P RESBYGRAM First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church
Volume 52, Issue 20
October 15, 2014
There have been several coats just hanging
around the church for a couple of years. As
much as we like them, we feel that it is time for
them to find a new home. So, if one of the
coats pictured here belongs to you, come by
the coat closet in the gathering area by the
Family Life Center and pick it up. Any coats still
hangin’ out by November 3rd will be donated to
the 2014 Give a Kid a Coat Campaign.
Flower Calendar Dates
The following dates are available on our church flower calendar: November 16.
If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary, please contact Lynne
Ledford at 803-2186.
 Upcoming Music in Worship 
In addition to service music and anthems by our Covenant Choir
Sunday, October 26
Reformation Sunday
9:00 a.m. Special Music by Larry Porter
11:00 a.m. Memorial Handbells
Sunday, November 2
All Saints Day
11:00 Youth Handbells (tentative)
Sunday, November 16
9:45 a.m. Rehearsal
9:45 a.m. Rehearsal
Commitment Sunday
11 a.m. Youth Choir and Covenant Choir
9:30 a.m. Rehearsal
Rotary BBQ – The High Point Rotary Club hosted its annual BBQ
fundraiser here at First Presbyterian in the Family Life Center on October 10,
2014. Many people came out to help raise money for this great cause – and our
own Ken Broman-Fulks helped serve up delicious plates to the dinner crowd!
North Carolina Presbyterian Pilgrimage:
Are you Considering Deepening Your Spiritual Journey?
Pilgrimage is an intensive three day Christian experience that is designed to provide a significant foundation for individual
and community spiritual growth. Grace and Growth are combined in an exciting and energetic way.
At thePilgrimage the participants become increasingly aware that they are a part of a community abounding in God's
grace. The three days are a triple encounter: with Christ; with Christian brothers and sisters; and with a Christian
What happens during the Weekend? The weekend is an experience in Christian sharing and living. During the 72
hours, fourteen talks will be presented: four talks are given by pastors and ten by lay people. The weekend also includes
chapel each morning, communion, small group discussions, sharing, music, singing, laughter, and prayer. The talks are
discussed by the participants and will include a Christian perspective on the following subjects:
Lay People in the Church
Importance of Study
A day in the Life of a Christian
Apostolic Action
Obstacles to a Life in Grace
Christian Actions in the Community
Each of the talks deals with living one's life in God's grace.
When and Where is a Pilgrimage Held? Pilgrimages are held seven times per year, usually in February, March, April,
May, September, October and November at various facilities throughout the Wilkesboro, Greensboro, Winston-Salem and
Fayetteville area of central North Carolina
2014 -2015 Dates and Locations
Camp Dixie
Camp Hanes
Camp Dixie
Camp Harrison
** Arise is a Pilgrimage-like weekend that is tailored
How Can I Attend a Pilgrimage? If you would like to attend a Pilgrimage weekend please contact an individual who has
previously attended. Please also speak to your pastor since a pastor must sign the registration when you decide to attend
How Much Does the Weekend Cost? Costs are kept to an absolute minimum to cover the cost of lodging, meals, and
supplies for the weekend. Since it is not desired that a lack of funds might keep any person from attending, scholarships
are available. Weekend costs are expected to range around $160.
May I Go with a Spouse or Friend? Yes, it is strongly recommended that spouses and friends attend a first Pilgrimage
weekend together. Marriages and friendships can be strengthened and deepened by the experience.
A Closing Note. Not everyone who attends a Pilgrimage weekend will receive the same benefit; but all who attend will be
blessed, will be strengthened in their desire to be a blessing in their churches and Christian communities.
During the Week
Yoga Class
Come join our chair yoga class at 11:00 a.m. on
Thursdays in the Family Life Center as we form tree
pose, happy cat, angry cat, and practice backing up
the car. As our teacher Leanne Case says, "If you
do something every day, you'll always be able to do
it." $7 per session, or $25 for the month if you pay
Our Community Garden is ready for a seasonal
makeover! We will plant
lettuces for the fall. If you
would like to volunteer to
help once a week, contact
Tasks needed are watering,
weeding, harvesting (taste
testing!) and delivering
produce to Open Door
Ministries. The two raised bed gardens are located
between our building and Family Dollar.
M.O.M.S Fall Calendar
If you are the mother of an infant, preschool, or
elementary-aged child, please join us! We meet
most 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
October 21 – TBA
November 4 – TBA
November 18 – Family Night
Thanksgiving in FLC
December 2 – Pinterest Christmas Crafts!!
December 16 – Christmas
Celebration (Baby Shower for Baby
New! Reading Group
Please join us on the second Wednesday morning of
each month at 10:00 a.m. in the church library for a
discussion of a selected book. Our fall selections
are listed below:
Nov 12th: Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner
Dec 10th: Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis
The Deriter Club, FPC’s Senior Adult Group, is
open to all seniors who are interested in fun
programs and a time of fellowship. We meet the
second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 noon in the
Family Life Center – here is our upcoming schedule.
We hope you can join us!
November 11 – Road trip to Bear Creek’s
“Fruit Cake Factory” and a stop for lunch
along the way
December 9 – Lunch at FPC and then a
tour Linbrook Heritage Estate in Trinity,
NC or visit Old Salem, enjoy a candle tea
service at 1pm, then lunch at the Tavern in
January 13 – either a trip to Charlotte to see
the Billy Graham Library or Guest speakers
on fitness and balance (depending on
Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study
Come join your family and friends for a wonderful
meal as well as Bible study on The Ten Great
Themes of the Bible.
Pricing for the meals is as follows: $7.00 for adults
(13+), $5.00 for children ages 12 and under, $20.00
max per family, and $8.00 take-out meals.
NEW - We now offer online prepay for Wednesday
night meals! Just go to www.firstpreshp.org and
click on online giving.
Reservations, as always, are important. We need
to know how much food to buy and prepare. The
Team’s number one goal in providing this new
concept for Wednesday night dinners is to bring
more people together for fellowship and learning.
We hope to see you Wednesday night and wish
everyone “Bon Apetit”!
Children’s Ministries News
Sunday School - Every Sunday morning from
9:40 to 10:40 all children are invited to
participate in Sunday school:
 Ages 2-3 ~ Preschool room 103
 Ages 4, 5 & K ~ Preschool room 102
 Grades 1-3 ~ Upstairs room 203
 Grades 4-5 ~ Upstairs room 205
Godly Play - Every Sunday afternoon from
4:15 to 5:15 (in conjunction with children’s
music classes that begin at 5:15) all children K5th grade are invited to experience Godly Play.
Based on Montessori principles, children
explore their faith through story, wonder and
play. We meet by the Family Life Center and
go up to the Way of the Child room as a
group. Those going on to music are brought to
their music rooms or back down to the FLC
for parents to pick up. We hope more parents
will bring children to this wonderful new
addition to our children’s ministries. (The
picture below was taken in September in
preparation for World Communion Sunday.)
Learn more at www.GodlyPlay.org.
Kids of the Covenant - is a ‘tween ministry
for older children in Grades 4-5. We meet on
the 2nd & 4th Sundays from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
in the Family Life Center. This month we’ll
meet on Oct. 26th to make special treat bags
with invitations to Trunk or Treat and hand
them to the neighbors around the church. Be
sure to bring bags of candy to donate to this
special service project. The invitation also
invites them to worship with us if they don’t
already have a church home!
Dates of Upcoming Events
 Oct. 26th (Sunday) 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. ~
Kids of the Covenant
 Oct. 29th (Wednesday) 6:30 p.m. ~
Trunk or Treat
 Nov. 9th (Sunday) 12:00 p.m. ~
Christmas Pageant Interest Meeting
 Nov. 30th (Sunday) 9:40 a.m. ~ Advent
Wreath making in FLC
If you have any questions about Children’s
Ministries, contact Director, Kristina Gilbert –
Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC)
meets on Sunday evenings Sept – May. Over
the summer, youth participate in mission trips,
help with Vacation Bible School and attend
Montreat Conferences. Contact Rev. Jeanette
Quick Sandlin for more information at
Upcoming Middle School Events:
October 19th – Volleyball
October 26th – Making emergency food bags
November 2nd – Roller Skating 3-5pm
Upcoming High School Events:
October 19th – The Jell-O Bowl
October 24-26th – Beach Trip at Holden
November 2nd – College Student Care Package
Faith and Family Class
Parents of children or teenagers, please join the Faith and Family class any Sunday morning at
9:45ish! Continuing through November 23rd, the Faith and Family class will be studying “The Blessing of a
Skinned Knee” by Wendy Mogel. We will be using this book as a starting point for a discussion of how our
Christian faith informs our parenting behaviors. We meet downstairs in the classroom suite below the sanctuary
in room 005. Please join us! For more information, contact Erin Bowers at 884-2248 or erin@firstpreshp.org
Discover FPC
If you are interested in learning more about the various opportunities for growth, worship, and serving, join us
for our next Discover FPC class. Discover FPC is a gathering hosted by the staff of First Presbyterian Church
on a quarterly basis. It is held on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in room 002, in the adult classroom suite below the
sanctuary. Here at FPC, we want you to have the opportunity to discover the various ways you might engage
your life of faith here. This class will give you the chance to get to know us and learn more about our church.
Please register for this 3-week series of “Discover FPC” by contacting Erin Bowers at 884-2248 or
Discover FPC will be held January 18, 25, and February 1, 2015; April 19, 26, and May 3, 2015; and July 19, 26,
and August 2, 2015.
Presbyterian Women
Upcoming Events 2014-15
November 3
11:45 a.m.
December 1
11:45 a.m.
January 5
11:45 a.m.
February 2
11:45 a.m.
March 2
11:45 a.m.
April 6
*6:00 p.m.
May 4
11:45 a.m.
Program Speaker and/or Topic
Doug and Margaret Clark
Topic: Smart Girls Tanzania
Andrew, Doug and Margaret’s son, was a teacher at the Kongei Secondary School as a
Peace Corps volunteer in 2006 and 2007.
Petal Points, an all-female acapella group from High Point University
A Musical Review
Dr. Erin Bowers – Bible Trivia
Join us this month for delicious soups prepared by our own Presbyterian Women.
Liz Samuels, Communities in Schools Coordinator at Northwood Elementary and former
teacher at Ferndale Middle. Liz will share stories she has written about her family. Come
join us for a Tea/luncheon this month.
Estie Culler Bennington, author of Insanity on the Road to Glory
Former Clerk of Superior Court in Guilford County
Cathy Weaver, Executive Director of Guide Posts of Strength, Inc.
GPS is a nonprofit resource designed to help local cancer patients and their families better
navigate their cancer journey. Cathy is a former columnist for the Greensboro News and
Record and the author of chemofields.com, a blog about her breast cancer journey.
*Note: This is an evening meeting
Annual Meeting including Honorary Life Membership and Installation of Officers
Mobile Meals Needs Your Help
Are you between jobs? Newly retired? A
young mother who can spare an hour or
two? Mobile Meals needs volunteers on
Tuesday mornings! If you can possibly
spare an hour and a half each Tuesday or
one time per month, please consider
helping with this local mission. The rewards
are immeasurable. Please call Pat Hudspeth
at 687-0923 or the church office at 8842248 if you are interested in volunteering.
Main Street Coalition ~ Fill the Bus
The “Fill the Bus Campaign” is an ongoing
food collection project focused on
providing canned goods and other nonperishables to local food banks. In October
we are collecting personal care and
household items (bar soap, dish and
laundry soap, shampoo, deodorant,
toothpaste and toothbrushes, feminine
hygiene, and toilet paper). Collection
baskets are in the pantry (the former choir
robe room).
ACTS Ministry
The unsheltered homeless in High Point
are in need of tents, sleeping bags, small
portion food, water, and paper products for
their nourishment needs. If any members
would like to contribute, please call Dick
Becker at 869-3145 so he can pick it up. If
you would like to donate items please drop
them off in the gathering area.
meets each
morning from
8:30-10:00 in
the Session Room of the Church. A
workbook that covers fundamental jobsearch strategy is provided each participant.
Trained facilitators lead the discussions
along with having at least one guest speaker
each month. This mission was started
about four years ago. Many have attended
and many have found employment.
We encourage the congregation to help
promote this program.
Schedule and Topics:
~ October 20 – Chronicling Employment
~ October 27 – Summarizing Your Work
Histories and Educational Experience
~ November 3 – Catherine Cheek, LPA,
Cornerstone Healthcare “Moving from
Anxiety to Action”
In an effort to be the friendliest church in town, the Congregational Care Committee is including a monthly
birthday list of our members in the Presbygram. Happy November Birthday! If your name is not listed, please
call the church office and tell us your birth date so we can add it to our records.
Gillis Clark, Jr.
Mickey Horne
JoAnne Coutros
Ashley Boyles
David Argabrite
Martha Millard
Lindsey Mosier
Angie Bean
Lynne Ledford
Drew Patton
Connie May
Jim Caress
Katherine Henriques
Don Redding, Jr.
Christian Worcester
Tony Koskinas
Kathy Harris
Brant Kelly, III
Gene Beazlie
Paul Bobb
Kathryn Lehman
Hanna Atkinson
Jean White
Jennifer Finch
Sandy Williams
Beth Workman
Margaret Williams
Kealey Dunn
Kyndal Workman
Kristen Lucas
Sam Kasias
Carolyn Morgan
Hugh Evans
Sally Varner
Charlie Peksa
Annie Hudspeth
James Faires, III
Pat Kiser
Anne Heymann
Jane Hunt
Karina Sizemore
Stebbins Lawson, IV
Sarah Glover
Vikki Koontz
Sally McCusker
Dave McKinnon
Meredith Lutz
Jackson King
Judy Smith
Jennifer Boyles
Jay Millard, Jr.
Kathryn Smith
Annie Haskins
Wanda Palma
Sandy Faires
Haleigh Breece
Sharon Stover
Courtney Mendenhall
David Briggs
Herb Clark
Veronica Garrou
Karen Biddy
Sara Ledford
Cristie Williams
Jay Lawson, III
Angie King
Meredith Mills
Memorial Gifts
Memorials have been received from
Don & Dottie Toney
Diane & Norval Stephens
Eastover Investment Advisors LLC
Circle 4
James & Shirley Roche
Anne Z. Manning
Maria Puschinsky
Fred & Beverly Plybon
Christian Life Class
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Ramsay
Douglas & Aleta Sadler
Jim & Dottie Keever
Drew Nealeans
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Warburton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Walsh
Winfred & Eileen Douglas
Maryanne Smith
William & Allyson Kliefoth, Jr.
Ruth Deckert
Ned Covington
Kathryn L. Johnson
In Honor of Art & Sarah Glover from David & Jean White
In Honor of Art & Sarah Glover from Drew Nealeans
Memorials have been received for
Ed Davidheiser
Ted Ramsay
Kathleen Bell
Dan Mellinger
Dorothy Kirkpatrick
Congregational Care
Congratulations to Casey and Kevin Greene in the October 3rd birth of their son, Charles Yates Greene.
Charles is welcomed by a big brother, Thomas Gratton Greene, grandparents, Carla and Tony Koskinas, and
great grandparents, Pat and Carl Mann.
The sympathy of the congregation is extended …
… Joseph Minchak in the September 28th death of his wife, Kathleen Minchak.
… Brooke Saintsing in the October 5th death of her grandmother, Eloise Taylor.
In the Hospital: Winfred Douglas, High Point Regional 411.
Recovering at Home: Wayne Veach, 8505 Mahala Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Priscilla Davis, 1765
Westchester Drive, Apt 320, High Point, NC 27262; Judy Haworth, 1575 John Knox Drive, PB118, Colfax,
NC 27235; Charles Fisher, 1575 John Knox Dr. Winged Foot Rm. 326, Colfax, NC 27235; Carl Adams,
3518 Langdale Drive, High Point, NC 27265; Kaye Cottingham, 5001 Country Lane, Archdale, NC 27263;
John McGinty, 1575 John Knox Dr PB125, Colfax, 27235; Mary Dunn, 219 Pineridge Drive, High Point,
NC 27262; Kay Hodge, 2680 N. Forrest Rd. Apt 240, Getzville, NY 14068.
Continuing Prayer: Nelle Bailey, 1575 John Knox Dr. PB215, Colfax, 27235; Ryland Redpath, 910
Northshore Ct., High Point, 27265; Carol Courts, 1575 John Knox Dr. Winged Foot Rm. 300, Colfax, 27235;
Hazel Long, 1575 John Knox Dr. Apt. C204, Colfax, 27235; Carol Allen, 1575 John Knox Dr. Apt. HT116,
Colfax, 27235; Lois Blue, McEwen House, 1315 Greensboro Rd., Room 8012, High Point, NC 27260; Nelda
Hylton, 1575 John Knox Dr., Apt. 136 Muirfield, Colfax, NC, 27235; Jan Cheek; Loretta Hoppe, 3808
Blairwood St., High Point, NC 27265; JD McGuinn, 220 Westdale Dr., High Point, NC 27265; Stu Crawford,
3801 Montclaire Ct., High Point, NC 27265; Sadie Martin, 1575 John Knox Dr. Muirfield 230, Colfax, NC
27235; Skip Queen, 1206 Devlin Ct, High Point, NC 27262; Doug Voorhis, 1713 Trowbridge Court, High
Point, NC 27265; Dorris Koontz, 1575 John Knox Drive, Apt D205, Colfax, 27235; Etta Walser, Westchester
Manor, 1765 Westchester Drive, Room 413, High Point, NC 27262; Marc Mann; Ann Levina, 619 W
Lexington Ave., High Point, NC 27262.
Military: Seth Hall, 3849 Anselmo Ln., Wahiawa, HI
96786; Mitchell Kiser; John Cooper, Lcpl Cooper, John
D., 129 Acorn Way, Richlands, NC 28574; Lance
Corporal Charles D. Peksa, 300 Village Drive, Apt. L7,
Jacksonville, NC 28546; and Colonel Scott W. Kelly, 135
Gorgas Rd., Wahiawa, HI 96786.
Dear First Presbyterian Family,
A country song tells of angels among us. I believe these angels are
members of First Presbyterian. Thank you for all the cards, calls, food,
visits, and prayers. I appreciate them all.
Susan Martz
To Our Dear Church Family,
We are so grateful for the love and support you have given our family throughout Dan's journey with ALS
and that you continue to give. We appreciate so much the many acts of kindness from meals provided,
yardwork, housework, moving furniture, helping Dan with range-of-motion, visits, cards, prayers and so much
Much love,
Debbie, Corie, Daniel, John, Anna and Claire
The Workingest Church
October 2014
Please make note of the date you are scheduled to
serve in your area of ministry.
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
World Communion – No Acolytes
Delaney Hanf and Maddie Brown
Trip Murray and Alex Cook
Special Music – No Acolytes
Wee Kirk
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
Marianne King
Daphne Roberson
Hollis Bethune
Kelly Wesney
Infant Nursery Schedule
October 5
Jeanne Lassiter
October 12
Casey Lowe
October 19
Meagan Lewis / Jen Tuft
October 26
Alison Grein
Katy Bobb, Weekday Kindergarten Dir., Ext. 26
Raven Ash, Afternoon Office Assistant, Ext. 33
Honey Humphrey, Morning Office Assistant, Ext. 33
Sheila Beane, Office Manager, Ext. 32
Ashley Beason, Church Secretary, Ext. 21
Kristina Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministries, Ext. 22
Judith Millar, Organist, Ext. 28
Elizabeth Gulley, Director Of Music, Ext. 29
Jeanette Quick Sandlin, Director of Christian Ed., Ext. 24
Ken Meeks, Parish Associate
Erin Kesterson Bowers, Associate Minister, Ext. 25
Ken Broman-Fulks, Senior Minister, Ext. 30
HIGH POINT, NC USPS (020246) pub.
Monthly by First Presbyterian Church,
918 N. Main St., High Point, NC 27262-3989.
Postmaster please send address changes to:
Presbygram 918 N. Main St., High Point
NC 27262-3989.
First Presbyterian Church
918 North Main Street
High Point, NC 27262
Phone 336-884-2248
Fax 336-884-0953