“. . . hide me in the shadow of Your wings. - Entrance Antiphon 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time JESUS IN THE TABERNACLE May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world even to the end of time. Amen October 19, 2014 Psalm 17: 8 Daily Masses and Mass Intentions Sunday 10/19/14 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 4:30 PM (I) (I) (I) (R) Penny Schott by Marge & Joe Dobrowalski Mass for the Parishioners Sister Kathleen O’Dwyer by Joy & Al Schnidler Halina and Arkadiusz by Komorniczak Monday 10/20/14 7:00 AM (R) Kathy Farr by Michelle Grenert 8:30 AM (I) Matthew Chase and Pat West by Gail & Bob Johnson and Lee West Tuesday 10/21/14 *MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA *7:00 AM (R) Lorraine Prouty by Beverly & Joseph Sylvia *8:30 AM (R) Ashley de Col Jones by Maryse de Col Normand Wednesday 10/22/14 7:00 AM (I) Rita Lukens 8:30 AM (I) Penny Schott by Paul Gohring Thursday 10/23/14 7:00 AM (R) Teresa Slattery by Marie & Tom Johnson 8:30 AM (I) Wes & Meghan Covert by Kathy & Bill Baxter Friday 10/24/14 7:00 AM (R) Leo Hennigan by Mary & Jerry O’Neill 8:30 AM (I) Deborah Adragna by MaryPat & Don Jones (School Mass) Saturday 10/25/14 8:30 AM (I) Kathy Elfman by MaryPat & Don Jones 4:30 PM (I) Judy Jursch by Carol McNelly Sunday 10/26/14 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 4:30 PM (R) (I) (I) (R) Mrs. ‘Mike’ David by Mike & Pat Schaefer Mass for the Parishioners MaryAnn & William Brubach by Marge DellaVilla Carol Koemstedt & Family Commentator & Music Leaders for October 25 & October 26, 2014 Mass Times Commentator Music Leader SAT 4:30 PM Mammano, F. / Mammano, N. Song Leader SUN 7:30 AM Yanez / Morrison Wagner SUN 9:30 AM Styer / Cohen Contemporary Choir SUN 11:15 AM Allison / Wagner, J. Traditional Choir SUN Germoles / Burton Song Leader 4:30 AM SPECIAL COLLECTION: WORLD MISSION SUNDAY This weekend is World Mission Sunday. This Special Collection is to support the missionary activities of the Catholic Church. Offerings this Sunday provide financial assistance to about 1,150 missionary dioceses in: Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific Islands. This is a practical way for us to show Christ’s love for those whose practice of our faith needs our support. We appreciate your generosity for the Missions. CHAPEL OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Perpetual Adoration Times Adorers are needed: Friday 12 Midnight - 1am, 10pm - 11pm Saturday 6am - 7am, 11am - Noon, 12 Noon - 1pm, 3pm - 4pm, 7pm - 8pm Sunday 2am - 3am, 5pm - 6pm, 8pm - 9pm If you would like to be in the “Real Presence” of Jesus, for any of the above Hours or any Hour, or as a substitute, please call Marge, 967-0641 or Chris, 966-3266. In consideration for the Adorer whose hour is finished, kindly call for a substitute when you cannot make your hour. FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN “Let the children come to me.” The Liturgy of the Word with Children meets each Sunday for the 9:30am Mass, except on the second Sunday of the month, which is the monthly School Mass. Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Ann Miler Anthony Caillou Bruce Pringle Cecelia Beviacqua Curtis Calvin Dave Chaney David Westwater Deana Landingham Diana Mehlhaff Dora V. Marczak Dorothy Jenning Elizabeth Ashby Florence Garcia George & Joanne Kim Jeannette Barron Jim Maher Jody & Ron Martinez Johanna Ross John Langland Judy Spinelli Kathy Wilson Keith Sprenkle Lance Whatley Lee West Lloyd Bousliman Louis Patterson Maria - Elena Fallai Marilyn Gross Mary Slocum Mason Johnson Mauricio Leiva Mike Marchese Nancy Dibble Nellie Henson Nick Tenaglia P. J. Spain Patty Arcenequx-Conti Ralph Virgin Richard Robinson Ricky Garcia Robert Hangar Sabina Rodriquez Teri Ybarra Venese Hampton Veronica McDevit Veronica Saenz Virgil Sprenkle Yvonne McMahon KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CATHOLIC FAITH FORMATION The Knights of Columbus are holding their Monthly Food Collection for the needy NEXT weekend, Oct. 25 & 26. Baskets will be in the vestibule for your donations of unopened, nonperishable food items. CFF Classes resume on Mon., Oct. 20 and Tues., Oct. 21. Reminder: The 2014/2015 CFF Calendar is available on our website. If you have any questions call the CFF office, 9664314, or email ccd@stmelschool.org. ST. MEL LEGION OF MARY NEXT PARENT GATHERING WITH FATHER GUILLERMO RAMIREZ On Oct. 26, in appreciation for their prayerful support, the St. Mel Legion of Mary invites all Auxiliary Members to the Annual Auxiliary Brunch in the Parish Center after the 9:30am Mass. Auxiliary family members are also welcome. ♫♫ MUSIC DIRECTOR POSITION ♫ ♫ St Mel Church has a position open for a full time Director of Music. Please go to: www.stmelchurch.org for a job description, and submit your resume to stmeloffice@yahoo.com. CATHOLICS COME HOME We invite those who have left the Church and would like to return to their Catholic Faith to call the Parish Office at 967-1229, or contact Claude, 728-5739 for more information PRO-LIFE The abortionists did not arrive at 1442 Ethan Way all week!! Your prayers and efforts are working! The national 40 Days for Life news reports that 165 babies have already been saved from abortion due to your prayerful presence! Praise the Lord for answered prayers! SAVE THE DAY St. Mel’s Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe will have their Tamale Fundraiser this month. The flyer to order tamales will be in next week’s bulletin, 10/26. Paid orders will be picked up on Nov. 1, & 2. The paid tamale orders will be distributed on Sun., Nov. 9, between 9am and 1pm, in the Rectory Conference Room facing Sunset Ave. Please call Dolores for any questions, 3371800. FAIR OAKS UNCORKED 2014 The Rotary Club of Fair Oaks, a local non-profit service organization, is hosting Fair Oaks Uncorked 2014, Fri., Oct. 24, 7 to 9:30pm, at St. Mel Parish Center. This is an annual wine and food tasting event and fund raiser featuring foothill wineries and local restaurants. All proceeds after expenses will be used to fund local high school senior awards and programs, a Luau for seniors, Safe Halloween in Fair Oaks Village, and projects at Fair Oaks Library and Phoenix Park. Tickets are $40. For tickets call Lucy, 402-2142, or purchase on-line for a small fee: http://fairoaksuncorked.eventbrite.com. MASS WITH CHARISMATIC GIFTS Please join us for Mass on: Sat., Oct. 25 at 7pm at St. Clare Church, 1950 Junction Blvd., Roseville, with Charismatic Praise and Worship Prayer for Healing will follow the Mass. This Mass will fulfill your Sunday Obligation. For more information contact: Deacon Carl Kube - carlk@stclareroseville.org, 7724717 or Adel Burgos - adelburgos@yahoo.com, 774-0349. The next Parent Gathering with Father Memo will be held on Monday, Oct. 20 and Tuesday, Oct. 21, from 4:30 - 5:25pm, in the RCIA / St. Vincent de Paul room. Please plan on attending this informative session regarding our Catholic Faith. Everyone is welcome! SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL ANNUAL BABY SHOWER The Annual Baby Shower to support the babies whose mothers choose life will be held after all Masses the weekend of Nov. 8 and 9. Homemade items take time to make, so please start early - the babies will thank you. A crib will be set-up in the vestibule from Oct. 24 through Nov. 9 for all unwrapped baby items: baby blankets, sleepers, booties, newborn diapers, formula, etc. The Society will collect and distribute the gifts to aid unwed mothers and their babies. These mothers have chosen life! THANKSGIVING BASKETS St. Vincent de Paul will be distributing Thanksgiving baskets on Mon., Nov. 24, to those who are in need. If you know anyone in our parish who would appreciate a basket, please call SVdP at 966-6164, by Friday, Nov. 7, with family information. LITURGY OF THE HOURS Liturgy of the Hours, (also called “Divine Office”), is prayed every Sat. morning immediately following the 8:30am Mass. Please join us. All are welcome...no materials necessary. STUDENT IN NEED St. Mel parishioner: a 20 year old female full time ARC student, is looking for a roommate in the ARC and Madison/80 area. This student also works part time. She does not have a car and relies on walking and the bus system. If you are interested in helping to provide a quiet and safe atmosphere to this young student, please call Mary at 207-7560. PLEASE NOTE! *** BULLETIN ARTICLES *** Please send your typed articles, in MS Word - Times New Roman font 10, via email to stmeloffice@yahoo.com, no later than NOON ON FRIDAY to be included in the next bulletin. Refer to the schedule below. Thank you for your cooperation. Bulletin Weekend Dates Articles DUE On Prior FRIDAY Oct. 25 - Oct. 26 Oct. 17 Nov. 01 - Nov. 02 Oct. 24 Nov. 08 - Nov.09 Oct. 31 ST. JOSEPH MARELLO EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES St. Joseph Marello Catholic Church is hosting a parenting seminar on Power and Discipline Struggles. This event is ecumenical and open to the public at no charge. The featured speaker is Peggy Harper Lee, author of “Spoiled: Fresh Ideas for Parenting the Entitled Child at Any Age.” Dates: Oct. 21, 6:30–8pm and Oct. 22, 10-11:30am. Location: St. Joseph Marello Catholic Church, 7200 Auburn Folsom Road, Granite Bay, CA 95746 – Phone 916-786-5001 For more information contact Joanna at jullien@surewest.net. RETROUVAILLE Retrouvaille Marriage Recovery- Is your marriage in trouble – miserable - dead? Would you like your marriage to come alive again? Retrouvaille can give you the communication skills you need to relate to one other in a better respectful and emotionally mature way. The next scheduled weekend is in Sacramento, on Oct 24 – 26. For more information call (800) 470-2230 or visit www.helpourmarriage.com. St. Francis Catholic High School Open Positions. DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT The Director of Advancement is responsible for designing and implementing a comprehensive advancement plan to support all aspects of philanthropic giving. Reporting directly to and working closely with the President of St. Francis Catholic High School, the Director of Advancement will manage the day-today functions the Advancement Department. Coordinating all activities for annual giving, special events, major gifts, alumnae programs, research, donor relations, corporate and foundation relations and planned giving. Additionally, will provide support to the Board of Directors Advancement Committee to foster and enhance the overall giving. All who are interested should submit the following: • Application • A resume • Cover Letter Posting will be open until filled. Submissions and questions should be directed to: Patricia Maier, Human Resources Director pmaier@stfrancishs.org, 737-5018, 5900 Elvas Ave., Sacramento, CA 95819. SAVE THE DATE Day of Reflection for Ministers of Holy Communion: by Dr. Hai Tran, MS, DMin., and guest speakers; at Christ the King Retreat Center, Citrus Heights, on Friday, Nov. 14, from 8:30am to 3:30pm. For information call 505-6288. All ministries are invited. MARRIAGE AND THE MYSTERY OF GOD The Diocese of Sacramento is offering a three-class series that will explore the depths of marriage as God designed it, unlock the profound nature of marriage as a Sacrament, and provide practical ways for marriages not just to survive but flourish. Taught by John Hamlon, MA, from 6:30 – 8:30pm on the evenings of Nov. 4, 13, & 20, live in Sacramento and via HD videoconference in Fairfield, Chico, Redding, and Truckee. $25 for the series. For more information on locations and to register, go to www.TheMeaningOfLove.info. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Department of Evangelization and Catechesis is looking for volunteers for a Volunteer Workforce Program which will assist in the Department of Evangelization with mailings, data entry and project events. We are looking for persons who are available Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 AM to 12 PM or 1 PM to 4 PM. For more information and to volunteer, contact Lourdes Ramirez, lramirez@scd.org or 916-733-0123. ************* ADVANCEMENT ASSOCIATE DONOR MANAGEMENT The Advancement Associate – Donor Management is appointed by and directly accountable to the Director of Advancement of St. Francis Catholic High School. The Advancement Associate – Donor Management is responsible for ensuring the accuracy, integrity and confidentiality of all donor data and provides support to the Advancement Department by assisting with the creation of reports, developing and implementing policies to guide data entry, ensure the database effectively captures constituent and donor information and generates accurate financial and analytical reports. All who are interested should submit the following: • Application • A resume • Cover Letter Posting will be open until filled. Submissions and questions should be directed to: Patricia Maier, Human Resources Director pmaier@stfrancishs.org, 737-5018, 5900 Elvas Ave., Sacramento, CA 95819 SACRAMENTO LIFE CENTER You will not want to miss Sacramento Life Center's Salute to Life Dinner & Auction, Nov. 8, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Call Marie for more information at 451-4357. We welcome all new parishioners and ask that you complete this registration form and place it in the collection basket at Mass, or return it to the Parish Office. Quick Registration St. Mel Catholic Church Last Name_________________________________ First Name(s)________________________ October 18, 2014 Dear St. Mel Parishioners, Parish support of St. Mel School is something we do both to further Catholic education and to foster faith-filled educational opportunities for children right here in our community. With this in mind, I would like to ask you to join me in supporting this year’s St. Mel School Benefit Auction, “Celebrate 55.” St. Mel School first opened its doors in 1959 and has been educating our children in a faith-filled environment ever since, and this year’s Auction theme celebrates the 55th year milestone. The money raised will be used to support the day-to-day functions of the school, as well as a special project that supports the school’s technology lab. The parents of St. Mel School have been hard at work organizing the event, so please mark your calendars for the evening of Saturday, November 15th. Tickets are $50 each and includes a catered sitdown dinner and dessert, music, dancing plus a chance to bid on both live and silent auction items starting at just $10. Tickets may be purchased after all masses or during the week in the school office. Together, we can support Catholic education right here in our parish. Sincerely in Christ, Mailing Name (i.e. Mr. & Mrs. John Doe) ________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Code Phone #__________________________ Best time to Call: ______________________ (to complete registration by phone) Do you have any special request: ______________________________________________________________________________ Father Aldrin Basarte Pastor
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