October 2014

October 2014
Sunday Services: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Church Office: (919) 553-4784
Email: cassy.welch@holycrossclayton.com
Have you been praying for your neighbors? Last month we started a new sermon series in
worship titled, “12 for 12,” in which we were all encouraged to pray for 12 of our neighbors over
12 days. In particular, everyone was asked to pray for:
4 families at Holy Cross
4 families at work or school
4 families who live in your neighborhood
We were also asked to not only pray for 12 families, but to also let them know we were praying for them. While
it might be easy to talk to families in our church and people who work or go to school with us, many of us hardly
even know our neighbors and some of us may not even know the names of our neighbors. So how do you tell a
neighbor that you are praying for them if you don’t know their name? There is a wonderful resource that you
can use to find out more about the neighbors who live near you – it is the website:
When you go to that website, you will be asked to type in your address.
Once you do that a map will appear on your computer showing your
home, along with some small red dots. The red dots indicate where 100
of your closest neighbors live. Then below the map as you scroll down
the page you will see the names of the 100 families who live near you,
along with the primary language spoken in each house. This will enable
you to talk to your neighbors by name and to let them know that you are
praying for them. After you have prayed for families, you can click on
their name and their name turns green. Then as you look again on the
map the red dots then change to green, indicating that you have prayed
for the people in that home. Give it a try, it is fun to see who lives near you and it is nice to be able to pray for
your neighbors by name. You can even try “prayer walking” by using the names of your neighbors from the
website and praying for them as you walk by their home whenever you are out for a walk on your street or in
your individual neighborhood (iNeighborhood).
I believe that connecting with people in your neighborhood begins with prayer. Just as our days start in the
name of Jesus or our meals begin with a prayer of thanks, connecting neighbors with Jesus begins by
surrounding them with prayer. Why? Because Jesus tells us in His Word that He wants all people to be saved –
“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone. This is
good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” –
(1 Timothy 2:1,3,4).
If you don’t know what to pray for, try praying the following prayer for your neighbors:
“Lord God, we pray for our neighbors, especially those who seek you. Turn their hearts toward you and
comfort those who suffer. Amen.” Remember, this is not a new church program, but a lifestyle that gives us an
opportunity to share God’s Word and live His love with others.
In God’s Service,
Pastor Bill Beyer
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Hello Sisters of Holy Cross,
Our quarterly meeting was held Sunday,
September 14th, after second service. I am pleased and
relieved to report we have a new president and treasurer
for the 2015-2016 LWML year. Our appreciation and
thanks goes out to incoming President Melissa
deCathelineau and incoming Treasurer Lesley Leigh.
Please join me in welcoming these lucky ladies onto the
LWML leadership team.
If you think you missed out on an opportunity
to grow in guidance, we do have something for you.
Our current Vice President Christie Bruns can no
longer continue her duties at Holy Cross, and has asked
to step down. We are looking for an enthusiastic
woman to take on the second year of her term (October
2014 to December 2015). Please contact Christie, me,
or the church office, if you are interested in taking on
this important interim role in our organization. Thank
you for the time you have already given, Christie.
Vicky Currie, from iChoose Pregnancy Center
in Clayton, was the guest speaker at our September
meeting, and she shared short videos and personal
experiences from her work with iChoose. Please check
the iChoose donations list in the collection center if
you are interested in donating, or contact the center
itself for more information. The number there is
919.585.4353. Jane Wilson volunteers at the center,
and is also an excellent point of contact.
LWML Sunday was celebrated Oct. 5. Ladies of
the church were greeters, ushers, and scripture readers
that Sunday, and we highlighted our mission and
outreach projects, and provided more information
about the organization. We hope you learned the
meaning of the “service, growth, and fellowship” that
surrounds the LWML. Thank you for your continued
support of our College & Military Outreach and
Salvation Army monthly donations and Angel Tree giftgiving. Thank you, too, for supporting our fundraising
event in the Parade of Tables, and for celebrating our
friendships through local, zone, and district retreats,
rallies, and conventions. Through you, we make a
difference in our congregation, our community, and
our nation.
The Eastern Zone Fall Rally comes close to
home this month, as Advent Lutheran Church in
Chapel Hill will host the rally October 18th. Please
check the LWML bulletin board in the narthex for more
information on the rally.
Speaking of rallies, Holy Cross will host the
Eastern Zone Spring Rally on Saturday, April 18, 2015,
at the church. We will be responsible for providing
lunch, a guest speaker, and table-takers. We also get to
invite the ladies to donate Gifts from the Heart based on
the needs of our church or community. No specific
details have been planned yet, so please let us know if
you’re interested in designing this one-day rally of
Christian women from around our area.
Have you set aside May 15-17, 2015, to join us
for the LWML Spring Retreat at Fort Caswell at Oak
Island? If not, mark your calendars now. The Lantana
Lodge awaits at least 24 people to make the weekend a
strong success. Sue Beyer will be pulling together ideas
for Bible Studies that weekend, so let her know if there’s
a specific topic tugging at your heart. You will not be left
wanting after this incredible weekend at the beach.
Our next quarterly meeting is actually our
Christmas Luncheon on Sunday, Dec. 7. We are
shifting our meeting place to Simple Twist in Garner,
and will introduce the new board members, collect
donations for the Holy Cross community Christmas
Dinners, and enjoy a bit of
fellowship before the hustle of the
holiday season gets too far along.
We hope you will join us.
October 5: LWML Sunday
October 12: LWML Board Meeting
November 8: LWML Board Meeting
Salvation Army Food Pantry Needs Your Help.
Smithfield's distribution center is low on
nearly every non-perishable food item on its
wish list. Please check the list on the LWML
bulletin board, and drop your donations in
the collection center in the narthex as soon as
possible. Thanks for your continued support
of this outreach!
Wo men o f H oly Cro ss
LW ML Mission P roj ec t fo r 2014
Items to be donated monthly to the homeless thru the Salvation Army in Smithfield
Each month: Individual soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, individual toothpaste
October: Canned and Dried Beans
November: Cranberry Sauce, Chicken Broth, Canned Yams
Community diversity is increasing across the nation. Concordia College Alabama has a
strong teacher education program and deep Lutheran roots in the African-American
community of Alabama. It is uniquely positioned to raise up needed African-American leaders for The Lutheran
Church—Missouri Synod. A mission grant of $50,000 is providing endowed scholarships and aid in national and
international recruitment.
Learn how this mission grant is assisting Concordia College Alabama prepare a work force with special abilities to
serve the diverse cultural needs of the church. Go to www.lwml.org and scroll down to “Mission Grants.”
Troop 57 is participating in the FundingFactory Recycling Program!
This fundraiser is FREE and simple because there’s nothing to sell,
no paperwork to fill out, and no deadline. We are asking for
donations of empty printer cartridges, cell phones, small electronics, and laptops to Troop 57 and we’ll take it from
there! We will recycle the donated items through FundingFactory to earn cash or purchase equipment. The program
runs year-round, accumulating constant income for Troop 57, but we won’t get very far without your support.
Last year alone, more than 300 million cartridges were thrown away, while 30,000,000 cell phones
were tossed or replaced. Troop 57 will alleviate the volume of waste that goes into our landfills,
while collecting the cash we need to keep our troop running smoothly!
If you would like to donate items for this fundraiser, please place them in the Boy Scouts collection
bin located between the Pastors’ offices.
Looking Forward to Des
Moines in 2015
Connect at Convention!
LWML looks forward to gathering in Des Moines in June 2015.
Lutheran Women in Mission will Connect at Convention in many
ways. They will connect with old and new friends. They will
connect with ministries, some that are familiar and some that God
is leading them to pray for and maybe even to serve in some way.
They will connect with their Savior through Bible studies, mission
service, and the stories of LCMS missionaries in the field.
YOU can Connect at Convention also!
The Time is NOW to plan your travel to Des Moines, Iowa,
June 25-28, 2015.
Page 3
Annual Voters'
Saturday, November 8th
We will be meeting to approve
spending guidelines for 2014. The
church council will make the
guidelines available to everyone
two weeks prior to the meeting.
The Holy Cross Interiors Committee is responsible for many items inside Holy
Cross Church. Most recently the committee helped supply Pastor Tom’s office
with much needed furniture. As in any home, items are constantly in need of being
acquired, replaced, or updated. This year the Interiors Committee discovered an
easy fundraiser that can be helpful to members as well! We will be running the
first annual A-1 Auction Fundraiser this fall!
Do you have items taking up room in your home, shed, or garage? Items that you
don’t want or need but you know they could be of worth to someone else? We are
requesting that Holy Cross families donate some of these items to Holy Cross (maximum of 2 items per
family). All items will be auctioned off by A-1 Auctions out of Smithfield (http://www.auctionzip.com/NCAuctioneers/495871.html) and the church will receive 80% of the profit.
Examples of items that have been auctioned off recently include: children’s toys, dishes, sporting goods, tools,
home furnishings, and vintage items (NO high value antiques please). Note: Many of the buyers are male and/
or looking for items they can resale.
Please bring your items to church on Sunday, October 26 or Wednesday, October 29. Please contact Melody
Sessoms with any questions at masessoms@aol.com or (919) 550-0325.
Older and Wiser
The Holy Cross Interiors Committee is
hosting their annual RADA Cutlery
Fundraiser. RADA Cutlery products are
100% American made and come with a
Lifetime Guarantee. RADA has a complete
line of kitchen knives, utensils, and cutlery
sets as well as stoneware, cookbooks, soy
wax candles, and quick mixes, which make
excellent Christmas gifts.
Orders can be placed Sundays from
October 26th to November 9th after each
service. Payment is due at the time of the
order. Products will be available for pick up
on November 23rd.
The OWLs met at the church on September 13th for
an ice cream social and to hear a presentation by
Carol Young, of the Attorney General’s Office,
regarding scams and fraud on seniors. We
welcomed new members that night to our
fellowship, and we hope they enjoyed our time
together as we enjoyed meeting them.
Our next meeting with be held on October 18th,
where we will see a performance entitled, “The
Ladies Man,” at the Old Garner Auditorium (742 W.
Garner Rd., Garner, NC). Tickets may be purchased
at the door for $12 for seniors.. Performance starts
at 8 p.m., but we recommend coming early for good
parking and seats.
Our 50 and older seniors group is a great place to
enjoy Christian fellowship. We hope you will join us
Joyce & Dennis Ray (919) 763-0668
Page 4
Men of Holy Cross, have you ever looked at the back wall of the Narthex? You know,
the wall that faces our Pastors and Scripture Readers as they stand at the pulpit. 6 words
surround Luther’s Rose pointing to how we encounter our ever loving God in this life.
Three mechanisms each delivered in a simple two word phrase: Faith Alone, Grace
Alone and Word Alone.
Nowhere does it profess Work Alone, nowhere! So would you consider joining your fellow men for our Thursday
morning Bible study, Men at Work! We understand work. Physical labor or mental exercise engaged in with a
concrete result. Our compensation is in the form of praise, appreciation and often compensation disproportionate
to our efforts (Too small or too big).
God offers you no compensation for the challenge of looking more closely at His Word. There is no clear cut
payment, nor a guarantee of a heavenly voice saying, “Well done my child”. You will however, hear the voice of
God in the form of other men sharing how God has impacted their lives in relationship to the words we read.
You will be uplifted to know that you are not alone in your biblical wanderings.
But none of that is possible without acknowledging that if we never look at His Word, you are eliminating 1/3 of
His attempts to reach out to you. Take a moment on Thursday mornings and set your personal calendar to join
us for some Word time in your work schedule. You won’t be disappointed.
We meet in the Church Library on Thursday mornings between 6 - 7 am. We all have to get somewhere in the
mornings, but this small sacrifice of time is overwhelmingly beneficial to center and focus our day. We read
through the lessons for the coming Sunday and discuss how we are being spoken to by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Cross Lutheran church workday will be held on
Saturday, October 25th, 2014, between 8 AM and 12 pm.
There is much to be done. Hot dogs and a light lunch will be
served around 11:00 AM.
Please bring gloves, shovels, rakes, loppers, trimmers, and
wheel barrows to clean up around the exterior of the
building. The CDC playground needs to be cleaned up and
mulched. The parking lot beds require some attention also.
General weeding and cleanup is necessary, too.
We also need help cleaning the interior of the church.
Please bring your own buckets, cleaning and window
washing supplies, rubber gloves, magic erasers, cleaning
rags, and whatever else you may need.
The Property Board appreciates your help!
Page 5
Oct. 1st: Polynesian
Meatballs & Rice
Oct. 8th: Sloppy Joe’s
Oct. 15th: Pork BBQ
Oct. 22nd: Spaghetti &
Oct. 29th: Octoberfest
Style Meal
A Lesson of Faith from a College Quarterback
“Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed,
and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit!” – Ezekiel 18:31a
Could the #22 Clemson Tiger football team really be on course to beat the #1 Florida State
Seminoles? Things sure looked that way when the players each went into their respective locker
rooms on September 20th with a Clemson Tiger 7 point lead! The second half of the game seemed to
rest on the shoulders of the second string Florida State quarterback, Sean Maguire. Would Maguire
be able to handle the pressure of one of the best defensive teams in college football? Could Maguire recover from the
interception that he threw with 2:14 left in the fourth quarter?
As the game wound down, more and more questions were being asked by commentators and fans alike, especially as
uncertainty revolved around the outcome of this game. As a fan, it’s a fun place to be! Heart pounding. Eyes glued to the
television. Sitting on the edge of your seat with palms sweating. Who will win?
But even before this game began on September 20th, intensity and controversy surrounded it. It was announced
before the game that the starting quarterback (and 2014 Heisman Trophy Winner) Jameis Winston would be suspended for
vulgar and insensitive comments that he had previously made. This was not Winston’s first issue with the Seminole code of
conduct. He’d been in hot-water before.
But what Winston did with Sean Maguire through the week before the Clemson vs. Florida State football game was
something that the commentators continued to highlight. Even until 11:00pm on Friday evening on September 19th,
Winston and Maguire sat in front of a television and together went through game film. Together they watched Maguire’s
throwing motion. Together they analyzed the stellar Clemson defense. Together they talked-through best option plays and
quarterback decisions in broken plays and defensive surprises. Game film was not simply another thing to add to the list of
responsibilities, but for these quarterbacks it was absolutely essential in order to give Maguire the most impactful
advantage before even stepping on the field. Winston would probably not be the poster boy for the moral and ethical figure
in popular culture, but his determination to coach and train Maguire in the days before this big game was never the less
As people called to be faithful parents to our children, faithful Mentors to the Confirmation Youth and people who
are called to demonstrate the Word of God to others around us, what if we regarded prayer and God’s Word as equivalent
to the essential role of game film for a football game? Sure, we have made decisions that do not reflect faithfulness, honesty
or a servant heart like Winston, but we are called to turn these things over to God so that somehow, as we trust in Him, He
may use us according to His grace. God works in the midst of brokenness. He moves in the midst of uncertainty. He
promises His presence among us at all times of life. He can work through us if we act and speak in faithfulness to Him.
What if we approached prayer and daily engagement in the Word of God with our children, Confirmation youth
or those around us as vital as a college quarterback understands the vital important of game film?
In the moment, game film may seem like a waste of time going back and forth and back again over the same plays,
the same throwing motions and the same plays all in an air-conditioned room and not on the football field. So, too may
prayer and the Word of God seem like a waste of time going back and forth and back again over the same words in prayer,
the same Scripture readings and the same act of daily asking for forgiveness. But each of these all get us ready to be
confident when moments strike us that seek to shake our confidence. Film develops football readiness. Prayer and the Word
of God develop the readiness of our faith in Jesus in the world.
Below, you will find one simple suggestion to bring faith development into your home with your children, into your
Confirmation Mentor Relationships and into your life among others.
Soaking-Up God’s Word - Grab a Bible and sit down with your children, spouse, Confirmation Youth/
Mentor, or whoever is around you. Open up to Luke 15:11-32. This is the Parable of the Lost Son. Read it
out loud together. When you are finished reading this passage, simply ask “What stuck-out to you?”
Mention what seems odd in the passage. Bring up what seems loving in the passage. Then leave some room
for others simple to comment on whatever other aspect of the passage impacts them. You do not need to
answer questions asked. You do not need any background on the passage either. Then, after you have discussed
these things together, pray: “Jesus, we thank you for faithfully giving us Your Word. Please help our
hearts and mind to understand it more deeply, that we would always be faithful to you alone. In
Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.”
If you have any suggestions on topics or themes that you'd like to see addressed in The Family Table, please email suggestions to pastor.tom.roma@gmail.com.
If you have utilized a suggestion of faith development in your home from a past Family Table article, please let me know which one and the results. If you do
this before Oct. 8th, I will personally bake you cookies for Family Night on Oct. 15th. All suggestions will remain anonymous.
Page 6
Did you know that every time
you do a search on the internet
using “Goodsearch” our high
school youth group can receive a
penny? Just imagine how much
money our youth could raise if
we did 1,000, 5,000, or 10,000
searches in a month using
Goodsearch. To sign up, go to
www.goodsearch.com and choose
“Holy Cross Lutheran Church—
Clayton, NC” as your charity of
You can also shop online at
“Goodshop” and support our
youth! When you shop through
www.goodshop.com, the youth
will receive up to 30% of your
purchase. Thank you for your
Friday/Saturday, October 3rd—4th
8:00 pm—7:00 am HS Lock-In
at Holy Cross
Attention Youth!
Check out the youth
Facebook group :
Search: Holy Cross Lutheran Church HS
Youth Group
Page 7
Saturday, November 1st
9:00—Noon Local Service Project at
iChoose Pregnancy
Saturday, December 6th
6:00—8:30 pm Christmas Party and gift
exchange at deCathelineau home
The Power of Prayer
I don’t know about you but I am so thankful that Holy Cross is doing the “12 for 12” prayer chain. I
know the power of prayer. I have seen it and experienced it firsthand. Once the “12 for 12” sermon
series is over will you continue to pray for others?
At Open Arms each room has a leader of the church that they pray for. The teachers have the
children make them cards for special occasions and the children pray for these leaders. “12 for 12”
has inspired me to take this to the next step. I am going to ask the parents of Open Arms to start
praying for other families in their child’s classroom.
When Open Arms first opened there were several families that would walk through the building and
pray for each classroom. They would pray for the children, parents, and teachers of Open Arms.
They would also pray for the Holy Cross children that would use these rooms as well.
I invite everyone to take a day and walk through Holy Cross and Open Arms and pray. You might
not know the families directly, but you can still pray for them. Just like you have been praying for
your neighbors and fellow church members.
Praying that you have a wonderful and blessed day.
In His Service,
Page 8
We are praying for—Those receiving cancer care:
George Ballard
Debby Melton
Ann Bettis
Barbara Krefsky, aunt of Jennifer
Ron Lietz, friend of Sariina Kalli
Johnny Habuda uncle of Karen
Nancy Baker, friend of the
 Charles Schrack, cousin of
Carolyn Reed
Shirley Bradley, grandmother of
Melissa Allen
John Brennan, brother-in-law of
BJ Johns
Randy Link, cousin of Becky
Michael Arizzi, friend of Otto
Jill Hall, niece of Emily LaJoye
We are praying for—Those with health issues:
Earl Beers
Kathy Savoy
Linda McLoughlin
Louise Schafer
Ted Janowski
Bill Boyer
Jerry Denning
Mille Athey
Penny Schneider
Meg Hogg & Becky Hughes,
granddaughters of Rev. Pat
Ken Sapic, father of Connie Reid
Heidi Goldman, daughter of
Penny Schneider
Ed Hicks, stepfather of Alicia
Gretchen Schneider, daughter of
Penny Schneider
Grace Paar, aunt of Harold
Ray Hinnant, father of Cathy
Kenny Test, friend of Brenda Gay
Ruth Reid, mother of David Reid
 Joseph Eisel, father of Carolyn
 Amy Fordham, step-mother of
Marvin Fordham
Tony Heins, father of Barbara
Margaret Winkle, mother of
Harold Winkle
Rosie Villamil, friend of Elisabeth
Mahtob Mahmoody, friend of
Elisabeth Junker
Patricia King, friend of Ella
Charles & Arden Jager, friends of
Mac & Linda McLoughlin
Steve Estes, brother-in-law of
Kathy Savoy
Patricia Miller, mother of Kurt
Bonnie Mastros, sister-in-law of
Emily LaJoye
Marilyn Ball, mother of Blake Ball
Dorothy Williams, mother of
Robert Williams
We are praying for—Those deployed:
 Dan Casachahua
My family and I would like to thank the
congregation of Holy Cross. Our move from
Minnesota to North Carolina four years ago
was not an easy one, but finding Pastor Bill
and this incredible church family made all
the difference. From the opportunities for
outreach and leadership for myself, to the
chance to have Sierra and Chase grow up
knowing the love of God and the support of
the church, it has been a wonderful journey.
As we soon set off on our adventure to
Indiana, we can only pray God leads us to a
church family that has been as supportive
and inspiring as Holy Cross. Thank you. For
 Tim Goodale, friend of Paul &
Lizy Coleman
We are praying for—Those who Mourn:
Sariina, Eric, Sierra, & Chase Kalli
Anyone interested in purchasing a
niche or memorial plaque is encouraged to
do so now that the columbarium is
complete. Niches and memorial plaques are
always available for purchase. In addition, a
payment plan is available for niche
purchases. If you should move out of the
area after a niche has been purchased, you
may request to have all but $200 of your
purchase price refunded. Memorial plaques
will be etched twice a year.
The Columbarium folder in the
church office is available to anyone
interested in purchasing a niche or
memorial plaque. The folder contains
current pricing information, the
Columbarium policy, as well as a form
showing niche and memorial plaque
availability. We ask that you give the Holy
Cross Columbarium ministry your prayerful
consideration. Donations are also
encouraged. If you have any questions
please contact Dennis Reese or Wilson
In God's service
The Columbarium Committee
 The Meese Family, as they mourn Michael Meese
Page 9
LWML Mite Sunday
8:30 am Praise & Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
(Ken’s Korny Maze)
8:30 am Praise & Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
12:15 pm CIA Outing
7:00 pm Long Term
Planning Committee
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
10:00 am Hannah Circle
6:00 pm Open Arms
CPR Class
7:00 pm Dorcas Circle
8:30 am Praise & Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
LWML Sunday
8:30 am Praise & Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:00 pm Boy Scouts
7:00 pm Tone Chimes
7:30 pm Choir Practice
7:00 pm Tone Chimes
7:30 pm Choir Practice
7:00 pm Tone Chimes
7:30 pm Choir Practice
5:00 pm Education Board
7:00 pm Council Meeting
7:00 pm Tone Chimes
7:30 pm Choir Practice
5:45 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Bible Study
5:45 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Bible Study
7:30 pm Instrumental
10:00 am Ruth Circle
5:45 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Bible Study
7:30 pm Instrumental
5:45 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Bible Study
5:45 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Bible Study
6:00 am Men’s Morning
Bible Study
7:00 pm Praise Team
6:00 am Men’s Morning
Bible Study
7:00 pm Praise Team
6:00 am Men’s Morning
Bible Study
7:00 pm Elders’ Meeting
7:00 pm Praise Team
6:00 am Men’s Morning
Bible Study
7:00 pm Praise Team
6:00 am Men’s Morning
Bible Study
7:00 pm Praise Team
7:00 pm Confirmation
Mentor Meeting
9:00 am Prayer Shawl
(Garner Auditorium)
7:20 pm OWLs Outing
HS Youth Lock-In (8:00 pm to 7:00 am)
Sheila Hirt
Sara Hirt
Jody Burgart
Troy Hirt
Thom Morgan
Kurt Miller
Travis Bennett
Armand Occhetti
Paul & Doris
Troy & Sheila
Sydney Johns
Leslie Davis
Alyssa Josupait
Amy Smith
Melissa Allen
Janey Harlow
Barb Steiner
Theresa Harrell
Ella McBrayer
Penny Schneider
Ed Pollard
Reginald Tharrington
Marvin Fordham
Gene Gevers
Ron Harrison
Kurt Dressler
Marvin & Mary
Connie Thompson
Bill Sessoms
Marissa Greene
Kim Ellis
Ali Greene
Andrea Boenker
Terri Lassandro
Kaitlin Lassandro
Sandy Harrison
Bill & Maureen McElwain
Christie Guin
Rev Pat Zimmerman
Rick & Dewie Francis
Ethan Mabry
Blake Ball
Perry Bauer
Angie Ginn
Paul Niewoehner
Shayla Roma
LWML Members
Christie Bruns
Elaine Reese
Helen Comeford
Martha Lawrence
Shaunna Voorhees
Monica Barton
Kristin Henderson
Sarah Beyer
LWML Members
LWML Members
LWML Member
Alexis Patterson
Jody Burgart
Jim Selby
Lesley Leigh
Sariina Kalli
LWML Member
LWML Member
Keith Garehan
Brad deCathelineau
Connie Reid
Reginald Tharrington
Marilyn Castelli
LWML Member
11:00 Melissa deCathelineau
Jane Wilson
Adam Wenzel
Dan Bohlman
Irina Gomez
Kris Popilek
Jeanie Henderson
Theresa Harrell
Helen Comeford
Sheila Hirt
Sara Hirt
Al Popilek
Dennis Reese
Leslie Davis
Ella McBrayer
Teresa Bauer
Denise Ball
Betsy Harsh
Edie Voorhees
Liane Goulet
Madonna Bennett
Samuel Weaver
Hunter Comeford
Emma Coull
Britney deCathelineau
John M Harlow
Wilson Feick
Bob Williams
Val Feick
Judy Hoffman
Patricia Barnes
Zanna Swann
Gary & Patricia Barnes
Mallory Barton
Michelle Koellermeier
Kaitlyn Koellermeier
Dennis & Elaine
Jim & Charlotte
Adrienne Mabry
Jane Wilson
Aiden Guin
Jessica Pischke
Nicholas Didonato
Amber McNally
Altar Guild
October 26
October 19
October 12
October 5
Vital Stats
279 (156 & 123)
295 (161 & 134)
306 (180 & 126)
285 (145 & 140)
289 (166 & 123)
Direct Deposit Offering (August):
$ 8,247
$ 6,168
$ 9,426
$ 6,313
$ 2,200
Total Envelope/Plate Giving:
$ 44,329
Total offerings received thru 8/31/14:
Total projected offerings thru 8/31/14:
*Total revenue thru 8/31/14:
Total expenses thru 8/31/14:
(*Revenue=Offerings + CDC Contributions + Interest)
Avg. Sunday attend. 35 weeks 2013:
Avg. Sunday attend. 35 weeks 2014:
Avg. weekly offerings 35 weeks 2013:
Avg. weekly offerings 35 weeks 2014:
$ 8,000
$ 8,871
Special Gifts (to Holy Cross):
Future Growth
Mary Pitcher Memorial
Backpack Buddies
2014 Mission Offerings (from Holy Cross):
iChoose Pregnancy Support Services:
$ 2,000
Southeastern District—LCMS
Senior Pastor:
Assistant Pastor:
Open Arms Director:
Admin. Assistant:
Music Directors:
Rev. Bill Beyer
Rev. Tom Roma
Wendy Neuschafer
Cassy Welch
Amy Gardner
Scott Barton
Assistant to Pastor:
Rev. Pat Zimmerman
Ed Pollard
Vice President:
Alen Voorhees
Board of Elders:
Paul Niewoehner
Keith Garehan
Tony Swann
Alan Harmon
Ron Harrison
Open Arms Board: Wendy Neuschafer
Social Ministries:
Heidi Wenzel
Board of Education: John Michael Harlow
Board of Properties: Dennis Reese
Financial Secretary: BJ Johns
Asst. Fin. Secretary: Karen Hatcher
Wilson Feick
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
2920 NC Hwy 42 West
Clayton, NC 27520