this section. 3. It is the participant’s responsibility to know how many laps they have t o complete and where t he turning point is. See attached junction maps for more detail where to turn. 4. For safety reasons, there is a “Yellow Flag” zone at the Sunny Bay Road turning point . Participants are obliged to slow down and not overtake at this section. 5. There are no drink stations on the bike course. You should carry sufficient fluids to meet your hydration needs. The bike phase has a very generous cut-off time. By respectively 11:00 am for Saturday and 11:30am for Sunday all cyclists must have finished the Bike lap. 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 11 Please note - only assigned officials and those with event wrist bands will be allowed into the transition area. Please take note of the following rules for the bike course: Keep left at all times, unless overtaking Blocking other cyclists is considered an offence. Time penalties may be applied. . Do not cross the white line in the centre of the road Offenders will be disqualified immediately for dangerous riding The Hong Kong International Triathlon attracts beginners and seasoned athletes alike. Please observe the following riding etiquette, to ensure everyone has a safe and great ride: Be considerate and respectful to your fellow cyclist Do not swerve or make sudden movements Stay left at all times, unless overtaking Never overtake someone on the inside (left side) Look over your shoulder before you move over Call “on your right!” to alert the cyclist ahead of you that you are trying to pass them Wear your helmet securely tied! Regrettably bike crashes do happen. Take responsibility for your own safety and make sure you have a proper bike helmet that fits your head snugly and wear it securely strapped during the bike phase. Run The run course is on paved roads throughout. Run on the left hand side of the course at all times! Every 1.5km there is a drink station with mineral water in plastic cups. The run course consists of two phases: 1. Run 1: The seaside promenade lap of 2.5km 2. Run 2: From the transition venue to the finish venue of 2.5km See below table for the number of laps participant for the various race distances have to complete. Distance Run 1 Run 2 Kids - 1 lap Youth and Discovery - 1 lap Sprint 1 lap 1 lap Olympic 3 laps 1 lap Note that it is your responsibility to count your laps. See the course map for more detail. 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 12 Transition Only participants with a race bracelet and bikes with a bike flag are allowed in the transition area. Please attach the bike flag in advance, so you don’t block the transition area entrance. Numbered bike racks: Each participant’s bike has its own allocated slot in transition. Please carefully verify that you are at the right spot when you rack your bike. See the venue layout for your category’s location in transition. Be considerate and use only your 50cm wide space to set up your gear. 6 bikes have to fit on 1 bike rack. Please remove all other belongings from the transition area. A bag drop booth is available to securely leave your bags. Before you go to the race start, have a good look where your transition spot is in relation to the swim entrance/run exit and bike entrance/exit. Please note - only assigned officials and those with wristbands will be allowed into the transition area. Please take note of the following transition rules: You must have your helmet strap tied from the moment you take your bike from the rack till you place your bike back on the rack. You are not allowed to ride in transition. When leavin g transition, push your bike to the road and mount your bike after the yellow mount line. When finishing the bike course, get off your bike before t he dismount line on the road and push your bike into transition. Bike Racking Penalties! After the bike phas e, bikes have to be racked properly and tidily at the same spot where you took it from. Penalties will be applied to anyone failing to do so. Finish Area Quench your thirst with isotonic drinks and mineral water available at the finish drinks tent. Celebrate your achievements with other athletes as well as family and friends at the festival grounds aft er your race. Mingle wit h like-minded triathletes at the athletes finish area where you can enjoy food & drink as well as other post-race activities including; post-race warm -down pilates session and cold splas h in one of the 6 recovery pools. Be sure to collect your finishers shirt and your medal before you join your family and friends cheering the athletes on from the shaded festival grounds. There will also be some yummy food on offer for spectators and athletes. Return your Timing Chip! Volunteers are assigned on race day to collect your chip after you cross the finish line. Please mak e sure your chip is collected. The automated fee for not returning your chip i s HK$128. Not returning the strap of the timing chip will be charged at HK$65. If you forget, please return your chip to The Hong Kong Triathlon Association, Rm 1020, Olympic House,1 Stadium P ath, So Kon Po, Caus eway Bay, Hong Kong, 852 within 2 weeks of the event date or you will be charged to your nominated credit card. 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 13 Important Considerations 1. 2. 3. 4. When setting up or clearing your transition slot, the race may be taking place c oncurrently. Please stay within your row during and cross paths carefully When arriving or leaving the race venue, the race may already or still be taking place. Please make sure you stay off the race route. Please do not litter. Please inform your friends & family that the drink stations, transition and finish area is for participants only. Medical Safety & First Aid Please read this carefully! A wareness of t he health risks of exercising in hot weather conditions is the best prevention for serious injuries! Medical conditions – if you have a medical condition that may affect your safe participation in exercise, please ensure that you have explained your exercise plans to your doctor and sought his/her clearance . You should not be taking part in this sports event unless this medical clearance has been given to y ou. Fill out the PAR-Q questionnaire below to be sure. Medication – should you have an allergy of some sort (e.g. to bee stings), and if you have any medication such as an auto-injector, you may want to place this in a Ziploc bag with your name & race number o n it. Then pass this to the medical team so that it is on standby for you should it be needed. If you are currently taking medication for a medical condition, do ensure that you take this as prescribed to you by your doctor. Please be aware that some medications such as drugs for inflammation and injury (anti-inflammatory) may lead to dehydration. It is important for you to maintain good hydration before and throughout the event. Illness – some illnesses may result in dehydration, salt imbalance, or distu rbances to your heart function. These include viral illnesses such as the flu, as well as food poisoning and diarrhea. If you have had such illnesses within the last 7-10 days before this event, please assess your current fitness and if you are not feeling well, do NOT participate in the race. If you have had a fever with muscle aches in the past week before the event, it is recommended that you do not race. Diarrhoea can cause loss of wat er and salts, so please ensure that you have replaced these before racing (using a sports drink is very helpful). If you have had a recent illness and are going to participate in the race, please start out cautiously and lower the intensity of your physical exertion. Heat Injuries – exercise in Hong Kong’s high heat and humidity places you at risk of developing a heat injury. In its most severe form – heat stroke – this may be potentially fatal. The best way to avoid such injuries is to ensure good physical conditioning prior to this rac e, and to participate within your fit ness limits. Proper hydration is essential and seeks to ensure you are hydrated before the race, maintained during t he race (drinking during the run phase), and then replaced after the race to prepare for your next training session!! A good beverage to use would contain water, carbohydrates (energy source) and salts, as you would find in a sports drink. If you use a sports drink, this is best consumed alongside an equal amount (or more) of water. Finally, if you experience any of the following, please reduce your physical effort, and if you do not feel better, stop and seek medical attention: Undue shortness of breath Dizziness, giddiness, light-headedness Chest pain Undue tiredness, nausea Disorientation, confusion 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 14 Results The race results and finisher’s certificate will be available on the event website within 24 hours after the event. Photos Finisherpix is taking your race action photos. Visit their website to view and order your Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon pictures. Info Booth If you have any questions once at the race site, go to the information counter or approach one of the officials in red MetaSport polo shirts. Contact us MetaSport Hong Kong residents: tel +852 3563 7947 Overseas participants: +65 6464 5130 (Singapore) Email: hongkongtriathlon@metasport.com 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 15 Start & Transition Area Map 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 16 Race Distances Olympic & Olympic Relay Swim 1.5km Bike 38.5km Run 10km Sprint Swim 750m Bike 16.4km Run 5km Youth & Youth Relay Swim 375m Bike 8.33km Run 2.3km Discovery & Discovery Relay Swim 375m Bike 8.33km Run 2.3km Kids & Kids Relay Swim 195m Bike 4.72km Run 2.3km Swim Course Map 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 17 Bike Course Map Kids, Youth and Discovery Sprint and Olympic 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 18 Run Course Map 2014 Hong Kong ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup Page 19
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