MELBOURNE LAW MASTERS 2015 CONSTRUCTION LAW SUBJECTS groupings and overview Foundation

groupings and overview
Other subjects
Core construction law subjects
Principles of Construction
Primarily for construction professionals
Matthew Bell
Sem 1: 18-24 February WT
Take-home exam
Sem 2: 5-11 August WT
Construction Law*
Primarily for lawyers
Assoc Prof Peter Williams, Phillip Greenham,
Trevor Thomas
Sem 1: 11-17 February WT Sem 2: 12-18 August WT
Take-home exam / research paper
Contracting issues
(for accreditation to MConstrLaw/
GradDip, see Prospectus / website)
Advanced Construction
Detailed treatment of key issues
Prof Ian Bailey SC, Michael Earwaker
Sem 2: 14-20 October WT
Research paper
Project Delivery
Managing Legal Risk in Construction#
David Ulbrick, Kara Vague
Sem 1: 11-15 May MF
Take-home exam / research paper / drafting assignment
Public Private Partnerships Law
Assoc Prof Colin Duffield, Owen Hayford
Construction Contract Analysis and Drafting#
Sem 1: 1-5 June MF
Research paper
Sem 2: 18-24 November WT
Take-home exam
Specialised Construction Procurement Law#
David Bennett QC, Wayne Jocic
Construction Risk: Allocation and Insurance
Tony Horan, Peter Wood
Sem 2: 16-22 September WT
Take-home exam / research paper
Payment Matters in Construction Projects
John Baartz, David Campbell-Williams
Sem 2: 27-31 July MF
Take-home exam / research paper
Remedies in the Construction Context
David Bennett QC, Wayne Jocic
Sem 1: 18-24 March WT
Take-home exam / research paper
Sustainable Urban Construction Law
NEW in 2015
Brad Jessup, Jody Williams
Sem 2: Mondays 5.30-7.30pm, 27 July - 19 October
2 short essays + research paper
Core subjects not offered in 2015
Avoiding and Managing Construction
Global Perspectives on Construction Law
In addition, Construction: Principles into
Practice has been merged with Construction Law
Richard Wilkinson
Sem 1: 22-28 April WT
Take-home exam / research paper
Dispute Avoidance and Resolution
Construction Dispute Resolution
Andrew Stephenson, Nick Hopkins QC,
Nicholas Pane QC
Sem 2: 24-28 August MF
Take-home exam / research paper
Australian Consumer Law
Sem 2: 28 Sep - 2 Oct MF
Bargaining at Work
Sem 2: 23-29 September WT
Consumer Redress and
Product Defects NEW in 2015
Sem 1: 8-11 April (Wed-Sat)
Contract Interpretation*
Sem 1: 5-13 Feb (ThuFri, mornings)
Contract Termination*
Sem 2: 4-10 November WT
Environmental Law†
Event Management Law†
Fundamentals of the
Common Law*
Multiple offerings
International Commercial
Sem 1: 2-25 May (Mon evenings)
Sem 2: 4-10 November WT
Labour Standards under the
Fair Work Act
Sem 1: 29 April - 5 May WT
Liability Insurance Law
NEW in 2015
Sem 1: 29 April - 5 May WT
Mineral Law†
Petroleum Law
International / Comparative
International Construction Law
Prof Doug Jones AO, Scheherazade Walter
Sem 1: 22-26 June MF
Take-home exam / research paper
Construction Law and Projects in Asia
NEW in 2015
Dr Arthur McInnis and James Forrest
Sem 2: 6-10 July MF
Take-home exam / research paper
Sem 1: 16-20 February MF
Planning and Development
Precontractual Liability*
NEW in 2015
Sem 1: 10-14 August MF
Project Finance
Sem 2: 5-9 October MF
Resources Joint Ventures†
Statutes in the 21st Century
Sem 2: Mon 6-8pm, 29 Jul - 5 Oct
Toxics, Waste and
Contamination Law†
Workplace Health and
Sem 2: 12-18 August WT
For intensive offerings, classes run: MF Monday-Friday; WT Wednesday-Tuesday (excluding weekend)
*See 2015 Prospectus / website for special eligibility requirements
#Prerequisites: Principles of Construction Law / Construction Law
Unless otherwise noted, subjects are offered at Melbourne Law School and timings exclude the weekend.
Further information: T: + 61 3 8344 6190 E:
Version: September 2014, Subject to revision