Mike Rosenblatt, Ph.D. The 6 x 5 LC-MS/MS Peptide Reference Mixture and Software Analysis Tool (PReMiS™ ) October 2014 Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. Reference Materials for Mass Spectrometry • System Suitability and Quality Control • • Evaluation of Sample Prep Methods • • Sensitivity, Dynamic Range, Separation, etc. Method Development: Proteolysis, Enrichment, Fractionation, etc. Instrument Method Development • Optimization of Instrument Parameters for Discovery Experiments • Optimization for Quantitative Experiments (SILAC, iTRAQ, SRM) Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 2 A Peptide Mixture for LC-MS/MS Methods Development and QC • Mass Spec (MS) instruments are utilized in research, drug discovery, disease monitoring, drug testing, environmental and food safety, etc. • These instruments need to be monitored to avoid sacrificing precious samples. • No reagent exists to determine all LC and MS parameters, in particular sensitivity and dynamic range in a single experimental run. • What if we could introduce a single reagent to report all key instrument performance parameters in a single run? • And what if we provide (free) software to make it even easier? Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 3 Designing an Idealized Peptide Mixture Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. Peptide Selection Process Large collection of Peptides from Human Serum List reduced to 8282 Unique Peptides Removed P,M,W,C,N,Q, N-terminal E/D Kept peptides between 7 and 15 AA long Rejected insoluble and synthetically difficult Synthesized 96 crude peptides Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 5 Retention Time Analysis of 96 Crude Peptides 45 Retention Time (min.) 40 35 30 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 25 20 15 10 5 0 12 14 8 4 17 25 23 26 27 35 58 59 49 56 60 75 77 69 65 7 76 84 94 83 Peptide Identifier Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 6 Final Selection Large collection of Peptides from Human Serum List was reduce to 8282 Unique Peptides Removed P,M,W,C,N,Q, N-terminal E/D Kept all peptides between 7 and 15 AA long Rejected insoluble and synthetically difficult Synthesized 96 crude peptides Narrowed list down to 28 final candidates Decided on final, six peptides Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 7 (Total Ion Current) MS Peak Intensity A mixture of 6 Peptides…or is it? most hydrophilic peptide C18 LC Gradient (increasing hydrophobicity) most hydrophobic peptide LC Chromatogram Peptide Retention Time (minutes) LASVSVSR VVGGLVALR LGFTDLFSK VTSGSTSTSR YVYVADVAAK LLSLGAGEFK Producing a set of peptides for LC monitoring is straightforward… But how will we measure MS sensitivity and dynamic range? Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 8 LC Gradient (increasing hydrophobicity) (Total Ion Current) MS Peak Intensity Sensitivity and Dynamic Range in one LCMS/MS run LC Chromatogram Peptide 1 Peptide 6 (most hydrophobic) (most hydrophilic) Peptide Retention Time (minutes) Intensity Mixture Five isotopologues of Peptide 1 * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * Heavy Labeled AA’s • Sensitivity and dynamic range analysis accomplished via incorporation of stable isotopes • Mixture of 5 isotopologues (differ only by mass) • Each mixed in different amounts to look at sensitivity and dynamic range… (mass) Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 9 Dynamic Range in One Experiment Sequence MW DM 1 LLSLGAGEFK 1072.67318 0.00 2 LLSLGAGEFK 1062.64598 10.03 3 LLSLGAGEFK 1055.62878 7.02 4 LLSLGAGEFK 1048.61158 7.02 5 LLSLGAGEFK 1041.59448 7.02 Intensity (log scale) 1 pmole 0.1 pmole 0.01 pmole 0.001 pmole 0.0001 pmole Peptide Mass (m/z) Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. Corrected Intensity Isomer # 1 pmole 0.1 pmole 0.01 pmole Linear Dynamic range 0.001 pmole 0.0001 pmole Lowest Detected amount Peptide Mass (m/z) 10 A mixture of 6 x 5 = 30 peptides for complete monitoring of LC-MS/MS parameters Hydrophobicity Total Ion Intensity (TIC) (A) VTSGSTSTSR LASVSVSR 509.3(m/z) VVGGLVALR YVYVADVAAK 428.2(m/z) LLSLGAGEFK 459.8(m/z) 566.8(m/z) LGFTDLFSK 1X [Pep] 537.3(m/z) 535.3(m/z) 0.1X [Pep] 530.3 (m/z) 504.7 (m/z) 424.2 (m/z) 562.8 (m/z) 456.3 (m/z) 532.3 (m/z) 502.2 (m/z) 420.7 (m/z) 559.8 (m/z) 453.3 (m/z) 528.8 (m/z) 499.7 (m/z) 417.7 (m/z) 556.8 (m/z) 450.3 (m/z) 525.3 (m/z) 496.7 (m/z) 414.7 (m/z) 553.8 (m/z) 447.3 (m/z) 521.8 (m/z) 0.01X [Pep] 525.3 (m/z) 0.001X [Pep] 521.8 (m/z) 0.0001X [Pep] 518.3 (m/z) (Time(min) ) (C) Log (Peak Height) (B) Log (intensity) (A) 509.3 428.2 (B) 424.2 504.7 (Mass/charge) 509.3 (A) 504.7 (Mass/charge) 428.2 424.2 420.7 502.2 417.7 499.7 496.7 Log (mole) Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. (Mass/charge) 566.8 562.8 (C) Log (mole) 537.3 (E) 532.3 559.8 556.8 459.8 456.3 453.3 450.3 Log (mole) 521.8 518.3 (Mass/charge) 537.3 (E) 532.3 Log (fmole) (Mass/charge) 535.3 530.3 (F) 525.3 528.8 525.3 521.8 447.3 530.3 525.3 525.3 521.8 (Mass/charge) (D) 535.3 (F) 528.8 450.3 447.3 553.8 414.7 456.3 453.3 556.8 553.8 (B) 459.8 (D) 559.8 417.7 414.7 496.7 562.8 420.7 502.2 499.7 566.8 (C) Log (fmole) 521.8 518.3 Log (fmole) 11 Peptide Components Residues in red correspond to amino acids in which all carbon atoms are 13C and all nitrogen atoms are 15N. This is how we impart the mass difference. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 12 Characterization and Quality Testing of the 6 x 5 Peptide Mixture Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. Chromatography RT: 1.72 - 45.08 3.84 100 95 Conditions: Buffer A: 0.1 % Formic Acid Buffer B: 0.1 % Acetonitrile Gradient: 0 – 40 % B in one hour Column: 0.075mm x 15 cm C18 column NL: 1.11E9 Base Peak F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.001600.00] MS msb16749_04 VTSGSTSTSR 90 VVGGLVALR LASVSVSR 85 80 24.91 12.59 29.39 YVYVADVAAK 75 70 LLSLGAGEFK 21.15 65 60 55 LGFTDLFSK 50 45 38.17 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5.73 8.39 10.34 5 10 13.08 15.44 18.16 15 Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 20 21.65 25 Time (min) 26.39 34.48 30.17 30 42.46 44.08 35 40 45 14 Isotope Spacing 3.5 Da 3.5 Da 3.5 Da Peptide MW LLSLGAGEFK LLSLGAGEFK LLSLGAGEFK LLSLGAGEFK LLSLGAGEFK 1041.594 1048.612 1055.629 1062.646 1072.673 Z=2 52 52 52 53 53 5 Da This spectrum, where peptides are mixed 1:1:1:1:1, exemplifies a typical mass spectrum. Because each mass is at least 5 daltons (Z=1), we see no “crosstalk” between isotopic envelopes. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 15 In Process Check: AAA correlates with MS intensity Because we perform AAA we are able to normalize all concentrations per isotopologue. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 16 16 Establishing Full Dynamic Range, LOD and LOQ LASVSVSR (Heavy isotope; 428.27) 10 13.61 50 5.05 5.91 8.50 9.76 11.56 0 100 NL: 3.20E9 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS MSB15830_1pmol082213 14.07 15.40 13.63 20.27 22.71 24.42 25.49 14.09 17.07 13.57 20.28 22.74 24.43 25.54 NL: 2.14E9 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_500fmol082213 500 fmol 50 5.07 6.39 0 100 9.20 11.52 NL: 4.95E8 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_100fmol082213 100 fmol 50 5.06 5.90 0 100 10.14 11.52 50 fmol 50 5.85 0 100 8.39 11.49 13.76 15.42 13.53 14.08 16.34 13.58 5.10 6.87 8.13 10.72 0 100 1 fmol 50 5.78 0 100 14.08 16.40 13.60 16.41 5.06 0 100 NL: 3.33E7 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_10fmol082213 19.96 22.67 24.42 24.98 20.04 24.48 25.08 26.42 24.77 22.68 16.36 7.20 9.21 11.05 19.96 24.97 25.32 13.51 100 amol 50 5.19 0 0 5 22.68 24.96 9.02 11.25 12.68 10 16.32 15 Time (min) 0.1 fmol 1 fmol -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 Log (fmole) 19.92 22.67 24.39 25.59 500 amol 50 7 NL: 2.32E8 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_50fmol082213 22.69 8.67 10.23 13.04 13.52 1 pmol 8 19.99 22.72 24.61 26.06 10 fmol 50 9 6 20.21 20 25.99 NL: 3.06E6 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_1fmol082213 NL: 2.15E6 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_500amol082213 NL: 1.84E6 m/z= 427.77-428.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS msb15830_100amol082213 Log (Peak Height) 1 pmole 100 Log (Peak Height) RT: 0.00 - 29.01 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 y = 1.0695x + 6.4962 R² = 0.9975 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Log (fmole) 25 This should be done first to establish the optimal loading condition. In this example, 0.5 – 1 pmol would be optimal. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 17 Experimental Determination of Instrument Dynamic Range 500 fmol 50 fmol 5 fmol 500 amol 50 amol -2 0 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 4 y = 0.8903x + 6.406 R² = 0.9874 -2 Log (fmol) 0 2 Log (fmol) 4 Log (intensity) Log (intensity) 4 y = 0.9471x + 6.202 R² = 0.9672 -2 0 2 4 Log (fmol) LGFTDLFSK LLSLGAGEFK y = 1.0007x + 6.196 R² = 0.9811 -2 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Log (fmol) VVGGLVALR 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 Log (intensity) y = 1.0754x + 6.2629 R² = 0.9854 YVYVADVAAK 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 y = 0.8401x + 6.5318 R² = 0.9894 Log (intensity) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 LASVSVSR Log (intensiy) Log (intensity) VTSGSTSTSR 9 7 y = 0.8023x + 6.3033 R² = 0.9664 5 3 -2 0 2 Log (fmol) 4 -2 0 2 4 Log (fmol) Instrument: Thermo Q-Exactive. A dynamic range of 5 orders is confirmed as well as a minimum sensitivity of 50 amol. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 18 Multi-Lot Comparison Real Time Stabilty by MS Analysis Peptide 2 14 12 12 10 Pilot 2 8 First Batch (R and D) 6 4 y = 1.07x + 9.6908 R² = 0.9895 0 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 Linear (First Batch (R and D)) 14 12 10 Pilot 2 8 First Batch (R and D) 6 4 y = 0.9243x + 9.0497 R² = 0.9958 2 0 -5.00 0.00 -4.00 Log (pmole) -3.00 12 10 Pilot 2 8 First Batch (R and D) 6 4 y = 0.9409x + 9.588 R² = 0.9939 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 Linear (First Batch (R and D)) 0.00 Log (pmole) Log (Intensity) Log (Intensity) 14 12 -4.00 Pilot 2 8 First Batch (R and D) 6 4 y = 0.9242x + 9.0232 R² = 0.9926 2 0 -5.00 0.00 -4.00 -3.00 -1.00 0.00 Peptide 6 14 12 10 Pilot 2 8 First Batch (R and D) 6 4 y = 0.9762x + 9.6627 R² = 0.9967 2 0 -5.00 -2.00 Linear (First Batch (R and D)) Log (pmole) Peptide 5 14 0 -5.00 -1.00 10 Log (pmole) Peptide 4 2 -2.00 Linear (First Batch (R and D)) -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 Log (pmole) -1.00 0.00 Linear (First Batch (R and D)) Log (Intensity) 2 Peptide 3 Log (Intensity) 14 Log (Intensity) Log (Intensity) Peptide 1 10 Pilot 2 8 First Batch (R and D) 6 4 y = 1.008x + 9.6123 R² = 0.9932 2 0 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 Linear (First Batch (R and D)) 0.00 Log (pmole) Stability after 1.5 years in real time at –20°C (stored in solution) Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 19 Data Analysis: Time Consuming and Tedious But, there is a solution! A PC Based Software tool: • Optional LC-MS/MS full configuration setup – for documenting purposes • LC and MS single analysis report • XIC Analysis • Analysis of Linear Fit • Analysis of Parameter History • Multianalysis Report • Compatible with .raw, wiff, and .mzml formats Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 20 Internal Scoring Function enables confident peak Detection (especially complex samples) Peptides coelute Score: + Heaviest peptide have sufficient intensity + Peptides have good linear fit Peptides elute in Correct Order + Heaviest Peptide has correct isotopic pattern + MSB16751_04 #3874-4154 RT: 20.50-21.53 AV: 101 NL: 1.12E8 T: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] 562.82 100 559.82 95 566.83 553.81 90 556.81 85 80 75 70 Total Ion Intensity (TIC) 65 Relative Abundance Pep 1 Pep 2 Pep 3 Pep 4 Pep 5 60 55 554.31 50 45 40 35 30 557.31 560.32 563.33 567.33 25 20 557.81 10 P1>P2>P3 etc. 5 (Time(min) ) 554.81 15 556.31 562.32 560.82 563.83 561.32 561.82 558.81 558.32 555.31 553.31 559.32 566.33 567.83 564.33 0 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 m/z 562 563 564 565.83 565.32 565 566 568.33 567 568 569.81 569 570 Scoring allows selection of correct peptide, especially in complex backgrounds. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 21 PReMiS™ Software Tool for Peptide Data Analysis Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. Software Front End Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 23 Processing A New Sample Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 24 Reporting LC and MS Parameters Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 25 Reporting on Chromatography of all Peptides Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 26 Instrument Linearity and Sensitivity Confirms good sensitivity in linear range (1 fmol) Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 27 Tracking Parameter History … Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 28 Comparing Analysis Across Instruments… Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 29 Documenting Instrument Setup Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 30 Applications Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. Finding Peptides in Neat Samples is Easy RT: 0.00 - 57.00 3.84 100 12.59 21.15 24.91 29.39 38.17 50 3.50 5.73 8.39 3.84 100 50 0.77 0 100 * 5.04 8.26 13.08 16.79 34.48 25.69 55.28 42.46 45.15 48.46 NL: 1.49E9 m/z= 508.76-509.76 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 14.03 12.59 3.71 6.04 8.47 0 100 19.82 22.13 29.42 34.20 37.27 44.81 46.94 53.15 56.26 NL: 8.53E8 Base Peak m/z= 427.76-428.76 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 16.56 18.58 21.15 26.23 29.28 36.21 38.26 43.86 50.45 56.03 NL: 7.43E8 Base Peak m/z= 566.32-567.32 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 * 50 3.84 0 100 8.12 12.85 17.25 20.17 22.82 24.91 3.96 5.64 8.26 12.66 16.90 29.26 31.11 24.05 3.84 5.31 12.68 26.13 29.40 33.63 38.28 29.39 18.40 21.19 28.37 * 30.17 3.88 0 5 7.59 12.65 14.92 10 15 21.18 24.90 20 25 Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 29.39 30 Time (min) 44.41 46.95 55.97 NL: 8.31E8 Base Peak m/z= 536.84-537.84 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 38.13 38.17 50 0 51.18 56.50 NL: 8.61E8 Base Peak m/z= 459.31-460.31 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 50 0 100 38.13 40.02 43.67 * 50 0 100 * Software determined RT 54.82 * 50 NL: 1.11E9 Base Peak F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 44.94 53.40 55.54 NL: 4.65E8 Base Peak m/z= 534.82-535.82 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [375.00-1600.00] MS MSB16749_04 * 36.80 39.90 42.67 48.89 52.09 56.29 35 40 45 50 55 32 Harder for Complex Samples… unless you have software RT: 0.00 - 116.00 NL: 1.60E10 TIC MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol 96.69 100 50 10.55 50 85.37 92.79 101.45 111.36 NL: 2.39E8 m/z= 508.77-509.77 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol 51.66 * 100 82.61 63.19 51.05 62.19 26.74 33.76 11.92 19.57 54.22 6.34 28.13 15.40 26.74 0 100 38.47 34.70 64.45 70.44 73.22 47.03 100.95 86.08 89.52 101.62 * NL: 1.69E9 m/z= 427.76-428.76 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol 22.55 50 6.37 9.34 0 100 21.83 24.62 35.76 46.69 43.86 37.90 50 6.34 9.77 0 100 24.90 55.07 64.68 69.66 81.23 89.60 NL: 1.02E9 m/z= 566.32-567.32 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol 57.80 62.85 52.04 72.91 81.85 83.51 103.23 113.72 NL: 1.44E9 m/z= 459.30-460.30 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol * 50 8.00 12.74 21.33 26.74 34.70 0 100 60.61 43.50 65.40 76.45 65.32 87.87 92.71 99.46 112.80 NL: 1.33E9 m/z= 536.84-537.84 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol * 50 10.69 18.67 23.73 0 100 26.59 35.70 50.86 57.96 74.47 81.72 86.24 98.08 99.83 83.20 * 50 12.87 14.33 15.73 33.66 39.36 45.87 0 0 10 20 30 40 Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. * Software determined RT 106.01 114.21 * 26.92 Peptides were spiked (1 pmol) into Human K562 digest 56.69 61.56 64.90 76.75 50 60 Time (min) 70 80 85.33 90 100.61 100 NL: 1.18E9 m/z= 534.80-535.80 F: FTMS + p NSI Full ms [300.00-1600.00] MS Promega_K562_15830_1pmol 113.22 110 33 Comparing Instruments Linearity (r2) Retention Time 25.00 1.05 20.00 1.00 15.00 0.95 OVP 10.00 QE1 5.00 Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. QE2 0.80 Signal-to-Noise most abundant peptide 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 QE1 0.85 QE2 0.00 OVP 0.90 Peak Width OVP QE1 QE2 50 40 30 20 10 0 QE1 QE2 FTIT 34 Can we Assess Instrument Precision? 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 S/N (MAP) Variance 2000.00 Signal/Noise Time (minutes) Retention Time Variance 1500.00 1000.00 500.00 0.00 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 S/N (LAP) Variance Signal/Noise Slope (Log:Log plot) Linear Analysis Variance 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Analyzing the mixture multiple times, along with software analysis, is a great way to assess instrument precision. Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 35 Summary o 30 peptides: 6 sequences x 5 isomers per sequence. o 10-fold abundance gradient from “heaviest” isomer to “lightest”. o One injection gives up to 5 logs of dynamic range and can track sensitivity down to the attomole level o Complementary software provided to report LC and MS parameters as well as tracking historical performance or comparing instruments o Software can read .raw (Thermo), .wiff (AB Sciex) , and .mzml formats o Mixture can be analyzed neat or spiked into complex samples o All peptides are analyzed by AAA quantified so as to insure accurate reporting of sensitivity and dynamic range Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 36 Comparing the Peptide Mix with Human/Yeast Extracts Task/Application Product Frequency Rationale Routine Instrument QC 6 x 5 LC-MS/MS Peptide Reference Mixture 1-4X per day (or spiked into every sample) The 6 x 5 mix gives confirmation that the instrument is working. Customers will want to know this as frequently as possible Method Development Digested Human or Yeast Extracts with Peptides spiked in Weekly – especially after column or hardware changes • Gives a record of instrument performance and will give some indication for the frequency of maintenance and calibration • Optimization of complex mixture analysis • Targeted quantitation Sample Prep Workflows Undigested Human and Yeast Extracts 1-2X per month depending on needs for workflow development • Optimization of proteolysis • Fractionation optimization • Enrichment optimization Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 37 Product Format Amounts (pmol) Volume (µL) [Peptide] (pmol/µL) Estimated # of injections Liquid 25 50 0.5 50 $125 Up to 10µL/min Lyophilized 200 NA NA 40-100 $550 Greater than 10µL/min Format Price HPLC Flow Rate • Two formats will be delivered to accommodate large customer base • Formats were chosen so as to maximize resale value • Software is complimentary to any user of the product Promega Corporation ©2013 Promega Corporation. Proprietary Information. Not for further distribution. 38
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