Rocky River ! Elementary School! School Improvement Plan! 2014-2015! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PART I: SCHOOL BACKGROUND ! ! SCHOOL HISTORY Rocky River Elementary School (RRES) is located at 483 Rocky River Road and opened in the fall of 2009. Our school serves students ranging in age from 3 year-old pre-kindergarten through third grade students. The school currently operates 35 classrooms, in three classroom wings. Rocky River Elementary School also houses a central library with adjoining computer lab, music room, art room, gym, multi-purpose cafeteria with an adjoining stage for school presentations and assemblies. There are also six smaller classrooms which can be used for pull-out tutor rooms, computer mini-labs, classroom projects areas and a variety of related services therapies. Outside the school is an enclosed outdoor play area for preschool and younger students, a large play area with a play structure and recreation equipment, and expansive fields for school and community use. ! OUR STUDENTS Rocky River Elementary School opened the 2009-2010 school year with 543 students. Since opening, enrollment has been steadily increasing. This school year Rocky River added and additional preschool classroom, and is home to a preschool that houses two 3 year old classrooms and 3 4 year old classrooms. Rocky River continues to grow with a total enrollment that has reached 667 pre-school and school-age students. ! ! OUR STAFF Rocky River Elementary School students are served by 27 K-3rd grade regular classroom teachers, and has 5 preschool classroom teachers. In addition the school employs a Physical Education teacher, music teacher, art teacher, media specialist, counselor, and technology facilitator. Seven special education teachers provide special education services for students with disabilities. The office and instructional support staff includes three office professionals, 27 full-time instructional assistants, four custodians, and six cafeteria staff. The leadership staff includes a principal and assistant principal. ! ! ! ! OUR PARENTS Rocky River Elementary School parents are important partners at Rocky River. We have a parent organization that is active in a number of ways including hosting family events, volunteering and fundraising. Parents also spend countless hours volunteering in our school. They provide tutoring services and assist teachers as well as are active in after-school programs and events. The 2014 North Carolina Teacher Working Condition Survey results indicated 96% agreement that Parents/Guardians support teachers, contributing to their success with students and 100% agreement that the school does a good job of encouraging parent/guardian involvement. ! ! CLASS SIZE The average class size is 22.1 students per class ranging from 20.0 in third grade to 23.7 in second grade The weekly schedule at RRES provides each student in grades K-3 with 45 minutes of P.E., music, computer lab, library, guidance, art, and istation. Additionally, every grade level has an enrichment/intervention block where no new instruction is taught and students are provided with activities to address a deficit or enhance a skill already mastered. Teachers also have access to mobile macbook and iPad labs in order to learn technology skills and integrate technology into the class curriculum. The schedule at RRES also allows for monthly early release days for district, school, and staff teams to focus on student improvement goals, curriculum alignment, development of performance assessments, and professional improvement activities to help ensure that students will master the Essential Standards of the Common Core Curriculum. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PART II: STUDENT PROFILE! ! Enrollment Data! ! Pre-Kindergarten 71 Kindergarten 142 1st Grade 128 2nd Grade 166 3rd Grade 160 TOTAL 667 Enrollment Data for 2007-2008 (as of March 2008) ! Student Demographics! ! White 502 75% Black 49 7.3% Hispanic 64 9.6% 1 0.1% Asian/Pacific Islander 13 2.0% Multi-Racial 36 5.4% Exceptional Children 69 10.4% Economically Disadvantaged — 29.5% Boys 370 55.5% Girls 297 44.5% Total Student Population 667 100% American Indian/Alaskan Native ! ! ! ! ! PART III: MISSION, VISION, AND BELIEFS Mission Statement ! The vision of Rocky River Elementary School is to be a premier hands-on, minds-on global learning environment. We strive to inspire life-long learning and personal, social and academic excellence for the 21st Century. ! Vision Statement ! Our mission is to provide a 21st Century learning environment where students, families and teachers collaborate to encourage, nurture and equip every child, every day to be successful citizens in a global society. ! As a Learning Community we value... • Diversity - We respect individual differences: culture, interests and abilities. • Integrity - We value honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. • High Expectations - We achieve academic excellence by nurturing students' curiosity. • Student Centered Environment- We create student centered classrooms where students are actively engaged. • Communication - We establish a sense of community where students, teachers and parents feel connected to and supported by one another. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! PART IV: ASSESSMENT OF STRENGTHS AND NEEDS! ! Data:! ! Year Gradelevel 2012-13 Kinderg arten Reading Math Year Gradelevel Reading Math 89% 88% 2013-14 Kinderg arten 90% 87% 1st Grade 94% 87% 1st Grade 69% 82% 2nd Grade 91% 86% 2nd Grade 86% 85% 3rd Grade 56% 62% 3rd Grade 79% 88% ! ! Data:! Rocky River serves students from Kindergarten through 3rd grade. The primary purpose for our summative assessment data used to drive instruction and make critical decisions on programming. The district and Rocky River instructional staff uses a variety of state and district developed assessments that are aligned to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. In addition locally created pacing guides, quarterly assessments and the mClass Reading 3D are used to benchmark students and provide diagnostic information to teachers to adjust their classroom instruction to meet the needs of all students. For kindergarten, first and second grade students one of the primary tools is the North Carolina K-2 Assessment and the North Carolina End-of-Grade Assessment is used for third grade students. Results from those assessments are included above. A relative strength in the area of math is evident by a modest increase, from 81% proficient to 85.5% proficient across the school and across grade-levels. Our school has identified a relative weakness in literacy dropping slightly from 82.5% proficient to 81% proficient across the school and across grade-levels.! The school improvement goals detailed below are generated to address areas of need identified.! ! ! SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS ! ! ! School Goal 1.1 Increase Reading proficiency for K-2 students from 82% to 90% as measured by K-2 summative assessments. Reading proficiency for 3rd grade students will increase from 79% to 90% as measured by the 2014 North Carolina Reading EOG. Close the achievement gap among all subgroups to 10% or less in Reading. ! MGSD Strategic Goal: Establish MGSD students as globally innovative leaders by fostering a culture that cultivates critical thinking, communication, collaboration creativity, rigor relevance, and social relationships. ! State Board of Education Strategic Goal: North Carolina Public Schools will produce globally competitive students. ! Goal 1.1 Increase Reading proficiency for K-2 students from 82% to 90% as measured by K-2 summative assessments. Reading proficiency for 3rd grade students will increase from 79% to 90% as measured by the 2014 North Carolina Reading EOG. Close the achievement gap among all subgroups to 10% or less in Reading. ! ! Strategies! Establish baseline reading performance for each K-2 student. Resources Required NC K-2 Assessments, mClass: Reading 3D Beginning of the Year Assessments, iStation baseline data. Establish baseline NC Beginning of the reading Grade Reading Test, performance of class: Reading 3D each 3rd grade Beginning of the Year student Assessments, iStation baseline data. Develop a schedule Instructional Staff, to include morning Enhancement reading instruction Instructional Support of no less than 75 Staff, Master minutes per day Schedule. Timetable Fall 2014 Person(s) Means of Responsibl Evaluation e RRES staff Summary Data Reports of the various assessments Fall 2014 RRES staff Summer 2014 Administratio Master Schedule n and School Leadership Teams Summary Data Reports of the various assessments Strategies! Provide all students with quality Balanced literacy instruction Resources Required Timetable Letterland, Daily 5, 2014-2015 digital resources, guided reading and enhancement/ intervention time daily. Provide all students Research-Based 2014-2015 with targeted interventions such as interventions in the iStation, Reading classroom based on AtoZ data from assessments and core instructional program Conduct weekly Cooperative planning 2014-2015 PLCs to include time for the entire professional grade-level development time and an opportunity to collect and analyze progress monitoring data Provide ELA staff Letterland training, 2014-2015 development to Daily 5 training, enhance core resource and training reading instruction materials including Daily 5, Letterland and Guided Reading. Utilize human core instructional 2014-2015 resources to support program reading block and enrichment/ intervention time, including utilizing Enhancement teachers and instructional assistants in classrooms. Person(s) Means of Responsibl Evaluation e RRES staff Summary Data Reports of the various assessments RRES staff Pacing Guides, Lesson Plans, RtI progress monitoring. RRES staff, and Administratio n. Summary Data Reports of the various assessments, PLC agendas. RRES staff, Attendance and and participation in the Administratio training, agendas. n. Classroom EOQ, EOG scores, Teachers, Lesson Plans Enhancement Teachers, Instructional Assistants Strategies! Resources Required Hire certified Small SGI training Group Instructors to support classroom instruction Timetable 2014-2015 ! ! Person(s) Means of Responsibl Evaluation e Classroom EOQ, EOG scores, Teachers, Lesson Plans Certified Small Group Instructors School Goal 1.2 Increase Math proficiency for K-2 students from 85% to 90% as measured by K-2 summative assessments. Math proficiency for 3rd grade students will increase from 88% to 95% as measured by the 2014 North Carolina Reading EOG. Close the achievement gap among all subgroups to 10% or less in Math. ! MGSD Strategic Goal: Establish MGSD students as globally innovative leaders by fostering a culture that cultivates critical thinking, communication, collaboration creativity, rigor relevance, and social relationships. ! State Board of Education Strategic Goal: North Carolina Public Schools will produce globally competitive students. ! Goal 1.2 Increase Math proficiency for K-2 students from 85% to 90% as measured by K-2 summative assessments. Math proficiency for 3rd grade students will increase from 88% to 95% as measured by the 2014 North Carolina Reading EOG. Close the achievement gap among all subgroups to 10% or less in Math. ! ! Strategies! Establish baseline math performance for each K-3 student. Provide all students with targeted interventions in the classroom based on data from assessments and core instructional program Resources Required Timetable NC K-2 Assessments, Fall 2014 iXL math assessments, Local math pre-test Research-Based 2014-2015 interventions such as iStation, Reading AtoZ Person(s) Responsible RRES staff RRES staff Means of Evaluation Summary Data Reports of the various assessments Pacing Guides, Lesson Plans, RtI progress monitoring. Strategies! Consistently monitor the progress of students and adjust math instruction as needed. Resources Required Timetable Core math 2014-2015 instructional program. Digital resources such as iXL, Person(s) Responsible RRES staff Means of Evaluation Pacing Guides, Lesson Plans, RtI progress monitoring. ! ! School Goal 2.1 To improve student outcomes, each member of Rocky River will develop in their job functions by working in a Professional Learning Community with peers in similar work roles. Certified and non-certified instructional staff will participate in staff development designed to drive and enhance our core instruction. ! MGSD Strategic Goal: In order to lead, teach, assess and support students, MGSD actively recruits, retains and continually develops highly competent, caring and student focused staff. ! State Board of Education Strategic Goal: North Carolina public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals. ! Goal 2.1 To improve student outcomes, each member of Rocky River will develop in their job functions by working in a Professional Learning Community with peers in similar work roles. Certified and non-certified instructional staff will participate in staff development designed to drive and enhance our core instruction. ! Strategies! Ensure that all certified staff members hold weekly PLC meetings focused on professional development, curriculum and instruction, as well as data collection. Resources Required Protected common planning time, data reports from various assessments, district and school professional development plan Timetable 2014-2015 Person(s) Responsible Means of Evaluation Instructional PLC agendas staff, Administratio n. Strategies! Certified staff will participate in PLC book study on the Daily 5 and implementation of a balanced literacy program. Resources Required Timetable Daily 5 book for each 2014-2015 certified staff member. Protected PLC meeting times during teacher planning each week, Letterland and Fundations resources, literacy materials Enhancement Protected common 2014-2015 teachers’ will have planning time, PLCs focused on opportunities to meet support of core with district-level instructional peers for collaborative programs as well as planning. have district-led opportunities to collaborate with peers Ensure that all Monthly meetings, 2014-2015 classified staff school professional members have a development plan for collaborative team non-certified staff, of their peers and provided with professional development opportunities to enhance core instruction. Member of the Monthly meetings, 2014-2015 custodial staff and bus drivers will have periodic meetings to collaborate and grow as professionals. ! ! Goal 3.1 ! Person(s) Responsible Means of Evaluation Instructional Agendas staff, Administratio n. Enhancement Agendas, Teachers, Department Chair, Administratio n Instructional Agendas Assistants, Administratio n Custodial Agendas staff, Bus drivers, administration ! ! School Goal 3.1 Ensure that each student at-risk of academic or social/emotional failure is provided with a individualized plan for improvement to include proper identification, appropriate interventions and consistently monitor progress for improvement. ! MGSD Strategic Goal: ! State Board of Education Strategic Goal: ! Goal 3.1 Ensure that each student at-risk of academic or social/emotional failure is provided with a individualized plan for improvement to include proper identification, appropriate interventions and consistently monitor progress for improvement. ! Strategies! Resources Required Timetable Person(s) Responsible PLC teams and RtI Data, Team Meetings, 2014-2015 teams analyze PBIS and RtI academic meetings and plans. achievement data as a teams PLC Teams, RtI/PBIS Teams PLC teams and RtI teams analyze discipline data to make adjustments to PBIS plan and identify at-risk students. Conduct weekly RtI/PBIS Team meetings to examine data and discuss both core instructional program gaps and individual student plans. Data, Team Meetings, 2014-2015 PBIS and RtI meetings and plans. PLC Teams, RtI/PBIS Teams Meetings RtI/PBIS Teams, instructional staff. 2014-2015 Means of Evaluation Academic data report from various sources. Adjustments to core curriculum and tier 1 interventions. Discipline Data, revision of PBIS plan, individual student plans for at-risk students Agendas, meeting notes/minutes, preand post-data of students performance, changes in RtI tier one interventions, and PBIS plan Strategies! Resources Required Timetable Attend Module One Region and District- 2014-2015 PBIS training for level training, PBIS the entire RtI team. notebook and schoolwide implementation plan Conduct Beginning School level training 2014-2015 of the Year and sessions. Middle of the Year RtI and PBIS training for the entire staff Person(s) Responsible RtI/PBIS Teams, instructional staff. Means of Evaluation List of PBIS/RtI Committee members trained, PBIS coach, RtI and PBIS RtI/PBIS team agendas and members meeting notes, Staff Meeting agendas. ! School Goal 4.1 Utilize 21 Century skills and tools and in all classrooms to enhance instruction and improve student outcomes. Develop safe and responsible consumers and producers of digital resources. ! MGSD Strategic Goal: ! ! State Board of Education Strategic Goal: North Carolina Public Schools will produce globally competitive students. ! Goal 4.1 Utilize 21 Century skills and tools and in all classrooms to enhance instruction, improve student outcomes and develop safe and responsible consumers and producers of digital resources. ! ! Strategies! Provide students with digital resources for second language acquisition. Resources Required Timetable Rosetta Stone, school- 2014-2015 based representatives, professional development. Enhancement schedule to include Rosetta Stone Person(s) Responsible Means of Evaluation ITF, on-going Instructional assessment on Assistants, Rosetta Stone. Certified classroom teachers, administration Strategies! Resources Required Implement Gateway Project for third grade students that demonstrates use of 21st Century skills and tools Utilize digital resources to enhance instruction Digital resources, research resources, Instructional Technology Facilitator (ITF) Provide students with explicit instruction on digital citizenship Common Sense Media, Timetable 2014-2015 school year Digital resources such 2014-2015 as iStation, iXL, xtraMath, ITF 2014-2015 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Person(s) Responsible Means of Evaluation 3rd Grade Gateway project Teachers, ITF rubric, digital portfolio product. ITF, Instructional Assistants, Certified classroom teachers, administration ITF, instructional staff, administration Rubrics, pre- and post assessment data Lesson plans Rocky River Elementary ! Summary of School Waiver Requests! Program Years 2014-2015! Waiver Please describe the waiver you are requesting 1 Individual Class Size Waiver Request 2 Textbooks:! • Utilize textbook funding for identified instructional supplies, materials and digital resources. ! Indentify the law, regulation, or policy from which exemption is requested North Carolina General Statue 115C-301(g) authorized a waiver of class size requirements for an individual class if a local board of education cannot organizationally correct an exception and if the exception results from: 1. Exceptional circumstances, emergencies, or act of God 2. Large changes in student population 3. Organizational problems caused by remote geographic location 4. Classes organized for a solitary curricular area North Carolina General Statue 115-85 and North Carolina General Statue 115C-86 State how this waiver will be used and how it helps achieve the specific performance goals identified in the School Improvement Plan This waiver will allow us the flexibility to make decisions to reorganize classes that are over the state mandated class size limit. This waiver will allow the flexibility to transfer funds from the textbook allotment to the instructional supply allotment.
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