THE JEFCO FLYER AMA #176 2013-14 Board of Directors President Mike Boyer 303 781 7144 Vice President Peter Thompson 303 791 3407 Treasurer Lora Knowlton 303 973 1209 Secretary Larry Fagan 303 697 4569 AMA Safety Officer Ed Scholes 303 978 9223 Board Member Bob Willdigg 303 921 2940 Board Member Glenn Lee 303-972-6470 Board Member Steve Rosselot 303-378-4990 Board Member Vacant N/A 2013-14 Volunteers Safety Officer: Ed Scholes Club Historian Lee Taylor Park Liaison Tom Elliot Club Sales Art Baker Drawing Officer David Fagan Audio Visual Officer Larry Fagan Flt. Inst. Coordinator/ Student Trng. Mike Boyer Storage Shed Roger Kruse Chief Flight Instructor Vacant Event Coordinator Mike Boyer LRPC Chairman Bruce Ream Volume XLIV 303 978 9233 303 237 8772 303 795 2547 303 947 9194 303 862 5566 303 697-4569 303 781 7144 303 683 8828 n/a 303 781 7144 303-346-5722 Field Clean Up Officer Vacant n/a Equipment Repair Larry Bickel 303 794 2167 Lost and Found Ed Scholes 303 978 9223 Runway Maintenance Officer Robert Willdigg 303 921 2940 Program Director Vacant n/a Newsletter Editor Larry Fagan 303 697 4569 Web Master Norman Berger 720 851 5009 Media Liaison Vacant n/a Fire Marshal &First Aid Ron Radcliffe n/a Asst. Fire Marshal Ed Scholes 303 978 9223 Club Photographer Vacant n/a Jefco Home page: AMA Website: Dist IX webmaster Norm Berger Dist IX website Coffee Officer Brad Weissenfels, Action Hobbies 303 233 6275 Newsletter Submissions e-mail Club jackets: Sports Custom Trophies Contact Lori at: Monthly Newsletter archived at: 303 988 4127 Jefco Aeromod’lers Mailing Address: Jefco Aeromod'lers RC Club P.O. Box 621156 Littleton, CO 80162-1156 October 2014 Number 1 Do not allow your aircraft to fly over the campgrounds or the guard shack. Flight Instructor Contact: Mike Boyer 303 781 7144 Above:, some of the Helicopters at the Heli Fun-Fly, Photo by Bud Glass The October Program Subject is to be announced President’s Message - October, 2014 From the Desk of President Mike Boyer: Yes, I am still the President in spite of my pleading for other candidates. Pete Thompson is now the Vice President. Gee, somehow I forgot to mention to Pete that the natural progression at the Club is for the VP to then become President………. Let’s not bother to mention that to him yet! The field cleanup on the 13th was reasonably well attended. The Helicopter Fun-Fly on the 20th was an awesome sight. For a fixed-wing guy like me, it was difficult to understand how the blades on those machines are functioning when the heli is doing a funnel-like maneuver with the blades almost vertical. The Heli guys presented me with a $100 donation to the Club. Thank you! Our effort to construct an access path from the pits over to RW36 hit a roadblock. We were hoping to tailgate onto the Park’s laying of 4’ wide asphalt; however, the Park is only laying 10’ wide asphalt and the cost is way over the budget the Board authorized. So, that project is postponed indefinitely. Lora and I have updated the budget for this year and it looks very realistic. It will be presented and approved at the next Club meeting. SAVE THIS DATE – We will be having the annual Club dinner at the Bistro at the Aspen Grove shopping center on October 29. More to follow. DUES!!! We will be collecting annual dues at the next meeting. Regards …. Mike Don’t forget the Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Banquet Wednesday, October 29th! at *The Bistro* at the Aspen Grove Shopping Center just north of Sante Fe and Mineral Left, Chuck James and his wife and two granddaughters enjoying the Heli Fun- Fly. Since he is a flight instructor, surely his granddaughters ought to be flying by now! 2 September 3, 2014 Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Business Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by President Mike Boyer at 7:03 P.M. There were 39 attendees. much individual attention after the presentation concluded. It was a most impressive and well received program! ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Boyer started the meeting by congratulating Sid Gates as a recipient of the 2014 Model Aviation Hall of Fame award. He emphasized how exciting it is to have Sid recognized for his many significant contributions to the hobby over his many years of participation. See page 6 of the September newsletter for a copy of the letter from AMA to Robert Brelsford announcing this prestigious award and expanding on its particulars. President Boyer thanked Lee and Mike for such a great presentation. President Boyer brought the club’s attention to the painted lines at the field. They represent a proposed access path from the east pit area to the south end of the N/S runway, and a new pilot box at that location. He asked the club members to try using the proposed pilot box location to get a feel of the different perspective it offers, and to provide feedback to the Board of Directors. President Boyer brought up the FAA’s extension to make comments about the FAA’s interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft. We now have until September 23rd to submit comments. President Boyer emphasized the importance of not only commenting, but also being very specific in your comments. BREAK: President Boyer announced that we would now take our break, and that voting would take place during that time. The result of the election will be announced in the October Newsletter. TREASURER’S REPORT: Lora Knowlton was absent, but President Boyer reported that Lora told him there was no significant activity in the club’s bank account. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Bruce Robson motioned that the secretary’s report of the August meeting be approved as published in the September Newsletter. Patty Hooser seconded the motion. The motion was carried to approve the August meeting minutes. MEMBERSHIP: Lora Knowlton was absent so President Boyer reported that we have a couple of new members not present. He also introduced Matt Davison as a new member. FUTURE PROGRAMS: Mike Boyer said programs mentioned in earlier minutes are still being arranged. We need a volunteer to coordinate programs. PROGRAM: President Boyer turned the meeting over to Lee Taylor to present the evening’s program “A Tribute to Founding Member Dr. Dean Sadler”. Lee introduced his wife Betty and several of Dr. Dean Sadler’s progeny. Among those from the family attending were Mike and Shelly Sadler, Steve Sadler, daughters Karen and Carol and husband Richard. He also introduced Dr. Sadler’s widow Ginny and past president Paul Orkild and his wife Barbara. There were also several grandchildren in attendance. Lee then turned the mic over to Dr. Sadler’s son Mike Sadler. FLYING FIELD: Bob Willdig reported that the field is in good shape. There is no need to repair or seal at this time. He also reported that Roger Kruse is in rehab following his back surgery. He went on to discuss the details about the access path brought up by President Boyer at the beginning of the meeting. Mike took advantage of the announcements and introductions to lay out a very impressive array of older and antique R/C gear. He also had set up several of Dr. Sadler’s superbly constructed aircraft. Many of them were Free Flight planes, which would become some of the first R/C planes. Many of the engines were ignition types as they predated the glow engine by several years. SAFETY: Ed Scholes had no report for this month. Mike covered Dr. Sadler’s progression through R/C development. He covered the gambit from the first single channel transmitters which were so large it took two men to move them to today’s modern hand-held multi-channel transmitter. He covered all types of equipment through the years, such as escapement powered control surfaces, galloping ghost, reed multi-channel units and up to today’s modern digital equipment. The display of all this equipment brought 3 FIRE MARSHAL: Ron Radcliffe had no report, but president Boyer expressed a desire to have a training session on the fire equipment. Bruce Robson interjected that a couple of the fire buckets were almost empty. EVENTS: Mike Boyer announced that we have a field cleanup scheduled for September 13th followed by a Helicopter Fun-fly on the 20th. NEW BUSINESS: President Boyer reported that we still need someone to run the Auction. He also stated that it would make sense to consider moving the auction site to the Adams County Fairgrounds. The rental price would save us at least $500.00, and we’d have more dates to chose from. OLD BUSINESS: We are awaiting Park approval of limited liability signs at the entrances to the field. He also brought up moving the west helicopter boundary flag north 40 feet to give the Helicopters more flying space and an additional margin of safety. Continued on Page 5 Minutes of September 17th 2014 Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Board Meeting Meeting was called to order at 6:56 PM by President Michael Boyer Michael Boyer (Pres), Present Peter Thompson (VP), Present Larry Fagan (Sec), Absent Lora Knowlton (Treas), Present Ed Scholes (Safety), Present Roger Kruse (BM), Absent President’s Comments: Club dinner Oct. 29 4th at Bistro. Still looking for a new Board member. I have asked Bruce Ream to conduct a “brain storming” session concerning auction strategies at the Nov. 5th Club meeting We need to find someone to run the auction. Secretary’s Report – Larry Fagan: Absent Request motion for approval of last meeting minutes if no questions or discussion of published minutes. ! Approved Unanimously Treasurer’s Report – Lora Knowlton – No major changes Committee Reports: • Membership Report – Lora Knowlton – Annual dues to be collected at Oct. meeting. • Field Maintenance & Runways – Bob Willdig -Seal-Tech estimate to complete access path from pits to RW36, 3” depth, was $2730, if we do prep. Black Gold’s estimate was $3500. • Fire Marshal – Ron Radcliffe is Fire Marshall!! – No report • Safety – Ed Scholes -- No report • Flight Instruction / Training – Mike Boyer Report: o Progress on obtaining a Chief Flight Instructor – no action. • Events – Mike Boyer Report, o Helicopter Funfly 20 Spetember o Club dinner mentioned above • Programming: Establish plan for coming programs. Have each board member setup their month and proposed program. o The following programs are for discussion: Sid Gates program on transmitters is still open. Old/Unfinished Business: 1. Have we decided to try painting suggested pilot box locations in orange paint to see what the pilots think of it?? I was going to buy a tool for painting the boxes, but will try to mooch one from Lora. ! Larry will be painting boxes etc. ! LARRY DID PAINT BOXES Steve Rosselot (BM) Present Bob Willdigg (BM) Present Glenn Lee (BM), Absent 3. Gravel path from pits to RW36. – Rangers indicated they might provide a tractor to blade the ground. Bob got a guestimate of $2730 to have Seal-Tech do the whole job, with ASPHALT. Tom E. believes we can cut these costs by doing the grading ourselves. ! Tom and Mike have talked with the company that is presently grading and laying asphalt near the East entrance and the supervisor there is looking into putting in the path. ! Company is not presently using a 4’ wide asphalt machine and cannot do the work. That project will probably be delayed until we find an economical arrangement, possibly until next spring. • 4. “For Sale” idea suggested by Steve Mangles. 5. “Fly AT Your Own Risk” sign. ! Approved up to $200 for two entrance signs with this exact wording. 6. Still need auction manager. – We need someone to manage the Auction since Lipe quit. We could simply walk away from the Jefferson Co. site, losing our $500 deposit and move to the Adams Co. fairground. It would still save $465 even after losing the deposit. At present, Lora is reviewing the Jeff Co. contract to see if we can walk away from it. Norm’s data shows that the majority of our customers come from up North. FAR BETTER dates are available: Feb. 28/Mar.1st, March 7&8, March 21&22. ! The Board has decided to keep auction at Jefferson Co. Fairgrounds. New Business: 1. BUDGET!! ! New budget approved, it is very realistic. 2. We need to decide who will be recognized at the Club dinner. 3. Need event coordinator to replace Boyer. ! Still looking Adjourn Meeting: My thanks to President Mike Boyer for taking the Board of Directors minutes in my absence - Ed 2. Raising dues was tabled and will be discussed at a future board meeting. July – August. 4 Minutes of August 6th 2014 Jefco Aeromod’lers Business Meeting Jefco Aeromod’lers October Birthdays Continued from Page 3 RECOGNIZE NEW MEMBERS AND VISITORS: Matt Davison was recognized again as a new member. October 1 Dave DeLapp October 2 Yago Gonzalez October 4 Philip Lund SHOW & TELL: Tom Hooser showed a Texas R/C Planes model RD-1. He was unable to get the pushrods through so he put servos for the elevator and rudder in the tail. This caused the model to be tail heavy, so he had to add many BB’s to the nose for counterweight. Some are rattling around a bit, so he’ll have to add more epoxy to hold them down. October 7 Tom Walsh October 9 Bill October 9 Max McCartney October 12 Art Wilson October 12 Bruce Next up Bud Glass showed his Avistar with Du-Bro brakes that he added to the nose wheel. He says they are very effective in slowing the model after landing or holding before take-off. October 17 Robert October 25 Virgil October 28 Michael Drawing: The prizes for the drawing were from R/C Hobbies on County Line Rd. The winners are as follows: Bruce Riley, a $10 gift certificate; Dave Hock, a plane holder; Peter Thompson, a package of shrink tube; Bud Glass, weights; Larry Fagan, a Gift Certificate; and Lee Taylor, a Warhawk Micro ARF. October Lee MOTION TO ADJOURN: A motion to adjourn was made by Patty Hooser and was seconded by Dave Fagan. The motion carried at 9:09 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Larry Fagan, Secretary. 30 Neyman Boman Hilden Gooselaw Peterson Bergen ELECTION RESULTS The election results are in, and the officers for next year are: President Mike Boyer Vice President Pete Thompson Secretary Larry Fagan Treasurer Lora Knowlton Safety Officer Ed Scholes Member at Large Steve Rosselot Member at Large Glenn Lee Welcome New Jefco Aeromod’lers R/C Club Members Matthew Davison - Castle Rock, CO Larry Duncan - Littleton, CO Mitchell Larson - Lone Tree, CO Morgan Young - Golden, CO President Boyer congratulating Sid Gates on being voted into the AMA Hall of Fame. Sid is being recognized for his many contributions to the hobby. Sid is always of good humor, and is ready and willing to offer sound modeling advice drawn from his vast reservoir of modeling experience and innovation. Refer to September’s newsletter for more information about Sid’s contributions. 5 Just in from Tom Hooser: “I wanted folks to know that Patty of T&P catering will be going into Porter Hosp the morning of the 17th. of Oct for some more of much needed back surgery. I am hoping she will be ready for ICY CARB DAY. Cheers, Tom of T&P” A Tribute to Founding Member Dr. Dean Sadler Lee Taylor introducing the program for the evening, and several members of the Sadler family. Above, Mike Sadler explaining a historical component. Below, one of Dr Sadler’s immaculate bi-planes. Setting up for the meeting. Behind the fellow in the noisy shirt is one of Dr. Dean Sadler’s gorgeous airplanes. Many of the first R/C airplanes were originally free flight models. This meant that the first R/C planes had ignition engines since it would be several years before the invention of the glow plug and glow engine. The original planes were rudder only. As the technology progressed, more channels were added. At first only pulses were sent by the transmitters, and they were keyed in with a simple momentary spring loaded push button contact switch. Even then, by using ingenious mechanical devices the motor speed, as well as rudder direction, could be adjusted by pulsing the push button the proper number of times within a somewhat narrow time frame. Mike Sadler had many different examples of how the hobby progressed as technology improved. Refer to the general meeting minutes on page 3. Below, a front view of this plane reveals that it is powered by a glow engine. In the background president Boyer is starting the meeting. 6 Heli Fly-In Pictures 7 More Heli Fly-In Pictures 8 Show and Tell, Drawing Winners, etc. Left, Tom Hooser expounding about his Texas R/C Planes model RD-1. Unfortunately, we did not get a picture of the plane itself, but Tom’s explanation of what he had to go through to get the plane in flying condition is covered in the minutes. As usual, Tom had an informative talk about his thought processes as as to how he prepared the plane to fly. So he presented not only the how, but the why he proceeded as he did. Bud Glass showed his installation of a Du-Bro brake on his Avistar’s front landing gear wheel. As mentioned in the minutes, Bud has found it to be very effective as a brake to slow the plane down on landing, as well as holding the plane in preparation for take off. Since Bud was giving the presentation and taking pictures of the meeting we do not have a picture of his brake installation either. DRAWING WINNERS The prizes for the drawing were from R/C Hobbies off County Line Rd. The winners are as follows: Bruce Riley, a $10 gift certificate Dave Hock, a plane holder Peter Thompson, a package of shrink tube Bud Glass, weights Larry Fagan, a Gift Certificate Lee Taylor, a Warhawk Micro ARF. As President Boyer pointed out in his message,annual DUES DUES DUES club dues will be collected at the October Meeting!!! Left, a pretty young spectator clearly observing our safety rules. Has anyone recruited her for pilot training? We need more women pilots at the field!! 9 Special Note from T&P Catering From the kitchen of T&P catering; As some of you may already the “P” of T&P is headed back to the OR at Porter Hosp. Her trials and tribulations began with her 1st. back surgery which, I might add, went very well and relieved Patty of her severe sciatic pains. However, as time went on, the pains in leg came back and on one of her check-ups, the original back surgeon sent to her see a new surgeon. Well, as some of you know very well, Patty had to go thru and at different times, injections in her back and P.T. to go along with the injections. All to no avail I might add. Anyway, back to the new surgeon. They did some exam's and came back to us and told us she had 2 serious problems, one of which was her right hip joint which was operating bone on bone with some arthritis thrown in for good measure. Now the second problem, her spine above the original surgery was , and as the PA told her, trash. He wanted to fix the hip first and go from there. We were able to locate one of the best hip guys around and have Patty's hip replaced. About a year later, during her last hip check-up, she told the hip doc that she was still having serious pain in that side of I was sure I ordered the pictures for this page airmail. her legs. They did their hip checks and told her the new hip was ok and doing very well, and that is when she was recommended to a group of people who specialize in spinal problems using pain management, therapy, surgery, etc. I believe that was sometime this last May and since that time she has been doing the shot-therapy routine waiting to see if that could help and taking ever increasing doses of different pain killers. A couple of weeks ago, we caught a lucky break and someone cancelled their appointment with the new back surgeon and after some consultation, discussion of the pain issues, and not having any good days it was decided that she should have the surgery ASAP. The folks at the spine place put the wheels in motion so she could have the work done and she is now waiting for the 17th of Oct. at Porter Hosp. which at that time she will have her back repaired. Since all of this has started, we have had two surgeons retire, lost our primary care doc. And had to change our insurance carrier. I don't if Patty will be ready for Icy Carb day, but knowing her the “P” of T&P will give it a bloody go. Stay well and enjoy the fall flying. Tom of T&P. 10 Th is pag B eh d e as be R e n stole n b y th e 11 aro n 1st 15th October 2014 Business Meeting Board Meeting 5th 19th November 2014 Business Meeting Board Meeting 3rd 17th December 2014 Business Meeting Board Meeting Business meetings: First Wed. night of each month. Meetings are called to order at 07:00 P.M, programs to follow, at the Alice Terry Elementary School at 4485 S. Irving Street , (located approximately 1/4 mile away from the previous middle school location). Board meetings are held the third Wed. night of each month, 07:00 P.M. If you wish to attend, contact President Mike Boyer in advance. The BOD has approved the Field Safety & Operations Manual. All members should review this document in the club’s website for the latest rules and regulations. Views and or opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the editor, staff, and writers of articles submitted. They may or may not be those of the Jefco membership, club officers, or board members. The Jefco Flyer Larry Fagan, Editor 4881 S Arbutus St. Morrison, CO 80465 Lack of communication (Internet) results in much reduced information in this issue. 12
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