An invitation to the 2014 VCOC Conference P.O. Box 7  Skokie, Illinois 60076 

Illinois Fire Chiefs Associa on
Dedicated to Excellence in the Fire Service P.O. Box 7 Skokie, Illinois 60076 An invitation to the 2014 VCOC Conference
On behalf of IFCA President Stephen Clarkson, IFCA Executive Board, and our Volunteer and Combination Officer
Committee members, I extend an invitation to volunteer and combination fire chiefs and officers from around Illinois to
join the VCOC in our renewed annual Conference. On October 25 and 26, 2014 the IFCA VCOC will host the only
conference in the Midwest tailored for the education of volunteer and combination fire officers.
There are a lot of great conferences out there; however, we have found there are very few that focus on the specific
topics important to the officer who is leading the very dynamic structure of a volunteer and combination departments.
Our VCOC Conference Committee has carefully designed educational tracks with topics that are important and of interest
to the officer of a volunteer and combination department.
We will continue our discussion on the NIST and UL studies. Dr. Gavin Horn, with the Illinois Fire Service Institute will
discuss “Why Innovative Fire Attack Tactics Matter”. This presentation will discuss how Firefighters are being challenged
by different fireground hazards due to today’s open floor plans and the use of synthetic materials in furniture and building
products. These changes have made structure fires more deadly than ever before and call into question traditional
firefighting tactics. Volunteer and combination departments are often short staffed upon initial arrival therefore it is even
more important to understand how the fire is acting and use what we have learned from NIST to fire fires different.
Chief John Buckman, past president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and Chief Fred Windisch, International
Director to the Volunteer and Combination Officer Section will be with us to share “Leadership in Changing Times”.
Budgets are tight, recruitment and retention is down, and it is generally getting harder to operate a volunteer and
combination department. These two journeyman chiefs will share their thoughts on leadership.
Two chiefs of combination departments who in the past year experienced major, incidents in their small community will
also join us. Chief Mike Vaughn, Washington Fire Department, will present lessons learned from the Washington, Illinois
tornado in November 2013. Chief Bill Schreiber, Peotone FPD will present lessons learned during a response to a
multiple alarm, 40 car crash on Interstate 57.
The Illinois Society of Fire Service Instructors is partnering with us again this year and will be presenting Safety Officer
101 – Down and Dirty Responsibilities for the On-scene Safety Officer. Often time small departments do not have the
resources to send someone to the 40 hour Incident Safety Officer class or have a trained ISO on the scene. This
program will present the importance of having an ISO designated and the things the ISO should be looking for when in
that role. Every incident should have a safety officer designated; otherwise, it is the incident commander’s job. This
short course will give you the basic and stress how important it is for you to designate that ISO quickly.
Deputy Chief Brad Sprague, Minooka Fire Protection District, who is also a sergeant with the Illinois State Police, in
District 5 (Joliet) will present “Introduction to Traffic Incident Management”. DC Sprague serves on the investigation
panel for NIOSH Firefighter Fatality Studies involving firefighter traffic incident fatalities. DC Sprague teaches the Traffic
Incident Management program across the Nation, and has been instrumental in developing the curriculum for the
program. This program is intended to stress the importance of having a traffic incident management (TIM) plan in your
department, and give you the basics of how to set up a TIM plan in your organization. This is not the full TIM course but
you will get the information you need to stress how important TIM is to the safety of your firefighters and start you in a
direction of implementing TIM training and programs in your department.
Don’t be the one wishing you attended when all your peers are talking about the great conference they just attended.
Sign up today – register at
Al Yancey, Jr.
Al Yancey, Jr., Chairman
Volunteer and Combination Officer Committee
Illinois Fire Chiefs
Volunteer Combination & Chief Officer Committee Seminar
October 25-26, 2014
Thelma Keller Convention Center, Effingham IL
“Mul ‐Vehicle, Mul ‐Casualty Incident, Are we
Chief Bill Schreiber, Peotone FPD Saturday, October 25, 2014
Registra on and Con nental Breakfast 8:45‐9:00am
Chief Sean Maloy, Bedford Park FD, IFCA President Chief Al Yancey, Minooka FPD, VCOC Chairperson 9:00‐10:15am
Keynote Address “Why Innova ve Fire A ack Tac cs Ma er‐A UL Study”
Dr. Gavin Horn, Illinois Fire Service Ins tute Firefighters are being challenged by different fireground hazards due to today’s open floor plans and the use of synthe c materials in furniture and building products. These changes have made structure fires more deadly than ever before and call into ques on tradi onal firefigh ng tac cs. 10:15‐10:30am Break Thursday, February 20, 2014 heavy fog was the cause of a chain reac on crash on I‐57 between Peotone and Monee. Nine different crashes involving 41 vehicles spread over a 2 mile area. Incident involved 28 different fire & EMS agencies, 3 tow companies, local, county & state police agencies. What went well; Where can we improve; How can we implement those improvements? 4:15‐4:30pm
Ques ons & Answers 8:00pm
“Open Round Table Discussion”
First Day Presenters and Invited Organiza ons Network and share ideas with your peers Sunday, October 26, 2014
Dr. Gavin Horn, con nued Breakfast (included with registra on) 12:00‐1:00pm Lunch (included in registra on) 8:50‐9:00am
Opening Remarks
Chief Dave Weiss, Westmont FD, Vice Chair VCOC 1:00‐2:30pm
“Leadership in Changing Times”
Chief John Buckman and Chief Fred Windisch, IAFC Volunteer & Combina on Officer Sec on 9:00‐10:15am
“Safety Officer 101: Down & Dirty Responsibili es of
the on‐scene safety officer”
Brian Thompson, ISFSI There is no magic bullet to defining leadership or for that ma er changing mes. Change is always occurring and leadership is about being the person that adapts and overcomes. Join Chiefs Buckman and Windisch as they share their lifelong experiences traveling down the road of the volunteer and combina on fire service. If the path of duty, pride and commitment is followed, then the rest is detail. 2:30‐2:45pm
Break 2:45‐4:15pm
“So, It’ll Never Happen Here”
Chief Michael Vaughn, Washington FD On Sunday, November 17, 2013 a devasta ng EF4 tornado tore through the town of Washington, Illinois. The swath of damage in town was approx. ½ mile wide and 4 miles long. The Washington Fire Department, a combina on department providing full me ALS transport and Paid on Call firefighters, was faced with the daun ng task of dealing with the wide spread devasta on. This program will give an overview of that day, how the department handled the incident, and issues that the department faced and discovered while engaged. Con nued next column Current training topics n traffic safety n procedures. 10:15‐10:30am Break 10:30‐11:30am
Brian Thompson con nues 11:30am‐12:00pm
Organiza on Briefings
Invited Organiza ons (IFCA, OSFM, FSI, VCOC) 5‐10 minute presenta on on what’s happening with their organiza on and what’s going on in the State of Illinois. 12:00‐1:00pm Lunch (included with registra on) 1:00‐3:00pm
“Introduc on to Traffic Incident Management ‐ Staying
Safe at Roadway Incidents”
Brad Sprague, DC Minooka FPD & Sergeant, Illinois State Police District 5. 3:00‐3:30pm
“Q & A”
Ques ons & answers, survey, final wrap up VCOC Seminar Concludes
. . . .Our Presenter's
Gavin Horn has served as the IFSI Director of Research since August
Bill Schreiber has been a member of the Peotone Fire Department
2004, immediately after receiving his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Gavin also serves as a
volunteer firefighter/engineer with the Savoy (IL) Fire Department, where he
was named the 2011 Firefighter of the Year. He has taught in multiple
hands-on and lecture based training courses at IFSI ranging from new
recruit, to Rehab Basics to Fire Dynamics & Tactics. Gavin has also taught
course at national Fire Service conferences across the country and to departments and
training academies around the world. Dr. Horn also teaches traditional engineering
lectures at the University of Illinois where he has been awarded an M&IE Alumni Board
Teaching Fellowship, and has been named to the UIUC "List of Teachers Ranked as
Excellent by Their Students" five times.
for 34 years serving both as a volunteer and full time employee. In
2008 he was named the Chief of the department. During his fire
service career is was also a full-time member of the University Park
Fire Department for 4 years and as a part-time member of the
Homewood Fire Department for 15 years.
Dr. Horn's research interests lie in the areas of First Responder technology development,
firefighter health and safety research, material testing and design, infrared imaging and
nondestructive evaluation. He holds a Senior Research Scientist position with the
Advanced Materials Testing & Evaluation Laboratory at Illinois where he carries out static
strength and fatigue testing of materials and the development of nondestructive
evaluation technologies for industries ranging from aerospace to microelectronics. Gavin
has published 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and given more than 50 presentations at
professional conferences around the world. He also is a member of NFPAs Technical
Committee on Special Operations Clothing & Equipment, Chair of the Society of Fire
Protection Engineers Fire Service Committee and on the Advisory Board for UL’s
Firefighter Safety Research Institute where he assists translating research to standards
and tactics.
Brian Thompson began his Illinois Fire Service career in 1992. Brian served the
Burlington FPD until 2010 achieving the rank of Lieutenant and Training Officer of the
department. He ran the Northend Fire Academy until 2009 instructing FFII, FFIII, TRA,
HMA, HMO and FAE. He helped numerous firefighters gain full-time employment from
Gurnee to Downers Grove Fire Departments.
Fred Windisch EFO CFO is the fire chief of the Ponderosa FD near
Houston, Texas. He began is volunteer firefighter journey in Staunton Illinois
in 1972. Shell Oil Company transferred he and his family to the Houston
area in 1975 and he fell into the arms of the Ponderosa VFD the day the
moving van was unloading. The Ponderosa FD is currently a combination
agency with 15 full time, 4 FTE’s and 60 volunteers serving 48,000 citizens and a large
business community in the unincorporated area north of Houston. Fred retired from Shell
in 2000 and was appointed the Harris County CEO/Fire Marshal of our nation’s third most
populous county. He became Ponderosa’s first full time chief in 2004, and was selected
as Fire Chief Magazine’s Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year in 2000. Fred is a charter
member of the IAFC’s Volunteer & Combination Officers Section and served on the IAFC
Board of Directors for eleven years. He currently serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of the
VCOS. Chief Windisch and Chief Fred Crosby co-authored Jones & Bartlett Publishing
book, A Leadership Guide for Combination Departments.
Chief John M. Buckman III has served 35 years as fire chief for the
German Township Volunteer Fire Department in Evansville, Ind. He has
served nine years as director of firefighter training for the Indiana State
Fire Marshal Office. He was president of the International Association of
Fire Chiefs in 2001-2002 and is a co-founder of the IAFC Volunteer and
Combination Officers Section. He was appointed by President William
Clinton to serve on the America Burning Revisited group and appointed by President
George W. Bush to the Department of Homeland Security Advisory Task Force. In 1996,
Fire Chief Magazine named Chief Buckman Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year. In 2013 the
National Volunteer Fire Council bestowed the Lifetime Achievement Award to him.
Annually, the Volunteer and Combination Officers Section present the John M. Buckman
III Leadership Award to a deserving chief officer from throughout North America. He is a
co-author of the Lesson Learned from Fire-Rescue Leaders and is the editor of the Chief
Officers Desk Reference. He served as secretary-treasurer of the National Fire Academy
Alumni Association for 10 years. He has presented programs in all 50 states, each of the
provinces in Canada, Beijing and the Caribbean Islands.
Chief Schreiber has a Bachelor Degree in Fire Service Management from Southern
Illinois University. He also holds numerous certifications in the areas of Fire, Haz Mat,
Rescue and Command. He has been a certified Paramedic since 1983.
Chief Schreiber resides in Peotone with his wife Sharon. They have two children Brittany
and Brandon.
Brian currently serves as a firefighter/paramedic for the Sycamore Fire Department. He
is a training liaison between Sycamore FD and Sycamore Union Local 3046 assisting in
ATF, HMO, TRA, FSVO and Instructor I. He has breathed life back into their Operation
Prom program in 2011 and 2013 and coached the SFD's powder-puff football team for
four years. Brian also assists Genoa-Kingston FPD with running monthly training and an
in house fire academy.
He has received his Basic Vocational Specialist Fire Science, Certificate of Vocational
Specialist Fire Science and Safety and Associate of Applied Science Fire Science and
Safety from Elgin Community College where he serves as an adjunct faculty member
teaching Basic Operations Firefighter, Advanced Technician Firefighter and Instructor I
and Instructor II both on the credit and non-credit disciplines. He is currently pursuing his
Fire Science Management degree at Southern Illinois University.
Brian has served on the board of the Illinois Society of Fire Service Instructors since 2002
and was appointed President in 2013. His various responsibilities include sitting on the
Fire Advisory Committee to the Fire Marshal, chairing the Instructors annual conference
in Peoria to teaching Training Program Manager to Training Officer Bootcamp. Brian is
married to his best friend Stephanie and has three children.
Brad Sprague is a twenty year veteran of the Illinois State Police
currently at the rank of Sergeant. He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in
Law Enforcement Administration from Western Illinois University and a
Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Governor’s State
University. As a member of the Southwest Regional Incident
Management Workgroup, he assisted with the development of a Traffic
Incident Management Program that he has taught throughout the State of Illinois to
police, fire and emergency responder agencies. Sergeant Sprague co-developed the
Traffic Incident Management program that is utilized at the Illinois State Police Academy
and is assigned as a member of the Illinois Traffic Incident Management Training Group
that has developed a statewide training program that is currently being delivered to all
facets of emergency responders. He participated in the National Roadway Incident
Safety Summit marking the ten year Anniversary of the Publication of Protecting
Emergency Responders on the Highway.
Brad Sprague is a twenty-eight year veteran of the Minooka Fire Protection District
currently holding the rank of Deputy Chief of Operations. He holds certifications as a Fire
Officer II, Instructor III and Training Program Manager. As a lead-instructor at the Chief
Shabbona Fire Academy he developed the curriculum for the Traffic Incident
Management Program. Brad Sprague brings a diverse experience as both a practitioner
and Instructor within the application of Traffic Incident Management.
Mike Vaughn is the Fire Chief of the Washington Fire Department, a
position he has held since 2008. Chief Vaughn has been a member of the
International Association of Fire Chiefs since 2008 and was first elected to
the Volunteer & Combination Officer Section (VCOS) Board in 2012.
Chief Vaughn began his career in the fire service in 1982 as a volunteer
member of the WFD and in 1986 moved on to a career with the East Peoria Fire
Department, where he retired in 2008 as the Chief of the Department.
Chief Vaughn has an Associate’s Degree in Fire Science from Illinois Central College, a
Bachelor’s Degree from Southern Illinois University in Fire Service Management, and is a
graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program. He has holds
several certifications through the Illinois Office of the State Fire Marshal. Chief Vaughn
was recently awarded the Medal of Valor from the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal
for his initial actions as the community of Washington, IL was being devastated by an EF4 tornado on November 17, 2013.
Chief Vaughn is married to his wife of 32 years, Theresa and they have three married
sons, and three grandchildren (and counting).
VCOC Mission
To represent the leadership of the volunteer and combina on fire departments in the State of Illinois; to assist officers in the development of professional leadership skills, representa on on important issues affec ng the volunteer services of the State, and enhance local capabili es of our volunteer organiza ons. “SAFER GRANT NEWS”
The Volunteer and Combina on Officer Commi ee within the IFCA has had a busy and successful first year with their “SAFER” grant for volunteer recruitment and reten on. So far, we’ve conducted 3 Reten on & Recruitment Workshops which provided important tools to a total of 76 Illinois Fire Service Leaders. We have 2 remaining events on the 2014 calendar. We’ll be in Bourbonnais on August 9th and 10th and in Marion on November 8th and 9th. Registra on for these, and the upcoming 2015 workshops can be found on The 2015 arrangements are being made and the dates and general loca ons are as follows: 1. March 14 & 15, 2015 – Mt. Vernon area 2. August 15 & 16, 2015 – Rochelle/Rockford area 3. Nov 14 & 15, 2015 – Peoria/Chillicothe area The media component of this grant is gaining momentum and we are looking for ways to build the interest of the general public to put in an applica on to become a volunteer emergency responder. Right now we are gathering at least a dozen new prospects per month through and we are working to increase that number. These leads are sent to fire service leaders throughout the state. If you are not signed up to receive these no fica ons yet, please contact Megan Bryant to be added to the list at We’ll need your name, email address, and County. Local departments are able to use these “SAFER” funds for customizing recruitment campaigns. Many departments have already taken advantage of this and have received recruitment supplies like banners, posters, flyers, and customized Facebook ads. Learn more about this grant and the opportuni es for local recruitment funding by a ending one of our workshops or by emailing Megan at the email previously men oned. Thelma Keller Conven on Center/ Holiday Inn Express The seminar program will be held at the Thelma Keller Conven on Center, 1202 N. Keller Drive, Effingham IL. A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn Express a ached to the Keller Conven on Center. Please contact the hotel directly by calling 217‐
540‐7777. The room rate is $89.29/night + tax. Please men on the IFCA to receive the room rate. The Thelma Keller Conven on Center is located in Central Illinois. It is a comfortable drive from all areas of the state. Effingham offers easy access via major Interstate, U.S. and Illinois highways. Located at the intersec on of Interstates 57 & 70 at Exit 160, U.S. highways 40 & 45 and Illinois highways 32 & 33. RETENTION AND RECRUITMENT
Fire service leaders and community leaders are encouraged to a end this R&R Workshop. There is NO COSZT to a end the Workshop, Travel, 2 nights lodging, and per diem for a endees will be reimbursed upon comple on of the workshop. The R&R Workshop is designed to facilitate open discussion about local Volunteer Firefighter reten on and recruitment issues, including:  Leadership challenges & Management skills  Learn about Reten on & Recruitment incen ves and how to fund them  Iden fying and communica ng your local volunteer need to the public  Develop and implement a local marke ng plan Reten on and Recruitment Workshop, Marion Saturday, November 8, 2014: 9:00 AM ‐ 5:00 PM Sunday, November 9, 2014: 8:00 AM ‐ 2:00 PM To register contact Ashley at 855‐VOL‐FIRE (855‐865‐3473)or go to FUTURE 2015 DATES:
March 14 & 15, 2015 – Mt. Vernon area August 15 & 16, 2015 – Rochelle/Rockford area Nov 14 & 15, 2015 – Peoria/Chillicothe area Senior Officer Development Seminars September 27‐28, 2014 ‐ Stockton IL November 22‐23, 2014 ‐ Fairview IL January 24‐25, 2015 ‐ Mount Prospect IL February 21‐22, 2015 ‐ Park Forest IL March 21‐22, 2015 ‐ Amboy IL The Office of the State Fire Marshal and the Illinois Fire Chief’s Founda on feel there is a great need for training senior officers who act in, or aspire to, the chief officer rank in their organiza on. As a senior officer in your department you are faced with many responsibili es not covered specifically in company officer training. We have put together a two–day mini‐symposium for senior officers to help you be er understand the du es and liabili es. This program is primarily for senior officers who may be new at the chief officer rank or who act to support that administra ve func on. However it is also aimed at those
individuals, regardless of rank, who aspire to be a Chief Officer
Visit the IFCA website: to find out addi onal informa on about these events. Illinois Fire Chiefs Association
Volunteer & Combination Officer Symposium
October 25-26, 2014
Thelma Keller Convention Center/Holiday Inn
1301 Avenue of Mid-America, Effingham Illinois
Please complete the form below and fax to 847/966-0782, email to or make
check payable and mail to: IFCA, PO Box 352, Mundelein IL 60060
Mailing Address
City, State, Zip
My department is:
 Volunteer with paid chief
Population of Area Served
Cost: $60.00 per person (includes conference registration & lunch on both days) Check Enclosed PO Number_____________ Bill Department Credit Card (provide info below)
¨ Charge Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)________________________________
(4% service charge added)
Exp Date_____________________ (MM/YYYY)
If cardholder information is different that registration information please complete info below
Cardholder Name_______________________________________________________________________________
Cardholder Address, City, Zip______________________________________________________________________
Cardholder Phone Number__________________________________________
Mail To: Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn, PO Box 352, Mundelein IL 60060 or
Fax To: 847.966.0782; Email to:
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn (formerly Holiday Garden Inn) at $89.20/nt+tax
Please mention that you are attending the IFCA conference to obtain the rate. Phone: 217-540-7777
Illinois Fire Chiefs Assn
PO Box 7 Skokie IL 60076 Illinois Fire Chiefs Association
Volunteer Combination Officer Committee
2014 Conference
Thelma Keller Convention Center/Holiday Inn Express
Effingham, Illinois
October 25-26, 2014