Registration Only: November 08, 2014 (Saturday) The Cityview, Hong Kong

Registration Only: November 08, 2014 (Saturday)
The Cityview, Hong Kong
Arrival and Registration
(1) Please print your registration form before you come to the conference.
(2) You can also register at any time during the conference.
(3) Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration counter.
(4) Please tell the conference receptions your paper ID.
(5) The organizer won't provide accommodation, and we suggest you make an early reservation.
(6) One Best Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate for Best Papers will be awarded
in the Closing Banquet on November 9, 2014.
Instructions for Oral Presentations
Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer:
Laptops (with MS-Office &Adobe Reader)
Projectors & Screen
Laser Sticks
Materials Provided by the Presenters:
Power Point or PDF files (Files shall be copied to the Conference Computer at the beginning of each
Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively):
Regular Oral Session: about 9-12 Minutes of Presentation, including 2-3 Minutes of Q&A
Keynote Speech: 30-40 Minutes of Presentation, including 3-5 Minutes of Q&A
Conference: Morning, November 09, 2014 (Sunday)
Venue: Diamond Room A and B, 5/F
Opening Remarks
Prof. James K. Ho
College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois, Chicago
Keynote Speaker Speech 1
Prof. Vilmante Kumpikaite Valiuniene
Management Department at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Keynote Speaker Speech 2
Prof. James K. Ho
College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois, Chicago
Title: Synergy between Information and Operations Management in e-Business and
Abstract: While Information Systems (IS, also known as Management Information
Systems (MIS); Information Technology Management; or simply Information
Management) and Operations Management (or closely related variations under
Quantitative Methods, Operations Research and Management Science), are often
housed under the same department in many universities, they are invariably
considered distinct academic disciplines. We show that this conventional schism has
led to remarkable set back and missed opportunities through the as yet relatively short
though eventful history in the adoption of information technology. It explains the
early resistance to change through the blind faith leading to the bursting of the
Internet bubble. And true synergy between the two disciplines is finally resulting in
sound foundations for e-business and e-education.
Photo Session & Coffee Break
Venue: Diamond Room A and B, 5/F
Session Chair: Prof. James K. Ho
Time: 10:30-12:00
Paper ID
Title+ Author’s name
Economy and Management
Financial Performance of Malaysia Local Banks: During Periods of Pre-Merger and
KhongYeen Lai, Tee Peck Ling, Tan Kok Eng, Low Suet Cheng, and Lim Fung Ting
Lecturer, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Abstract: This paper attempts to investigate the level of efficiency and financial performance
of Malaysia local banks after the banking sector’s merger and acquisition in year 2000. This
paper will analyse the impact of merger on banks’ profitability, cost reduction, liquidity,
leverage and shareholder’s wealth. Comparative analysis on financial ratios are used to assess
the performance of Malaysia local banks during the pre-merger period (year 1999-2001) and
the post-merger period (year 2002-2010). In addition, Data Envelop Analysis (DEA), T-Value
Testing and paired-sample t-test will also be adopted as methodology of this study.
This study would allow IBBM (Institute Bank-Bank Malaysia) to have a better understanding
and a clear picture of the effect of “forced merger” among domestic incorporated Malaysia
commercial banks. The results of this study shown no significant improvement in the
performance and efficiency of the merged banks, IBBM can play a role as an advisor in giving
their opinion or advise to the regulatory authorities in determining the future merger and
acquisition scheme by knowing whether the acquiring bank can really benefit from acquiring
a lesser efficient bank according to theory and vice versa.
Housing Financing Facility and Affordability Level of Bumiputera within Iskandar Malaysia
A. Ismail, A. A. Bujang, W. R. Anthony Jiram, H. Abu Zarin, and M. N. Jaafar
Postgraduate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Abstract: Housing financing is an essential element in the process of purchasing a house for
individuals who want to meet their own house. This study was conducted to identify the
purchaser affordability level of bumiputera against housing financing facility provided by
financial institutions. Therefore, this paper presents the analysis of affordability level of
bumiputera against housing financing facility provided by financial institutions. The findings
show that a bumiputera with middle income can afford a house below RM250, 000 with
monthly installments below RM1, 000
China-Africa Trade and Investment: Moving Beyond the Neocolonial Debate
Thomas J. Haslam, Huan Wang, and Tianyan Deng
Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, China
Abstract: China has become Africa’s leading trading partner, with the trade exceeding
US$210 billion for 2013, and projected to reach US$400 billion by 2020. China’s increased
economic presence in and importance to Africa has understandably attracted global attention
by scholars, business people, pundits, politicians, and journalists. Unfortunately, much of
the discussion concerning the Sino-African relationship takes the form of a debate as to what
extent is China a neocolonial power in Africa. We argue that neither the economic data nor the
facts on the ground support this line of inquiry; that China and Africa are clearly in a
postcolonial relationship of mutual interdependency; and that the neocolonial debate obscures
vital issues of global importance concerning development economics and the alleviation of
poverty, sustainable development and protecting the environment, and sovereignty and social
development in a multipolar world. By putting the neocolonial debate to rest and asking better
questions, policy-makers, business people, academics, and activists can have both an
improved understanding of and more full participation in the Sino-African relationship.
The Influences of Accounting Standards Change on Value-Relevance of Accounting Earnings
Dai Bingbin, Guan Jing, Lu Miyao
Associate Professor, Beijing International Studies University, China
Abstract: This paper studied the correlation between earnings per share and stock price from
2005 to 2008 of AB-share listed companies in Shenzhen, and then examined value-relevance
of accounting earnings before and after accounting standards change. The study found that
before 2006, the value relevance of earnings prepared in accordance with China Accounting
Standards lower than the value relevance of earnings prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standards. After the implementation of new accounting standards in
2007, the value-relevance of accounting earnings in Shenzhen A-share listed companies has
increased, while the differences of value-relevant in AB shares decreased.
Related Party Transactions and Corporate Value
Ching-Chieh Tsai, Ling-E Chang, and Yuang-Lin Chang
Associate Professor, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung,
Postgraduate, Beijing International Study University(BISU), China
Abstract: Business groups are ubiquitous and play an important role in Taiwanese fiscal
revenue and economic development. Related party transactions are an arm's length transaction
could lead to negative effects to group affiliated firms’ value and performance. Drawing on
the institution-driven intentions of shell resource maintenance and refinancing qualification,
our paper aims to examine the relationship between related party transactions and corporate
value for the firms listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange and in the GreTai Securities Market
in Taiwan. The empirical results reveal that both of the related party sales and purchases
increase the value of the affiliated firms. The institutional perspective is supported and the
business group-affiliated firms seem to be propped up. However, when the related party sales
of the affiliated firms are bigger than their related party purchases, the firm value of the
affiliated firms is more likely to be lower than those of nonaffiliated firms and demonstrates
the tunneling motivation of related party transactions.
Localization Barriers and The case of Nitaqat Program in Saudi Arabia
Nawaf Alshanbri, Malik Khalfan and Tayyab Maqsood
Associate Professor, RMIT University, Australia
Abstract: This article seeks to provide an overview and introduce the concept of localization
of employees in Saudi Arabia and also examines the new job localization program “Nitaqat”
with particular reference to the case of Saudi Arabia, in order to pursuing the strategy of
Saudization that been introduced at the late of the 90s.
The analysis is based on a number of interviews have been done with HR mangers in different
economic activities in the Saudi private sector. The initial findings provide valuable insights
into the Nitaqat program, its barriers such as the education system that is not market driven,
some cultural practices that concerning women in the workforce and some of the local’s
habits such as focusing more on prestige than performance. Further, it shows some of HR
managers concern about the replacement of their employees. Interview respondents advised
enhancing the skills of the local workforce and enhancing the educational system outcomes in
the country and linked it to the needed jobs in the country.
Perceptions towards Sustainable Construction amongst Construction Contractors in State of
Victoria, Australia
Malik Khalfan, M. Ali Noor, Tayyab Maqsood, Nawaf Alshanbri, Farshid Rahmani and
Amrit Sagoo
Associate Professor, RMIT University, Australia
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to examine the perceptions towards environmental, social
and economic benefits of sustainable construction amongst contractors. For this purpose
questionnaire survey was employed in two stages with construction contractors in the state of
Victoria, Australia. The questionnaire in the first stage focused on the environmental aspects
while in the second stage the focus was on the social and economic aspects of sustainable
construction. Perceptions towards the social and economic aspects of sustainable construction
were positive, with around 60% of responses demonstrating positive perceptions. Client
demand, associated costs of sustainable construction materials and practices and perceptions
of employees and workers were perceived as weaknesses towards implementation of
sustainable construction practices. The results also showed that some of the drivers of
sustainable development and construction were the availability of environmentally friendly
(green) material; financial incentives to clients and contractors; government policy for
implementation; and overall environmental awareness within the industry. The paper presents
an overall perspective of construction contractors and their supply chain towards sustainable
construction in the state of Victoria, Australia.
Building Information Model and Supply Chain Integration: A Review
M. Khalfan, H. Khan and T. Maqsood
Associate Professor, RMIT University, Australia
Abstract: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is emerging as collaborative technology
within the construction industry in different parts of the world. BIM then, can be seen as a
model that contains information about the entire lifecycle of a building project. This
information database and rich information model can be processed with the aid of computer
applications. The information is not limited to the building itself but includes components and
properties and processes of the building lifecycle. The aim of this paper is to explore the role
of BIM in integrating the supply chain on a construction project. The theme could be further
explored as a PhD research within the context of Australian construction industry.
Afternoon, November 09, 2014 (Sunday)
Paper ID
Venue: Diamond Room A, 5/F
Session Chair: Prof. Thomas J. Haslam
Time: 13:30-15:30
Title+ Author’s name
The Effects of Television Commercials on Customers Purchase Intention – A Study of Milk
Industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Mai Ngoc Khuong and Truong Duc Nguyen
Research Assistant, International University VNU-HCMC, Vietnam
Abstract: This research was conducted to examine the effect of television commercials
(TVC) on customers’ purchase intention to help improve sales for the milk industry of Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam. Quantitative approach was applied with 300 respondents who often used
milk products and watched the TVCs about milk products of Anlene, Vinamilk, Dutch Lady
Complete milk, Dumex milk, Dielac Optimum milk and Dutch Lady fresh milk. The results
indicated that all factors of commercials positively correlated with customers’ purchase
intention. Moreover, this study argued that in order to gain higher customers’ purchase
intention, marketers and commercials makers should a) pay more intention on the repetition
of TVC on air, b) concentrate on building trust in customers’ mind and perception, c) create
meaningful advertising message. Interestingly, this study also found that customers’ purchase
intention was directly affected by customers’ positive moods. In addition, purchase intention
was indirectly influenced by customers’ trust, customers’ interest and length of TVCs.
The Effect of Ethics-Based Leadership on Employee’s Virtuous Behavior through Regulatory
Focus Factors-A Study of Marketing Agencies in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Mai Ngoc Khuong and Vo Minh Duc
Research Assistant, International University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City,
Abstract: This study examined the effect of ethics-based leadership on employee
virtuous-ethical behavior with an aim to improve the ethical behaviors among employees in
the marketing agencies in Ho Chi Minh City. Qualitative method was applied and
questionnaire survey was directly delivered to 283 respondents. This study argued that in
order to increase employee virtuous-ethical behavior, marketing agencies should do the
followings a) conduct the ethical course in their educational program, b) emphasize the people
have ethically behavior and make them good examples the ethical behavior roles model, c)
add the ethical codes and check if the leaders follow these codes. Besides, the empirical
results showed that the employee virtuous-ethical behavior was directly affected by factors of
ethical leadership, inspirational motivation, contingent reward ethical leadership, ethical
promotion focus, and ethical prevention focus. In addition, the factors of ethical leadership
and contingent reward ethical leadership indirectly affected employee virtuous-ethical
An analysis of drivers affecting green supply chain management implementation in
electronics industry in Thailand
A. Kamolkittiwong and B. Phruksaphanrat
Lecturer, Rangsit University, Rangsit University
Abstract: Manufacturers attention now focuses on Green Supply Chain (GSCM) due to
pressure from the government and environmental consciousness among customers. However,
implementation of GSCM is not easy, so it is necessary to study about the key to success from
the successful companies. In this research, electronics industry is depicted. The electronics
industry plays a significant role in Thailand due to high exporting to international market.
This industry also generates harmful wastes to the environment and makes social
environmental problems. Therefore, this study aimed to identify factors that are critical for the
implementation of the GSCM strategy of the electronic industry in Thailand in order to help
the newcomer in electronic industry who wants to implement GSCM successfully. This study
can be used as a guide for other industrial sectors. Data are collected through a
questionnaire-based survey, and analyzed using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Then, the
main drivers those affect GSCM on the electronics industry in Thailand are ranked. We have
found that regulatory is one of the most critical factors. Moreover, supporting for top
management, market/consumer and organization strategy are also important drivers for
implementing GSCM.
Impact of Organizational Silence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Moderating Role of
Procedural Justice
A. Fatima, S. Salah-Ud-Din, S. Khan, M. Hassan and H. A. K. Hoti
Lecturer/ Ph.D Candidate, Islamabad and University Institute of Management Sciences,
PMAS-AAUR, Pakistan
Abstract: The present research aims at two aspects: firstly to examine the effect of
organizational silence (OS) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and secondly to
examine procedural justice as a moderator on the relationship between organizational silence
and OCB. Results are generated with the help of purposive sample of 250 employees of
various services companies of Pakistan using structural equation modeling (AMOS). The
findings reveal that organizational silence had negative effect on the organization citizenship
behavior while procedural justice moderates this association.
Impact of Organizational Justice, Job Security and Job satisfaction on Organizational
Rabia Imran, Mehwish Majeed, and Abida Ayub
Assistant Professor, University Institute of Management Sciences, PMAS-AAUR, Pakistan
Abstract: The current study is done to explore the relationship between job security,
organizational justice and organizational productivity with the mediating role of job
satisfaction. The organizational productivity of Pakistani organization is decreasing despite
adopting various strategies. There was a need to pinpoint the cause of this problem. This study
revealed the fact that lack of job security and organizational justice as well as job satisfaction
can be a cause of decrease in organization productivity. The result of this research suggests
offering job security to the employees. In addition, measures should be taken to increase
employees’ job satisfaction as these factors will directly lead to an increase in organizational
An Exploratory Study on the Distributions of Hotels’ CSR Funds in Bali
Trianasari and Gede A. Yuniarta
Lecturer, Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia
Abstract: This paper reports on the results of a study exploring the distributions of hotels’
CSR funds in Bali. Unclear or no guidance on how to spend CSR funds may result in gaps
between excessively supported objects and insufficiently supported ones. The importance of
this study lays on the identification of items on which funds were distributed. The findings
help guide which objects require more CSR support, thus, reduce the gaps. Data were
collected from 62 hotels accross regions in Bali. Analysis was conducted on the financial
reports of the participating hotels. The results showed that the distributions of hotel CSR
funds fell into seven categories which have not addressed the needs for preserving tourist
objects. In fact, the tourist objects were one of the most appealing tourist attrac¬tions. As
such, the study further explored which tourist objects in Bali required priority help from
hotels’ CSR in order to sustain. Results identified five groups of tourist objects. Impli-cations
and directions for future research are discussed.
A Qualitative Inquiry of Organizational Commitment on the Relationship between
Technology Characteristics and Technology Adoption
E. Wahab, A. Umar, and A. Shamsuddin
Associate Professor, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia
Abstract: A number of studies that have bearing on Technology Characteristics and Adoption
have been conducted. However, very scanty ones relate these concepts to organizational
variables. This paper set out to have an empirical look at the mediating effects of
organizational commitment (OC) on the relationship between technology characteristics
(complexity and perceived usefulness) and computer technology adoption (CTA). To achieve
the objective of this study, a model was proposed and two propositions were formulated (1.
OC mediates the relatioship between complexity and CTA; 2. OC mediates the relatioship
between usefulness and CTA). In addition to the literature reviewed, relevant data were
gathered by interviewing ten employees of different SMEs; and qualitative analysis was
carried out using content analysis respectively. It was found that OC mediates the relationship
between Technology characteristics and CTA. Among the implications of this paper are the
extension of the frontier of the exiting literature and helping practitioners plan using the
proposed framework.
Performance Direction towards Performance Achievement: Case on Local Islamic Banks in
Norazidah Shamsudin, Mustafa Omar Mohammed
Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Abstract: Performance of a company is important for identifying its survival ranking and for
its future direction, improvement and development strategy. Bank performance has
conventionally been measured using financial ratios and several quantitative indicators, which
appraise its financial strength. The same yardstick is being used by Islamic banks to measure
their performance. This practice gives rise to the question whether Islamic banks appear to be
focusing on Maqasid al-Shari'ah in their achievements or they share the same primary
intention of conventional commercial banks, which strive for maximizing shareholders’
wealth. Scholars have raised concern that Islamic banks seem to be replicating the
conventional banking system and this is creating a widening gap between the theory and
practice of Islamic banking. Hence, this study has used a sample of 18 banks in Malaysia to
critically review the organization’s vision and mission statements based on Maqasid
al-Shari'ah by embracing content analysis and behavioral science operationalization method.
The results show that the majority of Islamic banks have focused on the concept of
establishing justice with emphasis on the elimination of negative elements that breed injustice,
whereas conventional banks have put emphasis on profitability of the bank, categorized under
the maslahah concept. Since there is different focus between the conventional and Islamic
banks, there is a need for Islamic banks to evaluate their performance within their own
framework and using their own criteria.
Study on the Challenges of Implementing Single Window Concept to Facilitate Trade in Sri
Lanka: A Freight Forwarder Perspective
M. H. Abeywickrama and W. A. D. N. Wickramaarachchi
Sourcing Executive, Avery Dennison Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka
Lecturer, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
Abstract: Ports, airports and customs procedures are one of the major bottlenecks in product
supply chains of Sri Lanka. Delays at border crossings and ports caused by lengthy, complex
procedures and excessive paperwork have created a negative impact on trade mainly in terms
of time and cost. A Single Window is a one-stop facility that allows exchange of information
between all parties involved in trade, to reduce the complexity, time and costs. This research
was conducted to identify the challenges that hinder the development of a single window
system in Sri Lanka. Qualitative approach was adopted with a structured questionnaire
distributed to 30 freight forwarding companies in Sri Lanka. It was found that the Sri Lankan
system is not compatible with the single window concept definitions. According to the Sri
Lankan freight forwarders, the most critical challenges of single window implementation are
“Lack of government support”, “Inadequate coordination between Stakeholders”,
“Organization and human resistance to change”. The top two critical challenges are strategic
level challenges, which require government and high-level strategic decision makers to
actively take their parts in the creation of political will and inter agency collaboration.
Marketing Channel Connectivities within the Indonesian Manufacturing Sector
I. M. Sukresna, J. R. Hamilton, and S. Tee
Ph.D Candidate, School of Business-James Cook University Australia, Indonesia
Abstract: The connectivities between manufacturer and distributor across their joint
marketing channels are investigated as a two-way modeling process. The likely channel
connectivities may create uni-directional(s) and/or two-way directional(s) connectivities
within the manufacturer and the distributor constructs. These connectivities can be treated as
the focus target for both parties in improving their relationships that may lead to a better
alignment to achieve the channel’s goals.
Mediating Role of Distributive Justice in the Relationship between Career Incentives and
Employee Performance
Abdussalaam Iyanda Ismail, Abdul-Halim Abdul-Majid and Mohd Hasanur Raihan Joarder
Associate Professor, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Abstract: This paper is unique for being among the very few studies that examined the
influence of career incentives on employee performance with the mediating role of
distributive justice. A total of 140 Nigerian working adults have participated in this study but
116 questionnaires were good enough for further analysis. Descriptive analysis, correlation
analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used to analyze data and to test the
hypotheses. The overall finding indicated that there is positive relationship between career
incentives, and employee performance. It was also found that distributive justice partially
mediated the relationships between career incentives and employee performance. Future
researches should examine the various aspects of organizational characteristics and personal
characteristics in relation to career incentives within organizations. Organizations thrive
through the instrumentality of people because they possess the required skills, knowledge and
competencies needed for the execution of organizational strategy and planning. Hence,
organizations should entrench a competitive total remuneration package that consists of career
incentives programs and various organizational benefits based on the principle of distributive
justice. In addition, management should build up an effective pay design and management
systems in organizations. Openness in communication and employee participation in the pay
design and management help in achieving this goal.
Venue: Diamond Room B, 5/F
Session Chair: Prof. E. Wahab
Time: 13:30-15:30
Paper ID
Title+ Author’s name
Management and Education
Determinants of an Individual’s Ethical Behavior: A Path Model Approach
Sahrish Saba, Afsheen Fatima, Jawwad Ahmad and Qureshi Atif
Ph.D Candidate, Uims,Pmas Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Abstract: The present study has been done to examine the antecedents of individual’s
ethical behavior within an organization. The target population for this study is
universities of Rawalpindi/Islamabad region of Pakistan. The data were collected
through questionnaire. A sample of 300 faculty members has been taken. SPSS and
Amos softwares have been used for analyzing the data. The results of the study show
that corporate ethical values, organizational justice and organizational citizenship
behavior positively affects the ethical behavior of the faculty members. Limitations and
practical and theoretical implications for academicians and managers have also been
Product-Service Systems for Influencing Customer Barriers and Customer Acceptance
D. M. Schmidt, P. Bauer, and M. Mörtl
Ph.D Candidate, Technische Universität München, Germany
Abstract: Product-Service System (PSS) is an approach, which is beneficial for
several stakeholders, like society, provider and customer. In most literature, PSS is
described from the perspective of providers and how companies can use PSS to gain
benefits. However, we claim that product designers can use PSS to increase the
customer acceptance by reducing or eliminating the influence of barriers of customer
acceptance. In this, paper, we did a literature research to identify barriers of customer
acceptance to reveal to need for research, how PSS can influence customer acceptance.
We identified effects and phenomena of product and customer, which are barriers of
customer acceptance and clustered them into eight categories: complexity, costs,
reliability and availability, interoperability, irrationalities, trust, unawareness of need
and values and beliefs. If a product lacks in customer acceptance, designing a PSS
should consider those barriers.
Consumer Trust in Retail: Development of a Multiple Item Scale
Vaishali Singh and Amit Jain
Associate Professor, Institute of Management, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, India
Abstract: Consumer trust has been a topic of interest for marketing researchers since
long. In retail it is seen as the single most powerful relationship marketing tool. Despite
this fact, there has been no well accepted measure of consumer trust in retail context
which considers all aspects of customer evaluations of a retail firm.This paper
describes the development of a 14 item scale which is a collection of all those factors
which can help build consumer trust for a retail firm . Using exploratory factor
analysis, four distinct trust dimensions have emerged that were termed : Employees,
Experience, Dependability, and Worthiness .The scale so developed had an
acceptable factor and overall reliability. Other measures of scale reliability were also
within the acceptable limit. The scale devised has a number of potential applications
and can serve as a base for future empirical research in the area of consumer trust.
Turbomachinery Project Execution for High CO2 Gas Field: Challenges and Obstacles
Harris Bin Abd Rahman Sabri, Abd. Rahman Abdul Rahim, Wong KuanYew, and
Syuhaida Ismail
Assistant Professor , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Abstract: Turbomachinery is the heart of any platform, which generates power and
compresses gas. However, the current practices of turbomachinery are entangled with
various challenges and obstacles, which eventually affect the overall performance of
the platform. Hence, this paper aims at appraising the challenges and obstacles in
turbomachinery project execution for high CO2 gas field. Via the literature review, this
aim is achieved via its objectives of (1) reviewing the oil and gas industry in terms of
its operation and project execution; (2) determining the basic attributes of
turbomachinery as well as the challenges and obstacles entangling its execution; and
(3) proposing the solutions to these challenges and obstacles. It is found that stabilized
process requirement and constant flow; subsurface uncertainties; production decline;
selection process; specification and standard variations; contractual delivery; human
factor; after sales support and services; and expenditure are listed as amongst the
challenges and obstacles in executing turbomachinery project for oil and gas. The
findings of this paper would technically contribute to the project management elements
of turbomachinery project execution and assist the management team particularly on
the client/consultant side in efficiently and effectively manage the turbomachinery
project execution via the prediction of challenges and obstacles.
Challenges Implementing an American Degree Program in China
Matilda Isaac Mustapha
Assistant Professor, Madonna University, United States
Abstract: The idea of establishing an American University degree program in China is
impressive and highly welcomed by students in China. A reputable University in the
United States has collaborated with a vocational College in China for such a program.
The goal of the venture was to develop students in the area of Marketing and
Management Sciences, by combining both Chinese and American business models in
order to create versatility and exposure to the American way of study. Unfortunately,
the program had not been without major limitations. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effects of cultural differences, language barrier, and Confucian ideology
on the program success. Subsequently, the findings will be used to create a process
improvement plan. I believe this would be a significant first step in improving the
sustainability of the program and others like it.
A Model of Teaching Statistical Computing
Dr. Ken W. Li
Lecturer, Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi), HK S.A.R
Abstract: The underlying philosophy of statistical software primarily aims to empower
data analysts to concentrate on statistical thinking and leave the computational burden
to computers. Teaching how to program statistical software, however, is
over-emphasized by some lecturers and students may not develop the skills needed to
be competent at justifying and/or interpreting statistical results. For this reason, this
article aims to address this issue by developing a model of teaching statistical software
to strengthen secondary and tertiary students’ capacity to understand statistical
processes and conduct statistical investigations. The model consists of six major steps:
examining data characteristics, selecting statistical tools, understanding the strengths
and weaknesses of statistical software, checking the accuracy of statistical output,
interpreting statistical output and presenting statistical results.
Facilitating the Creation of Knowledge within an e-Learning Framework to Develop
Critical Thinking Skills
Gail K. Tillman
Ph. D Candidate, the Wollotuka Institute, University of Newcastle, Australia
Abstract: In this article I will share a self- study of an online course. The course being
explored is a first year undergraduate degree course with a large student cohort. In
order to provide relevant and positive student experiences, best teaching practices are
constantly being sourced, critiqued and explored. Two assessment styles will be
discussed such as, experiential based learning, which allows students to maximise their
own learning potential and the use of discussion board as on online learning tool,
which promotes a writing collaboration between student and facilitator. As part of my
current Doctoral research, this paper will further demonstrate how students developed
critical thinking skills using their own sense of a writing identity; they became the
creators of knowledge sharing. Analysing the course feedback and outcomes revealed
not only androgogical challenges and successes in cultural competence, but also how
e-learning success can be achieved in developing critical thinking skills within a
cultural framework for first year students. The outcome of this research will contribute
to the existing knowledge on best teaching practice in online teaching and learning
within a cultural framework and its implications for the future.
Distance learning and Facebook’s usage in the study process: students’ attitude
Vilmante Kumpikaite -Valiuniene
Professor, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Abstract: Distance learning is the most rapidly developing field in specialists’
preparation. This system allows people to learn at the most appropriate time and rate
without moving from their living or working place. Y and Z generations are depended
on ICT, therefore they pay on prior to use computers and other ITC means in all fields
of their life. Social networks became very popular among people to communicate.
Therefore they also could be involved in to study process. Results of student’s attitude
to distance learning and Facebook usage in the study process are presented in this
The Design of the Contents of an e-Learning for Teaching M.5 English Language
using ADDIE Model
Wiphasith Hiranrat
Ph.D Candidate, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand
Abstract: Nowadays, teaching and learning English use electronic learning
(e-Learning) as an alternative for presentation and contents delivery. These e-Learning
materials are effective tools to attract the attention of the participants and to capture the
students’ interest. The students can access contents anytime, anywhere, and according
to their cognitive abilities. However, for the e-Learning processes to be effective in
facilitating the students’ learning processes, it is necessary to have steps and
procedures in contents design and development based on Instructional System Design
(ISD). In order for teaching and learning processes to be successful, the students must
learn from the appropriately designed contents. Therefore, this research aims to
propose the principles and processes in contents design of an e-Learning tool for M.5
(Grade 11) English subject using the ADDIE model. This model consists of the
following steps: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The
contents were developed and then evaluated by five content experts. The result showed
that most experts accepted the designed and development contents. After this, the
researchers will use these contents to investigate these M.5 students’ learning outcomes
from cooperative learning with STAD technique- a comparison between normal virtual
classrooms and virtual classrooms with scaffolding.
Implementation of Web-based Technologies into Teaching and Learning Practices in
the University
Mariya Lyashenko
Assistant Professor, The National Research University Higher School of Economics
Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Abstract: The rapid penetration of web-based technologies into our social life creates
challenges both for teachers and students to face. The paper dwells upon the
implementation of social media as web-based technologies into the educational
environment in the university. Social media application is considered at macro and
micro levels within the university structure. Particular attention is paid to the
description of LMS system at a macro level and a group wiki site at a micro level. The
advantages and disadvantages of the technologies at both levels are identified. The
author proposes the idea that particular pedagogical conditions must be created for
successful deployment of the technologies. The participative approach is suggested as a
basis of teacher-student collaboration.
15:30 – 16:00
Paper ID
Coffee Break
Venue: Diamond Room A, 5/F
Session Chair: Prof. Vilmante Kumpikaite Valiuniene
Time: 16:00-18:00
Title+ Author’s name
Measuring the sufficiency of the infusion of generic skills of real estate graduates by training
Wilson Rangga Anthony Jiram
Ph.D Candidate, Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Geoinformation & Real Estate,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Abstract: It is necessary for students to acquire relevance skills that will improve their job
prospects and make them more competitive in the job market. Subsequently, the formal
curriculum of the real estate program lacks emphasis on the assimilation of generic skills in the
curriculum. It identified the need for generic skills assessment of real estate graduate.
Therefore, the intent of this study was to assess the sufficiency of the infusion of real estate
graduate’s generic skills in training program. The study concentrates on the acquisition of
generic skills of real estate graduate in the process of teaching and learning provided the initial
evidence of the ‘Embedded Model’. The research refers to the Malaysian model on the
implementation of generic skills in higher education. The findings were verified through focus
group discussion with the various stakeholders in real estate education.
Transforming Conventional Teaching Classroom to Learner-Centred Teaching Classroom
using Multimedia-Mediated Learning Module
Yap Wei Li
Senior Lecturer, INTI International University, Malaysia
Abstract: There are higher education institutions in Malaysia which at the stage of
transforming from teacher-centred teaching in the classroom to a more learner-centred teaching
environment. The process has been slow due to lack of guidelines provided and teachers are
lack of confidence. This research addresses the difficulties or challenges faced by the higher
education institutions in such effort and also further investigate the impact of learner-centred
teaching. A case study was conducted at INTI International University, Malaysia where it
realized the limitations of conventional teaching and had taken initiatives to encourage
lecturers to adopt a more learner-centred teaching approach. This research was found to be
significant because there are many discussions which focused on various learning activities for
student-centred learning but there is lack of focus given on the teachers, what teachers can do
in order to achieve student-centred learning, especially for education institutions which are at
the beginning stage of moving towards student-centred learning environment. With the
assistance of technology, various learning tools or techniques were introduced and incorporated
into teaching and learning process. This includes the online learning environment which
supports synchronous and asynchronous learning. Besides that, multimedia technology can also
be used in designing the learning module as it can gain better attention from students, increase
learner motivation and improve retention rate. This research adopted Weimer’s
Learner-Centred Teaching model which addresses key strategies to help education institutions
to achieve such transformation in a more systematic approach by having clear guidelines for
teachers. This study compared the conventional teaching with the multimedia learning and
also the online learning in terms of their implications on learner understanding and learner
motivation through the use of pre-test/ post-test, surveys and students’ comments.
Will bilingualism be valid among the younger generations in Kazakhstan?
Altynay Tursun
Lecturer, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan
Abstract: Large parts of the titular population in Kazakhstan have a better command of
Russian than of their own ‘mother tongue’, or they could not speak their mother tongue at
all.Some Kazakhs prefer to use the Russian language in daily conversation, and do so without
any pangs of guilty conscience. Some Russian-speaking Kazakhs had started sending their
youngsters to Kazakh-medium schools in the hopes that the school could provide them with
skills in Kazakh that they themselves lack. The study focuses on these issues of the language
policy in Kazakhstan in general, and bilingualism in particular. There are voices that additional
languages present a threat to the national language. Besides, teaching of Russian and English
threaten the development of national identity. The problem under investigation is whether
younger generations will keep the retention as to the bilingualism. Or else the trilingual policy
offered by the President Nazarbayev will make the country a multilingual community.
An Attempt at MOOC Localization for Chinese-Speaking Users
Xiaoyin Che, Sheng Luo, Cheng Wang and Christoph Meinel
Ph.D Candidate, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany
Abstract: “Internetworking with TCP/IP” is a massive open online course (MOOC) provided
by Germany-based MOOC platform “openHPI”, which has been offered in German, English
and – recently – Chinese respectively, with similar content. In this paper, the authors, who
worked jointly as a teacher (or as teaching assistants) in this course, want to share their ideas
derived from daily teaching experiences, analysis of the statistics, comparison between the
performance in different language offers and the feedback from user questionnaires.
Additionally, the motivation, attempt and suggestion at MOOC localization will also be
Developing a quality checklist for designing blended learning course content
Sahreen Chauhan, Azra Naseem and Eman Rashwan
Senior Research Coordinator,the Aga Khan University, Pakistan
Abstract: This paper describes the process of developing a quality assurance checklist for
course designers and faculty members who are engaged in designing blended learning courses
at a multi-campus private university. The purpose is to establish unified quality criteria for
ensuring quality of the design of blended learning course content. Six categories were
identified in the checklist to meet the purpose: (i) contact information, copyrights, (ii) privacy
and security of information, (iii) nature of interactive online content, (iv) usability, (v)
multimedia, and (vi) interface design and technical specifications. Four stages of the checklist
development were followed during the process: initial discussion for item adaption, validity
and reliability assessment, tool/checklist refinement and finalization. These stages were found
to be useful in creating the quality checklist for designing the course content taught through
blended learning approaches.
The Advantages and Challenges of Teaching a First Course in Finance Online
Professor of Finance, College of Business, Montana State University Billings, USA
Abstract: Quantitative courses present a challenge for undergraduate students. A first course,
usually titled, Principles of Finance is difficult to teach and take onsite. Online it is even more
challenging. One of the numerous challenges is in designing the course structure and
organization of the course. Further, the textbook that is used has to be supplemented by
additional learning material that must be embedded in the course structure. There are major
challenges in incorporating the use of a Financial Calculator and the use of EXCEL program
into the course structure. Periodic student assessment is also difficult due to proctoring
limitations for distance courses. The paper discusses dealing practically with all the above
issues obtained from a decade of teaching online courses.
How SNS Mediates EFL Adolescent Learners in Language Learning: from Learners’
Sino Hui-Fen Chen
Ph.D Candidate, National Cheng-chi University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Abstract: Abundant studies have shown that incorporating SNSs (social networking site)
brings positive effects on language teaching and learning and enhances learners’ learning spirit,
interactions as a whole.
However, a large body of the research focused mainly on tertiary education. Adolescents’
perspectives are often neglected. To fill the interstice, this mix-method research was conducted
in 2012 to examine how a group on a SNS assists 9 EFL adolescent learners’ English learning.
The two research questions were as follows,
1). How does participation in a group on Facebook assist adolescent EFL learners in language
2). How do adolescent EFL learners perceive the role of this group in language learning?
Data of the study were collected from, 1) on-line questionnaires, 2) group interviews, and 3)
SNS postings and responses. The results obtained from the questionnaires show that 56% of
the participants consider the existence of this group beneficial and 89% of the participants hold
positive perspectives toward this group. The data obtained from the group interviews show that
the participants perceive this group as a social bond and the extension of the classroom.
Implications of this study were also discussed at the end of the paper.
Designing Picture Book Of Religious Education And Science For Children Based On Multiple
Aditya Rahman Yani and Amierza Puspaningrum
Lecturer, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Abstract: Religious education and science are very important in children knowledge
development in the golden age. It because brain development of children growth fast at that
age, especially in terms of learning. However, each child has a different learning style. Patterns
of information that can be easily and well accepted by the children if we use a learning style
which is reflected their intelligence tendency (based on multiple intelligence). If a child is
capable of capturing the information or material about science and religious education
according to their learning styles, then there will be no material that is difficult to understand.
In the middle of the various media of learning, book is the one medium that allows for early
childhood learning. Then this paper will explain how to design a book of Islamic religious
education and science for early childhood (2-4 years old) through a variety of learning styles
that match with multiple intelligences.
Animals that are mentioned in the Koran can be an example representing the combination of
Islamic education with science. This book will bring up various animal characters through
stories, as presented in the Koran, and then it will be explained from the point of view of
science. The contents of the book will be delivered with a playful language style, visualized
with a simple vector images, funny, interesting, and also colourful. The addition of interactive
media on each chapter and finger puppets used to support success in applying the various styles
of children's learning.
Creating Social Change: The Ultimate Goal of Education for Sustainability
Rashika Sharma and Sylila Monteiro
Lecturer, Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand.
Abstract: Education is the vital link that brings about social change and generates synergies to
address the interconnectedness between sustainability, society and the environment. Education
empowers society to assume responsibility for sustainable living. This implies that educational
processes and systems can transform perspectives and behaviour patterns, which in turn
inculcates sustainable practices in all aspects of human life. Education is a precursor of change
therefore educators are responsible for transforming communities and initiating social change.
Developing and encouraging an awareness of sustainability in local communities further
establishes patterns globally in communities' worldwide. Consequently ‘glocal' synergies are
created that ensure future graduates become citizens of the world with an ingrained
consciousness of guardianship of the finite world. Contemporary education ought to embed
core principles of sustainability which incorporates environmental, economic as well as social
literacy into the curriculum. Through education, learners are creatively and critically stimulated
into exploring the role of sustainable practice in all areas of human activity in society. This
paper expounds the current sustainability strategy developed within a course at an institute of
technology based in New Zealand. The course is designed to introduce the concepts and
application of sustainability at entry level for a Bachelor's degree. In this paper an attempt is
made to showcase the effectiveness of education in re-orienting student thinking to engage and
instigate social change for our globalized world.
Effect of Using Online Active Instructional Model to Enhance Learning Behaviors of
Undergraduate Students
Jirapha Autthaporn and Prakob Koraneekij
Postgraduate, Department of Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of
Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract: This research has an objective to study the effect of using online active instructional
model to enhance learning behaviors of undergraduate students. The sample of the research
comprises 30 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn
University. The research tools include the plan for the organization of learning activities, the
website regarding active instruction as well as the plan for the provision of instruction. The
equipments used in the data collection are the observation form to examine students’ learning
behaviors, the criteria for the assessment of the quality of students’ works by rubrics and the
questionnaire to survey opinions on online active instructions. Mean, standard deviation and
one-way repeated measure ANOVA are used in the data analysis.
The results of the study revealed that the sample’s learning behaviors in each week increased
with the statistical significance of .05.
Venue: Diamond Room A and B, 5/F
Session Chair: Prof. RAKESH SAH
Time: 16:00-18:00
Paper ID
Title+ Author’s name
Society and Human science
Development of a Model of Reflection Using Video Based on Gibbs’s Cycle in Electronic
Portfolio to Enhance Level of Reflective Thinking of Teacher Students
Teeraphon Pianpeng and Prakob Koraneekij
Postgraduate, Department of Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of
Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop the reflection using video based on
Gibbs’s cycle in electronic portfolio to enhance the level of reflective thinking of teacher
students. The model was developed based on the review of literature and the experts’
evaluation. Then, it was tested by 21teacher students, followed by the approval from the
experts. Data analysis indicated that there was statistical difference between pre and post test
scores at .05 level of significance. The results of this study showed that the model should
consist of seven steps as detailed in the article.
From Root to Route: Identity, Mobility and Renaming in James McBride’s The Color of Water
I-Hsin Kai
Associate Professor/Director, National Taiwan Sport University, Taiwan, ROC
Abstract: The idea of mobility implies an escape from intolerant normality and a chance to
make oneself over. Moving around signifies willpower in quest for a true self. Postmodern men
need to run away from set patterns of institutionalization system--roots. By constant moves,
individuals develop roots of different categories and link them to form new routes to foster
constructive selves. Hence, the practicability of running away expands the depth of the idea of
mobility. In addition, mobility often interplay with re/naming. Naming is an exercise of power
because those who name also control. From the perspective of identity construction, renaming
is deemed as self-designation;; it indicates freedom and the birth of a new self. This paper
analyzes correlations between mobility, renaming, and identity construction in James
McBride’s The Color of Water.
Empowering Asian-American women through nostalgia: Power of female protagonists in
Jasmine, Mrs. Sen’s and Seventeen Syllables
Tin Kei Wong
Lecturer, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Abstract: Asian-American women have been stereotyped and considered as victims of social
injustice in the history of immigration into the United States. The theme of immigrant
experience has been recurrent in the writings of female Asian-American writers, reflecting the
cultural and female consciousness of Asian-American women. This paper aims to illustrate
how three Asian-American women writers, Bharati Mukherjee, Jhumpa Lahiri and Hisaye
Yamamoto, empower the Asian-American women under their pens through nostalgia. Three
pieces of works of these writers are brought under textual analysis to show how these female
Asian-American authors utilize the unique cultural consciousness in the form of nostalgia to
entitle power to fictional Asian-American women. This kind of empowerment is read to be a
way of the authors to confidently confront their own cultural identity in the multicultural
context of the states, hence empowering their own selves.
A Study on Interpersonal Communication between Married Couples on Planned Parenthood
Devina Sarwatay and Ami Divatia
Post graduate, Gujarat University and Research associate with Ahmedabad University, India
Abstract: India's population constantly exercises pressure on its limited resources making the
problem of family planning and population control urgent. The government has made efforts to
combat this, but the final say lies with the couple whose interpersonal communication laced
with knowledge about Planned Parenthood will ultimately lead government programmes to
fruition. This study investigated about the effectiveness of interpersonal communication
between married couples and Planned Parenthood to establish if correlation existed and to what
extent. Detailed analysis showed strong, positive correlation between levels of knowledge and
effectiveness of communication. Male condoms and birth control pills were known methods of
contraception among majority. The internet was the most important medium as source of
information and “suitable time in life” was the most important reason for Planned Parenthood.
An association between decision of parenthood adopted and effectiveness of communication
existed. Doctors and family members were enablers of effective communication. This study,
which has never been conducted in its current form, clearly showed how important
interpersonal communication between married couples on Planned Parenthood is. Government
schemes spread awareness and motivate couples for birth control and spacing. Focus on
enabling couples to plan parenthood, even for their first child, should be the agenda now.
The Competing Media Frame Study in One Country of Two System: The Case Study on
Scandal of Chen Liangyu
Yan Zhang and Liu Yang
Ph.D Candidate, University of Macau, China
Abstract: this is a content analysis study guided by framing theory based on the unique
Chinese society—One Country, Two System. The perspective of framing analysis lies in the
different influence made upon the different frames.
This research chooses a controversial issue, Chen Liangyu corruption scandal, as the research
case. The mainstream newspapers of Mainland and Hong Kong are selected as research
subjects. And then examines how those different newspapers frame this corruption scandal in
the following four perspectives: definition of issue, description of issue, reason of corruption,
and probability of corruption.
A content analysis on 321 report samples shows that those media did use different frames in
their coverage of this corruption scandal. To be specific, in this case, HK media more likely
covered the scandal with the frames of power struggle, tip of ice-burg, and dramatic story. On
the contrary, Mainland media more likely covered this with the frames of government clean
corruption, system fallacy, individual morality, and rotten apple, which illustrated that
competing media frame is an influencing factor in discourse formation during Greater China
Metamorphosing Jasmine: Identity Sorting in Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine
Chuen-Shin Tai
Assistant Professor, Shih Chien University Kaohsiung Campus, Taiwan
Abstract: Searching for and defining a new identity is a central question for immigrants living
in a foreign land. The confusion this causes them pushes them into an identity crisis. This work
by Bharati Mukherjee exposes how Jasmine, the female protagonist, as an outsider strives to
shape her identity to fit in mainstream American society. Fortunately, Jasmine encounters
confirmations of her shifting identity in different stages of her life. Instead of rejecting these
identities and names in various phases, she seeks to create a harmonious relationship with those
identities. This paper examines how those identities and changes of name assist her in
relocating her self-value as well as in achieving spiritual maturity as an immigrant women
struggling to cope with American culture in terms of Stuart Hall’s perspectives on fluidity and
non-fixed identity. In such a process, renaming becomes a way for Jasmine to survive and
further her development through transformation and the adoption of different selfhoods.
Certainly, what makes Mukherjee worth reading is that she draws on the anguish of the
uprooted individual and her inevitable frustration with her hostile environment but this
experience also generates a sense of rebirth and reincarnation. Thus, I would like to
demonstrate how the character of Jasmine undertakes the search for a new self and identity
through fortitude and courage until she finds a way of life that satisfies her.
An Analysis of a Work Composed in Ağır Aksak Rhythm with 9/4 Scale as an Example of the
Relationships Between the Style and Aruz Prosody in the Poems of Classical Turkish
Literature Written for Composing
Assistant Professor, Dilek Sabanci State Conservatory of Selcuk University, Turkey
Abstract: The poems of Classical Turkish Literature written to be composed were formed with
numerous aruz pieces as part of its characteristics. The diversity of those pieces determines the
length of written poems, the quantity of words, the syllables that form the words, and vowels or
consonants at the end of the words. If a poem to be composed is written in any aruz piece, as a
result of this, a rhythmic structure in accordance that piece should be previously. In Classical
Turkish Music, this rhythmic structure was considered within the concept of tempo. When the
composers deal with a classical poem written in aruz prosody, they determined a tempo
according to that aruz piece and then they also determined a mode/tone in accordance with the
meaning of the poem and they composed their works within this frame. In this study, a piece of
work in the form of Ağır Aksak tempo with 9/4 scale which is mostly preferred for composing
the poems written in the aruz form of “Fâ i lâ tün, Fâ i lâ tün, Fâ i lâ tün, Fâ i lün” in
Classical Turkish Literature. As a result, there is a big coherence between the lyrics and
composition of the poems written to be composed in Classical Turkish Literature.
Family Identity in Indonesian Films : Interpersonal Communications Between Father, Who is a
Transgender, and His Childs
Ade Kusuma and Ririn Puspita Tutiasri
Lecture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Abstract: Realita, Cinta, dan Rock n’Roll, and Lovely Man are Indonesian drama films which
have a similiar premise; a children relationship with his father who is a transgender or
transsexual. Based on the narrative elements of both films, researchers analyse the
interpersonal communications between fathers who are transgender or transsexual, and their
children. Furthermore, this study aims to explore a shift in the concept of ideal family in
Indonesian contemporary society. Family is the group where human learning about all things
related to life for the first time. It has a major role to construct individual’s identity. In
Indonesian society, the ideal concept of family is related to the presence of a father, a mother,
and children. Otherwise, Realita, Cinta dan Rock n’Roll and Lovely Man illustrated an
opposite father figure.
The Relationship between Parenting Stress and Perceived Children’s Social Problem Behavior
among Chinese Working Mothers
Chew Xing Jiun, Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar, and Nor Mazlina Ghazali
Lecturer, Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Abstract: This study examines the relationship between parenting stress and perceived
children's social problem behavior. The sample consists of 100 Chinese working mothers were
sampled by cluster sampling methods. Parenting Stress Index-short Form and Eyberg child
Behavior Inventory were employed to measure the parenting stress and children social problem
behavior respectively. The result revealed that parenting stress is significantly positive
correlated with perceived children social problem behavior in intensity (r = .431**, p < 0.01)
and problem score (r = .716 **, p ( 0.0I). Besides, parental distress (r = .340**, p < 0.01),
parent child dysfunction interaction (r = .398**, p < 0.01) and difficult child (r = .389**, p <
0.01) also moderately associated with perceived children social problem behavior in intensity
score. The findings also noted parental distress (r = .435**, p < 0.01), parent child dysfunction
interaction (r = .731**, p < 0.01) and difficult child (r = .672**, p < 0.01) also moderately
associated with perceived children social problem behavior in problem score. Interestingly, the
result showed household income (r = -.233**, p < 0.01) and numbers of children (r = .333 **, p
< 0.01) are related to parenting stress. The result showed the higher the working hours, the
lower the parenting stress (r = -.424**, p < 0.01). Hence, this study gives a guideline for the
policy makers and counselors to design program which can benefit the parents and children as
Community Empowerment Model through Cooperative for the Villages Most Severely
Affected By Eruption of Merapi
Masrukin, Ahmad Sabiq, Toto Sugito, Bambang Suswanto, Adhi Iman Sulaiman
Lecturer, Faculty of Social Science, Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia
Abstract: This study was intended to set up community empowerment model for the villages
most severely affected after the eruption of Mount Merapi. Among them are Tlogolele Village
of Selo District in Boyolali Regency and Balerante Village of Kemalang District in Klaten
Regency of Central Java Province. The method used was cooperative inquiry as a form of
action research. Data was collected through interview, observation, documentation analysis and
focus group discussion (FGD). Informants were selected using purposive sampling. For each
village, it has been chosen 20 informants consisting of economics and business group
stakeholders at the village level. The results showed that currently sand mining becomes the
source of income which is more convenient and practical for profit although as livelihood, it is
unsustainable and non renewable. Meanwhile, community business after the eruption of
Merapi has not been well developed and thus requires the implementation of empowerment
programs and the continuous assistance. Community needs economics institution as a
holding company to develop and promote all types of community business. This study has
resulted in the development of a community empowerment model through the formation of
cooperative as local economics strengthening.
Listener List
Lisener 1
Ekeoma Uzogara
Postdoctoral Research Fellow,University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,United States of America
Closing Ceremony
November 09, 2014 18:30
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Jan 09-10,2015
Doha, Qatar
Oct 30,2014
Doha, Qatar
Oct 30,2014
Doha, Qatar
Oct 30,2014
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Nov 10,2014
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Nov 10,2014
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Nov 10,2014
E-Management and E-Learning
2015 4th International Conference on Government, Law and Culture
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Oct 20,2014
Oct 20,2014
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Nov 05,2014
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nov 05,2014
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oct 10,2014
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Oct 20,2015
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Mar 08-09,2015
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Mar 25-26,2015
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(ICAHS 2015)
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Apr 09-10,2015
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2015 4th International Conference on Economics and Finance Research
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2015 5th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity
(ICSSH 2015)
Apr 11-12,2015
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Nov 15,2014
Seoul, South Korea
Nov 15,2014
Seoul, South Korea
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Nov 25,2014
Kyoto, Japan
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Dec 25,2014
Dubai, UAE
Dec 25,2014
Dubai, UAE
Dec 25,2014
Roma, Italy
Dec 30,2014
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2015 The 2nd International Conference on Management and Humanities
2015 International Conference on Language and Communication Science
(ICLCS 2015)
May 06-07,2015
2015 International Conference on Culture, Society and Humanity
(ICCSH 2015)
2015 International Conference on Financial and Business Economics
(ICFBE 2015)
2015 2nd International Conference on Innovation, Service and Management
(ICISM 2015)
May 15-16,2015
2015 2nd International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology
(ICSEP 2015)
2015 5th International Conference on Management and Service Science
(ICMSS 2015 )
2015 International Conference on Language Communications and Culture
(ICLCC 2015)
Jun 03-04,2015
2015 4th International Conference on Psychological Sciences and
Roma, Italy
Dec 30,2014
Roma, Italy
Dec 30,2014
(ICPSB 2014)
Jan 20,2015
2015 3rd International Conference on Sociality Culture and Humanities
(ICSCH 2015)
2015 International Conference on Business and Economic Analysis
(ICBEA 2015)
Jun 09-10,2015
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jan 25,2015
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jan 25,2015
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Jan 25,2015
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Feb 15,2015
Bangkok, Thailand
Feb 15,2015
Bangkok, Thailand
Feb 15,2015
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Paris, France
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Paris, France
Mar 05,2015
2015 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Education Sciences
Jan 20,2015
Jan 20,2015
2015 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Business and
2015 International Conference on Culture, Languages and Literature
Jul 03-04,2015
2015 International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering
2015 4th International Conference on Society, Humanity and History
Jul 20-21,2015
2015 International Conference on Literature and Linguistics
2015 2nd International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences
2015 2nd International Conference on Economics, Society and Management
IC4E is an international forum for state-of-the-art research in e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning. 2015
6th International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and E-Learning (IC4E2015) will be held in Doha,
Qatar during January 9-10, 2015. It is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental
advances in the fields of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and E-Learning. It also serves to foster communication
among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving
e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and E-Learning related techniques.
All accepted papers for the IC4E2015 will be selected and published according to the paper theme in one of the
following journals:
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (ISSN: 2010-3654): Abstracting/
Indexing: Engineering & Technology Digital Library,Google Scholar, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, QUALIS,
Crossref, ProQuest, EI (INSPEC, IET).
International Journal of Information and Education Technology (ISSN: 2010-3689): Abstracting/ Indexing: EI
(INSPEC, IET), Cabell's Directories, DOAJ, Electronic Journals Library, Engineering & Technology Digital Library,
EBSCO, Google Scholar, Crossref and ProQuest.
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology (ISSN: 2010-0248): Abstracting/ Indexing: Google
Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref and ProQuest,
Electronic Journals Library.
Important Dates
Paper Submission (Full Paper)
Before October 20, 2014
Notification of Acceptance
On November 15, 2014
Final Paper Submission
Before November 30, 2014
Authors' Registration
Before November 30, 2014
IC4E2015 Conference Dates
January 9-10, 2015
Welcome to the official website of the 2015 4th International Conference on Economics Marketing and Management ICEMM 2015, will be held in Doha, Qatar during January 9-10, 2015 aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers,
and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of E-business,
Management and Economics, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in E-business,
Management and Economics and related areas.
-Conference proceeding:
IPEDR (ISSN: 2010-4626)
as one volume, and will be included in the EBSCO, CNKI,
DOAJ, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, and Engineering & Technology Digital
Library and sent to be reviewed by ISI Proceedings.
-EI (INSPEC, IET) Journal: International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning
(IJEEEE) (ISSN: 2010-3654)Abstracting/ Indexing : Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google
Scholar,Electronic Journals Library, QUALIS, Crossref, ProQuest, EI (INSPEC, IET).
One Excellent Paper will be selected from each oral session The Certificate for Excellent Papers will be awarded in
the Welcome Banquet on January 10, 2015.
Important Dates
Paper Submission (Full Paper)
Before October 30, 2014
Notification of Acceptance
On November 15, 2014
Final Paper Submission
Before November 30, 2014
Authors' Registration
Before November 30, 2014
ICEMM 2015 Conference Dates
January 9-10, 2015
Welcome to the website of ICEBA 2015. Sponsored by IEDRC, aim to gather professors, researchers, scholars and industrial
pioneers all over the world, ICEBA is the premier forum for the presentation and exchange of past experiences and new
advances and research results in the field of theoretical and industrial experience. The conference welcomes contributions
which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between educators and researchers all over the world.
Paper Publication
All registered papers for the ICEBA 2015 will be published in the Journal of Economics, Business and Management
JOEBM (ISSN: 2301-3567) as one volume, and will be included in the DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Library,
Electronic Journals Library, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, MESLibrary, Google Scholar, Crossref, and ProQuest.
Important Dates
Full Paper Deadline
Acceptance Notification
Registration Deadline
Conference Date
Welcome to CEBMM 2015. Sponsored by IEDRC, aim to gather professors, researchers, scholars and industrial pioneers all
over the world, CEBMM is the premier forum for the presentation and exchange of past experiences and new advances and
research results in the field of theoretical and industrial experience. The conference welcomes contributions which promote
the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between educators and researchers all over the world.
Paper Publication
All registered papers for the CEBMM 2015 will be published in one of the following journals:
Journal of Economics, Business and Management (JOEBM) (ISSN: 2301-3567) as one volume, and will be included in
the DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Library, Electronic Journals Library, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory,
MESLibrary, Google Scholar, Crossref, and ProQuest.
International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IJEEEE) (ISSN: 2010-3654)as one
volume, and will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Google Scholar, Electronic Journals
Library, QUALIS, Crossref, ProQuest, EI (INSPEC, IET).
Important Dates
Full Paper Deadline
Acceptance Notification
Registration Deadline
Conference Date
The 2015 4th International Conference on Humanity, History and Society (ICHHS 2015) will be held in Seoul, South
Korea during Mar 8th-9th, 2015. The main objective of this conference is to provide a platform for engineers, academicians,
scientists, industrial professionals and researchers from over the world to present the result of their research activities in the
field of Humanity, History and Society. ICHHS 2014 provides opportunities for the delegates to share the knowledge, ideas,
innovations and problem solving techniques.
All registered papers for the ICHHS 2015 will be published in the IJSSH (ISSN: 2010-3646) as one volume, and will be
included in the Google Scholar, DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, Index Copernicus, and
Important Dates
Full Paper Deadline
Acceptance Notification
Registration Deadline
Conference Date
We are very sincere to invite you to take part in 2015 The 2nd International Conference on Advances in History of Sciences
(ICAHS 2015) in Singapore on March 25-26, 2015.
ICAHS 2015 aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their
experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Advances in History of Sciences and discuss the practical
challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Advances in
History of Sciences and related areas.
Conference papers can be selected and published into International Journal of Culture and History (IJCH), which
will be indexd by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Engineering & Technology Digital Library, Crossref, ProQuest
One Best Paper will be selected from each oral session. The Certificate will be awarded in the Welcome Banquet on
March 26, 2015.
Important Date
Full Paper Deadline
Acceptance Notification
Registration Deadline
Conference Date
Welcome to the official website of the 2015 International Conference on Language and Communication Science
(ICLCS2015), will be held during April 11-12, 2015, in Los Angeles, USA. ICLCS 2015, aims to bring together researchers,
scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all
aspects of Language and Communication Science , and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions
The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Language
and Communication Science and related areas.
All papers for the ICLCS2015 will be published in Journal of Media & Mass Communication (JMMC, DOI:
10.12720/jmmc) as one volume, and will be included in Google Scholar; Engineering & Technology Digital Library;
One Excellent Paper will be selected from each oral session The Certificate for Excellent Papers will be awarded in
the Welcome Banquet on April 12, 2015.
Important Date
Submission Deadline
December 10, 2014
Notification Day
December 30, 2014
Registration Deadline
January 20, 2015
Conference Date
April 11-12, 2015
Welcome to the official website of the 2015 International Conference on Culture, Society and Humanity (ICCSH 2015), will
be held during May 6-7, 2015, in Dubai, UAE. ICCSH 2015, aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and
scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of Culture, Society
and Humanity, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.
The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Innovation,
Service and Management and related areas.
All papers for the ICCSH 2015 will be published in IJSSH (ISSN: 2101-3646) as one volume, and will be included in
the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Crossref, Index Copernicus,
and ProQuest, and sent to be reviewed by ISI Proceedings.
One Excellent Paper will be selected from each oral session The Certificate for Excellent Papers will be awarded in
the Welcome Banquet on May 7, 2016.
Important Dates
Paper Submission (Full Paper)
Before December 25, 2014
Notification of Acceptance
On January 15, 2015
Final Authors' Registration
Before February 5, 2015
ICCSH2015 Conference Dates
May 6-7, 2015