19th October 2014 WELCOME TODAY Prayer Time (Lawther School) 10:30-10:45 a.m. 11:00am Morning Worship – the fourth of our special series with Lindsay Allen preaching on the theme of “Costly Grace”. We’ll also hear several folks talk about ‘the cross’ in a specially made video clip and P1P7 children will go out to the church hall around 11:10am for a Bible club led by the PCI 1st Donaghadee Summer Team. Sundays at the HUB: Rooted part 2-Prayer 7-8:30pm THIS WEEK Monday: Badminton Club commencing at 8:00 p.m. All "old" and all new members more than welcome. Tuesday: Muckamore tots at 10.30am. We would love to see new faces. www.muckamore.com Next Sunday: 26th October Prayer Time (Lawther School) 10:30-10:45 a.m. 11:00pm Morning Worship – the fifth of our special series with Lindsay Allen preaching on the theme of “Living among the Dead” based on Mark 5. 7:00pm Evening Worship – the last of our special series with Lindsay Allen. His theme tonight is “Moving on with God - Keeping on keeping on” based on Hebrews 12. We’ll be hearing from several folks about how they manage to do that as Christians – so please come and join us. Sundays at the HUB: Supper & Service 6-8:30pm Other Announcements 1. GB & BB enrolment takes place on Sunday 2 nd November during morning worship at 11:00am. 2. Evening Worship on Sunday November at 7.00pm will take the form of a thanksgiving for the outreach events held d u r i n g O c t o b e r. There’ll be an opportunity to bring a “thank offering” to help cover the costs incurred – you’re encouraged to use the “Gift Aid” envelopes available in the foyer for this purpose. There’ll be praise, prayer, personal stories and an epilogue so please plan to Wednesday: Ladies Bible Study Group be with us for this special evening. 10:30 am in Lawther School come along for an informal morning over a cup of coffee. 3. Collecting used Stamps! The Senior All ladies most welcome. Section of the GB are collecting used stamps for the Leprosy Mission. The Wednesday 22nd 8:00pm Join us for a time financial gain from the stamps is going to of prayer focused on the outreach activities help to educate children who have parents during October. suffering from Leprosy. If you would like to support this please put your used stamps in Circuits are back.. 6-7pm in the church hall the box in the church foyer. Many thanks. - contact Simon Magee for further info, everyone welcome! 4. 'Could all volunteers for Sunbeams Creche let Nicky and Victoria know if they Bowls: 7:45pm in the Church Halls, Come have completed an Access N.I form (have along and try your hand. all ‘old & new’ been police checked) for any other faces welcome. organisation in church by ticking YES/NO beside their name on a sheet in the foyer of Thursday: Boys Brigade the church today. If anybody would like to Anchor Boys: 6.30 - 7.45 become a volunteer for creche please Junior Section: 6.30 - 7.45 contact Nicky on 07736230711. Thank you.' Company & Senior Section: 7.30 - 9.30 For all enquiries please ring our Captain, 5. Are you free on a Tuesday morning? Grant Robinson on 07974560402. Muckamore Tots needs some more volunteers to help out in the kitchen. If you would be willing to join the rota, please speak to Amy Magee Girls’ Brigade - Tiny Tots & Explorers (age 3 before 1 Sept - P4) 6:30 - 7:45 Juniors (P5 - P7) 6.30 - 8.30 Seniors & Brigaders (Yr8 - Yr14) 7.30 9.30 All girls, age 3 and over, are very welcome. For further information, please contact Sharon Allen, 9446 4012. 9 th Welcome to Muckamore. We hope you will enjoy worshipping with us today! If you’re visiting, please introduce yourself to us. Or if we can help you in any way, fill out a request card which you’ll find in the foyer. Crèche facilities are available in the room beside the kitchen at the rear. A selection of Books, CDs & DVDs suitable for all ages are available on loan from the library in the foyer. The church library now has a selection of new children's DVDs please feel free to browse. Items are usually loaned for 2 weeks. Please return loans promptly so that others may enjoy them too. Liz McCord is there to help you. May you find encouragement, support and love in this church family - a family of ordinary people that believe and follow the One, True, Extraordinary God! By The Way! Consider what He has donebefore the foundation of the world He chose us to become, in Christ, His holy and blameless children living within His constant care. Eph. 1:4 Find what you’re missing? 6. SIGN_UP SHEETS are in the foyer this morning for the “Question of Sport” evening for men. To help us with the food side of things, would you please let us know you’re coming and the numbers of folks you may be bringing with you. 7. MAF Flying for Life (Mission Aviation Fellowship) Day of Prayer Sunday 19th October “Our vision is to enable isolated people to be physically and spiritually transformed in Jesus’ name.” Prayer leaflets available on table in Foyer, or see Ray Slane for further information about MAF. 8. Gifted Craft Club - dates for your diary. Thursday, 23rd October - wire & resin flowers. Thursday, 20th November & Thursday, 11th December - Christmas Crafts. Time: 10am - 12:30pm. Cost £1 Tea & Coffee, £2-£3 for materials on the day. For more information speak to Hilary Todd or Lisa Falls. 15. If you have any childrens’ books and magazines you no longer need please bring them and place them in the box in the foyer and we will send them to people in Africa. Many Thanks, Albert Oliver. 16. CAR PARKING: While we are delighted with excellent attendance at Sunday services, we recognise that this puts pressure on our limited car parking facilities. In order to make things easier – and safer – for everyone, we would ask you all to observe the following guidelines: Please bring your car into the car park – do not leave it at the side of the road. This can cause problems for road users and local residents. On entering the Church grounds, drive slowly and follow the signage around the car park. This has been designed with your safety in mind. When all marked spaces have been filled, you may park along the access road, as directed by the car park supervisor. However if you do this, please move your car immediately after the Service. This will avoid congestion and allow others to leave promptly. 9. Network commences again in November. If you would like to register for a Network small study group see Alastair McCord or Geoff Moore in the foyer or contact Alastair on 02894460240 17. CD copies of this service will be available 15mins after the end of the 10. The Bible Reading Notes for 2015 will service. If you would like a copy speak to be ordered soon. If you already receive a member of the Sound Team and complete notes, these will be re-ordered. If you a request slip. If you already receive a would like to order notes or change your copy, collect it from the Vestibule. We previous order, please speak to Joel encourage you to offer a copy to a friend, Dickson or Peter. relative or neighbour who you feel might benefit from this medium of spreading 11. Trinity Greyabbey presents Robin God’s Word. Mark and his Band. We are both excited and blessed that the globally renowned 18. NOTE: If anyone cannot carry out their Robin Mark and his Band has agreed to lead scheduled rota commitments, please a Worship concert for Trinity. The details contact the team leader or person are as follows: Date: Saturday 6th responsible so that a replacement can be December 2014, Venue: Bangor Elim found. This also applies to rota Complex, Balloo Crescent, Bangor (kindly commitments connected with evening agreed), Time: 7:30pm, (doors open services. Thanks for your help and 6:30pm). Tickets: £15 are available as understanding. follows: online at www.musicglue.com/ bangor-elim-complex (small fee applies) or Please send all announcements to Peter Faith Mission Bookshop, 5 Queen Street, Dickinson or Brian Hill before 6.30pm on Belfast tel: 028 9023 3733 Thursday. Emailed information is most 12. Parents and Leaders – Please ensure that young children do not tamper with equipment at the front of the church such as microphones, cables, boxes, etc. We don’t want to see them hurt or expensive equipment broken. Thank you for your cooperation. 13. www.muckamore.com For the latest news, events and photographs from the various organisaions in Muckamore Presbyterian Church. New this month are updates from Rainbow Club and Jump, along with an insight into Blossom. If you would like to have an update featured, event highlighted or picture displayed please contact Lizzy by e-mailing lizzylyness@gmail.com. 14. If you would like to make use of the Church Hall Complex on any additional evenings throughout the week, please contact Samuel Gray (028 9446 3201) to avoid a clash with other activities. 19th October Foyer: J Goudy, N Thomas, J Dickson, S Dickinson, H Starritt, R Abbott Car Park: I Alexander Sound/Vision: am James M & Howard pm Rachel & James I Flowers: Sunbeams: J Gray, J McDowell & L Robinson/R Robinson Rainbow: N McCappin, A Hamilton, V Johnston & S U Team Jump: Outreach Focus Event Tea & Coffee: Paul & Debbie Cuddy Announcements: j.dickson273@gmail.com 26th October Foyer: J Goudy, N Thomas, J Dickson, S Dickinson, H Starritt, R Abbott Car Park: H Todd Sound/Vision: am Chris & Gillian pm James M & Howard Flowers: Sunbeams: K Gunning, C Kelso & H Irvine Rainbow: N McCappin, A Hamilton, V Johnston & S U Team Jump: Outreach Focus Event Tea & Coffee: am Stanley & Yvonne pm The Hub (Simon Magee) Announcements: j.dickson273@gmail.com 2nd November Foyer: W Abbott, P Bingham, N Baird, C Branagh, J Hamilton, H Stewart Car Park: A Wilson Sound/Vision: Flowers: Sally Mc Cready Sunbeams: V Johnston, J Kirkpatrick & J Simpson. Rainbow: H Shanks, C Glasgow, D McNeilly & J Kirkpatrick Jump: Enrolment Tea & Coffee: Grant Robinson / BB Announcements: j.dickson273@gmail.com welcome. Please take your newssheet home and use it in your prayer time. TEA & COFFEE Everyone is welcome to join us for a cup of tea or coffee in the foyer after the church service. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with one another. Please don’t carry tea/coffee into the main church. Parents are asked to ensure their children are not running around in the foyer or in the main church building, as we try to ensure that people, young and old alike, don’t get hurt. Minister: Peter Dickinson 76 Dunadry Road, Antrim, BT41 4QJ T: 028 9446 2157 E: info@muckamore.com Deaconess: Mrs Amy Magee 4 Graingers Gate, Muckamore, BT41 4RQ T: 028 9448 5034 E: info@muckamore.com Clerk of Session: Dr Brian Hill 1 Lylehill Green, Templepatrick, BT39 0BF T: 028 9443 2853 E: brianh@temple45.freeserve.co.uk Church Secretary: Donald Starritt 26 Poplar Road, Crumlin, BT29 4EX T: 028 9445 9176 E: donald.starritt@btinternet.com Church Treasurer: Bobbie Goudy 15 Alexandra Park, Antrim, BT41 4RD T: 028 9446 4400 E: bobbiegoudy@hotmail.com
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