TROY GERMAN HALL ASSOCIATION 309 3rd Ave at 107th Street, North Troy, NY 12182 518-237-5008 September/October 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Fall is upon us and it is nice seeing many of you. We are still moving ahead with the business of the hall. There are hall events conning up, Hope to see you there. Enjoy the fall and be safe. 2014 Board of Directors Officers President - Jim Reedy Phone -- 356-0876 First Vice President - Rita Backhaus Phone -- 274-1664 Second Vice President – Evelyn Kohler Phone -- 283-7782 President Jim ============================== DANKE Thank you to the following members and friends who recently donated to the Hall. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Hank Arias Jr Eleonore Betzweiser Christine Carroll Inge Eley Bill & Joan Hart Anna Kavanaugh Kate Kuchay Leo & Beatrice Meichtry Niko &Maria Petersen Jim Reedy Paul Schmidt Nancee Walker Karl & Sandy Yager Harlan Barney Frank & Frances Bosher Brooks Dawson Michael Fialko Richard & Mary Louise Herrick Bill & Evelyn Kohler Shirley Kuchay Richard Permenter Walter & Christa Pohlmann Herbie & Marianna Schmidt Peter & Hilda Schmidt David & Janice Walz Treasurer - Mary Louise Herrick Phone -- 273-8660 Recording Secretary - Greg Reinwald Phone -- 755-5810 Membership Secretary - Shirley Kuchay Phone -- 374-3615 Board Members Harlan Barney Jr. Brooks Dawson Inge Eley Richard Herrick Richard Permenter Helmut Reihs Marianna Schmidt Peter Schmidt Hilda Schmidt Volunteers Needed at Bingo once a month Call Inge 233-0545 The Annual Fall Rummage Sale held on Saturday, August 23rd was a great success. Thank you to all that participated by bringing in items to be sold, those helping to organize the items, those that worked on Saturday from early to late helping our customers and packing up the donated leftovers. We couldn’t do it without your support. We made $1,230.00 on the sale!!!!! Thank You again, Mary Louise Herrick, Chairperson GH Newsletter, Troy NY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 Page 1 of 4 Upcoming Meetings Wed Sept 3 Wed Sept 10 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Board of Directors Mtg. Rod & Gun Club Mtg. Uncle Sam Birthday Parade Sunday, Sept 14 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wed October 1 7:00 PM Board of Directors Mtg. Wed October 8 7:00 PM Rod & Gun Club Mtg. Every year since 1976 we have participated in the Uncle Sam Parade. People are needed to carry the Germania Hall banner, the flags, and to march. If you do not have “German attire”, wear a black pant or skirt, a white shirt and walking shoes. Friday Night Menu Dinners served from 5:30 PM until 8:30 PM Available for Take-out Week 1 Rouladen Chicken Week 3 Prime Rib Schnitzel $14.95 $13.95 Week 2 Schnitzel Meatloaf $16.95 $13.95 Week 4 Sauerbraten Turkey Week 5 Roast Pork $13.95 $14.95 $13.95 $14.95 $13.95 Please let Jim Reedy know if you will be participating. We will meet at noon at the Hall; will be transported to the beginning of the parade route. We guarantee you will have FUN!! All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet 2nd Sunday of October Eenjoy Breakfast on October 12, by attending our famous Breakfast Buffet!! Liver with Bacon & Onions $13.95 Always Available Wurst Platter $12.95 Fish Fried/Broiled Creamed Cod $12.95 $12.95 Dinner includes choice of Soup and Salad, Potato or Potato Pancakes, Vegetable, Dessert Coffee or Tea Children’s Menu $7.95 Herbie Liebenhagen or Greg Reinwald provide Live Music each week from 6 to 9 PM Reservations are recommended for tables of 5 or more. Call Hilda to place your reservation at 753-6951 or the Hall at 237-5008. The buffet is open from 9 to Noon, $8 for adults, and $4 for children under 10. Enjoy: Juice, Fresh Scrambled Eggs, Corned Beef Hash, Bacon, Sausage, Home Fries, Pancakes, Pastry, Toast, Coffee, Tea and our Omelet Station. Volunteers are needed for preparation, clean up and serving of food and coffee. Call Hilda if you can help. It is a fun time for all. A German Specialty Store Since 1948 Rolf’s Pork Store Tues/Fri 8 to 5, Sat 8 to 3 70 Lexington Ave, Alb 463-0185 Delivery - Catering - Gifts Fax Orders 436-8680 DUE TO THE UNCLE SAM DAY PARADE THERE WILL BE NO All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet IN SEPTEMBER. 3514 State St., Schenectady 12304 Phone: (518) - 382 - 0001 905 Loudon Road (Route 9) Latham 12110 Phone: (518) - 389-2505 3057 Wilton Plaza. Rte. 50, Saratoga Springs 12888 Phone: (518) - 580 – 1285 Serving Upstate NY Since 1985! GH Newsletter, Troy NY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 Page 2 of 4 GERMAN AMERICAN ROD & GUN CLUB FIFTH Annual George Wiesnet Memorial PIG ROAST SATURDAY -- SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 AT THE CLUB GROUNDS, NEAR TOMHANNOCK RESERVOIR Your presence is requested at this year’s annual German American Day Celebration on Saturday, October 4th, 2014. This year's honorees are Hilda Schmidt, Peter Schmidt and Paul Schmidt. Please join us for Cocktails at 5 PM, with Dinner being served at 6 PM. Dinner Choices are Marinated Beef or Stuffed Chicken Breast John Deane will perform music for your dancing enjoyment starting at 7:30 PM. The price of $28 per person includes dinner, domestic draft beer, wine, soda and entertainment. Contact Helmut at 283-5254 for reservations. Reservations are due no later than September 27. Looking Ahead A day of hamburgers, hot dogs and German sausage links, domestic beer, soda, games and music starting at Noon and continuing all afternoon. OUR FRIEND THE PIG SERVED AT 4:30 P.M. TICKETS $25.00 ADULTS / $12.00 KIDS 14 & UNDER DOMESTIC DRAFT BEER AND SODA INCLUDED A tree will be planted in celebration of George Wiesnet's life and his contributions to Troy Germania Hall and the Rod and Gun Club. TICKETS: CRAIG WIESNET - PH 663-5435 JACK ABRAMS- PH 461-1187 Our Club grounds are located just past the Tomhannock Reservoir on Rt. 7 East -After crossing the reservoir take a left at the flashing light onto Reservoir Road and then your first right onto Phillips Road. The Club is about 1/4 mile down Phillips Road. Look for our Sign. Mark your calendars for upcoming events that you can participate as a member of Germania Hall. November 9 – Sunday Breakfast November 15 – Bavarian Night December 13 – Hall Christmas Party December 14 – Sunday Breakfast BROOKS DAWSON - TREE CARE ARBORIST 160 Newman Rd Ext. E-mail: Shushan, NY 12873 Fully Insured 518-588-8952 Providing Professional Tree Care and Quality Service including Custom Saw Milling GH Newsletter, Troy NY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 Page 3 of 4 McLoughlin & Mason Funeral Home LLC Email: 8 109th Street Licensed Directors Mary E. McLoughlin Catherine McLoughlin Troy, NY 12182 Ph 518-235-1722 Fax 518-237-5424 Family Owned and Operated Prearrangement Counseling, Children's Room Inquiry about our services are welcome Dues for 2014 Membership Secretary, Shirley Kuchay, would like to remind everyone that your 2014 annual dues and previous years of $35pp per year are due. Albany German American Club Their newsletter is posted on the bulletin board in the Rathskellar. They have many fun activities to attend and do support GH. Sick and Visiting Committee If you know a member of the hall that is ill or in the hospital, contact Marianna Schmidt at 2331122 or Evelyn Kohler at 283-7782. A card will be sent and/or a visit. LA Curran, Accountant LLC You manage the business, I’ll manage the books Accounting, Payroll, Income Tax, Consulting 21 Berkshire Drive 518-877-7257 Clifton Park, NY 12065 Cell: 518-301-5183 Leo's Overhead Doors Inc. Serving Troy & Vicinity Residential & Commercial 274-4455 Bruce J, Wagner Attorney-at-Law Matrimonial & Family Law & Appeals 677 Broadway 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12201 or P.O. Box 459 Albany, NY 12201-0459 447-3329 Fax 426-4260 565 Fourth Avenue Troy, NY 12182 518-235-0962 White-Sanvidge Funeral Home 58 Leversee Road Troy, NY 12182 518-235-8987 Morris-Stebbins-Miner-Sanvidge Funeral Home 312 Hoosick Ave. Troy, NY 12180 518-272-3980 518-272-5802 Matzen Services, LLC. Construction Management - Design Build—Building Maintenance Peter T Matzen 200 Ford Road, Melrose, NY 12121 Phone 663-5500 Fax 663-5300 Compliments of the LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY WITH ERIC KNIELE 518-273-5638 Troy, New York Residential-Commercial Fully Licensed--Insured GH Newsletter, Troy NY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 Page 4 of 4 Schuhplattler Verein Alpenklang
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