123 Fifth Street SE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Colby–Killdeer Return Service Requested your lines. your lights. your community. 345 kV T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e P r o j e ct Construction To Begin on Colby-Killdeer Line TH I RD Qu a rter 2014 Colby–Killdeer 345 kV T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e P r o j e ct Dear Neighbors: After more than two years of significant planning, outreach and regulatory proceedings, ITC Midwest is making final plans to begin constructing the Colby-Killdeer 345 kV electric transmission line. When it is completed next summer, the line will contribute to a stronger electric transmission system, ensuring more reliable electric service to serve the growing energy needs of Iowa and the surrounding region. your lines. your lights. Following the May 1 decision by the Iowa Utilities Board approving the franchise to build the line, your community. ITC Midwest has begun mobilizing resources to begin work. The company has met with potential construction contractors and will award the project to the selected construction firm in the coming weeks. ITC engineers have worked with vendors and suppliers to order materials for the line’s Construction By-Products Offer Benefits to Landowners The process of constructing the Colby-Killdeer line will create byproducts that may benefit landowners near the line route. ITC is willing to make available to landowners dirt and spoils excavated to accommodate the structure foundations. This material is usually hauled away, but ITC is willing to accommodate landowners who want to use the material for fill on their property. In addition, the line will replace an existing “H” frame line built with wood poles. Landowners interested in acquiring the wood structures should speak with the crews. In both cases, ITC will ask the landowner to sign paperwork to accept responsibility for the materials. n Do you have new contact information? ITC Midwest wants to make sure we have your current contact information so we can reach you as construction activities move into your area. If you have updated information, please contact Senior Real Estate Specialist Jeanne Archie, at (319) 297-6764 or jarchie@itctransco.com. We want to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep you informed of our activities. Thank you! construction. Vendors soon will begin delivering materials to the company’s construction staging area. The vendors require several weeks to manufacture the sections of the 130-foot to 180-foot-long Get to Know... steel structures that will carry the line. The first of the needed 68 structures will be delivered this Name: Bill Broghammer Pre-Construction Activities Underway Hometown: West Union, Iowa Before construction begins, field crews will be working along the route to complete pre-construction Title: Field Supervisor activities. That includes meeting with landowners to review ingress and egress points to each month, with construction activities beginning along the line route in late October. Doug Sabinash, Project Engineer structure location. Other pre-construction activities may include surveying, trimming trees, and Years in utility industry: 27 years, having previously worked as a line mechanic, substation technician, and senior manager of operations. Describe your duties: As the field supervisor, I oversee all of the construction activities. I work closely with the contractors to make sure the work follows the design specifications, and work with landowners to ensure we are addressing any issues that may arise during construction. staking the route to identify the specific locations for each of the transmission structures. Another important activity will be the removal of the existing 161 kV line that currently runs along the line route. The line will be removed and a new 161 kV line will be strung on the same structures as the new 345 kV Colby-Killdeer line. The existing line, built in the 1950s, had been scheduled for an upgrade. By rebuilding the existing 161 kV line and constructing the new Colby-Killdeer line at the same time, ITC will be able to limit the disruption to you and your property. [continued on page 2] Hobbies: I enjoy biking, barbecuing and boating. 123 Fifth Street SE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 6750 Chavenelle Road Dubuque, Iowa 52002 877.ITC.ITC9 (877.482.4829) www.it c t r an sc o .c o m Colby–Killdeer 345 kV T r a n s m i s s i o n L i n e P r o j e ct T HI R D Q u a rte r 2 0 1 4 Construction Follows Standard Process [continued from cover] Committed to Landowners and Neighbors ITC Midwest and its contractors recognize that we have a critical responsibility to provide reliable electric service, and do it in a way that treats our neighboring landowners with respect. As we begin line construction, we are committed to working with you during this process. We will do our best to address any issues that arise during construction. We also pledge to continue our communications throughout the construction process. Our agents from JCG Land Services will continue to be involved, working with landowners to discuss preferences for accessing property and the timing of construction. Our project field supervisor, Bill Broghammer, also will be contacting landowners in anticipation of construction activities. In the meantime, if there is anything we should know about your property or area, please contact us. Through years of experience, ITC Midwest employees and contractors have developed a consistent process to effectively and efficiently build new transmission lines. The work begins with surveying and taking soil borings to test the ground for the foundation work, before moving on to actual construction. The construction process generally proceeds as follows: 1. S urveyors stake the locations along the line route to identify the specific location for each structure. That process is currently underway. 2. Crews will begin to prepare the route for easy access to the right of way from the roads and adjoining properties. They will work with landowners and with county officials to identify the most direct access to the worksite, to limit damage to property and roads. This stage also will include trimming and removing trees that will conflict with line construction and operation of the electric transmission system. We appreciate your support for this project. We look forward to continuing to work with you throughout the construction process. Please contact our representatives if you have any questions about our plans or timing. n 3. C rews will install temporary guard structures as needed to protect the public and facilities during construction. These structures form an “H” shape to ensure that new construction doesn’t come into contact with other lines or roads. Sincerely, Doug Sabinash, Project Engineer Chippewa Lac Qui Parle McLeod Yellow Medicine Dunn Carver Pierce Renville Dakota Scott Marathon Clark Eau Claire Pepin Sibley Lincoln Lyon Redwood Le Sueur Nicollet Rice Buffalo Goodhue Wabasha Cottonwood Waseca Watonwan Steele Mower Jackson Ledyard Lyon Osceola Sioux O'Brien Marathon Plymouth Woodbury Emmet Winnebago Vernon Fillmore electric transmission line proposed by ITC and MidAmerican Sauk Howard Winneshiek CrawfordCo. in north central Iowa and southwestern Minnesota Energy Allamakee Killdeer Franklin Wright Iowa sources, and meet the region’s growing energy needs. These Butler Bremer Black Hawk Hamilton Grundy Hardin Clayton Grant lines are called Lafayette Multi-Value Projects, or MVPs, because they Hazleton Green offer multiple benefits to the region. Although the Colby- Buchanan Black Hawk JoDaviess that benefits Jacksonthe entire regional grid in an area that has seen Proposed MEC Line Project Adams Monona Linn Benton Marshall Boone Proposed ITCStory Substation Project Tama Greene Carroll Crawford Proposed MEC Substation Project Harrison Shelby Audubon Guthrie Dallas Jasper Polk Clinton Iowa Poweshiek Johnson Adair Cass Madison Marion Warren Mahaska Keokuk Washington Dane Mills Lafayette part of MVP Scott Projects 3 and 4. Together, these projects will help Muscatine Pottawattamie Iowa Jones Carroll development of wind energy. This project is the first of six Iowa Cedar and Minnesota lines Whiteside that ITC Midwest is working to build as Sauk nd Dubuque Stephenson Killdeer project is only approximately 12 miles long, it is a link Delaware Proposed ITC Midwest Line Project Juneau Richland to improve reliability, enable Dane the connection of new energy Chickasaw Floyd Proposed MEC Substation Project The Colby-Killdeer project is part of nearly 400 miles of 345 kV Houston Fayette Webster Proposed ITC Substation Project La Crosse Winona Cerro Gordo Humboldt Calhoun Sac Mitchell Colby Hancock Kossuth Buena Vista Pocahontas Ida Worth Kossuth County Palo Alto Clay Cherokee Portage Wood Dickinson Proposed MEC Line Project Monroe Freeborn Faribault Martin Proposed ITC Midwest Line Project Juneau Adams Olmsted Dodge Huntley Lakefield Jct. Nobles Rock Trempealeau Blue Earth Murray Colby-Killdeer Part of Regional Multi-Value Projects Jackson Brown Pipestone Portage Wood Fremont Green Montgomery Page Adams Union Taylor Ringgold Clarke Decatur Lucas Wayne Monroe Appanoose Wapello Jefferson Davis Van Buren Henry Lee Stephenson reduce outages, expand the capacity of the system and respond Rock Island Henry toLouisa the ongoing demands for new energy interconnections, Mercer Stark including renewable energy sources. n Des Moines 4. O nce the large holes are excavated for the structure foundations, crews will deliver anchor bolt assemblies and rebar cages to each structure location. These cages provide added strength to the concrete and anchor the transmission poles to the foundations. 5. O nce the foundations are poured, the concrete will need 30 days to cure. 6. S teel structures will be delivered to the structure locations. 7. Using cranes, crews will set the steel structures onto the concrete foundations and attach insulators and stringing rollers to the structures. 8. Crews will string the conductor or line on the rollers, pulling it to tension before permanently attaching the line to the insulators. 9. Crews will remove any previous structures and conductor from the site. 10. Crews will clean the site, remove temporary guard structures and road entrances, and begin restoring the property. 11. When all construction and restoration activities are completed, land agents will meet with property owners to inspect the property and settle any property or crop damages. n Line Construction Includes Work Above and Below Ground While the structures are the most visible part of a transmission line, the underground foundation gives the structure the strength to do its job. The first step in construction is excavating the dirt and rock to make way for those foundations. In most cases along the Colby-Killdeer line, those concrete foundations will be poured between 25 and 40 feet deep and generally be between eight and 14 feet in diameter. The concrete is poured over rebar cages, steel reinforcing bars that are fashioned into tubes and placed in the foundation hole. These rebar cages are larger than a pickup truck. Some rebar cages may be built on site, but crews also may build them offsite and deliver them to where they are needed. n
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