La Mondiale HALF YEAR 2014 EARNINGS 1 October 2014 Cautionary note At half-year, La Mondiale does not produce full financial statements but only prepares a balance sheet and an income statement. Auditors are not required and do not issue any audit or limited review report on these financial figures. They have been presented and reviewed by La Mondiale Board of Directors on September 25, 2014. Certain statements contained herein may be forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements that are predictions of or indicate future events, trends, plans or objectives. Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause actual results and La Mondiale’s plan and objectives to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward looking statements. Please refer to “La Mondiale Rapport Financier 2013” for a description of certain important factors, risks and uncertainties that may affect La Mondiale’s business and/or results of operations. La Mondiale undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise. Unless otherwise specified, financial statements are calculated in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. Those relating to the solvency margin are, according to regulatory rules, calculated with current French Gaap standards. 2 Contents Key figures page 4 Business activity page 9 Financial performance page 15 Invested assets page 20 Appendix page 25 3 KEY FIGURES 4 La Mondiale: Company Overview • Founded in 1905 • Long story of sustained growth • French Mutual Life Insurance Company • In the capital market since 1989 • Strong positions on private wealth management market, • Strong risk management and well diversified asset allocation Group and Self Employed Retirement Plans • Multi channel distribution networks • La Mondiale is a member of a mutual insurance groups taking the form of a Société de Groupe d’Assurance Mutuelle (SGAM) together with AG2R Prévoyance under which it has committed to financial solidarity with the members of the SGAM SGAM AG2R LA MONDIALE * These entities will be merged to AG2R Prévoyance by 12/31/2014 ** La Mondiale Europa will be merged to La Mondiale Europartner by 12/31/2014 5 HY 2014 Summary • Strong growth of premiums with significant increase in private wealth management savings and a UL/€ mix above the market • High net inflows in both UL and € • Solid HY2014 net income and policyholder surplus reserve • Equity, beyond € 3.1 billion, has doubled since 2008 • Core Solvency ratio (excluding unrealized gains) reaches 141%, up 29 points since 2008 • Regulatory Solvency ratio up to 267%, which represents an excess of almost € 3.5 billion 6 HY 2014 Key figures In € million HY 2013 FY 2013 HY 2014 HY14 / HY13 Premiums 3,363 6,752 4,044 +20.3% 108 222 143 +31.7% 2,770 2,898 3,188 +15.1% 31.7% 29.5% 27.0% -5 pts Technical Provisions 57,847 61,411 64,608 +11.7% Total Balance Sheet 69,803 73,257 79,714 +14.2% Solvency I ratio 246% 250% 267% +21 pts Number of employees 2,794 2,852 2,856 +2.2% Net Income Equity Gearing Ratio (1) (1/2) (1) Financing debt / total equity 7 HY 2014 Key figures (2/2) Equity (in € million) Net results (in € million) 3,500 350 3,000 300 2,500 250 2,000 200 1,500 150 1,000 100 500 50 0 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY2014 2006 2007 Technical reserves (in € million) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY2014 Solvency Margin 70,000 246% 250% 267% 60,000 189% 50,000 183% 175% 156% 40,000 175% 136% 112% 30,000 20,000 106% 110% 2006 2007 112% 114% 116% 125% 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 130% 139% 141% Regulatory Solvency Margin Core Solvency 1 Margin SCR Solvency 2 Margin 10,000 2006 142% HY 2014 2008 2009 A Resilient Business Model & Capitalisation 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY2014 8 BUSINESS ACTIVITY 9 HY 2014: Business activity Premiums (in € million) 6,752 Total Savings Pension 4,044 4,835 3,363 Claims : back to normal after 2 years of high level for the market as a whole 2,995 2,364 1,720 951 846 € UL Premiums : +20% compared to HY 2013, UL/€ mix 6pts above the French market (22%/78% vs 16%/84%) Savings : +27% Pension : +12% (+4% without outstanding premiums) : HY 2013 FY 2013 HY 2014 78% 22% 79% 21% 78% 22% Net inflows : +40% compared to HY 2013, with a stable UL/€ mix : 35%/65% Liabilities : +5% compared to FY 2013 with a stable UL/€ mix : 28%/72% Net inflows (including arbitrations, in € million) 2,835 Net Inflow s Liabilities (in € million) 70,000 € 60,000 Unit Linked 1,947 50,000 1,393 1,837 40,000 1,268 727 666 HY 2013 € UL 52% 48% Unit Linked 30,000 998 679 FY 2013 HY 2014 65% 35% 65% 35% 20,000 Guaranteed Contracts 10,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY14 10 HY 2014: Core businesses’ financial structure Outstanding liabilities € 64.6 billion Unit Linked 28% Liabilities +5.2% compared to FY2013 Guaranteed contracts : +4.9% Unit linked : +6.0% Outperformance of the market for both guaranteed contracts (+3.8%) and UL (+9.7%) Guaranteed Contracts 72% Liabilities by products € 64.6 billion Protection 2% Individual Pension 12% Retail Savings 6% Stable UL/€ mix at 28%/72% (above the French market at 17%/83%) New business : HY2014 new business amounts 56% of FY2013 new business New business breakdown (APE) € 295 million Retail Savings 1% Individual Pension 15% Group Pension 10% Group Pension 25% Private Wealth Management 72% Private Wealth Management 55% 11 EARNINGS, PROFITABILITY AND SOLVENCY 12 HY 2014: Earnings and profitability Cumulated net results (in € million) Policyholder surplus reserve* (in € million) 1,800 800 1,600 1,400 1,200 2.00% 1.75% 143 HY2014 700 222 2013 600 310 1.58% 500 1.40% 1.20% 1.13% 1.20% 0.95% 400 1,000 0.73% 2011 300 800 600 100 2009 2008 2007 2006 172 68 123 111 200 0 683 760 167 1.00% 0.80% 0.60% 431 291 400 706 0.58% 200 2010 335 1.80% 1.60% 2012 227 1.68% 356 0.40% 234 0.20% 0 0.00% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Profit-sharing reserve 2012 2013 HY2014 in % of insurance liabilities Return on equity (ROE) 25% 19% 20% 14% 12% 15% 11% 9% 10% 8% 10% 5% HY2014 net result : € 143 million Increase of policyholder surplus reserve by € 77 million Cumulated net results of € 1,710 million since 2006, including two financial crisis Policyholder surplus reserve : € 760 million : 1.68% of insurance liabilities (guaranteed contracts) 5% 0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY2014 13 * Savings and Pensions surplus reserve HY 2014: Equity Equity: +10.0% Equity (in € million) HY net result € +143 million Fair value adjustment Equities Bonds Other investment € +147 million € -13 million € +162 million € +2 million € +290 million +147 0 +143 Change and other impacts € 0 million Equity (in € million) 3,500 3 188 2 898 3,000 ×2.3 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 2013 HY 2014 net result Fair value adjustment Other impacts HY2014 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY2014 14 HY 2014: Solvency margin Regulatory Solvency Margin (in € million) Other Subordinated Debt * Core Solvency Margin (in € million) 141% 8,793 202 Other unrealized gains * +35 pts since 2006 424% 139% 130% 2,925 2,761 3,052 Eligible unrealized gains 125% 2,399 116% 267% Eligible Subordinated Debt Core eligible elements 2,140 114% 2,614 Ow n funds Solvency Capital Requirement 2,075 1,925 112% 899 1,696 110% 141% 2,075 1,839 106% 1,473 1,381 2,026 Eligible elements 1,654 1,705 Solvency capital requirements 2010 2011 1,491 1,218 1,254 Solvency Capital Requirement 1,980 1,317 1,152 2006 2007 2008 2009 2012 2013 HY2014 • Core S1 margin has continued to improve in HY2014 (+2pts vs 2013), including the growth of eligible subordinated debt (€ 899 million vs € 857 million at the end of 2013). • Other Subordinated debt represents € 202 million vs € 239 million at the end of 2013. This debt will be eligible following the growth of the Solvency Capital Requirement. • Core solvency margin has increased by 35 points since 2006. 15 * Other Subordinated Debt and Other unrealized gains temporary above regulatory ceiling Subordinated redemption profile Subordinated debt after 2013 restructuring (in € million) Issue date Instrument Ccy Nominal (in € million) Coupon pre-call Coupon postcall Next call date 02/10/2003 PerpNC10 EUR 51.23 / 400 5.875% 3mE + 270 Quarterly 25/11/2005 PerpNC5 EUR 91 09/11/2006 PerpNC10 EUR 150 / 200 15/04/2013 PerpNC6 USD 600 24/04/2013 31NC11 EUR 331.7 € +5 million 1,096 1,101 38 38 435 439 3mE+105 3mE+205 25/11/2015 5.11% 3mE + 213 15/11/2016 7.625% 6yr MS + 753 23/04/2019 6.75% 3mE+604 25/04/2024 Maturity breakdown (by 1st call date, in € million) 332 332 51 51 150 150 439 332 51 91 91 FY13 HY14 2014 91 2015 150 38 2016 … 2019 Undated subordinated notes … 2024 … perpetual Dated subordinated notes 16 INVESTED ASSETS 17 A diversified asset allocation • Asset allocation (excl. unit-linked assets) Assets under management have grown significantly over the last decade at an average annual growth rate of +11% since 2006 • La Mondiale’s sound asset allocation is key and enabled La Mondiale to perfectly accommodate the recent two crisis (2008 and 2011) without a significant P&L or solvency impact • La Mondiale kept a de-risking and diversified asset allocation over the years • Sovereign exposure represents less than 25% of total bond exposure o/w 65% exposure to France and 17% to peripherals. Market values (in € million) Property Equity Bonds Others Total FY 2013 HY 2014 2,740 4,436 42,926 113 2,642 5,252 47,038 358 % (as of HY14) 4.8% 9.5% 85.1% 0.6% 50,215 55,290 100.0% Historical asset allocation (net book values) 100% 40 bn 35 bn Property Equity 30 bn 80% Bonds 25 bn 60% 20 bn 40% 15 bn 10 bn 20% 5 bn 0 bn 0% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY2014 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 HY14 18 Bonds – A Low risk asset allocation Credit Exposure by Credit Rating* Others BBB3% BBB 2% 7% BBB+ 6% Total Bond exposure is at € 47.0 billion AAA 17% Total portfolio average rating : A+ A8% AA+ 24% A 13% A+ 8% AA5% Limited exposure to risky investments with as less than 18% of the investments currently rated BBB+ or below An estimated 15-year liabilities duration is a key strategic element of our asset management policy Unrealised capital gains : FY 2013 : € 2,866 million HY 2014 : € 5,137 million AA 7% Credit Exposure by Issuer Type Portfolio by maturity band 40.0% Sovereign 24% Other corporates 21% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% Sub Financials 7% 20.0% 15.0% Guaranteed government bonds 4% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% < 1 year > 1 year to 3 years > 3 to 5 years > 5 to 7 years > 7 to 10 years > 10 to 30 years * Second best rating methodology consists of using the second best rating awarded to an issue by the three leading agencies, S&P, Moody's and Fitch Senior Financials 16% Covered bonds 16% Supra / Agencies 12% 19 Equities – Long term performance Equities performance Total Equities exposure is at € 5.3 billion 140 130 HY2014 performance at 5.0%, after 24.6% performance in 2013. 120 110 100 An equity portfolio well diversified by geography and sector 90 80 70 Y2 01 4 H 20 13 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 60 La Mondiale Equity Euro Stoxx 50 (incl. dividends) A focus on large liquid equity stocks traded on the main exchange markets Unrealised capital gains : FY 2013 : € 328 million HY 2014 : € 355 million Breakdown by sector Breakdown by countries Other USA 9% 4% Switzerland 10% Consumer Goods France 54% Financial Instit. Industry Health Oil and Gas Serv ices Commodities Germany 11% TMT La Mondiale Equity Euro Stoxx 50 Local Gov ernment. Technology U.K. 12% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 20 Property – Resilient return Geographic breakdown 3% 3% Total Property exposure is at € 2.6 billion La Mondiale property assets represent 457,000.00 sq.m. and are mainly offices located in the center of or in Western Paris, i.e. only Prime Real Estate Paris and Paris region’s offices Other offices in France Rental yields largely outperforms the fixed income markets even though they have been trending slightly downwards recently Paris and Paris region’s homes 94% Unrealised capital gains : FY 2013 : € 606 million HY 2014 : € 562 million Property as asset diversification Annual revenue (€ per sq.m) 260 500 450 240 400 220 350 200 300 180 250 160 200 Property (IEIF index) European equities 7-10Y bonds 140 150 Indexed bonds 120 100 100 50 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 80 Dec-03 Cash investments Sep-06 Jun-09 Mar-12 Dec-14 21 APPENDIX 22 Overview of La Mondiale Balance sheet HY 2013 FY 2103 HY 2014 %Change HY 2014/ HY 2013 TOTAL ASSETS 69,803 73,257 79,714 +14.2% Intangible assets 60 57 54 -10.4% ow. Goodwill 40 42 41 +3.0% Insurance investments 51,145 52,818 58,316 +14.0% Unit Linked investments 15,372 17,426 18,415 +19.8% 3,021 2,587 2,434 -19.4% 205 370 495 +142.0% € million Others assets Cash and cash equivalent HY 2013 FY 2103 HY 2014 %Change HY 2014/ HY 2013 TOTAL LIABILITIES 69,803 73,257 79,714 +14.2% Equity Group Share 2,466 2,575 2,840 +15.2% 304 323 349 +14.8% 2,770 2,898 3,188 +15.1% 879 855 860 -2.2% 60,250 64,278 69,542 +15.4% 5,904 5,225 6,123 +3.7% € million Minority Interests Total Equity Financing debt Insurance and financial liabilities Other liabilities 23 Overview of La Mondiale P&L account HY 2013 FY 2103 HY 2014 %Change HY 2014/ HY 2013 Revenue 3,363 6,752 4,044 +20.3% Financial Products 1,129 2,322 1,205 +6.7% Current operating income 4,753 10,847 6,507 +36.9% -4,579 -10,470 -6,292 +37.4% Operating Income 174 377 215 +23.9% CONSOLIDATED NET RESULT 108 222 143 +31.7% o.w Group share 96 199 129 +34.2% o.w Minority Interest 12 23 14 +12.0% € million Current operating expenses 24 Contact details Management André Renaudin Chief Executive Officer Sylvain de Forges Deputy Chief Executive Officer David Simon Chief Financial & Risk Officer +33 1 76 60 87 41 Jean-Louis Charles Chief Investment Officer +33 1 76 60 99 91 La Mondiale 104-110, boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris - France Investor Relations - Contact: 25
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