FALL 2014 REGISTRATION GUIDE You can get Anywhere from here Future Students: Apply now for Spring Semester Current Students: Priority registration for students with earned MTC credit begins.... October 21 General registration begins ................................................................ October 23 Schedule an advisement appointment.................................................. see page 7 All Students: Register and pay by.......................................................................... December 13 Classes start ...................................................................................... January 13 IMPORTANT DATES Why choose MTC? ...................... page 2 See what programs are offered .... page 5 Get started with an application .... page 6 Apply for financial aid ................ page 10 FUTURE STUDENTS Registering for Spring .................. page 8 Spring exam schedule.................. page 13 CURRENT STUDENTS Access the latest course listings, apply and pay online at midlandstech.edu A complete and up-to-date listing of all Fall Semester courses is available online. Visit midlandstech.edu and choose the “Course Search” link in the left-hand navigation. Students without Internet access may use college computers at the following locations: Airport Campus Library (Academic Center 225) Academic Success Center (Academic Center 151) Online Services Center (Student Center 222) Beltline Campus Library Academic Success Center (Wade Martin 110) Online Services Center (Student Center 227) Northeast Campus Library/Academic Success Center (Center for Technology Building 153) Batesburg-Leesville Campus Academic Success Center Fairfield Campus Online Services Center Harbison Campus Academic Success Center T Contents Why choose MTC?.............................. 2 REGISTERING FOR CLASSES • PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE • CONTENTS Registering for Classes Calendar ................................................4 Programs of Study ................................5 Applying to the College........................6 Departmental Advising Contacts..........7 How to Register ....................................8 Financing Your Classes ........................9 Changing Your Schedule ....................11 Dropping/Withdrawing from a Class ....................................11 Services to Students............................12 Examination Schedule........................13 Campus Maps ....................................14 Midlands Technical College will close at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays except for limited essential functions. College closes at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays President’s Message hank you for choosing Midlands Technical College. Whether your future plans are to transfer to a four-year college or to move directly into a challenging career, MTC can be your key to success in a competitive marketplace. I hope you will take advantage of the many college resources available to you, especially the individualized attention that is the hallmark of our dedicated faculty and staff. At MTC, we are here to help you reach your full potential within the global economy and to accomplish your academic and personal goals. Please accept my best wishes for a rewarding semester, Dr. Marshall (Sonny) White, Jr. President 1 Ten reasons to choose Midlands Technical College 1. THE FUTURE IS HERE With 70 percent of tomorrow’s careers requiring education beyond high school, but less than a four-year degree, Midlands Technical College is the place to build a bright future. Today’s employers are looking for a new kind of employee – one who is technologically savvy, and can think critically and evolve with a growing business. 2. BE PART OF MTC’S TRADITION OF SUCCESS MTC has helped thousands of students achieve their academic, career and personal goals, and we can do the same for you. Midlands Technical College has 3. PROGRAMS 4. YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH THAT FIT YOUR NEEDS YOU degree, diploma and MTC. In many With more than 100 certificate programs, Midlands Technical College has the education and training that’s right for you. Even if your educational an excellent reputation among area employers and university partners for educating students for the workforce and preparing them to transfer to four- year colleges. 2 goals don’t include earning a degree, diploma or certificate, you can expand your marketable skills and broaden your knowledge base through our Continuing Education courses. Colleges and universities throughout the Southeast accept transfer credit from cases, you can complete the equivalent of the first two years of a four-year college degree – at a fraction of the cost. SIZES AND PERSONAL ATTENTION You’re not just a number on our cam- pus. You’ll get one-on-one attention in a career-focused learning environ- ment. From your initial tour of our 8. TOP-QUALITY FACULTY, A STIMULATING ENVIRONMENT The foundation of our commitment to academic excellence is experienced, dedicated campuses on through gradua- faculty and tion day, you’ll find car- staff. MTC ing MTC faculty and instructors have staff committed to help- garnered state, ing you reach your goals. 6. EDUCATION THAT’S TUNED-IN TO AREA EMPLOYERS Midlands Technical College teaches the skills that employers demand. MTC regularly brings business and industry representatives in to review our pro- gram offerings. In this way, our stu- dents are ensured of getting the specific, hands-on skills that lead to rewarding jobs. 7. WE’RE NEARBY, DAY OR EVENING OR ONLINE Most MTC students fit their education in with other responsibilities, including families and jobs. With six campuses, the choice of day or evening programs and distance learning opportunities, Midlands Technical College makes getting an education convenient. regional and national awards for their superior teaching, so you can be assured of a high-quality learning experience. In addition, our award-winning student development programs provide the sup- port services you need to excel both academically and socially. 9. FINANCIAL 10. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICES MTC works hand-in-hand with hundreds of area employers to identify WHY CHOOSE MTC? 5. SMALL CLASS career opportunities for its graduates. The college’s career specialists provide employment listings and career and job search resources. In addition, they will critique your resumé and provide tips on how to succeed in an interview. ASSISTANCE THAT CAN MAKE YOUR DREAM A REALITY For those who desire to go to college, MTC believes in helping you find a way. Pell Grants, scholarships and Lottery Tuition Assistance are several ways many students fund their education. 3 Fall Semester 2014 Calendar June July 12 Summer II last day to submit residency petitions before fee payment begins and 7-week term begins 16 Fall priority registration begins 18 Fall general registration begins 15 Priority deadline for guaranteed processing of Fall financial aid awards 24 Last day to make appointment for departmental advisement for Fall term 25-Aug 8 Book buy back 31 Fall Semester departmental advising ends August 5 Deadline for residency petitions before Fall fee payment ends 8 Last day to schedule appointment - New Student Advisement for Fall 8 Fall payment by mail deadline 15 Fall registration and fee payment end at 1:30 p.m. 16-17 Online late registration. No faculty advisors. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees are due upon registering. 18 Fall student Bookstore charges begin 18-19 Online/on campus late registration. No faculty advisors. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees are due upon registering. 20 Late registration, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. & 5-7 p.m. Faculty advisors available on campus, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. & 5-6:30 p.m. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees must be paid by 7 p.m. 21-22 Online/on campus late registration. No faculty advisors. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees are due upon registering. 22 Registrations for faculty, staff and senior citizens 25 Fall, Fall I, FJ I & Fast Track classes begin 25 Fast Track 100% refund ends 25 Fall, Fall I, FJ I & Fast Track schedule change, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. & 5:00-7 p.m. 26 Fall I and FJ I 100% refund ends 26 Fall, Fall I and FJ I schedule change, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. & 5:00-7 p.m. 27 Fall Schedule change, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 27 Fast Track 50% refund ends 28 Fast Track 25% refund ends 29 Fall Semester 100% refund ends 29 Fall I and FJ I 50% refund ends 29 Weekend Courses begin September 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 8 8 4 9 10 11 15 17 18 Holiday – college closed Weekend 100% refund ends Last day to add a Weekend class Fall I and FJ I 25% refund ends Last day to submit residency petitions for Full Fall status changes Fast Track mid-term Fall Student Bookstore charges end Fall Semester 50% refund ends Last day to submit residency petitions before 10-Week fee payment ends (not registered for Full Fall) Weekend Courses 50% refund ends Weekend Courses 25% refund ends Fast Track last day to withdraw from a class Fall Semester 25% refund ends Fall I & FJ I mid-term Fast Track exams 18 18 19 20-21 22 22 22 23 23-25 24 24 25 October Fast Track classes end 10-Week last day to add a course 10-Week Late Registration. A $150 late fee is charged 10-Week online Late Registration. No faculty advisors. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees are due upon registering. 10-Week Late registration. A $150 late fee is charged 10-Week registrations for faculty, staff and senior citizens 10-Week student bookstore charges begin 10-Week classes begin 10-Week schedule change 10-Week student bookstore charges end 10-Week last day to submit residency petitions 10-Week classes 100% refund ends 1 10-Week classes 50% refund ends 1 Fall financial aid disbursement 3 Last day to submit residency petitions before Fall II fee payment ends (not registered for Full Fall or 10-Week) 6 10-Week classes 25% refund ends 7 Fall I & FJ I last day to withdraw 10 Fall I & FJ I classes end 10 Fall Graduation Applications due 13-14 Student holidays 13-17 Book buy back 15 Fall & Weekend mid-term 15 Fall II & FJ II last day to add a course 15-16 Fall I & FJ I exams 16 Last day to submit residency petitions for Fall II only 16-17 Fall II & FJ II late registration. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees are due upon registering. 17 Fall II student Bookstore charges begin 17 Fall II & FJ II registrations for faculty, staff and senior citizens 18-19 Fall II & FJ II online late registration. No faculty advisors. A $150 late fee is charged. All tuition and fees are due upon registering. 20 Fall II & FJ II classes begin 20-21 Fall II & FJ II schedule change 21 Fall II & FJ II schedule change ends 21 Fall II & FJ II 100% refund ends 24 Fall II & FJ II 50% refund ends 24 Fall II student Bookstore charges end 28 Fall II & FJ II 25% refund ends 29 10-Week mid-term November 4 12 14 26 27-30 Holiday – college closed Fall II & FJ II mid-term Fall II financial aid disbursement Student holiday Holiday – college closed December 2 Spring last day to submit residency petitions before fee payment ends 3 Last day to withdraw from Fall credit classes 5 Weekend Courses end 9 Fall, 10-Week, Fall II & FJ II classes end 9-17 Book buy back 10-11 Fall, 10-Week, Fall II & FJ II exams 12-13 Weekend Courses exams 15-16 Fall, 10-Week, Fall II & FJ II exams For important dates regarding Spring Semester, which begins January 12, 2015, please refer to the MTC Quick Calendar at midlandstech.edu/quickcalendar. ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAMS Accounting Administrative Office Technology Architectural Engineering Technology Associate in Arts Associate in Science Automotive Technology Building Construction Technology Civil Engineering Technology Commercial Graphics Computer Technology Criminal Justice Technology Dental Hygiene Early Care and Education Electronics Engineering Technology General Technology Health Information Management Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Technology Human Services Machine Tool Technology Management Marketing Mechanical Engineering Technology Medical Laboratory Technology Network Systems Management Nursing (ADN) Paralegal Physical Therapist Assistant Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Mechanics Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Industrial Electricity/Electronics Machine Tool Pharmacy Technician Practical Nursing Surgical Technology CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Advanced Computer Systems Advanced Manufacturing Automation Alternate Energy Technology Principles American Sign Language Applications Programming Architectural Computer Graphics Architectural Design Technology Architectural Systems and Codes Automotive: • Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Repair • Brake, Suspension and Steering Repair • Drive Train Repair • Electrical Systems Repair • Engine Performance • Engine Repair Basic Computer Maintenance Basic Electrical Wiring Basic Electronics Cardiac Care Technician Chemical Technology Child Care Commercial Graphics: • Electronic Publishing • Offset Pre-Press Techniques Community Pharmacy Technician Computed Tomography Computer Aided Design Computer Systems Infrastructure Construction Engineering Technology Criminal Justice Customer Service Database Development Digital Systems Early Childhood Development Engineering Science Enterprise Entrepreneurship Environmental and Economic Design Environmental Systems Technology Fundamentals of Robotics Geographic Information Systems Geomatics Gerontology Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Help Desk Infant/Toddler Information Systems Networking LAN Networking Systems Legal Administrative Assistant Low Impact Land Development Machine Tool: • Bench Work/Lathe Operations Machining Mechanical Process Technology Mechanical Systems Dynamics Mechanical Technology Fundamentals Mechatronics Technology I Medical Assisting Medical Office Administrative Assistant Medical Record Coder Networking Specialist Nuclear Medicine Technology Nuclear Systems Technology Nursing Assistant Office Support Specialist Paralegal Phlebotomy Pre-Dental Hygiene Pre-Health Care Pre-Health Information Management Pre-Medical Laboratory Technology Pre-Nursing Pre-Occupational Therapy Assistant Pre-Physical Therapist Assistant Pre-Respiratory Care Routing and Networking Configuration Special Needs Structural Technology Web Design and Maintenance Welding Technologies I CALENDAR • PROGRAMS Degree, Diploma, Certificate and Cooperative Programs of Study COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS (General Education Components only; Clinicals available only through Greenville Tech) Biotechnology Laboratory Technician Pre-Occupational Therapy Assistant Midlands Technical College does not discriminate in admissions or employment on the basis of race, sex, national origin or ethnic group, color, age, religion, disability, genetic information, military service, or pregnancy. The compliance officer for Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity and Disability Action can be reached at (803) 822-3261. To ensure the quality and availability of services, the college requests that students with disabilities notify Counseling Services at (803) 822-3505 of any special accommodation needs at least 30 working days prior to the first day of class. Call (803) 822-3401 for a TTY SuperPrint telephone. For information about MTC graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed their programs, and other information, please visit our website at midlandstech.edu/gep. 5 Applying to the College APPLICATION The college is accepting applications for Fall Semester; however students should be aware that advisement appointments and availability of course sections for Fall Semester and Fall Semester I may become limited. Please note that advisement appointments cannot be made until the applicant has taken the College Placement test and/or submitted prior college transcripts. For a current listing of course offerings, please visit the course search link at midlandstech.edu. Applications are required for: • all new students; • students who have not been enrolled at MTC since Fall 2013; • students who graduated from MTC; and • visiting students from other colleges. The college recently put an enhanced version of its admissions application online at midlandstech.edu/admissions. Use of the online application should make the admission process easier. The electronic admission application can be found at midlandstech.edu at the online application link. Students may also obtain a paper application by calling the Student Information Center at (803) 738-8324, visiting the Admissions offices on the Beltline and Airport campuses, or by writing to: Admissions, Midlands Technical College, P.O. Box 2408, Columbia, SC 29202. There is a $35 non-refundable application fee. TRANSCRIPTS New students must have a copy of their high school transcript or proof of successful completion of the GED sent to the Admissions Office if they: 1. are less than 18 years of age; 2. are applying for entry into a Nursing or Health Sciences program; 3. wish to use their transcript to provide evidence of SAT/ACT scores or GPA; 4. are applying for Financial Aid or a LIFE Scholarship; or 5. are requested to do so by the Admissions Office. All students who have attended another regionally accredited college must arrange for an official transcript from each college to be sent directly to the Admissions Office, Midlands Technical College, P.O. Box 2408, Columbia, SC 29202. An official transcript is one that Midlands Technical College receives directly from the issuing college or university. It must bear the college seal, date and an appropriate signature. Transcripts that were issued to the student may be used for acceptance into the college but are not official and may not be used for transfer evaluation. Faxed copies may also be used for acceptance, but the official copy must be received by mail or received electronically through Parchment Exchange for transfer evaluation. Please allow several weeks for receipt of transcript documents. TESTING FOR COURSE PLACEMENT Students will be asked to take the college’s placement test unless they provide proof of exemption, such as CLEP, AP exams or prior college coursework. Even if you provided SAT/ACT scores for admission to the college, you will still need to take the placement test. 6 All placement tests should be taken within three years of course enrollment. To schedule a placement test, call (803) 790-7522 or (803) 822-3659. OTHER TESTS Certain academic programs may require additional testing beyond the college’s placement test. For example, students applying for Nursing and Health Sciences programs should arrange to take the appropriate health admissions exam. Students planning to enroll in a foreign language must take the foreign language placement test prior to classes beginning if: 1. they have studied the language within the last five years; or 2. know something of the language through personal exposure. The Admissions Office will inform you of any additional testing that may be required. ADVISING Once you have been admitted to the college, you must schedule an appointment with an advisor to plan your program of study and select the right courses for your educational goals. New students without previous college credit, and who have already selected a major, are advised by the college’s New Student Advisement Center. Note: new students in the Engineering or Industrial Technologies program should contact their department contact on page 7. Visiting students who are taking classes while enrolled at another college are also advised by the college’s Advisement Center. Note appointment deadlines on page 4. The Airport Campus Advisement Center is located in room 228 of the Student Center. The Beltline Campus Advisement Center is located in room 239 of the Student Center. The centers are open Monday-Wednesday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Thursday from 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: Airport Campus, ASC 215, 822-3388; Beltline Campus, BSC 239, 738-7810. Students with Undecided majors are advised by Counseling Services, located in room 237 of the Airport Student Center and room 239 of the Beltline Student Center. The centers are open Monday-Wednesday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Thursday from 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and Friday from 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. New students with previous college credit are advised by their academic department listed on page 7. COMPLIANCE WITH THE SC ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM ACT To be admitted to the college, students must be in compliance with state law. State law requires Midlands Technical College to review the citizenship status or lawful immigration status of every student who seeks enrollment or is currently enrolled. In most cases, the college will verify a student’s United States citizenship through other legal means, such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students who are not eligible to complete the FAFSA or choose not to do so are responsible for completing the MTC Verification of Legal Presence Form. This form is located at midlandstech.edu/forms. If you have questions about this process, you can call (803) 738-7811 or email verify@midlandstech.edu. Scheduling an Advisement Appointment Refer to the following chart to see when you should begin calling your academic department to receive information on scheduling your advisement appointment. CAMPUS New Students No previous college credits No previous college credits Arts & Sciences College Transfer (AA and AS) College Transfer (AA and AS) Business and Public Service Accounting, Criminal Justice, Entrepreneurship, Management, and Marketing Paralegal Accounting, Criminal Justice, Entrepreneurship, Management, and Marketing American Sign Language, Child Care, Early Care and Education, Early Childhood Development, Gerontology, Human Services, and Infant Toddler Engineering Technologies and Engineering Transfer All Programs Health Sciences Community Pharmacy Technician, Expanded Duty Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Health Information Management, Medical Assisting, Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Record Coder, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Pre-Health Care, Pre-Occupational Therapy Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care and Surgical Technology Industrial Technologies Automotive; Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Repair; Brake, Suspension and Steering Repair; Drive Train Repair; Electronic Systems Repair; Engine Performance; and Engine Repair Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) Building Construction Technology (BCT), Commercial Graphics (CGC), Electronic Publishing, and Offset Pre-Press Techniques Basic Electrical Wiring and Industrial Electricity (EEM) Bench Work/Lathe Operations and Machine Tool (MTT) Welding (WLD) Mechatronics Information Systems Technology Applications Programming, Computer Technology, Customer Service, Database Development, Enterprise, Help Desk, Legal Administrative Assistant, Medical Office Administrative Assistant, Office Support Specialist, Administrative Office Technology, and Web Design and Maintenance Applications Programming, Computer Technology, Customer Service, Database Development, Enterprise, Help Desk, Information Systems Management, LAN Networking Systems, Legal Administrative Assistant, Medical Office Administrative Assistant, Networking Specialist, Office Support Specialist, Administrative Office Technology, Routing and Networking Configuration, Network Systems Management, and Web Design and Maintenance Nursing All Programs Visiting (Transient) Students and Professional Upgrade (Career Development) Professional Upgrade (Career Development) and Visiting (Transient) Students Counseling & Career Services Undecided Undecided AC – Airport Campus BC – Beltline Campus NE – Northeast Campus AC BC AC BC DATE TO BEGIN CALLING CONTACT PERSON PHONE midlandstech.edu/new Christina Slice (ASC 228) midlandstech.edu/new Kataya Dease (BSC 239) 822-3388 738-7810 June 9 June 9 Program office (RO 103) Program office (WM 403) 822-3293 738-7612 AC AC/BC June 9 June 11 June 9 Cheneeka Nash (SA 137) Jeanne West (CO 131) Kat Kinnie (LB 111) 822-3602 822-3594 AC/BC June 9 Donya Albert (SA 115) 822-3358 BC 738-7732 NE June 10 Janessa Amaker (ETS 272/280) 691-3888 AC June 2 Health Sciences Advising Appointment Line 822-3068 BC AC June 2 June 4 Melissa Collins (AU 120) Stephanie Joyner (SA 149) 738-7751 822-3361 AC BC BC AC BC June 11 June 9 June 9 June 9 June 9 Stephanie Joyner (SA 149) Ronnie West (AU 109) Ronnie West (AU 109) Stephanie Joyner (SA 149) Ronnie West (AU 109) 822-3361 738-7152 738-7152 822-3361 738-7152 AC June 11 Jeanne West (CO 131) 822-3594 BC June 11 Kat Kinnie (LB 111) 738-7732 AC May 19 AC/BC Anytime AC BC Anytime Anytime Email: prenursingadvisement@ midlandstech.edu Please call 803-738-8324 Choose Option 9 Debbie Davis (ASC 237) Renee Thompson (BSC 239) 822-3505 738-7636 APPLYING • ADVISORS PROGRAM 7 How to Register NEW/READMIT STUDENTS The Admissions Office will notify you of your acceptance to the college and refer you to the next steps in the enrollment process: advisement, scheduling and fee payment. If you have prior college credit from a regionally-accredited college other than Midlands Technical College, it is important that you take copies of these college transcripts to your advisement sessions. CONTINUING STUDENTS ADVISEMENT • Meet with a departmental advisor to select appropriate courses. Schedule an appointment before July 24. Note appointment deadlines on page 4. • If you are web-enabled, you do not need to meet with an advisor unless you have questions. You may register online at mymtc.midlandstech.edu. SCHEDULING • Check course availability online at midlandstech.edu; or • Visit the Online Services Center on either campus (Beltline - BSC 227; Airport - ASC 222) to check for course availability. REGISTRATION Web Registration: • Students who are web-enabled may register online at mymtc.midlandstech.edu. On-Campus Registration: • Students who are not web-enabled may register at the Records Office in WM 103 on the Beltline Campus or ASC 223 on the Airport Campus. Online Services and Web Registration Locations: (June 16 - August 15) • Airport Campus—Airport Student Center, Room 222 • Beltline Campus—Beltline Student Center, Room 227 Late/Extended Registration (May 14): A $150 late fee is charged. See midlandstech.edu/records for details on registration dates, times and locations. Tuition and fees are due by 7:00 p.m. Schedule Change Period for Open Sections: Please check the Records webpage for times and locations: midlandstech.edu/records. Some programs allow only those students who currently have a schedule to participate in schedule change. Please check with your department. Students should check course availability before making changes. Choosing Your Courses 8 Tuition and Fee Payment Check your MyMTC account and MTC email regularly for important messages from the college and to verify that all charges have been paid. If you have not paid your account in full or set up a NELNET payment plan by 1:30 p.m. on August 15, your entire schedule may be deleted. See page 9 for more information on NELNET payment plan. SCHEDULING OPTIONS Distance Learning In addition to the traditional classroom, Midlands Technical College offers several different approaches to distance learning. These classes are most appropriate for disciplined students who work independently and complete coursework on time. Although courses taught at a distance are challenging, many students consider them an attractive option because of the scheduling flexibility they provide. Internet courses: Students enrolled in Internet courses must complete orientation requirements. This orientation is online for many Internet courses but is an on-campus, face-toface meeting for others. Most Internet courses require that tests be taken in the MTC Testing Center. Students must read the Internet course orientation information for each Internet course in which they are enrolled. Visit midlandstech.edu and select Course Search to view orientation information. Hybrid courses are on-campus courses with an out-of-class component. You will be required to attend classes on campus, as well as complete additional coursework outside of the classroom. This out-of-class requirement is online for many hybrid courses, while other courses require additional activities to meet this requirement. These courses may have a mandatory orientation. Visit midlandstech.edu and select Course Search to view orientation information. Broadcast courses: These courses are transmitted from a studio by satellite or compressed video to other classroom locations where students view the course on television. These courses allow for live conversation between the instructor and students, as well as interaction among students. A complete and up-to-date listing of all Fall Semester courses is available online. Financing Your Classes HOW AND WHEN TO PAY You may make self-determined partial payments of tuition and fees until your account is paid in full by August 15 at 1:00. Students will not receive a bill via the mail for current semester charges. Amounts due are reflected on your registration statement or may be obtained via the web. If you have not paid your account in full or completed a NELNET payment plan by 1:00 p.m. on August 15, your schedule may be deleted. Tuition and fees may be paid with cash, in-state checks, or money order. Payments may be made online with electronic check, VISA, American Express, MasterCard or Discover or by calling (803) 732-5200. A 2.5% service fee will be applied to all card transactions used to pay tuition and fees. All transactions are processed as a credit card transaction. Payments mailed to MTC Finance and Accounting Office, P.O. Box 2408, Columbia, SC 29202, must be postmarked by August 8. Payments without student ID numbers will not be processed. Students are expected to meet all financial obligations when due. Collection costs and charges, along with all attorneys’ fees necessary for the collection of any debt to the college, will be charged to and paid by the debtor. SPONSORSHIPS Is someone else paying for a portion or all of your tuition, fees and/or books? A sponsorship is when your job or other organization has a program to pay directly to Midlands Technical College for a portion or all of your tuition, fees and/or books. To ensure that your classes are not deleted, please submit the proper documentation to the Accounts Receivable Department, Reed Hall, Airport Campus, or the nearest cashier’s office at least five business days before the end of fee payment deadline for each semester/term. Please allow three business days from receipt of documentation to process bookstore charge allowances. LATE/EXTENDED REGISTRATION Students registering after August 15 will be required to pay a $150 late fee. Students who have already registered and paid fees by August 15 may change their schedule without a late fee. If you register late or add additional classes/credit hours after August 15, all of your tuition and fees are due the day you register, or your entire class schedule may be deleted. For details on Late/Extended Registration, go to midlandstech.edu/records. Click on Fall 2014 Registration Information. THE NELNET (formerly FACTS) PLAN To help you meet your educational expenses, Midlands Technical College is pleased to offer NELNET as a convenient budget plan. NELNET is a tuition management plan that provides you with a low-cost option for budgeting tuition and fees. It is not a loan program. You have no debt, there are no interest or finance charges assessed, and there is no credit check. The cost to budget monthly payments through NELNET is a $25.00-per-semester, nonrefundable NELNET Enrollment Fee. The NELNET Enrollment Fee is automatically deducted from your account immediately. You may budget your tuition and fees in the following ways: • Automatic Bank Payment (ACH) – ACH payments are those payments you have authorized NELNET to process directly from your financial institution. • Credit Card Option – Your monthly payment will be automatically charged to the credit card designee. Upon your completion of the NELNET payment plan online, you will receive an immediate confirmation number. Payments will not appear immediately on MyMTC. The payment will appear within approximately 10 business days. Payments are processed on the fifth of each month and will continue until the balance is paid in full. REGISTERING • FINANCING TUITION AND FEES Tuition is based on the student's legal domicile. Residents of Richland, Lexington and Fairfield counties pay the lowest tuition at the college. For Fall semester tuition and fees, visit midlandstech.edu/finance/tuition.htm. NELNET (formerly FACTS) ENROLLMENT Enroll in the NELNET Payment Plan online at midlandstech.edu/finance/nelnet.htm. NOTE: Please do not use the Make a Payment link. The following information is needed to complete your agreement: • Student ID • The name, address, and email address of the person responsible for making the payments • Account information: - If paying by automatic bank payments, you will need the bank name, telephone number, account number, and the bank routing number. Most of this information is located on your check. Do not use a deposit slip for this information. - If paying by credit card, you will need the credit card number and expiration date. • To protect your privacy, you will need to create your own unique NELNET Access Code. Please be sure it is something you can easily remember. • Your balance will NOT be automatically adjusted if financial aid is received or a class is dropped or added. You must complete a termination or change form at the Cashiers office at least five days before your next payment date. 9 Financing Your Classes FALL 2014 NELNET PAYMENT SCHEDULE Required Down Number of Dates Payment Payments June 16 - July 22 25% 3 July 23 - August 15 33% 2 August 16 - 21 33% 2 August 22 - 29 50% 1 Months of Payments Aug. - Oct. Sep. - Oct. Sep. - Oct. Oct. only FINANCIAL AID OPPORTUNITIES The Student Financial Services Office at Midlands Technical College is dedicated to assisting students with their educational financial needs. There are a wide variety of assistance programs available at the college including Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal Direct Student Loans, Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans, Federal Work Study, LIFE Scholarships (not available for summer terms), SC State Need Based Grants and the Lottery Tuition Assistance Program. To receive financial aid, you must submit a FAFSA application and meet all eligibility requirements each year. Be sure to use the MTC code (003993) when completing the online FAFSA. Complete financial aid information, including eligibility requirements and application timelines, can be found on the Student Financial Services website, midlandstech.edu/SFS, or by calling 738-7792. The MTC Foundation Board has established scholarships and endowed funds that may offer assistance with tuition, fees, and even textbooks and supplies for MTC students. A complete guide to these scholarship opportunities is available at midlandstech.edu/sfs. LATE FEES A late fee of $150 will be assessed to all late registrations after August 15. Although partial payment is allowed throughout the fee payment period, accounts must be paid in full or NELNET Payment Plan completed by 1:00 p.m., August 15, or schedules may be deleted. If you register late or add additional classes/credit hours after August 15, all of your tuition and fees are due the same day you register, or your entire class schedule may be deleted. Students still wishing to enroll for Fall 2014 after August 15 should refer to midlandstech.edu/records for details on late registration dates, times and locations. INSTITUTIONAL REFUND PROCEDURES All students must officially withdraw from classes in order to receive a full or partial refund. To officially withdraw, a student must complete a Drop/Add/Withdrawal Form and turn it in to the Student Records Office located on the Airport or Beltline campus. The Drop/Add/Withdrawal Forms may be obtained at the Student Information Centers and the Student Records Office on each campus. Web-enabled students may officially withdraw via the web through the end of the schedule change period. After the end of the schedule change period, all course withdrawals must be processed through the Records Office. Payment will be required if a student does not attend class(es) (no show) and does not officially withdraw. Students will be billed for classes and the debt will be processed through 10 the college’s collection procedures if payment is not received. Refunds will take approximately 3-4 weeks to process. The amount of the refund will be based on the date the completed form is received by the Student Records Office, according to the Institutional Refund Schedule below. All fees are nonrefundable. Forms received for Fall Semester: August 29 or earlier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100% refund August 30 - September 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50% refund September 9 - 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25% refund After September 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0% For Fall I, Fall II, Fort Jackson, Fast Track, 7-Week, and Weekend Courses refund dates, see page 4 - Fall Semester 2014 Calendar. TITLE IV REPAYMENT Students who withdraw or are administratively withdrawn from all classes prior to completing more than 60 percent of the term will have their eligibility for aid recalculated based on the percentage of the term completed. Based on this recalculation, the student may be required to repay the college and/or the Department of Education a portion of the funds received. Students with an unpaid debt to the college will not be allowed to register or receive transcripts and may lose their financial aid eligibility. MTC DEBIT CARD Midlands Technical College has partnered with Higher One, a financial services company, to bring a new method for receiving financial aid refunds to MTC students – the MTC Debit Card. The MTC Debit Card is designed to provide you with a faster electronic way to receive your financial aid refunds. Upon receiving your MTC Debit Card, visit MTCDebitCard.com to activate your refund preference. MTC does not have access to your banking information. You will have electronic refund options, including: • Easy Refund – have your funds available for use on your MTC Debit Card immediately on the published disbursement dates on the college calendar. • ACH Transfer – have your funds transferred to your existing bank checking or savings account within two to three business days following the published disbursement dates on the college calendar. Please note that if no choice is made, a default check will be mailed to you from Higher One. Please keep in mind you will receive your refund more quickly if you choose one of the electronic options. Your new MTC Debit Card will be mailed in a bright green envelope to your current address on file with MTC. Therefore, it is critical that you verify your mailing address as soon as possible. There is a fee assessed for a replacement card. Log on to your MyMTC account, then click on "My Profile" under Account Information to view what is on file with the college. If the address information is incorrect, you should update the address by clicking on "Address Change" under the Account Information section. If your address is incorrect, you should update your address online at midlandstech.edu/records (click on the Forms tab). Visit mtcdebitcard.com to learn more about all the great benefits that accompany your MTC Debit Card. DURING THE REGISTRATION PERIOD Students who have already registered and paid fees by August 15 may change their schedule without a late fee. Students approved for web registration may drop and add courses online from the beginning of registration through the schedule change period, provided prerequisites are met. Web availability may be limited on some dates due to system maintenance and high user volume. Students who are not approved for web registration may drop courses, add alternates or change course sections without seeing an advisor if they have the pink copy of their advisement forms with them at the Records Office. Without this form, students need to see their advisors. Adding new courses not listed on the advisement form or not having your copy of the form means another visit to the advisor. AFTER THE TERM BEGINS For schedule change dates, advisors, data entry and cashier locations, go to midlandstech.edu/records. Click on Fall 2014 Registration Information. Then click on Schedule Change Locations. Schedule change dates for Fall 2014 are: • August 15-26, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. • August 27, 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. WEEKEND COURSES Students enrolled in weekend courses may alter their schedules during the above dates and locations. The additional Schedule Change dates for students enrolled in weekend courses is September 2 from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. in the Online Services Center on Airport and Beltline campuses. Dropping/Withdrawing from a Class DO YOU KNOW HOW IT AFFECTS YOU? Did you know that dropping a class may affect more than just your grade? If not, then you owe it to yourself to find out more information. Here are some policies to help you make smart decisions when you are thinking of dropping a class. How it affects your Academic Standing • Withdrawals (dropping a class) through the fifth day of a full term, third day of a summer term, or the second day of mini sessions and first day of Fast Track classes is considered a “drop” and will not show on the official transcript. (Web transactions may only be processed through the published schedule change period.) • Withdrawals after the above dates through midterm will result in a grade of “W”; however, it may delay your graduation date depending on the sequence of course offerings. • Withdrawals after midterm will receive a grade of “W” if passing the course at the time of withdrawal or a grade of “WF” if failing the course on the date last attended. A “WF” is computed in a student’s GPA the same as an “F.” • Withdrawals – grade of “W” are not punitive for your academic record. How it affects your Financial Aid • Students who receive federal or state financial aid must be aware that repeated courses and noncredit remedial courses (developmental courses) with grades of W, WF, I and NC will be considered in assessing their progress toward completion. • Students who do not satisfactorily complete at least 70 percent of attempted hours will no longer be eligible for FINANCING • CHANGING SCHEDULE • DROPPING Changing Your Schedule federal or state assistance. In other words, if you drop several classes you may not be eligible for financial aid. Use the Completion Rate Guide below to calculate your completion rate. • Withdrawals (W and WF) are punitive for financial aid because you are not making satisfactory academic progress. COMPLETION RATE GUIDE Attempted Hours (All attempted hours with grades including W, WF, NC and I) Passed Hours (Total number of credit hours you have passed) Completion Rate (Passed Hours divided by Attempted Hours) _________ _________ _________ Remember: • A completion rate of 70 percent or above is needed to be eligible for financial aid. • To keep financial aid, students must have good academic standing (GPA of 2.0 or above). If you have any questions or would like more information before you decide to drop a class, please visit the following offices: Counseling Services, Advisement Center, Student Financial Services, or Academic Advisors. Important Note: YOU MUST officially drop a class to be eligible for a refund. If you do not officially drop a class, you will also be held accountable for any charges for that class. If your classes were held by financial aid and you do not attend (no show), financial aid will be removed and you will be held responsible for tuition and fees. 11 Services to Students At MTC, we strive to create a college environment that maximizes student success and the total development of the individual. Here are some of the programs and services that may help you achieve your college goals. STUDENT IDS In support of campus safety and security, all enrolled academic credit students are required to obtain and carry on their person a current MTC Student Identification Card. Please be advised that a current MTC Student ID card must be presented upon request when utilizing MTC facilities and/or when on campus. A current ID card is one having a sticker on the back denoting the current enrollment period. To view the current student ID card processing schedule, go to midlandstech.edu/studentlife and click on the “Student ID cards” link on the left side of the page or call 8223650 or 738-7860. Please bring: • Paid Tuition Fee Receipt. If you misplaced your original fee payment receipt, print another copy from your MyMTC account, obtain another copy from the Cashier in Reed Hall (Airport Campus) or Student Center (Beltline Campus), or bring your registration statement. The statement must reflect a $0 balance or a credit. • Picture ID Student ID cards are obtained through the Office of Student Life; some programs will require a $5 processing fee; all replacement IDs are $5. Only cash payments are accepted. Student IDs are not processed when credit classes are not in session. For more information, contact the Student Life office at studentlife@midlandstech.edu. DISABILITY SERVICES MTC works to make sure its programs, services, and activities are accessible to all students, in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Assistive Technology is available for students with disabilities in several locations on campus. For more information regarding services to students with disabilities, visit the college’s website or call for assistance at Counseling Services on Airport Campus, ASC 237 (822-3505), or Beltline Campus, BSC 239 (738-7636). BOOKSTORES The Midlands Technical College Bookstores offer new and used textbooks, reference books, computers, peripherals, school supplies, and major brands of academically priced software, including required drafting, graphics, computer, dental and health sciences supplies. They also offer a large selection of snack foods, drinks and MTC logo apparel and giftware. Bookstores are located on the first floor of the Student Centers on the Airport and Beltline campuses. The MTC Bookstores offer online ordering of textbooks. Visit mtcbook.com for complete information and hours of operation. To serve students better, the bookstores buy used books any time during the semester and extend special hours at the end of each term during exam week for book buyback. 12 LIBRARY Whether you have an assignment, research paper or just need the answer to a question, the MTC Library is here to help. During our operating hours, the library staff offers assistance with your research needs. The library’s online resources are available anytime via the web. In addition to its print collection, the library provides online access to a large collection of e-books, plus an extensive list of general and specialized databases covering numerous subject areas. For more information, visit our website at http://www.lib.midlandstech.edu. COUNSELING MTC’s Counseling Services staff is available to assist enrolled students, potential students and returning alumni in establishing personal and career goals. Counseling Services adheres to strict standards of confidentiality. Counseling programs and services include: personal counseling, academic counseling, career counseling and advising undecided students. For more information on Counseling Services, visit the college’s website or call for assistance at Counseling Services on Airport Campus, ASC 237 (822-3505), or Beltline Campus, BSC 239 (738-7636). ACADEMIC SUCCESS CENTERS The Academic Success Center is here to help students become successful independent learners by showing students how to access educational resources and by providing academic and study skills. Locations: Airport (803) 822-3545, Batesburg-Leesville (803) 604-1639, Beltline (803) 783-7871, Harbison (803) 407-5005, and Northeast (803) 691-3926. As available resources may difffer by campus, feel free to call before coming to be sure we have what you need. Free services for currently enrolled MTC students include: • Individualized tutoring in accounting, biology, English, languages, math, assistance with written assignments, and much more; • Computers to type papers, use Microsoft Office Suite, Internet, microcomputer programming and research applications; • Interactive educational software; • Microscopes, slides and science models; • Videos for accounting, anatomy, finance, macroeconomics, math, microeconomics, physics, statistics and other subjects; • Supplemental Instruction (SI) attached to selected courses. Find more information about all Academic Success Center resources and services at midlandstech.edu/successcenter. Campus Emergency Protocol Students and employees are asked to report safety concerns or suspicious activities to Campus Security at 7440 (on campus), or 738-7199 (cell phone and off campus). In the event of an emergency, student and employee protocol is to immediately call Campus Security or local 911. If an emergency occurs, the college will use a variety of methods to communicate additional information and instructions including the MTC Information Centers, campus loudspeakers, voice mail, email, college intranet, and the MTC website homepage. Fall 2014 Examination Schedule Class Time Exam Day Exam Time (Full-Term, 10-Week and Session II classes) M/W Day Classes 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 9:35 a.m. Monday, December 15, 2014 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 11:10 a.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. Monday, December 15, 2014 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 2:20 p.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 3:55/4:25 p.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Classes meeting on Fridays, the exams will be on Friday, December 12, 2014 during the regularly scheduled class period. T/Th Day Classes 8:00 a.m. 9:35 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 2:20 p.m. 3:55/4:25 p.m. Thursday, December 11, 2014 Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Thursday, December 11, 2014 Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Thursday, December 11, 2014 Thursday, December 11, 2014 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Short-Term Mini-Semester Classes: Exams for Session I classes will be given as follows during class times: Fall Session I M/W Classes: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 T/Th Classes: Thursday, October 16, 2014 Fall Session I grades are due to Data Control no later than Friday, October 17, 2014. M/W Evening Classes 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. Monday, December 15, 2014 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 9:10 p.m. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. T/Th Evening Classes 6:00 p.m. Thursday, December 11, 2014 7:35 p.m. Tuesday, December 16, 2014 9:10 p.m. Thursday, December 11, 2014 STUDENT SERVICES • EXAM SCHEDULE If your class does not meet during the times listed below, please contact your instructor. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Faculty must have grades entered into the system by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 17, 2014. Weekend Classes: Classes meeting on Friday will be given exams on Friday, December 12, 2014, during the regularly scheduled class period. Classes meeting on Saturday will be given exams on Saturday, December 13, 2014, during the regularly scheduled class period. NOTE: Changes to the examination schedule will be posted on the college website at midlandstech.edu. Once grades are posted, students can access grades online at midlandstech.edu/records. 13 14 Curb access ramps for students with disabilities AC - Academic Center AMT - Advanced Manufacturing Technologies ASC - Airport Student Center CO - Congaree Hall GR - Granby Hall HSB - Health Science Building IB - Industrial Building LA - Lab Building LX - Lexington Hall MA - Maintenance Building MH - Morris Hall MS - Materials Support OP - Operations RE - Reed Hall RO - Robinson Building SDH - Springdale Hall SA - Saluda Hall Building Legend Airport Campus Airport Campus Map BeltlineBeltline and Harbison Campus Campus Map Maps Beltline Campus AU - Automotive Building and Parking Garage RH - Richland Hall EL - Engineering Laboratory Building LB - Library Building LET - Lindau Engineering Technology Building BSC - Beltline Student Center PM - Precision Machining Building WM - Wade Martin Hall SSB - Student Services Building Curb access ramps for students with disabilities Harbison Campus CAMPUS MAPS Building Legend Beltline Campus Building Legend Harbison Campus A - Guard Station ADM - Administration CONF - Conference Center IH - Irmo Hall E - Storage HH - Harbison Hall CE - Continuing Education Center H - Maintenance CTB - Theater and Classroom Curb access ramps for students with disabilities 15 Fort Jackson and Northeast Campus Maps Fort Jackson Campus Northeast Campus Building Legend Northeast Campus CT - Center for Technology BA - Business Accelerator ETS - Engineering Technology and Sciences Building 16 Midlands Technical College Post Office Box 2408 Columbia, South Carolina 29202-9957 Non-Profit Org. PAID US Postage Columbia, SC Permit No. 970 For more information, call (803) 738-8324 or (800) 922-8038. Visit MTC on the web at midlandstech.edu. Be about Fall Registration Schedule appointment with advisor Visit www.midlandstech.edu/fall14advisement to find out when to call. Appointments fill up quickly, so call as soon as possible. Have your MTC student ID number ready when you call. Meet with advisor Keep your appointment and arrive on time. Your advisor will help you make the best selections for your course of study. You will be given an advisement form listing the courses you should take. Assign course sections Your classes are listed on the advisement form. You’ll need to select the specific course sections you want (example: ENG 101 A02). You’ll find the courses offered for fall semester listed online at midlandstech.edu – Course Search. Write down the sections you want to register for on your form. Keep your advisement form somewhere safe – you will need this to register! Register for courses Beginning June 16 for continuing students with earned grades from MTC, June 18 for all other students. Students who were previously web-enabled by their academic department can register at their MyMTC account. All others should visit the Records office on the Beltline or Airport campus to register. Take care of tuition and fees Fall 2014 fee payment will begin on July 1, 2014, and all fees must be paid by August 15, 2014, before 1:00 p.m. to avoid a late fee. Start here! midlandstech.edu • (803) 738-8324 eck o ch il at t e r u eek! Ema be s And MyMTC imes a w your t three t leas
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