Kiddie Sports…………….…...............………..9 Learn to Draw Cartoons……….................……7 Learn to Use Your Electronic Devices……..…..13 Maintaining Your Computer I.………………..12 Maintaining Your Computer II………….……13 Microsoft PowerPoint………………...…….….13 Microsoft Word I……………………..….……12 Microsoft Word II……………………………12 NEW! Color Pencil Workshop- Pumpkins……14 Open Gym/Sports Nights at HESSC…….……15 Parent Tot Soccer……………………….......…...7 Parent-Tot Preschool…………………......….….7 Pickleball Family Fun Nights…………...……..13 Power of Drawing…………………............….….6 Pre Kickers Soccer……………………………….7 Sanchin-Ryu- Karate for Adults & Teens………13 Sanchin-Ryu: Karate for Families……………...9 Sanchin-Ryu: Karate for Kids…………..………9 Scrapbooking 101…………………………….14 ServSafe Training………………........………..13 Silversmithing……………..................…………14 Sports Starters……………………....…………..9 Successful Script Writing……………………..14 Team Gymnastics……………………………..12 Tennis…………………….......................………7 Traditional Rug Hooking……………………..13 Volleyball Clinic……………………….....…….7 Watercolor Pencil Workshop- Sunflowers…….14 Wok and Roll…………………………….......14 Write and Publish a Book……................…….14 Writing for Healing………...............…………14 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #2 Hartland, Michigan 48353 POSTAL CUSTOMER As a cost saving measure Hartland Community Education is now publishing their quarterly enrichment brochure in combination with the September, December, March and June issues of the Community Life newspaper. Save this FALL 2014 Enrichment Brochure. It’s filled with many educational and recreational activites for students of all ages. A Fancy Nancy Butterfly Tea Pary………….…...6 Acrylic Sunflowers Workshop………......….……14 After School Fitness Class……………..…………9 Babysitter Training………….……….…..………...5 Basic Sushi Making……………………….……...13 Basics of Selling on eBay………….........………..14 Basketball………….......................…..…….…….9 Beyond the Basic……………………………….14 Bricks 4 Kidz: Air, Land and Sea…….............…...5 Bricks 4 Kidz: Forces of Nature…….……...….…5 Diaper Dancing……….......................……….….6 Dynamic Expressions Dance Classes...................8 Excel I………………..........…………..….....…..12 Excel II……….……………………….......……12 Excel III…………………………….…....……..12 Fall Fitness…………………………..….....……15 Fall Swimming & Diving Lessons…………..….15 Families Make Music……………………........…6 Fancy Nancy’s Posh Puppy Party……..............…7 Flag Football………................................…………9 Girls Gymnastics…..…………………...........….11 Gymnastics/Dance Fun………………..….…....10 Hartland Caroselli Aquatic Center Schedule..….16 Hartland Hurricanes Swim Team…………...…15 Hatha Yoga…………………….........……......…15 Holiday Candle on Canvas Workshop……...…14 If You Give A Cat A Cupcake Party….………….6 Introduction to Computers…………..…..……12 Introductory Gymnastic Classes………….…...10 Job Search Communications Basics.…..……….14 Jr. Theater………………................................….…6 Jumpin’ All-Stars Rope Class…….....……………7 POSTAL CUSTOMER ECR WSS HARTLAND CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS 9525 E. Highland Rd., Howell, Mi 48843 Volume No: 28 September - December 2014 Register Online at 810.626.2150 OFFICE HOURS: M-F 8am - 6 pm Page 2/Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014 Register online at 810.626.2150 Dear Hartland Community Members, W elcome back to school! For many of you that enjoyed our camps, clinics and classes this summer….THANK YOU!!! We appreciate your patronage and loved seeing your smiling faces. We tried many new offerings and will continue to try new things and offer this community the best of the best in enrichment and recreation. Please look over our brochure and join us this Fall. We want to serve you. Last June, all of the parents from FIS and our elementary schools were emailed a survey regarding programming for “Early Release Friday’s” starting on September 5th. Because every building in the district will release students one hour earlier than the rest of the weekdays’ dismissal times, we were trying to determine if our parents needed a safe, fun place for their children to stay after school for a couple of hours. Based on the survey results, there is demand for programming at both Village and the Farms/Lakes complex. We will offer an afterschool “Fun Day Friday” opportunity at both these schools: a two-hour afternoon jam-packed with something to satisfy every kid. Activities may include sports, table games, various hunts and general games such as Sharks & Minnows, Tag, Capture Dodge Ball, Crows & Cranes, Sea Monster, etc. Kids will also get some free time to play on their own. We will have adult supervision with high school students overseeing all of the activities. You can sign up for a single Friday, all the Fridays in a given month or from the first Friday in September to the Friday before our Holiday break. For registration information, see page 5. Stay informed – become our friend on Facebook!!! Michelle Otis, Director Dates of Importance for Child Care Our Center will make every effort to remain open in the event that the Hartland Schools find it necessary to close due to inclement weather or building difficulties. In addition, the center will be OPEN on the following days when there is a *No School day. Oct. 31 Nov. 14 Jan. 19 Jan. 23 Feb. 20 & 23 April 6-10 June 10 June 11 & 12 *No School *No School *No School *No School *No School *No School *Half Day *No School Professional Development Parent Teacher Conferences Martin Luther King Day Records Day Mid-Winter Break Spring Break Last day of School Last day before Kamp starts *Based on demand for services on days that we have *No School, Lakes Elementary and Farms Intermediate childcare children may need to attend at the Hartland Childcare Center on School Street. Parents will be notified if Lakes will be open for care via the districts automated phone system call out on No School days due to inclement weather. Our Childcare Center will be CLOSED on the following dates: Aug. 29 & Sept. 1 Closed Center Cleaning & Labor Day Nov. 26-28ClosedThanksgiving Break Dec. 22 – Jan. 2 Closed Christmas Break April 3 ClosedGood Friday May 25ClosedMemorial Day On No School Days, Snow Days and half-days, tuition rate will be $31.00 per day. For questions, contact the Childcare Center at 810.626.2780. Directors- Jen Turner & Brittney Stratford Mission Statement T he mission of Hartland Community Education is to furnish the community of Hartland, through citizen involvement, programs in recreation, enrichment and cultural activites providing lifelong education. In compliance with federal regulations, Hartland Community Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of race, creeed, national origin or non-disqualifying handicaps. P.O. Box 282 Hartland, MI 48353 810.626.2150 B Early Release Fridays eginning this school year, Hartland Schools will be initiating a calendar that includes an "Early Release Friday" schedule. Every building in the district will release students one hour earlier than the rest of the weekdays' dismissal times every Friday. To help accomodate parents schedules within the district, Hartland Community Ed will be offering “Fun Fridays” programming at two schools, Farms Intermediate and Village Elementary. Following an intramural-like program, “Fun Fridays” will be directed and supervised by Leisure Unlimited and will run directly after school on Fridays. Kids will be able to participate in a variety of activites designed to keep your kids moving and engaged. “Fun Fridays” will run from 2:45 pm - 5 pm with a cost of $10 for two hours. Families will have the option of buying month to month or a Fall Session package for a reduced rate. Pre-registration will be required and parents must inform Community Ed if their child will be absent from the program. For more information, contact Community Ed at 810.626.2150 or register online at PRESCHOOL Parent Meeting Wednesday, September 3 7 pm In the Performing Arts Center 9525 E. Highland Rd. PRESCHOOL Open Houses at both locations Thursday, September 4 & Friday, September 5 from 10 am - 11 am & 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm PRESCHOOL Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 3 Hartland Preschool 2014-2015 H artland Community Education Preschool offeres an exceptional educational program staffed with individuals who are qualified and eager to offer your child the finest start into their educational future. Our teaching teams of DeRosier/Waldron, Lubeski/Messner and Pederson/Yoerg have a combined experience of more than 40 years of teaching excellence within the Hartland community. The Hartland Community Education Preschool program offers two convienant locations: • The Hartland Childcare Center located on School Street in the Village of Hartland. • The Hartland Educational Support Service Center (HESSC) located on Highland Road A ll of our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art SMART Board technology to help tie in our center with Hartland School’s curriculum and approach to early elementary education. C hildren should be developmentally prepared and independatly toilet-trained. To be eligible for our 3-year-old program this year, your child must be 3 before October 15, 2014. To be eligible for our 4-year-old program this year, your child must be 4 before December 1, 2014. CLASS OFFERINGS Pederson/Yoerg: From our fun-filled science discovery room to weekly Spanish lessons, our extended day program, which runs from 9 am- 1 pm, is designed to fill your child’s day with fun and enriching programs. Providing the laughter as well as the education, Hartland extended-day co- teachers Tara Yoerg and Sue Pederson are experienced and committed to your young child’s development while instilling a love for learning, education and school. DeRosier/Waldron: With more than 15 years of teaching experience in Hartland, the team of DeRosier/Waldron offers morning 3 year old and afternoon 4 year old classes located at the Childcare Center. By incorporating new technology into all of our preschool classrooms, such as SMART boards for letter writing and sounds, counting, shapes and music to tradition learning settings such as rug time, Hartland preschool will help prepare your child for their transition into Kindergarten. Lubeski/Messner: Located at the HESSC building, the team of Lubeski/ Messner offer a 3-year-old, 4-year-old and a split-class option of 3-and 4-year old classes to accommodate each child’s ability and learning level. Entering their eighth year of team teaching together, Lubeski and Messner provide an experienced classroom learning setting with a consistently warm and welcoming atmosphere. HARTLAND COMMUNITY ED PRESCHOOL 2014-2015 SCHEDULE (Program meets September 2014–May 2015) Child Care Center (10235 School St.) Class # Ages Days PS3 MWAM D 3 year old M & W PS3 TTHAM D 3 year old T & Th PS3 FAM D 3 year old Friday PS4 MWPM D 4 year old M & W PS4 TTHPM D 4 year old T & Th PS4 FPM D 4 year old Friday PS4 MWAM P 4 year old M & W PS4 FAM P 4 year old Friday Time 9:15-11:45 a.m. 9:15-11:45 a.m. 9:15-11:45 a.m. 12:30-3:30 p.m 12:30-3:30 p.m 12:30-3:30 p.m. 9:00-1:00 p.m. 9:00-1:00 p.m. Tuition Payment Options Teacher 8 payments DeRosier 110.00 DeRosier 110.00 DeRosier 55.00 DeRosier 132.00 DeRosier 132.00 DeRosier 66.00 Pederson/Yoerg 170.00 Pederson/Yoerg 85.00 3 Payments 290.00 290.00 145.00 348.00 348.00 174.00 451.00 225.00 In Full 823.00 823.00 411.00 987.00 987.00 493.00 1,280.00 640.00 Hartland Educational Support Service Center (9525 Highland Road – M59) Tuition Payment Options 8 payments 3 payments In Full PS3 TTHAM L 3 year old T & TH 9:15-11:45 a.m. Lubeski 3 year old Tuition 110.00 290.00 823.00 PS4 MWAM L 4 year old M & W 9:00-12:00 p.m. Lubeski 4 year old Tuition 8 payments 3 payments In Full PS4 MPM L 4 year old Monday 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lubeski 2 days/week 132.00 348.00 987.00 PS34 TPM L 3 & 4 yr old Tuesday 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lubeski 3 days/week 198.00 522.00 1,480.00 PS4 WPM L 4 year old Wednesday 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lubeski 4 days/week 264.00 696.00 1,974.00 PS34 THPM L 3 & 4 yr old Thursday 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lubeski 5 days/week 330.00 870.00 2,467.00 PS4 FAM L 4 year old Friday 9:00-12:00 p.m. Lubeski PS4 FPM L 4 year old Friday 12:30-3:30 p.m. Lubeski CHILDCARE/LATCHKEY State Licensed Child Care Programs Hartland Child Care Center Jen Turner, Director Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 4 Before/After Licensed School Programs Ages (Kindergarten - 6th grade, up through 12 years old) Jen Turner & Brittany Stratford Infant Care Rates $39 daily / $195 week ( 4 d a y minimum) Daycare Rates $31 daily / $155 week ( 3 d a y minimum) A $25 yearly registration fee will be charged, per child, for all programs. For Full Time Infant and Daycare, there is a 2nd child discount. The discount of 10 percent is applied to the child who has the lesser amount of tuition. On days when the center is closed, and/or vacation days are taken, and the attendance is less than 5 days, the discount does not apply and the charge will be by the daily rate. The Infant rate applies until the child is fully toilet trained. Before & After School Child Care Only Full Time enrollment (5 days a week) is $8.25 a session Part Time enrollment (2-4 days a week) is $10.25 a session The minimum enrollment is 2 sessions a week for a charge of $20.50 for the week. Before and After School Child Care is held at the Hartland Community Education Childcare Center and Lakes Elementary We offer care for children who attend the Round, Village and Creekside, Lakes Elementary and Farms Intermediate school. The children who attend the Lakes or Farms schools may enroll at the School Street center, or take advantage of the school-age program at the Lakes school. Both center locations are open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. Example- A student needs to attend 5 –AM sessions and 1 –P.M. session. The charge would be $41.25 for the A.M. and $10.25 for the P.M. session, for a total charge for the week of $51.50. Both programs offer gym activities, arts and crafts, and outside play. When you are signed up for the Before and After School Care, you also have the option of attending on the “No School” days or Snow days! Our center is almost always open! In order to attend on the No School or Half Days, you must be signed up and paying for a minimum of 2 days. Please come and visit our center to see all the activity. Please call the office number 810.626.2780. You must notify the office if your child/children will be absent from the Before & After school program. Your regular weekly tuition will be charged unless the Center is Closed. Part-Time schedules must be established in writing. For example, if your child needs four days of AM care and 2 days of PM care. The total tuition due is $61.25 for the week. If your Before & After School child attends on a No School Day, Snow Day, etc., your tuition for the day will be $31. Your set weekly tuition will be charged unless the Center is closed. If you attend on an extra day (No School. Change of schedule, Etc.), there will be an additional charge added. Please refer to the “Dates of Importance” on page 2. YOUTH ENRICHMENT Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 5 Early Release Friday Instructor: Leisure Unlimited A two-hour afternoon jam-packed with something to satisfy every kid. Activities may include sports, table games, various hunts and general games such as Sharks & Minnows, Tag, Capture Dodge Ball, Crows & Cranes, Sea Monster, etc. Kids will also get some free time to play on their own. Please have gym shoes. To register, go to Daily, monthly and Fall Session packages are available. Bricks 4 Kidz Air, Land, and Sea Instructor: LEGO Bricks 4 Kidz Bricks 4 Kidz Afterschool Class Grades 5th and 6th Build LEGO® brick models that move! School may be back in session, but we are still reminiscing about summer break by building models of a jet ski, paddleboat, helicopter and more using LEGO® bricks, motors and remote controls to demonstrate concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). All models are tailored toward your child’s age. Each student will take home a custom mini figure at the end of the session. We Learn, We Build, We Play …with LEGO® bricks. *$20 equipment fee paid to instructor first day of class. CLASS # B4K1 B4K2 LOCATION Farms Farms DAY Tues Wed DATES 9/16-10/21 9/17-10/22 TIME 4-5 pm 4-5 pm FEES $64 $64 Bricks 4 Kidz Air, Land, and Sea Instructor: LEGO Bricks 4 Kidz Bricks 4 Kidz Afterschool Class Grades 1st - 4th Build LEGO® brick models that move! School may be back in session, but we are still reminiscing about summer break by building models of a jet ski, paddleboat, helicopter and more using LEGO® bricks, motors and remote controls to demonstrate concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). All models are tailored toward your child’s age. Each student will take home a custom mini figure at the end of the session. We Learn, We Build, We Play …with LEGO® bricks. *$20 equipment fee paid to instructor first day of class. CLASS # LOCATION DAY DATES TIME B4K5 Farms 9/17-10/22 5:306:30pm Wed FEES $64 Babysitters Training ages 11+ Instructor: Marcia Schultz Students must be 11 years old the first day of class Babysitters training class is a great basic course that will teach 11-14 year olds the responsibilities and qualities of being a good babysitter. This course is ideal for current and future babysitters and includes a component on Infant CPR. It teaches the best way to keep children in their care the caregiving skills they need to know and how to manage real life emergencies. Due to the length of this session we advise that you send a snack/meal and beverage with your student. There will be a lunch break. CLASS # BST1 FA BST2 FA BST3 FA LOCATION HESSC HESSC HESSC DAY Sat Sat Sat DATES 9/20 10/4 11/1 TIME 9- 3 pm 9-3 pm 9-3 pm FEES $50 $50 $50 Bricks 4 Kidz Forces of Nature Instructor: LEGO Bricks 4 Kidz Bricks 4 Kidz Afterschool Class Grades 5th and 6th Build LEGO® brick models that move! Explore the amazing and powerful weather phenomenon that occurs on our planet. Students will build and control models such as tornado, earthquake, tsunami, and avalanche, using LEGO® bricks, motors and remote controls to demonstrate concepts of geography and geology. All models are tailored toward your child’s age. Each student will take home a custom mini figure at the end of the session. We Learn, We Build, We Play… with LEGO® bricks *$20 equipment fee paid to instructor first day of class. **No class week of November 24 - Thanksgiving CLASS # B4K3 B4K4 LOCATION Farms Farms DAY Tues Wed DATES 11/4-12/16 11/5-12/17 TIME 4-5 pm 4-5 pm FEES $64 $64 Bricks 4 Kidz Forces of Nature Instructor: LEGO Bricks 4 Kidz Bricks 4 Kidz Afterschool Class Grades 1st - 4th Build LEGO® brick models that move! Explore the amazing and powerful weather phenomenon that occurs on our planet. Students will build and control models such as tornado, earthquake, tsunami, and avalanche, using LEGO® bricks, motors and remote controls to demonstrate concepts of geography and geology. All models are tailored toward your child’s age. Each student will take home a custom mini figure at the end of the session. We Learn, We Build, We Play… with LEGO® bricks *$20 equipment fee paid to instructor first day of class. **No class week of November 24- Thanksgiving CLASS # LOCATION DAY DATES TIME B4K6 Farms 11/5-12/17 5:306:30pm Wed FEES $64 YOUTH ENRICHMENT ! NEW!! The Power of Drawing Jr. Theater Instructor: Young Rembrants Grades 1st - 4th This fall, “The Power of Drawing” is coming to Hartland! With its special kid-tested methodology and a foundation of visual skills, students will experience increased levels of mastery and confidence and have tons of fun doing so! These new sessions will be bringing anime cartooning, portraiture, the body in action, and graphic design as we learn to train our eyes to observe, see and make creative choices. Our classes are designed to build on one another with our 6 year curriculum. Come join the fun as you learn how important drawing skills are in training the brain to think and create! CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES POD1 Farms Tue POD2 Creekside Wed POD3 Farms Tues POD4 Creekside Wed 3:554:55pm 3:55-4:55 pm 3:554:55pm 3:554:55pm Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 6 $85 9/30 - 10/28 $85 10/1-10/29 $85 11/4-12/9 $85 11/5-12/10 *No Class Nov. 25 & 26 Instructor: Jacqueline Murphy Grade: 1-6 Students will explore the world of theater focusing on stage presence and getting into various characters. We will use many fun theater exercises to help students gain confidence in front of an audience and improve their stage performance. We wrap up this this class with a short performance on the final day of the session for friends and family members. HJT FA HESSC/Commons Mon 9/15-11/3 5-7 pm $180 Diaper Dancing Instructor: Jacqueline Murphy In this creative movement class, students will improve balance, coordination and gross motor skills as they explore body movement using music and props such as scarfs, maracas, balls, parachutes and more! This class incorporates elements of theater and tumbling. This Mommy & Me class setting with parent and child 18 months - 2 1/2 years. DD FA HESSC Fri 9/12-10/31 10-10:45 am $90 A Fancy Nancy Butterfly Tea Party Instructor: Andrea Boulanger Ages 6-8 yr olds Your little mademoiselle is cordially invited to attend our Fancy Nancy “Bonjour Butterfly” Tea Party! Come join our fun as we celebrate the book, “Bonjour Butterfly” by Jane O’Connor. As we listen to the story we will learn to how to be ‘fancy like Nancy” and say fancy French words. We will also learn how to do the Tea Party Curtsy Dance and create our very own magical butterfly doll! Our special day will end with Fancy Nancy butterfly crafts, snacks and a teacup you can bring home! Class size limited to 12. KP1 FA HESSC Sat 9/20 10-11:30 am $20 *Please note: Activity Fee of $15 payable to instructor first day of class Familes Make Music Instructor: Susan Hiipakka, MusicWise Ages 2-5 with parent You and your child/children will learn delightful songs, dances and musical activities that focus on singing and keeping a steady beat to enhance timing, coordination, listening and language skills. Instruments are used alongside puppets, stories and colorful props to make this a very special music time. Children of different ages will enjoy and interact differently, depending of development of the child. The teacher engages with each student in age appropriate ways. The repetition of activities and songs assists participation, language development and memory and improves coordination and timing. Children learn to express their feelings productively in a game-like atmosphere. The activities also help to develop the imagination and the ability to focus. If You Give A Cat A Cupcake Party FMM FA HESSC Wed KP2 FA HESSC Sat 10/4 10-11:30 am $20 *Please note: Activity Fee of $15 payable to instructor first day of class 9/17- 12/10 5- 5:45 pm $130 Instructor: Andrea Boulanger Ages 6-8 yr olds Are you ready for fun with Cat? Come join our party and find out what happens when you give an adorable cat a cupcake with sprinkles. We will play along with the story “If You Give a Cat a Cupcake” by Laura Numeroff and enjoy being just like Cat! Party activities will include Cat’s scavenger hunt at the “museum” and an exciting day at the “beach” with games and crafts. Our snack will include yummy cupcakes that little “cats” can decorate. It will be a Purrrfect Meow & Wow Party! Class size limited to 12. YOUTH CLASSES Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 7 Fancy Nancy’s Posh Puppy Party Tennis Instructor: Andrea Boulanger Ages 6-8 yr olds Instructor: Jan Doke Every Fancy Nancy knows that nothing is better than throwing a fabulous party for your little toy puppy! Come join our fun as we celebrate the book, “Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy” by Jane O’Connor. As we read the book, you will play along with the story by repeating back the fancy, French vocabulary and act out story expressions, emotions and actions. Drama is so very fancy! Everyone will be given their very own toy puppy and decorate a glamorous puppy collar and other accessories for their posh puppy pet! Our special day will end with a special Fancy Nancy Puppy snack. Merci! KP3 FA HESSC Sat 11/1 10-11:30 am $20 *Please note: Activity Fee of $15 payable to instructor first day of class Volleyball Clinic After- school volleyball program for girls in 4th, 5th & 6th grade. Passing, setting, hitting, serves, positions and more. All levels welcome. Come join us for fun drills designed to increase your level of play. We will divide players into groups according to their ability. Kneepads are recommended. Limit 30. V014 F FIS gym Mon 11/3 - 12/8 3:45pm –5:30pm $58 Instructor: Tara Yoerg Mrs. Yoerg will be introducing the children to a variety of new experiences that will enhance developing skills. The program will allow them to explore hands-on activities that will help build self-confidence and social awareness. The class also provides a preschool option for children who will not meet new birth date requirements for our 3 year old program. Parent-tot will allow parents and their children to interact with others in our area and establish a foundation for their early years. The daily routine will include, but is not limited to story time, gross motor play, circle time with finger plays and song. 9:30 – 10:45am Child Care Center $82 Learn dribbling, passing, shooting, throw-ins, game situations and how to use the different parts of the foot. Players need to wear shin guards and tennis shoes and bring a size 3 soccer ball. No cleats in case we are in the gym. Minimum 10, Maximum 24 PKS FA HESSC/Softball Field Wed 9/17- 10/8 5:15 - 6 pm $34 Instructor: Neal Levin You can learn to draw cartoons -- even if you’re a beginner! Neal Levin’s Cartooning Workshop will teach you how through simple instruction and games. You’ll even learn how to make up your own! Fri 9/19 3 - 4:30 pm $20 Acting Scenes & Improvization: Grades 2-5 (Ages 7-10) Instructor: Amy Heard ASI FA 9/8- 10/20 Mon (No class on 9/29) 6-7 pm HESSC $90 Acting Scenes & Improvization: Grades 6-12 (Ages 11-18) ASI2 FA 9/8-10/20 Mon (No class on 9/29) Instructor: Jan Doke 2 years old with parent This is a great introduction to our pre-kickers program. Children and parents will work on very basic soccer skills. Students will work on large motor skills based on soccer type activities. In case of rain - we will meet at the in the HESSC Gym. PTS FA HESSC/Softball Field Wed 9/17 - 10/8 6:15-7:15 pm $34 Jumpin’ All-Stars Jump Rope Class Instructor: Jumpin Allstars For ages 6 and older Learn to Draw Cartoons Farms/Art Rm Pre Kickers Soccer Parent Tot Soccer Parent-Tot Preschool LDC FA T991 FA HESSC Mon 9/8 - 10/13 6 - 7:30 pm $90 *For ages 10 and up *Tennis classes will be moved indoors on rain or inclement weather days. Instructor: Jan Doke for boys and girls ages 3-4 Coach Julie Alie PT14 F Tues 9/30 – 11/18 Students will learn basic tennis skills inclduing: strokes, rules of tennis while improving hand-eye coordination. Tennis will be held at the tennis courts at the Hartland Support Service Center on M-59. Students must bring their own racket. T99 FA HESSC Mon 9/8 - 10/13 5 - 6 pm $60 *For ages 5-9 yr olds 7:15-8:15 pm HESSC $90 For more information or class descriptions, call 810.626.2150. To learn more about the instructor, visit Boys and girls ages 6 and up are invited to join instructors from the Jumpin Allstars, a competitive/performance jump rope team, to learn jump rope techniques for single rope, double dutch and more. This class is all about fun and fitness. No experience needed to participate. There is a $10 fee for beaded jump rope paid to the instructor first day of class. Arrive 15 min. early to have your rope sized. JR101 FA FIS/Commons Wed 10/15-11/19 5-6 pm $60 *PLEASE NOTE: There are “NO REFUNDS” for 1 day classes or workshops or classes 1-4 sessions in length. You may designate a substitute participant if you cannot attend. A refund will be issued on classes five (5) sessions or longer MINUS a $10 Processing Fee per class or program. HARTLAND DANCE A ll dance classes will be held in the dance studios located in the Hartland Educational Support Service Center. Ms. Teresa, Ms. Kimberly and Ms. Denise are returning again this year for another wonderful year of instruction. We are excited to welcome Ms. Marissa and Ms. Grace to our dance family. We are pleased to offer teachers with lots of teaching experience who love children and dance. The program is structured so the dancers receive at least 30 weeks of classroom instruction. The program begins in September and ends with a Dance Recital scheduled for May 15 and 16, 2015. All classes participate in the recital, with the exception of the Princess classes. The success of the recital depends on participation in both the Fall and Winter sessions. Please understand that upon acceptance of your fall registration by Hartland Community Education, that your child is guaranteed a spot in the winter-to-recital session. Tuition Payments for RECITAL CLASSES ONLY (Princess and Gym/Dance classes need to paid in full at time of registration): Payment Option #1: You can pay your entire years’ class tuition before September 12 and receive a 5% discount off your total (Your best deal). Payment Option #2: Payment can be broken into two smaller equal payments by semester with tuition being due at the time of registration and the second semester payment due by January 30, 2015. Payment Option #3: This option is only available if you use Hartland Community Education’s Monthly Tuition Payment. A Debit/Credit Card is the only form of payment accepted for this payment option. You will need to leave a credit card number on file with the Community Ed office and they will process your payment each month by the 5th of that month. Your payment will be broken down into 8 equal monthly payments that include a $2 service fee each month. The first installment will be due at the time of registration and the following 7 payments will be made automatically with April 2015 being the last payment. TUITION RATES for 2014-15 SEASON CLASS FEES 30 min. 45 min FALL WINTER ANNUAL MONTHLY 5% discount $88 $110 $88 $110 $176 $220 $24 $29.50 $167 $209 60 min $115 $115 $230 $30.75 $218.50 Princess Class – 6 week session $48 (needs to be paid at registration) W e are also giving a class discount! If you or your family takes 3 or more RECITAL classes (princess and Gym/Dance classes do not count) you will receive a $2 discount each month ($16 for the year), if you take 4 classes you will receive a $4 discount each month ($32 for the year) and if you take 5 or more classes you will receive a $6 discount each month ($48 for the year). The discount only applies to Payment Option 2 and 3. Option 1 is still the best deal. Dress Code: ALL HAIR must be pulled away from the face (for all levels/classes). Ballet/Pointe Classes: Wear leotard, skirt/shorts and tights of any color. All other classes: Leotards are recommended but not required. Wear fitted clothing like t-shirts, tanks, shorts, capris, or dance skirts. Tights are optional for class but required for recital. Boys- comfortable clothes such as sweatpants and t-shirt. Everyone- NO JEANS! Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 8 DYNAMIC EXPRESSIONS OPEN HOUSE August 26 & 27 at 6:30-8:30 pm Outside Studio A at the Hartland Educational Support Service Center ! Dancers will be able to order shoes, meet teachers and register for upcoming classes. MONDAY (classes start 9/8) STUDIO A* – See Teacher Initials after class time DA150 – Ballet (1-2 experience) 6-8 yrs old – 4:40-5:10 - TD DA151 – Tap (1-2 yr exp) 6-8 yrs old - 5:15-5:45- TD DA152 – Tap (1 yr exp) 13 + yrs old – 5:50-6:20 - TD DA153 – Jazz/Hip Hop (1 yr exp) 8-10 yrs old - 6:20-7:20 - TD DA154 – Hip Hop MA (placement by teacher) - 7:10-7:40 - TD DA155 – Jazz/Lyrical MA (placement by teacher)- 7:45-8:45 - TD STUDIO B* – See Teacher Initials after class time DB160 – Pointe MB (placement by teacher) - 4:40-5:40 - MM DB161 – Ballet (5 + yrs exp) 10-12 yrs old – 5:40-6:25 - MM DB162 – Beg. Ballet (0-1 yrs exp) 5-7 yrs old – 6:30-7:00 - MM DB163 – Beg. Tap (0-1 yrs exp) 5-7 yrs old - 7:00-7:30 - MM DB164 - Ballet (6+ yrs exp) 13+ yrs old – 7:35-8:20 - MM TUESDAY (Classes start 9/9) STUDIO A* - See Teacher Initials after class time DA250 – Tap (5+ yrs exp) – 10-11 yrs old - 4:35-5:05 - TD DA251 - Hip Hop TA1 (placement by teacher) - 5:10-5:40 - TD DA252 – Ballet (2-3 yrs exp) 7-8 yrs old– 5:40-6:10 - TD DA253 – Beg. Jazz (no exp) 7-8 yrs old – 6:10-6:40 - TD DA254 – Tap (2-3 yrs exp) 7-9 yrs old - 6:40-7:10 - TD DA255 – Jazz/Tap Combo (no exp) 7-10 yrs old - 7:15-8:00 - KR DA256 - Hip Hop TA2 (placement by teacher) - 8:05-8:35 - TD STUDIO B*-See Teacher Initials after class time DB260 – Jazz/Lyrical TB1 (placement by teacher) - 5:50-6:50 - MM DB261 - Jazz/Lyrical TB2 (placement by teacher) - 6:55-7:55 - MM DB262 - Pointe (placement by teacher) - 8:00-9:00 - TB WEDNESDAY (Classes start 9/10) STUDIO A *– See Teacher Initials after class time DA350 – Ballet (0-2 yrs exp) 8-10 yrs old – 4:30-5:00 - DC DA351 - Tap (0-2 yrs exp) 8-10 yrs old – 5:05-5:35 - DC DA352 – Jazz (0-1 yrs exp) 8-10 yrs old – 5:35-6:05 - DC DA353 – Tap (placement by teacher) – 6:10-6:55 - DC DA354 – Jazz/Lyrical WA (placement by teacher) – 7:00-8:00 - DC DA355 – Hip Hop WA (placement by teacher) – 8:05-8:35 - TD STUDIO B*- See Teacher Initials after class time DB360 – Jazz/Hip Hop (2-3 yrs exp) 9-11 yrs old – 4:30-5:30 - TD DB361 – Jazz/Lyrical WB (placement by teacher) – 5:35-6:35 - TD DB362 - Hip Hop WB (placement by teacher) - 6:35-7:05 - TD THURSDAY (Classes begin 9/11) STUDIO A* – See Teacher Initials after class time DA450 – Beg. Ballet/Tap Combo (no exp) 4-6 yrs old – 4:45-5:30 - KR DA451 - Tap (3-4 yrs exp) 8-10 yrs old – 5:35-6:05 - KR DA452 – Jazz/ Hip Hop (0-1 yrs exp) 8-10 yrs old- 6:05-7:05 - KR DA453 – Jazz/Lyrical THA (placement by teacher) – 7:05-8:05 - KR DA454 - Hip Hop THA (placement by teacher) – 8:05-8:35 - KR STUDIO B*- See Teacher Initials after class time DB460 – Beg. Ballet (0-1 yrs exp) 4-6 yrs old – 4:40-5:10 - DC DB461 – Beg. Tap (0-1 yrs exp) 4-6 yrs old – 5:15-5:45 - DC DB462A – Princess (Ariel) (6wks 9/11-10/16) – 5:50-6:20 - DC DB462B – Princess (Belle) (6wks 10/30-12/11) – 5:50-6:20 - DC DB463 - Beg. Ballet/Tap Combo (no exp) 4-6 yrs old – 6:25-7:10 - TD DB464 – Jazz/Hip Hop (0-2 yrs exp) 11-13 yrs old- 7:15-8:15 - TD * - Rooms subject to change. YOUTH RECREATION Sports Starters Sanchin-Ryu: Karate for Kids ages 3 – 5 Instructor: Coach Dave, Leisure Unlimited Toddlers will love this first introduction to sports such as soccer, hockey, basketball, football, tee-ball, volleyball, lacrosse and more! Using silly games, hula hoops, Frisbees and soft balls, toddlers learn throwing, catching and kicking with easy-to-understand instructions. Our emphasis is on effort and sportsmanship for a positive learning experience. Wear gym shoes and bring a water bottle. Toddlers must be potty-trained and age three by the first day of class. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES SS1 FA HESSC/Gym Fri SS2 FA HESSC/Gym Fri 10:3011:30 am 10:3011:30 am $62 9/19 - 10/24 $62 11/7-12/19 No class 11/28 Kiddie Sports ages 4 - 6 Instructor: Coach Dave, Leisure Unlimited Introduce your kids to the world of sports. We instruct the basics of the following sports: soccer, tee-ball, kickball, basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, and kickball. We’ll also play some silly games. Our class emphasis is on effort, cooperation and teamwork to make this a positive learning experience. Children must be 4 by the first class and must be potty-trained. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES KS1 FA HESSC Thurs KS2 FA Childcare Center Thurs 6:15 -7:10 pm 6:15-7:10 pm $62 9/18 - 10/23 $62 11/6-12/18 No class 11/27 Basketball for ages 7-10 Instructor: Coach Dave, Leisure Unlimited Players will learn or improve their individual shooting, dribbling and passing techniques through skill-oriented drills, games and scrimmages. In addition, we'll cover rules, positions, offense and defense. Bring a water bottle and wear gym shoes. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES BB1 FA HESSC Thurs BB2 FA Childcare Center Thurs Flag Football 7:15 -8:15 pm 7:15-8:15 pm Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 9 $62 9/18 - 10/23 $62 11/6-12/18 No class 11/27 for students in grades 4-6 Instructor: Chris Anderson Teams will be made up of approximately nine students. Students play both offense and defense. Students switch equally between offensive line and receiver. All students play on every snap. Need minimum of 18, max 36. Bring your own water. FF46 FA 6 weeks Thurs 9/25- 10/30 3:45-5 pm FIS/Playground $52 Grades K-8 (ages 4-14) Instructor: Sensie, Vito Caruso, 2nd degree Black Belt Our program combines two crucial courses into one, Sanchin-Ryu Karate & Self Defense and Project: Secure Child (child safety). Students will be trained with proven, age-appropriate techniques that are necessary for kids to protect themselves. This program is set in a fun, yet structured environment which will give your child a positive outlook on learning a martial art. Instructors maintain continual certification to ensure the highest level of quality instruction for their students. This is an ongoing course where students have the opportunity to continue their education in the same location with no hidden fees. Uniforms are available but not required. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES K500 FA HESSC/ Rm54 K501 FA HESSC/ Rm54 Tue 6-7 pm $28 9/16 - 10/28 Tue 6-7 pm $28 11/4-12/16 Sanchin-Ryu: Karate for Families For ages 4-85 Instructor: Sensei, Vito Caruso, 2nd degree Black Belt Set in a fun, non-competitive and informative atmosphere, this program allows parents to learn alongside their children. Physical techniques will be instructed along with drills and exercises, to help you have a positive experience with your self-defense education. Sanchin-Ryu will teach you how to use your whole body, rather than just certain muscle groups, so size and stature are not an issue! Family rate of $56 applied to this class. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES K510 FA HESSC/ Rm54 K511 FA HESSC/ Rm54 Tue Tue 7:05-8:05 pm 7:05-8:05 pm $56 9/16 - 10/28 $56 11/4-12/16 After School Fitness Class Instructor: Debbie Hamina Kids! Stay after school and have some fun being fit! Join Debbie Hamina, a Certified Group Fitness Instructor, for 6 week sessions of classes. Classes will use Yoga, Pilates, Aerobics, Moving to Music, and much more to make getting (and staying) in shape fun! Classes for Elementary and Intermediate School Ages are on Tuesdays or Thursdays right after school. On Tuesdays they are at Farms Intermediate School and Thursdays they are at Village Elementary.Classes for Middle School Ages are on Wednesdays right after school at Ore Creek. $36 for each 6 week session CLASS # ASF1 F ASF2 F ASF3 F ASF4 F ASF5 F ASF6 F LOCATION Farms Ore Creek Village Farms Ore Creek *NO CLASS Village *NO CLASS DAY Tues Wed Thurs Tues Wed 11/26 Thurs 11/27 DATES 9/23-10/28 9/24-10/29 9/25-10/30 11/11-12/16 11/12-12/17 TIME 4-5pm 2:30-3:30pm 4-5pm 4-5 pm 2:30-3:30pm FEES $36 $36 $36 $36 $30 11/12-12/18 4-5pm $30 GYMNASTICS Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 10 HARTLAND COMMUNITY EDUCATION INTRODUCTORY GYMNASTICS PROGRAM FALL - 10 Weeks Classes begin week of Sept. 8-12 and end week of Nov.10-14, 2014 CLASS# G910 F G911 F G912 F G913 F G914 F G915 F G916 F G917 F G918 F G919 F NAME Parent-Tot Parent-Tot Parent-Tot Parent-Tot Parent-Tot Parent-Tot 3 yr old 3 yr old 3 yr old 3 yr old DAY Mon Tues Tues Wed Wed Fri Mon Mon Mon Tues TIME FEES 6:00-6:45 pm $110 10:45-11:30 am $110 5:45-6:30 pm $110 9:30-10:15 am $110 10:15-11:00 am $110 9:30-10:15 am $110 9:30-10:15 am $120 11:15-12 pm $120 6:45-7:30 pm $120 11:30-12:15pm $120 G920 F 3 yr old Wed 11:00-11:45 $120 9/10-11/12 G921 F G922 F G923 F G924 F G925 F G926 F G927 F G928 F G929 F G930 F G931 F G932 F G933 F 3 yr old 3 yr old 3 yr old 3 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 4 yr old 5 & 6 yr old Wed Thur Fri Fri Mon Tues Tues Tues Wed Wed Thur Thur Mon 5:45-6:30 pm 9:30-10:15 am 10:15-11:00 am 11:00-11:45 am 10:15-11:15 am 9:30-10:30 am 12:30-1:30 pm 4:45-5:45 pm 1:00-2:00 pm 6:30 - 7:30 pm 10:15-11:15 am 12:30-1:30 pm 1:15-2:15 pm $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 9/10-11/12 9/11-11/13 9/12-11/14 9/12-11/14 9/8-11/10 9/9-11/11 9/9-11/11 9/9-11/11 9/10-11/12 9/10-11/12 9/11-11/13 9/11-11/13 9/8-11/10 G934 F DATES 9/8-11/10 9/9-11/11 9/9-11/11 9/10-11/12 9/10-11/12 9/12-11/14 9/8-11/10 9/8-11/10 9/8-11/10 9/9-11/11 5 & 6 yr Mon 5:00-6:00 pm $120 9/8-11/10 old G935 F 5 & 6 yr Tues 6:30-7:30 pm $120 9/9-11/11 old G936 F 5 & 6 yr Wed 4:45-5:45 pm $120 9/10-11/12 old G937 F * *5 & 6 yr Thur 4:30-5:30 pm $120 9/11-11/13 old G938 F *Adv Beg. Thur 5:30-6:30 pm $120 9/11-11/13 Girls G939 F *Adv Beg. Thur 6:30-7:30 pm $120 9/11-11/13 Boys * PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR REQUIRED **5&6 yr.olds looking to do advance skills, to get ready for our girls/boys adv. Classes. Gymnastics/Dance Fun Instructors: Jan Doke & Teresa Dorough This class will give your son or daughter the chance to enjoy both dance and gymnastics. The hour long class will be divided into 2 half hour sessions, one focusing on dance and one focusing on gymnastics. This class will develop large and small motor skills while learning basic dance and gymnastic skills. The last day of class will end with a small dance/gymnastic routine, free-time fun and parachute play. This class is for boys and girls, ages 4 – 6 years old. GD901 F Gym/Dance Fun Mon 12:15-1:15 pm $120 9/8-11/10 DECEMBER MINI-SESSION Classe s be gin t he w e e k o f D e c e m be r 2 - 4 a nd e nd w e e k o f D e c e m be r 1 6 - 1 8 CLASS# G910 F2 G911 F2 G912 F2 G913 F2 G914 F2 G915F2 G916 F2 G917 F2 G918 F2 G919 F2 G920 F2 G921 F2 G922 F2 G923 F2 G924 F2 G925 F2 NAME DAY Parent-Tot Tue Parent-Tot Tue Parent-Tot Wed 3 yr old Tue 3 yr old Wed 3 yr old Wed 3 yr old Thur 3 yr old Thur 4yr old Tue 4 yr old Tue 4 yr old Wed 4 yr old Thur 5 & 6 yr old Tue 5 & 6 yr old Tue 5 & 6 yr old Thur **Adv Beg. Thur Girls G926 F2 **Adv Beg. Thur Boys TIME FEES DATES 10:45-11:30 am $33 12/2-12/16 5:45-6:30 pm $33 12/2-12/16 9:30-10:15 am $33 12/3-12/17 11:30-12:15 pm $36 12/2-12/16 10:15-11 am $36 12/3-12/17 12:15-1 pm $36 12/3-12/17 9:45-10:30 am $36 12/4-12/18 4:45-5:30 pm $36 12/4- 12/18 12:30-1:30 pm $36 12/2-12/16 4:45-5:45 pm $36 12/2-12/16 11 am- 12 pm $36 12/3 - 12/17 10:30-11:30 am $36 12/4-12/18 9:30-10:30 am $36 12/2-12/16 6:30-7:30 pm $36 12/2-12/16 1 -2:00 pm $36 12/4-12/18 5:30 - 6:30 pm $36 12/4-12/18 6:30 - 7:30 pm $36 12/4-12/18 GYMNASTICS Girls Gymnastics Fall 2014 Beginner: This is for the beginning gymnast who has never taken gymnastics or for those who have taken a class and have not yet mastered a forward roll, backward roll, and bridge. This class includes warm-up, stretching, conditioning, as well as an introduction to vault, bars, beam, floor, tumble trak and pit activities. Beginner Classes Fall Session 1- M- 8 weeks, F- 7 weeks *No class Friday 10/31 GB15 F1 5-8 Beginner M 4:30-5:30 $96.00 9/8-10/27 5-8 Beginner F 4:30-5:30 $84.00 GB56 F1 9/12-10/24 Beginner Classes Fall Session 2- M-7 weeks, F-6 weeks *No class Friday 11/28 GB15 F2 5-8 Beginner M 4:30-5:30 $84.00 11/3-12/15 GB56 F2 5-8 Beginner F 4:30-5:30 $72.00 11/7-12/19 Beginner 2: This class is a continuation for the beginning gymnast who needs to master her cartwheels on each side. She will continue to perfect different variations of rolls with proper hand placements in this class. Beginner 2 Classes Fall Session 1 – W- 8 weeks, F- 7 weeks *No class Friday 10/31 5-8 Beginner 2 W 4:30-5:30 $96.00 GBB35 F1 9/10-10/29 5-8 Beginner 2 F 5:30-6:30 $84.00 GBB55 F1 9/12-10/24 Beginner 2 Classes Fall Session 2 – W- 7 weeks, F- 6 weeks *No class Friday 11/28 GBB35 F2 5-8 Beginner 2 W 4:30-5:30 $84.00 11/5-12/17 GBB55 F2 5-8 Beginner 2 F 5:30-6:30 $72.00 11/7-12/19 Intermediate: This class is an intermediate level of gymnastics. We progress with intermediate skills working on the handstand, backward roll to push-up, bridge kick-over and round off. Work continues on the beam, bars, and vault. A coach must pass the gymnast into this class. Intermediate Classes Fall Session 1 M- 8 weeks, W- 8 weeks, F- 7 weeks *No class Friday 10/31 GIN17 F1 9+ Intermediate M 5:30-6:30 $96.00 9/8-10/27 GIN35 F1 5-8 Intermediate W 5:30-6:30 $96.00 9/10-10/29 GIN54 F1 5-8 Intermediate F 6:30-7:30 $84.00 9/12-10/24 Intermediate Classes Fall Session 2- M- 7 weeks, W- 7 weeks, F- 6 weeks *No class Friday 11/28 9+ Intermediate M 5:30-6:30 $84.00 GIN17 F2 11/3-12/15 GIN35 F2 5-8 Intermediate W 5:30-6:30 $84.00 11/5-12/17 GIN54 F2 5-8 Intermediate F 6:30-7:30 $72.00 11/7-12/19 Keep an eye on our updated website and our Facebook page for upcoming events, deals and clinics! Great discount! If a gymnast takes more than one class in the same session, she can get a $10 discount on the second class! You must register on the phone or at Community Ed to get this discount, no online registration discounts available. Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 11 9+ Recreational gymnastics: This class is for all girls 9+ who are looking to improve their gymnastics and tumbling skills. The class is set up to accommodate every skill level from Beginner to Advanced. 9+ Recreational Fall Session 1- M-8 weeks GR17 F1 9+ Recreational M 7:30-8:30 96.00 9/8-10/27 9+ Recreational Fall Session 2- M-7 weeks GR17 F2 9+ Recreational M 7:30-8:30 $84.00 11/3-12/15 Intermediate 2: This class is a continuation of the intermediate level. We continue to prepare the girls for the advanced class by working on the last 1 or 2 skills they need to be passed into the next level. These girls are hand selected by the coach. Intermediate 2 Classes Fall Session 1- 8 weeks M/W 6:00-7:30 $192.00 GIN216 F1 Intermediate 2 9/8-10/29 Intermediate 2 Classes Fall Session 2- 7 weeks GIN216 F2 Intermediate 2 M/W 6:00-7:30 $168.00 11/3-12/17 Advanced: This is an advanced level of gymnastics following Intermediate 2. You must be able to do a good round off and back walkover on the floor, and a pullover on the bars. You must have an invitation by a coach to enter the advanced gymnastics level. In this class you will increase work on conditioning and strength, and begin working on more difficult skills such as rolls on the beam, handstand flop vaults, back and front hip circles on bars, and tumbling with back and front handsprings. Advanced Classes Fall Session 1 – 8 weeks GA26 F1 Advanced T/TH 6:30-8:30 $ 256 9/9-10/30 Advanced Classes Fall Session 2 – 7 weeks *No class Th 11/27 GA26 F2 Advanced T/TH 6:30-8:30 $208 11/4-12/18 Advanced 2: This class is offered for those gymnasts who have mastered the Advanced level. This will be a continuation of Advanced. Gymnasts will continue to perfect their Round off back handsprings, learn dive rolls and front handsprings, back and front hip circles on bars, along with stride circles and casts. On beam they will work handstands, cartwheels and perfect their jumps and leaps. This class will help to prepare you for the competitive team. Advanced 2 Classes Fall Session 1- 8 weeks *No class T 4/15 or Th 4/17 GAA24 F1 Advanced 2 T/TH 4:30-7:00 9/9-10/30 Advanced 2 Classes Fall Session 2 – 7 weeks *No class Th 11/27 GAA24 F2 Advanced 2 T/TH 4:30-7:00 11/4-12/18 $299 $243 Hartland Gymnastics Parent Night-Out The kids will have a blast playing at the gym, while you enjoy the evening without them. They will enjoy open gym, a movie and/or games and snack. All kids ages 5 and up are welcome. The fee is $19 per child with $2 discount per 1 additional sibling. No need to be a part of Hartland Gymnastics. Waiver and Release required at drop off. You may sign one at the door or ding one at www. Plan ahead, here are the dates for the whole year: Sept 19th, Oct 17th, Nov. 21st, Jan 19th, Feb 13th, March 20th, April 17th, May 15th Time:7:30 pm -10:30 pm TEAM GYM/ ADULT Team Gymnastic Fall 2014 Schedule Team hours start Tuesday, September 2 Team Coaches: Anne Curtis, Bernie Pletcher, Janine Plott, Cathy Short, Samantha Zach Auto pay & Reg pay Late Discount on 1st after5th before 1st G953$204$214$224 Level 3 W/Th 4:30-8:30 pm S* 8:30 am -12:30 pm *when competition season starts once a month 8:30 am -2pm G954 Level 4$204$214$224 Tue/Wed/Fri: 4:30-8:30 pm G955 Level 5$239$249$259 M/T/TH/F: 4:30-8:30 pm G956 Level 6 M/T/Th/F: 3-7 pm G967 Level 7-10 M/T/TH/F: 3 -7 pm Sat: 8:30 am -12:30pm G961 Xcel 2 days Mon: 6 pm -9pm Sat: 11:30 am -2:30pm $239 $249 $259 $269 $279 $289 $149 $159 $169 G962 Xcel 3 days Mon: 3:30-6:30 pm$189$199$209 Wed: 6 -9 pm Sat: 8:30 am -11:30am GT2 TOPS M/W: 4:45-6:45pm$149$159$169 Sat: 12 -2 pm GHHOPES Tues: 4:45-7:45 $60 *Invitation only $70 $80 GH1 Hot Shots Wed: 4:30-5:30pm$96$106$116 Sat: 12:30-2:30pm *HOPES: This program will follow the USAG HOPES guidelines and will be offered by invitation only, which will be determined by our head team coaching staff. Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 12 *Computer classes taught by Instructor Ron Greener Microsoft Word I This course teaches Microsoft Word, version 2007/10, a popular word-processing program for the workplace. In this course students will learn to create letters, reports and announcements. You will learn how to set margins, enter and modify text, spell check, set fonts, insert pictures, format text, set tabs, apply borders and shading, and insert headers and footers. It also covers format painter, auto text, tables, page numbering, indentation, page breaks, numbering and bulleting. Familiarity with the mouse and keyboard is recommended. Book fee $30 is payable to the instructor at class. C100-1 FA HESSC Thurs 10/2-10/9 6:30-8:30pm $40 Microsoft Word II This class picks up where Part I left off. It covers the mail merge feature of Word used for creating mailing labels, envelopes and form letters. Also covered are footnotes, page numbering, indentation, setting tabs, page breaks and entering citations as required for research papers. Same book used as in Part I. C102-1 FA HESSC Thurs 10/16-10/23 6:30-8:30pm $40 Excel I This course teaches Microsoft Excel, version 2007/10. It prepares you to be proficient with financial tasks done in the office as well as at home such as preparing sales reports, tracking household expenses, and balancing your checkbook. Students will learn to enter data and do basic arithmetic calculations, answer “whatif” questions, create charts and graphs, copy and paste, as well as save and open files. Excel is a necessary skill for office workers, students, and those seeking employment. Basic computer experience is recommended. The book fee is $30 and payable to the instructor at class. C210 FA HESSC Tue 9/16-9/23 6:30-8:30pm $40 Excel II Microsoft Excel II picks up where Part I left off. Topics covered include creating an amortization, using Excels database features, creating a mailing list and merging it into letters, envelopes and mailing labels, and embedding spreadsheet reports into MS Word letters. Basic EXCEL experience is recommended. Use same book as Excel I. C220 FA HESSC Tue 9/30-10/7 6:30-8:30pm $40 Microsoft Excel III This course is an extension of the Excel I & II courses. Topics covered include IF, NESTED IF, and VLOOKUP functions as well as MACROS and CHARTING and CONDITIONAL FORMATTING. Recommended pre-requisite: Excel I & II. Same book used. C230 FA HESSC Tue 10/14-10/21 6:30-8:30pm $40 Introduction to Computers This is an introductory class for the beginner. In this course you will learn how the computer works and how to get started with basic computer skills. Students will learn to identify the parts of Windows, to use the mouse, write letters, save and open files, print as well as cut & paste. Additionally, you will learn how to delete files, make folders and sub-folders and do other file management tasks. You will learn on Windows 7 computers. No previous experience required. ITC FA HESSC Thurs 9/18-9/25 6:30-8:30pm $40 Maintaining Your Computer I This course is a must for those wanting to keep their computer running smoothly. The course teaches how a computer works, speeding up your computer, deleting unneccessary files, deframenting your hard disk, checking your hard disk for errors, recovering from a lockup and adding and deleting shortcuts from the desktop. Basic computer experience is recommended. *Note: There is a $35 book fee payable to the instructor at the first class. C202 FA HESSC Tue 10/28 - 11/4 6:30-8:30pm $40 ADULT CLASSES Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 13 Maintaining Your Computer II Remove virus and spyware, backing up your files, saving to a flash disk, installing and removing programs, system restore, recovery disks, routers, monitoring system performance, measuring line speed, screen capture, zipping files for emailing attachments, making folders, adjusting screen resolution, copy and pasting files, clearing cache, cookies and history files, Windows Security Center and more. Basic computer experience is recommended. Use same book as Maintaining Your Computer I. 6:30-8:30pm $40 C203 FA HESSC Tue 11/11 - 11/18 Microsoft PowerPoint This course teaches PowerPoint 2007/2010. It is for teachers, students, salesmen, managers, lawyers and others who give presentations to individuals or groups. In this course, students will learn to create professional presentations using the features within PowerPoint. You will learn to prepare slides with bulleted lists, pictures, sounds, video clips and animation. Basic computer experience is recommended. C300 FA HESSC Thurs 11/13-11/20 6:30-8:30pm $40 Learn to Use Your Electronic Devices Instructor: Monique Martin Have you bought a new tablet/ipad? How about a new smartphone/iphone? Maybe even a new laptop, and you don’t know how to use them. In my class you will learn how to: download applications, use those applications, how to set up your laptop, download programs, how to use such programs, you’ll learn basic computer skills and how to surf the internet; like shopping online, doing research online. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES EDA1 FA HESSC/Rm EDA2 FA HESSC/Rm EDA3 FA HESSC/Rm Mon Mon Mon 10-11:30am $80 10-11:30am $80 10-11:30am $80 9/15-10/6 10/13-11/3 11/10-12/1 Traditional Rug Hooking Instructor: Suzanne Sandvik Learn the art of traditional rug hooking using hand dyed wool fabric strips. This is both a craft and an art where rugs and mats are made by pulling loops of wool fabric through a base fabric (burlap, monk’s cloth or linen).You will create a beautiful piece of fiber art that will become an heirloom. Students need to bring a pair of small sharp scissor and an embroidery hoop (8-10 inch diameter). There may be additional materials fee due at class. The materials fee for rug hooking will vary from $25 and up depending on the size of your project. RH500 FA Mon 9/15-10/20 7-9 pm HESSC/Rm $45 (plus a materials fee paid to the instructor at first class) RH501 FA Mon 11/3-12/8 7-9pm fee paid to the instructor at first class) HESSC/Rm $45 (plus a materials Wok and Roll Instructor: Chef Tom Lin - As seen on The Food Network You don’t have to own a Wok to be able to learn these tasty dishes. Chef Tom will be teaching you how to make a sweet and savory Honey Sesame Chicken, a Vegetable Chow Mein and a Beef Fried Rice. There’s sure to be something for everyone! WR FA HESSC 10/14 6:30-8:30 pm $40 Basic Sushi Making Instructor: Chef Tom Lin- As seen on The Food Network One of my most popular classes. I will be demonstrating how to make the most beautiful and delectable Sushi. Using the freshest of ingredients, this class will cover how to make a basic sushi rice (that can be incorporated into many sushi dishes), master the art of rolling and forming a variety of lavish and enticing sushi, including California Roll, Spicy Tuna and Vegetable Rolls. BSM FA HESSC 11/17 6:30-8:30 pm $40 ServSafe Training Instructor: Pam Clifford Brown ServSafe is a food safety training and certificate program administered by the National Restaurant Association. The program is accredited by ANSI and the Conference for Food Protection. Sanitation certification is required by most restaurants and food production facilities as a basic credential for their management staff. The ServSafe® manager program provides food safety training to foodservice managers, culinarians or those who would like to learn to implement essential food safety practices. Participants can earn the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification. The program blends the latest FDA Food Code, food safety research and years of food sanitation training experience. *Book fee of $70 included, to be picked up at Community Ed Office prior to start of class. SST FA HESSC Wed 10/22- 11/12 6:30- 8:30 pm $140 Sanchin Ryu-Karate for Adults & Teens Ages 14 and older Instructor: Sensie, Vito Caruso, 2nd degree Black Belt This program is specifically designed to address personal-protection concerns and instruct a broad range of strikes, combinations, footwork and defense tactics. You will receive training on how to deal with, get out of, and counter a multitude of grabs and attack scenarios. Practicing many techniques and tactics will equip you with the confidence you will need to defend yourself against any type of attacker. Learn how to use the whole body for power, making most of your size and strength (regardless of athletic ability. Need a minimum of 6 to offer the class. CLASS# LOCATION DAY TIME FEES DATES SRK520 FA SRK521 FA HESSC/ Rm54 HESSC/ Rm54 Tue Tue 8:05-9:05 pm 8:05-9:05 pm $28 9/16 - 10/28 $28 11/4-12/16 Pickleball Family Fun Nights For all ages Instructor: Jan Doke Ages 8 and up Coached by Jan Doke and friends Come learn the game of pickleball and eat pizza together with your family. This is open to players ages 8 and up with their parents, or a set of 2-4 teenagers or all of you 20, 30 or 40 year olds are encouraged to come play with our seasoned players. We will provide pizza, water, rackets and pickleballs. We will match up one coach at each court and work with the ages of the players on the court. Pickleball is played on a badminton size court with a racket used to hit the waffle ball over a 3 foot high net. This is very similar to tennis and is a great way to maintain your skills once the outdoor tennis season has ended. Schedule of events: 5:30pm – 7pm play pickleball, 7pm -7:30pm enjoy pizza HESSC/Gym $5 pickleball only $10 pickleball & pizza $20 max per family P127 FA P316 FA Friday Friday 10/17 11/14 5:30pm – 7:30pm 5:30pm – 7:30pm ADULT CLASSES Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 14 Scrapbooking 101 Basics of Selling on eBay This introduction to scrapbooking class will give students the confindence and skills needed to create a one-of-a kind scrapbook that will preserve your treasured photos for years to come. Min. of 50 photos for project. Min. 6 to run class. Max 10. A $20 material fee paid to instructor first day of class. SB101 FA Farms Wed 10/15- 11/19 5:30- 6:25 pm $40 Beyond the Basics: Building Your Business on eBay Instructor: Sasha Klavon Watercolor Pencil Workshop- Sunflowers Instructor: Donna Roskamp Learn to paint beautiful projects using watercolor pencils quickly and easily. This class will teach at least three different techniques while completing the project in class. Award Winning Instructor Donna Roskamp teaches the Sunflower project step by step. The instructor provides all supplies. A material fee of $5 is payable to the instructor. WPW FA HESSC Wed 9/24 6:30-8:30 pm $25 *New! Color Pencil Workshop- Pumpkins Instructor: Donna Roskamp Learn the basics of color pencil in this quick and easy workshop. Use prismacolor pencils on artist paper to paint a pumpkins. The class will cover values, contrast and more while completing the project in class. Supplies are provided. A supply fee of $8 is payable to the instructor at class. CPW FA HESSC Thurs 10/30 6:30 - 8:30 pm $25 Acrylic Sunflowers Workshop Instructor: Donna Roskamp Everyone can learn to paint beautiful art quickly and easily with Award Winning, Certified Instructor Donna Roskamp. Learn to paint colorful sunflowers in acrylics as you complete an 11 x14 canvas during class. No previous painting experience required. The project is taught step by step as it is completed in class. All materials are provided for the $10 supply fee payable to the instructor. ASW FA HESSC Thurs 11/6 6:30 - 8:30 pm $25 Holiday Candle on Canvas Workshop Instructor: Donna Roskamp Everyone can learn to paint beautiful art quickly and easily with Award Winning Instructor Donna Roskamp. Learn to paint a lovely Holiday Candle with Poinsteeias in acrylics as you complete an 11 x14 canvas during class. No previous painting experience required. The project is taught step by step as it is completed in class. All materials are provided for the $10 supply fee payable to the instructor. HCW FA HESSC Thurs 12/4 6:30-8:30 pm $25 Silversmithing Livingston Gem & Mineral Society member Robert Krautheim will share his knowledge and help you to make silver jewelry. Materials fee will be based on the market price of the silver at class time. Enrollment is capped at 3 students. HESSC HESSC Wed Wed An advanced eBay selling class is now available for eBay sellers with a little to some experience. Plus $20 materials fee due to the instructor at class. AE108 FA HESSC Wed 10/8 6-9 pm $25/$30 for couple Write and Publish a Book Instructor: Lynne Smelser, Ph.D. *This class is offered online through webinar Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d love to write a book, but I don’t even know where to begin”? Let use help you! Topics include: How to determine if your idea is marketable, Successful approaches to getting organized and creating a schedule that even the busiest person can handle, Important questions about whether you want to pursue traditional or self-publishing and How to begin navigating the waters of self-publishing. WPB FA Mon9/157- 8 pm$50 Successful Script Writing Instructor: Lynne Smelser, Ph.D. *This class is offered online through webinar This is for anyone who would like to develop a script. It covers basic information beginning with brainstorming marketable ideas, script format, and potential marketing outlets. Topics will include: Basic script term, Break down of scenes, Format, Marketing & Documentary Scripts. SSW FAMon9/227-8 pm$50 Job Search Communications Basics Instructor: Lynne Smelser, Ph.D. *This class is offered online through webinar Is it time to dust off your resume and jump back into the job market? Or perhaps your professional life is just beginning and you’ve never done this before? This webinar is the place for job seekers looking for an extra edge. We will discuss: The different types of resumes and the benefits/liabilities of each, 4 fatal communication mistakes to avoid, Creating a winning mindset that will show in your writing, An overview of the different types of contact you can make with a potential employer and two ways to increase effectiveness in all of them and the elements of a great work portfolio even if you’ve never held a job before. JSCB FA Mon10/207-8 pm$50 Writing for Healing Instructor: Lynne Smelser, Ph.D. *This class is offered online through webinar Instructor: Robert Krautheim For ages 12 and up AL300 FA AL400 FA Instructor: Bill DiSessa Want to clear out your garage, make money form a hobby or be your own workfrom-home boss? If so, this Basics of Selling on eBay class, taught by an eBay Education Specialist and Powerseller is for you. Plus $20 materials fee due to the instructor at class. AE101 FA HESSC Tues 10/7 6-9pm $25/$30 for couple 9/24-10/15 10/22-11/12 6-8 pm 6-8 pm $50 $50 Research has shown that writing is an incredibly powerful force in emotional and physical healing. In this webinar we’ll explore: The power of writing to help you heal (and the research that supports it), 3 strategies for general emotional healing, 3 strategies for physical healing, How to use writing to get through the grieving process and Using writing to heal and forgive in broken relationships. WRH FA Mon10/137-8 pm$50 FITNESS & AQUATICS Hartland Community Ed Fall Fitness 2014 – (14 Week Session) September 8 – December 19** **No class Nov 26-28 Rates: (Day and/or Evening) Any 6 classes Any 14 classes (1 class per week) Any 28 classes (2 classes per week) Any 42 classes (3 classes per week) Any 56 classes (4 classes per week) TIME 9:15 am 9:15 am CLASS Tue 9:15 am Wed 9:15 am 9:15 am Thur Fri 9:15 am 9:15 am 9:15 am Yoga Tone Cardio Core Cardio Circuit Training 9:15 am Zumba Cardio Kick Cardio Variety Cardio Circuit Training Cardio Core Cardio Circuit Open Gym/Sports Night at HESSC 8pm – 10pm $4 paid on site • Open Pickleball - Mondays • Open Basketball - Tuesdays & Thursdays • Open Volleyball - Wednesdays & Fridays Hatha Yoga $36 $70 $112 $126 $154 Daytime Classes: DAY Mon Hartland Community Education/Fall 2014/Page 15 INSTRUCTOR LOCATION Kathy/Emily Fitness Room Colleen Ralston Lobby Emily Marone Gym/Fitness Room Debbie Hamina Kathy Breidinger Debbie Hamina Debbie Hamina Kathy Breidinger Lobby Fitness Room Jessie Cambell Lobby Lobby Lobby Gym/Fitness Instructor: Tom Hauer For ages 14 and up Open your mind, body and heart to this class designed for beginners and intermediate level students. Through yoga posture and mindful breathing we can learn to navigate our way through the stress and frantic pace of modern life. Yoga builds strength, flexibility and balance while tapping into our body’s wisdom to heal what ails us. The instructor has more than 16 years experience and is nationally registered (RYT) and Sivananda certified. Wear comfortable clothing and be ready to practice in bare feet. Bring a mat and a small pillow. HY91 HESSC/Rm54 9/17-11/19 Wed 7:15-8:30pm $72 Hartland Pool Fall Swimming & Diving Lessons Register at Session 1: September 15 – October 18 Session 2: October 27 – December 6 Lessons are available: Mondays, Wednesdays 5:15 – 7 pm Saturdays 9:15am - 1 pm Evening Classes: DAY Mon TIME 6:30 pm Tue 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Wed 6:30 pm Thur Thur 6:30 pm 6:30 pm CLASS INSTRUCTOR LOCATION Weight, Balls Lisa Bove Fitness Room & Tramps, Oh My Zumba Boot Camp Body Blast Weight, Balls & Tramps, Oh My Zumba Pilates with ball Jessie Campbell Lobby Jan Limburg Fitness Room Lisa Bove Fitness Room Jessie Campbell Lobby Lisa Bove Fitness Room Register at or call 810-626-2150. *Free babysitting services for all a.m. classes, child must be at least 1 year old. Returning swimmers can register at w w w. h a r t l a n d c o m m u n i t y e d . c o m or call 810.626.2279 beginning July 28. For information on the team, visit our website at Tryouts for new swimmers and the Precompetitive team September 3 and 4 from 6-7:30 pm Hartland’s Caroselli Aquatic Center Daily Schedule: September 2 – December 21, 2014 10635 Dunham Rd., Hartland, MI 48353 - - (810) 626-2279 SUNDAY MONDAY Laps 6:00am – 2:00pm 3 or 6 lanes, check schedule below for # of lanes available at a specific time Deep Water Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 8:30 – 9:20am Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes 9:30-10:30) 8:30 -10:30am TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Laps 6:00am – 2:00pm Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) 8:00 - 9:30am Water Zumba Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 9:30 - 10:20am Open Swim & Laps (3 lanes) 2:30 - 4:00pm Private Rental 4:30-6:00pm Deep Water Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 8:30 – 9:20am Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes 9:30-10:30) 8:30 -10:30am Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) 8:00 - 9:30am Water Zumba Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 9:30 - 10:20am FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 or 6 lanes, check schedule below for # of lanes available at a specific time Adult Open Swim / Laps 7:30 - 9:00am Laps 6:00am – 2:00pm Deep Water Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 8:45 – 9:35am Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes 9:30-10:30) 8:30 -10:30am Splash & Play 10:30 - 11:25am Splash & Play 10:30 - 11:25am Splash & Play 10:30 - 11:25am Splash & Play 10:30 - 11:25am Splash & Play 10:30 - 11:25am Deep Water Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 10:30 - 11:20am Laps (6 lanes) 10:30 – 2:00pm Deep Water Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 10:30 - 11:20am Laps (6 lanes) 10:30 – 2:00pm Deep Water Exercise Class & Laps (3 lanes) 10:30 - 11:20am Arthritis Water Exercise Class & Laps (6 lanes) 11:30am - 12:20pm Private Rental 12:30 - 2:00pm 3 or 6 lanes, check schedule below for # of lanes available at a specific time THURSDAY Arthritis Water Exercise Class & Laps (6 lanes) 11:30am - 12:20pm Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) 12:30 – 2:00pm Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) 11:30am – 2:00pm Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) 12:30 – 2:00pm Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) 11:30am – 2:00pm Team Practice 2:30 – 8:00pm Team Practice 2:30 – 8:00pm Team Practice 2:30 – 8:00pm Team Practice / Meets 2:30 – 8:00pm Swim Lessons 5:15 – 7:00pm Swim Lessons 5:15 – 7:00pm Potpourri Water Exercise Class 7:00 – 7:50pm Potpourri Water Exercise Class 7:00 – 7:50pm Arthritis Water Exercise Class & Laps (6 lanes) 11:30am - 12:20pm Adult Open Swim & Laps (6 lanes) Special Ed (leisure only) 12:30 – 2:00pm Swim Lessons 9:15am –1:00pm Pre-comp team 1:00-2:30pm Private Rental 1:15-2:15pm (leisure pool only) Open Swim & Laps (3lanes) 2:30 - 4:00pm Private Rental 4:30 – 6:00pm Team Practice 2:30 – 7:30pm Private Rental 6:00 – 7:30pm Open Swim & Laps (3 lanes) 7:30 -9:00pm Open Swim & Laps (3 lanes) 7:30 -9:00pm Event Descriptions & Fees Open Swim $5.00 – children under 3 free Splash & Play $5.25 adult & 1 child $1.25 each additional child $2.25 each additional adult Laps $4.00 walk-in Frequency card $75 / 20 visits ($3.75 per visit) Adult Open Swim $3.75 walk-in / *$3.25 senior walk-in Frequency card $63 / 20 visits ($3.15 per visit) Water Exercise Classes $6.25 walk-in / *$5.25 senior walk-in Adult frequency card $100 / 20 classes ($5.00 per class) Senior frequency card $85 / 20 classes ($4.25 per class) Open Swim – All areas of both pools and the hot tub are available. Hot tub is limited to ages 14 and older. Three lap lanes reserved for lap swimmers. Children under the age of 5 must be accompanied by an adult in the water who stays within arms’ length at all times. Children over the age of 5 who can pass a swim test are not required to have an adult in the water. Children who cannot pass a swim test must wear a USCG approved lifejacket at all times, or be one-on-one with a supervising adult. Adult Open Swim – Limited to adults age 18+. Features open access to leisure pool, including the lazy river and hot tub. Access to competition pool for laps may be limited depending on availability. Lap Swimming – Lap swimmers are those who swim in the lap lanes without stopping, except at the ends of the pool. Weekday hours limited to ages 14 & older. Three lap lanes are reserved during Open Swims for lap swimmers. Lap lanes may be limited depending on availability. Splash & Play – This time is set aside just for infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and pm kindergarteners with their adult caregivers. Walk or crawl in the 0” – 2’ play area, featuring a dump bucket, kiddy water slide, bubblers and more. Enjoy the company of other moms and playmates in our warm 86-degree pool. The entire leisure pool and current channel are available. Infants in arms are permitted, but for everyone’ peace of mind, please put all other young children in lifejackets that are USCG approved. Swim Lessons – We offer lessons for all ability levels starting with infants 6 months of age and up. Lessons are offered throughout the year. View available classes and register at or call (810) 626-2279. Water Exercise Classes – See for class descriptions and times. Private Rentals – See for details. Contact Sean Corcoran, Director at (810) 626-2282 for specific dates and availability.
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