MATA SUKHDEVI SCHOOL Main G.T.K. Road, Nangli Poona, Delhi-110036 PH. : O11-27204129, 011-27202129 E-mail : SYLLABUS 2013-14 Class L.K.G./ PRE SCHOOL EVALUATION - I (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER) DATE SHEET FOR CLASS TEST FOR CLASS L.K.G CLASS TEST - I 10 Marks SUBJECT ENGLISH HINDI DATE 1-8-13 2-8-13 DAY Thursday Friday TOPIC Activity related to capital alphabet v{kj ys[ku ls lEcfU/kr fØ;kdyki MATHS E.V.S ORAL TEST 3-8-13 5-8-13 6-8-13 Saturday Monday Tuesday Activity related to Numbers Fruits / Vegetables English / Hindi Rhymes CLASS TEST - II 10 Marks SUBJECT ENGLISH HINDI DATE September DAY MATHS E.V.S Date and day as her date sheet TOPIC Activity related to capital alphabet v ls v% Numbers 1 to 10 + Activity Sweet home G.K. Ques / Ans from sheets + Rhymes (Eng /Hindi) EVALUATION - II (OCTOBER TO MARCH) DATE SHEET + SYLLABUS CLASS TEST - III 10 Marks SUBJECT ENGLISH HINDI DATE 25-11-13 26-11-13 DAY Monday Tuesday TOPIC Activity + Dictation v{kj ys[ku @ fØ;kdyki MATHS E.V.S ORAL TEST 27-11-13 28-11-13 29-11-13 Wednesday Thursday Friday Shapes Good habits English / Hindi Rhymes CLASS TEST - IV 10 Marks SUBJECT ENGLISH HINDI DATE 15-1-14 16-1-14 DAY Wednesday Thursday TOPIC Activity / capital alphabets v{kj ys[ku @ fØ;kdyki MATHS E.V.S ORAL TEST 17-1-14 18-1-14 20-1-14 Friday Saturday Monday Shapes Good habits English / Hindi Rhymes ENGLISH EVALUATION -1 (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER) Month Syllabus to be covered April MCB (Knowledge of Alphabets) Learning to alphabet Sheets work May MCB Learning to alphabet Sheets work MCB Learning to alphabet Sheets work July August September MCB Learning to alphabet Notebook MCB Learning to alphabet Notebook Reading and recognition of alphabets A to J Join the dots : Page No. 2-9 Sheets for recognition of alphabets A to J Sheets for practice for standing lines sleeping lines Reading and recognition of alphabet K to M Join the dots Page No. 10 to 15 Sheets for recognition of alphabets K to M Reading and recognition of alphabets N to Z Join the dots Page No. 16 to 21 Sheets for recognition of alphabets N to Z Sheets for practice for standing lines, sleeping lines Reading and recognition of alphabets (A to Z) Join the dots Page No. 22-29 Introduction to alphabets L, T, I, E Reading Join the dots Page No. 30 to 39 Introduction to alphabets F, H, A, M, V Month October ENGLISH EVALUATION -II (OCTOBER TO MARCH) Syllabus to be covered Learning to alphabet Introduction to alphabets W.P Note book Dictation of alphabets November Learning to alphabet Note book Trace the alphabet Page No. 50 to 59 Introduction to alphabet B, R, D, C, O, Q December Learning to alphabet Note book Trace the alphabet Page No. 60 to 69 Introduction to alphabet G, N, K, X, Y, Z January Learning to alphabet Note book Trace the alphabets Page no. 70 to 81 Introduction to alphabets S, J, U February Learning to alphabet Trace the alphabets Page No. 82 to 94 Introduction to alphabets (A to Z) March Summative Assessment - II fo"k; % fgUnh izFke ewY;kadu ¼vizSy&flrEcj½ ekl ekfld dk;Z vizSy iqLrd dk;Z ¼v{kj ygj½ vH;kl i`"B v & Å rd v{kjksa dh igpku rFkk ekSf[kd vH;kl v & Å rd igpku lEcfU/kr fØ;kdyki ebZ iqLrd dk;Z v rFkk ,s v{kjksa dh igpku lEcfU/kr fØ;kdyki tqykbZ iqLrd dk;Z vH;kl i`"V v & v% rd ekSf[kd vH;kl vks & v% rd ds v{kjksa dh igpku lEcfUèkr fØ;kdykiA vxLr iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% d & .k rd ekSf[kd vH;kl vks & v% rd fy[kr vH;kl fØ;kdyki v & ,s rd flrEcj iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% rd] d & .k rd ekSf[kd vH;kl vks & v rd fyf[kr vH;kl d & M rd fyf[kr vH;kl fo"k; % fgUnh f}rh; ewY;kadu¼vDVwcj&Qjojh½ ekl ekfld dk;Z vDVwcj iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% rd d & u rd ekSf[kd vH;kl p & ´ rd fyf[kr vH;kl uoEcj iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% rd rFkk d & e rd ekSf[kd vH;kl V & u rd fyf[kr vH;kl fnlEcj iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% rd rFkk d & K rd ekSf[kd vH;kl i & e rd fyf[kr vH;kl tuojh iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% rd rFkk d & K rd ekSf[kd vH;kl ; & K rd fyf[kr vH;kl Qjojh iqLrd dk;Z iqfLrdk dk;Z v & v% rd] d & K rd ekSf[kd vH;kl d & K rd fyf[kr vH;kl ekpZ o`gr ijh{kk & II MATHS EVALUATION -1 (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER) Month Syllabus to be covered April MCB Mathematics Primer - A Counting 1 to 10 Sheets for recognition of number 1 to 5 May MCB Oral counting 1 to 20 Sheets for recognition of number 6 July MCB Book work Oral counting 1 to 30 Pre - number concept big and small Tall and short August MCB Book work Shapes Note book work Pre - number concept Oral counting 1 to 40 Write number 1 to 8 Circle, Square Introduction to number 1 to 8, count and match Shapes Circle, Square September MCB Book work Oral counting 4 to 50 Write number 9, 10 counting 1 to 20 Shapes, Rectangle, Triangle Introduction to number 9, 10 count and write Rectangle and triangle Notebook work Pre - number concept MATHS EVALUATION -II (OCTOBER TO MARCH) Month Syllabus to be covered October MCB Note book work Oral counting 1 to 60 Introduction counting 11 to 20 November MCB Note book work Oral counting 61 to 70 Long and short, what comes after December MCB Note book work Oral counting 71 to 80 Introduction counting 41 to 60 Count and write, what comes after in and out January MCB Note book Oral counting 1 to 100 Write counting 61 to 80, what comes after Count and match February MCB Note book work Oral counting 1 to 100 Write counting 1 to 100 March Summative Assessment E.V.S EVALUATION - I (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER) Month Syllabus to be covered April Book work Environmental studies File work Page No. 24, 29 to 31 my self, family tree, family ties Know your family, happy hours in the family Colour concept May Book work File work Page No. 18 to 23 shapely shape Concept of shapes July Book work File work Page No. 2 to 7 : Colours, fruits's and vegetables Fruits and vegetables August Book work File work Page No. 25, 26, 28, 32 to 36 Right and left, growing up yummy food, sweet home, Page No. 41, 43 to 44 My daily routine, keeping clear and my body Parts of body, sweet home September Book work File work Page No. 37 to 40 : my school, fun at school My class, places around me E.V.S EVALUATION - II (OCTOBER TO MARCH) Month Syllabus to be covered October Book work File work Page No. 42, 45 to 47 : Good habits, farm animals, milk products, find the eggs Activity related to good habits November Book work File work Page No. 48 to 54, 56, 58 : My pet, Fishy business, more Water animals, searching for insects, what animal eat jungle jiggles, shadow, chirpy bird, same or different Animals and Insects December Book work File work Page No. 55, 57, 59 to 64, 66 to 68 Day and night, transport, our helpers Transport and our helpers January Book work File work Page No. 69 to 80, Seasons and festivals important for all Activity related to seasons and festivals February Book work Page No. 81 to 88 Think ! Think ! Think ! March Summative Assessment ART & ACTIVITY EVALUATION - I (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER) Month Syllabus to be covered April What is Arts ..................... 5 - 12 Elements of Art Line, shape, colours, stroke practice Let us fill colours Basic origami techniques 13-14 May How to draw Square, Triangle, Paper Tree (origami), Circle, Ball July Join the dots, Hut, Envelope (origami), Boat, the sun, contour line, veggie printing August Humpty - Dumpty, Thirsty crow, Book, Alphabet chart, Apple finger printing September Flower, Butterfly, Sail boats (origami) ART & ACTIVITY EVALUATION - II (OCTOBER TO MARCH) Month Syllabus to be covered October Fish, Kite, Flag, Number - Chart, Colour by numbers November Colour by numbers, Birdie, Dot impression X-Mas tree December Vegetables, Umbrella, Jaker (origami), floating duck, paper collage January Owl, Paper owl (origami), Cup, Clay Modeling, Balloon February Pluck and Paste, Cotton Pasting, Pull, fold and paste
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