INSPIRING HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS CONSULTANT GUIDE COMPARE THE LABELS, EXPERIENCE THE PRODUCTS “The best all-natural and organic products used by the top spas and resorts around the world is now available to you at home without the resort prices.” EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE! The entrepreneurial journey is a path which is supported by a product of value. ENVY Organics is inspiring the “entrepreneurial spirit” through our state-of-theart product line which creates health, wealth and happiness. Our products are proven effective, safe, and affordable while 100% chemical free. And our core values of People – Planet - Profit are in alignment with our philosophies to support YOU in the growth of your business. Our philosophies are identified throughout this Consultant Guide to assist you in understanding who we are but too also help you grow. We believe that personal wealth is best defined by the individual. Therefore, we do not participate in silly “car incentive programs” or “falsely motivated sales gimmicks”; we just “pay you” for what you do in representing and sharing our products to others. Most importantly, just have FUN experiencing the products and sharing with others. Remember, the combination of better health and wealth leads to a much happier lifestyle. So, we invite you to learn and experience the journey of ENVY Organics; you are going to find a one-of-a-kind product line matched by a unique business opportunity. You only need one good reason “WHY” to pursue your dreams. The definition of faith and fear is the same: the things unseen in your future. The difference is one is positive, the other negative. Which path will you take? Faith and take action, or fear and watch it pass you by? The choice is yours. A foundation of trust – remember foundations aren’t seen but their lack is clearly evident. LET’S GET STARTED! (STEP 1) CHOOSE YOUR BUSINESS SYSTEM We offer four options to begin your ENVY Organics business. Select the option that works best for you: EXECUTIVE BUSINESS SYSTEM BUSINESS KIT $750 RETAIL CONSULTANT $400 VALUE VALUE (24) 2 oz mixed samples, Hair & Body system, Coconut Lime Bodybutter Facial System, Suncare Products, Platinum Oil, and MENVY System (12) 2 oz mixed samples, Cleaning Living Pack: Rose Hip Aloe Lotion, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Gentle Facial Cleanser, and Organic Beauty Oil UNIFIED MESSAGING & ENVY ORGANICS UNIVERSITY ENVY ORGANICS UNIVERSITY ✔ Automatic Promotion to Executive Consultant ✔ Automatic Promotion to Business Consultant ✔ Retail Consultant ✔ $100 Enroller Bonus ✔ $20 Enroller Bonus N/A ✔ Leadership Bonus of $50 ✔ Leadership Bonus of $20 N/A ✔ (1st month of website and back office access ✔ (1st month of website and back office access N/A ✔ (25 Retail Catalogs ✔ (12 Retail Catalogs ✔ (12 Retail Catalogs Your Price: $395 Your Price: $179 Finance Option, Monthly Installments: $125/$100/$100/$100 * Retail value of Unified Messaging $99 and ENVY Organics University Training $125. (12) 2 oz mixed samples Your Price: $89 (STEP 2) We validate the desires of individuals to succeed, build and a make difference in life as the genesis of all human progress. ESTABLISH YOUR “WHY” Identify a short term goal like a car, house, insurance, school, grocery, credit card payment. Set as your first goal to replace that payment with your income from ENVY Organics. Then as you achieve this goal you can identify your next goal. When you reach your comfort zone, you will either decide to continue to stretch your goals or you will settle at that level. Whatever is good for you and your family is what is important. Use ENVY Organics to help achieve better health and create a wealth stream, resulting in more happiness. MY “WHY” ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ DATE: ___________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ (STEP 3) MEMORY JOGGER USE THIS MEMORY JOGGER TO HELP YOU WITH CREATING YOUR LIST: •F amily members and relatives •B ook, music or craft club members •S ervice organization members •F riends and neighbors •E xercise and workout partners and trainers •C ivic group, Rotary, Jaycees and Chamber of Commerce members •C o-workers and business associates •K ids’ sports team members, coaches and parents •F ormer co-workers •O ther people you know in direct sales •M edical professionals •M ilitary cohorts and their spouses •F amily counselors and social workers •R eal estate and insurance agents and brokers •B ridge, chess, card or social groups •T eachers, professors and classmates •D octors’ office and hospital staff and volunteers •S chool groups, PTA, boosters and alumni •H airdressers, barbers and manicurists •F inancial, accounting and legal professionals •C hurch, religious group and Sunday school members •F ellow tennis players and golfers •C hildren’s teachers, daycare provider and babysitters •C ar salespeople •R estaurant workers •F riends who love the categories of products you have to offer •G rocery and retail store staff •C hildhood, high school and college friends YOUR LIST MAKE A LIST OF PEOPLE WITH WHOM YOU WANT TO SHARE THE PRODUCTS AND BUSINESSES IDENTIFY YOUR FIRST 25 PROSPECTS 1. 8. 15. 22. 2. 9. 16. 23. 3. 10. 17. 24. 4. 11. 18. 25. 5. 12. 19. 6. 13. 20. 7. 14. 21. Relational priority is defined by the inherent sense of worth or value in every human being. (STEP 4) UNIVERSITY SERIES The fundamental processes are simple and clearly identified for you to repeat for success. First you identify your prospects. Then make contact with them by phone, through social media, or in person and share ENVY Organics by asking them to use your samples. The next step is to follow-up with the people who are using the samples. Simply answer their questions or objections and then ask the question “which products or business system would you like to get started with”? The more you repeat these fundamentals on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, the greater potential for your business. Always remember it’s the fundamentals done properly over and over that lead to success. START THE CONSULTANT ORIENTATION PROGRAM Located on the homepage of your ENVY Organics back office or in your WELCOME email is a link to begin your online training at Be prepared to take notes and ask questions. The multi-course program can be completed all at once or you can do one course at a time. You can repeat any course as many times as you wish. The program is divided into product and business modules. The training will help get your business started properly. Remember nobody begins a new job or business without training so get started today. Your sponsor or ENVY Organics Leadership team can help answer your questions; or email us at Use this booklet as a teaching guide to help you with the orientation process. You will find it helpful to read, listen and learn. Our philosophy is quite simple – we believe in building the consultant first in order to build the business. So we invest in our people — you. Remember, motivation without a plan is just frustration. So use this orientation to help create a plan of action and then take the action necessary to achieve your goals. Make your first goal to achieve Area Consultant in 90 days earning a $1,000 bonus and getting your business foundation built. Diversity of expression is valuing and affirming the differences in all people and that everyone is significant. (STEP 5) SHARE: APPROACH AND GATHER YOUR CUSTOMERS 1) S AMPLE PROGRAM: Compare the labels and experience the products. Let the product be your lead – share it with others and let them decide for themselves. Our samples are easy to hand out and the experience is powerful – you can feel the difference with one application. Use your preferred consultant catalog to have a monthly order for samples. 2) FACEBOOK: Use and to gain support and training from team members across the nation. 3) ONE–ON–ONE: Use the presentation on Company, Opportunity and Product as often as possible. This presentation should never take more than 17 minutes. You are still sharing and the presentation tool or video is an excellent method to provide someone local or long distance a picture of what we do, how we do it and what is in it for them. Fortune is in the follow-up. Influence, not imposition, is leadership that does not impose will but instead inspires others to discover, develop and deploy their own desires. MANUFACTURING Our “No Compromise” manufacturing policy starts with the selection of the finest raw materials – basically the freshest and naturally grown components – from all over the world. It continues with the quarantine and analysis of all raw materials before they are released for production, where our formulas are carefully handcrafted under expert supervision before incurring yet more onsite laboratory testing to ensure the highest quality products available on the market. There are easier ways to do things, but the end result is worth all of the extra effort. JUST COMPARE THE LABELS … EXPERIENCE THE PRODUCTS All you have to do is compare our labels to any other brand and see the difference. You can consume every all-natural ingredient we offer, whereas you need a biochemistry degree to even pronounce many of the harmful and carcinogenic ingredients found in other commercial products. Experience ENVY Organics products – try our Hair & Body, Anti-Aging, Facial, Outdoor and MENVY lines – and you will feel and see the difference. In addition to our chemical-free healthier formulas with all-natural and organic ingredients, ENVY Organics products are significantly more affordable than most brands you may already be using. That’s because we manufacture our products in-house, not only to oversee quality but also to control costs. There’s no wholesaler or retailer marking up the costs and passing it along to consumers. THE CRUSADE … EDUCATE THE PUBLIC “I’ve spent much of my life developing formulas that eliminate harmful chemicals while delivering unsurpassed results for your skin and hair.” – Charley Richards It is our goal to positively affect ONE MILLION PEOPLE with the education of clean products and lifestyle to reduce toxicity by using our all-natural chemical free products. A prevailing vision explains why we exist and provides the rudder to keep us on course for our intended destination. GET ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS 1) (STEP 6) START YOUR TRAINING Located on the homepage of your ENVY Organics back office or in your WELCOME email is a link to ENVY Organics University. The ENVY U. training is divided into product and business modules. The multi-course program can be completed all at once or you can complete one course at a time. You can repeat any course as many times as you wish. 2) GATHER CUSTOMERS You have two ways to earn on sales of ENVY Organics product to customers. 1) Activate your website and back office ($9.95 per month), your first month is free so be sure to activate it with a credit card for month two. 2) Earn 10-30% RETAIL commission on orders placed by you or your customers through your ENVY Organics website. (See retail slider.) 3) Earn over 100% on products with the ENVY Organics consultant preferred program, setup your sample order as a monthly order. 3) GET ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Ju m p star t yo u r b u sin ess wi t h t his amaz ing program and earn ove r $3,000 in cash and produc t s ! 1.PURCHASE YOUR STARTER SYSTEM (see page 2) N ow, in yo ur fi r st 3 0 - next 60 - next 90 days … 2. S ELL $150 OF RETAIL SALES IN YOUR FIRST THIRTY DAYS and earn a bonus of 5 ENVY Sample Packs. In the next sixty days (31-90), sell $500 of retail Sales and earn a bonus of five $10 coupons. And in your next ninety days (91-180), sell $1,000 of retail sales and earn a bonus of $250 cash. N ow, in yo ur fi r st 4 5 d ays … 3. S PONSOR 3 NEW FRONTLINE QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS and receive a $400 Enroller Bonus ($100 per new enrollee + $100 for sponsoring 3 in 45 days.) N e x t , i n yo ur fir st 9 0 d ays … 4. H ELP EACH OF YOUR THREE NEW CONSULTANTS SIGN UP 3 NEW QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS in 45 days and receive Enroller Bonuses totaling $900 ($100 per new enrollee = $900.) 5. P ROMOTE TO AREA CONSULTANT in 90 days and receive $1,000 bonus by sponsoring 3 new frontline consultants, total 12 new consultants organizationally and reach $7,500 OV cumulatively in your first 90 days. Tot a l C o m missi o n s an d Produc t Earned: $3,175 *Incomes projection based on achieving each category in the specified time frame. ENVY@HOME: The power of synergy validates that unity and a team can accomplish more than the individual’s lone efforts. FUN This no pressure environment allows you to invite your friends over to your house, the club, restaurant or any common meeting place where you relax, share stories and then demonstrate the products. It is simple, fun and tremendously rewarding. ENVY@HOME HOST PLAN HOST A ENVY@HOME PARTY ON US! Register your ENVY@HOME party with ENVY Organics through your ENVY back office and we will pay your host! HOST INCENTIVE: The host of the ENVY@Home function will receive a 10% gift certificate plus two products at half-off. Then they are qualified for additional gift certificates based on the success of the function. $ 2 0 0 - $ 2 9 9 s a l e s = (2) $10 gift certificate + two products 20% off $ 3 0 0 - $ 3 9 9 s a l e s = (3) $10 gift certificates + two products 25% off $ 4 0 0 - $ 4 9 9 s a l e s = (4) $10 gift certificates + two products 25% off $ 5 0 0 - $ 5 9 9 sa l e s = (5) $10 gift certificates + three products 30% off $ 6 0 0 - $ 6 9 9 s a l e s = (6) $10 gift certificates + three products 30% off $ 7 0 0 - $ 7 9 9 s a l e s = (7) $10 gift certificates + four products 35% off $ 8 0 0 - $ 8 9 9 s a l e s = (8) $10 gift certificates + four products 40% off $ 9 0 0 - $ 9 9 9 s a l e s = (9) $10 gift certificates + four products 45% off $ 10 0 0 a n d o v e r = (10) $10 gift certificates + five products 50% off A $ 10 g i f t c e r t i f i ca t e will be aw a r d e d f or e a ch a d d itional $ 10 0 i n s a l e s o v e r $ 1, 0 00. Gift Certificates may be used toward Enrollment kits or product orders and only one per order. (STEP 7) GET ENGAGED FOR SUCCESS: CONFERENCE CALLS: ENVY Organics Consultant Leadership and Corporate Office provide three live conference calls for your convenience and the ability to expose new prospects to the Product or Business. Tu esd ay – Pr o d uc t Fo cus T h u r s d ay – C o mp a n y Ov e r v ie w Su n d ay – Up d a t e s & Tr a in in g A ll c a l l s a r e a t 9 : 0 0 p m E ST D ial: 8 57 - 2 3 2 - 0476 Enter code: 236650 These are important calls in building a habit of success. Stay plugged in and use these valuable tools. Be consistent! UNIFIED MESSAGING: After you enroll with ENVY Organics you can upgrade to the Unified Messaging system. This platform of communication provides you access to ENVY Organics Corporate and Consultant Leaders who will leave daily and weekly messages, updates, training tips, etc on this valuable tool. Purchase the Executive Business System or you can promote to Director, enroll your first two consultants, and receive this tool complimentary. HOW DO YOU QUALIFY TO BE PAID? There are no monthly requirements in order to be paid Retail commissions, Preferred Customer commissions or Enrollment bonuses. The Leadership Bonus requires the Leader to be actively enrolled in the Preferred Consultant Program. The Organizational commissions require you to accumulate the necessary points in a month in order to be qualified to receive those commissions. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE ANY FORM OF COMMISSION YOU MUST: 1) Be enrolled into your ENVY back office in order to claim your commissions in your e-wallet. 2) Send in your W-9 form to ENVY Organics corporate; form is in your back office, commissions are not recorded as earned for your 1099 until used or unclaimed from your e-wallet. 3) Complete your annual renewal to sustain your ACTIVE status - $69. Commissions for the prior month are calculated on or before the 10th of the following month and the commissions are recorded in into your e-wallet account. All commissions are calculated monthly except for Enrollment and Leadership Bonuses those commissions are dynamic and automatically recorded in your e-wallet after the enrollment order has been processed. Process orientation provides the foundation to build and maintain a vital relational network and to deliver on our promises of clean product and accurate commissions. Recognizing that life is both natural and spiritual is a balance that we help develop and maximize with the various responsibilities of home, work, mental, physical and spiritual PROMOTE RETAIL SALES: These are the orders that you or your customers place through your personal website from the Customer or Consultant Catalogs. You accumulate retail volume (RV) during any month and you are paid a commission ranging from 10 – 30% based on the total retail volume for that month. RETAIL SALES COMMISSION $ 0.00 - $ 99.99 $100.00 - $199.99 10% 15% $200.00 - $499.99 20% $500.00 - $999.99 25% $1,000 and up 30% There are special bundle packages available in the customer and consultant catalogs that allow you and your customer to receive additional special benefits, especially for first time customers. There are no qualification requirements in order to achieve or receive retail commissions. Note: Only orders placed through the Customer or Consultant Catalog accumulate retail volume. Preferred Customer and Consultant orders do not accumulate retail volume. PREFERRED PROGRAM: These are the orders you place through the Preferred Customer program or the Preferred Consultant program. The Preferred Customer program is designed to establish loyalty with your customers. When they commit to a monthly shipment they can experience a 15% discount off the products and you will receive a 10% commission. These orders do not count toward your Retails Sales. The Preferred Consultant program is designed to allow you the Consultant the maximum opportunity for profit in selling the product. When you place orders through this catalog it requires a 12 month commitment for ordering and you receive a 50% discount off the product. This allows you to make 100% commission when selling the product directly to your customers. Both the Preferred Customer and Consultant programs provide the flexibility for you to change your order every month. The change must be completed 24 hours prior to the ship date in order to be properly processed. Neither of these programs are requirements yet both provide tremendous benefits to use the ENVY Organics product line. ACHIEVE YOUR STARS = 10 Customers = 20 Customers = 30 Customers = 40 Customers = 50 or more Customers ENROLLMENT BONUS: These bonuses are paid on the value of the product in the enrollment kit and are paid dynamically, thus once the order is processed the commissions will be recorded in your e-wallet. We offer 4 options: BUSINESS SYSTEM COST ENROLLER BONUS Retail Consultant $89 $0.00 Business Kit $179 $20 Executive Business System $395 $100 $125/$100/$100/$100 $20 increments Finance Option LEADERSHIP BONUS: On each enrollment there is a Leadership Bonus paid to the Upline Qualified title. It will be paid to the first leader in the upline sequence. The Retail kit has no leadership bonus. The bonus on the Executive and Business Enrollments below are the same. SYSTEM BONUS EXECUTIVE BUSINESS Area Consultant $20 $5 Regional Consultant $10 $5 National Consultant $10 $5 Ambassador $10 $5 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMISSIONS: These commissions are paid on the CV (commissionable volume) of the products ordered in your organization. In order to qualify for this commission you must meet the minimum QV (Qualifying Volume) for each title; this is the total in one month of the qualifying points that is established for each product you and your customers order. B usiness, Executive, Director: 150 points Area: 150 points Regional: 250 points National: 350 points Ambassador: 500 points ACHIEVE PER MONTH: Bronze – Sponsor 1 Consultant Qualification: the Upline Leader must have an active order in the Preferred Consultant Program - paid dynamically. Silver – Sponsor 3 Consultants Gold – Sponsor 5 Consultants PROMOTE AND EARN ORGANIZATIONAL COMMISSIONS Earning commissions from your team will be paid based on the commissionable volume (CV) and achieving the minimum required qualifying volume (QV) for the month. The plan pays as follows: BUSINESS SYSTEM TYPE Consultant: QV Required: ENVY TITLE Retail Business Executive Director Area Regional National Ambassador 150 150 150 150 150 250 350 500 $300$1,000 $1,000$3,500 $3,500$10,000 $10,000 and up Income Projection: Level 1 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 7% 8% Level 2 5% 5% 5% 6% 7% 8% Level 3 5% 5% 5% 6% 7% 8% Level 4 5% 5% 6% 7% 8% Level 5 5% 5% 6% 7% 8% Level 6 5% 6% 7% 8% Level 7 5% 6% 7% 8% *Refer to your back office for promotional requirements. REQUIREMENTS FOR PROMOTING The following is an outline of the Initial and Maintenance requirements to promote along with qualification to receive the organizational tier commissions described in the prior chart. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AREA (if the 90 Day Area Consultant Promotion is not achieved) Initial: ✔E nroll with Executive Business System Initial: ✔S ponsor 2 Qualifying Consultants Initial: ✔ Sponsor 3 Qualifying Consultants Maintenance: 150 QV Maintenance: 150 Qualifying Volume (QV) Qualified: 5 levels of payout at 5% ✔ Total 12 Consultants in Organization Qualified: 3 levels of payout at 5% ✔T otal of $5,000 Organizational Volume (OV) in the qualifying month ✔R eceive a $500 Bonus Maintenance: 150 QV and 2500 OV Qualified: 7 levels of payout at 5% REGIONAL NATIONAL AMBASSADOR Initial: ✔S ponsor 5 Qualifying Consultants Initial: ✔S ponsor 10 Qualifying Consultants Initial: ✔ S ponsor 15 Qualifying Consultants ✔ Develop 3 Area Consultants – 2 must be in different legs ✔ Develop 5 Regional Consultants – 3 must be in different legs ✔T otal of $15,000 OV in the qualifying month ✔R eceive a $1,000 Bonus Maintenance: 250 RV and 7,500 OV Qualified: Seven levels of payout at 6% ✔D evelop 3 National Consultants in 3 different legs ✔T otal of $50,000 OV in the qualifying month ✔T otal of $100,000 OV in the qualifying month ✔R eceive a $2,500 bonus ✔ Receive a $5,000 bonus Maintenance: 350 RV and 25,000 OV Maintenance: 500 RV and 50,000 OV Qualified: Seven levels of multi-level payout at 7% Qualified: Seven levels of payout at 8% Build a Legacy by assuming the responsibility to become the person you desire everyone else to be. “Success is that place in the road where opportunity intersects with preparation, often missed because it is disguised as hard work” /loveENVYorganics @myENVYorganics @myENVYorganics OCT 2014 (321) 307-ENVY (3689) | |
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