Wing Wing Hello Volume 7, Issue 10 Chapter W2 Michigan District Region D October 2014 From the Directors Chair The Time of this season As our riding season in slowly fading away, I look outside and see the leaves changing colors and as I drive pass the lawn and garden centers, I can see corn stalks, hay bales and pumpkins for sale. Every so often I’ll see a skeleton, a black cat and a witch’s hat, that tells me a few things. One is that Halloween is just around the corner, another is that I need to find my heated and generally warmer riding clothes, Cause Baby it’s getting cold outside. But I really hope you don’t stop riding just yet. For a few hours on one of these warm afternoons you could visit any of those places that are open only at this time of year. I’m talking about our apple orchards where you can buy a cup of their freshly made cider and just smell those hot and delicious donuts. Now that’s a winning combination. Just look around it’s a beautiful time to ride. Save the Date Chapter W2 Gathering October 21st Big Boys Westland, MI Chapter A 35th Anniversary November 1st Mt Clemens, MI Fall Officers Meeting November 8th 9 am Bay City, MI While you are riding around and thinking about that cider and donuts, I would ask that you be careful driving over those dropping leaves as they can be slippery when wet. Also watch out for our Michigan wildlife because they’re out there enjoying this wonderful season also; only THEY are not watching out for YOU, so it’s up to YOU… to watch out for THEM… No excuses- just get out there and enjoy this time of the season… Gary & Margo McMillin Chapter Director W2 Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 2 WANDERING WINGS STAFF Chapter Director: Chapter Clothing: Gary & Margo McMillin 734-674-3678 Margo McMillin 734-644-1750 Asst. Chapter Director: Chapter Goodies: Ruth Morrison 313-381-2252 Chapter Rider Educator: Web Master: Bob Natter (734) 421- 8250 Treasurer: Tina Hall (313) 910-3978 Secretary: Sunshine Person: Peggy Bower (734) 461-3364 Margo McMillin DISTRICT STAFF Public Relations: Ride Coordinator: Region D Director: Lee & Kay Tieche 812-579-6500 Special Events Coordinator: District Director: Jo Ann Kirby (734) 595-3474 Bob & Kim Scott 989-429-9144 Newsletter Editor: Asst. District Director Tina Hall (313) 910-3978 Bob & Nancy Natter Member Enhancement Coordinators: District Educators: Ralph & Jean Hunt J(313) 806-3177 Bruce & Melissa Thayer 734-740-7847 734-421-8250 Volume 7, Issue 10 R id ers Ed ucation Page 3 Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge RIDER ED ‘GIMME 5’ End of Season Cycle Maintenance Whether the riding season in your area lasts only four or five months, or as long as ten months, most of us will let our motorcycles remain unridden for a long enough period of time that it is best to prepare it for a season of rest. November typically brings weather throughout the northern tier of states that is not very good for motorcycling. Most parts of this great country of ours experience two or more months of weather that is not considered part of the riding season. The air temperature alone gets cold enough to cause hypothermia without adding the wind chill from sitting atop a motorcycle while blasting down the road at legal speeds – even at 45 mph. And many areas will have snow on the ground before the month is out. Some of you may be cold-blooded enough to prolong the season a few extra weeks, but for most, there is a period each year when your motorcycle becomes a lonesome friend sitting quietly in the garage. Before you park it for a season of inactivity, this is a great time to get your end of season maintenance done. It is recommended that you change the oil and oil filter to remove contaminants – dirt, deposits, acids and moisture – that can lead to corrosion inside the engine. Other fluid levels should be checked for proper level. If the fluids are due for replacement based on miles ridden since the last change (check your manual and service history), this is a good time to do that and any other maintenance tasks that you may have been putting off. Your mechanic likely is not very busy at this time of year. He (she) would probably appreciate your visit, too! And you know your bike will be better for it. Then when spring comes next year (it is not that far off, after all!), you’ll be ready to go without a visit to the mechanic before planning your next big ride. After you get it back from your mechanic, fill the gas tank and add the appropriate amount of fuel stabilizer (such as Stabil) before parking your Wing. Wash and wax the bike and inflate the tires. The battery should be disconnected from the motorcycle (negative terminal first) and trickle charged at least every 30 days, per your Gold Wing Owner’s Manual. (Refer to your battery charger manual for more charging details.) Take good care of your Wing, and your Wing will take good care of you! Ride Smart & Be Safe! Bruce & Melissa Thayer Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 4 NEWSLETTER EDITORS NOTE All who wander, trip over something amazing eventually Hi All, Well fall is officially here in Michigan and we still have time to go out and ride and see all the beautiful colors it has to bring to us this year. But before we put our kick stands down for the season there is plenty to do and see. Chapter Y is having a Halloween party the 11th, F2 Anniversary the 18th. And if your not able to go to any of those events take a nice ride out to one our local cider mills and enjoy some apple cider and donuts. Just remember to wear the proper riding gear for your trip and to watch out for those wonderful creatures Deer. This year W2 is participating in the City Wayne Scarecrow contest the chapter purchased a post to hang him on and members collaborated together to put it together. He is hanging on Michigan Ave. in downtown Wayne in front of the Urgent Care. Please join on us on October 15th at 7:30 pm at Goudy Park to vote on your favorite Scarecrow. Until next time , GO, DO, and have FUN!! Tina Hall Newsletter Editor Remember: You don't stop laughing because you grow old, You grow old because you stop laughing Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 5 Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 6 Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 7 Volume 7, Issue 10 Sunday Page 8 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 Chapter V Anniversary 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 DINNER DESSERT RUN Woodside Happy Birthday Donna Reed Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 12 Brunch Nick’s 10:00 am Chapter Y Halloween Anniversary Happy Anniversary Ray & Claire Belkowski 10 11 17 18 Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 19 Chapter F2 Anniversary 20 GATHERING Big Boys 7:30 pm Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 26 27 Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 21 News Articles Due 28 October Dinner/Dessert Runs Woodside Meadows 20820 Inkster Rd 734-782-5136 Culver Ice Cream 11001 Belleville Rd Belleville, MI 734-699-6100 22 23 29 24 25 Brunch Nick’s 10:00 am DINNER DESSERT RUN Culvers Ice Cream 30 31 Happy Birthday Hubert Martin (Radar) DINNER/DESSERT RIDES: We meet twice a month for Dinner/Dessert Rides When reservations are needed Please RSVP the couple/individual coordinating the ride that month so we may all be seated together Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 9 WANTED Chapter members needed to volunteer their expertise to help fill open positions. No experience is necessary just a willingness to have FUN! Wanted Rider Educator Wanted Asst. Chapter Director Wanted Ride Coordinator Volume 7, Issue 9 Sunday Page 10 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Chapter A Anniversary 2 Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 9 3 4 5 11 12 Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 23 DINNER DESSERT RUN Pipers 17 18 19 8 Fall Officers Meeting Bay City Big Boys 7:30pm 25 News Articles Due 13 14 15 20 21 22 Brunch Nicks 10:00am Chapter V Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Gathering 24 Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am 7 Happy Birthday Esther Keeling 10 16 6 26 Happy Birthday Dan Newton 27 28 29 DINNER DESSERT RUN TBA 30 Breakfast Nick’s 8:00am November Dinner/Dessert Runs Pipers 25418 Telegraph Flat Rock, MI 734-782-3300 DINNER/DESSERT RIDES: We meet in the parking lot @ 6:00 pm location: The Metro Plaza public parking on Michigan Ave in Wayne across the street from the State Wayne movie theater. Leaving the parking lot @ 6:15 pm Once weather changes, we will meet at the restaurant at 7:00 pm Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 11 October Chapter V Anniversary Party 4th Chapter Y Halloween/Anniversary Party 11th Chapter F2 Anniversary Party 18th November Chapter A Anniversary Party Fall Officers Meeting Chapter V Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Wingless Weekend Bay City 1st 8th 19th March 20th and 21st Page 12 Volume 7, Issue 10 MONTHLY GATHERING TRAVELING CHAPTER PRIDE WINNER CHAPTER PRIDE WINNER Congratulations! Jean Hunt you just won $75 for attending the monthly gathering in your finest Chapter attire! Congratulations! Margo McMillin you won a $10 gift card for wearing your finest Chapter attire to a Chapter Activity 50/50 WINNERS $15 JoAnn Kirby $10 JoAnn Kirby $5 Hubert Martin (Radar) GATHERING Our monthly gathering meets every third Tuesday of the month at the Big Boys Restaurant on Wayne Road in Westland Join us for Dinner at 6:30 pm Meeting starts at 7:30 pm Page 13 Volume 7, Issue 10 Donna Reed Hubert Martin (Radar) October 8th October 31st Karen Oestreich Jerry Minor Kathy Minor Sandra Martin Donna Reed Couple of the Year Ray and Clair Belkowski October 11th Joined 10/1/86 Joined 10/1/96 Joined 10/1/97 Joined 10/1/13 Joined 10/7/08 District Couple of the Year Gary & Carol Williams Chapter J Chapter Couple of the Year Gary & Margo McMillin Region Couple of the Year Gary & Carol Meyerholtz Indiana International Couple of the Year Greg & Renee Dempsey Chapter Individual of the Year Tina Hall Region A Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 14 Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 15 W2 CHAPTER CLOTHING Short Sleeve T-Shirts Page 16 Long Sleeve Shirts Sweatshirts Tank Tops (M & F) SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE S-XL 9.50 S-XL 12.00 S-XL 19.00 S-XL 6.00 2XL 10.50 2XL 13.00 2XL 20.00 2XL 7.00 3XL 11.50 3XL 14.00 3XL 21.00 3XL N/A 4XL 12.50 4XL N/A 4XL 22.00 4XL N/A 5XL 13.50 5XL N/A 5XL 23.00 5XL N/A * add an additional $2.50 on the T-Shirts & Long Sleeve Shirts for embroidery if you want your name on them. DRESS SHIRTS WOMEN’S XXS - XL 17.50 S - XL 17.50 2XL & 3XL 21.50 2XL - 4XL 21.50 5XL & 6XL 25.00 WOMEN’S SIZES BUST MEN’S Men’s tall sizes available L - 6XL $4.00 extra (sizes run big) XXS XS S M 32 32 - 33 34 - 35 1/2 37 - 38 1/2 L XL 401/2 - 42 1/2 44 1/2 - 46 1/2 2XL 3XL 48 1/2 - 50 1/2 52 1/2 MEN’S SIZES SIZE S M L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 5XL 6XL NECK SIZE 14 - 14 1/2 15 - 15 1/2 16 - 16 1/2 17 - 17 1/2 18 - 18 1/2 19 - 19 1/2 20 - 20 1/2 21 - 21 1/2 22 - 22 1/2 REG. SLEEVE 32 33 35 35 35 35 37T 37T 37T 37T 37T 37T 37T TALL SLEEVE SHIRTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE For Sale SALE Contact: FOR Bob Morgan MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES 734-216-5458 CONTACT: BOB MORGAN (734) 216-5458 LD LD O S SO Jumper cables w/case $5 New leather bag w/2 clips fits anywhere. $10 Page 17 Used left side Hopne dbl pocket pouch (fits 1500) $5 Used right side Hopnel 3 pocket pouch Fits (1500) $7 New, still in pkg Kuryakyn chrome spoke accents. (fits 1500) $60 New, still in pkg ISO throttle boss $15 LD O S Used Butler cup holder (fits 1500) $40 New, still in pkg. Show Chrome Air Wing Deflectors. (red, fits 1500) $70 LD SO Used Trunk Organizer (fits 1500) $10 New, still in pkg. Kuryakyn , chrome handle grips. $45 Used ladies leather gloves Size M $5 Page 18 For Sale 1989 Gold Wing/Road Smith Trike Conversation (triked 4/2009 by Fred’s Bikes & Trikes) With Running Boards, Piggy back brand trailer Way too many extras to list Ins. Replacement value $22,500 Asking Price: $12,000 or best offer Contact Jerry: 248-872-8008 (Original Owner) 1983 500cc Yamaha Virgao Asking Price: $850.00 Contact Brian Hall: 586-747-2026 For Sale Page 19 GL 1000 Rear Fender by Honda 2 Flag Poles (match 1500 antennas) $35 new asking $30 pair Used, Great condition Fits GL 1000 2 1500 helmet holders $22 new asking $10 asking $35.00/ cost $100 new Front fairing & trunk light convertors (turns side lights into running & turn signal) $12 each new asking $12 for both Contact Brian Hall ( Tri coloring of fire for rear of 1500 (had this made) Kissan headlight modulator w/sensor $89 new asking $50 Wineberry colored trunk rack bag w/rain cover asking $50 Marklyn trailer hitch asking $75 Contact Angel Cancel 313-316-0167 ( LED Multi Color Infinity Trunk Lights by Kuryakyn Brand new , never taken out of package. Trike was sold before installing. $200 / cost $265 new Contact Bob Natter ( 24732 Ford Rd. Dearborn Hgts, MI Phone:(313)278-5000 Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 20 Got Patches? Need Stitches? Do you have patches that need to be sewn on your vest? If so, I can do that for you. I charge $5.00 for the large patches and $3.00 for the small patches Contact Jo Ann Kirby (734) 595-3474 **** Gel Pad installed right into seat **** Volume 7, Issue 10 Page 21 **Will customize with any Logo, Photo or Special Design** SWEET TREATS STATION 20022 VREELAND WOODHAVEN, MI 41813 Corner of Vreeland and Allen Rd behind the 7 - 11 PHONE: 734-671- 8030 OPEN ALL YEAR!
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