SYSTEMS NGINEMANAGEMENT,FUEL,IGNITION& EXHAUST but by all means use a switch cleaning lubrioa them, reconnect the wiring and check the fault has disappeared.If so, great - you yourself a significantparts bill. If not, at gou will know that the fauli really is down to U (but don't forget to check the rest of the components - see below). D 2 8 l I O E C UT E R M I N AILD E N T I F I C A T I O N . ment, you can perform voltage checks at the ECU to determine whether the ECU and related sensing If ffi If you happen to have access to the and control systems are operating correctly. Signal Monitor, Adaptor and overlay sheet using the Engine Signal Monitor and Adaptor, unplug the ECU wiring and connect the adaptor and monitor as shown in the accompany diagram. 10 ffi ffi While we do not recommend this course of action, if you are suitably skilled in this sort of work and have appropriate equipment, it would seem reasonableto Input )utpu funnedlon to make each voltage check at the terminal concerned, o noting that the ECU must be connected normally 1S o during the test. You will T o need to introduce the meter positive (+) probe o through the back of the wiring connector, so a swilch (MT) o D28/9ECUVOLTAGE CHECKS. finetipped probe will be lnhrbtor s[ch {AT) needed, and care must be earlier,or are skilledin electronicdiag- taken to avoid damage to 2 8 and have suitable alternativd test equip- i h e t e r m i n a l p i n s . T h e VOLTAGE CHECKS ECUTERMINAL 2E 2l meter negative (-) probe should be connected to a suitableground point. The terminal locations are as shown in the diagram. 11 ffi If the readings obtained at one or more terminals are not as shown in the above table, make a note of the reading found and refer to the table for details of abnormal readings and sugqested causes. o Crank angle sensor (N€.sianal) o Crank angle *nsor (G-sional) Ground (Fderal) o rgnter Rear window deto$er switch OFF Rear window ddrder swilch ON illuminated lor 3 w. affer ignilion haild lgnilion siEh ON B6low 1.0V lgnilion swilch ON Headlights ON Oail, parkng, low boam/ Headhohis OFF NeuilaL rcsfion d clurcn pmal N Or ts ranoa Con$ant Conslanl ldle 2K Lmp Voltrg. Tcat condlllon Fan operatng (Engno cmlanl lemFra' lure over 97oC l207"Fl or dragnosis connmtor lsrmind TFA qrounded) Fan not ooeralno 0dle) Blower conlol swtci at mro, hrgh or 5- :on$anl 2L o 2M o (Ar) 2N o Oxygen sensor Acceleralor Fdd releasd Acc8terarct oeoar ruilv lrcreaso engine spe€d (Aner werm-up) o.5-1V Ded€€uon Buzer soundlor 3 s€. afrerignrtion swllchOFF*ON . With SelfDiagnoss Ch@kefand Syst€mSelstor . With Sy6tem S€l6tor te$ 20 o 2P o 20 o Approx.2.5V At 200c tsoFl bufi tn lh6tmosn$r T28/IOSECUTERMINAT VOLTAGETEST TABLE. .,SELF-TEST'' l|.ff ttrgarl OdF coimtlonb I rdoidnlon Yotraga Ramd( : IH | lgmm I ldle swrch oN o hidxor N6. 1, 3 Ged€ral and Csed.) No.r (C8litohhl ll o Iniexd N@. 2, 4 (F€ddal and Cffi&) No.z (Calildnb) N o ISC vdw o Sddid vdw (Purg6 @ffid) tot6 o Inlffi No. 3 (Cditdnb) @d€ra[on 2U 2X TffiffiffidJOm I rth rafrer,'.mn,6r r to t,rOO Approx.r2V td6 3,ru rmb rftrdonrd l,w ' Engi@ Signal Monbr: Gr€n and red lighb ll*h ' Engine Signal Monior: Grsn d rd lights llash pprox./v ' 2Y rom J,@ rpm @ t,s ' z TABLE. T28lIOA ECUTERMINAL VOTTAGETEST Inldd No. 4 {Cdfrdnie) lEasatron (Feddal lgnilion swibh ON o and rm !,@ m o r,s Engine Signal Monior: Grsn and €d lighls lla$ Engino Signal Monilofr Gren and rd lighb fld T28lIOC.ECUTERMINAL VOTTAGETEST TABLE, 5:37 MAZDAMTATA/MXs lmld C@ndlon lo Abnomd vohga Batery (Batery OK) 1E PolbL 6us . BmM 10Afus burned . Opsncicuit in wfing liom ROOMjoA tus to ECU termindI A Coodlo Ndfd Cldch to Abnomd vollga swtoh silch (MT) . Marn r€ley malfurction . Open ckcuil in Wr ng tom main retay to ECU teiminal 18 lc (Sbd Silion) . oFn crcul 1n wring from stat€r inlerltrk ECU leminel lC (Sbder tums) 1D Ch*ke. Poor conndion at ECU conn&tor . Inhiblor switch malluncton hhibitor switch (AT) . Shod cfcuil ln wiing lrom inhibitor switch to ECU . P@r conn€tion at ECU conn*tor . ECU mallunction . lnhrb{or swilch maltunction . ECUmallurction Mdlurcton indcalor lamp (MlL) (MlL always ON) (MlL never ON) . Open c?cuit in wirng from inhibitor switch to ECU . Sho4 ctcuil 1 wting irom combinalon met€r ro ECU leminal lE . ECU mdlunclion 2A 2A 2C 20 2E . OFn cifcuit in wfing lrom combination meter to ECU terminal lE Poor connetion at Ecu connetor ECU malfunction SdiDiagncis (Cde No.) Chek€r (No display on SeliDiagncis Ch*ked ("88" b displayed and buzer sounds continuously) Gfound Crank angle snsl (Nesignal) 2G Main relay mallunction OFn cfcuil n wting from maln relay to diagnoss connetor lerminal +B 2l . open o. sho( cicuit in wirlng lrom dlagnosis connetor terminal FEN lo ECU t€rminal 1F (!C d@s nol oFrale) switch OFF bul lJC . Reler to Code No.02 houbleshooting Shod ckcuii in wfing iiom ECU terminat 2K to atrPoor conn6tion al ECU connstor ECU mallunction Thrdle sn$r (Powef l6ninal) Poor connetion al ECU conn@tor ECU malfunclion tuo relay mafunction Open cifcut in wfing from main relay to NC retay Opn cifcuil in wklng ftom AC relay lo ECU term. nd 1J . Shon ckcuit in wiring lfom ilC retay to ECU term nd ]J . ECU mallunclon 1M DaagnosisconMtor {Temnal TEN) Vehicle sFd (Calilomie) snsr Always approx. 7V ; I hrof,le sensor misadjudment OFn cfcuil in wking lrom ECU lermtnat 2L to throt Open c rcuit in wfing lrom thronte $nsor to ground 2M Thrdle sn&r (AT) Open ctcuit in wfing from ECU lerminal 2M lo throt Open cicuit in wlr ng tom ECU terminat 2K lo nfor OFn . Shod crcuit in wklng lrom ECU lerminat 1K to diag nosis conn@tor lerminal TEN . OFn c rcuil in wiing from ECU teminat 1K to diag. nosis conn*lor termnal TEN . Open c fcult in wi ng liom diagnosis connetor ler m nal OND to ground 2N . Vehicle speed sonsor malllncuon . Shon ckcuit in wflng trom vehicle speed sensor to ECU lerminal lM 20 . Vehcl€ speed snsor malfunction . OFn clcut in wiing liom vehcle sped ECU lemlnel lM *nsf 1N Ahoftd vonrgc Thrd6 snsr (ldle ltrmind) Poslblc ctrcuil n wtring lrom ECU lerm nat 2D to thro! Thronle s€n$r misadiuslmeni Oxygen snmr . Reier to Code No.15 toubteshooting . Beter to code No,17 toubleshooting 2P Always ov or approl Aidlow mda (tntake a[ 5v Always0V or approx.5V . Roier to Code No.08 rolbLeshool ng . Beter to Code No.10 toublesh@ting to . lntake a r lhermosensor malilnclon 128/11A ECUTERMINALVOTTAGETEST- ABNORMALREADINGCHECKLIST. ConMhb . ECU mallunction Thronle sener mallundion Shod cicuit n wking hom ECIJ rehtnal 2L to thro! (MT) ffC switch mallunction Poor connetion at ECU connslol ECU mallunction 1K . Bsler to Code No m roubteshootng . Reler lo Code No.01 toubleshootng Below4.5Vor above5.5V . ECUmdturcton (ilC AlwaF 0V or approx.5V lgnil€r Feler lo Code No.01 troubloshmUng IJ . Poor codact at ground terminal . Op€n cfcuil in wfing from ECU to gfound 2r IH (Calilornia AT) More than 0V AlwaF 0V or approx.5V . P@r connetion al ECU conn€tor . ECU mallunciion lgntef ous Neutral swdch mallunction Clulch swilch mallunction Open clrcull in wfing fiom ECU leminal 1V to neu- switch to Man relay malfunclion Open cfcun in wiing hom main retay lo diagnGis connetor lBrmrnal +B OFn of shon ctcuil n wking irom diagnosis conn4tor termlnd MEN to ECU terminat iD (Monitor lamp) Po$lbh Neuf al switch malfunction Clutch switch matlunclion Shod cfcuit in wi ng from ECU teminat 1V to n6u. ECUTERMINALVOTTAGETEST- ABNORMATREADINECHECKLIST. 128/IlC eue fhronle snsr msdiuslmeni Shon cicuit in wiing trom ECU terminat lN to tnrd. rffi 20 Condlon b wd6r lhemNnsr Abno.mrl Always0V or approx.5V P@lbl. . Reler ro Cde 6us No 09 [oubleshooling ECU malfunction . Watsr thermosensor malfunciion . Thrcne snsor migdju$ment . . OFn ckcuil in wtring hom ECU teminat tN to throt 10 $oplighl swilch (stopliqhts oK) . Open circlit in wting irom throfre sensr to ground open c-cul in wil ng tiom stopt.gnl swlch ro Ecu terminal 10 Injelor . Main relay mdunction 2V . Ooen o. shod c{cut In wnng kolsrmrnal 2U or 2V . ECU malfunction P/S pre$ure swibh matlundion ISC valve Injeror to ECU . Herer to code No.34 toubtshoolino Shod crcuil in wring irom ECU leminal 1p to p/S ECU malfunction P/S presur€ swilch mallunction 2X &lenoid valve (Purg6 conroD Refer to Code No.26 foubtshooling Open circult in w I ng trom ECU teminat 1p to p/S Open ctcuil in wting tiom p/S pressure swltch to 9rouno 1Q (wilh blorer switch ON) AC swlch mallunction Open cfcuil n wning from ECU tehinat Ooen c'cul IR (C@ling lan OK) IS Blower codfol switch {Abwer lan OK) {Blow€r fan OK) IT Fear window ddro*er switch {Calilornia) lllumlnallon lamp ON when rear 1.0v in w" ng from AC sw{ch lo btower con. . Ooen o. sfod^c.cul I wnng tor lan reley lo ECU lermrnal 1R . ECU mallunction Siol ECU Poor ECU dsrc lnj@tor (Calilornia) . Main relsy malllnclion . Ooen o. shon c'cu{ In wtrnq lom lerminal 22 nidor to LCU . ECU mallunclon {Federal and Canada) c@hng cicuir In wtrng tiom b'ower conpot switch to termrnal 15 connslion al ECU conntrtor malfunction . 9pen crcuil n winng trom blower contot switch lo ECU terminal 15 . OFn or shon cicut in wUng lrom reaf window derosler swilch lo ECU leminal 1T . Open cfcuil n wking trom gniton switch to rear wndow detroster swltch . Rear wlndow deffosler swlch malfunc|on H€adlight (Headliohls OK) 128/IIB ECUTERMINALVOTTAGETESI- ABNORMALREADINGCHECKLIST. 5:38 . Main relay maltunclion . Ooen or-shod c-cu{ ,1 wmng I'om ,nj4tor lo ECU le to AC swtch ON llluminallon lamp never oN Injeror (Catifornia) ilC swilch maltunction Shon cfcuit in w rng irom ECU teminat tO to AC Poor connelion at ECU connstor ECU malfunclion (with blower switch ON) (Blower ian OK) . Solerord valve (Purge @ntot) maluncnon 128/IID ECUTERMINALVOTTAGETEST. ABNORMALREADINGCHECKLIST. w 7tI,2. 1 11 The crank angle sensoris located at the back of the cambox cover. Note that it is adjustable - its position sets the ignition iiming so apply a paint mark between the slotted adjuster and the adjacentcasting,so you can refit it without affectinq the timinq.
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