Richardson Independent School District A CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 School: L.V. Berkner High School Mission To inspire all students to grow and Statement: succeed in the global society. RISD VISION RISD GOALS Where all students learn, grow, and succeed Goal 1 : Students are highly engaged in their educational life. RISD MISSION To serve and prepare all students for their global future RISD VALUES Integrity - Inspiration - Inclusiveness - Innovation Goal 2 : Profound curriculum is the foundation for learning. Goal 3 : RISD has high performing, student focused teachers. Goal 4 : RISD ensures excellence in operations. Identified Needs: Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Category : Academic Performance Data 1. STAAR English data indicate a need to increase the passing performance for all students at the Level II Phase 2 standard. 2. STAAR Algebra 1 data indicate a need to increase the passing performance for all students at the Level II Phase 2 standard. 3. STAAR Algebra 1 data indicate a need to increase the participation rate for the Asian student group. 4. STAAR Biology data indicate a need to increase the passing performance for all students at the Level III standard. 5. STAAR US History data indicate a need to increase the passing performance for all students at the Level III standard. 6. Campus data indicate a need to improve the percentage of exams passed in AP Economics, AP Government, AP Psychology and AP Human Geography. 7. Campus data indiate a need to improve the percentage of exams passed in AP Calculus AB, AP Physics B and AP Environmental Science. 8. Ensure all administrators, counselors and AP teachers have completed initial GT training or GT update. 9. Campus data indicate a need to increase the performance and participation rate on the SAT and ACT exams. 10.Campus data indicate a need to increase dual credit offerings and participation. 11.Increase awareness of the knowledge and skills identified in the RISD graduate profile. 12.Campus data indicate a need to increase the percentage of Long Term English Language Learners (LTELLs) who exit the program at the end of the school year. 13.Continue to implement the following district initiatives: Differentiated Instruction, Project Based Learning, Professional Learning Communities and Technology Integration. 14.Increase awareness of Dyslexia, 504, and Inclusion programming. Category : Survey Data (Student Engagement, Staff Climate, Parent Climate) 15.Increase parental involvement in school related activities and events. 16.Campus student survey data indicate a need to increase student perception on the Student Engagement Survey. School: L.V. Berkner High School Page 1 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 School: L.V. Berkner High School Mission To inspire all students to grow and Statement: succeed in the global society. RISD VISION RISD GOALS Where all students learn, grow, and succeed Goal 1 : Students are highly engaged in their educational life. RISD MISSION To serve and prepare all students for their global future RISD VALUES Integrity - Inspiration - Inclusiveness - Innovation Goal 2 : Profound curriculum is the foundation for learning. Goal 3 : RISD has high performing, student focused teachers. Goal 4 : RISD ensures excellence in operations. Identified Needs: Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Category : Community & Student Engagement Accountability System 17.Campus data indicate a need to increase the four year graduation rate for all students. 18.Improve student and parent awareness of CTE courses and endorsements. 19.Increase awareness of coordinated school health program. Category : Other 20.Campus data indicate a need to improve teacher retention. 21.Campus discipline data incdicate a need to descrease the number of out of school suspensions (OSS). 22.Increase awareness of bullying, harrassment, dating violence and internet safety. Expected Changes: Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Category : Academic Performance Data 1. The passing performance for all students on STAAR English will increase by 10% at the Level II Phase 2 standard. 2. The passing performance for all students on STAAR Algebra 1 will increase by 8% at the Level II Phase 2 standard. 3. The STAAR Algebra 1 participation rate for the Asian student group will increase by 3%. 4. The passing performance for all students on STAAR Biology will improve by 9% at the Level III standard. 5. Passing performance for all students on the STAAR US History will increase by 5% at the Level III standard. 6. The percentage of exams passed in AP Economics, AP Government, AP Psychology and AP Human Geography will increase by 10%. 7. The percentage of exams passed in AP Calculus AB, Physics B, and AP Environmental Science will increase by 10%. 8. All administrators, counselors and AP teachers will complete the initial GT training or GT update. School: L.V. Berkner High School Page 2 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 School: L.V. Berkner High School Mission To inspire all students to grow and Statement: succeed in the global society. RISD VISION RISD GOALS Where all students learn, grow, and succeed Goal 1 : Students are highly engaged in their educational life. RISD MISSION To serve and prepare all students for their global future RISD VALUES Integrity - Inspiration - Inclusiveness - Innovation Goal 2 : Profound curriculum is the foundation for learning. Goal 3 : RISD has high performing, student focused teachers. Goal 4 : RISD ensures excellence in operations. Expected Changes: Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 9. The SAT mean scores will be greater than 489 Critical Reading, 543 Mathematics and 467 Writing. There will be an increase in student participation on the SAT by 2 %. The ACT mean scores will be greater than 16.9 English, 20.4 Math, 18.3 Reading and 18.7 Science. 10.Student enrollment in dual credit classes will increase and more dual credit courses will be offered as qualified personnel are identified. 11.Teachers will incorporate RISD graduate profile knowledge and skills into the curriculum and instructional program. 12.The percentage of Long Term English Language Leraners who exit the program at the end of the year will increase by 7%. 13.Student engagement will be enhanced. 14.Teachers will become more aware and responsive to special student needs. Category : Survey Data (Student Engagement, Staff Climate, Parent Climate) 15.The number of parents attending and participating in Berkner related activities and events will increase. 16.There will be an increase in the number of students who agree that their assignments and subjects are interesting, engaging and rigorous. Category : Community & Student Engagement Accountability System 17.The four year graduation rate for all students will increase by 3%. 18.Students and parents will improve knowledge and understanding of CTE courses and endorsements. 19.Students and staff will actively engage and promote efficient methods for meeting their health needs. Category : Other 20.Teacher turnover will decrease by 3% for the 2014-2015 school year. 21.The number of OSS suspensions will decrease by 20%. 22.Positive interactions and respect amongst all students will improve. School: L.V. Berkner High School Page 3 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed 1 1 1 1,2,3,4,5,17 2,3,4,5,12,17 1,2,3,4,5,12,17 6,7,11 6,7 Actions Enroll identified students in Academic Learning Lab (ALL) 1, 2, or 3 and/or Innovative English 2 or 3. English teachers and curriuculum specialists will conduct individual writing conferences with all students enrolled in English I, English II, Innovative 3, and Sheltered 4. Conduct a writing camp for all English I students during PSAT testing. Staff Needed ELA Timeline Ongoing ELA teachers Ongoing and curriculum specialists Measure of Progress Increase in STAAR English scores Increase in STAAR English scores English teachers Oct.15, 2014 STAAR Tutoring - students will be indentified based on academic needs to attend STAAR tutoring during Enrichment period. Support ELL students by maintaining ESL sheltered classes for algebra 1, geometry, IPC and geography. All core teachers Ongoing Hurtado, Gent, Ongoing Cole and Perry, K. Increase in STAAR scores Maintain Saturday Schools that include rotations for special education and ELL students. Target AP students through AP Potential. Utilize team planning and PLCs to identify strategies and curriculum enhancement that will improve AP performance. Participate in the TI Foundation's National Math and Science Initiative grant in order to provide teachers of AP math and science courses and their students the opportunity to earn financial incentives for meeting performance standards. Require AP contracts for AP students that fail a six weeks. They will receive and sign a mandatory tutoring contract. Tutoring will be required until the grade ELA,Math,Sci ence,Social Studies,SpEd Swaner; AP teachers; AP director Ongoing Increase in STAAR scores Increase in enrollment in PreAP and AP courses in the 2014-2015 school year; Increase AP performance and participation AP teachers Ongoing School: L.V. Berkner High School Ongoing Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Increase in STAAR English scores Increase in STAAR scores Increase in student participation and Page 4 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed Actions Staff Needed Timeline has improved. Continue AP Professional Learning Swaner, Community within Berkner High School Grissom and to share strategies and best practices. All AP teachers Conduct AP Review Sessions for AP teachers teachers to prepare students for the upcoming AP test. Review sessions will be before school, during the Enrichment period, after school and during Saturday schools. Utlize AP student ambassadors to Wilcots, promote and encourage AP enrollment. Counselors ED of CCR will meet with all AP Fuller, all AP teachers to discuss data and support teachers needed/available. Conduct review PSAT/SAT prep Instructional classes for junior and seniors through Specialists, the 21st century after-school program. SAT prep teachers, and counselors Ongoing 9,11 Ensure that SAT word of the week is practiced in all English classes. Ongoing 9,11 Offer four College Transition courses for junior and senior students. All students will utlize Naviance for college and career planning. 6,13 6,7 11 6 9,11 School: L.V. Berkner High School McMakin, Crowder and Black Barnhill, Barbknecht, Counselors Measure of Progress performance. Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Increase in AP scores Spring 2015 Increase in AP scores Ongoing Fall October 15, 2014 Ongoing Increase in CCR students Increase in AP scores Increase in SAT scores Increase in college acceptances Increase in National Merit Finalists Increased SAT and ACT scores Increase in the number of students who apply and are accepted into colleges and universities. Increase the amount of scholarship Page 5 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed Actions Staff Needed Timeline All counselors Ongoing 9,11,15,17,19 21st Century Utilize the 21st Century Grant to incoporate the following programs: SAT Grant teachers prep classes, wellness classes, credit recovery (Plato), and GED classes. Ongoing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9 Implementation of a daily PLC period for english, math, social studies, and science teachers to allow teachers to work collaboratively to analyze data and implement Post Secondary Readiness Skills and Differentiated Instruction into their lessons. Administrators will complete the DI online training. Counselors will complete trainings approved by ED of Counseling and ED of CCR. AP teachers will attend AP Institutes or trainings approved by their curriculum directors to meet GT training English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Teachers Ongoing 11,17 8 Maintain the College and Career Readiness Center in the counseling office to support students. School: L.V. Berkner High School Administrators Ongoing , Counselors, and AP teachers Measure of Progress money awarded to Berkner students. Increase in the number of students that are accepted into colleges and universities. Increase in SAT scores, Improved awareness of healthy behaviors and practices, Increase in graduation rate and successful completion of GED program Increase in student performance on TEKS Checks Increase in STAAR scores Completed GT trainings Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Page 6 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed Actions Staff Needed Timeline Measure of Progress Results Resources Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 requirements. 9,10 Offer dual credit courses in English 3 & 4, Pre-AP Pre Cal, Calculus BC and Government. STEM teachers, Wilcots Ongoing 11,13 Introduce the staff to Instructional Rounds, present DI strategies, and technology integration during site-based staff development meetings. All staff Fall 16 A site based staff development will be conducted to introduce teachers to Instructional Rounds. The problem of practice will focus on student engagement. Internal rounds will be conducted by Berkner teachers. Berkner administration will participate in external rounds through assigned networks. DI Coach conducted an introduction to DI session with all new teachers. Griffen, McKay, Swaner, Steward, Crowder and Barnhill Ongoing 13,16 13 16 13,16 Sweeny, Barnhill and new teachers Provide training and supoprt for Trained continued implementation of PBL. Engage Utilize PBL coach to conduct site based, teachers, content specific staff development on Etheredge the Engage Learning Model. Student survey results will be discussed Administrators with all staff to prioritize the focus on improved student engagement and academic rigor. Core content areas selected teachers to All model DI for their departments. The teachers,Swee teachers met with the DI coach to plan ny their lessons and will present to their School: L.V. Berkner High School Fall Ongoing Number of students who earn college credit Increase in teachers use of varied instructional strategies and student engagement Increase in student engagement . Increase in student engagement Increase in student engagement Ongoing Student survey results Ongoing Increase in student engagement Page 7 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed 1,2,4,5,17 13 14 15 15 17 17,18 Actions departments their successes, struggles and strategies used. Re-evaluate Special Education students' testing levels based on progess and growth on the 2014 TAKS and EOC administrations. Department technology leads will be identified for each core content area to support teachers during team planning, meetings, etc. A 504 training session will be conducted at site based staff development. Staff will be encouraged to attend district provided inclusion staff development. All professional staff will be required to attend district facilitated dyslexia training. Invite all stakeholders to participate in cultural awareness provided by students, teachers and community members at Multicultural Night. Parents will be consistently informed of school events and activities through automated messages, newsletters, and the BHS PTA website. Hold Exit Level Retest Review Camp for COC students who still need to pass TAKS to complete graduation requirements. Counselors will conduct classroom guidance sessions and individual conferences for all freshmen students. Parents will be invited to attend the individual conferences. School: L.V. Berkner High School Staff Needed All teachers Timeline 1st six weeks Administrators Ongoing and department heads Woods, Fall administrators and Suess All staff Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Decrease in the number of students taking modified state assessments Improve student engagement Improved service for students with special needs Spring 2015 Increase parental involvement Administrators Ongoing , McGee and PTA execuitive board October Crowder, 2014 Black Counselors Measure of Progress Ongoing Increase in parent involvement Increase in TAKS scores Improved knowledge and understanding of CTE courses and endorsements Page 8 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed 17,18 Actions CTE course description video will be shown during Enrichment. Staff Needed Rilling, Anthony, and CTE teachers Timeline Spring Ongoing 19 Coaches will conduct after school fitness training sessions for staff. Rogers, Jones 20 Teachers with zero to two years experience will participate in the RISD mentoring program (RPM). This will allow for ongoing coaching and support of new teachers. All new Berkner teachers will be matched up with a veteran Berkner teacher (Berkner Buddy). The Berkner Buddy will assist the new teacher in transitioning into Berkner and provide support throughout the school year. The Instructional Specialist will lead a half day new teacher academy to address classroom management and instuctional concerns of new teachers. Ram New Teacher Academies will be held Fridays during lunch to assist new teachers in an array of topics including: technology support, instructional programming, testing procedures, etc. Administrators will identify master degree level canidates for vacant positions in core content areas. Instructional Ongoing Specialist, new teachers and mentors Create individualized staff development plans that teachers will utilize All teachers and 20 20 20 13,20 School: L.V. Berkner High School Measure of Progress Improved knowledge and understanding of CTE courses and endorsements Improved awareness of healthy behaviors and practices Teacher retention for 2014-2015 school year Barnhill, Swaner, and Griffen Ongoing Teacher retention rates for the 20142015 school year All new teachers, Barnhill, Swaner Fall Increased teacher retention rate for 2014-2015 school year Administrators Ongoing 2nd six weeks and Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Increase the amount of dual credit courses offered Increase in STAAR Page 9 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Identified Need Addressed Actions throughout the school year. Administrators and teachers will have a follow up meeting to discuss growth and improvement. 19 15,21 17,21 21 17,21,22 Campus intervention specialist and peer mediators will be utilized for counseling and mental health support. Recognize outstanding 9th-11th grade students at RAMS Recognition Night. Recognize outstanding seniors monthly at Breakfast for the Stars. Recognize Special Education Students at the ROSA Awards Ceremony. Implement Compelling Why program to establish a positive relationship between the student and school environment and to encourage students to graduate. A Compelling Why program for female students will be created and implemented. Show bullying video and dating violence videos to all students during Enrichment to promote positive student behavior and character. Internet safety will also be addressed in during Enrichment. Conduct discipline meetings to promote positive student behavior and character. Other items discussed will be dress code, bullying, harassment, dating violence,internet safety, BHS expectations and RISD expectations. School: L.V. Berkner High School Staff Needed administrators Rodriguez, peer mediators Teachers, Crowder, Black, Wiliams Timeline 5th six weeks Measure of Progress scores, increase in satisfaction with staff development activities, increase in PDAS scores Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Ongoing Improved climate and culture Spring 2015 Increase parental involvement and student involvement Anthony, Crowder, Steward and Cole Ongoing Improve student behavior and graduation rate Teachers, Shacklett and Oliver Fall 2014 Improved student interaction and behavior Administrators 2nd week of school Decrease in the number of OSS suspensions and improved student Page 10 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Actions Identified Need Addressed SROs will present during the discispline assemblies to discuss their role on campus and Crime Stoppers. School: L.V. Berkner High School Staff Needed Timeline Measure of Progress behavior. Resources Results Goals Addressed 1 2 3 4 Page 11 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 STAAR EOC Reading 2014 % % LII-P2 2014 % LII-P2 2015 Goal LIII Student Groups African American Asian Hispanic White Economically Disadv. LEP Special Ed. All Students 2014 % LII-P2 Tested > > > > > > > > 454 217 471 296 861 131 189 1477 Tested 46 58 53 69 49 13 33 55 68 1 11 4 12 4 0 1 6 Social Studies 2014 % % LII-P2 2014 % LII-P2 2015 Goal LIII Student Groups African American Asian Hispanic White Economically Disadv. LEP Special Ed. All Students % LIII 2015 Goal Tested > > > > > > > > 142 72 144 144 253 31 36 518 75 83 81 95 80 55 53 84 70 9 11 > > > > > > > > % LIII 2015 Goal 11 28 13 38 15 6 8 22 8 10 167 50 192 83 337 57 85 507 44 62 49 64 49 30 26 52 2014 % LII-P2 Math % LII-P2 2015 Goal 63 Science % LII-P2 2015 Goal Writing 2014 % % LIII LIII 2015 Goal 2014 % LII-P2 % LII-P2 2015 Goal 2014 % LIII Tested 5 22 5 17 8 5 1 9 4 5 % LIII 2015 Goal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2014 % % LIII LIII 2015 Goal Tested > > > > > > > > 177 88 217 113 387 61 74 609 70 73 72 87 71 31 45 74 82 7 25 7 27 11 0 3 14 11 15 * Note: Numbers preceded by '>' indicate students subgroups that have 25 or more tests taken. Student Groups African American Percent College Ready on at Least one Test (Index 4) % in 2014 2015 Goal 50 0 Asian Hispanic 71 60 0 0 White All Students 79 63 0 0 School: L.V. Berkner High School Page 12 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 SAT MEAN SCORES Subtests 2012 2013 2014 Goal 2015 Critical Reading Mathematics Writing Combined Score Percent Tested 471 522 460 1453 64% 474 526 456 1456 66% 489 543 467 1499 52% 492 547 470 1508 56% ACT MEAN SCORES Subtests 2012 2013 2014 Goal 2015 English Mathematics Reading Science Composite Percent Tested 19.6 23 20.9 21.1 21.3 40% 18.5 22.3 20.3 21 20.7 41% 16.9 20.4 18.3 18.7 18.7 96% 17 20.5 18.4 18.8 18.8 95% AP EXAMS: % TESTED Student Groups White Afr. Amer. Hispanic Econ. Disad. All Students 2012 86 70 76 80 83 2013 88 73 77 84 84 2014 93 81 91 92 91 Goal 2015 94 82 92 93 92 AP ENROLLMENT REPORT ONLY AP % ENROLLED * Student Groups 2012 2013 2014 White 38 37 43 Afr. Amer. 18 18 17 Hispanic 21 19 20 Econ. Disad. 23 26 24 All Students 29 29 30 * Count includes unique students enrolled in one or more AP courses School: L.V. Berkner High School Goal 2015 AP EXAMS : % SCORE Student Groups White Afr. Amer. Hispanic Econ. Disad. All Students 3 2012 64 36 38 44 53 AP PERFORMANCE BY CORE AREA AP EXAMS : %SCORE 3 AP Content Area Course 2012 English Language Arts 56 Mathematics 81 Science 56 Social Studies 43 2013 71 42 49 50 59 2014 67 28 48 45 56 Goal 2015 69 28 51 45 57 REPORT ONLY 2013 55 78 74 41 2014 61 63 58 43 Page Goal 2015 13 of 14 Richardson Independent School District CAMPUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2014 - 2015 Attendance (% ADA): 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 Campus District Campus District Campus District Campus District Campus District 94.3% 94.2% 93.6% 93.3% 94.3% 96.7% 91.6% 95% 91.7% 94.7% 95.3% 93.9% 94.1% 94.5% 96.8% 92.3% 94.9% 92.8% 94.9% 94.7% 94.4% 94% 94.8% 97.4% 91.8% 95.8% 91.7% 95% 95.8% 94.4% 94.2% 94.5% 97.4% 92.5% 94.8% 93% 95.1% 95.2% 94.6% 94.1% 94.9% 97.4% 92.9% 95.7% 91.7% 95.3% 96% 94.7% 94.6% 94.8% 97.4% 93.4% 95.3% 93.6% 94.1% 94.5% 94% 92.5% 93.8% 96.6% 92.3% 95.6% 91.7% 95% 95.8% 94.6% 94.1% 94.5% 96.8% 93.2% 95.3% 93% 95.1% 95% 95% 94.4% 94.9% 96.8% 93.7% 96% 91.7% 95.6% 96.1% 95.3% 95% 95% 96.9% 93.8% 95.3% 93.9% All Students White African American Hispanic Economically Disadv. Asian Special Ed. LEP At-Risk 4-Year Graduation Rate: 4 - Year Federal Graduation Rate (Min. of 85%) Student Group Class of 2012 4-Yr Grad. Rate # of Dropouts Afr. Amer. Hispanic White Econ. Disad. All Students School: L.V. Berkner High School 88.7 87.6 95.3 90.9 91.0 6 6 3 10 19 4 - Year Grad. Rate Class of 2013 4-Yr Grad. Rate # of Dropouts 85.2 86.1 90.2 88.9 87.2 11 7 7 15 32 Class of 2014 4-Yr Grad. Rate # of Dropouts 85.0 83.8 86.2 81.7 87.3 20 15 10 38 50 Page 14 of 14
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