Grosse Ile Yacht Club Newsletter OCTOBER 2014 View From the Helm Well, the GIYC-based Rendezvous over the weekend of September 12th turned out to be a lot of fun. Over 30 people showed up on Friday night on Peek-a-Boo for the cocktail hour and appetizers, and then moved to the Club for a cookout prepared on the upper deck. Several stayed overnight on their boats, and were treated to a great breakfast on Saturday morning. Saturday night was the wrap-up party, and after an Island-themed dinner, the results of the 2014 Rendezvous were revealed. While not everyone could attend every rendezvous (except Lynne and myself), the points leaders shifted as the year went on. After all was said and done, and counting the points awarded for the weekend’s rendezvous, PC Terry McCarthy and Tilley Rice were the Grand Prize winners, and were presented with a certificate for a “Hot Air Balloon Ride for Two.” 2nd and 3rd place prizes were awarded to PC John Clark and Lady Ruth and PC Bruce Milkins and Lady Diane, respectively. We concluded the evening with the launching of a sky lantern from the front lawn to symbolize the end of “Around the Islands in 200 Days” and to look forward to the 2015 rendezvous being planned by VC Balazy. Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2014 Rendezvous – I hope you had as much fun as we did. And special thanks to the Committees who planned and executed some great weekends. We had a blast at the “Back to School Night” party on September 19th organized by our Entertainment Chairs Deb Green and Al Hickman. With the music of John Persico as a backdrop, and decorations of school sweaters and yearbooks, many brave members sang their school “fight” songs, and surprisingly (or not) they weren’t all from Michigan schools. I couldn’t remember my High School or College songs, but that was probably a good thing. By the way, John Persico will be back for three more performances on October 17th, November 14th, and December 19th. If you haven’t heard him yet, you will really enjoy the diversity of his music selections. The next big event coming up is “Meet the Candidates / New Member Appreciation Night” on Friday, October 3rd. Here you will have a chance to meet the candidates running for the 3 open Board of Directors and Rear Commodore positions, as well as the many new members who have joined GIYC this year. Speaking of the candidates, your Nominating Committee has put together an impressive slate of candidates. Running for Board of Directors are Larry Curran, Gary Dust, Ron Palmer, Karen Rouleau, Bob Schafer, and Alan Tecmire. Your Rear Commodore candidate is Dr. Rob Carrier. You can read their bios later in this issue. Please stop in, enjoy the complimentary appetizers, have dinner, and talk with the candidates. You have important decisions to make for the future of GIYC at the Election Night the following Friday, October 10th. Thanks to the Nominating Committee for securing the list of candidates!! On the heels of the elections is the Casino Night on Saturday, October 11th. While it is advertised as “Casinophobia” for those who haven’t yet tried casino games, it is going to be equally as much fun for the seasoned gamblers. You’ll have a chance to win real prizes while playing with “funny money.” Make sure you make your reservation early, as there is a limit of 60 players. September was actually a rather “quiet” month for Lady Lynne and me as we represented GIYC at a few events: reception at Detroit Beach Boat Club, the Detroit Boat Club Commodore’s Brunch, and the Jet Express trip to Put-in-Bay for the “Closing of the Island.” It’s only a brief reprieve as the fall Ball schedule ramps up again in October. See you at the Club!! Dick Savage, Commodore GIYC Commodore Dick Savage In this Issue From the Bridge Committee Reports Upcoming Events GIYC Contacts View From the Vice Well it is October and we have quite a few events this month. Meet the Candidates / New Member Appreciation Night on October 3rd Election Night on October 10th Casino Night on October 11th GIYC Sailing Awards Night on October 24th Trunk or Treat on October 24th We are starting another wine class. If you are interested, we are meeting at the club on Sunday, October 5th at 4:00 for the first meeting. Please come down if you are interested in participating. GIYC Vice Commodore Mark Balazy I have heard that some members have not heard about the Rendezvous next year in New Orleans. The Rendezvous is set for April 15th to 19th. If you are interested in this event and want to know more, please contact me by email or call me at 313.461.1752. Thank you, Mark Balazy "I'm Just Sayin......" Rear Commodore's Rumblings I am writing this at 35,000 feet, as Lady Susan and I return from a bike tour in Sonoma Valley wine country, and visiting daughter Kelsey in San Francisco. With 60+ miles of pedaling up (ugh!) and down (whew!) the hills of Northern California for 3 days, and stops at 11 different wineries for tastings of more types of wine than I can fathom, this dedicated beer drinker still can't tell the difference between a Chardonnay and a Sauvignon Blanc, or a Pinot and a Zinfandel; I just know that I like white wine better than red, and know that I enjoyed the experience enough that I can't wait to begin the winemaking class later this month with VC Mark Balazy and Lady Heather. This now annual club event has grown bigger with each year. Everyone who has participated tells me it's a blast, wine connoisseur or not. I'd like to encourage you to join us, and try your hand at winemaking. I'm told you can even design and make your own labels! The winemaking class is just the beginning of a very busy month at GIYC. Meet the candidates new member night, election night, football Saturdays, Casino Night, and Trunk or Treat at the end of the month - and some of us are still trying to get in a few last days on the water before haul out! By the way, don't forget to turn in your haul out/storage applications before Peek a Boo is all filled up! The activity and fun just never ends at GIYC!! ------------------------------------------------The members of Grosse Ile Yacht Club send our sincere condolences this month to the family of Randy Bussell, whose father passed away last month. We would also like to send out our condolences to the family of Kathy Coolsaet, whose mother passed away last month. Finally, we also send our condolences to the family of Steve Lewis, whose father passed away last month. Your yacht club family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. GIYC Rear Commodore Matt DuBois "I'm Just Sayin......" Rear Commodore's Rumblings Random thoughts as we wing it back east to home sweet home: - I'm writing this 35,000 feet above the ground, moving in an aluminum tube with 300 other people, at over 550 mph, with the temperature outside the window a balmy -57 degrees. We're 4,000 feet higher than the top of Mt Everest, And I sit here in shorts and sandals, listening to Peter, Paul and Mary singing "Leaving on a Jet Plane" (no kidding, that just came up on the shuffle) on a device smaller than a pack of chewing gum, with headphones that block out all the outside noise, and plays the music better than the original recording, and getting ready to sip a cold drink. Just stop and think about all that for a a little over 4 hours, we travelled further (and in unimagined- for them, at least, comfort), than it took the average traveler over a week to do just 100 years ago. And all we do is complain about how much it costs, how long it takes, how uncomfortable we are, and how inconvenient it all is. We are so lucky to live where we do, when we do, and how we do. It really is the living embodiment of Disney's Carousel of Progress (my favorite attraction at Disney World, by the way) - we really do live in the most advanced civilization and time in history - I can't even imagine what's coming next - and I can't wait! ----------------------------------------------Dr. D's Movie Quiz Finally, the movie quiz for October! First, congratulations to last month's winners, Eric Heilmann, Todd Duffett, Karl Diener , and John Darzinski, who correctly identified Donald Sutherland, as "Hawkeye" Pierce, and Elliot Gould as "Trapper" John McIntyre, uttering the famous line, " ....we, madam, are the pros from Dover, and we are here to crack open this kid's chest and get onto the golf course before sunset...." from one of the most irreverent war movies of all time -" M*A*S*H ". A three pack of golf balls to each of these winners! Congrats!! (And yes the prizes will be coming later this month to all the winners of the past few months) And now for this month's quiz - in honor of one of my favorite directors, Francis Ford Coppola, whose winery in Sonoma we visited this last week, where did this immortal line come from? ".....I love the smell of napalm in the morning - it smells like victory!....." What was the movie title, who was the actor who said it, what was his character's name, and as a bonus, where was the filming done (which plays an important, ironic part of the story of the movie)? Email me your answers. Good luck, and see you around the club! Bridge Events in October October 4th Port Huron Yacht Club Ball October 18th West River Yacht & Cruising Club Ball October 18th Edison Boat Club October 25th Indian Hill Boat Ball Club Ball NEWS AND INFORMATION Membership Committee Ahoy fellow members, I am happy to report that we had two new members join GIYC in September. Returning Active Members Jim and Els Ferguson, Trenton, MI Jim is retired and Els is a principal at Gibraltar Schools. We welcome Jim, Els and their children Ian and Jane back to GIYC! New Interim Member Steven and Roxanne Volk, Taylor, MI Steven works in sales for the Suburban Collection in Garden City. Roxanne is a server for Olympia Entertainment at the Joe Louis Arena. Steven remembers growing up at GIYC and is sponsored by his father, Ralph Volk. It is with great pleasure that we welcome a new Volk generation to GIYC! Thanks and see you at the club, Larry Bagans Membership Chairman Meet the Author: Bob Dombrowski Are you aware we have an author in our midst? GIYC Active member, Bob Dombrowski, has written a personal account of his experience as a Detroit fire fighter, titled “38 Years”. Both Mary Jo and I have read and immensely enjoyed Bob’s story. It’s one of those books that is hard to put down. Bob will be signing copies of his book at Barnes & Noble. - Larry Bagans Author Event Bob Dombrowski risked life and limb saving lives. Born and raised on the west side of Detroit, Bob narrates an engrossing account of his illustrious firefighting career. He will be signing copies of his book: 38 Years: A Detroit Firefighters Story. Saturday October 18, 2014 4:00 PM Barnes & Noble Fairlane Green 3120 Fairlane Drive, Allen Park, 313-271-0688 GIYC “Great People, Great Lakes, Great Times” 2014 Membership Drive Introduce friends, neighbors, and co-workers to GIYC! Earn $25 Dining Credit for each new membership that you sponsor! Contact for more information and membership materials. 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEE BIOGRAPHIES Alan Tecmire Born and raised on Grosse Ile (Hickory Island) and sailed out of GIYC for 16 years prior. Lived in Plymouth MI, Grand Rapids MI, Howell & Brighton MI, and spent a year in Lakeland FL. Strategic Marketing Planning, Executive Communication > Texas A & M - Courses in Managing Program Distribution > Dale Carnegie - Leadership Course Leisure: Sailing an Abbott 33, Golf, Hunting, Motorcycle riding, Tinkering with anything electronic, mechanical, wood or electrical. Owned a Mac Tools (Stanley Div) distributorship for seven years. Worked in several automotive and tier 1&2 supplier company positions. Raised 3 children through college and graduate school, and have two grandsons. Robert Schafer ROBERT BOSCH LLC, SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER 2000 to present > Responsible for sales & business development of electronic vehicle diagnostic tools, diagnostic software development tools and services for Ford globally, General Motors globally; previously at Chrysler, Jaguar-Land Rover, Level 3 Communications Combat Propulsion Systems and Volvo Truck. > Currently working on securing GM next generation software authoring and runtime systems and next generation electronic vehicle interface device support their Global B architecture. My wife, Kelly and I have been active members of the club since 2011 and have enjoyed every minute of it. Equipment and Tool Institute ( - Past President > Served on board of directors for multiple terms, elected to executive board and served in two Vice President positions and as President. Owner of LinkedIn group - Automotive Diagnostics-OBD Group > Society of Automotive Engineers - member > ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician > ASE Certified Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician > Former Football Coach > MHSAA Registered High School Wrestling Official > High School Wrestling Tournament Director > Past Board of Directors - Coalition for Safer Cleaner Vehicles > Past President Howell Area Junior Football League > Past Commissioner Howell Area Junior Football League EDUCATION: > Grosse Ile High School, Grosse Ile, MI > University of Michigan Executive Business School - We both grew up in the downriver area, she in Flat Rock and I in Southgate. Kelly is the HR manager for Dearborn Midwest Conveyor and was the claims manager for Exel Logistics. We own a 27 foot Ericson sailboat named “Sunshine”, which we try to sail most weekends. We have two boys. The oldest is a psychologist living in the Lansing area and the youngest is married and lives in Munich where he will be working on his Masters in Sustainable Resource Management at the Technische Universität München. Ron Palmer I have had the pleasure and enjoyment of being a member for over 25 years. My children have participated in the sailing programs as well as myself. We have had boats at the club until we bought our home that had its own facilities. I have been blessed in the business world and have been on several boards from banks – chambers – private companies as well as non-profits. Now retired, I would be proud to represent the GIYC membership as your board representative and bring my years of experience from the business world. 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINEE BIOGRAPHIES Karen Rouleau Larry Curran I’m running for one of the positions on the board. My husband Chuck and I became members of Grosse Ile Yacht Club just over a year ago and it has been one of our best decisions. I have been nominated to run for a three year term for the Board of Directors. We have been married a little over 43 years and 40 of those years we have been boating. I’ve been retired 4 years but before that I held many positions which included HR/Office Manager/Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable and Payroll Manager. My wife, Linda and I are proud members of the Grosse Ile Yacht Club. We have three grown children, Carey, Kelly and Larry. Two son-in-laws, Erik Ranka and Mike Born and three grandchildren, Andrew, Nicholas and Michael. I am the President and owner of JJ Curran Crane Company, Curran Lifting Systems and Fleet Cost & Care. I’m presently taking care of the work hours for the club members. I’ve been attending the monthly Board Meetings and I worked on the 4th of July Gala. I’ve enjoyed being involved with the club and getting to know the members. I have been a member of Grosse Ile Golf and Country Club for over 36 years. I am currently serving my second term as a Board of Director. During my first term I served as Director, Treasurer, Vice President and President in 2003. You can usually find Chuck and I spending every week-end on our 31 Tiara (Persistence IV) along with our two yorkies Nikki and Heidi just enjoying being on the water and activities going on at the club. Linda and I have been members of Grosse Ile Yacht Club since May of 2010 and have truly enjoyed our years as members. Gary Dust Wife: Tamara Daughters: Caiti and Libbi Active member 23 years Current GIYC Board member, co-chair Docks Past BOD member of Grosse Ile Community Sailing Past fleet captain, fleet surgeon and race chair Boat—30' Chris Craft - Soggy Dollar Past Junior and Senior race committee's Hoist operator As a current power owner and well holder and past sailboat owner, I would appreciate your vote to continue serving on the Board of Directors. Your support to continue the work of improving the docks, harbor and waterfront, an ongoing desire of the membership, as indicated in the recent long range planning survey would help me continue this work. I run for the Board of Directors with no agenda but believe my career and club experience will help guide Grosse Ile Yacht Club in the future if elected. 2015 REAR COMMIDORE NOMINEE BIOGRAPHY Robert J Carrier Ph.D. Personal Linda M Carrier (wife), married 24 years Grosse Ile Residents since 1980 GIYC members since 2001 Assisted with the annual 4th of July celebration in various ways over the years Linda played the piano for Change of Watch and other special events Assisted with the Open house campaign to attract new members Helped organize the games for the Dinghy Run Adult Children: Linda was a former Sailmate, which is now the Peek-a-Boo Kevin Carrier (Laura); Veronica Carrier; Lisa Beyer (Art); Laura Crew Best (Eric) , Five Grandchildren Sponsored new members Education: B.S. Music Education (Wayne State U.) M.Ed. Educational Administration (Wayne State U.) Provided income for the club by hosting numerous private parties; showers; and two weddings Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction (University of Michigan) My Goals for the Finest Yacht Club on the Great Lakes: Evidence of Leadership Qualities: Help increase club membership in conjunction with the membership committee Grosse Ile Schools: served as an elementary & Middle School instrumental & vocal music teacher. During these years my students performed many of my compositions. I produced a record of patriotic songs for the U.S. 1976 Bi-Centennial. The record was broadcasted on the radio. Maintain a friendly atmosphere within the club to all members and guests Encourage new member participation in club activities Taylor Schools: served as a classroom teacher, principal and Establish and maintain a workable budget for Bridge Officer central administrator for teacher in-service training. During this positions latter period, I created a district-wide K-8 mathematics manFollow the protocol that has been established within the club agement system. for Bridge Officers Detroit College of Business: served as an instructor of busiMy reason for seeking the position of Rear Commodore: ness math; psychology & sociology; and also as an Enrollment Specialist & counselor. Even though I have served the GIYC in a variety of ways throughout my years of membership, I feel confident I can conUniversity of Michigan-Dearborn (Part time): Presently a Stutinue to serve our club by assuming a more responsible posident Teacher Supervisor and Instructor of Formal & Informal tion as Rear Commodore. I have long admired those many Testing & Evaluation. members who have “stepped up to the plate”, giving their time and talents in making the club what it is today. In my conversaContributions to GIYC: tions with many of you over the years, I have listened to your likes, dislikes, and concerns regarding the needs, atmosphere, Served on two Commodore’s Ball committees and operations of the club, and I promise to represent all our members in an enlightened and well informed manner at the Helped decorate/undecorate the club for various holidays Board of Directors meetings. Chaired a New Year’s Eve celebration, and assisted with I look forward to seeing and talking with you around our club. others Participated in, and organized games for some rendezvous Helped with some of the past Opening of the Island events Rob Carrier 734-675-5333 JOHN PERSICO A One Man Show John Persico is a guitarist, keyboardist & singer using a variety of synth modules, drum machines and harmonizers to create the sound of a full live band, he is what they refer to today as a “MIDI Musician” formally a “One Man Band”, and for the first 20+ years performed in bands ranging from duos to seven piece show bands. John will be performing here at the Grosse Ile Yacht Club Friday August 15th 2014 7:00pm Friday September 19th 2014 7:00pm Friday October 17th 2014 7:00pm Friday November 14th 2014 7:00pm Friday December 19th 2014 7:00pm 2836 West Jefferson Trenton ADVERTISE ADVERTISE HERE HERE (One business card size) (One business card size) Have any new photos of “Great People, Great Lakes, Great Times” at GIYC? Email them to Kristin Lewis at spray@GIYC.COM COMMITTEES FLAG BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRIDGE Grosse Ile Yacht Club Contact List COMMODORE Dick Savage VICE COMMODORE Mark Balazy REAR COMMODORE Dr. Matt Dubois GROUP EMAIL TO COMMODORE, VC & RC ALL PAST COMMODORES CHAIRMAN Roger Pollack (2016) HOUSE Paul Pettinga (2014) DOCKS Art MacNee (2015) & Gary Dust (2014) GROUNDS Dr. Brian Hartwell (2015) BUILDING P/C Terry McCarthy (2016) & P/C John Clark (2016) FINANCE Peter Uhse (2015) MEMBERSHIP Larry Bagans (2014) GROUP EMAIL TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS FLEET CAPTAIN P/C Bill Malvesto FLEET MEASURER John Dardzinski FLEET SURGEON Dr. Bob Angelotti FLEET TREASURER Larry Simon SECRETARY Janet Joyce CHAPLAIN Dena Dardzinski COMMODORE’S BALL John & Dena Dardzinski ENTERTAINMENT Deb Green FLAGS & PROTOCOL Audrey Lyden & P/C Terry McCarthy STRATEGIC PLANING Larry Ladomer HISTORIAN P/C John Clark JUNIOR SAILING Roy Baker, Johanne Wilson & Kristin Lewis PHOTOGRAPHY Neil Johnson RACE CHAIRMAN Brian Rooks RENDEZVOUS Mike & Lisa O'Donnell PEEK-A-BOO CREW PRESIDENT Mark Balazy SPRAY Kristin Lewis DELEGATES GROUP EMAIL TO ALL APOINTEES AYC P/C Ken Goffinett & P/C Russ Kissell DRYA Brian Rooks ILYA Todd Duffett GROUP EMAIL TO ALL DELEGATES General Manager: Sandy Cullen Club Phone: (734) 676-0211 29677 East River Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138-1999 October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Club Closed Monday Thursday Starting October 6 Wed Thu 1 2 Open 5-9pm Home Cooking Buffett $9.00++ Plus serving limited menu only Open 5-9pm Prime Rib Night 8 oz. $12 10 oz. $15 Fri Sat 3 Meet the Candidates/ New Member Appreciation Complimentary apps 5:306:30pm Dinner 7-10pm 4 Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Wedding MDR PM 5 6 7 8 CLUB CLOSED 9 CLUB CLOSED 10 11 12 13 14 15 CLUB CLOSED 16 CLUB CLOSED 17 Open 5- 18 21 22 CLUB CLOSED 23 CLUB CLOSED 24 28 29 CLUB CLOSED 30 CLUB CLOSED 31 Open Noon8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Open Noon8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 19 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Private Party MDR Wine Class 4pm 20 26 27 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 8th Annual Trunk or Treat 5-7pm BOD MEETING 7:00 Election Night Buffet Dinner 5-8pm 10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Private Party PM upstairs Entertainment John Persico 6pm Open 5-10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 GIYC Awards Night 5-8pm Open 5-10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Happy Halloween!!! Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Casino Night Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Wedding MDR PM 25 Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Private Party MDR PM November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 2 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Wine Class 4pm Upstairs 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Open 510pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Entertainment John Persico 6pm 15 16 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Wine Class 4pm Upstairs 17 18 BOD MEETING 7pm 19 20 21 22 23/30 24 26 27 28 29 Open Noon8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Club Decorating (23rd) Wine Class (30th) 4pm 25 Thanksgiving Buffet Open 5-10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Open 5-10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Open 5-10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Open Noon -9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Private Party PM Upstairs Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Private Party PM Upstairs Open Noon9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Open Noon9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 A Look Through the Port Hole OCTOBER CLOSED ON WEDNESDAYS AND THURSDAYS UNTIL MAY 2015 1 - BLUENOSE MAKE-UP-CLUB OPEN ON WEDNESDAY 10-1-14 and 10-2-14 THIS WEEK ONLY 3 - MEET THE CANDIDATES / NEW MEMBER APPRECIATION NIGHT 10 - ELECTION NIGHT 11 - CASINO NIGHT 24 - GIYC AWARDS NIGHT 26 - 8TH ANNUAL TRUNK OR TREAT 31 - HALLOWEEN NOVEMBER 23 - CLUB DECORATING PARTY 27 - THANKSGIVING DECEMBER 5 - 8TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR 7 - SANTA BRUNCH 12 - CHANGE OF WATCH 21 - LAST DAY CLUB OPENED 22 - CLUB CLOSED 24 - CHRISTMAS EVE 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY 31 - NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Please Note: Dates, Times and Events are Subject to Change Without Notice Grosse Ile Yacht Club Contact GIYC Founded in 1934, the Grosse Ile Yacht Club (GIYC) is located on Lower Hickory Island, part of the magnificent chain of islands making up Grosse Ile, Michigan. The GIYC also boasts the sharing of international waters and coastlines between the United States and Canada on Lake Erie and four seasons of beautiful weather. 29677 East River Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138 Phone: (734) 676-0211 Website: Email:
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