Sunday 19th October 2014 We exist as Jesus’ followers to know, love and serve God in our world. Welcome….to Mill Park Baptist Church this morning for our family time together – of worship, celebration, teaching, and friendship. We hope you really enjoy this time, and we’re trusting and praying it’s deeply meaningful for you. If you are visiting or new with us here this morning, you’re extra welcome! You don’t need to do, say, or be anything to fit in! You’re welcome, just as you are! We'd love our visitors to drop by the Welcome Lounge, located in the foyer just outside the main auditorium door. Look out for our Information Desk where you'll find a welcome pack just for you, and someone to answer your questions. If you'd like to let us know you've visited, please fill out a visitors card (inside our welcome pack) and let us know if you'd like to attend an upcoming Newcomers Lunch. Thanks for spending time with us today ! From the Pastor I love it when things work. It’s even better when I’ve faced a challenge, wondered if I’d have what it took to solve it, chipped away at it using the resources, abilities, and know-how I had, and come out the other side with an answer. That’s a satisfying experience. Same time, I get frustrated when things don’t work. It’s even worse when I perceive obvious reasons why it’s not coming together – things like dysfunction, poor systems, sub-standard organisation, or weak leadership. I end up shaking my head and lamenting why it’s this way, especially when, by my reckoning, it doesn’t need to be. In the pain-filled, evil-present, tragedy-stained world we’re living in, God set up an answer, an avenue of his awesome hope. He offers this hope to everyone, no matter how bad their plight – past, present, or future. What’s more, the church is his primary and most treasured means to bring that message and experience to the world. The church – Mill Park Baptist Church absolutely, vitally included! He didn’t leave the church with a jaw-dropping responsibility and just expect it to somehow get the job done. Instead, he set out an inspiring blueprint which maps out the way he designed it. You can read about it right through the New Testament in your bible, but nowhere more crystal-clear and straightforward as in two different chapters – Romans 12, and 1 Corinthians 12. Grab a New Living Translation bible (or, if you can’t, grab a contemporary translation) – and read these two chapters through a few times, slowly, and thoughtfully. You’ll see the blueprint when you do! The Holy Spirit – the subject of our Spirit|Life series in church and Cultiv8 Groups this month – gifts every single Jesus-follower (with no exception whatsoever!) with at least one special ability, and expects the whole group together (which he calls “the body”) to have everyone using their ability. And that’s when it all works! This morning, as Ps. Kathryn Jensen unfolds a bit of this, especially the way some of these gifts might look in practice, it’ll all make a little more sense to us. We’re confident we’ll see even more of God in, around, and through our church family as the Holy Spirit uses people’s “gifts” to express God. And then, as that happens – and it works – we’ll be doing a better-yet job of communicating God’s awesome hope in our world. It doesn’t get any better than that! Geoff Shepherd Diary Dates Tonight 6pm EVENING SERVICE Followed by pizza dinner ($5 each for dinner) October 24, Friday RIOT YOUTH “TRIBAL WARS” 7-10pm Prayer Gary Hough's father, Bill, passed away last Friday (10th Oct) at the age of 96. Please be praying for Gary and Karen and their extended family at this time of loss. Andrew Longley will continue his radiation therapy through to this Tuesday (21st Oct). After that, he is expected to return home and await further test results and the next step in treatment. Please pray for effective treatment, pain relief and good rest. Mariam Sharobeem is in Egypt visiting family after the recent loss of her mother. Pray that this will be a special time of family connection and shared memories. Rhonda & Craig Richter sincerely thank Mill Park Baptist for their much needed prayers during Rhonda’s recent illness. Rhonda is excited to have returned to work and is in the process of recovering. We thank God for His amazing provision, sustaining strength and love. October 25, Saturday LEADERSHIP COMMUNITY MEETING October 26, Sunday Church Anniversary Picnic We’ll be celebrating our 25th Church Anniversary on 26 October (NEXT Sunday after church!!!) Join in the celebrations with a BYO picnic at Bundoora Park CHURCH ANNIVERSARY PICNIC Bundoora Park, after church BYO November 9, Sunday QUARTERLY MEMBERS MEETING After morning service November 21, Friday ZONE Kids Club “Fort Night” 7-8.30pm TONIGHT 6pm It is going to be a great night including vibrant worship & a great message from Stewart Henderson Bring $5 for Pizza Dinner (or $20 for a family) It is going to be a great night & we’d love for everyone to come be a part of it! Contact Matt Withers for more info You are invited To a special Day of Prayer Join us for a time of thanksgiving for the past, and prayer for the future. Melbourne Cup Day, Tuesday 4 November Wycliffe National Centre, 70 Graham Road, Kangaroo Ground 3097 Come anytime between 9am till evening Wycliffe Prayer Chapel dedication 3pm Celebration & Covenant Service 4-5:30 BBQ dinner available for purchase from 5:45pm BYO packed lunch (Devonshire tea available for purchase during the day) For further information contact: Deb Tan 0432 578 184 Email: To include something in the Memo for next week, please email or phone/SMS Lisa Walton on 0432 726 816 before Wednesday evening. News & Updates NEW MPBC MEMBERS Our Elders would love to accept Titus & Olivia Katiyo as new MPBC members! Any feedback please to an Elder or Pastor by next Sunday 26th October! We love welcoming new members! If you’re not yet a MPBC member, talk with any of our Pastors or a Cultiv8 Group leader and find out more! BRAD SEXTON – OUR INTERN We love and appreciate Brad Sexton – in the second year of his internship with MPBC and also serving selflessly, skilfully, and vitally in our church, especially in youth ministry. Brad’s had a break, but as of last week is now back in action! Enquiries for RIOT Youth can be taken to Brad again now. Thanks Brad! MPBC LEADERSHIP COMMUNITY Our Leadership Community – Cultiv8 Group Leaders, Ministry Team Co-ordinators, Elders, Board & Pastoral Team – are together for their quarterly get-together next Saturday (25th October). Thanks to all the community for your attendance, and we’d appreciate the prayers of the church family for our leadership training, info-swapping, churchunderstanding, and prayer together. MEMBERS’ MEETING Our final Quarterly Members’ Meeting is due on Sunday 9th November (after the morning service). Relevant papers will be emailed and available for hard-copy collection by next Sunday! We’d highly value all our church members either being at the meeting or registering an apology! OUR CHURCH FINANCES We have reported to the church family consistently over 2014 that we are not meeting our Giving budget. We fell behind budget in January, and since then, we have only met our monthly Giving target twice! It is vital that our church family is praying for our church Income. Did you know that our weekly giving target is $7,299, which equates to only $41.27 per week per church member – and this doesn’t include those in our church family that are not yet members! To all the Mill Park Family, We would just like to say how great it is to have such a great family at Mill Park. As you know I recently was unwell. I have had so many cards and prayers not only for me but also for my family. Thanks everyone for your love and support it is truly appreciated. Love and blessings, Tony & Linda Romano PASTORAL TEAM Our Pastoral Team will be attending the Willow Creek Association Global Leadership Summit – at Crossway Baptist Church – this Friday (24th October) and Saturday (after the Leadership Community gathering). Great opportunity for learning and growing in leadership together as a team! CHURCH TREASURER As we let you know last week, our much-loved Treasurer, Taryn Nelson, is stepping down from the role (but will remain on our Board). We’re in need of a new Treasurer as of the beginning of 2015. We ask all our church family to be praying about this need, and our Pastoral Team or Board would love to hear from anyone with thoughts, ideas, or suggestions! AN INVITATION The Diamond Valley Evergreens group have invited our Diamonds (age 55+) to join them on the first Wednesday in November @ their church on Diamond Creek Road for a time of fellowship and sharing something precious and/or important in your life Wednesday 5 November @1.30. Hope you are able to join in. They are going to share and provide afternoon tea. Please let Pauline know if you can join in. Mobile 0405 605 011 MPBC...“to be a radically prayerful church, overflowing with the Holy Spirit.” Mill Park Baptist Church meets on Sunday at 10am for worship and for prayer 9.00 - 9.30 (in meeting room) & 9.45am (front of auditorium) on Wednesday mornings 10am - 12noon for prayer (come when you can, go as needed) 11 Morang Drive, Mill Park, 3082 Ph: 9436 8797 PASTORAL CARE TEAM David Dyer Linda Dyer Kath Huppert Kathryn Jensen Carol Lee Tet Andrew Longley Rachael Mott Deb Mudie Brent Mudie are available to pray with you today, just ask! Rosters “Like” us on Facebook : CULTIV8 GROUPS ON DOOR GREETING SENIOR PASTOR Ps. Geoff Shepherd 9717 2990 0409 240 639 Office days – Mon, Wed, Thurs. Off-site preparation day – Tuesdays Day off – Fridays Available otherwise on Sat & Sun ASSOCIATE PASTOR (YOUTH) Ps. Matt Withers 0410 308 799 Office days – Wed, Thurs, Fri. Days off – Sat, Mon, Tues. Available otherwise – Sun ASSOCIATE PASTOR (CARE & CONNECT) Ps. Kathryn Jensen 0438 370 363 Office days – Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri. Days off – Tue, Sat. Available otherwise – Sun. ASSOCIATE PASTOR (CHILDREN & YOUNG FAMILIES) Ps. Kathy Adams 0437 426 611 Office days – Tue & Wed Available otherwise – Sun CHURCH ADMINISTRATOR Leanne Kelso 9436 8797 0431 475 548 Office days - Mon to Thurs. 9 am - 4pm INTERN (YOUTH MINISTRY) Brad Sexton 0468 815 486 Today : Nelson 26/10/2014: Romano 2/11/2014: Longley 9/11/2014: Kim ELDERS Stewart Henderson 9434 7901 Bryan Keef 9712 2759 Pauline Longley 9437 6515 Murray Parker 9404 4589 Tony Romano 9717 1709 BOARD MEMBERS Chris Grimes 9401 4223 (Chairman) Leanne Kelso Ina Leung Steve Matthews Taryn Nelson 9431 9497 9408 9009 0569 1878 8029 0463 (Treasurer) Andrew Sexton 9717 2290 Bryson Shearwood 0419 880 737 MINISTRY LEADERS 3 Up Jo Bishop Caring Hands (Craft) Helen Skerry MORNING TEA Today : L Walton, S Parker, N Yanny 26/10/2014: R Bishop, L & D Dyer 2/11/2014: Y Ouchie, S Loveday, M Pozzebon 9/11/2014: N Yanny, L Walton, S Parker Creative Ministries Shaun Creek Cultiv8 Groups Ps Kathryn Jensen Diamonds (55+) Pauline Longley Hospitality Vicki Mason Oct 19 Oct 21 Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 25 Barb Ackland Judith Lecompte Maria Kupczynski Nermeen Makari (Elmasry) Tylah Kirwan Dowan Zearwie Kids’ Church Tim & Kathryn Stokes Kids Hope Andrew Longley Little Cherubs Cheryl-Lee Longley Mission Support Group Sheryl Parker Pastoral Care David Dyer Playgroup Kathryn Stokes (enrolments) Riot Youth Brad Sexton Welcome Team Ps Kathryn Jensen Women's Embrace Linda Romano Young Adults Ps Matt Withers Zone Steve Nelson
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