46 th MMF Annual General Assembly Winnipeg, Manitoba / November 15 - 16, 2014 Sponsorship 2014 Tradeshow Engaging Communities Sponsorship & Tradeshow Opportunities Sponsorship 2013 Trade Show 1 Engaging Co Manitoba Metis Federation Governance Structure Departments Health & Wellness Department Membership / Central registry office Metis Community liaison Department Metis employment and Training Metis Justice institute natural resources Tripartite self-government negotiations Portfolios economic Development Heritage, sports and Youth Metis Government Hydro Provincial education aboriginal skills and educational Training strategy (aseTs) • • • Democratic elections governing Boards 7 regional meetings and 1 provincial general assembly Affiliates infinity Women secretariat HoMe oFFiCe RepResents oveR 100,000 metis citizens in the pRovince of manitoba 50,000 adult Voting Members | 7,000 Harvesters 7 Regions Offices louis riel institute 7 regions 140 loCals 80 seTTleMenTs Metis Child, Family and Community services Metis Child and Family services authority Pemmican Publications Business Development Affiliates Metis economic Development organization louis riel Capital Corporation Metis economic Development Fund Metis generation Fund 2 46th MMF Annual General Assembly ommunities President’s Message As President of the Manitoba Metis Federation, it is my privilege to invite you to join our 46th Annual General Assembly (AGA) as a sponsor, tradeshow participant or both. The AGA will take place on November 15 and 16, 2014. This package contains everything you need to take part. The Metis represent a significant buying group in our province's marketplace. The MMF is your gateway to this market segment. What better way to spread the word about your business? Did you know the Metis people are the fastest growing Aboriginal population in Canada? Our consumer base is over 100,000 people in Manitoba, and close to 400,000 across Western Canada. With 3,000 delegates, exhibitors and guests attending our AGA, the Federation boasts the largest gathering of Metis delegates in Canada. AGA participants include Metis business owners, government agencies and individual consumers. All of them come to our Assembly to review our accomplishments and celebrate our achievements. The AGA is also a place to do business. This package contains many new options for supporting our event and provides a wide variety of marketing vehicles to help you reach out to Metis citizens across the province. Sponsoring our AGA lets the Manioba Metis community learn about your business and shows that you support the Metis; that you care about what matters to them; and, that they are the customers and clients you are looking for! Our tradeshow supports up to 100 booths each year, enabling companies, Crown Corporations and government agencies to market directly to the Metis people. Tradeshow traffic is substantial over these two days, and I encourage you to take part by registering your space on the floor today! Your contribution helps to enhance the participation of our Youth, Elders and Citizens. The MMF appreciates your support, my Cabinet, Delegates, Youth and Elders appreciate your contribution. I invite you to join us as a guest and partner as we celebrate our Metis leadership, build our Metis Nation and help to create a strong future for all Manitobans. Believe in yourself – believe in Metis Meeqwetch, Sponsorship 2014 Tradeshow 3 Building Pa Sponsorship Opportunities There are three levels of corporate sponsorship with the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF), described below including a number of “a la carte” support opportunities and special events. Many of these sponsorship opportunities are just right for you and the products or services you provide to Manitoba’s Aboriginal market. Our Annual General Assembly is attended by approximately 3,000 delegates and is growing every year. This exciting marketing opportunity will enable your business or organization to: • Benefit from exclusive market exposure. • Gain a competitive edge in the marketplace through our media outlets, such as Grassroots News (80,000+ readers bi-weekly) and the Metis Hour X 2 (40,000+ listeners every week). • Obtain valuable exposure and prominence with current and potential clients. • Be positioned as a community and/or industry leader. • Increase corporate visibility and build your corporate image with the Metis people. • Have prominent exposure through networking opportunities with a targeted audience from across Manitoba. All sponsors will be acknowledged in the conference program and at the conference proceedings. All sponsors have the opportunity to include promotional items for inclusion in the delegates’ bags. Items are to be provided no later than Friday, October 31, 2014. Please contact Jasmine Langhan for more information on how you can support one of Canada’s largest Metis gatherings. Phone: 204-586-8474 E-mail: jasmine.langhan@mmf.mb.ca * Sponsors must provide a PowerPoint slide/advertisement or digital copy of company logo to be displayed on the jumbo screen in the main venue in rotation throughout the event. ** Sponsors must provide a digital “print-ready” copy of their company logo or ad for inclusion in the kits/advertising and programs. 4 46th MMF Annual General Assembly artnerships The Manitoba Metis Federation is the self-government representative that promotes the political, social, cultural, and economic interests and rights of the Metis Nation within Manitoba. We deliver programs and services to our community including: child and family services; justice; housing; youth; education; human resources; economic development and natural resources. The MMF was founded in 1967 by a group of forwardthinking Metis who realized that it was necessary to stand up and fight for the rights of the Metis in Manitoba. Since then, the MMF has grown to over 650 staff throughout the Province, and has successfully promoted, protected and advanced the interests of its members. The Federation negotiates with the Provincial and Federal governments to access funding to provide services to the Metis people of Manitoba. The Annual General Assembly is a fundamental part of our governance structure. There, our citizens review our accomplishments and celebrate our success. The AGA provides each of us the opportunity to help set our goals and provides clear direction on upcoming investments and future priorities. Our past offers guidance and is intimately linked to our present and our future. Through the leadership of Louis Riel and others, the Metis were the Founders of Manitoba. Under Riel, the Legislative Assembly of the Assiniboine became Manitoba’s first provincial government. The signing of the Manitoba Act in 1870 brought this province into Confederation, making us partners in the great country of Canada. Today, the Metis continue to play an integral part in Manitoba’s cultural life and economic prosperity. We welcome you to our AGA, and thank you for being a part of our history! Manitoba Metis Federation will work with all sponsors to discuss the most beneficial allocation of all funding and the most appropriate levels of sponsorship to suit your business. We have a proven marketing strategy that ensures our sponsors are prominently viewed by all delegates, media and the public. Sponsorship 2014 Tradeshow 5 Engaging Co Gold (Bison) Sponsor - $15,000 + • A private meet and greet event with President Chartrand. (date and location to be scheduled following AGA) • Prominent placement of your logo in the AGA conference kit. (a full colour Conference program package distributed to more than approximately 3,000 individuals and organizations) • Sponsor recognition in Grassroots News and on The Metis Hour x 2 (NCI-FM). • Full page advertisement in the AGA Conference Program. • Prominent placement of your logo in all AGA advertising in print media. • Prominent placement of your logo on the home page of www.mmf.mb.ca and a link to your website. • Prominent placement of sponsor signage along all main thoroughfares. (i.e. hung from ceiling along hallways) • Logo/company information on rolling “ticker” on television monitors throughout AGA venues. • Logo/company name on interior electronic advertising throughout complex. • First choice of two complimentary booths in the trade show (20' x 10' space) valued up to $1,200. • Complete Conference information package reserved for 6 (Value of $300). • 2 complimentary reserved tables for 8 at the 46th AGA evening event with table recognition (value: $800). • Inclusion of company promotional material in the AGA conference kit. • Placement of company logo on Conference kit bag. • ½ day sponsorship of the coffee and snack table located in the assembly hall. • One day sponsorship of the elders lounge, including prominent placement of company logo within the lounge. • Formal presentation of a sponsorship recognition gift. * * * * * * * Submission deadline for advertisments and logos Wednesday, October 15, 2014 6 46th MMF Annual General Assembly ommunities Silver (Cart) Sponsor - $10,000 + * • Prominent placement of your logo in the AGA conference kit. (a full colour Conference program package distributed to approximately 3,000 individuals and organizations) • Sponsor recognition in Grassroots News and on The Metis Hour x 2 (NCI-FM). • ½ page advertisement in the AGA Conference Program. • Prominent placement of your logo in all AGA advertising in print media. • Prominent placement of your logo on the home page of www.mmf.mb.ca and a link to your website. • Prominent placement of sponsor signage along all main thoroughfares. (i.e. hung from ceiling along hallways) • Logo/company information on rolling “ticker” on television monitors throughout AGA venues. • Logo/company name on interior electronic advertising throughout complex. • 1 complimentary booth in the trade show (10' x 10' space) valued up to $600. • Complete Conference information package reserved for 6 (Value of $300). • 1 complimentary reserved table for 8 at the 46th AGA evening event (value: $800). • Inclusion of company promotional material in the AGA conference kit. • One day sponsorship of the elders lounge, including prominent placement of company logo within the lounge. * * * * * * Submission deadline for advertisments and logos Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Sponsorship 2014 Tradeshow 7 Building Pa Bronze (Sash) Sponsor - $5,000 + * • Prominent placement of your logo in the AGA conference kit. (a full colour Conference program package distributed to approximately 3,000 individuals and organizations) • Sponsor recognition in Grassroots News and on The Metis Hour x 2 (NCI-FM). • ¼ page advertisement in the AGA Conference Program. • Prominent placement of your logo on the home page of www.mmf.mb.ca and a link to your website. • Prominent placement of sponsor signage along all main thoroughfares. (i.e. hung from ceiling along hallways) • Logo/company information on rolling “ticker” on television monitors throughout AGA venues. • Logo/company name on interior electronic advertising throughout complex. • 1 complimentary booth in the trade show (10' x 10' space) valued up to $600. • Complete Conference information package reserved for 4 (Value of $300). • 6 complimentary tickets for the 46th AGA evening event. • Inclusion of company promotional material in the AGA conference kit. * * * * Submission deadline for advertisments and logos Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8 46th MMF Annual General Assembly * artnerships A La Carte AGA Sponsorship Options • 1 day Napkins (2,500) with company 2 color logo - $2,000 • 1 day Coffee cups (2,500) with company 2 color logo - $2,000 • Live web streaming of AGA over two days - $3,500 • AGA Tradeshow Café - $3,000 • AGA Information Table sponsorship - $2,000 • 1 day Elders’ Lounge Sponsorship (depending on availability) - $1,500 • Registration Tables - $1,000 ea. • Registration Door Prize(s) - $1,000 ea. • Tradeshow Venue sponsorship: • Prize sponsorship for “Best Booth” contest - $1,000 • ½ day coffee service in assembly hall (depending on availability) - $1,000 • ½ day snack table in assembly hall (depending on availability) - $1,000 • AGA shuttle service - $300 per passenger van with company logo displayed (depending on availablility) • AGA Report Advertising insert - $250 ea. • Convention Bag insert - $200 ea. • Youth Transportation $2,000 Note: Many of the above items are part of sponsorship packages and will only become available depending on the number of packages sold. ** Please note that submission deadline for the above-noted items is no later than Wednesday, October 15, 2014 Sponsorship 2014 Tradeshow 9 46th MMF Annual General Assembly Sponsorship 2014 Special Event Sponsorship Opportunities Metis Youth Conference: Success In A Digital World + Trades Today Sponsorship of this event will support crucial educational tools for the Metis youth market. Metis Youth events at the AGA routinely draw up to 140 Metis youth. These events are valuable learning sessions for our young people. Success in a digital world and trades today Sometimes youth (and adults) don’t realize the potential impact social media may have on their current or future employment opportunities. This year we will be discussing the consequences of combining work and social media. This year, the theme of the MMF Youth Conference is “Success in a Digital World”, and to support this focus there will be a number of presentations, workshops and group activities to help show our youth how to stay technologically smart, savvy, and safe in this digital age. Also, in an effort to increase the variety of presenters and topics, the conference will be split into two streams: 'Professional Path’ and ‘Trades Today’. Young attendees, who envision a future involving post secondary education, or business, technology or entrepreneurial pursuits, will find that the 'Professional Path’ stream offers seminar topics and breakout sessions which are both informative and inspirational. You’ll hear from accomplished Metis business owners and professionals, who’ve built successful careers in areas such as software development and industrial design. Participants will also learn about the tremendous opportunities available to Metis youth that are interested in developing careers in business, the sciences, and technology. Conference attendees that are looking to get job ready and enter the work force, or pursue a trade, will find the 'Trades Today’ youth conference stream to be the right option. Seminar topics and breakout sessions will allow attendees to hear from experienced Industry partners, and those who currently work in the trades. Participants will learn about the variety of skilled employment opportunities out there, what it takes to enter a particular field of work, and what it takes to stay in that field and be successful. Those who participate on the ’Trades Today’ side of the conference will also have the opportunity to try out some jobs, firsthand, in a computer simulator. Support these valuable learning opportunities by becoming an event partner. Your sponsorship will receive recognition through signage and formal announcements, and will help provide catering services for the event, along with special prize draws. Your company will also have an opportunity to profile your goods and services to this up and coming population of consumers. Event Partner - $2,000 - Success in a Digital World / Event Partner - $2,000 - Trades Today 10 • Signage /recognition • Signage /recognition • Catering • Catering • Prize Draws • Prize Draws 46th MMF Annual General Assembly 46th MMF Annual General Assembly Sponsorship 2014 AGA Sponsorship Opportunities We are grateful for your support. To confirm your sponsorship please complete the information below and fax back to us at 204-947-1816. Please make cheque payable to the Manitoba Metis Federation Inc., and mail completed form with payment to the Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. 300-150 Henry Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0J7 Attn: Jasmine Langhan Contact Information Place a check mark beside the level of support you wish to offer. Company Name: To remove, please tear along this perforation... Support Options Contact Name: Mailing Address: City, Town or Village: Province: Gold (Bison) Sponsor $15,000.00+ Silver (Cart) Sponsor $10,000.00+ Bronze (Sash) Sponsor $ 5,000.00+ Postal Code: A La Carte AGA Sponsorship Options Email: Web: A La Carte Option Phone: Dollar Value $ Fax: $ Please make cheques payable to: Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. $ * Please note that submission deadline for the above noted items is no later than Wednesday ,October 15, 2014 $ $ $ To further discuss sponsorship options, please contact: Jasmine Langhan Phone: 204-586-8474 | Fax: 204-947-1816 | E-mail: jasmine.langhan@mmf.mb.ca Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.: 150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0J7 46th MMF Annual General Assembly Sponsorship 2014 An annual event for 46 years, the MMF General Assembly is the Federation’s time to shine! Every year, we see up to 3,000 delegates at our assemblies, each one coming to learn about their Metis government, discover new friends and reconnect with old ones. Part of this spirit of celebration includes our long-running Metis trade expo. Did you know the MMF’s Annual General Assembly is the largest Metis gathering anywhere in Canada? With more than 100,000 Metis in Manitoba, we are a significant consumer group and market segment for this province. Our two-day tradeshow is your perfect opportunity to reach that market directly. We have a bright, modern and efficiently laid out trade show floor with room for up to 100 exhibitors. Located on the 3rd Floor at the Assiniboia Downs, the Trade Expo aligns perfectly with the AGA traffic flow. Booth spaces begin with a standard 10’ x 10’ space, but can be expanded to meet your needs. Our competitive pricing ensures this event is time and money well spent! We offer discounts for Metis businesses. As one of the following entities you have an opportunity to save on the cost of your trade expo registration: Business owners with MEDO Affinity Cards: 15% off MEDO Affinity Merchant Partners: 25% off Be sure to confirm your participation in the above categories by contacting Jasmine Langhan at 204586-8474 MANITOBA METIS FEDERATION INC. 46th ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY TRADESHOW EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION FORM DEADLINE – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 Please print or type information. Company/Organization: Contact: Phone: Fax: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: E-mail: Product or service being exhibited: Exhibit Dates (attendance is preferred for all days): Saturday, November 15, 2014: 12:00 pm - noon – 5:00 p.m. & Sunday, November 16, 2014: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. To remove, please tear along this perforation... *Includes one skirted 10-foot table and 2 chairs Electrical outlet required: Yes No *Electrical outlets are limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. **Exhibitors must supply their own electrical cords. Important note: The exhibit area is situated on the 3rd Floor at the Assiniboia Downs at 3975 Portage Avenue in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Space is limited and exhibitors will be placed on a first-come, first-serve basis according to receipt of paid exhibit applications. Insurance Waiver: I/We have chosen not to purchase insurance and hereby release the Manitoba Metis Federation and Assiniboia Downs from any liability. Authorizing Signature Display Cost: • $600 Government/Corporate/Commercial Organizations (includes one table) • $400 Non-Profit Organization (Must supply proof of non-profit status) • $300 Metis Businesses • $200 Crafters Cheque or money order must accompany completed exhibit request form. Please make cheques payable to Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.. Tables are not confirmed until payment has been received. Mail completed forms to: Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. Attention: Jasmine Langhan, 300 – 150 Henry Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0J7 For more information, contact: Jasmine Langhan, via telephone - 204-586-8474, Fax: 204-947-1816 or Email: jasmine.langhan@mmf.mb.ca PLEASE NOTE: Full payment must be submitted with this application form to confirm a booth. There will be NO REFUNDS issued for cancelled space. Signature: Date: MANITOBA METIS FEDERATION 46th ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY TRADESHOW EXHIBITOR REQUIREMENTS Exhibitor Display Hours: All exhibitors must be set up and operating their booths during the following hours: Saturday, November 15, 2014 – 12:00 pm - noon to 5:00 p.m. & Sunday, November 16, 2014 – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please be advised that the tradeshow area will be closed on Saturday, November 15, 2014 until 12:00 pm - noon to accommodate the opening ceremonies and the State of the Metis Nation Address. Exhibitors are welcome to attend this exciting portion of the Annual General Assembly. Exhibitor Insurance: All exhibitors must meet all fire, health and any other related provincial regulations. Liability, public liability, theft, fire and other insurance coverage is required and proof of minimum insurance requirements must be sent with the final contract. If you choose not to purchase insurance, the Manitoba Metis Federation requires a signed waiver releasing the MMF from responsibility. (Please see registration form) Exhibitor Standards and Cancellations: The Manitoba Metis Federation reserves the right to establish minimum display standards and to accept or reject trade show applications without stated cause. There is a NO CANCELLATION – NO REFUND POLICY in effect for cancelled space. There will be no subletting of booth space. The MMF reserves the right to cancel a contract with a potential exhibitor upon written notice, provided such notice is given 14 days prior to the tradeshow. Booth Costs and Locations: Exhibit and Crafters spaces will be available on the 3rd Floor at the Assiniboia Downs in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Measurements are 10’ X 10’ and include a skirted table and two chairs. Allocation of space is at the discretion of the MMF and decision of placement is final. $600 Government/Corporate/Commercial Organizations $400 Non-Profit Organization $300 Metis Businesses $200 Crafters Moving Times: The set-up times for the MMF AGA Tradeshow will be Friday, November 14, 2014 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ONLY. Move-out times will be Sunday, November 16, 2014 after 4:00 p.m. If your display requires special moving equipment (i.e. forklift, tractor, etc.), you are responsible for making these arrangements with the tradeshow coordinator. Security: Security staff will be on duty starting Friday, November 15, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. and will be patrolling the tradeshow areas until Sunday, November 16, 2014 until close. Exhibitors are responsible for to securing all valuables at their booth. Electricity: Access to electricity is NOT standard with booth space. Should you require power, please note on your application (a standard outlet provides 15 amps of power; please order appropriately). You are responsible for bringing your own extension cord (minimum 20 feet) in the event that an outlet is not located directly behind your booth. If you have special power needs, please list them with your application. In-House Marketing: Marketing and promotion of your products and/or services is permitted within your booth space only. The posting and distribution of posters, flyers and handouts are not permitted in any other part of the building or grounds without prior approval of the MMF. Metis Employment Metis&Manitoba Training 1 Kristy Majeran Registered Nurse/BN Graduate, University of Manitoba Financial aid for final year of university provided by Metis employment & training www.youtube.com/user/MMFemployment mmfemployment.ca Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. 3rd Floor 150 Henry Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0J7 Phone: 204-586-8474 Fax: 204-947-1816 Web: mmf.mb.ca © 2013 Manitoba Metis Federation Inc. Sponsorship 2014 MMF Annual General Assembly Tradeshow Winnipeg, Manitoba / November 15 - 16, 2014 46th
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