Kalona Fall Draft Horse & Carriage Sale 2014 October 20th – 21st Monday, October 20th, 2014 9:00 AM Horse-Drawn Machinery, Equipment & Antiques 10:00 AM Harness, Collars, Saddles & Western Collectibles 1:00 PM Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Carts, Sleighs, etc. Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 9:00 AM Belgians & Percherons, Pulling Horses, Spotted Drafts, Haflingers, Mules, Crossbreds, Standardbreds, Light Driving Teams and Cataloged Non-Drafts, Followed by Un-Cataloged Draft Horses MONDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M. HORSE PULL & DEMONSTRATION (Inside Horse Arena) Kalona Sales Barn 121 9th Street – Kalona, IA 52247 Phone: 319-656-2222 Devin Mullet: Manager – 319-936-0675 Email: ksbauc@kalonasalesbarn.com Website: www.kalonasalesbarn.com Horse Pull & Demonstration Monday Evening 7:00 PM in the Horse Arena Seats will be sold starting Monday at 6:00 AM in the office $5.00 per seat Horse Check-In Time – Monday starting 6:00 AM Machinery, Wagons, Tack Check-In Time – Monday starting 6:00 AM Reserved Seating: Open Monday starting 6:00 AM. Monday: Seats for Tack & Horse Pull/Demonstration. One money for both attractions. $5.00 per seat. Tuesday: Seats for Horse Sale $5.00 per seat. Bidding Information: Office opens Monday at 6:00 AM to obtain a bidding number. Personal checks, Cash, Cashier checks, Money order & Master Card & Visa accepted. 3% buyers premium on all purchases refunded with cash and check payments. Consignor’s Checks: Equipment & Tack will be available on Tuesday. Horse checks are available same day of sale. Hitching: Consignors, if you are selling broke horses we strongly advise that you hitch your horses on Monday under the supervision of the sale committee. Hitching will begin Monday morning at 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM in the South lot. If you want to put your horse in the demonstration Monday evening, please tell the hitch committee on Monday. Coggins Test: Each horse must have a negative Coggins Test within 12 months of the date the blood was drawn. Blood will be drawn if test does not accompany horse No faxes and No copies. Federal Lab on site with $25.00 per horse deducted from the sale proceeds. The Vet Office is located at the check-in office South entrance. All mares to be sold as “in foal” must be preg checked within 30 days prior to the sale, bring paper from vet or have your mare checked at the sale prior to entering the sale ring. Veterinary: Dr. Forthman, DVM Veterinary on the grounds. 515-388-4360. Soundness: The veterinarian and hitch committee will announce any unsoundness that they observe. It is also the responsibility of each consignor to call any unsoundness on each horse when they are sold. Buyers have the right to inspect their purchase before they load out. It a need arises in the event of a problem on the sale of a horse, on soundness, and the consignor cannot be contacted the committee can use its own discretion and the horse may be resold. Percheron Consignors: Percherons cannot be sold on Application for Registration. Belgian Colts Sold “Eligible to Register:” Submit the completed application for registry and signed transfer form in the main office. Fees will be deducted from the seller’s check. If seller decides to sell at “The buyers expense” announcement in ring has to be made and paperwork submitted in the main office to be forwarded to the new buyer. Registration Papers and Signed Transfers: Your registrations and transfer forms will be collected at the check-in office when you check in your horse. Fees are deducted from your sales check and papers will be forwarded to the associations by the office. **Registration papers for horses are transferred into the name you fill out your bidders card, so please tell the buyers cashier when you settle up the correct name if this is different. Lodging Information: Dutch Country Inn – Kalona, IA 319-656-3611 Hometown Inn & Suites – Washington, IA 319-653-6621 Hawkeye Motel – Washington, IA 319-653-7510 Riverside Hotel & Casino – Riverside, IA 319-648-1234 Campground East of Sale Barn Contact the town of Kalona 319-656-2310 KSB, IA Lot 1 - Black Percheron Gelding 2 Year Old, Green broke. Mahlon Borkholder - Agent Jacob Stutzman, IA Lot 2 & 3 – Team Black Percheron Geldings 8 & 9 Years Old. 18 HH. Good broke. Used on the farm. Hauled produce to town this summer. John Troyer, MO Lot 4 & 5 – Team Black Percheron Geldings 7 Years Old. Broke to all farm machinery. Single or double. Traffic safe. Orvin Yoder, IA Lot 5 & 6 – Team Grey Percheron Geldings 8 Years Old. 18 HH. Broke to all farm equipment. Tom Miller, MO Lot 7 – Sorrel Belgian Mare 15 Years Old. Good broke. Gentle Ivan Miller, IA Lot 8 & 9 – Team Sorrel Belgian Mares 14 & 15 Years Old. One mare heavy in foal and due this fall, other mare open. Good broke. Phillip Flinn, MO Lot 10 & 11 – Team Red Roan & Sorrel Belgian Geldings Broke single and double. Good natured. Merle Yoder, IA Lot 12 & 13 – Team Black Percheron Geldings 5 Years Old. 18 HH. Broke. John E. Graves, IA Lot 14 & 15 – Team Belgian Geldings 8 Years Old. Sorrel with stripe. “Justice” & “Power” Broke. Not for beginners. Tom Miller, MO Lot 16 – Black Percheron Mare 3 Year Old. Worked on the farm all summer. Good worker Marcus Gingerich, IA Lot 17 – Registered Belgian Mare Foaled 1994. Red Sorrel with stripe. Sire: RemLap Spike-542685. Dam: PamM68373. Raises good colts. KSB, S Duane Miller, IA Lot 18 – Black Percheron Mare 6 Year Old. 17.2 HH. Good broke. Single & double. Bred to Percheron Stallion. Marvin Miller, MO Lot 19 & 20 – Team Percheron Mares 14 Years Old. “Bell” & “Betsy” 16 HH. Well matched. Well broke. Handy size. John E. Graves, IA Lot 21 – Sorrel with Stripe Belgian Mare 9 Year Old. “Grace” Broke. Not for beginners. Blind in one eye. Clay Robinson, MO Lot 22 & 23 – Team Sorrel with Stripe Belgian Geldings 7 Years Old. 17.2 HH. 1800#. Worked on all farm machinery. Nice team. Clay Robinson, MO Lot 24 – Red Roan Belgian Gelding 12 Year Old, 1750#, Broke to all farm machinery. John Schrock, IA Lot 25 & 26 – Team Red Sorrel with Stripe Belgian Geldings 10 & 14 Years Old. 17.2 HH. Kid Broke. Broke to all farm machinery. Traffic Safe. Bob Mouw, IA Lot 27 – Blonde Belgian Gelding 5 Year Old. 17 HH. Broke. Worked on Amish farm this Spring. Rueben Otto, IL Lot 28 & 29 – Team Grey Percheron Geldings 14 Years Old. Broke to all farm machinery. Been in parades. Broke to ride. Terry McElhinney, IA Lot 30 – Black Percheron Mare 2 Year Old. “Roxie” 17.1 HH. Broke single & double. Willing worker. Nice to be around. John Schrock, IA Lot 31 – Blonde with Long Tail Belgian Gelding 6 Year Old. 17.3 HH. Broke to all farm machinery. Traffic safe. Good willing worker. Brian K. Heuring, MO Lot 32 – Registered Belgian Stallion “Meadow Crest Brent” S69363. Chestnut with stripe, light main and tail. Sire: WesSand’s ColOscar S59141. Dam: Wolf Creek Mary M118188. Very big. Huge foot. Long neck. Sweet curb. Needs to be someones herd sire. A full brother was the Silver Merit Award winner 2 years ago for yearlings. Brian K. Heuring, MO Lot 33 – Registered Belgian Mare “RKD Sierra’s Marlett” M128619. Foaled January 26, 2011. Chestnut with stripe, Flaxen main and tail. Sire: NeBros Patriot S62699. Dam: RKD Sierra M114543. Broke. Used in four horse hitch this summer. Bred to Maple Creek Captains Lightning, the 2013 All American Aged Stallion. Due in February. Great moving mare. Best disposition. Make a great kids horse. Won National Belgian Futurity as a weanling. Brian K. Heuring, MO Lot 34 – Registered Belgian Mare “T-Road Master’s Rachel” M130382. Red Sorrel with stripe, white main and tail. Foaled February 19, 2012. Sire: T-Road Betsy’s Master S66724. Dam: TRoad Rocket’s Linda M124513. Big mare. Make a great brood mare. Emanuel Troyer, IA Lot 35 – Black Percheron Stud Colt Foaled September 24, 2013. Large star snip, rear left white foot. Emanuel Troyer, IA Lot 36 – Black Percheron Stud Colt Foaled May 24, 2014. Small star. John Schrock, IA Lot 37 & 38 – Team Sorrel with Long Tail Belgian Mares 16 & 17 Years Old. 16.2 HH. Full sisters. Quiet. Good broke. Traffic safe. Raymond Mast, IA Lot 39 – Red Sorrel Belgian Gelding 16 Years Old. 18 HH. Broke to all farm machinery. Good willing worker. Bill Orton, MO Lot 40 & 41 – Team Black Percheron Mares 4 & 10 Years Old. Good broke. Tom Miller, MO Lot 42 & 43 – Team Belgian Geldings 9 & 11 Years Old. Red Sorrel & Light Sorrel. 2,000#, Pulled in farm pull the last three years. Good broke. Nice & gentle. Work good together. Mervin Miller, MO Lot 44 & 45 – Team Percheron Standardbred cross Geldings 5 & 8 Years Old. Broke. Traffic safe. Stand up pair. Matt McGuire, IA Lot 46 & 47 – Team Draft Paint cross Geldings 2 Years Old. Red and White. Half-brothers. Green broke. John Troyer, MO Lot 48 – Draft Paint cross Gelding Kerri Ruch, IL Lot 49 – Black Percheron Friesian cross Gelding 12 Year Old. “Prince” ¾ Percheron ¼ Friesian. Well broke carriage horse. Daniel Borkholder – Agent. Loren Yoder, IA Lot 50 – Belgian Standardbred cross Mare 10 Year Old. Long time driven in buggy. Lady broke. Todd Bergman, IL Lot 50 & 51 – Registered Team North American Spotted Draft Mares “M&K’s Peggy Sioux” Foaled May 1, 2000. Black and White Tobiano. “M&K’s Terra Sioux” Foaled April 19, 2004. Black and White Tobiano. 17.2 HH. Mother Daughter team. Mate perfect. Work beautiful together. Traffic safe. Carriage rides. Gentle. Bomb proof. Jake Meyer, IA Lot 52 & 53 – Team Black Shire Mares 3 & 4 Years Old. Full sisters. Broke to drive. Super quiet. KSB, S Duane Miller, IA Lot 54 & 55 – Team Draft Paint Mare and Gelding 6 Years Old. Black and white. 16.2 HH. Broke. Dave Tokheim, IA Lot 56 – North American Spotted Draft Stallion Foaled May 25, 2014. “Tok Eldon” Black and white Tobiano. Sire: Double Tree Supreme Apache. Dam: Dorothy RF. Should mature near 17 HH. Dave Tokheim, IA Lot 57 – North American Spotted Draft Stallion Foaled August 31, 2013. “Tok Sam” Sorrel and white Tobiano. Sire: Double Tree Supreme. Dam: Tok Piper. Homozygous for Tobiano color pattern. Should mature 16HH. Will make cart horse, heavy saddle horse or color producing stallion. Brenda Mullikin, WI Lot 58 – Registered Norwegian Fjord Mare Foaled July 9, 2001. “Turtle Mountain Hayley” C-2504. Red Dun. Sire: Half Diamond Kellner. Dam: Muffin’s Miss May C-890. Broke to ride and drive. Used as brood mare. George Amling, IA Lot 59 – Haflinger Mare with Colt at side Broke. Bred to Haflinger Stallion. George Amling, IA Lot 60 – Haflinger Mare Broke. Bred. George Amling, IA Lot 61 – Haflinger Mare Broke. Bred. George Amling, IA Lot 62 – Haflinger Mare Broke. Bred George Amling, IA Lot 63 – Haflinger Filly George Amling, IA Lot 64 – Haflinger Filly George Amling, IA Lot 65 – Haflinger Filly KSB, IA Lot 66 & 67 – Pair Paint Crossbreds Stallions Yearlings. Halter broke. Mahlon Borkholder – Agent. KSB, IA Lot 68 – Bay Crossbred Stallion Yearling. Halter broke. Mahlon Borkholder – Agent. Alvin Eicher, MO Lot 69 – Registered Black Morgan Mare Foaled August 21, 2000. “SWMR Spirit Guide” 15HH. Broke for anyone to ride and drive. Stands anywhere you leave her. Sam Eicher, MO Lot 70 – Standardbred Mare 9 Year Old. Bay with four white socks. Good broke. Sam Eicher, MO Lot 71 – Standardbred Mare 5 Year Old. Black with two white socks. Broke. Sam Eicher, MO Lot 72 – Standardbred Morgan cross Mare 4 Year Old. Black with three white socks. Broke. Rueben Otto, IL Lot 73 – Registered Quarter Horse Gelding Foaled 2007. Dun Roan. Good broke. Stout gelding. Uncataloged Draft Horses start at Lot 74 Early Consignments: 20X27” Ellis Champion #1 Wood Thresher No. 17249. All original machine in working condition. Used last year. Mounted in top of barn. Original John Deere Wagon. Purchased brand new from the John Deere store in Washington, IA. In possession of second owner. Excellent condition. Shedded all its life. Maroon people mover in excellent condition. 24 passenger. Four wheel disc brakes. LED lighting. White Carriage with green velvet upholstery. Beautiful. Clean. Well maintained. Easily holds 4 adults. Smooth riding. Used on team of horses and single Percheron. Great wedding or party carriage. White two seat Surrey. Like new slightly used. Homesteader EZ Rider Trailer custom built for this Surrey will also be selling. Black two seat Surrey. Fringe top. Upholstered seats. Shafts. Hydraulic brakes. Hard rubber tires. Red and Black Pioneer Forecart. Black and Red two seat Surrey. Red Hitch Wagon. Black four wheel two seat buggy. 43” wood wheels 84” shafts. Used on Standardbred. Kept inside. Two wheel antique cart. Possibly Houghton. 46” wood wheels 84” shafts. Used on Standardbred. Kept inside. New Idea No. 18 manure spreader. Small ground drive for tractors. Kept inside. #9 International horse mower. New Idea manure spreader No. 17 Eight foot single horse disc with trucks ¾ size undercarriage for stage coach. Running gear for Democrat Wagon. Original wheel rims and the iron for a two wheeled carriage including the original fender iron. Upcoming Sales for 2014 & 2015 Standardbred Horse & Tack Sale & Special Driving Horse Sale Saturday, November 1st, 2014 Special Workhorse Sale February 2nd, 2015 2nd Annual Kalona Spring Driving Horse Sale Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 Spring Draft Horse & Carriage Sale April 13th & 14th , 2015 Fall Draft Horse & Carriage Sale October 19th & 20th, 2015 Standardbred Horse & Tack Sale & Special Driving Horse Sale Saturday, November 7th, 2015 Monthly Horse & Tack Sale Every first Monday of the Month Tack – 8:30 AM ~ Horses – 11:00 AM Our new website is up and running, be sure to check it out! www.kalonasalesbarn.com Contact the office to advertise your consignments! 319-656-2222 Email: ksbauc@kalonasalesbarn.com
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