NEWSLETTER NO. 45 High quality barley after perfect growing conditions The summer of 2012 saw much better harvesting conditions for the barley malt than for crop 2011, recently causing problematic run-off issues at some breweries in North Europe. Some may have experienced a rainy season but the rain fell at the right time so that barley malt has had a fair amount of rain. As a result the optimal amount of protein was developed. The barley has been healthy, no fungus, as a consequence by far the largest portion is released to barley malt and very little to the feed. Diplombrygger – Module 2 2012, 12-16 Nov 2012 Diplombrygger’ module 2(course in Danish) just completed. Our Microbrewers continue their journey in to the beer universe. Their training programme jhas covered filtration, definition of beer types, brewing calculations, recipe development, bottling and much more. They enjoyed the fruits of brewing their own Brown Ale at Copenhagen University during module 1. Certified Brewmaster in Laos In close cooperation with Carlsberg Asia, SSB has launched a new Certified Brewmaster Course now running in Laos with 22 participants. First week the lecturers were Anders Kissmeyer and Axel G. Kristiansen, and right now Kim Johansen and Karen Mette Krieger Lassen are teaching. The students are presented with a demanding programme including plant exercises to make it in touch with reality as much as possible At Lolland-Falster, (The Southern part of Denmark) farmers got maximum benefit for their barley malt. Says Farmer Ole SommerMadsen, Lolland Falster. FAXEHUS - GAMLE CARLSBERG VEJ 16 - DK-1799 KØBENHAVN V. NEWSLETTER NO. 45 SSB permanent staff Networking Activities for Microbreweries 21 Nov 2012 21 November SSB hosted a networking activity for Danish Microbrewers. The course focused on water & CO2-savings based on our microbrewer benchmark data collected for year 2011. Director Axel G. Kristiansen Phone: +453327 2402 email: The course also included a tool for self-assessment of ergonomic loads and help in the prevention of ill health. During the course we visited Skands, Amager and Jacobsen microbreweries, observing good ergonomic working solutions. Trappist beer tasting for members of parliament 21 Nov Training Manager Kim Johansen Phone: +45 3327 2404 email: 21 November SSB was asked to run a special taste testing for members of Danish Parliament, who had asked for this favor. 8 Trappist beers were served including the new Gregorius beer from Austria recently approved as a Trappist beer. The meeting was opened by MP Kristian Pihl Lorenzen and Professor Flemming Besenbacher, chairman Carlsberg Supervisory Board and held at Carlsberg Academy. Secretary Dorthe Sommer Phone: +45 3327 2403 email: Course Registration We have opened for registration to the following courses with available seats: Beer Flavour Session Ask for our detailed brochure! You can register on our webpage EBC Symposium 10-11 September in Copenhagen mentioned in Brauwelt. We do not have the space to cover our EBC-Symposium hosted in Copenhagen this SEP, but you can read about the subjects and speakers in latest Brauwelt Int. 5/2012 pp. 296-300, where a comprehensive article is placed. FAXEHUS - GAMLE CARLSBERG VEJ 16 - DK-1799 KØBENHAVN V.
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