pocketguide14_Layout 1 10/2/14 1:20 PM Page 1 Schedule of Events for the 78th International Rice Festival Live Band ScheduLe at caJun countRY Rice Sound Stage (couRthouSe) Live Band ScheduLe at cRaMeR eQuiPMent & SuPPLY Sound Stage (4th StReet) sponsored by Double L Customs / Family Clinic (Paul & Kim Stringfellow) sponsored by LA Federal Land Bank / Jack & Sandra Montoucet / Farm Pride Processors thursday, october 16, 2014 6:30PM – 7:30PM | aPoLLo’S cRoWS 8:00PM – 9:30PM | get BacK Band sponsored by City of Crowley 10:00PM – MIDNIGHT | Bag oF donutS sponsored by T-Shirts, Etc. / LA Lottery / St. Martin Bank, DSS Computers Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Miguel Rivera Friday, october 17, 2014 3:00PM – 4:30PM | KiRa & BaYou Beat sponsored by Ed Guidry Electric / First National Bank 5:00PM – 6:45PM | geno deLaFoSSe sponsored by Cramer Equipment & Supply 7:15PM – 9:15PM | niK-L-BeeR sponsored by Sunbelt Motors / Southwind Nursing & Rehab Facility 9:45PM – MIDNIGHT | WaYne touPS sponsored by Jaguar Energy Services Saturday, october 18, 2014 NooN – 3PM | Sound checK 4:30PM – 6:00PM | t.J. gautReauX sponsored by Coastal Bride / Jehn Fell / JTD Services 6:00PM – 8:00PM | chRiS hiMeL sponsored by Cajun Mart 8:30PM – 10:00PM | tRacY BYRd sponsored by Union Pacific Foundation / Cajun Country Rice / Lake Air Service J&J Exterminating Co. of Crowley / Hoffpauir Farms / Paragon Casino Resort / Ed Guidry Electric J.C. & Suzy Webb / Microtel Inn & Suites / Salvador’s Jewelry / Spell House Raising & Leveling Extreme Coastal Building Systems (Kevin & Lynn Spell, owners) 10:30PM – MIDNIGHT | Roddie RoMeRo sponsored by Fezzo’s / Texas Rice Festival thursday, october 16, 2014 7:00PM – 9:15PM | Kevin naQuin & the oSSun PLaYBoYS 9:45PM – MIDNIGHT | don Rich sponsored by Lake Arthur Regatta Festival Friday, october 17, 2014 3:00PM – 5:00PM | coLBY LatioLaiS sponsored by Red Dog’s Bar / Sunbelt Motors 5:30PM – 7:15PM | LeRoY thoMaS sponsored by Quik Quarter Classifieds 7:45PM – 9:30PM | chaRLeY RiveRS sponsored by Red Dog’s Bar 10:00PM – MIDNIGHT | chee WeeZ sponsored by Frosto / Cox Xommunications / Enterprise Rent-A-Car / Miguel Rivera DSS Computers / Spell House & Leveling / Extreme Coastal Building Systems (Kevin & Lynn Spell, Owners) Saturday, october 18, 2014 8:00AM – 10:00AM | accoRdion & FiddLe conteSt sponsored by Falcon Rice Mill & Cajun Country Rice 10:30AM – 12:30PM | caRL hoLLieR sponsored by Farm Pride Processors, Jack & Sandra Montoucet, owners 1:00PM – 3:00PM | Bonne chance sponsored by Rayne Frog Festival 3:00PM – 4:00ish | gRand PaRade sponsored by Carmichael’s Pharmacy & Medical Supplies 5:00PM – 7:00PM | JohnnY chauvin sponsored by Louisiana Rice Mill / Supreme Rice 7:30PM – 9:30PM | chRiS aRdoin sponsored by Gueydan Duck Festival 10:00PM – MIDNIGHT | tRaviS Matte sponsored by Crescent Crown / Schilling Distributors _________ ScheduLe oF eventS at caJun countRY Rice Sound Stage (couRthouSe) ScheduLe oF eventS at cRaMeR eQuiPMent & SuPPLY Sound Stage (4th StReet) 9:00AM | oFFiciaL oPening oF the Rice FeStivaL sponsored by Southwind: Senior Suites / Southwind: Healthcare & Rehabilitation School Float Trophies donated by Lafayette Schools Credit Union ________________ Friday, october 17, 2014 78th Official Festival Opening opening remarks by Connie Nutt, 2014 International Rice Festival President. Introduction and Remarks, Miss Hailey Hensgens, 2013 International Rice Festival Queen. Welcome, the Honorable Greg Jones, Mayor of the City of Crowley 9:05AM | nationaL antheM, PaYton BRouSSaRd & KinSeY SteLLY 9:15AM | 3Rd dRagon KaRate acadeMY 10:00AM | enteRtainMent BY coRe dance centeR Children’s Junior King & Queen Contest Presentation of young ladies and gentlemen representing first or second grade of Acadia Parish Schools. Sponsored by Congressman Charles Boustany, Jr., M.D. 10:15AM | enteRtainMent BY inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL dance tRouPe 10:45AM | Rice citY gYMnaSticS coMPetition 11:30AM | cRoWning oF the inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL JunioR King & Queen by the Acadia Parish Superintendent of Schools, Mr. John Bourque and Mrs. John Bourque. Presentation of savings bonds by representative of office Centre/Teacher’s Pet. Trophies sponsored by JC & Suzy Webb. 11:45AM | enteRtainMent BY doLoReS nutt SchooL oF dance 12:00PM | inteRnationaL Rice eating conteSt Champion rice eaters from throughout the country vie for title. May the best man win! sponsored by the Crowley Lions Club 12:30PM | enteRtainMent BY tuMBLing totS and teenS 1:15PM | Rice gRading and SheaF aWaRd Presented by Barrett Courville, County & Parish Agent/LSU Ag Center 1:15PM | Rice and cReoLe cooKing conteSt aWaRdS Chef de Riz Award presented by Letha Vincent, Chairwoman 1:30PM | inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL chiLdRen’S PaRade sponsored by Southwind: Senior Suites / Southwind: Healthcare & Rehabilitation Theme: Rice: the King & Queen of Rice one hour spectacular that focuses on the use of rice in the making of floats and decorations by Acadia Parish Schools. School float trophies donated by Lafayette Schools Credit Union Saturday, october 18, 2014 8:00AM | 5K Run WaLK sponsored by Crowley High School Track 9:00AM 9:15AM 9:20AM 9:25 AM | | | | nationaL antheM, PaYton BRouSSaRd & KinSeY SteLLY 5K Run WaLK aWaRdS 78th oFFiciaL FeStivaL oPening MiLLWoRKeRS oF the YeaR Presentation of awards to the 2014 outstanding Millworker Cajun Country Rice/Falcon Rice Mill... Mitchell Fontenot / Supreme Rice Mill... Bryce LeBlanc 9:30AM | enteRtainMent BY inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL dance tRouPe 9:45AM | PReSentation oF viSiting QueenS International Rice Festival Queen’s Contest 10:00AM | inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL dance tRouPe 10:40AM | cRoWning oF the 2014 inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL Queen by Festival Honoree, Congressman Charles Boustany 10:50AM | PReSentationS to the 2014 inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL Queen The “Bill Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund” donated by Iberia Bank, presented by Romona Credeur Sonic Scholarship donated by Sonic, presented by Doris Reiners Cajun Country Rice Scholarship donated by Cajun Country Rice, presented by Robby Trahan. Union Pacific Foundation Scholarship donated by Union Pacific, presented by Drew Tessier. JC & Suzy Webb Scholarship donated & presented by JC & Suzy Webb. 11:00AM | FRog deRBY sponsored by City of Rayne / Rayne Lions Club 3:00PM | inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL gRand PaRade sponsored by Carmichael’s Pharmacy & Medical Supplies The grandest of all grand parades. www.ricefestival.com Friday, october 17, 2014 1:30PM – 2:30ish | chiLdRen’S PaRade Saturday, october 18, 2014 8:00AM – 10:00AM | accoRdion & FiddLe conteSt sponsored by Falcon Rice Mill & Cajun Country Rice Special Appearance by the International Rice Festival Dance Troupe 3:00PM – 4:00ish | inteRnationaL Rice FeStivaL gRand PaRade sponsored by Carmichael’s Pharmacy & Medical Supplies _________ ScheduLe oF eventS at LocationS otheR than Main StReet Saturday, September 20, 2014 Rice Festival Building (717 West Mills Street, Crowley) Queen’S BaLL & honoRee’S cocKtaiL PaRtY 6:00-6:45PM | cocKtaiLS | 7:00-8:30PM | gRand MaRch | 8:30PM-MIDNIGHT | BaLL The presentation of the 2013 International Rice Festival Queen and 2014 Festival Honorees, Farmer of the Year, Jr. Farmer of the Year; music provided by DJ Bobby Novasad.. Entertainment by International Rice Festival Dance Troupe. Wednesday, october 15, 2014 9:00AM-3:00PM | Rice gRading conteSt USDA MARKETING SERVICE Grain Division, West Hwy 90 7:00PM | SenioR citiZenS BaLL RICE FESTIVAL BUILDING 717 West Mill Street Friday, october 17, 2014 9:30AM | Rice and cReoLe cooKing conteSt LSU AG CENTER 157 Cherokee Drive Exquisite cuisine prepared with rice. From the winners, the Chef de Riz (Master Cook of Rice) will be selected. sponsored by the USA Rice Federation 10:00AM | oPening oF outdooR aRtS and cRaFtS ShoW LEVY PARK between 3rd & 4th Street sponsored by the Crowley Art Association Saturday, october 18, 2014 10:00am | opening of outdoor arts and crafts Show LEVY PARK between 3rd & 4th Street sponsored by Crowley Art Associaton 1:00PM | Rice thReShing deMonStRation FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 4th Street & Avenue G Shock Building & Sack Sewing Contest. An old time rice threshing, hosted by Notre Dame Ag-Science Dept., Rice Museum & The First Baptist Church. cLaSSic caR ShoW 7:00AM – 10:00AM REGISTRATIoN | JUDGING BEGINS AT 10:00AM | 1:45PM | AWARDS PRESENTATIoN BANK oF CoMMERCE PARKING LoT 326 North Avenue G sponsored by Genesis Services / Bank of Commerce & Trust Co / Simon & Sons Construction & Trim Rusty Guilbeau, United Vision Logistics / Rice City Trucking, Inc. / Viator Services and Repair Bayou Silkscreening / Libby Air Conditioning 12th annuaL inteRnationaL Rice (PoKeR) Run 7:45AM | REGISTRATIoN BEGINS RICE PALACE I-10, exit 80. Scenic ride through beautiful “RICE CoUNTRY”. Good roads, Great Ride! Sponsored by Shop Rite / Rusty Guilbeau, United Vision Logistics / Rice City Trucking, Inc. / Romero Truck & Trailer Service & Repair / John & Sandra Royer / Burger Zone / P&J Auto / Happy Hoppin Fun Jumps / Cajun Propane / Viator Services & Repair / Bayou Silkscreening / Dream Cycles / Sam’s Place / St. Martin Bank / Sonic / Spell House Raising & Leveling 8:50AM | BIKES LEAVE | 2:00PM | AWARDS PRESENTATIoN Cramer Equpment & Supply Sound Stage Sunday, october 19, 2014 12:00 NooN—6PM | FaMiLY Fun daY info@ricefestival.com October 16-19, 2014 OFFICIAL RICE FESTIVAL SOUVENIRS NITE TOWN ATM IRF BEER TICKET BOOTH IRF BEER BOOTH IBERIA BANK ATM RICE POKER RUN BANK OF COMMERCE PARKING LOT CAR SHOW International Rice Festival Map Please visit the Festival Beer Booth & help keep the Festival 78th FREE! International Rice Festival Please drink responsibly... SERVICES ENERGY SER E VICES JJay ay & Laurie Suire Hoffpauir FFarms a arms Crowley, Louisiana October 16-19, 2014 AP T Tax ax Assessor Assessor, r, Petitjean Jimbo P etitjean Designate a driver! Visit the Shop Rite Mid-Way Kergan Kergan Brothers featuring EDDY “ARKANSAS SMITH” & PEGGY SMITH KSIG 1450AM Doug & Susan Z. Smith JERRY JERR RY & KAREN LEONARDS GENESIS SER VICES SERVICES International Rice Festival Headquarters 112 East Hutchinson Ave. P.O. Box 1900 Crowley, Louisiana 70527-1900 Phone 337.783.3067 www.ricefestival.com email: info@ricefestival.com CHIEF OF POLICE K.P. K.P P. GIBSON DARTEZ ROLAND DAR TEZ JOHN & SANDRA ROYER DRS. TIM & SUE CROUGHAN since 1937 pocketguide14_Layout 1 10/2/14 1:21 PM Page 2
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