ULSTER MEDICAL SOCIETY PROGRAMME 2014 - 2015 “MAKING A DIFFERENCE” President Dr Colin Wallace Mathews Ulster Medical Society The Ulster Medical Society was formed in 1862 through the amalgamation of the Belfast Medical Society (founded in 1806 and revived in 1822) and the Belfast Clinical and Pathological Society (founded in 1853). A major role of the Ulster Medical Society is to foster interdisciplinary education, and specialists and generalists in all fields of medicine are welcome at all lectures. It is intended that all these lectures will be suitable for Continuing Medical Education, under the regulations of the various Royal Colleges and Faculties. Evening meetings of the Society will usually commence at 8.00 pm. Meetings will take place in the Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building or on some occasions in the North Lecture Theatre, MBC. Ordinary meetings of the Society are open to Fellows and Members and their guests, and to all other registered medical practitioners. Other persons including members of the Press who wish to attend should apply to the Honorary Secretary. Further details of our meetings and information can be found at our website http://www.ums.ac.uk. You can also be added to our electronic mailing list and receive notification of our meetings or changes to the programme by visiting the website. 2 Programme 2014-2015 PRESIDENT: DR COLIN MATHEWS “MAKING A DIFFERENCE” Thursday 9th October 2014 at 8.00 pm North Lecture Theatre, MBC, QUB PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS SPECIALISING IN GENERALISM DR COLIN MATHEWS MB, BCH, BAO, MRCGP, DIPGUM DRCOG Colin qualified from Queens in 1979 and he completed GP training in 1983 following jobs in Royal Group of Hospitals, NI Fever Hospital and Ballymoney. Following this he spent some time working in Nassau, Bahamas before returning to work with his father in Portadown. He and his late wife Dr Trish Carson helped established “The Orchard Family Practice” as a well-respected practice in the province. Colin has combined general practice with being a sexual health practitioner, a GP tutor and an appraiser. Embracing the community role of traditional general practice Colin has been High Sheriff of County Armagh, President of Portadown Rotary and Chairman of BMA Southern Division. Following the meeting members and guests are invited to a wine reception in the foyer of MBC. 3 Ulster Medical Society Thursday 23rd October 2014 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE – WHY EVERY HOSPITAL SPECIALTY NEEDS EXCELLENT GENERAL PRACTICE Professor Amanda Howe MA Med, MD, FRCGP Amanda Howe is President Elect of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), Vice Chair of the Council of the Royal College of General Practitioners, and Foundation Professor of Primary Care at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, where she was appointed to help create a new medical school in 2001-present. She leads there on GP teaching, the primary care research programme, and on professionalism for the MB/BS, having also been MB/BS Course Director 2005-2008. She is head of the Primary Care section of the Department of Primary Care and Public Health, where she also hosts an academic training scheme for Masters level family medicine residents. She is qualified MB, ChB, MD, Masters in Education, Fellow of the Royal College of GPs, and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators. Her academic interests are in patient and public empowerment, professionalism and resilience, medical education in community settings, quality of care, and primary care mental health. She has over 100 published articles in peer reviewed journals, and many other written contributions, also currently holding over £5 million of active research grants with others. Her main career motivations have been to - give people the best clinical care through effective primary care and family medicine, in a person centred way that tailors meeting people’s clinical needs to their own priorities and possibilities - develop teams that work effectively in communities for equitable health improvement - make medical courses fit for purpose, including ensuring medical students learn from patients in their own community - champion and develop the discipline of family medicine on a local, national and global basis. 4 Programme 2014-2015 Thursday: 6th November 2014 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building NIPACS – A VIRTUAL RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT FOR NORTHERN IRELAND: THE STORY SO FAR Dr Brendan Devlin MB, BCh, BAO, FRCR Dr Brendan Devlin completed his undergraduate medical studies at QUB in 1979. He entered the NI Radiology Training Programme in 1981 and, after a fellowship year in Canada, returned to Northern Ireland where he took up a Consultant Radiologist position in Altnagelvin Hospital in 1988. He has had a long-term interest in the use of computers within his chosen field of Radiology and has been a key player in the conception, specification and implementation of NIPACS, which has revolutionised the delivery of imaging services in Northern Ireland. He has sat on regional and national committees and was a member of the Service Review Committee and the IT SubCommittee of the Royal College of Radiologists for several years. Thursday: 20th November 2014 at 7.30pm North Lecture Theatre, MBC. JOINT MEETING WITH NIMDTA AND QUB JUNIOR DOCTORS PRIZE EVENING This is an important evening for the Society when doctors in training have the opportunity to present their research or interesting clinical cases. All doctors in training in Northern Ireland are eligible to submit abstracts for consideration. Doctors in training who are not working in Northern Ireland and who are members of the Ulster Medical Society are also eligible to submit abstracts. Information on how to submit abstracts will be circulated through the NIMDTA website. The meeting will be preceded by a “finger buffet” in the foyer at 6.00pm. The meeting will start at 7.30 pm and finish at 9.30pm. 5 Ulster Medical Society Thursday 11th December 2014 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building AIDS, WHERE DID IT COME FROM AND WHERE IS IT GOING? Professor Colm O’Mahony MD, FRCP, BSc, DIPVen. Professor Colm P O’Mahony is a Consultant in Genito-Urinary Medicine at the Countess of Chester Hospital. Dr O’Mahony first qualified in Science (Microbiology) in 1975, and then took a degree in Medicine with an MD in Immunology. He was elected as Chairman of the National Association of GU Doctors in 2001 and to the British HIV Association executive committee in 2005. He featured in “Sex, warts and all” shown on BBC Choice 2002, and also featured in a Channel 4 series “Let’s talk sex” with Davina McCall, shown in March 06 and March 07. In November 2006 he featured in the series “Girls’ Guide to 21st Century Sex” on Channel 5, (Repeated 07, 08, 09 and 10), and featured with Stephen Fry on BBC “HIV and me”in 2008. He was the chairman of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV media group and became chair of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology (EADV) media committee in 2009. There have been dramatic advances in the treatment of AIDS since it first emerged in 1981. Most patients will now live a normal life span and a fully treated patient with a suppressed viral load is highly unlikely to pass on the virus. A far cry from the early days of emaciated young men dying of multiple infections and Kaposi’s Sarcoma. The dark cloud however is still the 6,000 new cases in the UK every year. What is the future? 6 Programme 2014-2015 Thursday: 15th January 2015 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building AM I RIGHT OR AM IWRONG? THE GREY WORLD OF FORENSIC MEDICINE Professor Marie Cassidy, MB, ChB, MRCPath Professor Marie Cassidy is currently State Pathologist in Ireland, involved in the investigation of suspicious deaths and homicides. She has been a Forensic Pathologist for 30 years and prior to her appointment in 1998 she worked in the Forensic Department at Glasgow University. She is Professor of Forensic Medicine in the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and Trinity College, Dublin, which involves teaching Forensic Medicine to Medical Students. As part of her forensic work she has been involved with the U.N. since the mid 1990’s. She has travelled to Bosnia on several occasions, as well as to Croatia and latterly to Sierra Leone as part of a team involved in the investigation of war crimes, in particular the examination of bodies from mass graves. She has acted as a consultant to the television crime series Taggart. A character in the book The Human Body is based on her. 7 Ulster Medical Society Thursday 29th January 2015 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building JOINT MEETING WITH THE ULSTER OBSTETRICAL AND GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY President Dr Barry MS Marshall MB, BCh, BAO, FRCOG FROM SEMMELWEIS TO SAVITA Dr Ann Harper OBE, MD, FRCOG, FRCPI Dr Ann Harper is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in the Royal Jubilee Maternity Service, Belfast. Her subspecialist interest is Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Ann is a Queens’s graduate and was a QUB Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from1992-2002. She is a Past President of the Ulster Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society and of the Irish Perinatal Society. She is an MRCOG Examiner and has served on RCOG Committees and Working Parties. She has been RCOG Regional Adviser for Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Chair of the NI Regional Training Committee for O&G. She has been involved with the UK Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (CEMD) as NI Regional Assessor since 2001 and has authored the Sepsis Chapter in the last three CEMD Reports (2000-2; 2003-5; 2006-8) and the Amniotic Fluid Embolism Chapter in the 2009-12 Report. 8 Programme 2014-2015 Thursday 12th February 2015 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building JOINT MEETING WITH THE ULSTER SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE Chair: Dr Stanley Hawkins MD, FRCP THE GARY LOVE LECTURE REFLECTIONS ON THE DUN’S LIBRARY AND THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS IN IRELAND FROM ITS FOUNDING TO PRESENT DAY Dr Paul Darragh MD, PhD, MSc, FRCP UK & Ireland, FFPHM UK & Ireland Dr Paul Darragh is currently a Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland. He previously was Senior Lecturer/Consultant in Public Health, Q.U.B./EHSSB, Principal in General Practice, East Belfast and associate in General Practice, Nova Scotia, Canada. The presentation will cover a range of issues involving the history, role and activities of the RCPI from its founding in 1654 to the present day. It will look at the life, times and influence of Sir Patrick Dun on the development of the College. In particular how his bequest figured widely in the activity of the College from generation to generation. Dun’s impact on the College is still recognised in the position of Dun’s Librarian as the Custodian of the College Heritage. All exclusively medical historical libraries in the U.K. struggle for meaning, purpose and to be cherished. A brief overview of the current strengths of the library will touch on some of the College collections, the archives, preservation, e-cataloguing, genealogical research and other activities aimed at making the library fit for purpose in the 21st Century. Finally there will be a brief discussion on records management for the preservation of recent history over the last 50 years. There is a major gap in our knowledge of this time period, which encompasses the period of greatest development of speciality medicine. 9 Ulster Medical Society Thursday 26th February 2015 at 8.00pm North Lecture Theatre, MBC, QUB JOINT MEETING WITH THE QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC MEDICINE SOCIETY President Mr Nathan Cantley SIR THOMAS AND LADY EDITH DIXON LECTURE AUSTERITY: A FAILED EXPERIMENT ON THE PEOPLE Professor Martin McKee CBE, MD, DSc, MSc, FRCP, FRCPE, FRCPI, FFPH, FMedSci Professor Martin McKee is professor of European Public Health. He qualified in medicine at Queens with subsequent training in internal medicine and public health. As Professor of European Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Martin was founding director of the European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition (ECOHOST), a WHO Collaborating Centre that comprises the largest team of researchers working on health and health policy in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, and which he led for over a decade. He is also research director of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, a unique partnership of universities, national and regional governments, and international agencies and is President-elect of the European Public Health Association.Martin has published over 750 scientific papers and 42 books and he has been invited to give many endowed lectures, including the Milroy (Royal College of Physicians), Cochrane (UK Society for Social Medicine), Ference Bojan (EUPHA), Davidson (Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh). In 2003 Martin was awarded the Andrija Stampar medal for contributions to European public health and in 2005 was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) by HM Queen Elizabeth II. 10 Programme 2014-2015 Thursday 12th March 2015 at 8.00pm Lecture Theatre 1/2, Centre for Medical and Dental Education and Training, Altnagelvin Area Hospital THE DESMOND WHYTE MEMORIAL LECTURE ANAESTHETISTS MAKING A DIFFERENCE – LIGHT ADJUSTMENT AND OTHER TALENTS Dr Geoff Nesbitt MB, BCh, BAO, FFARCSI Dr Geoff A Nesbitt qualified from QUB in 1979. Upon completing specialist training in Anaesthetics he was appointed Consultant in Anaesthesia at Altnagelvin Hospital in 1991. He has been the Clinical Director in Anaesthetics & Critical Care from 1998 – 2002, Medical Director to Altnagelvin Trust 2002 – 2007 and Associate Medical Director, Quality & Safety, Western Trust 2007 – 2014. After 35 years in medicine Geoff has retired from anaesthetics to spend more time pursuing his many hobbies. Thursday 26th March 2015 at 8.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building THE ROBERT CAMPBELL ORATION HOW MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES IN MEDICINE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE TO PATIENT CARE Professor Peter Coyle MD, MRCPath Professor Peter Coyle is a Consultant Virologist and Clinical Director of Labs in the Royal Victoria Hospital and Belfast Health and Social CareTrust. Peter is the immediate Past-President of the European Society of Clinical Virology, a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification (SACGM) and a section editor of the Journal of Medical Microbiology. His particular research interest is to improve the effectiveness of patient management through molecular approaches to diagnosis. Peter has published widely in the field of Clinical Virology. 11 Ulster Medical Society Friday 27th March 2015 (7.15 pm for 8.00 pm) Great Hall and Canada Room, QUB ANNUAL PRESIDENTIAL DINNER Guest Speaker John, Lord Alderdice, MB, BCh, BAO, FRCPsych Thursday 28th May 2015 at 5.00pm Ulster Medical Society Rooms, Whitla Medical Building ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 12 Programme 2014-2015 COUNCIL 2014 - 2015 OFFICE-BEARERS President Dr Colin Mathews Immediate Past President Mr Eamon Mackle President Elect Dr Michael McBride Honorary Treasurer Dr Fiona Stewart Honorary Editor Dr John Purvis Honorary Archivist Dr John Logan Honorary Secretary Mr Gerry McGinnity MEMBERS Dr L Miller Prof D Johnston Dr J Craig TRUSTEES Dr JF Douglas Dr AEW Gilliland Prof. GE McVeigh Dr CM Ritchie Dr ME Scott Prof. RW Stout Dr CM Wilson 13 2013/16 2013/16 2014/17 Ulster Medical Society CONTACT DETAILS Council Room Whitla Medical Building Tel: 028 9097 5780 ums@ums.ac.uk Honorary Secretary Mr Gerry McGinnity Ground Floor, Eye and Ear Clinic Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast BT12 6BA Email:gerry.mcginnity@belfasttrust.hscni.net Tel: 028 9063 3052 Honorary Treasurer Dr Fiona Stewart Department of Medical Genetics A Floor Belfast City Hospital Belfast BT9 7AB Honorary Editor Dr John Purvis Department of Cardiology Altnagelvin Area Hospital Glenshane Road Londonderry BT47 6SB Email: john.purvis@westerntrust.hscni.net Tel: 028 7134 5171 14 Programme 2014-2015 15 Application for membership or fellowship of the society can be made by post or email to the Honorary Secretary. Please state: • Full name • Present (permanent) address • Degrees, University • Date of graduation • GMC Registration No.
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