West Holmes Knights West Holmes High School 10909 State Route 39 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 (330)674-6085 http://www.westholmes.k12.oh.us Aaron Kaufman, Principal Carrie Maltarich, Vice-Principal Mindi Campbell, Secretary Teresa Mackey, Secretary Parent and Student Newsletter Calendar of Events: October 2014 Notes from Miss Rogers: October 21: End of Nine Weeks October 24: Staff In-service (NO SCHOOL) What can I be doing to get ready for college? October 28: Grade cards go home Juniors: November 5: Parent–Teacher Conferences (K-12) ‐Startlookingatcollegesbycheckingouttheinformationwehaveintheguidanceof ice orvisitingthecollegewebsites. ‐Goonacollegevisitorjobshadowday. ‐StartexploringcareerinterestsbyvisitingtheOCISwebsite(linkedontheguidance website)andtakingtheCareerClusterInventoryandexploringtheotherresources. ‐Continueworkinghardintheclassroom. November 11: Parent–Teacher Conferences (6-12) November 13: Parent–Teacher Conferences (K-5) November 14: Late Arrival (2 Hours) November 25: Mid-terms go home November 26-28: Thanksgiving Break December 1: Conference Comp (NO SCHOOL) December 22-January 2: Christmas Break Seniors: ‐Begintopinpointwhatcollegesareatthetopofyourlist. ‐Gooncollegevisitsorjobshadowdays. ‐SignupandtaketheACTorSAT(dateslistedonWHHSwebsiteorpickupa lyerin GuidanceOf ice). ‐Startapplyingtocolleges1stsemestersothatyoucanfocusonscholarshipsand inan‐ cialaid2ndsemester. Procedures for visiting a college or going on a job shadow day: ‐Contacttheadmissionsof ice/employertosetupadateandtimeforthevisit ‐Ifjobshadowing,stopintheguidanceof iceforajobshadowquestionnaire ‐Ontheschooldaypriortothevisit/shadowday,bringanotetotheWHHSmainof ice Board of Education: givingparentalconsenttobeabsentfromschoolforthevisit ‐Onthedayofthecollegevisit,askanadmissionsstaffmembertosignaform/brochure David Kick, President con irmingyourvisit Or Eric Strouse, Vice-President ‐Onthedayofthejobshadow,asktheemployertosignthequestionnairecon irming yourvisit Brent Snyder ‐Thenextdaywhenyoureturntoschool,bringthesignedform/brochuretotheWHHS mainof iceinordertobecountedasexcused Bradley Welsh Seniorsarepermitted2schooldaystotalforcollegevisits/jobshadowdays Tina Zickefoose Juniorsarepermitted1schooldaytotalforcollegevisits/jobshadowdays Formoreinformationonanyoftheaboveinformationstopintotheguidanceof iceor contactMissAlisonRogers330‐674‐6085orwhol_arogers@tccsa.net West Holmes Knights Library News From Mrs. Reining: Teen Read Week will be held in the HS Library October 13 17. Teen Read week is held to encourage students to become regular readers. Week-long activities have been planned for the high school students around this year's theme, including an essay where one lucky student will win a cash prize. Other participants will receive candy bars, bookmarks, and books. This year’s theme is “Turn Dreams Into Reality @ Your Library" Foreign Language Club The Foreign Language Club has already started their activities with a salsa and polka dance session for their September activity. The club will be meeting every month and a variety of activities are planned. The next one coming up is the International Fest, which will take place on October 14 after school. All who plan to attend must bring a dish from a foreign country. All students are welcome to join the club. The cost for membership is only $4 for the entire year and they can sign up with Mr. Beachy, Mrs. Rawson, or Mrs. Long. More information can be found on the West Holmes web site. Rodhe’s IGA IGA Hometown Label Saver Program: We are collecting labels from IGA products. Please cut off the UPC code and drop it in the collection container in the office. We get 10 cents from each label we collect. If you have questions please see Mrs. Rodhe. Page 2 From Mr. Burras: In a series called First Fridays held over the upcoming year, transition services presenters will be sharing information focusing towards students requiring special services and accommodations at the post secondary level in the areas of College, Employment, and Service. At the college meeting, presenters will share how to access services at the college level as well provide information needed for applying for colleges. In the Service meeting, students will be presented with options for serving in the U.S. military or in AmeriCorps. At the employment meeting, presenters will provide information on job opportunities in and around Holmes County and discuss their expectations for new employees. These seminars are free to attend for students! Stay turned for more information as well as specific dates! WHHS Art IV students are participating in ODOT's Paint a Plow program. District 11 of ODOT delivered a plow to the high school. The students have diligently been working on a design of their creation. The design uses skills they have learned throughout the years and features two hands that when the plow is in use will look like the hands are pushing the snow. Art IV includes seniors Brittany Rodriguez, Jordan Gilstrap, Kristin Hoover, Lexi Kinstle, Megan Horsley, Lydia Schonauer, Racheal Wagers, and junior Colten Smith. The WH Ag department has assisted by allowing the plow to reside in their classroom areas for the duration of the project. Travel to Europe: From Mrs. Bell It's an exciting time for the community of the West Holmes School District. We have the opportunity for students and parents to travel to Europe through EF Tours. I originally developed the idea with my Legends, Myths and Heroes class. What better way to make these ancient stories come alive than to go to these historical sites ourselves? It seemed like a far off dream, but after teaming up with Miss Sandy Miller's Art III & IV classes and Mrs. Melanie Ferguson's Western Civilization classes, it became a reality. We have over forty community members signed up for the trip that starts in Rome and continues to travel through Pompeii and Athens for nine days. The support and excitement from so many community members has been a huge encouragement to me and the students. I created a blog for students to contribute to before, during and after the trip. Anyone who wants to follow our preparation for this once in a lifetime experience are more than welcome to visit HCtoEurope.blogspot.com and see what we're learning about the Italian and Greek cultures. Thanks for sharing in our excitement! We have several fundraisers planned to help fray the costs that come with such a large international trip. Keep an eye out for those upcoming opportunities. I know the students are going to learn so much as they broaden their cultural and educational perspectives from "Holmes County to Europe". Page 3 WEST HOLMES ANNUAL CRAFT SHOW Date: Saturday, November 8, 2014 Time: 9 am - 2 pm Where: West Holmes High School Gymnasium 10909 SR 39, Millersburg, Ohio 44654 FREE ADMISSION ARTS CRAFTS CONCESSION STAND DOOR PRIZES Call Lisa Macaulay or Dawn Martin at (330) 674-3546 for details or to reserve your space as a vendor. Proceeds to support WH Levy Campaign Fund, Jamie Zeigler, Treasurer
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