WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION - - ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA S A N T E EXECUTIVE BOARD EB26/Min/7 Rev.l 1 December i960 Twenty-sixth Session ORIGINAL: ENGLISH MINUTES OF THE SEVENTH MEETING Palais des Nations, Geneva Friday, 4 November i960, at 9.30 a.m. CHAIRMAN: Dr H . M . PENIDO CONTENTS Page 1. Review of the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962 (continued) Use of Russian as a working language in the Regional Organization for Europe (continued from the sixth meeting, section ;5) . 0 . 2, 144 Hiird report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance Review of the proposed programme and budget estimates for I962 147 Status of collection of annual contributions and advances to the Working Capital Fund 147 Headquarters accommodation (continued from the fourth meeting, section 2 ) Report of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodation 154 ЕВ2б/М1п/7 Rev.l 一 142 - Seventh Meeting Friday, 4 November i960, at 9.30 a . m . Present Designating Country D r ]Я. M . PENIDO, Chairman Brazil D r iк. Sudan 0 . ABU SHAMMA,, V i c e - C h a i r m a n D r ,7. N . BUTROV, Vice-Chairman Union of Soviet Socialist Republics D r 1Я. N . ETEMADIAN, Rapporteur Iran D r .J . А. SCHANDORP, Rapporteur Ghana Professor E . J . Y . AÜJALEÜ France D r R . BAIDYA Nepal D r 0 . M . BRANA (alternate to D r M . Aliarla) Argentina D r J . С. R . BUCHANAN (alternate to S i r John Charles) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland D r CAO ХШШ CAM (alternate to D r Le C u u Truong) V i e t Nam D r D . CASTILLO Venezuela Dr ESTRADA SANDOVAL (alternate to M r H . Olivero) Guat^iukla. D r J . D . HOURIHANE Ireland D r Y o n g S ë u n g LEE Korea D r A . LYNCH CORDERO Peru D r L . MOLITOR Luxembourg D r A . NABULSI Jordan D r K . SUVARNAKICH Thailand Secretary: D r M . G . CANDAU Director-General -143 - ЕВ2б/м1п/Т F e v . l Representatives of Intergovernmental Organizations M r N . G . LUKER United N a t i o n s -.. .•〜•’’.’ • • •. -‘ • \ , ‘ :- , • f Representatives of Non-governmental Organizations Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences D r J . F . DEIAPRESNAYE International U n i o n for H e a l t h Education of the Public Miss P . S . KINQ-HAbL EB26/Min/7 R e v Л 1. -144 - REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED HîOGRAMME AND BUDGET ESTIMATES POR I962: Itera 4.4 of the Agenda (Official Records N o . 104) (continued) Use of Russian as a Working Language in the Regional Organization for'Europet (Documents EB26/511and EB26/42) (continued from the sixth meeting, section 3 ) The CHAIRMAN recalled that discussion on the use of Russian in the Regional Organization for Europe had been deferred at the last meeting pending the submission of a draft resolution, which was contained in document EB26/42. Dr MOLITOR recalled that he had been in favour of the resolution regarding the use of Russian as a working language adopted by the Regional Committee for Europe at its last session. Since then, however, it seemed to him that certain new factors, p a r t i c u l a r l y of a f i n a n c i a l nature, had arisen which would have to be taken i n t o account. A t the time of the Regional Committee session, for instance, it had n o t been known that the total budget proposed for 1962 would be more than 13 per cent,, higher than the figure for I96I. Other considerations to be borne in mind were the future of the malaria eradication programme and the needs of the newly emerging countries. Caution, therefore, was essential. While he approved the draft resolution as a w h o l e , he did n o t think it desirable for a specific reference to 1965 to be included in operative paragraph. 2 . He hoped that circumstances would p e m i f t the implementation of the recommendation for the use of Russian as a working language in the Eruopean Region, but he was not in favour of the Board's committing itself at the present stage unless the Director-General were able to give an assurance that such a course would n o t lead to financial difficulties. 1 Reproduced as Annex 12 to Off, R e c . WXd. Hlth Org. 106 • 145 - EB26/^in/7 Rev.l D r BÜTROV said that the draft resolution had been drawn u p with the wishes of many Member countries In m i n d . The paragraph to which D r Molitor had referred embodied a decision already taken by the Regional Committee at its previous session, to the effect that the recommendation In respect of Russian should be applied gradually and the expenses spread over a period, so that by 1963 it could come into use as a full working language in the Region. He emphasized that the question was one of major importance for many countries. He did not know to \diat extent their needs could be considered as satisfied if the Board were not to adopt the reconmendation. of the Regional Committee. D r LYNCH CORDERO said that he would vote in favour of the proposal since he believed, as a general principle, that a decision by a regional committee should be endorsed. Цг NABULSI said t h a t , vaille he would not oppose the draft resolution under ! ‘ consideration/ he would prefer to see the specific reference In operative paragraph ) to the amount of $ 2 1 400 replaced by the words "subject to budgetary possibilities", The DIRECTOR-GENERAL, replying to the point raised by D r Molitor, said that the relevant information on the financial implications of the use of Russian as a working language in the Regional Organization for Europe had been presented to the Regional Committee in the forra set out in Annex I to document EB26/51. The revised costs, taking into account the minor recalculations which had had to be m a d e , were shown in section 5.4 of that same document. -146 - EB26/^in/7 Rev.l Should the Health Assembly approve that allocation in principle, the Secretariat would make every endeavour to achieve the full use of Russian in 196j and believed that that would be possible; should any unexpected difficulties arise, they would, of course, be reported to the Executive B o a r d . He believed that the point raised by D r Nabulsi did n o t relate to any real difficulty, since in all events the Health Assembly would be required to make a specific recommendation at the time it came to consider the programme and budget estimates for 1962• f D r M O U T O R said that, in the light of the Dii*ector-General s explanations, he would give the draft resolution his wholehearted support• 1 D r NABULSI withdrew his amendment following the Director-General s remarks* Professor AUJALBU said that, having seen the draft resolution in writing as he had requested, he would support the proposal as he had done in the Regional Committee. He suggested a minor drafting amendment to the French text, operative paragraph 1 , to read: П 1ХШГЕ son appui au principe de l'adoption • • • D r BUCHANAN considered that it had been most helpful to have the written text of the draft resolution. Decision: He would give it his support. The draft resolution was adopted unanimously (see resolution EB26.R34)• - 1 林 7 2. EB26/Min/7 Rev.l - THIRD REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE (Document EB26/4l)l Review of the Proposed Progratmie and Budget Estimates for 1962: Item 4.4 of the Agenda Status of Collection of Annual Contributions and Advances to the Working Capital Fund: Itera 7.1 of the Agenda Dr DOROLLE, Deputy Director-General, called attenton to an error in the last sentence of paragraph 190 in Chapter IV of the Standing Committee's report (document E B 2 6 / 4 1 ) , 1 which should reads "The French course was being planned". The corresponding correction should be made to the French text. In the English text only, the word "following" should be deleted in Chapter V , paragraph 2 6 . Mr BRADY (alternate to D r Hourihane), Chairman of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance, presented the report. The Standing Committee, in approaching its task as laid down by the Health Assembly, 1 had considered the general implications of the Director-General s proposed progranmie and budget estimates as set out in Official Records N o . 104, and had then proceeded to a detailed scrutiny of those proposals. Its findings were embodied in its report. While that report was somewhat voluminous, it had been felt that it served a useful purpose in its present form as it contained much background, and informational material of assistance to governments and to delegations attending the Health Assembly. He would not comment in detail on the various chapters at the present stage, as they would be considered, by the Board in turn. He wished, however, to draw attention to thç conclusions arrived at by the Standing Committee in Chapter V on the questions of major importance it had considered; the Standing Committee had followed its usual procedure in that respect. 1 He also This report, unpublished, was the basis of the Board's own report on the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962, published as Off, R e c . Wld Hlth Org, 107. EB26/Min/7 Rev.l -148 - drew attention to the financial summary contained in Appendix 10, which gave a comparison of the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962 with the revised 1961 estimates, taking account of adjustments proposed for 1962 and supplementary estimates recommended for 1961. As a result of the changes proposed by the Standing Committee under (1) to (5) in that summary table, the total budget recommended for 1962 was in the amount of $ 21 576 咖 , a s compared with $ 20 852 000 in Official Records N o , 104. He reminded the Board that the question of the further financing of the malaria eradication programme h a d , by its decision, been referred to the Health Assembly for further consideration, and would consequently have no impact on the present proposals. The Health Assembly would also be required to give consideration to the budgetary implications of the decision taken by the Board at its present meeting regarding the u s e of Russian as a working language in the European Region. The CHAIRMAN suggested that the Board should consider the Standing Committee's report chapter by chapter, and invited comment thereon. Chapter I M r BRADY said that Chapter I contained purely factual material which members of the Board had already had an opportunity of studying in the working papers presented to them at the present session. Chapter II Mr BRADY recalled that the Standing Committee had considered it desirable to set u p a working party, under the chairmanship of Dr Butrov, to consider the classification and computation of the estimates. The Standing Committee had further -149 - ЕВ2б/М1п/7 Rev.l decided that the report of that working party would be of value for the Board and had accordingly incorporated it in Chapter I I , Chapter III M r BRADY pointed out that, in Chapter III also, much of the material was familiar to members of the Board since it was based on the working p a p e r s . That chapter contained an analysis of the main causes of variation in the budget for 1962 as compared wilâi 1 9 6 i . M r SIEGEL, Assistant Director-General, referred to paragraph 1(d), which related t o the sunanary table (page 11 of Official Records N o . showing 1die scales of assessment for i960 and 1961 and a projected scale of assessment for 19б2. I n view of the fact that the proposed btadgôt h a d been revised and the meiribershlp had changed since the time of printing of Official Records N o . the B o a r d might wish to have annexed to the report the revised scale o f assessments for 1962 which the Board w a s recommending. I t would, no d o u b t , be useful for governments to have -ttiat available before the Health Assembly session. T h e CHAIRMAN noted that there was general agreement to submit such a revised scale of assessments for 1962. Chapter IV M r BRADY stressed the importance of Chapter I V , which contained a sunraary of the discussions which had taken place in the Standing Committee and also contained the supplementary information supplied by the Director-General in his general ЕВ2бД|1п/7 Rev.l -150 - presentation of his proposals, as well as the information supplied by the DirectorGeneral and the regional directors in the course of the meetings. H e drew attention to paragraph 9 2 , relating to the Headquarters Building Fund, which stated that, should the United Nations General Assembly accept the recommendation of its Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, the amount of the book cost of the investment of W H O in the Palais des Nations would be leiraburged. in three yearly instalments, starting in 19б2. I t might, therefore, be feasible for the Health Assembly to consider a corresponding reduction in the Headquarters Building Fund for 1 9 6 2 , The Standing Committee had n o t , however, been able to formulate any specific recommendation to that effect at the present stage, since sufficient information was not yet available. T h e Standing Committee h a d , after a full discussion, decided to make certain recommendations regarding projects in the programme for the European Region, as shown in paragraph 1 5 2 . H e referred to Part I I I , under which it could be seen that the Standing Conraittee had. endorsed the Director-General's proposal for a supplementary estimate to cover the short-fall in. the malaria eradication programme. The CHAIRMAN invited the Board, to consider Chapter IV section by section. It w a s , of course, open to members of the Board to refer to Official Records N o . 104 if they w i s h e d , in conjunction with the present s t u d y . D r BUTROV wished to comment on Chapter IV as a whole and to reiterate the point of view he had expressed in the Standing Committee. -151 - EB26/Min/7 Rev.l H e was unable to accept the recommendations of Chapter IV since they did not take into account proposals made for the reduction of expenditure under a number of itemsi and in particular administrative expenditure, as well as the question of the inclusion of the Malaria Eradication Speoial Account in the regular budget. The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL apologized for a typographical error in paragraph 22 where the word "increased" should be substituted for the word "incorrect" in the penultimate line. D r LYNCH CORDERO, referring to paragraphs 72 to 7 4 , asked whether the DirectorGeneral could consider the possibility of convening an expert committee to study public health terminology. He emphasized the immense diffioidties encountered in that sphere at the present time, often in the same language as well as between languages. The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL believed that D r Lynch Cordero had raised a most important p o i n t . The Organization h a d , in fact, begun some long-term work on public health terminology, and a great deal of preparatory work had been done by a .highly qualified consultant. Once that terminology had been drawn up in the appropriate languages, a group of experts would be called to study the m a t t e r . The DIRECTOR-GENERAL, referring to paragraphs 9 1 ал<1 9 2 , said that information had just been received to the effect that the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly had recommended that WHO should be roimbursiid in dua course the Ъо:Лс c o s t o f infíly t h e s P a c e wh i c h it had financed in the Palais des Nations. I t would accoiú- appear that a favourable decision by the General Assembly w&s likely and that a satisfactory solution to that problem would be reached. ЕВ2б/м1п/7 Rev.l - 1 5 2 - Не expressed concern at the changes proposed by the Standing Committee for the European Region as set out in paragraph 152. He would study the matter further, but he felt obliged to state that he hoped the Health Assembly would, maintain at least some of those projects. Referring to Part III in Chapter I V , he said that when the question of voluntary contributions for the continuation of the malaria eradication programme in 1961 had been discussed in the Standing Committee he had been unable to give the Committee further information о He was now able to inform the Board that he had received a letter dated J> November from the United States Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Geneva, stating that he had received a cable from the State Department instructing him to inform WHO that "üie United States Government would that day be announcing its decision to make a voluntary contribution of $ 4 ООО 000 during 196I to the W H O Malaria Eradication Special Account. The writer had stated that it gave him great pleasure to give that advance assurance of the United States Government's continuing strong support for the malaria eradication programme. The CHAIRMAN said that the Board would undoubtedly wish to note with appreciation that further generous contribution by the United States to the Malaria Eradication Special A c c o u n t . Chapter V M r BRADY explained that Chapter V contained the conclusions reached by the Standing Comraivtee. I t would be noted that Part 工 dealt with adjustments to the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962 as presented in Official Records N o . 104. In paragraph 1 , reference was made to the Committee's recommendation for -153 - ЕВ2б/м1п/7 Rev.l the addition to those estimates of the sum of $ 110 0 ) ) towards the continuing costs of the assistance to the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville). Paragraph 2 referred to the recommendation to endorse the Director-General's proposal for the incorporation in the regular budget of the administrative and operational services costs of the malaria eradication programme.. Paragraph J> mentioned the recommendation for the omission of certain projects in the European R e g i o n . Paragraph 4 was concerned with the proyision proposed, by the Director-General for the Headquarters Building F u n d . The question of the financing of the malaria eradication programme referred to in paragraph 5 had now been decided by the B o a r d . Paragraph 6 contained a summary of the financial effects of the Committee's recommendations. Part II eorxtained the Committee's conclusions with regard to the four questions it had had to consider by virtue of resolution W H A 5 . 6 2 . When considering those four questions, the Committee had decided to put forward (section A ) certain general financial considerations as weIX as an indication of the general trend for governments to co-operate more fully in international social and economic activities and of the need for a corresponding expansion in WHO'S w o r k . Information on the extent to which governments Were willing to contribute to WHO,s work was given in paragraph 16 (sectioñ В). In paragraph 18 (section C ) , information would be found on the status of collection of annual contributions. been a slight decline in the rate of payment as at While Шеге had October I960, by and large the general position w a s satisfactory and showed that governments were willing to meet promptly their obligations. EB26/Min/7 Rev.l - 1 5 4 - In paragraph 2 1 , members would find the text of a draft resolution concerning the status of collection of annual contributions and advances to the Working Capital F u n d , which the Conraittee w a s sulanitting for adoption by the B o a r d . I n section D , the B o a r d would find the Committee's recommendation that the Director-General's proposal concerning casual income be endorsed. Part I I I dealt with the proposed Appropriation Resolution for 1962. Subject to the decisions which h a d been referred to the Fourteenth World Health Assembly, the Coranittee w a s proposing adoption of the text presented in Official Records N o , 1 0 4 , Decision: (1) The d r a f t resolution on the status of collection of annual contributions and advances to the Working Capital Fund was adopted (see resolution ЕВ26.Я35). (2) 15ie third report of the Standing Committee o n Administration and Finance (document EB26/41) was adopted. The CHAIRMAN thanked the Standing Committee and in particular its Chairman and rapporteurs for their w o r k , 2. HEADQUARTERS ACCOMMODATION: fourth meeting, section 2 ) Item 7 , 5 of the Agenda (continued from the R e p o r t of the Standing Comiittee on Headquarters Accommodation (Document EB26/40)丄 The CHAIRMAN invited the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodation to introduce its report (doeument E B 2 6 / 4 0 ) . 1 Professor A U J A L E U , Chairman of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodat i o n , said that the Committee h a d examined the situation with regard to headquarters accommodation and had learned that certain difficulties had n o w been overcome and 1 Reproduced in A n n e x 8 to O f f . R e c , W l d Hlth O r g . 106 -155 - EB26/Min/7 Rev.l that the site borings had yielded satisfactory results. T h e Committee had been reassured to hear that there had been practically n o delay in progress because, while the borings were in progress, the architect had been able to improve his plans and to study in greater detail the needs of the Organization. The Committee had examined the provisional texts of the proposed protocol and agreements to be concluded with the Swiss Confederation and the Republic and Canton of Geneva, regarding the building site and construction l o a n s . I t had received detailed explanations from the Secretariat regarding Swiss law and had learned that the land, althou^i it would n o t belong to W H O , was placed a t the Organization's disposal for construction both above and below ground; have user's rights in addition to building rights; that the Organization would and that, if the need arose, the rights could be transferred. After careful consideration the Committee had approved the texts w h i c h , subject to small changes of detail, would be ready for signature in the near future. W i t h regard to the acceptance of gifts, the Coimiittee endorsed the DirectorGeneral's suggestion that where cash gifts were concerned the usual procedure should be followed. O n the other hand, since gifts in kind might affect other arrangements in the building, the proposal was that they should be submitted, to the Standing Committee on Headquarters Acconmodation for acceptance> In accordance with the criteria referred to in operative paragraph 4 of the draft resolution proposed by the Committee» Turning to the procedure for the inviting of tenders and the award of contracts, he said that the Committee had in the main agreed to the proposals put forward, but Е32б/М1п/Т Rev.l -156 - had introduced some modifications; annex to its report. the proposals as modified, now appeared in the The most important change introduced by the Committee was that there should be three categories of contracts- The Committee had considered that for the major contracts it was desirable to obtain as many tenders as possible; and that it should be consulted, in advance of any decision to accept a tender which was « n o t the lowest, wherever the value of "Uie contract w a s in excess of $ 100 0 0 0 . The Committee had n o t been quite certain about the scopa of its terms of reference and hoped that it had interpreted the Board's intentions correctly in the draft resolution It was presenting in paragraph 8 of its report. D r MOLITOR asked whether the Boarxi would have to take a separate decision as to whether its intention had been to delegate to the Coimiittee its responsibilities under resolution W H A l ^ . 4 6 . Professor AÜJALEÜ pointed, out that that matter would be settled if the Board accepted operative paragraph J in the draft resolution. Decision: The draft resolution w a s adopted (see resolution EB26.R36). The meeting rose at 11.40 a,m. Members submitting corrections to provisional minutes which tbey receive after the close of the session are kindly requested to do so by return of post, in order that the definitive minutes may be sent to Member States as soon as possible. Such corrections should be addressed to Chief Editor, Official Records, World Health Organization, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. MHO/23.60 ORGANISATION M O N D I A L E D E LA S A N T E WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION EB26/lyiin/7 4 November 19бО EXECUTIVE BOARD Twenty-sixth Session ORIGINAL; ENGLISH PROVISIONAL MINUTES OF THE SEVENTH MEETING Palais des Nations, Geneva Friday, 4 November i960, at 9.30 a.m. CHAIRMAN; D r H . M . PENIDO CONTBOTS Page 1. Review of the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962 (continued) ^ Status of collection of annual contributions and advances to the Working Capital Fund (continued) 斗 Use of Russian as a working language in the Regional Organization for Europe (continued) 斗 Third report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance . * » 。 . . . . • 2. . • . • Headquarters Accommodation; Report of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodation • 7 1斗 Seventh Meeting Friday, 4 November I960, at 9.30 a . m . Present Designating Country D r H . M . PENIDO, Chairman Brazil D r A . 0 . ABU SHAMMA, Vice-Chairman Sudan D r V . BUTROV, Vice-Chairman Union of Soviet Socialist Republics D r M . N . ETEMADIAN, Rapporteur Iran D r J . A . SCHANDORF, Rapporteur Ghana Professor E . J . У. AUJALEU Prance D r R . BAIDYA Nepal D r 0 . M . BRANA (alternate to D r M . Allaria) Argentina D r J . С. R . BUCHANAN (alternate to S i r John Charles) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland D r CAO XUAN CAM (alternate to D r Le Cuu Truong) V i e t Nam D r D . CASTILLO Venezuela D r С. ESTRADA SANDOVAL (alternate to M r H . Olivero) D r J . D . HOURIHANE Guatemala . Ireland D r YGNG SEUNG LEE Korea D r A . LYNCH CORDERO Peru D r L . MOLITOR Luxembourg D r A . NABULSI Jordan D r К. SUVARNAKICH Thailand Secretary: • I M — — д » D r M . G . CANDAU Director-General Representatives of Intergovernmental Organizations .. . x t a + , n „ e tUnited t Nations M r N . G . ЫЖЕИ Representatives of Non-governmental Organizations e t i 0 n a l f ^ n c r Medical Sciences 0 r g a n i Z a t i O n S f ° International Union for Health Education of the Public Dr J . F . DELA^ESNAYE _ S - 画 狐 1. REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME AND BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 19Ô2: the Agenda (Official Records N o , 104) (continued) Item 4.4 of STATUS OF COLLECTION OF ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND ADVANCES TO THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND: Item 7.1 of the Agenda (continued) U s e of Russian as a Working Language of the Regional Organization for: Europe: Item 4.4 of the Agenda (Document EB26/42) ( c o n t i n u e d ) The CHAIRMAN recalled that discussion on that item had been deferred at the last meeting pending the submission of a draft resolution, which was contained in document EB26/42. Бг MOLITOR recalled that he had been in favour of the resolution regarding the use of Russian as a working language adopted by the Regional Committee for Europe at its last session. Sinoe then, however, it seemed to him that certain new factors, particularly of a financial nature, had arisen which would have to be taken into account. A t the time of the Regional Coimiittee session, for instance, it had not been known that the total budget proposed for 1962 would be more than 13 per c e n t ” higher than the figure for 1961. Other considerations to be borne in mind were the future of the malaria eradication programme and the needs of the newly emerging countries. Caution, therefore, was essential. While he approved the draft resolution as a whole, he did n o t think it desirable for a specific reference to 1 9 6 , to be included in operative paragraph 2 . He hoped that circumstances would permit the lmplementa* tion of the recommendation for the use of Russian as a working language in the European Region, but he was n o t in favour of the Board's conraitting itself at the present stage unless the Director-General were able to give an assurance that euch a course would not lead to financial difficulties. D r BUTROV said that the draft resolution proposed had been drawn up wiiái the wishes of many Member countries in m i n d . The paragraph to which the preceding speaker had referred embodied a decision already taken by the Regional Committee at its previous session, to the effect that the decision in respect of Russian should be applied gradually and the expenses spread over a period, so that by 196? it could come into use as a full working language in the R e g i o n . He emphasized the fact that that question w a s one of major importance for many oountries. He did n o t know to w h a t extent their needs could be considered as satisfied if the Board were not to adopt the recommendation of the Regional Committee. D r LYNCH CORDERO said that he would vote in favour of the proposal since he believed, as a general principle, that a decision by a regional committee should be endorsed. D r NABULSI said that, while he would not oppose the draft resolution under consideration, he would prefer to see the specific reference in operative paragraph 3 to the amount of $ 2 1 400 replaced by the words "subject to budgetary possibilities". The DIRECTOR-GENERAL, replying to the point raised by D r Molitor, said that the relevant information on the financial implications of the use of Russian as a working language in the Regional Organization for Europe had been presented to the Regional Committee in the form set out in Annex I to document E B 2 6 / 3 1 . The revised costs, taking into account the minor recalculations which had had to be made, were shown on page 5 of that same document. Should the Health Assembly approve that allocation in principle, the Secretariat would make every endeavour to achieve the full use of Russian in 1963 and believed that that would be possible; should any unexpected difficulties arise, they would, of course, be reported to the Executive Board• He believed that the point raised by D r Nabulsi did not relate to any real difficulty, since in all events the Health Assembly would be required to make a specific recommendation at the time it came to consider the programme and budget estimates for 1962. D r MOKCTOR said that, in the light of the Director-General's explanations, he would give the draft resolution his wholehearted support» D r NABULSI withdrew his amendment following the Director-General's remarks• Professor AUJALEU said that, having seen the draft resolution in writing as he had requested, he would support the proposal as he had done in the Regional Committee• He suggested a minor drafting amendment to the French text, operative paragraph 1 , to read: "DONNE son appui au principe de l'adoption D r BUCHANAN considered that it had been most helpful to have the written text of the draft resolution. Decision: He would give it his support。 The draft resolution was adopted unanimously» Third Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (Document EB26/41) D r DOROLLE, Deputy Director-General, called attention to an error in the last sentence of paragraph 190 in Chapter IV of the Standing Committee's report, which should read: "The French course was being planned". The corresponding correction should be made to the French text» In the English text only, the word "following" should be deleted in Chapter V , paragraph 2 6 . M r BRADY (alternate to D r Hourihane), Chairman of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance, presented the Committee's third report (document ЕВ26Д1) The Standing Committee, in approaching its task as laid down by the Health Assembly, had considered the general implications of the Director-General's proposed programme and budget estimates as set out in Official Records N o . 104, and had then proceeded to a detailed scrutiny of those proposals. in its report. Its findings were embodied While that report was somewhat voluminous, it had been felt that it served a useful purpose in its present form as it contained much background and informational material of assistance to governments and to delegations attending the Health A s s e m b l y . He would not comment in detail on the various chapters at the present stage, as they would be considered b y the Board in turn。 He wished, however, to draw attention, to the conclusions arrived at b y the Standing Committee in Chapter V on the questions of major importance it had. con- sidered; the Standing Committee had followed its usual procedure in that respect. He also drew attention to the financial summary contained in Appendix 10# which gave the comparison of proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962 with the revised 1961 estimatesj taking account of adjustments proposed for 1962, and supplementary estimates recommended for 1 9 6 1 , As a result of the changes proposed by the Standing Committee under (1) to (5) in that summary table, the total budget recommended for 1962 was in the amount of $ 21 576 480 as compared with $ 20 852 000 in Official Records N o . 1 0 4 . He pointed out that the question of the further financing of the malaria eradication programme h a d , by a decision of the Board, been referred to the Health Assembly for its further consideration, and would consequently have no impact on the present proposals» The Health Assembly would also be required to give consideration to the budgetary implications of the decision taken by the Board at its present meeting regarding the use of Russian as a working language in the European R e g i o n . The CHAIRMAN suggested that the Board should consider the Standing Committee's report chapter by chapter, and invited comment thereon. Chapter I M r BRADY said that Chapter I contained purely factual material which members of the Board, had already had an opportunity of studying in the working papers presented to thera at the present session• Chapter II M r BRADY recalled that the Standing Committee had considered it desirable to set up a working party, under the chairmanship of D r Butrov, to consider the classification and computation of the estimates. The Standing Corranittee had further decided that the report of that working party w o u l d be of value for the Board and. had accordingly incorporated it in Chapter I I . Chapter III - M r BRADY pointed out that, in C h a p t e r I I I also, much of the material w a s familiar to members of the Board since it was based on the working papers. That chápter contained an analysis of the main causes of variation in the budget for 1962 as compared with 1 9 6 1 . M r SIEGEL, Assistant Director-General, referred to paragraph 1(d), which related, to the summary table (page 11 of Official Records N o . 104) showing the scales of assessment for i960 and 196I and a projected scale of assessment for 1 9 6 2 . I n view of the fact that the proposed budget had been revised and the membership had changed since the time of printing of Official Records N o . 104, the Board might wish to have annexed to the report the revised scale of assessments for 1962 which the Board w a s recommending. I t would, n o doubt, be useful for g o v e m m e n t s to have that available before the Health Assembly session. The CHAIRMAN noted that there was general agreement to submit such a revised scale of assessments for 1962. Chapter IV M r BRADY stressed the importance of Chapter I V , which contained a summary of the discussions which had taken placé in the Standing Committee and also contained the supplementary information supplied by the Director-General in his general presentation of his proposals, as w e l l as the information supplied by the DirectorGeneral and the regional directors in the course of the meetings. H e drew attention to paragraph 9 2 , relating to the Headquarters Building F u n d , which stated that, should the United Nations General Assembly accept the recoranendation of its Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, the amount of the book cost of the investment of W H O in the Palais des Nations would be ieimt>uz««i in three yearly instalments, starting in 1962. I t might, therefore, be feasible for the Health Assembly to consider a corresponding reduction in the Headquarters Building Fund for 1 9 6 2 . The Standing Conmittee had n o t , however, been able to formulate any specific recommendation to that effect at the present stage, since sufficient information was n o t y e t available. T h e Standing Conmittee h a d , after a full discussion, decided to make certain recommendations regarding projects in the programme for the European Region, as shown in paragraph 1 5 2 . He referred to Part I I I , under which it could be seen that the Standing Conraittee had endorsed the Director-General's proposal for a supplementary estimate to cover the short-fall in the malaria eradication programme. The CHAIRMAN invited the B o a r d to consider Chapter I V , section b y section. ït w a s , of course, open to members of the Board to refer to Official. Records N o , 104 if * they w i s h e d , in conjunction w i t h the present s t u d y . D r BUTROV wished to comment on Chapter IV as a whole and. to yeiterate the point of view he had expressed in the Standing Committee. H e was unable to accept the recommendations of Chapter IV since they did n o t take into account proposals made for the reduction of expenditure under a number of items, and in particular administrative expenditure, as well as the question of the inclusion of the Malaria Eradication Special Account in the regular b u d g e t . T h e DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL apologized for a typographical error in paragraph 2 2 where the woixi "increased" should be substituted for the word "incorrect" in the penultimate l i n e . D r LYNCH CORDERO, referring to paragraphs 72 to 7杯》 asked whether the DirectorGeneral could consider the possibility of convening an expert committee to study public health terminology. He emphasized the iranense difficulties encovmtered in bhat sphere at the present time, often in the same language as w e l l as between lcnguages. The DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL believed that D r I^nch Cordero had raised a most important p o i n t . The Organization h a d , in fact, begun some long-term work on public health terminology, and a great deal of preparatory work had been done b y a highly qualified consultant. Once that terminology had been drawn up in the appropriate languages, a group of experts would be called to study the m a t t e r . The DIRECTOR -GENERAL, referring to paragraphs 9 1 and 92 > said that information had just been received to the effect that the Fifth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly had recommended that WHO should be reimbur.'Mid in due course tho bo.k cost of the space which it had financed in the Palais des N a t i o n s . irrly I t would aocoitl- appear that a favourable decision by the General Assembly was likely and that a satisfactory solution to that problem would be reached. H e expressed conoern a t the changes proposed by the Standing Con»»lttee for the European Region as set out in paragraph 1 5 2 . He would study the matter further, but he felt obliged to state that h e hoped the Health Assembly would maintain a t least some of those projects. Referring to Part III in Chapter I V , he said that when the question of voluntary contributions for the continuation of the malaria eradication programme in 196l had been discussed in the Standing Committee he had been unable to give the Conunittee further information. He was now able to inform the Board that he had received a letter dated ) November from the United States Permanent Representative to the International Organizations in Geneva, stating that he had received a cable from the State Department instructing him to inform WHO that the United States Government would that day be announcing its decision to make a voluntary contribution of $ 4 OCX) 000 during 196I to the WHO Malaria Eradication Special A c c o u n t . The writer had stated that it gave him great pleasure to give that advance assurance of the United States Government's continuing strong support for the malaria eradication programe. The CHAIRMAN said that the Board would undoubtedly w i s h to note with appreciation that further generous contribution by the United States to the Malaria Eradication Special A c c o u n t . Chapter V M r BRADY explained that Chapter V contained the conclusions reached by the Standing Committee. I t would be noted that Part I dealt with adjustments to the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1962 as presented in Official Records N o . 104. In paragraph 1 , reference was made to the Committee's recormnendation for the addition to those estimates of the sum of $ 110 0 ) ) towards the continuing costs of the assistance to the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville). Paragraph 2 referred to the recommendation to endorse the Director-General's proposal for the incorporation in the regular budget of the administrative and operational services costs of the malaria eradication programme. Paragraph 3 mentioned the recommendation for the omission of certain projects in the European Region. Paragraph 4 was concerned with the provision proposed by the Director-General for the Headquarters Building Fund. The question of the financing of the malaria eradication programme referred to in paragraph 5 had now been decided by the B o a r d . Paragraph 6 contained a summary of the financial effects of the Committee's recororriendations• Part II contained the Committee's conclusions with regard to the four questions it had had to consider by virtue of resolution WHA5*62. When considering those four questions, the Committee had decided to put forward (section A ) certain general financial considerations as well as an indication of the general trend for governments to co-operate more fully in international social and economic activities and of the need for a corresponding expansion in WHO'S work. Information on the extent to which governments were willing to contribute to WHO'S work was given in paragraph 16 (section B ) . In paragraph 18 (section C ) , information would be found on the status of collection of annual contributions. been a slight decline in the rate of payment as at While there had October i960, by and large the general position was satisfactory and showed that governments were willing to meet promptly their obligations^ In paragraph 2 1 , members would find the text of a draft resolution concerning the status of collection of annual contributions and advances to the W o r k i n g Capital F u n d , w h i c h the Committee w a s submitting for adoption by the B o a r d • In section D , the Board would find the Committee's recommendation that the 1 D i r e c t o r - G e n e r a l s proposal concerning casual income be endorsed. P a r t III dealt w i t h the proposed appropriation resolution for 1Эв2. Subject to the decisions which had been referred to the Fourteenth Health A s s e m b l y , the Committee w a s proposing adoption of the text presented in Official Records N o # 104. Decision; (1) T h e draft resolution on the status of collection of annual contributions and advances to the W o r k i n g Capital Fund w a s a d o p t e d . (2) The third report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (document EB26/41) w a s adopted• The CHAIRMAN thanked the Standing Committee and in particular its Chairman and rapporteurs for their work» 2. HEADQUARTERS ACCOMMODATION: Itero 7-5 of the Agenda (continued) Report of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodation (Document EB26/40 ) T h e CHAIRMAN invited the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodation to introduce its report (document ЕВ26Д0)» Professor AUJALEU, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodat i o n , said that the Committee had examined the situation w i t h regard to headquarters accoiiHnodation and had learned that certain difficulties had npw been overcome and that the site borings had yielded satisfactory results• The Committee had been reassured to hear that there had been practically no delay in progress because, while the borings were in progress, thé architect had b®en able to improve his plans and to study in greater detail the needs of the Organization. The Committee had examined the provisional texts of the proposed protocol and agreements to be concluded with the Swiss Confederation and the Republic and Canton of Geneva, regarding the building site and construction loans• I t had received detailed explanations from the Secretariat regarding Swiss law and had learned that the land, although it would not belong to W H O , was placed a t the Organization's disposal for construction both above and below ground; nave user's rights in addition to building rights; that the Organization would and that, if the need arose, the rights could be transferred. After careful consideration the Committee had approved the texts which, subject to small changes of detail, would be ready for signature in the near future. With regard to the acceptance of gifts, the Committee endorsed the DirectorGeneral's suggestion that where cash gifts were concerned the usual prócedure should be followed» On the other hand, since gifts in kind might affect other arrangements in the building, the proposal was that they should be submitted to the Standing Committee on Headquarters Accommodation for acceptance, in accordance with the criteria referred to in operative paragraph 杯 of the draft resolution proposed by the Coiranittee» Turning to the procedure for the inviting of tenders and the awarxi of contracts, he said that the Committee had in the main agreed, to the proposals put forward, but had introduced some modifications; annex to its report. the proposals as modified now appeared in the The most important change introduced by the Committee was that there should be three categories of contracts* The Committee had considered that for the major contracts it was desirable to obtain as many tenders as possible; and that it should be consulted in advance of any decision to accept a tender which w a s n o t the lowest, wherever the value of the contract was in excess of $ 100 0 0 0 . The Committee had not been quite certain about the scope of its terms of reference and hoped that it had interpreted the Board's intentions correctly in the draft resolution it was presenting in paragraph 8 of its reports D r MOLITOR asked whether the Board would have to take a separate decision as to whether its intention had been to delegate to the Committee its responsibilities under resolution WHAIJ•斗 Professor AUJALEU pointed out that that matter would be settled if the Board accepted/ operative paragraph 5 in the draft resolution. Decision: The draft resolution was adopted» The meeting rose at 11•杯0 a«nu
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