“BEST PUBS” The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.

The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
Queensland’s original and oldest historic motoring club. Founded 1955
Preserving Queensland's Motoring Heritage
see what's
to come
Dayboro and Killarney runs
Issue no. 359
October 2014
first cars
The Vintage Car
October 2014
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Meetings are held at 8pm on the third Friday of each month at the VCCAQ Clubrooms,
1376 Old Cleveland Rd., Carindale QLD 4152. The Club’s well-stocked Library is open
before and after the meeting and a pre-meeting BYO everything BBQ is usually enjoyed
by a number of our members.
Doug Young
Frank Corbett
Anne Corbett
Dave Fletcher
Ronnie Brown
Jak Guyomar
Mike Hawthorne
Brian McMillan
Katrina Monckton
Chris Pike
Ronnie Brown
0418 719 430
3511 0818
3511 0818
702 329
303 477
0419 702 329
Chris Pike
3821 1631
Chris Pike
3821 1631
Brian McMillan
0412 303 477
Duncan McPhee
3374 1404
Rob Gabb
3286 4417
Contact the Secretary
Unless otherwise requested, please address all written correspondence to:
The Secretary
The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
1376 Old Cleveland Road
Carindale QLD 4152
You can also email the club:
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October 2014
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Cheques should be made out to The Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc., and posted to
the Treasurer at the Club’s postal address (above), unless otherwise requested.
Direct Deposit: Payments are easier and faster using Internet direct deposit.
Our Suncorp acc. details are:
Account Name: Vintage Car Club of Queensland Inc.
484-799 Account No: 001424831
It is MOST important that you include your surname and a brief description of the nature
of the payment (e.g. Smith subscription, or Jones Xmas lunch).
Here’s an update on things you should know about the Club. We now have:
A Website
- Access via http://carclubs.shannons.com.au/vccq or Shannons/Car
Clubs/VCCQ/more info. See under “Club News” for latest updates.
An email address - vintagecarclubqld@gmail.com All committee members have access
to the mailbox.
A Gmail Calendar - The Calendar lists all interesting motoring events not just VCCQ
events. Full access can be given to anyone with a gmail address and a gmail calendar.
For a quick link to view the Calendar see:
A list of all books in the Club Library - Send the Club an email requesting a copy of
this list. - Members only.
A Member's Directory - Listing all financial Members as of August 31 2013. See Secretary
for a copy. A Member's Register is also maintained detailing members vehicles. A copy is
kept for viewing in the Club Library. Lapel Name Badges - These are given free to all new
members. Existing members can get new ones from the Secretary at a cost of $5
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October 2014
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Club & Invitation Events
Oct 11
Dayboro pub lunch
Oct 25-26
Nov 15
Alvis Day at Max Houston's
Events in Italics are for other Clubs
Peter Ransom
Ronnie Brown
Frank Corbett
Virgin's Brekki 19th
Allora 25-26th
Brekki Mt Coot-tha 16
Ipswich VVCC 40th Anniversary Rally
Presidents Rally South with Alvis Club 10-15th QHMC NQ Rally Townsville 18-21st
Boules 24th
Hurst Event 1
RACQ Motorfest 13
Ekka Day to Mt Alford 13th
Memorial run 23rd
All Hallows Museum 26th
Crows Nest, Hampton 17-18th Macleans Bridge at Mt Gravatt 18th
QHMC SQ Rally 7-9th Redcliffe. American Day 15th
VCCQ Concours 29th
Palmer Museum/Noosa 26-27th
AGM 15th
Club swap 16th
President's Dinner 23rd
September VSCC 70th VMC 60th
All British 28th
Cambooya Run 27-28th
Dayboro 11
Killarney via Head Rd 25-26
Alvis Day NSW 15
Christmas Dinner meeting 19
Mid week run 19th
Boonah Vue Motel 30th QVVA 50th Anniversary
Boxing Day run 26th
Events in Italics are for other Clubs
45 HP Napier of R.C. Ramsay at Harrow Homestead circa 1920.
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Minutes of General Meeting No. 700
19th September 2014
Venue: Veteran Car Club Clubrooms, Carindale.
Meeting Opened: 8.05pm
Chairman – Chris Pike; Secretary – Frank Corbett; Treasurer – Anne Corbett;
Members as per attendance book.
Doug Young, Brian McMillan, David & Katrina Monckton, Ronnie Brown, Brian Carson,
Rob & Jan Gabb, Jak Guyomar, Jeff Jones
Visitors: Nil
Minutes of Meeting No.699:
Chris Pike moved that the minutes of Meeting No.699 held on 15th August 2014 be
accepted as a correct or substantially correct record of the meeting. Seconded by
Duncan McPhee : Carried
Post Meeting Presentation:
Jak Guyomar sent two videos of previous Club events.
October: Joe Wilson
New Members – Peter Alford and Barry Morris. Karen Marsh, partner of Barry Morris,
was welcomed by the chairman and members.
Inwards Mail
Veteran Car Club – Invoice for rent of clubrooms
Veteran Car Club – Request for details of our new committee
OAMPS Insurance – Invoice for insurance
OAMPS Insurance – Insurance Certificates
Palmer Coolum Resort – Thanks re recent Club event
Pitstop Bookshop – Marketing Material
Undated and anonymous letter re old vehicles in scrap metal yards
Subscriptions received from two members
Magazines from: VSCC Vic., Veteran CC of Aust. (Qld), VSCC of SA.,
Inwards e-mail
Gold Coast Antique Auto Club, Autorama 8th Nov. Entry Form
QHMC Minutes of 2014 AGM & Treasurer’s Report.
QHMC Minutes of July General Meeting
QHMC details of function for Prostate Cancer on 6th & 7th Oct
Magazines from the following clubs**
Vintage Motor Club NSW, Vintage Motor Club Vic
Morris Register Qld., Vintage Car Club of NZ - Waitemata Branch
Rolls Royce Owners Club of Aust, NSW Branch,
Classic and Specialist CC of Northern NSW
Gold Coast Antique Auto Club – Crankhandle News
Vintage Car Club of NZ - Southland Branch
**Note: Anyone who would like a copy of any of these magazines e-mailed to them
should e-mail a request to the Secretary,
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Outwards Mail:
Letters to Peter Alford and Barry Morris advising their application for
membership had been accepted.
Dept. Fair Trading, Incorporation Renewal
QHMC Affiliation Renewal
Outwards e-mail:
The secretary moved that the inwards correspondence be accepted and the outwards
correspondence be endorsed. Seconded Derek Dixon: Carried
Treasurer’s Report:
The current account balance as of 18th September was $5,377.92 which included all
unpresented cheques.
$18,000 has been placed in a term deposit for 5 months at 3.65%.
Accounts paid included insurance and auditor’s fee.
To date there are 88 financial members. Approximately 5 members are still
The Treasurer moved that her report be accepted and that the inwards accounts be
approved for payment and the outwards accounts be endorsed. Seconded by Derek
Dixon – carried.
Ronnie Brown was absent due to illness but she forwarded an events report which was
read out to the meeting by the Secretary. The main points of Ronnie’s report were:
Ronnie expressed thanks to those members who helped organize the Greek night and
the President’s Dinner which were both very successful. The jazz band at the
President’s Dinner was excellent and its performance was embellished by Mike and Jo
Hawthorne and Peter Ransom. One continues to be amazed at just how much diverse
talent exists within our Club.
27th- 28th September: Cambooya Run, details in October Magazine.
28th September: All British Day (Invitation Event)
11th October: Dayboro Run, lunch at the Dayboro Hotel, details in October Magazine
25th & 26th October: Rally to Killarney, details in October Magazine
No report as editor Brian McMillan was absent.
Duncan has received a gift of books from Stan Marquis Kyle via Stan’s son Peter.
Some of these are very old and are a welcome addition to the Library. On behalf of the
Club Duncan expressed his thanks to Stan.
Duncan referred to the book The Vintage Sports Car by John Stanford and queried the
direction the Club appears to taking towards sports cars of the 1950s.
Register: No report as Rob Gabb was absent.
Queensland Historic Motoring Council (QHMC):
Chris Pike had nothing to report as the next meeting of the QHMC will not be held until
next week.
New regalia is available for purchase after the meeting.
General Business:
Joe Wilson remarked that it was 50 years to the month since a number of VCCQ
members split from the VCCQ and formed the QVVA. The split was due to a
disagreement over cars that were deemed ineligible to be listed on the Club’s Car
Register. He added that the current move to admit cars that do not comply with the
vehicle eligibility requirements, that have been applicable since the Club’s formation,
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should be seriously considered by the committee before it recommends that any change
is made.
Phil Fletcher stated that some clubs that have accepted cars based on the sliding 30
year rule have regretted their decision to do so as their rallies are attended by cars
predominantly from the 1970s.
It should be noted that the Club is not considering the adoption of the 30 year rule and
that it is the intention never to adopt it.
Mike Hawthorne considers Associate Membership gave the Club the mechanism to
control the type of car that was eligible to be entered on the Car Register and that
abolition of Associate Membership robbed the Club of this tool. He suggested that
Associate Membership be reinstated.
It should be noted that the Committee has the authority to admit any car of any age
that it considers is a benefit to the club.
The Committee is to review the matter of vehicle eligibility.
Cars, Parts and Services: Nil
Thanks for Supper: Chris and Jacqui Pike
Raffle: Won by Henry Hancock
Next Meeting: Friday 17th October 2014
Meeting closed: 8.55pm.
Steam WW1 convoy
NZ VCC website www.vcc.org.nz
Lousy drivers http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2014/10/01/midweek-matineelousy-drivers/?refer=news
EDITORS REPORT – Brian McMillan.
Looks like the constitution covering eligibility was discussed at length at the September
meeting. Unfortunately half the committee was not present. Fortunately I was one of
Member Max Stephenson is on the way with his latest adventure driving his 1923
Vauxhall from Bangkok to Helsinki. Keep up with his travels on his daily blog.
http://www.pennytohelsinki.com/ As we have come to expect everything is going well.
Track him on https://share.delorme.com/MAXWELLStephenson
By the time you get this mag he could be there. Due in Helsinki on the 14 th.
Our club Santa has been to town to have 4 down pipes replaced before his Christmas
duties at Redland Bay shopping centre and the VCCQ Christmas party. All has gone well
and he was even allowed to leave his magnificent beard in place during the procedure.
We wish him a good and speedy recovery.
BSA Brian DeMamiel and Margaret discussing brekki outside the Bull and Barley pub at
Cambooya which was the centre for our visit to the Darling Downs in September. It is the
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best of Qld's country pubs with our October venue, Killarney, a close second. And
Dayboro is not bad either. See you there for lunch on October 11.
Fryer and Hesse represented
out club at the Goodwood
Revival. Pictured is their
Goodwood digs with race
cars parked outside on the
Finalised directory will go out
with this Mag.
Andrew Wilson and girlfriend
Millie were married a couple
of weeks ago. Best wishes
from all their friends in the
Since the Sept mag I have been away 3 times. The first was a trip to Mudgee to catch up
with some old friends and sample a few wines. On the way down I stopped over in the
Bendemeer pub. I was talking to a drunk near closing time and asked him about a castle
I had heard about in the upper reaches of the Clarence. He was able to identify it for me
and told me it was built by the Horden family and that one of the Myer boys had married
a Horden girl and the home is now part of the Myer trust. See link
Member Peter Henson was able to add to the story and said that the place is open to the
public once a year. He will find the date for next year and maybe we could fit in a run to
The second trip was to Sydney for my sister
Di's birthday.
On the Friday I took Sheila and Mrs Claus on a
run to Barrenjoey Lighthouse and on the way
down stopped for coffee at the Newport Arms
at 10am. We were about the only people in the
beer garden when in walked old Aston friends
David and Pat Gleen. What a blast from the
On Saturday morning I went for a walk with
the Turramurra Trotters and went back to my
sister Denise's place for brekki. As I was
leaving I asked if the RR owner still lived up
the road a couple of houses away. I nearly fell
over when she told me it was the home of Barry and Margaret Gillings. Margaret was the
girl on the back of the Chandler/Bogle story fire engine in the January mag.
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I went up and introduced myself to Margaret. She was as surprised as I was to make the
connection. I really enjoy reading the RR mag she edits every month.
The third trip was our run to Cambooya. This time my old flatmate from Perth days flew
in from Adelaide to enjoy Aston Martin travel.
He was soon dubbed BSA (Brian from SA). Much better than the EB I had been
christened. This does not stand for Enrico Bertelli but for Excess Baggage which Frank
named me when his Alvis was straining under the load. The Aston had no trouble with
the 250kg of passengers on the trip. I mentally thanked Bert Bertelli for leaving me such
a magnificent car to enjoy in my senior years as we cruised home at 100kph.
I noticed this safety latch on a coach in the museum.
It worked very well and had a slow ramp so that the
door could be pulled up very tightly. Also used on
Lancias of the day.
My old computer was straining under the load and the
occasional blue screen of death had appeared.
I contacted my guru, Bob Long of Oblong Software
http://www.oblong.com.au/ and asked him to get me a new one.
What I now have is one which is at least 5 times as fast as the old one and operates on
all new software. The learning curve is almost vertical at the moment. It operates on
Linux with Thunderbird for email and Firefox for internet. Libre Office is my word suite
and photos are edited using Gimp.
Photo editing is the only one that causes me grief as it does much more than my old one.
It should provide me with some great options once I get up to speed.
I received the following note from Carl Neilsen on October 2 just after finishing their
5000km trip around Qld to raise money for prostate cancer.
Good morning Brian,
We arrived back in town last night, and have a meeting tonight at Caboolture then finish
our tour in Ann St tomorrow morning. Both machines have run well, but my car started
playing up just as I was nearing home yesterday. A day of cleaning up and tuning should
sort it out. Lang and I are meeting at Newstead House in the morning at 9:30 am for an
arrival at Ann St at 10:00am.
We have met with thousands of interesting people, and have seen some nice machines in
our travels. Looking forward to catching up.
Kind regards, Carl Neilsen
You may remember Carl sent the pic featured in the Sept mag on the earliest cars in
Brisbane. Phil Fletcher sent me the follow up also featured and I also had emails from
Terry Parker in SA and Greg Hill from the Veteran club. Below is an excellent summary of
events from Greg Hall.
Thank you for the September edition of "The Vintage Car". It is a superb publication and
very enjoyable reading.
In your last edition, Carl Neilsen provided a photo showing 2 early Brisbane cars.
Phil Fletcher has provided some information on the cars but this is not entirely correct.
In the photo that appeared in the last issue, the car at the front is a Speedwell being
driven by Philange Trackson (brother of James and William Trackson) and behind it is a
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car constructed in 1906 by Harold Green who was the chief engineer for Trackson for 15
It is thought that this second car was assembled from mainly De Dion Bouton parts and
it was first displayed at the Brisbane Exhibition in August 1906.
Harold Green had previously built another car using 2 X 5hp Benz style engines and had
made an experimental run through Brisbane streets in May 1901, but this was not the
first car to be seen in Queensland.
The first car to be seen in Queensland was a 2 cylinder De Dietrich which arrived on the
steamer "Wodonga" on 28th February 1901. This was imported by Mr. Arthur C. Aucher,
and his G/G granddaughter Moya Deane lives in Brisbane and has carried out much
research on this.
This important event is recorded in the Brisbane Courier 1/3/1901
This first car arrived in Brisbane and was not a big success. In October 1901 the car was
shipped to Melbourne.
The second car to be seen in Queensland was the car made by Harold Green (as
mentioned above) and was seen driving in Brisbane in May 1901.
The third car to arrive in Queensland was imported by R.C. Ramsay from Oondooroo
(near Winton) in December 1901. This car was a Gardner Serpollet steam car of about
1898 and had been his family car in London. (see R.C. Ramsay story elsewhere in the
September magazine).
On 25/6/1902 he astonished the townsfolk of Winton by driving around the town.
This event was reported in the Gregory News on 30/6/1902.
Up until 2001 it was believed that the first car in Queensland was in fact Trackson’s
Locomobile. The Brisbane Courier on 24/2/1902 reported that Tracksons had imported a
Locomobile Steam Car in February 1902 .
This car proved popular and more Locomobile Steamers were then imported.
In mid 1903 Tracksons imported a larger Conrad Steam Car for the Cribb family of
Tracksons were very involved in the early motoring history of Brisbane and this profile
may have contributed to a view they had imported the first car.
Denis Martin is the historian for The Veteran Car Club and much of this information is
recorded in his book “Cyclists, Doctors and Others – The Introduction of the Motor Car to
I believe that VCCQ has a copy of the book in the club library and further copies are
available from Denis.
Greg Hill
You may remember that beautiful pic in the September mag taken in New York in 1900.
I wondered what the horse drawn cabs were called and googled Hansom cabs. This is
what I got.
The hansom cab is a kind of horse-drawn carriage designed and patented in 1834 by
Joseph Hansom, an architect from York. The vehicle was developed and tested by
Hansom in Hinckley, Leicestershire, England. Originally called the Hansom safety cab,
it was designed to combine speed with safety, with a low centre of gravity for safe
cornering. Hansom's original design was modified by John Chapman and several others
to improve its practicability, but retained Hansom's name.[1]
Cab is a shortening of cabriolet, reflecting the design of the carriage. It replaced the
hackney carriage as a vehicle for hire; with the introduction of clockwork mechanical
taximeters to measure fares, the name became taxicab.
Hansom cabs enjoyed immense popularity as they were fast, light enough to be pulled
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by a single horse (making the journey cheaper than traveling in a larger four-wheel
coach) and were agile enough to steer around horse-drawn vehicles in the notorious
traffic jams of nineteenth-century
London. There were up to 7500
hansom cabs in use at the height of
their popularity and they quickly
spread to other cities in the United
Kingdom, as well as continental
European cities, particularly Paris,
Berlin, and St Petersburg. The cab was
introduced to other British Empire
cities and to the United States during
the late 19th century, being most
commonly used in New York.
Also by chance I found the same pic
which had been colourised.
Amongst my original group of pics was one also taken in NY in 1915. While the first 1900
one had no cars featured the second one had no horses featured. A huge shift in just 15
years. Also note the chains on all the cars. Only central NY must have been bitumen
Thanks to all the other clubs
Editors/Secretaries who LOST
the email sent to them in
Received a copy of this clubs
September Mag. It is
From 1 October 2014 you will
not have to stick a registration label on your light vehicle. But it is everyone’s
responsibility to ensure their vehicle is still registered and insured.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads will be working in conjunction with the
Queensland Police Service to continue to use Automatic Number Plate Recognition
(ANPR) camera program across Queensland to detect whether a vehicle is registered or
By keeping your address details up-to-date you will ensure you receive your vehicle
registration renewal notice with plenty of time to pay your registration by the due date
and avoid a fine.
You can change your address on line at www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Online-services to ensure
you receive correspondence on time.
Don’t get caught out - after 30 days, if you still have not registered your car, you could
find yourself being issued a fine by ANPR cameras from 1 October.
What is the ANRP camera program?
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October 2014
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The ANPR camera program uses camera technology across Queensland to read vehicle
registration plates via fixed and mobile camera sites. This technology can take images of
all vehicles and will issue infringements automatically from 1 October for unregistered
and uninsured offences.
There are strong privacy protocols as to how ANPR camera program information is
managed and stored, so your details will be kept secure.
Be aware that receiving an infringement notice through ANPR camera program will not
exempt you from being intercepted and fined by on road enforcement.
How will I know if my vehicle is registered if I don’t have a label?
You can quickly and easily check the registration expiry date of your vehicle or another
vehicle you are planning to drive any time by visiting www.qld.gov.au/checkrego Simply
enter the plate number or VIN number of the vehicle.
A courtesy Overdue Registration Fees Final Notice will continue to be sent to the
registered vehicle owner to advise that the vehicle’s registration is overdue.
If you haven’t got access to the website, you can call the department on 13 23 80* for
registration information or to change your address.
After finding out your registration expiry date, why not set up a calendar reminder in
your electronic calendar or phone, or write the date down in your diary.
*Operates Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, excluding public holidays. Local call charge in
Australia. Check with your service provider for call costs.
More information
If you have any questions about the changes please contact Transport and Main Roads.
These NSW clubs celebrated
their 70th and 60th
anniversaries on the weekend
of September 27-28. I do not
have much detail as yet but I
hear that they were both very
successful. The Victorian
VSCC also attended the NSW
VSCC event and went on to
enjoy their Alpine rally
immediately after the main
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Organised by the Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia (VSCCA) this year they combined
their annual George Green road rally with the 70th anniversary celebrations of the club.
They travelled from Sydney to Orange, Boorowa, Harden, Cootamundra, Junee, Wagga.
On Saturday, to Temora Air Museum and back for a flying day. On Sunday, to Batlow and
back for the final dinner. Monday return home as you please or continue on to the VSCCV
Alpine Trial and Rally. Some people did both, others one or t’other. Perfect weather, great
roads. Bruce Smeaton.
Ted Poulter died a couple of weeks ago after a seven year battle with Alzheimer’s – a
great release.
I met Ted in 1988 – he was the first client at “Sleeping Beauties”. When I was getting to
the point where I was to assemble his 20/25 engine, Ted announced that he would like to
come and watch for two weeks!! I dreaded someone watching over my shoulder but at
the end of the two weeks we were great mates and our friendship grew over the years.
His father was an RR trained mechanic and Ted’s car came from behind the family garage
near Oxford, UK, after his dad died. It spent several years in his front garden at Ferny
Grove and it was only after a neighbour’s tree lopper dropped a limb on it that he
decided to restore the car. It was the car that spawned “Sleeping Beauties”. I restored
the chassis and Ted took it home and did his own bodywork.
Jon and Ron Voller towed the chassis to an RR Federal Rally in Broken Hill with their
Cloud 3 and Ted toured the area, sitting on the chassis rails.
He was a talented artist and would not be offended if I said he was eccentric. A lateral
thinker, I enjoyed his company, humour and general outlook on life. Joe Wilson.
To Jenny, Tim, Kirston and Hugo we extend our sympathy.
Ed. During this period we also lost a past member Pat Browne. I ran into him and Dina at
the pics a couple of months ago and he looked very well.
Also Dave Aiken from Jag World and Peter Docker from NSW Alvis club also left us. Both
would be known to many members.
Brian. On the local Invercargill scene a group of us are away to Dunedin to the Auto
spectacular and Swap Meet in a minibus. These six tradesmen from Invercargill were
working on XKSS, D type and C type Jags and also two Ford GT40s. All going to the UK
and the USA. Richardson's Truck Museum, which has nearly 300 trucks, is being
expanded to a transport museum with motorcycles, cars etc and will now be open to the
general public. They recently purchased thirty
Ford cars from Aussie. These date from 1904
to 1950.
The International festival of historic motoring
in Dunedin 2016 has organization well under
way. Accommodation is filling fast. A flight to
Queenstown to look around the best scenery in
NZ then to the rally would be ideal. Vintage
vehicles may be able to be borrowed. On the
book scene I would recommend ''Around the
World in a Napier'' written by the grandson of
the mechanic who traveled with Colonel and
Mrs Charles Glidden. Their travels in the South
Pacific are very interesting. Regards YMIM.
Ps. Southward Museum are selling off some of their cars. Minerva, DeDion, Wolseley etc.
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In August, we had the Greek night at the VCCQ Club meeting, followed by the AGM.
45 members supported us & this Special Food Night was voted the BEST yet!! We were
also able to make a small profit which went into the Club’s bank account due to the
generosity of certain members donating their dish – much appreciated!!
The President’s dinner was also voted a big success, with the venue being very suitable
for the night we had planned. Whilst we were told of ample parking it did take some
people some time to find a spot but at least it was not in a busy city street. Thanks to the
45 people who attended as well as to the VCCQ Jazz four, who swelled in number when
Mike & Jo Hawthorne joined the ranks – boy did they swing!!
The Mt Alford Run was also well attended & reports of this outing are in the September
September 13 – Brookfield Markets.
Edith McPhee invited us to show our
cars at the Uniting Church annual
Market day at their little bush church.
It was a lovely morning and 4 very
nice cars turned out for our display
including David McPhee's 1909 Ghost
driven by his son in law. Some people
spent the morning sampling the
muffins and date cakes. He said they
were excellent.
September 27th & 28th Cambooya
Another fabulous Queensland Spring
morning & my new neighbours came
out in awe of the vehicles arriving on
the slip road in front of their house &
I might add mine!! The SS Jag of
Greg Berkman, with navigator par
excellence, Bruce Jorss, was first to
arrive, quickly followed by Joe & Bev
Wilson in the Lancia, David Fletcher in
his Austin 7, the two Brian’s in the
Aston and my Alvis, The McPhails
joined us in a new modern, a R for
Racing VW, together with their friends
Terry & Harvey. No-one got lost on
the way to our main meeting place
the Roses Café at Marburg, where we
were joined by Jak & Ginny Guyomar
in the Pierce Arrow and Chris & Jacqui
The route to the Barn on Flagstone
Creek Road was much more difficult but most of us managed to find the way along the
quiet country roads through the south-east food bowl of Queensland.
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Fed & watered it was time to see if the little Aston would make it up the hill with the two
Brian’s aboard. I was fully
expecting to see a hitch hiker round
the next steep bend but it was not
to be, the gallant machine made it
although I understand it did make
some expletive noises!! We
gathered at Picnic Point for the
terrific views over the escarpment
and then on the Cobb & Co Museum
for a select few. I enjoyed the
wonderful history of the growth of
economic development of Australia,
brought home to me by the dray
used to move wool from Roma to
Brisbane – a journey which took 30
days. Prior to that the produce from
the area was transported to
Newcastle for shipment overseas a 15 month round trip!! Every kind
of coach, silky, hansom cab,
governess cart, stagecoach and
public transport was there to view
and one just had to look at the
primitive suspensions to imagine
how uncomfortable it must have
been to be a passenger. The drivers
had to be a special breed as they
actually loved their job, sitting in
front of a team of large greys. The
blacksmith area was also very
informative – I had no idea that a
horse could be fitted with a range of
horseshoes, depending on the route
to be taken & terrain to be covered.
The drive to Cambooya, once we left
Toowoomba was most enjoyable &
Brian was able to wind the Aston up
to a cracking speed. I had to work
hard to keep pace as I had no map
or navigator so the cold beer on
arrival was most welcome!! We
gathered in the bar for a 7pm dinner,
the restaurant was so noisy & warm
that we were happy to sit outside &
enjoy the good company & VCCQ
stories. I did manage to catch some
of the hilarious atmosphere on my
iPad photo which Brian & Ginny may
be happy to share with you!!
Ed. Not a chance.
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October 2014
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Next morning some of us had two
breakfasts, one provided by the
Bull & Barley Pub & then across
the road at the Cambooya Store,
before the short drive over gravel
road to Harrow Homestead.
Built in 1860s by the Ramsay
family, the beautifully panelled
cedar & pine interior and
chandeliers told of an affluent
lifestyle enjoyed by some, in the
early days of settlement. Named
after the English public school
attended by the Ramsay boys, the
owner went on to become the first
treasurer of the new State of
Queensland. The gardens have
been developed by
subsequent owners &
we enjoyed our stroll
through some imported
but many native trees.
Off to Nobby & a
welcome stop at a
unique pub, named
Rudd’s Pub. I learned
more Australian history
with an explanation of
Dad & Dave, a radio
show which I
understand was very
popular, before the
days of TV.
The journey to lunch at
Hattonvale Golf Club,
through the Heifer
Creek Road & Ma Ma
Creek was fun, except for a swinging petrol gauge between full & empty!! Delighted to
see a petrol station in Gatton High Street I pulled in to fill up. However, my newly
repaired starter motor, which had sounded like a tired ex-smoker for most of the day,
decided it had had enough & silence was the only response to pressing the starter
button. Nothing for it but to launch onto the main street, which fortunately was downhill
& thankfully the engine coughed to life. So discretion being the better part of valour, I
decided to miss lunch & head for home!! Thankfully with the battery charged once more,
my Alvis is heading for Dave Webster’s mechanic shop at Sumner Park for further
investigation – one has to be a special breed to own an old car – what was it John said
when he finally finished the restoration – “it will be ongoing, I’ll never be finished!? “
Thank goodness for another Yorkshireman in my life, who loves the car & has decided it
is a privilege to work on such a work of art!!
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 17
September 28th ALL BRITISH DAY
The date of this popular
event was changed from 21st
Sept. to 28th Sept. which
unfortunately coincided with
our Cambooya Rally. For
those who did attend, I
understand that Graham
Singer’s Alvis won a special
prize – well done, Graham &
October 11th Dayboro Pub
Jennie & Peter Ransom have once more organised for us to meet at this popular pub for
lunch at 12 noon on Saturday 11th October. There is plenty of parking in front of the pub
or behind in the large car park.
The pies are a VCCQ favourite so please come along & enjoy the company, not to
mention the gorgeous drive there.
October 25th & 26th
Brian and I drove to Killarney recently finding some spectacular country in Brian’s “Roads
least Travelled“ book, via Rosewood, Rosevale, Aratula Bakery, Cunningham’s Gap onto
the Freestone Road. Some small pieces of dirt road could be avoided for those not
wishing to take their VCCQ cars on rough surfaces, although most were well graded – we
had to bypass one which gave fabulous views of the surrounding countryside, but it
ended up as something the locals called the “Goat Track”!!
We have reserved all the Killarney Pub accommodation at a max $50.00 per head
including continental breakfast. There is a range of rooms offering Queen Beds etc so
please ring the Killarney Pub at 17 Willow Street on 07 4664 1313. The pub does
not have en suite facilities so for those wanting a little more privacy the Pub also owns a
Motel on the other side of the car park. The prices range from $90.00 to $120.00.
The drive home via the Falls Road & Head Road has been voted the best in Qld by our
esteemed President, windy & steep but spectacular!! Please join us!!
Ed. This is our last 2 day out of town rally for the year.
The Vintage Car
October 2014
SCATOLOGICALLY SPEAKING. - The President’s Column.
Page 18
I regret missing the Cambooya run, which from all accounts was excellent. I also regret
missing my first meeting in 18 months, when the idea of the Unwelcome Outcasts
(formerly: Welcome Strangers) I floated a couple of months ago was discussed.
But I had a great month nevertheless, touring in the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium,
France, Italy (including the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, an enclaved microstate
surrounded by Italy), in a 1938 SS Jaguar DHC. The weather was fantastic, brought on
no doubt by my fitting a new roof to the SS.
Some comments on various topics:
The UK
The UK remains a wonderful paradox. They totally embrace classic car motoring,
including vintage cars. This extends to Royal patronage, where for the past 3 years
Royal Palaces have been made available for world class concours events. It began in
2012 with Windsor Castle, and this year it was at Hampton Court Palace, Henry VIII’s
favourite home away from all his other homes away from home – more below.
But on the other hand, control freakery and PC (Political Correctness) appears out of
control. To illustrate the latter, the centre line snorkel I wrote of recently as an example
of good design had me kicked out of a public pool, because they had done a “risk
assessment” and snorkels were adjudged a “risk factor” in the event I needed CPR, as it
obstructed the airways. I pointed out, in my polite way, that it enhanced access to my
airways, and rendered CPR less likely to be needed. My non-English accent was less
persuasive than the non-English accent of the snorkel ban enforcers and so I had to ditch
the pipe or leave.
As if further examples were needed, my pal Bob and I stayed with a former chairman of
the Alvis OC near Canterbury. His voluntary community work includes being a guide for
an historic lighthouse. Until recently, the grand pile next door on the coast had been
publicly accessible by the good grace of the owners, but it has since been bought by a
Russian oligarch. He has erected fences and emblazoned them with large “Keep Out”
signs. In jovial vein, my friend had mentioned this and said he clearly didn’t understand
that in England, they would say “Please Keep Out”.
A retired policewoman was in the group. She reported him to his non-paying employer.
He received a formal reprimand for “racism”. Long live Jeremy Clarkson I say, whose tilts
at this nonsense continue to receive airplay!
Turning to the events:
Hampton Court Palace Concours
I will give a presentation on this at a meeting, but it was wonderful. Everything from 2
Mercedes monsters from the 1920s, to a Lago Talbot “Phoney and Flashy” (Figoni and
Falashi) coupe – a tiny and delicate masterpiece. And a Triumph Dolomite 8C – a 1930s
copy of an 8C Alfa. A flood of real 8Cs, the Lindner Nocker Low drag E type, etc etc. 700
cars in all, in the most magnificent gardens. Cars from all around the world, as
evidenced by the winning 6C Alfa – the property of that great hog of Pebble Beach
trophies, Arturo Keller from the USA.
Car clubs also get reserved spots.
Thereafter we took the SS by overnight ferry to The Hague, where we toured around
Holland, taking in the Louwman Museum. Mr Louwman was a car dealer in the first half
of last century, who began collecting cars. His son became the Toyota distributor, and
kept collecting. The family collection is now the Dutch national motor museum, housed
in a specially built facility in grounds adjacent to the Royal Palace.
The best car museum I have ever seen, bar none. Basically, pick a year, any year, and
there is a world class car. Pick a Le Mans winner. It will probably be there too. A couple
of vacancies during our visit. As explained, the Le Mans winning D Type was at
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 19
Goodwood. The Bugatti “Black Bess” was at Hampton Court Palace for the concours. Etc
A wonderful tour organised by Country Lane Tours, with whom we went to Croatia last
year. Overnight train with the car from Dusseldorf to Alessandria, and then down the
centre through Unknown Italy to Matera, through provinces such as Molise where tourists
are almost unknown. Appalling
roads though. Hard to believe
we were in a first world country
in many places.
But great food, wine and
company. And no snorkel ban.
First World War battlefield
My friend Bob Farrell and I have
great uncles in various WW1
cemeteries in Belgium and
France. On return to Dusseldorf,
we drove south through Belgium
and France to visit their graves.
Mine – Claverhouse Beresford
Young – a Brisbane Grammar old
boy and brother of my
grandfather who enlisted on
leaving school in 1916, lies in
the Australian War Memorial cemetery at Villers-Bretonneux. (He enlisted omitting his
middle name as at school, according to my grandfather, he was called “breastfed” instead
of Beresford). His service record is now available online (as is that of all WW1
servicemen) and its 66 pages, from 1916 until his death at the battle for Le Hamel on 5
July 1916 is one of unimaginable horror. Multiple woundings, hospitalisation, and return
to the front. I first visited his grave in 1985, on a misty afternoon. I was the only one
there on that occasion.
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 20
I was initially taken aback this time as it has become a tourist attraction to do tours of
the graveyards. Bus loads of tourists, school kids from Australia and so on a big new
dedicated parking area etc. Promoted by the Australian Government as part of building a
national identity. None of the people I spoke to there had any relative buried there. But
after a while I came to the view it is a good thing to ensure there is a proper appreciation
of the ultimate sacrifice made by those young men and women.
The cemeteries and memorials dot the whole of the western front lines, from Belgium in
the north to France in
the south. Many of the
cemeteries are small,
and were constructed
where the soldiers fell.
I cannot speak highly
enough of the work
done by the
Commonwealth War
Graves Commission.
Every cemetery is
perfectly maintained,
and the access to each
is by a grassy strip
often in the middle of a
farmer’s muddy field.
One of Bob’s uncles
who died at Messines is in one such tiny cemetery, and attached are some pictures of
the grassy strip with the SS at one end, and the almost invisible cemetery at the other.
Bob laid a wreath there. It was the first time his uncles graves had ever been visited,
almost a century after they fell.
UK return
We returned through the Chunnel. How painless was that? You drive into an enclosed
train carriage, stay in your car, and drive out the other end about 40 minutes later.
We stayed with the well known Alvis identities, Chris and Helen Storrar. Chris took us out
in his sublime Alvis Speed 20 Coupe, which despite having 2 hefty Australians aboard,
displayed sparkling acceleration.
Old car travelling
Often, Clive (my navigator for the first half) and Bob (for the second) and I would avoid
the motorways and travel “off piste”, sometimes even intentionally. There is no doubt
that as an ice breaker with the locals, nothing beats an old car. We met lots of people
whom we would never have encountered in a modern
Club direction
Thriving as I do on rejection it was heartening to hear of the apparent dismissal of the
idea I floated a few months back on possibly welcoming some post war cars which
display the same characteristics we value in vintage and PVT cars, not as club cars, but
as a sort of second class citizen.
I believe it is from the ranks of such owners that new buyers of our older cars will
emerge. There is a dreadful one way valve – the luxury car tax - in operation that sees
great Australian cars leave Australia, but similarly great cars unable to be brought in
from overseas.
The only way to stop the drain is to educate Australians to value such cars. We cannot
live in a silo of ideological purity if all the valuable grains continue to leak out the bottom.
I would welcome ideas from others on how to foster an appreciation of our older cars
among the general car enthusiast community.
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 21
All that said, your committee has much to do before our anniversary year and I do not
want the energies to be diluted by this issue at present.
So, as ever in times of need, I will channel Oscar Wilde, whose helpful advice on this
occasion is:
“Arguments are to be avoided: they are always vulgar, and often convincing.”
So, best parked for the time being.
Until next month,
For the committee members to ponder - a club car for event use.
This is the VSCC’s very own course car at Prescott (see attached).The V8 (behind) was
rubbish.................David Fryer
Thanks again to all those who have sent me articles (Doug, Ronnie, Frank, Joe, Russ
McIvor, Greg Hill, Carl Neilsen) and pics (Joe, David Fryer, Brian Carson).
Proof reading courtesy of Jennie Ransom.
MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTORS DEADLINE: Monday before the first Friday of the month.
Mag to be posted and emailed by the first Friday of the month. Meeting third Friday.
Please send reports to vintagecarclubqld@gmail.com
Check the VCCQ website for the latest Club News. I realise it has not been
updated for a while. If anyone would like to take it over they would be welcome
to the job. Meanwhile Brian Carson continues to keep the Facebook site updated
and this covers many events.
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 22
Anyone (girls and boys) can do this and it’s always greatly appreciated by the members
at our meetings. We’re only asking you to do one or the other once a year.
Please nominate for the month that suits you best, but remember you can always swap
with someone else if your plans change.
The roster is published each month in the Club magazine.
January 17
Peter Baker & Jo Lord
February 21
Bev Wilson
March 21
Gaye & Derek Dixon
April 18
May 16
June 20
Italian Gentlemen
Italian Gentlemen
July 18
August 15
Greek food night. No teabag.
September 19
Jacqui Pike
Lyndal Voller
Jan Gabb
04/10/2014, at 11:47 AM, "Sandy Cameron" <scameron_88@bigpond.com>
Dear Fellow Members,,
I am sure you all feel the depth of loss of one of our founding members, Robert Penn
Bradly, and Club catalyst over the 54 years of the Club existence.
Our deepest sympathies are with Miriam, Andrew, Warwick and Caroline and their
Ed. A great bloke whom I have known for many years. A google quality brain when it
came to motor cars especially Armstrong Siddley and Aston Martin.
Adelaide to Darwin Rally 2014.
Rally finished late August. I expect reports soon from some of our participants. The
Muttons were there in the Studebaker and looks like they finished.
HETNR National Rally 2014.
Held in Stanthorpe from Sept 28 to Oct 4. On the way home from Cambooya we passed
Peter Ransom and my proof reader going in the opposite direction on Heifer Creek Rd.
Just as well I am behind time with the mag or it may have gone out with many errors.
Book now for Killarney pub Oct 25 and also any accom. wanted after Boonah
Vue lunch Nov 30.
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 23
Hallo all----------------------Guid weekend! Big thank you to Ronnie and her helpers. It
was a REAL eating & drinking competition!!!
Cambooya Pub was a very nice venue. A couple of photos attached.
We had overheating problems with the Pierce. Anything over a sustained 80 kph
provokes steam!! The 85 year old radiator is clogged & does not allow the 45 gallons per
MINUTE water pump do its job. Over the years I have had various radiator works do
"cleaning" & I have also used the various snake oils available. ALL with minimal results!!
So I have a jaundiced view of "she will be ok after a bit of a clean"!!!
So when we got home --out with the radiator (20 minutes flat) & into it with the angle
grinder cutting disc & I chopped out the core!!! VERY satisfying to find the core chockers
with unremovable crud jammed in the top of the core to 3" down the water ways. PLUS
about the bottom 1/3 of the core near the outlet FULL of solid grease from 85 years of
generous use of the water pump greaser!! TOTALLY jiggered!! Well it is now after I hit it
with the angle grinder! BUT it had to be done.
As you know Brian Brads & I did our own recore of the Delage radiator & so there is no
fear. It is a relative simple task BUT time consuming.
A new core has been ordered from ADRAD National Radiators in Auckland NZ. They have
a vintage section which makes film type cores. Of course $$ are involved------------$3000NZ by the time it gets here. BUT there are NO short cuts as far as radiators are
We spend a fortune on engine rebuilds & then subject it to bad cooling. So now it is off to
Bunnings to buy a few sticks of solder & some Bakers.
Cheers--------------Jak & Ginny
WANTED: Bonnet or bonnet panels, twenties style, 985 mm long (38.8”). Alloy or steel
for reprofiling.
Brake drums with alloy fins, or just fins only to suit 272 mm o/d (1.75”) drums.
Windscreen stanchions or fittings, good quality British late-twenties style.
David Fryer (07) 3366 3344, 0418 722 007, maximalist@bigpond.com
The Vintage Car
October 2014
Page 24
Sometime in November I intend to have the wheels on the Speed 20 rebuilt. This will
mean new tyres and tubes so I will be disposing of the old ones most of which have good
rubber but must be at least 10 years old.
Could you please put an ad in the magazine that if anyone wants some 19 inch tyres and
tubes they can have them if they can collect. They can email me or ring 0413435735
after November 1 as we are off to the USA and England on Wednesday.
If no one calls they will have to go to the chomper.
Great magazine. I really enjoy reading it. Will have to write something for it soon.
Regards, Dean Prangley.
Alvis 12/50, 1928 wide 2 seater doctors coupe, in good running order, last long trip was
to Canberra for 100year celebration.
New close ratio gears in G/box, reconditioned cylinder head and mag.
$64000 ono
Contact, Derek Dixon, 07 5443 4320, d_g_dixon@bigpond.com
Ed. This is a well sorted, reliable club car.
HARROW. Well, actually old chap, I went to Harrow before Oxford.