Ketuvim Ahavah min YHWH (Love Letters from YAHWEH) Table of contents Foreword…………………………………………… 1. 2. 3. 4. Chapter 1……………………………………………………………… FIRST FRUITS Chapter 2………………………………………………………………..HE IS AT THE DOOR Chapter 3………………………………………………………………..A THIEF IN THE NIGHT Chapter 4……………………………………………………………….THE FULLNES OF THE BODY HAS COME IN 5. Chapter 5……………………………………………………………… OF HIS OWN FREE WILL 6. Chapter 6……………………………………………………………… EVERY HAIR ON YOUR HEAD IS NUMBERED 7. Chapter 7………………………………………………………………SNATCHED OUT OF THE WORLD 8. Chapter 8………………………………………………………………INTO THE MIDST OF HEAVEN 9. Chapter 9………………………………………………………………OUR BETROTHED AND FUTURE HUSBAND 10. Chapter 10……………………………………………………………THE TIES THAT BIND 11. Chapter 11……………………………………………………………LIKE A HERO ON HIS HORSE 12. Chapter 12……………………………………………………………BRETHREN IN CHRIST 13. Chapter 13……………………………………………………………YAH THE AUTHOR AND BESTOWER 14. Chapter 14……………………………………………………………IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES 15. Chapter 15……………………………………………………………INSCRIBED IN THE SACRED SCROLLS 16. Chapter 16………………………………………………………….. WE SHALL SIT ON THRONES IN HEAVEN 17. Chapter 17………………………………………………………….. A ROYAL MESSAGE 18. Chapter 18……………………………………………………………DO NOT BE UNFRUITFUL 19. Chapter 19………………………………………………..................IN A MOMENT IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE 20. Chapter 20…………………………………………………………….PROPHETS OF DIVINE SPIRIT 21. Chapter 21……………………………………………………………KISS THE SON OF YAH 22. Chapter 22…………………………………………………………..CAUGHT UP IN THE CLOUDS 23. Chapter 23………………………………………………………….THE MIGHTY WORK OF POWER 24. Chapter 24………………………………………………………….A GLORY NEVER TO CEASE 25. Chapter 25…………………………………………………………MY STRENGTH AND MY SONG IS YHWH 26. Chapter 26…………………………………………………………WHITE ROBES, THE CLOTHING OF KINGS 27. Chapter 27…………………………………………………………YAH IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISE 28. Chapter 28……………………………………………………….THE SON OF PERDITION 29. Chapter 29………………………………………………………”I WILL APPEAR UNTO THEE” 30. Chapter 30……………………………………………………….PURIFIED BY FIRE, BAPTISED IN LIVING WATER 31. Chapter 31……………………………………………………….THE FORGOTTEN GOD’S INFINITE NUMBER 32. Chapter 32………………………………………………………MERCY FOR THE MERCIFUL NO MERCY FOR THE MERCILESS 33. Chapter 33………………………………………………………DIVINELY DESIGNED AND FASHIONED ARTISTICALLY 34. Chapter 34………………………………………………………SUBMIT YOURSELVES TO THE LIGHT 35. Chapter 35………………………………………………………THE AXE IS LAID TO THE ROOT 36. Chapter 36………………………………………………………WORKING MIRACLES THROUGH THE POWER AND MIGHT OF YAH 37. Chapter 37……………………………………………………….THE SHEPHERD DIVIDETH THE SHEEP FROM THE GOATS Rev 1:7 Behold, HE cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see HIM; Rev 1:13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man; Rev 1:14 HIS head and HIS hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and HIS eyes were as a flame of fire; Rev 1:15 And HIS feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and HIS voice as the sound of many waters. Rev 1:16 And HE had in his right hand seven stars. FOREWORD ALL PRAISE AND HONOR AND GLORY AND POWER AND MIGHT BE TO THE MOST HIGH GOD YHWH AND HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON YESHUA HAMASHIACH /JESUS CHRIST. Ketuvim Ahavah min YHWH (LOVE LETTERS FROM YHWH) was written through the guidance prompting and direction of THE HOLY SPIRIT. It was never my plan to write this book, but after much prayer and discussion the decision was made to consolidate these writings, which are the utterances of YAH that I have received and transcribed over the period of a year. It is my hope in putting these writings together that they may serve to help edify, comfort, encourage and strengthen the body and BRIDE of CHRIST as we wait longingly for HIS return when we are gathered together to meet him in the clouds. 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 Before you begin to read these Love Letters I would like to explain exactly how they came into existence. December 31, 2010 New Year’s Eve I had what seemed to be a dream in which I heard a voice speaking with me. The voice was that of a man which was calm and soothing to my ears. As He spoke it sounded as if He was in a hallway because the voice echoed and was at a distance. He told me that there would be floods of “multiple coastal cities” January 4th-6th. When I awoke I spoke to my wife about the dream I had and what the voice said. This was a strange occurrence for me, something I had NEVER experienced before. We both kind of shrugged it off and continued our day. I dropped my wife off to work that morning as usual and drove back home. At around 11am my wife called me and exclaimed, with a sense of urgency, fright and bewilderment “turn on the news!” She had just read a story in the paper about a flood. As I went to my computer to look up the flood, I found a story about a flood of “biblical” proportions in Queensland, Australia. A series of floods hit Australia, beginning in December 2010, primarily in the state of Queensland including its capital city, Brisbane. The floods forced the evacuation of thousands of people from towns and cities. At least seventy towns and over 200,000 people were affected. Damage initially was estimated at around A$1 billion. At this point I was in a state of shock, my thoughts were racing and I wondered to myself, could THE MOST HIGH have truly spoken to me last night. During the next few weeks I continued to watch the news and search the internet for stories about floods during the 4 th-6th of January, and to my surprise the floods continued to increase. I produced a 4 part video on YouTube called Sackcloth & Ashes Acts 2:17 Dreams & Floods of Biblical Proportion, which documented my dream and the floods that fulfilled the prophecy given in the dream. Here are some facts from the video: January 1, 2011 Argentina is hit with a 7.0 earthquake after its leaders vowed to support a Palestinian State based on the 1967 borders dividing Israel. January 2, 2011 The Palestinian Authority announced that Chilean President would recognize a Palestinian State with 1967 borders dividing Jerusalem. The same day a 7.1 earthquake hits Chile triggering fears of a tsunami. January 4, 2011 Manila Philippines At least 356,000 people in 12 provinces have been displaced by continuous rain that have also triggered floods and landslides, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said on Tuesday January 5th-6th, 2011 Queensland, Australia Flooding worsened spreading to 41 of 73 municipalities encompassing 1 million square kilometers. January 5th-6th, 2011 Indonesia is hit with heavy rains, cold lava and mudslides. January 5, 2011 MILLIONS upon millions of Dead fish begin to wash up on shore inundating beaches, rivers and lakes worldwide. January 6, 2011 Floods in Brazil worsen, an area called Espiritu Santo which means HOLY SPIRIT, is hit hard by mudslides. January 6, 2011 40, 000 DEVIL crabs wash up on a beach in England. January 7, 2011 Johannesburg South Africa is hit with a flood as well. Interestingly enough, on December 21, 2010 there was a solar eclipse causing the sun to be darkened and on January 4, 2011 there was a lunar eclipse causing the moon to be turned to blood. Scripture tells us that these things will happen in the last days. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 30And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come Joel 2:28-31 It is at this point that I truly begin to appreciate the significance of my dream and the message given to me as being delivered from THE MOST HIGH through THE HOLY SPIRIT. I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE A PROPHET; however I know that what I have experienced is real and my only desire is to share with you the BLESSINGS that I have received. During my intense study of scripture I began to use the Strong’s Concordance because my spirit craved a deeper understanding of YAH’s word. I understood that the only way I could get that deeper understanding was to study the Hebrew and Greek languages so that I could grasp the subtle nuances of Hebrew idioms and the poetic linguistics of Greek prose. I was also aware of what seemed to be an increase in earthquake frequency and intensity around the world; coupled together, these two things are what led me to such an AWESOME discovery which would change my life and my understanding of scripture forever. Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire. Isaiah 29:6 The word noise in this verse is Strong's H6963 – qowlAnd this is what it means… 1) voice, sound, noise 2) a) voice 3) b) sound (of instrument) Its equivalent in Greek is Strong's G5456 – phone a sound, a tone of inanimate things, as musical instruments a voice, of the sound of uttered words, speech. This verse is telling us that when THE MOST HIGH speaks HIS VOICE is like THUNDER and EARTHQUAKES! Scripture supports this fact on several different occasions… The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him. Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. John12:29-31 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz: 6His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude. 7And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves. Daniel 10:5-7 And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: 4And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 5And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. 6And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. 7And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. Acts 9:3-7 This revelation could have only come through THE MOST HIGH GOD YHWH and the GRACE given to me through HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST who anoints all TRUE believers with the HOLY SPIRIT. The realization of the beautiful gift I had been given had not totally sunk in yet. I had not grasped the magnitude of such a wonderful revelation and its implications. I continued to watch the frequency of the earthquakes and it seemed as if they corresponded with world events. It was at this moment that I received another epiphany. Something in my spirit told me to look up the numbers associated with the earthquakes using Strong’s Concordance and when I did I almost jumped out of my skin. I found a pattern, earthquake after earthquake, every single one I looked at actually contained a distinct message embedded in the numbers. This was such a powerful spiritual experience that let me know that THE MOST HIGH GOD YAH is not disconnected, impartial, impersonal, aloof, or uninvolved in our daily lives. This is empirical, existential proof that YAH is the CREATOR and ARCHITECT of the Universe, not the manifestation of delusional, ideologues and conspiracy theorists. He is not a fairy tale or figment of the imagination; He is THE ONE TRUE GOD. After transcribing several messages and placing them in videos on YouTube I received a huge amount of feedback; some people said they could feel THE HOLY SPIRIT in the messages, some people were wary or indifferent to what I had presented, and others became scoffers, and mockers. I have been called a prophet of THE MOST HIGH blessed by the TRUE and LIVING GOD by some and a diviner of the arts and false prophet by others. This is to be expected, however everyone must ask the HOLY SPIRIT to be their guide, ask yourself, do these messages minister to my soul? Is this the language and spirit of YAH speaking? But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. John 16:13 Again, I do not claim to be a prophet I am only a lowly servant of THE MOST HIGH and I am speaking what I hear from my FATHER YAH who is in Heaven. Initially I was confused at the fact that people would call me a false prophet or say that I was practicing numerology and divination, or say that what I am doing is satanic. But I was strengthened and shored up by my FATHER by these verses… The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household? Matthew 10:24-25 There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings. And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind? John10:19-21 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:11-12 But they mocked God's messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy. 2 Chronicles 36:16 Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him— Acts 7:52 I have been receiving messages from YAH through dreams, earthquakes and the times he wakes me up during the night since January 1, 2011. The Lord GOD has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he awakens morning by morning, he awakens my ear to hear as the learned. Isaiah 50:4. Even though I had these comforting words of THE MOST HIGH in scripture I was troubled by the verbal attacks; I was afraid of what “powers’ may come after me to shut me up. I felt this way until September 17, 2011 when I received this personal message from YAH. You are heavy with burdens and trouble because you have been shown the deep things of YAH; the hidden things which are above man’s scrutiny, the divine counsels of inexhaustible abundance, of an immense amount. This experience is like walking around in a deep sleep. You are commanded to speak the TRUTH, profess the truth, teach the truth, loving the truth. You have been given grace which can be trusted because it is of YAH. He has unconcealed and not hidden from you that which has been hidden and concealed. You have been ignorant and have unawares entertained angels of the ALPHA&OMEGA. Do not be afraid, be strong! You will be possessed with unfailing strength which is sufficient and enough to defend you against any danger! His grace is sufficient for thee to enable thee to bear the evil manfully. There is therefore no reason why thou should ask for its removal. You will be raised up and elevated like drawing up a fish, removed, carried and taken away! After receiving this message I am no longer afraid to speak the TRUTH of what YAH has given me, scoffers, mockers and evil men may say whatever they want against me; however I will continue to proclaim the voice of the MOST HIGH until the time I am RAPTURED and taken away to Heaven to celebrate the feast. Once again I say, my prayer is that these LOVE LETTERS from YHWH will edify, comfort, encourage and strengthen the body and bride of CHRIST, until we are taken to heaven by our Bridegroom. Earthquake transcription tutorial First I look up an earth quake at this link... I pick an earthquake from the latest earthquake list usually I choose from the M5+ Earthquake list. Then I take the numbers from the date of the quake, the strength, and distances listed that are associated with the quake and look them up here.... When we look up words in Strong's Concordance we can see a pattern starts to emerge that shows a message is imbedded when we put these words together. Once we get all the words and their meanings together then we just need to figure out what the message says. I DO NOT REARRANGE ANY NUMBERS they must be placed in the order they appear in the earthquake report. Secondly because the words sometimes are only fragments of a sentence it is necessary to add to it to make a complete sentence. However, I only add things like "the, we, will, and, so that, because, those" and things of that nature, I NEVER just invent whole sentences. The words are usually so concise and related directly to scripture that any student of the scriptures will clearly see the connection to the scriptures. This makes it easy to understand what is being presented. Let's look at one together.... 6/25 a 5.1 Earthquake Marina Island region Time: 3:18:54UTC 1:18:54PM Depth: 37.9 Km (23.6 miles) Distances: 153KM (95 miles) 225KM (139miles) 612KM (380miles) 818KM (508miles) Strong’s Concordance definition of Hebrew/Greek words which match the numbers in the earthquake. 625- Apollos- Given by Apollo ...(root word Apollonian- belonging to Apollo) 51- agnoema- a sin committed through ignorance or thoughtlessness 3- abaddon- destruction, place of destruction, angel-prince of infernal regions, the minister of death and the author of havoc on the earth. 18-agathos- upright honorable ,joyful happy excellent, distinguished 54- hagnotes- purity, chastity, uprightness of life 1-Alpha- Christ is the Alpha and Omega 18-agathos- upright honorable, joyful happy excellent distinguished 54-hagnotes-purity, chastity, uprightness of life 379-anapologetos- without excuse or defense, that which cannot be defended, inexcusable 236- allasso- to change, to exchange one thing for another, to transform, to cause on thing to cease and another to take it's place. 153- aischyno- to disfigure, to dishonor, to suffuse with shame, be ashamed 95- adikos- unjustly, undeserved, without fault, wrongfully 225- aletheia- TRUTH, in truth according to TRUTH, not superstitions, not corrupt opinions and precepts or false doctrine. 139- hairesis- act of taking, capture, choosing, choice, sect, a body of men following their own tenets, HERESY 612- apokrisis- replying, and answer 380- anaptysso- to OPEN for reading, to unroll, the books of the Hebrews were rolls fastened to two smooth rods and furnished with handles, so that they could be rolled up and unrolled 818- atimazo- to dishonor, insult, treat with contempt in wrd, deed or thought. entreat Shamefully, suffer shame, despise (root word-atimos-without honor) 508-anogeon- UPPER ROOM, a room in the upper part of the house, above the ground (root- ge- the ground ,the earth, the world) (root-ano- up, upwards, above, on HIGH, of the quarters of the heaven.) Now that we have all the words and meanings we can put the message together. As you can see there is a mention of destruction, dishonor, shame as well as purity, and uprightness. From just reading the words before we put it together we begin to see this is about judgment. The words in all CAPS are the numbers we looked up, the other words are added to form a sentence from the fragments. This is done to make the message read smoothly. Those BELONGING TO APOLLO have COMITTED SINS THROUGH IGNORANCE AND THOUGHTLESSNESS. Because of this they face DESTRUCTION, IN THE PLACE OF DESTRUCTION with the ANGEL-PRINCE OF INFERNAL REGIONS THE MINISTER OF DEATH AND AUTHOR OF HAVOC ON EARTH. The UPRIGHT will be JOYFUL AND HAPPY because they are EXCELENT AND DISTINGUISHED; they are PURE with CHASTITY and UPRIGHTNESS OF LIFE. These belong to CHRST, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA who is UPRIGHT, EXCELENT, DISTINGUISED, PURE, and CHASTE with UPRIGHTNESS OF LIFE. Those who are WITHOUT EXCUSE OR DEFENSE CANNOT BE DEFENDED AND ARE INEXCUSABLE. At the TRANSFORMATION when we are GHANGED, EXCHANGING ONE THING FOR ANOTHER they will be DISFIGURED, DISHONORED and SUFFUSED WITH SHAME. This is not UNDESERVED, UNJUSTLY or WRONGFULLY done, they are not WITHOUT FAULT. THIS IS TRUTH ACCORDING TO TRUTH, NOT SUPERSTITION, NOT CORRUPT OPINIONS OR PRECEPTS OR FALSE DOCTRINE. They will be CAPTURED and TAKEN in their HERESY. They must GIVE A REPLY OR AN ANSWER when the BOOKS ARE OPENED AND UNROLLED. They will SUFFER SHAME, DISHONOR and be TREATED WITH CONTEMPT in the UPPER ROOM, ABOVE THE EARTH, IN THE HEAVENS ON HIGH. Ketuvim Ahavah min YHWH (Love Letters from YAHWEH) FIRST FRUITS Chapter 1 1 The ALPHA&OMEGA will raise us up to carry us off as HIS companion. 2 He will take us up into the ship which is the ARK. He will seize us laying hold of us, collecting & gathering us together in tribute. 3 He will remove us from earth & take us away into the midst of Heaven, to offer the First Fruits. 4 He will take away the First Fruits of the productions of the earth which is to be offered to YAH, all those who are considered superior in excellence to others of the same class. 5 CHRIST is the first one recalled to life of them that have fallen asleep and by HIS case the future resurrection of Christians is guaranteed; because the First Fruits forerun and are a pledge to the rest of the harvests. 6 Christians considered First Fruits are sacred and dear to YAH and CHRIST and we have the First Fruits of the future blessings in the SPIRIT being distinguished from the great multitude who will receive the SPIRIT subsequently. (Rom 8:23, Jam 1:18)* 7 It is time for this to begin, the beginning of the ALPHA&OMEGA to rule and reign over us, this is our separation of physical distance and time. 8 This is TRUTH, it is not fictitious, counterfeit or pretend it is true; for those who love the truth. 9 I am speaking the truth of an actual occurrence through grace which can be trusted. I am speaking the TRUTH of YAH. 10 We shall be hidden, kept secretly hidden from the evil one and made unawares to him by the ALPHA&OMEGA. *Romans 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. James 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures. 114 HE IS AT THE DOOR Chapter 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 We are going upwards, above on high to the quarters of heaven to the Jerusalem, which is above – in the Heaven’s time - the eternal Jerusalem, which preceded the Earthly one. Listen for the calling made in Heaven, the Heavenly things from Heaven above on high. CHRIST died in place of us exchanging HIS righteousness for our sins. (1Pet 3:18) To serve as a covering so that we may succeed to HIS throne, receiving HIS title becoming legal beneficiary of HIS inheritance. (1 Cor. 6:2, Rev. 3:21, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:4). YESHUA gave HIS life so that we could receive HIS anointing; HE endured the cross to release me and thyself from obligation, that we might obtain joy. YESHUA paid the price, purchasing us with HIS blood, as recompense to YAH, forgiving our sin. HE bear our sins as the official substitution, through grace succeeding grace perpetually. (2 Cor.5:21) This is the richest abundance of grace. We shall cease to feel pain or grief made able to bear troubles with greater equanimity, when we are separated and taken away. (Rev. 21:4, Isa 40:31) This is our departure and fleeing, where part of the whole is taken away of physical distance and temporal distance of time. The branch of the tree is tender and full of sap. YESHUA said, Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and it putteth forth leaves, ye know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled. (Mat 24:3234). We shall go to meet YESHUA and HE shall serve as our covering and we shall receive the richest abundance when we depart and flee, when we are separated and taken. We shall put off and lay aside the body of sin and shall wholly put it off from ourselves, for our own advantage. We shall strip off our garments, taking off the body, the clothing of the soul, just as they stripped HIM and put on HIM a scarlet robe. (Mat 27:28) For we that are in the tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life. (2Cor 5:4) We shall be plunged suddenly into a new state and condition entering into and going under with great speed or impetuosity. This is our exit and emission out of the body, our removing and fleeing the calling of the chosen. The dead will be made alive again and we will be lifted up as to dissolve present relations to earth, taken out of the sphere of earthly action, being born. 21 These are the works of which my FATHER is the Author. 22 These works shall be wrought when we are endued with the FATHER’s power, which is not of earthly origin, nor of an earthly nature. 23 Having our prototype in YAH and being wrought in the soul by HIS power, we shall be changed into that which is bought. 24 In the Apocalypse, possessions cannot secure life; 25 Our fullness is the result of and consequence of the power on which we depend on; by which we are prompted and governed, whose character we reflect. 26 Those who are led by a desire to know the TRUTH and be a lover of the TRUTH will be bound to YAH, connected with HIM, to have relations with HIM. (John. 18:37) 27 We are the circumcised, Jewish Christians. (Acts 11:1-2, Acts 10:45, Rom. 11:17-19, Rom 11:2526) 28 Our emission, removal and separation, unfolding publicly, signal our completion and perfection, exceedingly out of measure and intense earnestness. (Mk 14:31) 29 We shall be driven off and away, carried off by the wind in the clouds, carried in a ship which is the Ark. 30 This is our separation, departing and fleeing; it is a separation of physical distance and temporal distance of time. A THIEF IN THE NIGHT Chapter 3 7/25 6.2 New Ireland Region 1. Like a thief in the night YESHUA will seize upon and hold fast HIS prize possessions. 2. YESHUA will take us by force when HE snatches us out and HE will claim for HIMSELF, HIS chosen, HIS elect, HIS preferred at the catching away, the HARPAZO! 3. The illiterate and unlearned will be ignorant; they will not know or understand. 4. Because of their ignorance they have made a mistake, they are in error. 5. The children of the FATHER of MAJESTY will lie at a table and eat together. 6. The will be set down and dine as guests in a city on a hill. 7. They are vessels or grain laid up together and destined to stand in the midst of YAH. 8. They repeatedly shout “ALALA” as soldiers entering battle. 9. We will utter a joyful sound when we are assembled at the place of assembly to celebrate; when we depart and are lead away to the Court of Justice. 10. Those that have ears to hear and understand will be given new dress clothes at the place set aside for hearing and deciding cases. 11. We will be given a means of ascent like a flight of stairs allowing us to climb up and enter the threshold of HEAVEN to a higher degree. 12. At the departure we will be unloosed and set free like unloosening moorings in preparation to set sail. 13. The defender of man, our betrothed, our future HUSBAND will not force anyone against their will to be married. 14. For those who are willing to have and to hold HE is sufficient and we can expect to receive the things we have a right to and that is to be raised up. 15. Look up, be elated and exalted and have our body and soul lifted into the midst of HEAVEN. 16. When we bend down and bow our heads it will be like the waves of the sea. 17. We will be fully dressed in new clothes; 18. Those without natural affection, the unsociable, and the inhumane with no love of kindred will not. They are against HIM, they oppose the HEAVENLY CREATOR; 19. And those who through YESHUA have united themselves in an intimate relationship with YAH, who no longer dread HIM as a stern JUDGE of sinners, 20. But reverence HIM as a loving FATHER. 21. WE are the children of YAH through JESUS CHRIST, the KING of JUDAH, KING of Israel! THE FULLNESS OF THE BODY HAS COME IN Chapter 4 10/18 6.0 New Britain Island 1. The MOST HIGH will act as an umpire, deciding, determining, directing and controlling us. 2. He will award a prize to those who are victorious in the games; this is our heavenly reward for Christian character. 3. Therefore we must press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of YAH in YESHUA/CHRIST JESUS. 4. We are of the baser sorts who are proper to the assembly and these are the judicial days of the assembly. 5. We shall be in the assembly of the elect where trials are held; the citizens resort, source of help and vacation place, where those who have not washed themselves cannot eat. 6. He will recall the dead to life arousing them from the sleep of death; He will cause them to rise and appear before the public assembly. 7. He will then cause us to be born and arise from our bonds while the misery of imprisonment is increased by tribulation. 8. We shall call out ABBA, ABBA, ABBA, FATHER GOD, CREATOR , RULER, CHIEF AND BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 9. He is the Author and Nourisher, Father to the fatherless, the ETERNAL FATHER, MESSIAH, FATHER OF THE RIGHTEOUS and of the kings of the earth, both of whom are called sons of YAH; and as it is a fathers place He is instructor to His children. 10. He is the FATHER of PEACE and MASTER TEACHER. 11. Abaddon will cause destruction and ruin; he is the angel prince of infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on the earth. 12. When he comes out of the place of destruction which is the Abyss, many shall perish and be blotted out of the LAMB’s Book of Life. 13. They will be put to death, this is divine judgment on the lost and wandering sheep. 14. Their houses shall be laid waste, their hopes, wishes and desires frustrated and their refuge perished from them. 15. The law shall perish from the priests and counsel from the old men; they will be as a nation whose counsel has perished. 16. The heart of the king shall perish for fear and terror and so shall perish the hope of the wicked. 17. The wretched shall wander and be dispersed because they have squandered their means of support. 18. We shall rejoice exceedingly; greatly rejoicing at The MOST HIGH because He is where our joy originates. 19. We shall rejoice while His Light shines in the midst of us; this is the divine promise which shall be fulfilled to us at length in Paradise. 20. We shall leap and spring up for joy. 21. YESHUA shed His blood from His vessel and poured it out for us. 22. This is the abundant bestowal of The HOLY SPIRIT which gives our souls a rich sense of the greatness of YAH’s love for us. 23. Despite this some have been thrust through by the love of reward as Balaam and they have given themselves up to wickedness. 24. We shall be brought forth and away from them; this is our exit and emission out of the body, as we are taken out of the sphere of earthly action, being so lifted up as to dissolve present relations with the earth. 25. YAH will avenge blood on the slayers; these are the works of my FATHER who is the Author of all things. 26. At the point of departure from the temporal or material world, we shall be changed into that which was bought and purchased through CHRIST’s sacrifice. 27. This is our emission out of the body, our removal and separation from the earth. 28. When the scrolls are unrolled and opened; we shall experience our completion and perfection. 29. Because of the blood of an innocent and righteous man the field has been bought with the price of blood. 30. He has not let the guilt of our destruction be reckoned to our own account, to cause punishment under penalty of death. 31. The blood of CHRIST shed on the cross has purifying and expiating power for the salvation of many. 32. This is the pledge of redemption in which believers are purified and are cleansed from the guilt of sin, through which we are rendered acceptable to YAH and find access into the Heavenly Sanctuary. 33. HE is the Way in which gentiles are brought to GOD and the blessings of the Kingdom and by the shedding of His blood the covenant is ratified, it is the emblem of the New Covenant which appropriates the saving results of CHRIST’s death. 34. You crown the year with your bountiful harvest of great abundance. 35. We are thick and ripe, the fullness of the body of CHRIST has come in. (Romans 11:25) 36. We are full grown, strong and rich having great liberality as an abundant harvest. 37. The unlearned and illiterate have received a written acknowledgement of debt. We have been engraved in the sacred writings, enrolled with those for whom eternal blessedness has been prepared. We have been written in the sacred books by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 38. We shall be captivated, attracted and held by charm, beauty and the excellence of YAH. 39. He will lead us away captive, capturing our mind, subjugating and bringing us under his control. We shall be caught when He actively takes us for Himself. 40. He will choose His elect, those He prefers, giving us apriority and precedence, elevating and raising us up from the ground to take and carry us away. 41. YAH will remove and take by force what is committed to Him. We shall raise our eyes to look up for our redemption draweth nigh. 42. We shall raise our hands and our voices speaking in a loud tone, crying out with a sense of fear, hope, hoy and grief. 43. He shall remove our guilt and the punishment of sin that it shall neither be imputed nor punished. YAH shall grant us a pardon for our offenses and cause our sins to cease, that we no longer sin while we enter into fellowship with CHRIST who is free from sin and we will abide, sojourn and remain in that fellowship. 44. What is impossible for us because we do not have strength, power or ability because we are weak, without strength and powerless is possible for GOD. 45. From YAH no word shall be without power because He is powerful, mighty and strong, mighty in wealth and influence, strong ion soul. He is able to bear calamities and trials with fortitude, enduring pain and adversity with courage and patience, having power as a strong mighty man. 46. He is the pre-eminently Mighty One, ALMIGHTY YAH. He is firm in conviction and faith, excelling in knowledge, might and power, nothing is impossible for what His power can do by virtue of His own ability. He is capable strong and powerful. He is the ALPHA&OMEGA. 47. He has held himself back, refraining from punishing, forbearing and abstaining, but now we shall wholly and in full receive what we have a right to expect and demand. 48. We shall have the contents of THE MSOT HIGH to our capacity and the possessions of YAH to our desire. He is sufficient and enough for us. 49. YESHUA says, “Ye have slept long enough.” 50. HE will no longer be absent, away or distant. We shall have in full what was paid in full and we shall be joined in marriage, to have and to hold, to adhere and cling to Him closely joined to YAH. 51. We shall have riches and wear garments or coverings hanging down from our heads. He shall cover us and carry us in His heart, loving us constantly. We shall be rich, made subject to our master, being in living union with the SON who is CHRIST. And the FATHER by faith and knowledge. 52. YESHUA shall have as a wife in lawful marriage the members of His body. This is our separation, departing and fleeing of physical distance and time. 53. Think over these things, ponder and consider them, weighting and comparing the, and you shall receive gifts conformable to you according to the proportion of faith received from YAH. 54. These words uttered by a living voice are the saying of GOD. 55. This is a decree, mandate and order, a prophecy given by the prophets to affirm, teach, exhort, advise, direct and point out to you with words the essential Word of YAH which is CHRIST JESUS. 56. YAH ordered this be said by His messenger; I solemnly declare to you the promise concerning us on behalf of THE MOST HIGH GOD by way of His exhortation, advice and command that this thing is to be done. He is entreating and pleading earnestly with us, bringing us greetings so that we may go into the midst of heaven. 57. Idumaea, the Edomites which is Edom or Esau the red son of Isaac, Jacob’s elder twin brother. hates ISRAEL. The descendants of Edom is the red horse which will take peace from the earth. (Rev 6:4) 58. Because of the red lentils Esau sold his birthright so he has fortified his inheritance, privileges and possessions as a firstborn son. 59. CHRIST is our red heifer who is our sacrifice and our garments are washed In HIS blood making them of clear whiteness as the whiteness of pearls. (Hebrews 10:4, Hebrews 9:11-14) 60. His external appearance, form figure and shape will be exposed to view; this is the visible appearance of eternal things. 61. We shall behold, look upon and gaze at Him, examining, observing and paying close attention to Him. We shall have a formal meeting in person and we will get a knowledge of and understanding of who He is. He will have regard for cherish and pay attention to us. 62. We never saw in such fashion, such a sight never befell us before, to whom something is presented in a vision, as the author of the Apocalypse relates that he saw this or that. By seeing we shall know that YESHUA/JESUS is the MESSIAH who commands attention. 63. We will pass into a state in which our corruption will be dissolved as we partake of the salvation in the Kingdom of YAH. 64. By some marvelous event, we shall get a signal perceived by any of the senses, a sign, impulse, gesture, a sound, image or message transmitted to us and we shall experience the beneficent power of GOD. 65. How great it is to live to see a day and time and enjoy the blessings it brings. 66. CHRIST declares, “It is the time when I should exercise my saving power on earth. 67. Ye will wish that even a single day of the blessed coming age of the MESSIAH may break upon your wretched times.” Joh 13:4 HE riseth from supper, and laid aside HIS garments; and took a towel, and girded HIMSELF. Joh 13:5 After that HE poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith HE was girded. Joh 13:8 … If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with ME. OF HIS OWN FREE WILL Chapter 5 10/14 6.7 New Guinea Region 1. Of HIS own free will HE deliberately, with purpose because of affection and HIS desire for us, brought us forth. 2. By HIS will HE elected and chose us from others. 3. HE is our hero on a horse, who comes with HIS fierce, untamed and violent passion, on the wild, boorish and rude men of the field. 4. HE will lead us out and take us with HIM by laying hold of us and bringing us to the point of destination. 5. We will be lead away to the Court of Justice, to the Magistrate, to keep and celebrate the feast. 6. HE will move us, impelling, driving us forward, propelling us, it is time to go and depart. 7. Abaddon will cause destruction and ruin when HE comes out of the place of destruction; he is the angel-prince of infernal regions, the minister of death and the author of havoc on earth. 8. The Destroyer from the Abyss will cause many to perish, go astray and be destroyed. 9. Many will be blotted out of the LAMB’s book of LIFE and be put to death. 10. This is divine judgement on the lost and wandering sheep. 11. Their land and houses shall be laid waste, their hopes, wishes, desire frustrated and their refuge perished from them. 12. The law shall perish from the priests and counsel from the old men. 13. They will be as nations whose counsel has perished. 14. The heart of the king shall perish for fear and terror and so shall perish the hope of the wicked. 15. This is proclaimed by the one who is without descent, without genealogy or pedigree. 16. HE is the WORD of GOD, JESUS CHRIST, the PERSONAL WISDOM and Power in Union with GOD; HIS MINISTER in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world’s life, both physical and ethical. 17. For the procurement of man’s salvation HE put on human nature in the person of JESUS the MESSIAH. 18. The second person in the GODHEAD and shone forth conspicuously from HIS words and deeds. 19. We will be collected and gathered together; 20. This prophetic Messianic promise, an oracle or utterance by which YAH discloses to the prophets or through the prophets future events. 21. This thought, declaration, aphorism and weighty saying is not to be confused with meaningless words, it is the doctrine concerning the attainment through CHRIST of salvation in the Kingdom of GOD. 22. I am commanded to speak to, to affirm, teach and exhort, giving a strong stirring argument and appeal, being called by name HE has ordered it be said by HIS messenger to the whole multitude. 23. We are the agreement of many individuals of the same kind and sort. 24. We will be made finished, miracles will be performed and wrought and we will be married. 25. This will be fulfilled of men appearing in public and of blessings coming to us. 26. The ALPHA & OMEGA will act rightly, virtuous and do a good work which benefits us. 27. When we are made, we will be given new names, constructed, formed and fashioned, prepared, appointed and ordained. 28. This will be executed and carried out and we will celebrate our Passover, when HE performs HIS promise. 29. These marvelous works are for those who are considered excellent, distinguished, upright, honorable and acceptable to GOD. 30. We are fruitful trees in fertile soil or good ground, souls inclined to goodness and accordingly eager to learn saving knowledge of the ALPHA & OMEGA. 31. Those who are want of understanding commit folly and madness and their madness is foolish behavior expressing itself in rage. 32. Those who have understanding are given the capacity for spiritual truth, the higher powers of the soul, perceiving divine things, recognizing good and hating evil. 33. Judge soberly, calmly and impartially and you will be recognized as worthy of intimacy and love, whom GOD has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel. 34. The ALPHA & OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END, who was born without a mother, is without origin because HE is GOD HIMSELF. 35. He will measure the motherland which is the mother that produces and harbors the harlots, of a city and races of men. 36. HE is the ALPHA & OMEGA, the BEGINNING and the END. 37. We shall sing and chants to the praise of YAH, lyrical emotions of a devout and grateful soul. 38. HE will pursue us eagerly and we shall be caught and ensnared in the toils of love, like catching a draught or haul of fish. 39. We will be lead away to the Court of Justice, the Magistrate to keep and celebrate the feast. 40. There will be a field of blood of those who are guilty of shedding blood. 41. Blood thirsty Edom condemn the innocent blood; 42. They are filled with bloodshed, slaughter and guilt contracted by killing. 43. The blood of the grape which is in Palestine is red because of bloodshed and slaying; a house and city guilty of slaughter. 44. They are red and ruddy, fair and handsome, their princes were whiter than milk, their bodies more ruddy than coral. 45. Be still, for they will be struck dumb and made silent for YAH! 46. They will die, being cut off and destroyed with admiration, amazement and grief, they will be astonished and confounded. 47. “Ye inhabitants, HE will not let the apple of HIS eye cease”. 48. Wait patiently and with confidence and expect HIS aid! 49. There will be silence and quietness and stupefication of those who will be lost in wonder and astonishment when they see destruction and desolation. 50. The wicked shall perish in darkness and they will be laid waste as a country. 51. They will say to themselves, “let us go into the fortified cities and let us perish here, let us wait for destruction” and they will be cut off and destroyed. 52. “I will destroy thy mother” says the LORD, because of this their eyes are poured out in tears, day and night and they do not cease. 53. They shall be dumb and a stupor shall come upon them suddenly, to amaze and confound the foolish and stupid with sudden calamity and sudden misfortune. 54. YAH will purge and cast out those who are vile, HE will thrust out, cleanse by washing and purge the altar. 55. They will portion, share and part the territory or parcel of land through seductiveness and flattery. 56. Their potion which was awarded from GOD will be given to those who worship idols. 57. A share lot and equal portion will be given to the spoilers and the depredator who betrays his friends to the spoilers. 58. A portion of land of the people of Israel, whom GOD has allotted to HIMSELF to be protected and cared for, the allotment designed of GOD (YAH) will be divided. 59. They will apportion, distribute, part and divide it among themselves through flattery they shall divide it amongst themselves in equal portions. 60. Because a man who flatters his neighbors by uttering smooth words they shall divide the land and receive a portion and inheritance, but Israel shall escape and slip away. 61. He who utters smooth words will do away with, disregard, nullify, make void and break his promise and engagement. 62. He will break the promise given to her/Israel, to set, fix, establish and set her within his own authority. 63. Lay this up in your heart to be remembered and pondered. 64. Every knee shall bend and all shall kneel at the feet of the ALPHA & OMEGA at HIS public showing forth, proclaiming, announcing the inauguration of HIS elect at the command of YAH. 65. When HE is proclaimed and announced as appointed KING, we will be lifted upon high and exhibited for all to behold. 66. When we are appointed, HE will show clearly what was hidden, showing which of these thou has chosen. 67. HE will give evidence and proof, rendering the FATHER visible to us. 68. Miracles will be performed in the presence of others to be seen by them. 69. This is CHRIST’s visible return as we go into the midst of Heaven. 70. Locust will cover the ground, from the farthest bounds, uttermost parts and ends of the Earth, to the highest extreme of Heaven. 71. We have reached a climax at this present point in time. 72. The passion, angry, heat of the LORD is boiling up. 73. HE will pour out the wine of the wrath of HIS fierce indignation, to kill and to slay. 74. HE is the one who was sacrificed, the paschal lamb who was slaughtered is GOD, YESHUA! EVERY HAIR OF YOUR HEAD IS NUMBERED Chapter 6 10/15 5.2 South of Fiji islands 1. HIS EMINENCE who is of high rank, paramount, supreme and prestigious is outstanding in character, distinguished, towering and standing out above all others. He is lofty, elevated and raised on a hill. 2. Those who lack knowledge are ignorant to divine things, they commit sin through ignorance and their moral blindness is inexcusable. 3. These things are perceived with the mind. Think upon, ponder and consider them and you will have understanding. You will be given the capacity for spiritual truth, perceiving divine things, recognizing good and hating evil. 4. Judge soberly, calmly and impartially and you will be recognized as worthy of intimacy and love; whom YAH has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel of the ALPHA&OMEGA. 5. We have been as it were unmarried, unwedded and single; however we are going to our wedding and marriage festival. This is our wedding feast, our banquet and matrimony; entering into the intimate everlasting union of CHRIST at His return from heaven with His church. This is the future blessings of the MESSIAH’s Kingdom. 6. The ALPHA&OMEGA is moved with indignation and because of His irritation and vexation He is sore displeased. 7. Many will feel pain and grieve, but we shall be in the curves of His arms enfolding closely upon us as the arms of the sea. 8. Do not be ignorant of these divine things, think upon, ponder and consider them and you will have understanding. 9. My FATHER is majesty, He is glorious, honorable, lofty, eminently beautiful with splendor and vigor. His freshness is like an olive tree, He is FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 10. He is the Father of Elevation, a Father to the fatherless, and the Father of the righteous and of the kings of the earth, both of whom are called Sons of YAH and as a Father, He is instructor to His children. 11. We are instructed to run this race, exerting ourselves, striving hard, spending our strength in performing and attaining a prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24) 12. We may incur extreme peril which requires the exertion of all our effort to overcome during our course of life. But every hair on your head is numbered. (Matthew 10:30) 13. So keep striving towards your destination among the multitude. 14. We shall go flying into an open place and hollow thing in which objects can be hidden, into the House of YAH. 15. We are entering into that time and season where we will be changed from one thing to another, separated, collected and combined into one, receiving visions and revelations of the LORD as we are caught up to the third heaven. (2 Corinthians 12:1-4) 16. We shall hear unspeakable words and abound in riches made to sub serve YAH’s purpose, promote His glory, abounding in riches redounding to the salvation of all men. This is for the benefit of the poor to the advantage and honor of CHRIST. 17. Wherefore didst thou doubt, out of the consideration and judgment and the power to sway and influence Him to do this thing and at the preaching out of regard closely looking at motives to the substance, nature, character, quality and heart of this preaching? 18. YAH is approving, manifesting and showing himself and we have reached the end to which we are adapted, made suitable, altered, modified and changed in form that we may attain our goal with the effort exerted. 19. This is the end which YAH has in view, the object and purpose towards which we strived for and the intended effect which is to produce faith. 20. Answer your purpose, your final goal in this struggle, that ye might the more readily embrace the faith when it’s time should come, that future salvation may be yours. 21. We have been appointed chosen, prepared and modeled after the King that He might show and procure for us eternal life; that we may be rolled up and laid away signifying rest or continuance in the place that we are transferred and carried off to. 22. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 23. We will come into a city and dwell there, this is the place where we will be assembled. We will be moved to this place through the power of attraction, compelled through attention, admiration and interest. 24. We will be drawn near and adhere by physical force, like magnetice poles being attracted to their opposites. 25. He is from above and He is utterly completely, absolutely, categorically and entirely perfect. 26. He will make Himself accessible, making it lawful to tread or walk into the threshold and doorway to heaven. But the profane, unhallowed and ungodly men cannot walk there. 27. YAH will withdraw from them and they will be removed from consideration and participation in this event. Through fear they will seek shelter, they will shun and deliberately avoid, evade and attempt to escape from His sight. 28. We shall depart, retire and disappear for rest and seclusion withdrawing from this contest and battle. 29. He shall receive us, make room and give us place, because we received Him and made room for Him in our hearts. 30. There is a space lying between these two regions, between heaven and earth. There is a gaping opening, a chasm or gulf, an empty expanse that we must cross as we go into the midst of heaven. 31. Those who are destitute of reason are contrary ad opposed in character, purpose and direction to YAH, they are absurd. They are brute beasts and animals who speak out with no regard or consideration when they speak or mention the ALPHA&OMEGA. 32. HE cannot be tempted by evil; He is not liable to temptation to sin, although they test and attempt to induce Him to commit some carnal crime, testing His temper. 33. Likewise we have been tempted to sin, we have been assayed and tried and now we will learn and know YAH by experience. 34. We shall pierce the veil, penetrating and passing through the gulf or chasm to the region beyond the other side, towards the place of The ALPHA&OMEGA. 35. This is our renewal, a renovation and complete change for the better which is effected by the HOLY SPIRIT. We will be caused to grow up, made new as new strength, energy, vigor, vitality and life is given to us. 36. We shall be changed to a new kind, unprecedented, novel, uncommon and unheard of as recently made superior to what it succeeds. 37. YESHUA says, “I bring all things into a new and better condition. All things are made new though they were previously no existent. 38. We shall be far different from what we were before, when we go into the midst of heaven. 39. Do not be unfaithful, disbelieving and betraying trust in this as one who disbelieves in the news of CHRIST’s resurrection or in the tidings concerning YESHUA/JESUS the MESSIAH. 40. The unfaithful and faithless are not to be trusted; they are perfidious, treacherous and deceitful, not true to duty, obligation nor promise. They are incredible, unbelieving, incredulous and without trust in YAH. 41. Those which believe not are infidels, with impiety, unrighteousness and wickedness, lacking respect for YAH. They are ungodly, even those among the Christians themselves who reject the true faith without trust in GOD. 42. A faithful believer is one who faithfully executes commands in the discharge of duty and those who keep their plighted, solemn pledge of faith are worthy of trust, they can be relied on. 43. Faithful believers are easily persuaded we trust YAH’s promises; we are convinced YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST has been raised from the dead and that He is the MESSIAH and Author of salvation. 44. True believers persuade and induce others by words to believe, we make friends, win favor and gain YAH’s good will. We seek to please YAH, we have faith in GOD, we listen to Him, obey, yield, comply, trust and have confidence in the ALPHA&OMEGA. 45. He will raise us, taking us up to carry us off. We shall be received up into the ship which is the Ark when He lays hold of us, removes us and carries us away as a companion. 46. He will not refuse or reject us, we are chosen and selected and we will be collected and gathered unto His own home which is in the midst of heaven. 47. Just as the Hebrews went to the region beyond, on the other side of the Jordan. We are going to a mountain situated on the other side. Just as the ancestors of the Hebrews passed over, when we are taken away, we shall pass over and traverse. 48. We shall travel in advance to emigrate, leaving our territory; we shall go away, depart and vanish in a cloud to enter into a covenant. 49. He shall move His people from one city to another making us exchange habitations when He blows the trumpet. 50. We will go through the threshold, step and doorway to heaven, going up in grade, degree, dignity and wholesome influence in the church, to new depths and heights. 51. These are the deep things of YAH hidden above man’s scrutiny, the divine counsels of inexhaustible abundance and immense amount; it will be like walking in a deep sleep. SNATCHED OUT OF THE WORLD CHAPTER 7 7/26 5.9 Gulf of California 1. We will be seized and carried off by force; we will be snatched out of the world. 2. We will be redeemed and assembled at the place of assembly for the elect. 3. HE will do well for us; HE will act for our benefit and like a fishing hook we will be in the curve of HIS arms, enfolding upon us as the arms of the sea. 4. We will rejoice and be exceedingly glad; we will leap and spring up rejoicing. 5. The FATHER of MULTITUDE will do what was impossible for us to do. 6. We were without strength, powerless and unable to do what HE will. 7. We will abide in the field, to live in the fields under the open sky even by night. 8. We will not see the grave, death or hell, nor the god of infernal regions because we are pure, chaste and clean. 9. There will be trouble, great distress and anguish. 10. Many will be full of heaviness and depressed, but we will be elevated, raised up and drawn up as a fish and carried off. 11. Those who are left behind and forsaken will face judgment continually without ceasing because they stink, they are abominable and detestable. 12. HE will turn away from them because of their stench. 13. Now is the time to accept what is offered, to receive HIS hospitality and be granted access into YAH’s family. 14. If you do, you will not be refused friendship you will be part of the separation, departing and fleeing. INTO THE MIDST OF HEAVEN Chapter 8 1. I have compelled my messenger to go and deliver this letter. It is time to ascend, to go up, to mount, be borne up and rise. 2. It is time to spring up, to come up to enter and walk into the midst of heaven. 3. Look up, behold and gaze upon the mountain of YAH.; contemplate and weigh this carefully and you will have the power of understanding. 4. Behold, take heed and you will know by experience when you go, into the midst of heaven. 5. You will recover your sight and be taken by force; this is imposed by circumstances and by the law of regarding your advantage. Because of calamity and distress, this is needful and imposed by the external condition of things. 6. We will be taken in the curves of His arms enfolding closely upon us as the arms of the sea; as we go, into the midst of heaven. 7. He will appoint and proclaim us as elected to office. He will announce the appointed King. 8. He will lift us up on high and exhibit us for all to behold. He will give proof of His existence clearly disclosing what was hidden and it will be exposed to our eyes as we go, into the midst of heaven. 9. He will stir us up; inflame our minds, strength and zeal. We will gain strength like the fire of the four beasts, the living beings. (Rev 4:6) 10. As we go, into the midst of heaven. OUR BETROTHED AND FUTURE HUSBAND Chapter 9 7/30-31 6.4 Honshu Japan 1. The man child who was raised up will elevate us to take us away. We will be removed, taken by force and drawn up like a fish. We will be purchased eagerly and caught like a draught of fish. 2. We will be lead away to keep and celebrate a feast when He lays hold of us to bring us to our point of destination. This is for the upright ad honorable who are considered excellent and distinguished. 3. We will be well pleased, joyful and happy because He has made us pure, chaste and set aside or sacred, made pure for carnality immaculate and clean as an unsullied virgin. 4. The Holy Saints will celebrate the festival gathering, the feast of tabernacles. We will dance sacred dances round in a circle and the earth reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 5. Lack of knowledge of divine things and moral blindness is inexcusable; take heed to these words, ponder and consider them. 6. Ignorance and sin leads to the place of destruction with the Angel Prince of Infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on the earth. 7. Many shall perish and will be blotted out of the LAMB’s Book of Life. This is divine judgment on the lost and wandering sheep. 8. Our Betrothed and Future Husband will allow himself to be seen; He will appear with His angels and we will see him with our eyes becoming acquainted with Him by experience. 9. He will reap and gather us together at the same time. The upright will be exceedingly joyful and happy. 10. The children of the Father of multitude are without charge because of purity and sinlessness of life we are chaste and pure and the Nazarite, we are his sacred, holy saints. 11. Those who are uncertain because they lack knowledge of divine things will be in the field of blood. They will receive their portion, share and part because they are partakers in blood guiltiness. 12. They shall be struck dumb and made silent; they will be astonished when they are cut off and destroyed. They will be cast out, purged and washed away at the visible manifestation of YESHUA to mankind. 13. He will do away with those who have rejected, refused and disregarded YAH. 14. We shall kneel down and He will establish and set up His system on a permanent basis. 15. He will confer His holy orders, providing us with power and authority, consecrating us as priests. THE TIES THAT BIND Chapter 10 7/28 5.1 Kermadec Island region 1. YESHUA is our earnest pledge, for those who have fellowship with HIM, we are engaged. 2. HE has become surety or liable for our debt, the sins we’ve committed through ignorance and thoughtlessness. 3. These things are not burdensome or heavy for HIM, in fact, they are light and weightless. 4. HE has removed our burden and relieved the charge of debt from our account. 5. This was affectionately done, through HIS benevolence and love. 6. We are invited to the love feasts, where we will be welcomed, entertained and loved dearly. 7. This is a feast of charity, for those HE loves, for those HE approves of. 8. HE will kiss us and we will be well pleased because HE has befriended us as the bridegroom’s friend who asks for the hand of the bride. 9. HE will keep us from the bottomless pit, the abyss of immeasurable depth. 10. The abode of demons and the receptacle of the dead in the lower parts of Earth. 11. It is impossible for us to keep ourselves from this fate because we do not have the power, ability or strength. 12. But YESHUA is able because HE is mighty, powerful and strong! 13. Because of this we will live in the fields under the open sky even at night, we will be in the palace and the courts of the Tabernacle of the Temple of Heavenly Jerusalem! 14. Abstain from uncleanness, lustful luxurious living and impure and immoral motives and you will chant and sing the praises of emotion of a devout and grateful soul. 15. Those who are without self-control and those whose salt has lost its savior are natives of Egypt and walk around in a deep sleep. 16. But those who are called have a tie that binds. 17. They are bound to YESHUA as a wife to a husband. 18. This says the Archangel, chief, prince and leader of the angels, messengers of YAH and host of Heavenly Spirits. LIKE A HERO ON HIS HORSE Chapter 11 7/29 6.7 South of Fiji Island 1. YESHUA will return like a hero on HIS horse exacting HIS vehement, furious, violent passion on the wild, savage, raging and boorish men of the field; at the same time HE will lay hold of HIS elect. 2. We will go and depart as we are lead away to celebrate the feast. 3. This will happen seamlessly, as events woven together without a needle. 4. HE will smite then with a rod or staff. 5. The children of the FATHER of MAJESTY are morally pure, they are the Holy Saints who are worthy of veneration; they will be at the Festival gathering, the Feast of Tabernacles. 6. At the assembly, they will go around in circles leaping and dancing, they will make a pilgrimage to hold the festival on the HOLY day. 7. The Earth will reel to and fro and the people will be encircled encompassed with terror. 8. Because of YAH’s displeasure, indignation and wrath there will be much grief. 9. We will be in the curves of HIS arms enfolding upon us as the arms of the sea, when HE leads us out and withdraws HIMSELF. 10. We will go away and depart just as HE causes the oceans to recede, just as HE drove back and parted the sea! 11. We are as young shoots, sucklings and nursing babies. HE will wipe us clean, touching us and handling us with HIS hands, HE will squeeze us as we depart and flee. 12. HE will bring us together and set us forth in order in the midst of Heaven. 13. HE will ordain, appoint and give us authority. 14. All uncleanness, lustful, luxurious living, impure motives foul and unclean thoughts and life are purged by the ALPHA & OMEGA. 15. HE cleanses us of filth like pruning trees and vines from useless shoots. 16. We are purified by fire, free from sin and guilt, so that we may bear fruit. 17. We will be given in marriage at the separation and exit from the world. 18. Residents of Berea, those who are well watered, who search the scriptures will go over, beyond the other side; they will experience extreme joy, exultation and gladness. 19. They will be anointed at the feast, the inaugural Ceremony of Anointing and Emblem of the divine power and majesty to which the Son of GOD has been exalted. 20. They will rejoice. Spring up and Leap for joy. BRETHEN IN CHRIST CHAPTER 12 7/31-8/1 6.8 near North Coast of New Guinea 1. All who are brethren in CHRIST, united under bonds of affection will be exalted to the same heavenly place. 2. We will witness unspeakable things, things which are unable to be uttered, when we are in the field. 3. We will be taken and lead away to the Court of Justice to celebrate a feast. 4. We will be taken away and HIS indignation and wrath will be poured out. 5. Because of HIS displeasure HIS violent irritation will cause many to grieve. 6. We will depart in the curves of HIS arms enfolding as the arms of the sea. 7. Because of holiness, purification and sanctification of heart and life we are consecrated to YAH. 8. HE will separate us from the profane and dedicate us to HIMSELF. 9. The Holy Saints will make a pilgrimage to the festival gathering, the Feast of Tabernacles, to hold the feast. 10.We will celebrate and dance in a circle while the world is encompassed with fear and terror. 11.The unknown and forgotten GOD will become known; 12.We will become acquainted with HIM, judged worthy of intimacy and love whom GOD has judged of the blessings of the gospel. 13.We will have an intimate relationship with HIM, in the grassy meadows, the place of assembly for the elect. 14.The dead will rise from the sleep of death and HE will cause us to rise also. 15.All filthiness, impurity and uncleanness will be purged. 16.HE has pruned us like trees or vines from useless shoots, which is our guilt; we are purged by fire, blameless and innocent. 17.We are as a vine cleansed by pruning so it is fit to bear fruit, clean and pure, perpetually and forever. 18.We will sing praises in honour to YAH, we will make a promise and take a vow. HE will give us praise and commendation. 19.What had been uncertain, not manifest and indistinct will become clear and evident. 20.What has been concealed and invisible will become known and understood. 21.With a box made of alabaster which is the best material in which to preserve ointments HIS head was anointed. 22.The breaking of the box is the breaking of the seals and pouring out of HIS wrath. 23.They will suffer from a flow of blood, but those who are pleasing to HIM will be raised and lifted up from the ground and carried away. 24.We will be taken by force by our HUSBAND, by our BETROTHED. 25.We will see the ARK of the COVENANT in the temple in Heavenly Jerusalem. 26.HE will be to us as Noah’s vessel built in the form of an Ark. 27.HE will manifest and show HIMSELF. 28.HE will expose HIMSELF to the eyes and give evidence of HIS existence. 29.This will happen at our exit and separation from the world! YAH THE AUTHOR & BESTOWER Chapter 13 11/17/11 1. YAH will take away the First Fruits of the earth which are to be offered to YAH. This is the first portion of the dough, from which sacred loaves were to be prepared. 2. The offering of the First Fruits is the offering of those persons who are superior in excellence to others of the same class. 3. This is the beginning, starting point and first part performed when YAH becomes Chief, Leader and Ruler, Reigning over us. 4. Do not even begin to say, make not even an attempt to excuse your selves because the beginning of want follows hard upon the squandering of your goods. 5. Y’SHUA is coming to discharge and perform the obligations and demands of The Messianic Office. (Luke 3:23) 6. HE will collect everyone together from all parts of the world, individually to exercise dominion over us. 7. CHRIST has redeemed some rich some poor and has not restricted His redemption to either Jew or Gentile. 8. YAH gives blessings of every kind; yet, He requires obedience in all things, in everything YAH wills: consciousness of rectitude in all things to the highest degree, in all His inhabitants, in their whole compass, understanding sense of personal direction and extent. (Hebrews 2:14-15, Revelation 5:6) 9. Whosoever, if anyone heareth, whoever he is let him hear and understand. (Matthew 13:13-23) 10. Everyone owing, if he owe let us forgive every debtor of ours. 11. Everyone that is angry must learn to forgive all men. 12. We are all members of the church, the great majority, the multitude. 13. Become all things to all men; adapt yourselves in all ways to the needs of all, wholly, altogether, in all your ways, in all respects. 14. All things that exist, all created things, the totality of created things are HIS. 15. YAH has filled the universe of things in all places, with all the things that He can give for our benefit. (Romans 8:32) 16. And by its universality designates every class of men, which is all of mankind, under His supreme authority, that YAH may rule Supreme. 17. And by His spiritual power working within all, that He may be the immanent one, existing in and extending into all parts of the created universe, as the controlling principle of life. (1 Corinthians 15:28) As a husband and wife and their mutual dependence upon one another. (1 Corinthians 11:12) 18. For all the things that befall you, the preceding serves to sum up what follows, these things all taken together above all things, collectively are of the ALPHA&OMEGA. 19. Flee from deceit and deceitfulness of riche, for by deceitful influence men are seduced to sin. (Matthew 13:22) 20. Do not allow men to cheat, beguile and deceive you. (Ephesians 5:6) 21. Reflect the brightness of CHRIST as He perfectly reflects the majesty of YAH. 22. His effulgence and radiance shall come shinning forth as a light coming from a luminous body; He is the vine with out-raying brightness. (Hebrews 1:3) 23. Y’SHUA will beam down upon us so that we will radiate, emitting energy as waves of light, shining brightly, showing feeling and quality through looks, speech, behavior and content. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7) 24. We shall shine as the break of day with brightness of the sun, at our separation and departure of physical distance and time. 25. YAH will conceal the fragments He has separated in the ship, which is the ARK. 26. Turn away from wickedness, do not be corrupted and thus led away from singleness of heart. (2 Corinthians 11:3) and you will be heard and accordingly delivered for fear. (Hebrews 5:7) 27. YAH will make us members of a sect of society, a disciple or votary of those who are separated from the material from which we were made. 28. He will move or impel us to flee for fear of the evil one. (John10:5) 29. YAH is the efficient cause and the force from which this thing proceeds. 30. YAH’s will, power, authority, command, favor, order, influence, and direction is to be sought. 31. From the glory which we behold for ourselves, in a mirror, goes out a glory in which we shine, by the spirit of YAH. 32. We shall be separated from the destruction proceeding from the incensed, wrathful countenance of YAH. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) 33. This is done by His own power and His own judgment. 34. It is He to whom we are indebted, for what we know, receive and possess; it is all from YAH the Author and Bestower. 35. We are constructed as apostles by authority and commission according to YAH’s will and appointment, by the will of GOD. (Revelation 12:6, John 14:1-4) 36. Annoyances proceed from unclean spirits, be not vexed, annoyed, irritated, provoked nor troubled with them as touching the flesh. 37. Cry out from your hearts willingly and sincerely, with one voice, with one consent and with one mind and you shall be made extraordinarily constructed at your separation, liberation ad departure; your finishing and completion. 38. Y’SHUA is the pattern from which the copy is taken. (1 John3:2) IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES Chapter 14 1. We are engaged in a contest so we must contend, fight struggle and strive against difficulties as if we are competing for a prize. 2. We must endure and carry on through hardships, suffering patiently, without yielding. 3. Remain sleepless, keep awake and watch, be circumspect attentive and ready exercising constant vigilance. 4. Maintain a wakeful frame of mind as opposed to listlessness, a state untouched by any slumberous or beclouding influences and thence on that is guarded against advance of drowsiness or bewilderment, wary against spiritual dangers and beguilements. 5. We shall sleep under the power of something Higher, The ALPHA&OMEGA, FATHER GOD, Ruler, Chief and Benevolent Protector. 6. We were bought and redeemed with a price; CHRIST purchased His disciples by the shedding of His blood. Because we have been purchased, we shall be withdrawn for the earth and its miseries and from wicked men. 7. We shall be in The Assembly of the Elect, a collection of men in the congregation; where those who have not washed themselves cannot eat. 8. The dead will be aroused from the sleep of death when HE recalls the dead to life causing them to appear before the public and He will cause us to be born and rise up. 9. Many shall perish and be destroyed, blotted out of the LAMB’s Book of Life. 10. This is divine judgment on the lost and wandering sheep. 11. Abraham is the father of multitude, but the CHIEF of Multitude is FATHER GOD. 12. We shall fare well and prosper, things will turn out well for us and we will receive a commendation. He will say. “Well done my good and faithful servant enter ye into my rest.”(Matthew 25:23) 13. For our benefit and advantage we will go from being clothed in our earthly body to being clothed with glory. 14. Who is able to withstand YAH? No one! 15. What think ye, that He will not come? It is certain, inevitable, established beyond doubt or question, indisputable and definite! 16. We are a kind of First Fruits of His creatures. (James 1:18) 17. And with certain fearful expectation we await somebody of importance, some eminent personage, something extraordinary. 18. For this very reason, those who believe though uncircumcised will go from being clothed in our earthly body to being clothed with glory. 19. We shall experience things which cannot be uttered when The MOST HIGH speaks to us disclosing His thoughts, the utterances of YAH. 20. As each thunder uttered its particular voice, the force and meaning of which the prophet understood. 21. The expiatory Blood of CHRIST begs, implores and appeals earnestly for the pardon of our sins, speaking things which tend to edify and comfort the soul; prompted by divine influence to announce and preach the world of YAH and the doctrine of Salvation by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 22. Our praise is a thank offering presented to YAH for the benefits we receive. We shall sing praises in honor of YAH and we shall promise a vow standing upon the surface of the sea of Glass. 23. We are made sinless by the one who is without sin, the one who cannot sin, Y’SHUA. 24. Even though at times we may miss the mark and sin, do not wander from the path of uprightness and honor, do not wander from the Law of YAH, violating YAH’s Laws and you will be given your part and lot in fellowship with the ALPHA&OMEGA. 25. This is revelation and truth; it is light with the brightness Y’SHUA will light us up causing our faces to shine because we are imbued with His wisdom. 26. The Antichrist, the adversary of MESSIAH, the most pestilent being will appear just before the MESSIAH’s advent. (Daniel 11:36) 27. What ye have hear concerning Antichrist as about to make his appearance just efore the return of CHRIST is now fulfilled in many false teachers, most worthy to be called antichrists. 28. However The Antichrist is an individual man of the very worst character, instigated by the devil to try and palm himself off as god. 29. CHRIST is the Anointed MESSIAH, The SON of YAH who is Y’SHUA/JESUS, who by His HOLY SPIRIT lives I the souls of His followers and so molds their character that they bear His likeness, a mind conformed to the mind of CHRIST. 30. He shall anoint us, enduing His disciples with the gifts of The HOLY SPIRIT. 31. He will touch us with His hands, putting clothing upon us and because we earnestly prayed and petitioned Him, He will furnish us with what is needful. 32. He is our Help, YAH is present with us, protecting, aiding, upholding and preserving us through His might and power. 33. They will open a gaping opening, a gulf or chasm, a deep opening in earth’s surface, this is the Abyss. 34. There will be winter storms, rainy weather, a tempest and foul weather during the winter season on account of pouring rains. 35. Because of the richest abundance of YAH’s grace must cry out, shout aloud with a strong voice, implore His aid and we shall go into the midst of heaven and He shall wipe away every tear and we shall not be left. 36. We are invited to His dinner banquet and formal meal. 37. Again He sent forth other servants saying, “ Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed and all things are ready: come unto the Marriage. (Matthew 22:4) 38. The MANCHILD will be caught up to YAH ad to HIS Throne. INSCRIBED IN THE SACRED SCROLLS Chapter 15 8/7 4.1 Dead Sea Region 1. We will be separated from those who are undistinguished, uncertain and ambiguous when HE selects and picks us out. 2. The MOST HIGH will pass judgment on their deeds and word; HE is able to discern and make distinction between the awful things and HIS most holy things, the Holy Saints, those who are sacred and worthy of veneration. 3. His holy ones who are pure from carnality, from every fault and immaculate will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles, to keep the Holy solemnity during the feast days. 4. We will make a pilgrimage to celebrate the festival; we will go round in a circle dancing as the world reels to and fro, encircled by terrors. 5. We are the children of the FATHER of Abundance, the Great FATHER of Plenty on whom the priesthood was bestowed. 6. FATHER GOD will leave behind a remnant of HIS people, but even though they remain, they will excel, HE will preserve them alive. 7. HE will show them HIS preeminence beyond measure and how they are reserved for the CREATOR, RULER,CHIEF, BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR, FATHER GOD, THE FATHER of HIS people (ISRAEL!). (Col. 1:17-19, Heb. 1:8, Eph. 1:18-23) 8. Those who lack understanding of divine things are inexcusable; they have committed error and sin through ignorance. 9. Because they do not understand they do not take heed and they do not think upon, ponder or consider these things. 10.Those who recognize goodness and hate evil, judge soberly will learn and know YAH, they will become acquainted with HIM. 11.We have been judged worthy of intimacy and love whom GOD has judged of the blessings of the gospel. 12.We will be welcomed, entertained and loved dearly; HE is well pleased in HIS beloved, we are approved of so that HE will show signs of HIS love and HE will kiss us and treat us affectionately. 13.HE will befriend us like one of the bridegroom’s friends, who on HIS behalf, ask for the hand of the bride, closes the marriage and celebrates the nuptials. 14.HE is FATHER of MULTITUDE and all believers in CHRIST have a claim to the title SONS of the CHIEF of MULTITUDE, the FATHER of MAJESTY. 15.HE is glorious, honourable, and majestic, with great splendor, vigor and beauty. 16.HE is the RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR of the illiterate and unlearned. 17.This is a letter of those things which stand written in the sacred books by the ALPHA & OMEGA, which is an account to acknowledge the debt that is owed. 18.It was engraved as a record that ye have been enrolled with those whom eternal blessedness has been prepared. 19.The Jew so clave to the letter of the law that it not only became to them a mere letter, but also a hindrance to true religion. 20.Paul calls it the sacred writings in a disparaging sense and contrasts it with the divine spirit which is operative in Mosaic Law and the Gospel of CHRIST. 21.These same sacred writings mention and refer to a person whom Moses had in mind in writing of the MESSIAH, whose likeness Moses delineated. 22.Moses writing the words, points out the righteousness of the law that it should find fulfillment in CHRIST. 23.It was written for HIM, allotted to HIM in scripture to be accomplished in HIS career. 24.It is CHRIST who will lead and take us with HIM when we depart and are lead away to the Court of Justice to keep and celebrate the feast. 25.HE will lay hold of us and bring us to the point of destination like a fishing hook, we will be caught in the curves of HIS arm enfolding closely upon us as the arms of the sea. 26.Every brother in CHRIST will be exalted to the same heavenly place, united by bonds of affection. 27.We are born of GOD, made pure, from carnality, from every fault, immaculate and clean. 28.We are HIS Holy Saints, as unsullied virgins and we will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles. 29.We will make a pilgrimage to the feast and at the public assembly we will go round in a circle, dancing, leaping and celebrating while the world reels to and fro and is encompassed with terrors. 30.While they are reeling in terror we will sing and chant praises of a devout and grateful soul. 31.We have been pursued eagerly and we will be taken, caught and ensnared in the toils of love. 32.Like a draught of fish we will be lead to the Court of Justice to celebrate the feast when we depart out of Egypt and double straits. 33.This is free of charge, requires no expense, it is free because the DEBT HAS BEEN PAID. WE SHALL SIT ON THRONES IN HEAVEN Chapter 16 1. The MOST HIGH will reject disregard and set aside all those who have refused Him. They nullify, make void and thwart the efficacy of His saving grace, transgressing the Law. 2. Through their actions they render inefficacious the saving power of YAH; they have broken their promise of engagement. 3. We shall be set within the Authority of the ALPHA&OMEGA. 4. We shall be in The Assembly of the Elect; where those who have not washed themselves cannot eat. 5. He will cause the dead to rise, arousing them from the sleep of death and He will cause us to be born, constructing, building and erecting us. 6. He will then cause us to rise, while the misery of imprisonment is increased by tribulation. 7. Y’SHUA will be a good help to us, doing us a favor for our profit. He will make ready, fashion, appoint, ordain and declare us. 8. When this is carried out and executed we will spend time celebrating our pass-over, when HE performs HIS promise through action. 9. HE will execute judgment, these are the notable and marvelous works of Y’SHUA, HE is The Vine, a fountain yielding water. 10. We will make supplications to Him and He will provide us with provisions. 11. We are considered excellent, distinguished, upright and honorable, fruitful trees on fertile soil on or good ground; souls inclined to goodness and accordingly eager to learn saving truth, ready to bear fruit. 12. We shall be in the curves of His arms, closely enfolding upon us as the arms of the sea. He is or anchor and our stay and our safeguard. 13. HE is the Light Bringer who is wealthy and affluent, our Mountain and High Priest over all Israel and the head of the whole sacerdotal order. 14. He shall come forward to bring charge against the wicked and the accused shall give an account of their actions. 15. But He shall not lay anything to the charge of those He has called. 16. He will utter in a loud voice, calling and inviting us to receive HIS NAME. HE shall give us HIS NAME and we shall bear that NAME and TITLE among men. 17. He will call us to approach and stand before HIM, as His own sheep, each by our own names. 18. CHRIST has called us to be His disciples and constant companions, being ordered and summoned before the Judge. 19. HE will cause us to pass from one state to another, inviting men by the preaching of the gospel to the blessings of the Heavenly Kingdom for the final highest end of the calling which is eternal salvation, so that ye might come into one hope, that ye may be members of one and the same body. 20. Those who have slighted this invitation are not reckoned among the called by CHRIST to embrace the office of salvation by The MESSIAH. 21. YAH calls even those who are not yet born, by promises of salvation, calling them, to appoint them to salvation, calling them by name to bear the title of honor as a military appointment. 22. And at His command and instructions emanating from the personal will of our superior; we will assemble in close proximity to Him who sits at the Right Hand of YAH. 23. We shall be clad with garments, furnished and equipped with the water of baptism and the Blood of Atonement by means of both which He has procured the pardon of our sins; of which fact we are assured by the testimony of The HOLY SPIRIT, furnished with the regal power of MESSIAH, possessed of His Kingly Power. 24. That which is sown in a state of corruption is to be prepared in readiness, powerfully with power, joyful in joy, celebrating the feast, receiving the Life in which created beings are made partakers, inherently fixed, implanted and intimately connected with YAH and CHRIST and receiving power and blessings from that union; most intimately united with Him in spiritual fellowship. 25. This is our exit and emission out of tribulation, our separation out of the body and out of the chains from which our hands were bound. 26. Men made alive from being dead, to be so lifted up as to dissolve present relations to the earth; taken out of the sphere of earthly action of place and time. 27. We shall go flying into an open place a hollow thing in which object can be hidden, into the HOUSE of YAH. 28. He shall cast out the wicked, they will be violently displaced from their position and cast into prison as a tree casting it’s fruit because it is violently shaken by the wind. 29. With His fishing hook He shall fish us out in the curves of His arms. 30. We are His beloved, esteemed dear and favorite, deemed worthy of the love of Y’SHUA THE MESSIAH, Disciples of Christ reconciled to YAH and judged by HIM worthy of eternal life, bound together by mutual love. 31. We are His beloved in the Fellowship of CHRIST, we will be welcomed and entertained and He will love us dearly because in us He is well pleased. 32. He is contented with us, full of good will towards us and He will exhibit the same.This is the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation undergoing suffering and death. 33. Because we exhibit affectionate reverence, prompt obedience and grateful recognition of the benefits we have received, He takes pleasure in us and is unwilling to abandon us. 34. HE will love, approve of and kiss us, He will sanction, welcome, befriend and delight in us, because we hate our life if it cannot be kept without denying CHRIST. This is a love found in admiration and veneration as a friend or companion. 35. He is the builder, The KING of Judah, skilled and Master Workman, The Artificer and Architect. He is The Hypostatic Wisdom of YAH, The Maker of the world. 36. HE will support, uphold, confirm and nourish us; the faithful will be established, carried and made to stand frim, of this we can be certain, trust and believe. 37. He will support us with His arms carrying us as one who cares for, guards and brings up a child. He will sustain, nourish and build us up making us firm and unshaken. 38. He is the ONE we can safely lean on, bearing us in His arms. 39. This servant, messenger and witness shall be found true. 40. He that believeth in Y’SHUA shall not flee away from battle; he who has no confidence and fears for his life does not believe or hope that he shall escape out of darkness and terrors. 41. We stand firm and still, but they do not stand still where the sound of the trumpet is heard. We so long for the battle that we hardly believe our own ears for joy. 42. We are not inclining but firm, unmoved and without wavering. 43. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for HE is faithful that promised. (Hebrews 10:23) 44. We shall bow down before Him; when we turn to flight to the place for repose many will fall down dead terrified. 45. The declining day is far spent for this reason we shall lay our heads down with the ALPHA&OMEGA. 46. The ignorant, rude and those without instruction will e castigated, chastised and corrected by reproof and admonition. 47. They will be taught by the affliction of evils and calamities as a judge ordering one to be scourged. 48. We are CHRIST’s children, servants and slaves to CHRIST, we are the KING’s attendants and ministers, devout worshippers of YAH, those who fulfill YAH’s will, upright and godly men whose agency YAH employs in executing His purposes. 49. Y’SHUA the MESSIAH will smite the wicked with the sword, He will wound, whip and beat them with the staff. 50. Mourners will smite their breasts in grief when He smites them with punitive evils which disquiet their conscience. 51. The ALPHA&OMEGA shall show Himself publicly, proclaiming, announcing and inaugurating the Elect. He will appoint us and we will be lifted up on high and exhibited for all to behold. 52. The appointed King will show Himself accurately and clearly, disclosing what was hidden to show which ones HE has chosen. He will expose himself to our eyes, giving evidence and proof of His existence rendering The Father visible to us. This is CHRIST’s visible return as we go into the midst of Heaven. 53. HE will be conspicuous, manifest, illustrious, notable and terrible. (Acts 2:20) 54. He will show himself becoming visible as a star, becoming clearly known, to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. (Luke 1:79) 55. He will shine bright and resplendent, the angels of YAH shall appear to those restored to life. Never before was such a sight seen I so remarkable fashion. 56. Just as a light is emitted by a lamp, we shall see a heavenly light, such as surrounds angels when they appear on Earth. 57. He will appear as a star emitting light as fire from a lamp or torch with brightness. 58. YAH is LIGHT because light has the extremely delicate, subtle, pure brilliant quality of truth and knowledge. 59. Together with spiritual purity the power of understanding of moral and spiritual truth will be exposed openly and publicly to the view of all. 60. He is the Heavenly Luminary, The DIVINE SHECHINAH of consummate Majesty inaccessible to human comprehension. 61. This is the heavenly state, free from every imperfection to which The True Disciples of CHRIST will be exalted to; the KINGDOM LIGHT. 62. This is the light of men which became the source of human wisdom, the saving truth embodied in CHRIST and by His life and effort imparted to mankind. 63. I am to speak, affirm, declare and disseminate by report, the words of YAH, to bring them to light before men. 64. He will separate and make a distinction of those HE prefers, separating us from the rest. He will determine and give judgment making a selection for Himself; on some He shall have mercy who are in doubt. 65. Even so, do not be at variance with yourself, hesitating or doubting, be wholly free from doubt, without hesitation as to whether it be unlawful or not to be done. 66. Do not hesitate through lack of faith and He will separate, pick out, choose and approve those He prefers. 67. He will pronounce judgment on the deeds and words of men and He will govern, rule and preside over us with power. 68. We will contend together as warriors and combatants at the judgment of Y’SHUA The MESSIAH, deciding between the righteousness and unrighteousness of the inhabitants of the earth. 69. The victorious cause of CHRIST has rendered the supreme wickedness of Satan evident to all and put an end to His power to dominate and destroy. 70. Christians hereafter shall si with CHRIST at the Judgment, Y’SHUA proclaims, “Those who judge severely, unfairly finding fault with this or that in others, out of thine own mouth will I take the judgment that must be passed on thee.” 71. On His account this thing will be done, although we have been clothed with an earthly body, we shall be clothed with glory, because the possibility of both glorifying YAH and of giving thanks to Him is due to the kindness of CHRIST. A ROYAL MESSAGE Chapter 17 8/14 5.1 Ascension Islands 1. The disorderly, the lawless, unruly and in all things deviating from the prescribed order of rule will soon be put in order. 2. The ALPHA & OMEGA will appoint, ordain and set those HE consecrates in order as many as were appointed by YAH to obtain eternal life. 3. Those who commit sin through ignorance and thoughtlessness are in error. 4. They are ignorant and do not understand or perceive divine things because they do not consider or think about these things. 5. But those who recognize good and hate evil, judge soberly because of this they will know the ALPHA and OMEGA intimately as a HUSBAND and HIS WIFE. 6. CHRIST has compelled HIS messenger to transmit a royal message, an epistle, this letter. 7. The sanctuary, the holy place, holiest of all is reserved for the pure, sinless, upright and holy; those who are prepared for GOD, set apart exclusively, HIS apostles, who are worthy of veneration. 8. We have a connection with GOD; we are sacred to HIM and accepted of YAH because of piety. 9. We are HIS Holy Saints and we will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles. 10.We will make a pilgrimage to celebrate the holy solemnity; when we leap and dance round in a circle as the world reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 11.They will face the abyss, the bottomless pit of immeasurable depth, which is as the depth of the sea. 12.They missed the deep things of YAH because they walk around in a deep sleep. 13.We must strive and endure, suffering as if we are engaged in a contest contending for a prize. 14.We will hear things which are unspeakable on account of their sacredness. 15.Things that have been unsaid will be expressed in words; the Alpha & OMEGA will pour forth and utter unspeakable things. 16.Madness and folly will be the result of those who are want of understanding, madness expressing itself in rage. 17.Those who judge soberly using reason will possess the capacity for spiritual truth, perceiving divine things. 18.They will know and understand the Alpha & OMEGA intimately. 19.A detestable, foul thing pertaining to idol worship like the terrible event in the Jewish War by which the temple was desecrated will happen again. 20.This abomination wrought by the desolater, the abomination of desolation; which CHRIST abhors and detest. 21.Those who are found acceptable, those who believe will be received gladly. 22.CHRIST will take us by the hand and embrace us, HE will receive us into HIS family. 23.HE will speak to us teaching and instructing us. 24.We will depart and flee and be separated from the world by physical distance, time and place. 25.We will be nourished with herbs. 26.YAH will feed us and oversee us, promoting our spiritual welfare. 27.Everyone will answer and give a full account to defend themselves. 28.Calculate and consider this well and speak so as to excuse and absolve yourselves in reference to Judgment. 29.The reason cause and grounds for your absolution is the essential word of YAH,YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST. 30.HE is personal wisdom and power in union with GOD, HIS minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the World’s Life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man’s salvation put on human nature in the person of YESHUA/JESUS the MESSIAH, the Second Person in the GODHEAD and shone forth conspicuously from HIS words and deeds. 31.In the assembly the HOLY SPIRIT dwells in the Church of GOD, in each person’s soul and it influences us. 32.We are one as Husband and wife, the HOLY SPIRIT inhabits us and we will inhabit the House of GOD, The Palace, The Sanctuary and TABERNACLE. 33.The body of believers in CHRIST pervaded by the spirit and power of GOD will be transfigured and made white. DO NOT BE UNFRUITFUL Chapter 18 8/19 6.2 Fiji Region 1. Those who are praiseworthy, noble and approved are genuine, precious, beautiful and excellent in nature and characteristics. 2. HE will confer honor upon us by reason of purity of heart and life, this is spoken promises of the gospel, with full consolation, confirming them. 3. Remain undefiled and pure, free from adultery, pure from sin, in an ethical sense, unsoiled, not deformed or debased by a corrupt nature. 4. Do not stain, sully, contaminate, soil, defile or pollute yourselves says the ALPHA & OMEGA. 5. Do not become unfruitful, barren, not yielding what you ought to yield. 6. Do not become destitute of good deeds, contributing nothing to the instruction, improvement and comfort of others. 7. Bear fruit and by your labor you will have fitted souls to obtain eternal life. 8. You will receive praises which are presented of GOD as a thank offering. 9. HE will gather HIS fruit as a reaped harvest into eternal life! 10.HE will HARPAZO or catch us up. Take us by force, seize us and carry us off. 11.HE will snatch us out through divine power transferring us marvelously and swiftly from one place to another to rescue us from destruction. 12.HE will take us for HIMSELF, HIS chosen, HIS preferred, HIS elect and we will be raised up from the ground, removed and carried off, taken away from intercourse with the world. 13.YAH will unveil and uncover HIMSELF by drawing back a veil, opening and taking a hindrance to our understanding. 14.We will be given a mind not blinded, but disposed to perceive the Glorious Majesty of CHRIST with unveiled face! 15.HE will cover and hide our sin, HE will have no regard for them neither will HE impute them onto us. 16.We will receive pardon from YAH; just as HE hides our sins we will be concealed as well. 17.We will escape, departing secretly from the view of anyone. 18.We will be kept secret when we are taken away and rescued from sight; kept laid up with YAH in Heaven. 19.We will be stolen away like a thief; we will be taken away by stealth. 20.Boasters and empty pretenders will be left wandering in vagrancy, because they were unworthy and unfit. 21.Disgrace, shame and reproach are for the vile and dishonorable that uses their vessels for base lusts. 22.They will be in a state of disgrace and despised as the unseemliness and offensiveness of a dead body. 23.Honor is reserved for the precious, who were bought with a price. 24.The price paid was sacrifice because of this we have a mark of honor and receive the praise of which we are judged worthy. 25.Those who are not worthy of honor will suffer punishment; they will become recompensed and made to pay. 26.The illiterate and unlearned have written acknowledgement of debt in the sacred writings. 27.We have been enrolled with those for whom eternal blessedness has been prepared. 28.The ALPHA & OMEGA will destroy Abbaddon, the angel-prince of infernal regions, the minister of death and the author of havoc on Earth. 29.Destruction and ruin is determined, this is divine judgment, he will perish and be exterminated. 30.Purity, chastity and uprightness of life is displayed by those who are pure from carnality and every fault as an unsullied virgin. 31.The most holy saints, the worshipful offspring of divine power, who have the blessings of the gospel, who are set apart for YAH. 32.We have an invitation of GOD, who claims us as HIS own, we rejoice in HIS favor and protection and through holiness are partakers of salvation in the Kingdom of YAH. 33.We will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles. 34.We will make a pilgrimage to celebrate the feast; we will leap and dance round in a circle as the world reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 35.We are HIS beloved. HIS dear beloved who are worthy of eternal life, because we have been reconciled to GOD. 36.WE will be welcomed, entertained and loved dearly because in us HE is well pleased. 37.This is the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation, through undergoing sufferings and death. 38.Because of this love, HE will kiss us and treat us affectionately. 39.HE will befriend us, as a companion, dear to GOD, peculiarly favored with HIS intimacy. 40.A flood whether of the sea or a river will occur, this will be accomplished, complete and fulfilled. 41.Prophecies to come to pass, will be confirmed by this event. 42.Time is finished, completed, fulfilled and elapsed. Kaloi-Llmenes, Fair Havens, is the location. 43.Those who are worthy will receive their due reward; we will be lead away to a court of justice to keep and celebrate the feast. 44.We will go and depart being brought to our point of destination by the ALPHA & OMEGA. 45.HE will grind HIS wheat into flour. 46.BEHOLD! We will see something new and unexpected; we will perceive this with our eyes. 47.We must turn our eyes and minds attention to YAH to discern, discover and we will be assembled together with the I am. 48.This will come upon, be fall and happen not more than 12 days from hence. 49.We will be given a portion or share of the Kingdom of YAH. IN A MOMENT IN TWINKLING OF AN EYE Chapter 19 8/23 5.8 Virginia 1. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye what cannot be divided and has been indivisible will be cut in two with a sharp two-edged sword. 2. When the LORD strikes and smites the world they will beat their breast for grief; they will wail, mourn and lament says the ALPHA & OMEGA. 3. Those who are pure from carnality and every fault are chaste, modest and clean as an unsullied virgin; these are the holy saints who will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles. 4. We will make a pilgrimage to celebrate the holy solemnity where we will leap and dance round in a circle as the world reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 5. ABBA-FATHER will dress us in new white clothes of the ALPHA & OMEGA; this is for the uprightness of heart and life, goodness and kindness. 6. The upright, honorable, good, agreeable, joyful and happy. These are the children of the FATHER of MULTITUDE, FATHER GOD, THE GREAT FATHER, CHIEF of MULTITUDE, THE FATHER of ELEVATION, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF and FATHER of BENEVOLENCE. 7. HIS yoke is not heavy or burdensome, it is light. HE will not impose upon us difficult requirements that are heavy and burdensome. 8. HE will give us a weight of glory never to cease, vast and transcendent blessedness. 9. These are the deep things of YAH and we will walk in HIS LOVE! 10.HE will welcomed and entertain HIS beloved, full of good will and exhibiting the same. 11.This is the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation, to undergo sufferings and death. HE will kiss us and approve us as a friend. 12.YAH will do a good deed to benefit the poor and needy. 13.We will celebrate our Passover and we will be made ready and prepared in the grassy meadow, the place of assembly for the assembly of the elect. 14.The dead will be aroused from the sleep of death, HE will recall the dead to life and HE will cause us to rise as well. 15.Go to, come now! And be lead away to the Court of Justice, it is time to go and depart to keep and celebrate the feast. 16.The vineyard and the vine, signifies CHRIST and HIS followers. 17.CHRIST calls HIMSELF the vine because as the vine imparts to its branches, sap and productiveness, so CHRIST infuses into HIS followers HIS own divine strength and life. 18.It also signifies the enemies of CHRIST who are ripe for destruction and are likened to clusters of grapes, to be cut off, thrown into the winepress and trodden there on the threshing floor. 19.The Heavens will be rolled up together and grain threshed, but still mixed with the chaff and straw. This cannot be stopped, cannot be quieted; 20.But we will be given rest, granted to lead a quiet abode when HE comes down from Heaven. PROPHETS OF DIVINE SPIRIT Chapter 20 9/21 5.2 Honshu Japan 1. The sons of rest, excelling in power, prophets actuated by a divine spirit through which they rebuke the conduct of kings and nations. By predicted future events, speaking not his own words but those which he had divinely received and that he was the messenger of YAH the declarer of His will. 2. False prophets who pretending to be divinely inspired pleased the ears of the people with soft words and were severely rebuked by the true prophets. 3. True prophets prophecy under influence of Divine Spirit, they pour forth words abundantly with Adour or Divine emotion of mind, revealing and declaring the words of YAH to men. 4. Holy men speak as they are moved by the HOLY GHOST. 5. If a lion roar, who shall not fear? If YAH speaks, who shall not prophecy? 6. Kiss the Son of YAH, The KING and CHRIST, The CHOSEN and Pure. The Son of YAH declares, “Those who are of my people, The Sons of YAH shall be established, restored, permanently, eternally and forever. 7. Lack of knowledge, ignorance of divine things and moral blindness is inexcusable. Think upon, ponder and consider these things, attend to the events that occur which will show the time to flee and you will have the capacity for spiritual truth, perceiving divine things; recognizing good and hating evil. 8. Judge soberly and you will have understanding and you will have understanding, being recognized as worthy of intimacy and love. 9. YAH will judge you worthy of the blessings of the gospel of the ALPHA&OMEGA. 10. The winged locust will cover the ground; this is a message and proclamation from an angel, messenger of YAH. 11. A company of angels will lead you out, guiding and directing you as you accompany them into the court of justice. 12. We will depart and be taken to keep and celebrate the feast. 13. Abaddon, King over the locusts and the prince of infernal regions the minister of death and author of havoc on the earth shall come out of the Abyss. 14. Many will perish and be destroyed; this is divine judgment on the lost and wandering sheep. 15. My FATHER is majesty with vigor, splendor, honor and glorious with eminent beauty. This is the majesty YAH, above princes and kings; His freshness is like an olive tree. 16. He is FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 17. Who is worthy of their due reward? Who is worthy to walk with Him clothed in white? 18. Those who are worthy of fellowship and blessings will be taken away and brought to the place of destination, the court of justice to keep and celebrate the feast. 19. He will certify us and we will be made known and recognized by our brethren; we will be brought to the knowledge of YAH when He is made know unto all the nations. 20. Those who know, perceive and understand will be recognized as those whom YAH had judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel as we go into the midst of heaven. 21. Our anchor, our stay, our safe guard and our hope is in the curves of His arms. 22. We are His beloved, esteemed dear, favorite and worthy of love from Y’SHUA/JESUS The MESSIAH. 23. We have been reconciled to YAH and judged by Him worthy of eternal life bound together by mutual love. We will be welcomed and entertained and He will love us dearly because with us He is well pleased. 24. This is the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation, to undergo sufferings and death. He takes pleasure in us above other things and He is unwilling to abandon us. 25. He loves us and He will kiss us showing that He approves of us; because we hate life if it cannot be kept without denying CHRIST. Love is an emotion that cannot be commanded; only love as a choice is true because of this we are made His companions, His friends and we will celebrate our nuptials. 26. We have been bought and redeemed, CHRIST purchased His disciples, we are bought with a price, the shedding of His blood so that we are withdrawn from the earth and its miseries and from wicked men. 27. We shall be in the assembly of the elect, where those who have not washed themselves cannot eat. The dead will be aroused from the sleep of death when He recalls the dead to life. 28. He will cause them to appear in public and He will cause us to rise. 29. He shall raise up the base things, the ignoble men held of no account and we will be a nation; We are the aggregate of many individuals of the same nature, kind and sort. 30. This is about to come to pass, we will see miracles performed, when these things are fulfilled and we are married. 31. By the shedding of His Blood, which He abundantly poured out the HOLY SPIRIT, giving our souls a rich sense of the greatness of YAH’s love for us. 32. Some, for material gain were led astray as Balaam and gave themselves up to wickedness. 33. We must come out and away from them, this is our exit and emission out of the body. At the separation event, we will be taken an lifted up as to dissolve present relations to the earth. We will be taken out ot the sphere of earthly action. 34. YAH will avenge blood, He will judge the wicked and vindicate us by vengeance,; there will be bloodshed by violence. 35. The shedding of CHRIST’s blood is an emblem of the New Covenant which contains the saving results of CHRIST’s death. We are HIS brother by blood, brethren in CHRIST, the ALPHA&OMEGA. KISS THE SON of YAH Chapter 21 9/19 5.8 Fox Island, Alaska 1. Those who abound who flourish and are plentiful in the furrows made by the plough will kiss the Son of Yah, The KING, The CHRIST, the pure and the chosen. 2. HE will build us up, establish and restore us so that we are made permanent, immovable, eternal, everlasting, indestructible and unfading. 3. HE will erect city walls and defenses; this is the house built for the assembly of the elect, the congregation, where those who have not washed themselves cannot eat. 4. HE will recall the dead to life, arousing them from the sleep of death and HE will cause us to rise constructing us as eternal. 5. The FATHER of ABUNDANCE, The HIGH PRIEST our GREAT FATHER will leave behind a remnant. 6. Those who are left behind will excel beyond measure. 7. HE will show them HIS preeminence and they will be preserved alive and they will know YESHUA is GOD, FATHER of HIS people, RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 8. HE will act rightly and do a good thing for the poor and the needy through this undertaking accomplishing our salvation. 9. The upright, honorable and excellent, are distinguished as good, pleasant, joyful and happy. 10.Souls inclined to goodness and eager to learn saving truth and ready to bear fruit. 11.HE will ordain and appoint us making us ready and preparing us to celebrate our Passover and marvelous works. 12.Abraham is the father of multitude and all believers in CHRIST have a claim to the title Sons of Abraham, but the CHIEF of MULTITUDE and FATER of ELEVATION is YAH, FATHER GOD. 13.We will lie down and recline at a table at the feast, we will participate in the future blessedness in the MESSIAH’s Kingdom, where we will bow down, and some will fall down dead because they will be terrified when we turn to flight to go to a place for repose, rest and relaxation. 14.The declining day is far spent and soon we will go into the midst of Heaven. 15.They will be speechless and dumb unable to utter words when the ALPHA & OMEGA emits a sound and utters a voice to speak. 16.The wild olive tree of the field will be lead away; GOD will take us with HIM. 17.We will go and depart to keep and celebrate a feast; the Holy Saints will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of tabernacles. 18.We will make a pilgrimage to keep the solemn feast. 19.We will celebrate and dance round in a circle as the Earth reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 20.We will be there perpetually for eternity forever; according to circumstances this must be done. 21.We will be caught and ensnared in the toils of love. 22.We will be captivated by HIS beauty and excellence. 23.We will be caught like a draught of fish when he lays hold of us and we depart to the Court of Justice to celebrate the feast. 24.To each ones measure we will be evaluated and raised to a high place; 25. THE JUDMENT SEAT of CHRIST the back and sides are a convex surface and the breastworks and augments as a wheel and rings with eyes and the surface of the altar is as a surface of the sea. 26.We are a little image of the image of the Son of GOD to which true Christians are transformed. 27.We are visible conformity of the MOST HIGH and blessed state of mind which CHRIST possesses, CHRIST’s divine nature and moral excellence. 28.We will be like HIM because we have yielded, surrendered and submitted ourselves to HIM. CAUGHT UP IN THE CLOUDS Chapter 22 10/19/2011 5.1 Marina Island 1. We shall be caught up in the clouds to meet YAH in the air: taken out of the reach of the Devil, the prince of demons, the ruler of the powers and spirits that fill the realm of the air. They will be like pugilists who miss their aim. 2. I speak as one whose words are not understood by the hearers, they do not understand so they commit sin through ignorance and thoughtlessness. 3. Think upon, take heed, ponder and consider these things, attend to the events that occur, which will show the time to flee and you will have understanding; you will be given the capacity for spiritual truth, the faculty for perceiving divine things, recognizing good and hating evil. 4. Judge soberly, calmly and without partiality and you will be recognized as worthy of intimacy and love, one whom YAH has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 5. HE is ABBA our FATHER, FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER =, CHIEF AND BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 6. HE is our ETERNAL FATHER, FATHER to the righteous and of the kings of the earth, both of whom are called Sons of YAH; and as it is a Fathers place, He is instructor to His children. 7. The winged locust will cover the ground; however those who are judged worthy of veneration, holy, pure, sinless and upright will be in the Temple and Tabernacle of Heavenly Jerusalem. 8. This is the Festival Gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles, where we will make a pilgrimage to celebrate the feast. 9. We will bind the sacrifice with cords and dance sacred dances round in a circle as the earth reels to and for encompassed with terrors. 10. We have been mad pure from carnality, chaste, modest, pure from every fault, immaculate and clean as an unsullied virgin. 11. Abaddon will cause destruction and ruin; he is the Prince of Infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth. 12. He will come out of the place of destruction, the Abyss, many will perish and be destroyed; this is divine judgment on the lost and wandering sheep. 13. He will destroy freely, without hindrance, no man forbidding him. 14. Because the restrainer is removed, no one will be able to deny, hinder, prevent or refuse him. 15. The ALPHA&OMEGA shed His blood for us and through His blood shed HE poured out an abundant bestowal of the HOLY SPIRIT, which gives our souls a rich sense of the greatness of YAHs love for us. 16. Despite this love, some were led astray by the love of reward, as Balaam; they gave themselves up to wickedness, destroying union and fellowship with YAH, separating themselves from Him. 17. At our exit and emission from this world, those who have been dead will be made alive again and we will also be separated from the body and taken out of the sphere of earthly action, dissolving present relations from the earth. 18. THE MOST HIGH will avenge blood at the hand of the slayers at the time of judgment and vengeance and the Moon will be turned to blood. 19. The blood of CHRIST was shed on the cross for the salvation of many. IT is the pledge of redemption, having expiatory efficacy, by which believers are purified and are cleansed from the guilt of sin. Because of this we are rendered acceptable to YAH and find access into the Heavenly Sanctuary. 20. All others that belong to another are enemies, aliens, strangers and not of our own family. 21. All those that will remain, those who are of a different kind are dishonorable, disgraceful and will be suffused with shame, arising from guilt. 22. They will be visited on by the wicked, made ashamed of their nakedness and all their shameful deeds. 23. The blood of CHRIST cleanses us so that we may not in shame shrink from Him. 24. We will be made free from pain or grief, sorrow, heaviness, mourning, sadness and a sour reluctant mind. 25. Because we have displayed sorrow acceptable to YAH. We will not know the sorrow of men at the loss of earthly possessions or afflictions, because He is the ALPHA&OMEGA (2 Corinthians 7:10) 26. The accuser will bring a charge against us for every cause which is worthy of the punishment of death. But because we have asked, begged and petitioned YAH in prayer that we should not bear this punishment, we will be bestowed a gift. 27. We will ascend, like going up a flight of stairs, to the threshold or doorway to Heaven. (Rev 3:20, John10:9) 28. We shall go up in degree, grade, dignity and wholesome influence in the church, to depths and heights which are the deep things of YAH. 29. These things are hidden above man’s scrutiny; the divine counsels of inexhaustible abundance and immense amount. 30. It will be like we are walking in a deep sleep when we ascend and go up, ascending to a higher place. 31. We shall be as persons who have penetrated the Heavenly mysteries, because not could get there except by ascending in the chariot, to the Palace of the GOVERNOR. 32. We will go walking into the midst of Heaven. 33. We have reached a climax, the highest degree yet, at this present point of time, even now. 34. THE MOST HIGH will make us new; renewing our strength and vigor will be given to us. 35. We will be changed into a new kind of life as opposed to the former corrupt state. A kind of life which is unprecedented, novel, uncommon and unheard of. 36. We shall be unworn, unused, as recently made in superior quality to what it succeeds. (Isaiah 40:31) 37. Y’SHUA declares, “I bring all things into a new and better condition.” (Revelation 21:5) 38. We shall be made into a substance of a new kind, far different from what we were before; new in quality, fresh and unworn when we go into the midst of Heaven. 39. Like an alabaster box which is the best material in which to preserve Holy oil; and the breaking of the box means breaking the seal. THE MIGHTY WORK OF POWER Chapter 23 10/27/2011 6.0 Fiji Region 1. THE MOST HIGH is speaking in a THUNDEROUS ROAR, to those who are a part of The Assembly of the Elect. 2. These are the Judicial Days of the Assembly, where those who have not washed themselves cannot eat. 3. YAH will do a favor for us; He will do a good work which profits and benefits us. In an act of virtue He will acquire, make ready, prepare, appoint and ordain us. 4. When this is carried out and executed, He will spend time with us and we will celebrate our Passover. 5. HE will keep, perform and fulfill His promise to those He considers excellent, distinguished, upright and honorable. 6. We are His beloved, who will be welcomed and entertained because He is fond of us, He loves us dearly and in us He is well pleased. 7. This is the love of CHRIST towards us, the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation, undergoing sufferings and death for us, so that we might escape the Abyss, the bottomless pit of immeasurable depth. The very deep gulf or chasm in the lowest parts of the earth, the common receptacle for the dead and the abode of demons, which is as deep as the depths of the sea. 8. These are the deep things of YAH, hidden above man’s scrutiny, the divine counsels of inexhaustible abundance and immense amount. 9. It will be as if we are walking in a deep sleep with the ALPHA&OMEGA. 10. The usurper and supplanter will attempt to take hold of our heels when we are being elevated and ascending in an attempt to throw us down and trip us up. 11. HE will assail and attack us in an insidious, harmful, stealthy manner, coming from behind in an effort to circumvent and hold us back; but he will fail and be defeated. 12. In his deceitful cleverness he will go too far, outwitting himself. 13. He will try to entangle, ensnare and entrap us, attempting to elicit some remark which can be turned into an accusation against us. These are the allurements to sin which the devil holds one bound. 14. A snare and trap which brings peril, loss and destruction will come upon the world suddenly and unexpectedly; however we shall be caught in the snares of love. We will pitch our tabernacle, being built and fastened together with YAH. 15. He will render all accusations void, depriving them of force and authority, making them of none effect. He will disannul the law so that it is not binding, confirming us publicly, solemnly ratifying us, formally sanctioning us as the Head, that which is Supreme in power, influence and authority. 16. He will make a public decision that love be shown to transgressors of the law by granting us a pardon. He is our LORD and MASTER, YAH the MESSIAH to whom we belong, who has power of deciding and judgment. 17. He is the SOVEREIGN PRINCE, CHIEF EMPEROR, Y’SHUA HAMASHIACH, TEACHER, MASTER and ADMINISTRATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, who by His death acquired a special ownership in mankind, and after His resurrection was exalted to a partnership in the Divine Administration and Supremacy. 18. The ALPHA&OMEGA’s blood sacrifice has purifying and expiating power. CHRIST’S Blood which was shed on the cross for the salvation of many is the pledge of redemption by which believers are purified and are cleansed from the guilt of sin. 19. This is a truth in reality, most certainly true, a truth not hidden or concealed but an actual occurrence. This truth is of His grace which can be trusted and those that love the truth and speak the truth shall be hidden. 20. In truth we shall be hidden from the evil one, made secret and unaware to him, while being entertained by the ALPH&OMEGA. 21. He will take us by force, removing us and raising us up from the ground. 22. This is an announcement and report to make known, show and declare to you the truth. The angel messengers of YAH are reporting what they have seen and heard. 23. They are the Hosts of Heavenly Spirits that wait upon the MONARCH of the UNIVERSE and are sent by Him to earth now to execute His purposes and to make them known to men. 24. They well drive and conduct us to the Court of Justice to celebrate the feast, as we go into the midst of Heaven. 25. Those who are intemperate without self-control, and without restraint will be perfected and completed, given strength, power and might which is the Might of His Strength. 26. This is a MIGHTY WORK OF POWER and dominion, a mighty deed of the ALPHA&OMEGA. 27. HE shall spring upon us appearing and coming into being quickly, unexpectedly and suddenly and we shall leap and jump for joy. 28. We shall take a vow, appropriating to ourselves the NAME of MESSIAH and on account of MESSIAH we shall receive the promised and expected salvation which all good men hope for. 29. He is the CLOUD and the Ship or ARK which stands ready to carry us over to the other side. A GLORY NEVER TO CEASE Chapter 24 10/28/ 2011 5.2 Solomon Islands 1. THE MOST HIGH will send down a heavy shower like a violent rainstorm, to wash away the ungodly. YAH will pour out and send down like rain the wrath of His judgment on those who are ignorant of divine things. 2. Moral blindness is inexcusable, do not be ignorant or lack understanding of these things; think upon, take heed, ponder and consider them. 3. Attend to the events that occur which will show the time to flee and you will be given the capacity for spiritual truth, the faculty of perceiving divine things, recognizing good and hating evil. 4. You will be judged worthy of intimacy and love, whom YAH has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 5. He is ABBA, FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF AND BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 6. The Unknown and Forgotten GOD will make Himself known to us. We shall know the ALPHA&OMEGA intimately as the winged locusts cover the ground. 7. YAH’s yoke is not burdensome; it is light and not heavy. Y’SHUA declares, “I have avoided burdening you with expense on my account. I put on you no other injunction which might be difficult to observe. I will bear your faults, all heaviness, weight, burden and trouble.” 8. We shall be given a weight of glory never to cease, vast and transcendent glory and blessedness; this is done by His authority and influence. These are the deep things of YAH, hidden above man’s scrutiny, the divine counsels of inexhaustible abundance and immense amount. 9. It will be like we are walking in a deep sleep with the ALPHA&OMEGA when we see the brightness of YAH through CHRIST who perfectly reflects the Majesty of YAH. 10. His effulgence and radiance will shine forth as a light coming from a luminous body. 11. He is the Vine, metaphysically reflecting the Majesty of YAH. He will beam upon us and we will shine bright like the Sun as the break of day. 12. This is our separation from the body, our departing and fleeing of physical distance and temporal distance of time. 13. The world will be filled with destruction, killing, murder and death when we take off and are lifted up from the ground. 14. Y’SHUA declares, “I will take you up for myself as mine.” 15. He will choose His elect, those He prefers and we shall be elevated from the ground and carried off into the midst of Heaven. 16. The Unknown and Forgotten GOD will make Himself known and we shall become intimately acquainted with the ALPHA&OMEGA. 17. He is without descent, without genealogy or ancestry; He is the WORD of YAH, Y’SHUA HAMASHIACH, the personal wisdom and power in union with YAH, His Minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the worlds life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man’s salvation put on human nature in the person of Y’SHUA the MESSIAH the second person in the GODHEAD and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds. 18. I am directed and commanded to speak, affirm, maintain, teach, exhort and to point out with words divine things; I have been called by name to speak out. 19. The MOST HIGH GOD has ordered this be said by His messenger. 20. I solemnly declare to thee that this generation, kindred and offspring shall see Y’SHUA appear, miracles be performed, prophecies be fulfilled and the work of YAH made finished. All these events shall come to pass and we shall be married. 21. These things will be done and finished and we shall come into His power being brought into the fellowship of CHRIST. 22. We shall come to the place of rest as evils come upon the world; these are the blessing of many living together in one place with the ALPHA&OMEGA. 23. As an Eagle, black and swarthy with dark color complexion as the face of an Ethiopian as if He were burned or scorched in a fire, we shall behold Him when He allows Himself to be seen. 24. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see GOD. (Matthew 5:8) 25. We shall see him with our eyes becoming acquainted with Him by experience. We will stare at Him when we see Him exhibiting proofs of His divinity and MESSIAHSHIP. 26. The glory of YAH will be displayed in a miracle and we will be admitted into intimate and blessed fellowship with YAH in His future KINGDOM. 27. This is the incarnation of divine things, the counsels of YAH; YAH’s Majesty, saving purposes and will. 28. Y’SHUA’s return with His Angels will come upon us unexpectedly. Y’SHUA declares, “I will appear unto thee to anoint the mundane and profane the sacred and religious.” 29. We shall know a sumptuous and delicate style of living with the ALPHA&OMEGA. 30. This is a dark and obscure saying, an enigma and riddle, “The object in the discerning of which we are engaged, the sphere in which we are looking at shall receive praise.” 31. We shall receive commendation and praise from Him to whom praise is given. We will sing praises in honor to YAH and we shall promise a vow before Him appropriating to ourselves the NAME of MESSIAH. 32. He will give us clothing, a robe of white raiment. 33. The world will be plundered and spoiled at our HARPAZO, when we are seized, snatched out and carried off by force. 34. He will claim us for Himself eagerly and those He chooses and prefers as His Elect will be rescued from danger of destruction. 35. He will carry us off speedily, using His Divine Power to transfer us marvelously and swiftly from one place to another as we are raised upwards, elevated and carried off. MY STRENGTH AND MY SONG IS YHWH Chapter 25 10/31/2011 5.8 Rat Island 1. There will be grinding and gnashing of teeth for those who are left out of the assembly of the elect, they have not washed themselves so they cannot eat. 2. YAH will recall the dead to life, arousing them from the sleep of death, bringing them before the public. He will cause us to be born and to arise from our bonds while the misery of imprisonment will be increased by tribulation. 3. My FATHER is YAH, KING OF JUDAH, THE ONE TRUE GOD, My STRENGTH AND MY SONG IS YHWH, YAH is His NAME. He is the EXISTING ONE, Yod Heh Vav Heh, ADONAI, who is eternal and immutable. 4. HAYAH will arise, appear and come forward; He is the breath of all living creatures and He will rush headlong and hastily upon us and many shall fall headlong and perish. 5. He is our desire, what we have longed for and coveted; we shall bow to Him and be given our wants and desires when we turn aside to lodge and dwell with Him. 6. The soul of the wicked desireth evil, but, I desire thee in the night. 7. Cry out for what you wish for to FAHTER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF AND BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 8. He is the author and maker of Heaven and Earth, our nourisher bestowing His benefits like a parent upon men. 9. He is FATHER to the Fatherless, the ETERNAL FATHER, The FATHER of the Righteous and the kings of the Earth, both of whom are called Sons of YAH; and as it is a fathers place, He is instructor to His children. 10. YAH will take a course of right action, well doing and virtue towards us; He will construct, fashion, make ready and prepare us. 11. We will shoot forth when He appoints, ordains and declares us. When this is executed and carried out, we will spend time celebrating our pass-over, when He performs His promise. 12. Y’SHUA will execute judgment and perform marvelous works which are good, pleasant and agreeable to us making us joyful and happy. 13. We are considered excellent, distinguished, upright and honorable, free from guile, fruitful trees on fertile soil. We are the seed that fell on good ground; our souls are inclined to goodness. 14. We will rejoice exceedingly because it has been promised that we shall see this divine promise fulfilled at length in PARADISE and we shall leap and spring up for joy. 15. My FATHER is Majesty, Glorious, Honorable and Eminently Beautiful as the Majesty of YAH. Because of him the lively color of my face was changed in me. His freshness is like an olive tree. 16. FATHER GOD is the GATE, entrance and WAY leading into the HOLY PLACE. Welcoming us at our reception into Heaven. For such an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. (2 Peter 1:11) 17. He is the properly travelled way, a course of conduct, manner of thinking, feeling and deciding, He is the way less frequently traveled, where the grace of YAH is symbolized by a way. 18. He will remove hindrances from your journey so continue the journey you have undertaken. We are to exercise the methods in which CHRIST as the minister and the Apostles follow in the discharge of their office. 19. We are not to be as those who walk in their own ways, those who take the course which pleases them, even though it be a perverse one. 20. We shall go flying into an open place, a hollow thing in which objects can be hidden; the house of YAH, the ARK, where we will be among the Multitude. 21. We are dawning into that season where we will abound in riches made to subserve YAH’s purposes and promote His Glory, redounding to the salvation of all men for the benefit of the poor to the advantage and honor of CHRIST. 22. He shall confirm, establish and prove the truth and divinity of what has been said, making good the promises by the events, fulfilling them. 23. We shall be men made steadfast and constant in soul and He will so confirm us that we may be unreprovable and steadfast in fellow ship with CHRIST; made sure, firm, valid and therefore inviolable, unshaken and constant in our walk with Him. 24. The most Holy Saints will be in the Temple and Tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies in Heavenly Jerusalem, because CHRIST’s transfiguration occurred there. 25. This is the invitation of YAH claiming us as His own. 26. We will make a pilgrimage to the festival gathering, the Feast of Tabernacles where we will bind the sacrifice with cords. We will keep the festival and there will be leaping and dancing in sacred dances round in a circle in the public assembly as the earth reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 27. YAH will pour out His indignation, irritation and vexations on the world because He is sore displeased. Many shall feel pain and grieve; but we will be in the curves of his arms. 28. He will return Hero like on a horse, pouring out his raging, furious, vehement and violent passion on the boorish and rude men of the field. 29. He will lay hold of us and bring us to the point of destination which is the Court of Justice, where we will keep and celebrate the feast. 30. Because of holiness and sanctity the Holy Saints will celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles under the dominion, power and Lordship of our MASTER, YAH the Sovereign Prince and CHIEF, GOD the MESSIAH. 31. He will have power, authority and supremacy over us. We shall call Him KYRIOS which is the way Y’SHUA’s followers salute Him as The MESSIAH whose authority we acknowledge by repetition showing our earnestness to our Supreme LORD. 32. It is time for our Exodus, our exit and departure, the close of our career on Earth. We shall depart from this life on a way less frequently travelled. 33. We will take a journey on a road with the WAY. 34. This is our exit and emission out of this world, separation out of the body and out of the chains with which our hands have been bound. 35. Those who have been dead will be alive again and we will be lifted up as to dissolve present relations to the earth, taken out of the sphere of earthly action. 36. We shall be born in a supernatural sense of the divine nature, not of earthly origin, nor of earthly nature but of virtue from YAH. 37. YHWH is my LAMP, YAH THE ONE TRUE GOD, LORD YAH, THE EXISTING ONE, HAYAH my LAMP and my LIGHT and we are His progeny as a fiery flame. 38. He shall plough and till the field to make the field shine. 39. The time has come for YAH to be present with us; He will come to us to seek intimacy with us and we will become His followers. 40. Evil and calamitous times and events will come upon most unexpectedly. 41. We shall be standing upon the surface of the sea, taking on ourselves a vow. This is the time of His occupation when He will sustain our lives and we will appropriate to ourselves the NAME of MESSIAH. 42. He will receive us because we bear his NAME, are devoted to His authority and instruction, trusting, hoping and believing in Him. 43. The Two Witnesses will testify to the matter in question, of its purpose and end, which is to worship and profess His NAME. 44. Because of comfort given us by YAH, we rejoice the more exceedingly so that blessings attend, bountifully with us while His anger lasts on Earth. 45. We shall fall upon our face at his actual arrival and we shall call upon the NAME of Y’SHUA/JESUS that help may come from that NAME. 46. We shall be moved into the vicinity near to Him and blessings will come upon us, as if we are in a trance. 47. In Heaven the HOLY SPIRIT will call us and put a NAME upon us and we will receive His Baptism. This is the point where aim and result coalesce; the time and duration of waiting has been long enough. 48. The continuance, postponement or adjournment of judgment has been too long; but we shall be given rest, relief and freedom from disquietness and disturbance when He exerts His influence over us. WHITE ROBES THE CLOTHING OF KINGS Chapter 26 10/20-21/2011 5.2 Macquarie Island 1. We will sail slowly, navigate and travel by ship floating in the ARK. 2. Like plunging through water we shall wash our clothing, I am speaking of those who by faith so appropriate the results of CHRIST’s expiation as to be regarded by YAH as pure and sinless. 3. Those who are slow in mind, slow to apprehend or believe. Lack knowledge and are ignorant to divine things. Their moral blindness is inexcusable and they commit error and sin through their ignorance. 4. Think upon, take heed, ponder and consider these things; attend to the events that occur which will show the time to flee, and you will be given the capacity for spiritual truth, the higher powers of the soul, perceiving divine things, recognizing good and hating evil. Judge soberly, calmly and impartially and you will have understanding. 5. As a spirit intensely roused and completely absorbed with divine things; you will be recognized as worthy of intimacy and love, whom YAH has judged worthy of the blessing of the gospel. 6. The ALPHA&OMEGA will do a good work for us taking a course of right action; He will prepare, construct, fashion, appoint, ordain and declare us. 7. We will celebrate our pass-over and He will perform his promise for those He considers excellent, distinguished, upright and honorable. 8. My FATHER is YAH, KING OF JUDAH, LORD YAH, Praise ye YHWH my Strength and my Song YHWH. YAH is His NAME, He is the EXISTING ONE, the ONE TRUE GOD, ADONAI, THE I AM, HAYAH, the BREATH of all living creatures. 9. HE is my desire, my love, it is my burning desire to turn aside and lodge with FATHER GOD, the CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF, and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. 10. He is moved with indignation and sore displeased; but we shall escape His displeasure in the curves of His arms. There we shall sing praises to Him, chanting lyrical emotions of a devout and grateful soul. 11. He shall pursue us eagerly, taking and capturing us like a draught or haul of fish. We shall be led away to celebrate a feast when we depart. 12. We shall be covered with new skin which is complete and perfect, fitted with special aptitude and gifts for its given uses. 13. This is to be done now, at this very moment, at this very time. The return of CHRIST will occur at the most closely limited, present time, at this very moment. 14. We shall break bread consecrated to YAH at the Love Feast, at YAH’s Table. Y’SHUA is the Divine Bread which comes from Heaven and contains in Himself the source of Heavenly Life which supplies celestial nutriment to souls that they may attain to life eternal. 15. He will raise and lift us up to carry us away; we shall be lifted up from the ground and taken away with YAH, where He will reason, preach and converse with us, because we are selected and distinguished by Him. 16. He will speak, teach, exhort, advise, command, direct and call us by name. We shall salute and bid Him welcome and on this account and for these reasons with joy and gladness He will give us our desires. Because we seek to please Him, He takes pleasure in us. 17. He will declare and narrate everything for us through to the end; He will set forth, recount, describe and relate in full, showing and telling us ALL things. 18. He is our leader and He will go before us, ruling and commanding, having authority over us. 19. He is a PRINCE of Regal Power, GOVERNOR, VICEROY, and CHIEF, leading in influence, CONTROLING COUNSEL and OVERSEER and LEADER of the CHURCHES. 20. Because HE has considered and deemed us worthy on His account, He will lead us away to the Court of Justice to celebrate the feast; on account of this He will please Himself. 21. Ye yourselves shall bear witness of Y’SHUA personally; those who are baptized by His command, those who believed on him on account of his miracles are His Ministers. 22. We shall see YAH Himself, not another, but the Heavenly things themselves when we are caught up in the clouds and the air, the atmospheric region. 23. The gentiles from all nations who were unstable, dirty, muddy and troublesome will be given a fine linen garment, made of the finest Egyptian flax, which is very costly, delicate, soft and white. The color of it will be a bright white of fine texture most costly as the clothing of Kings and those who are very rich. Joh 19:19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was, YASHUA (JESUS) OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. YAH IS NOT SLACK CONCERNING HIS PROMISE Chapter 27 10/22/2011 5.0 Honshu Japan 1. Although there is slowness or a delay do not count it as slackness; YAH is not slack concerning His promise as some count slackness but is longsuffering to us ward, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.(2 Peter 3:9) 2. Although He has been slow to apprehend, catch and seize us to take us into His custody, we should not be anxious, anticipating with dread or anxiety. 3. Those who are slow to believe and understand are ignorant to divine things. Think upon, take heed, ponder and consider these things; attend to the events that occur which will show the time to flee and you will have understanding. You will be given the capacity for spiritual truth perceiving divine things, recognizing good and hating evil. 4. Judge soberly, calmly and impartially and you will be recognized as worthy of intimacy and love whom YAH has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 5. My Father is Majesty with splendor and vigor, He is glorious and eminently beautiful; He is FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. Father to the fatherless, the Father of Elevation, the Father of the Righteous and of the kings of the earth, both of whom are called Sons of YAH and as it is a Father’s place He is instructor to His children. 6. My Father is YAH the KING OF JUDAH, His Majesty, His Holiness. 7. Those who are morally pure are his Holy Saints and we will be in the Holy of Holies in Heavenly Jerusalem. 8. We shall make a pilgrimage to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles where we will dance sacred dances round in a circle as the earth reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 9. We are not guilty because we have been made innocent by Y’SHUA, therefore we will go unpunished. 10. We will be fixed, established and set in place by the ALPHA&OMEGA, 11. The Chief Ruler of the Synagogue will bring us together, gathering us as fruit assembling together men to offer prayers and listen to the reading and expositions of the scriptures. 12. He is the beginning and origin, the Principality, Ruler and Magistracy, the beginning of all things. 13. This is the time when Y’SHUA will gather His disciples to begin life. He is our CHIEF, LEADER, RULER and He will begin to teach us when the multitude is gathered unto him. He will reign and rule over those He gathers and collects, as fishes caught in a net. 14. We shall come together to meet into His home and He will receive us with hospitality and He will entertain us when He takes us with Him to keep and celebrate the feast. 15. We shall accompany him joined in fellowship in action, belief, condition and experience as an attendant of THE MOST HIG on a journey. 16. Do not be uncertain, unsure or doubt, habitually tending to question and demand proof. 17. Do not lack trust or confidence in YAH’s motives, do not be suspicious of the TRUTH, integrity, honesty or soundness of His promise because He has not appeared or manifested. 18. What has not been manifest, made indistinct and obscure will become clear and evident, manifest and certain. What is concealed and invisible will become clear through inner perception and outward appearance as the ALPHA&OMEGA. 19. Those with no understanding commit sins through ignorance and thoughtlessness. If you are to understand you must think upon, take heed, ponder and consider these things and you will be given wings of an eagle to meet YAH in the clouds, the air or atmospheric region. 20. We are the wild olive tree and we will be on the Mount of Olives, living and growing in the field. YAH will pour out His violent passion His vehement, furious anger on the rude and boorish men of the field; they are unstable in all their ways. 21. Because of this the world is in a state of chaos and disorder, mass confusion, disturbances, dissension, seditions, inciting people to rebel against the authority of the state, mutiny, revolt, riots, anarchy and the tumults or commotions of war abound. 22. The things that are unstable, inconstant and restless shall be set in place, when we are appointed and He shows and exhibits Himself. He shall come forward to appoint and ordain us to conduct the worship of YAH. 23. He will cause us to stand in place, making us firm and established, standing unharmed, and continuing safe and sound. We shall be immovable, kept intact, escaping in safety when YAH comes down from Heaven because He is the ALPHA&OMEGA. 24. Those who are without GOD, not knowing or worshipping YAH, even denying His existence, the godless and ungodly will be abandoned by YAH. They are impious, a house in which idols are worshipped. 25. They do not worship the GODHEAD or TRINITY, The FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT. (Matthew 28:19, 1 John5:7) 26. YAH is GOD the FATHER, the First Person in the TRINITY, the ONLY and TRUE GOD, The MAGISTRATE and JUDGE. He is our guardian, blessing and protecting us through the promise and expected MESSIANIC SALVATION of the MESSIAH to come. 27. But the day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the Earth and the works that are in it will be burned up.(2 Peter 3:10) 28. They will be destroyed by fire, truly and indeed this is without doubt, therefore we must continue in righteousness so that we may be found actually clothed with a new body and not naked. THE SON OF PERDITION Chapter 28 9/23 5.6 Central East Pacific 1. Judas the Son of Perdition will do as he desires like King Nebuchadnezzar he has an inclination to be bellicose and belligerent; he is prone to mischief, malicious, causing harm and destruction without hindrance, obstruction, interference or obstacles from GOD. (Luk 22:3, Jhn 17:12 & Dan 5:19). 2. He will accomplish his will and do as he pleases; we have already been given the interpretation of his dream. 3. Kiss the Son of YAH, CHRIST the KING who is pure and chosen. 4. We are HIS children, Sons of GOD whom HE will build up and establish, permanently eternally, making us indestructible forever. 5. Do not be ignorant in not knowing the deeper more perfect enlarged knowledge and understanding concerning divine things. 6. Salvation only comes through CHRIST, the ALPHA & OMEGA. 7. Those with uprightness of heart and life filled with goodness and kindness will receive benefit, riches, comforts and delights which thy wealth is procured for the in abundance. 8. These are the benefits of the Messianic Kingdom for those who are upright, honorable and acceptable to GOD. 9. We will receive these things from the LIGHT BRINGER in HIS wealthy, affluent mountain; 10. HE is our HIGH PRIEST, who has ceremonially purified and cleansed us. 11.HE washed us making us venerable, sacred, holy, pure from carnality, modest, chaste, pure from every fault, immaculate and clean as unsullied virgins. 12.We are HIS Most Holy Saints and we are the temple and we will be in the Holy of Houses in Heaven to receive the blessings of the gospel. 13.This is the invitation of GOD claiming us as HIS own and through the HOLY SPIRIT we are rendered partakers of salvation in the kingdom of GOD. 14.Rejoice in HIS favor and HIS protection! 15.We will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles. 16.We will make a pilgrimage to keep and celebrate the feast where we will dance sacred dance round in a circle as the Earth reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. 17.The Abyss will be opened, the Bottomless Pit of immeasurable depth, the deep ditch. 18.These are the deep things of GOD, hidden above man’s security, the divine counsels of inexhaustible abundance in immense amount; most are walking around in a deep sleep. 19.The ALPHA & OMEGA is the Father of Majesty filled with splendor, brilliance, elegance, brightness and magnificence. 20.HE is glorious, honorable, opulent, resplendent, graceful and eminently beautiful; HE is our creator, ruler, chief and benevolent protector. 21.The illiterate and unlearned have been given a written acknowledgement of debt in the sacred writings. 22.We have been enrolled with those for whom eternal blessedness has been prepared. 23.We have been written in the sacred books of the ALPHA & OMEGA. 24.This is an injunction which is an authoritative command which prohibits and prevents conduct which could cause pain, damage, injury or harm to us. 25.We are appointed and ordained to obtain eternal life. 26.YAH has decreed eternal life upon us, we are under HIS authority and HE presides over us. 27.They will divide the land into parts and YAH will choose and divide those who are faithful, who cling, and adhere to HIM, taking us for HIMSELF. 28.The elect, those HE prefers HE will rapture and take by force, elevate raise us up from the ground and carry us away. 29.Because of grace we have a goodly appearance of beauty and comeliness, appearing wholesome and suitable; 30.Because of this we stand out, we are conspicuous and we will be distinguished, given high rank above others. 31.We will be well off, fortunate, flying high and YAH will give us commendation saying, “Well done”. 32.Make inquiry, ask, pray, search, examine, question, entreat and find out what these things mean by asking, utter your voice and speak; you may ask, “What shall I say?” an expression of one in doubt of what to say or “What reply can we make?”. 33.Say affirm, make known your thoughts, declare them and bring them forth into the light and YAH will cause you to shine, be bright and resplendent when HE is exposed to view. 34.When HE is seen, HE will appear in so remarkable a fashion- never was such a sight seen. 35.YAH is LIGHT, a STAR, FIRE, LAMP or TORCH with brightness, GOD is Light because light has the extremely delicate, subtle, pure, brilliant quality; a HEAVENLY LIGHT such as surrounds angels when they appear on earth. 36.HE illuminates the place where HE appears, HE is the Heavenly LUMINARY and the LIGHT by which true life is gained. (Jhn 8:12, Ps 27:1) 37.YESHUA/JESUS the MESSIAH is calling and commanding HIS messengers and servants, we are bidden unto HIM on account of this and through merit and favor of GOD we will go from being clothed in our earthly bodies to being clothed with glory! 38.After this HE will shut up Heaven and cause the Heavens to withhold rain. (Rev. 11:6). 39.YAH will be devoid of pity and HE will obstruct the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Rev. 9:6). 40.Those who put on glory will be hidden; we will enter Heaven and be furnished and adorned with virtue as if clothed with a garment. 41.We will become so possessed of the mind of CHRIST as in thought, feeling and action that we will resemble HIM and as it were, reproduce the life HE lived. 42.We will enter into and be bound by the law or rule producing a state approved of GOD; this is a law demanding faith. 43.With the water of baptism and the blood of atonement, by means both, HE has procured the pardon of our sins. 44.We will be furnished with the spirit of power, fellowship and union with CHRIST. 45.We will celebrate the feast as a betrothed woman, veiled as a bride, to be married. 46.The tares will be gathered and burned in the fire! (Matt 13:25-40). “I WILL APPEAR UNTO THEE” Chapter 29 11/19-20/2011 1. Cry out, raise a cry from the depths of your throats, cry and pray for vengeance, speak with a loud voice as the cry of a raven. 2. Utter words, teaching publicly and solemnly, offering earnest, importunate prayers to YAH and you shall go into the midst of Heaven. 3. YAH will examine, judge and determine the excellence or defects of each person, investigating whether you are a true apostle. 4. He will separate those He chooses as esteemed, preferred and approved by Him; YAH will pronounce judgment presiding over us and we will contend together with Him as warriors and combatants as we go into the midst of Heaven. 5. What is true? This matter which is under consideration. It is truth according to truth, reality, in fact and certain. It is true in things appertaining to YAH, moral and religious truth. 6. In the greatest latitude, these are the true notions of YAH which are open to human reason without His supernatural intervention. 7. This is truth as taught in the Christian religion, respecting YAH and the execution of His purposes through CHRIST and respecting the duties of man, opposing alike to the superstitions of the gentiles and the inventions of the Jews and corrupt opinions and precepts of false teachers, even among Christians. 8. This is truth free from pretense, falsehood and deceit. (Matthew 22:16) 9. Those who love the truth, speak the truth of this truthful event which is an actual occurrence which will not be hidden, unconcealed by grace which can be trusted. 10. We shall be hidden from the evil one, kept secretly and made unaware to him by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 11. We shall go up to a higher place to Heavenly Jerusalem, coming from earth to Heaven, to appear before the public, departing to celebrate the feast. 12. YAH will come into being, and we will arise and come forth when He shows himself; we shall find place and influence with Him becoming established as we follow YAH into the midst of Heaven to enter into fellowship with Y’SHUA. 13. He is our betrothed and future husband of Supreme intelligence and virtue. We shall see angels and other heavenly beings bear the forms of men, even GOD who is CHRIST. 14. CHRIST’s disciples, Christians, will be conformed to the nature of YAH body and soul when we see Him and He allows Himself to be seen. 15. We shall behold Him and become acquainted with Him by experience when we see YAH displayed in a miracle. 16. He will admit us into intimate and blessed fellowship with Him in his future kingdom to see and associate with The KING. 17. CHRIST will exhibit proof of His divinity and MESSIAHSHIP; the dead will be resurrected and we will know YAH in an emphatic sense. 18. The apostles perceive His invisible presence among them by His influence upon their souls through the HOLY SPIRIT and we will perceive Him visibly as we become partakers in Y’SHUA’s return. 19. We shall learn from the FATHER in a heavenly state with YAH. 20. Y’SHUA declares. “As a vision during sleep, ecstasy will come upon you unexpectedly on account of which I will appear unto thee.” PURIFIED BY FIRE BAPTISED THROUGH LIVING WATER Chapter 30 11/21/2011 Wake up 1. THE MOST HIGH will kindle up and inflame our mind strength and zeal as a horse roused to his utmost. 2. He will stir up a fire in us because He is that by which the fire is kindled a new or lighted up as if it were stoked with a pair of bellows. 3. We will gain strength when we are purified and baptized with fire; becoming a flaming fire as the seven lamps of fire which are the seven spirits of YAH. (Matthew 3:11, Revelations 4:5) 4. We shall be as coals of fire which have the shape of little flames. (Rev 3:18) 5. The fires of Hell are the extreme penal torments which the wicked are to undergo after their life on earth and in the Apocalypse. 6. The tongue itself is a fire and sets other things on fire by reason of the fiery spirit which governs it, but also by the destructive power it exercises. (James 3:6) 7. We shall be snatched from danger of destruction. (Hebrews 12:9) 8. As the Four Living Creatures (Rev 4:6) we shall enjoy real life worthy of the NAME, being active and blessed endlessly in the Kingdom of YAH. 9. We have been given the LIVING WATER which has vital power in itself and exerts the same upon the soul. 10. We shall be made full of vigor, fresh, strong, efficient, active, powerful and efficacious. Because the life which I live in an earthly body and the aim and goal of that life is CHRIST. 11. CHRIST is living and operating in me; the HOLY mind and ENERGY of CHRIST pervades and moves me; through the Power of YAH I am able to live and be strong towards Him. (2 Corinthians 13:4) 12. We shall be granted entrance upon a new state, upon a new life dedicated and acceptable to YAH. (Romans 6:13) 13. We will NOT be mortal, like dying men whose lot it is to die. We shall emphatically, in the MESSIANIC sense, enjoy real life, having true life worthy of the NAME, being active and blessed endlessly in the Kingdom of YAH. 14. In CHRIST’s Society, the gift and Power of CHRIST is shared in by the faithful who accordingly are said to have life, vigorous spiritual life bringing forth good fruit. Because of this we will live happily as a married woman. 15. A man who makes his own will his law, is his own master. (Romans14:7) 16. He is actuated by the spirit as the flesh dictates; but we have the LIVING WATER, The SPIRIT and TRUTH of YAH, as signifying the needs and desires of the soul. (John4:10) 17. Having vital power within itself and exerting the same upon the soul, having the characteristic of DIVINE GRACE in granting pardon of sin and fellowship with YAH; which likens it to a way leading to the Heavenly Sanctuary. 18. For those who possess real life; we shall go into the midst of Heaven. 19. Those who are without water are haunts of demons. (Matthew 12:43, Isaiah 13:21, Luke 11:24, 2Peter 2:17, Revelation 18:2) They are waterless clouds which promise rain but yield none. (Jude 1:11-25) 20. But we have waters as rivers, fountains and pools as the water of the deluge; water for washing and baptism. 21. We have that which refreshes and keeps alive the soul, the water which is the SPIRIT and TRUTH of YAH. (John 4:14) 22. The RAIN from Heaven, the ALPHA&OMEGA. (Acts 14:7, James 5:7) THE FORGOTTEN GOD’S INFINITE NUMBER Chapter 31 10/4 5.7 Bonin Islands, Japan 1. The eternal and perpetual unknown and forgotten GOD will become known, when HE discloses Himself. 2. We will become acquainted intimately with HIM and HE will become known to you; this will be readily understood from what proceeds. 3. Those who are recognized as worthy of intimacy and love, whom GOD has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel will have knowledge of the ALPHA & OMEGA. 4. The ALPHA & OMEGA will acknowledge us, HE will hallow us and separate us from profane things and dedicate us to HIMSELF. 5. We have been consecrated to GOD, cleansed and purified by expiation made free from the guilt of sin. 6. We have been purified internally by the renewing of our souls, CHRIST underwent death to consecrate us, freeing us from the impurity of wickedness and brought us near to GOD by our faith. 7. The Holy Saints are worthy of veneration, we shall be in the temple and tabernacle, the Holy of HOLIES in Heavenly Jerusalem. This is the invitation of GOD claiming us as HIS own. 8. Those GOD has selected that under the influence of the HOLY SPIRIT may be rendered through holiness, partakers of salvation in the Kingdom of GOD. 9. We will be at the festival gathering, The Feast of Tabernacles. We will make a pilgrimage to celebrate the feast and we will bind the sacrifice with cords to the altar and we will dance sacred dances, round in a circle as the Earth reels to and fro encompassed with terrors. (Psalm 118:27) 10.We are the beloved, HIS dearly beloved, esteemed worthy of love of JESUS the MESSIAH. 11.We are reconciled to GOD and judged by HIM to be worthy of eternal life, considered persons to be welcomed and to be entertained because in us HE is well pleased. 12.HE is fond of us and we are preferred and dearly loved. This is the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation to undergo suffering and death. HE takes pleasure in us and is unwilling to abandon us because HE loves us. 13.HE will kiss us because HE approves of us and desires to preserve our lives because we hate our life if it cannot be kept without denying CHRIST. 14.Love is an emotion that cannot be commanded, but only through love as a choice, we are made HIS companion, the bridegroom friend favored with HIS intimacy. HE will ask for the hand of the bride and we will celebrate our nuptials. 15.Abraham is the father of multitude, but the Chief of Multitude is FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR. HE is FATHER to the fatherless, the AUTHOR of our faith, The MAKER of our universe, the FATHER of the righteous and of the Kings of the Earth both whom are called Sons of GOD. HE has divine authority and HE is the instructor of HIS children; 16.Those children who are acceptable and pleasing will be loved and kissed for our advantage; we will be drawn near and go running towards HIM, into the House of the Lord. 17.We will be before the face of YAH in HIS immediate presence, so that HIS mouth will be put to our ears to testify that HE is who is before time, prior to all created things, above all things in superiority, preeminence and that HE is the ONE that leads to restoration of peace the attainment of safety and that HE is the intended end and purpose. 18.This is the time for which these things have been as it were appointed, the seasons and the hour. There is little time left, we are close proximity to be being brought near to HIM, to the forecourt of the temple. 19.We will be turned to the light, remaining and dwelling there. Joined together by relation or close connection whereof to be joined in glory with HIM, being made white. This pertains to our interest and is done for our advantage. 20.Six days before the Passover, YESHYA rode into Jerusalem and raised the dead. Six days before our Passover HE has again appeared openly in public view and raise the dead. 21.Although the dragon waits to consume and devour us, we will dine and feast at YAH’s House. YAH will provide entertainment and there will be luxurious reveling, food and drink, spread out on CHRIST’S table. 22.We will enjoy the blessings of the salvation procured by CHRIST. 23.This is a banquet in our honor, where we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and we will consume the PASCHAL LAMB; which is laid on the altar. 24.Although our sins have been uncovered and unveiled, YESHUA will cover them; HE will hide them, not regard or impute them on us. HE will pardon and pass-over them without paying attention to them, ignoring our sin, procuring pardon from YAH. 25. We will also be hidden and concealed, escaping the notice of the dragon, departing secretly and laid up with GOD in Heaven. 26.We will be covered and removed from view, rescued from the sight, clandestine and unknown; this is GOD’s saving counsels. 27.We will be taken away by stealth, stolen like a thief in the night, when YESHUA comes down from Heaven, from a higher to a lower place; HE will cover and veil us. 28.We will be caught up in the clouds to meet the ALPHA & OMEGA in the air because once we are changed and transformed. 29.All others that remain who are left behind are greedy for base gain or filthy lucre; they are given to filthy lucre so that they are disgraceful and dishonorable. They will be disfigured and suffused with shame; 30.They will receive a fixed and definite number whose letters indicate a certain man. It is the number of the beast which is 666. 31.Therefore we must abide in YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST that we may not in shame shrink from HIM. 32.We are in the indefinite number, the multitude that will be raised up, elevated, snatched away and taken by force. 33.We will lift our hands, eyes and our voices in excitement, with a sense of fear, hope, joy, grief as we enter into fellowship with CHRIST who is free from sin and we will abide in that fellowship. 34.As a flower of the grass, the rich shall pass away. 35.Look, see and hear what the MOST HIGH is saying, so that you will have the power of understanding, contemplate, examine and weigh these things carefully. 36.We shall behold the Mountain of YAH in the quarters of Heaven, where we will see YESHUA/JESUS crowned, the omniscient of GOD and the Angels of closest access and the highest rank in Heaven. 37.HE is coming to destroy, put to death, extinguish, abolish and deprive the wicked of spiritual life. They have procured for themselves eternal misery in hell because they separated themselves from HIM, destroying fellowship and union with CHRIST. MERCY FOR THE MERCIFUL, NO MERCY FOR THE MERCILESS Chapter 32 11/22/11 1. THE MOST HIGH will be without mercy to those who are merciless. 2. For He shall have judgment without mercy that hath shewed no mercy: and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. (James 2:13) 3. YAH will be merciful to those who are merciful; blessed are those who are merciful blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. (Matthew 5:7) 4. For He is our merciful and faithful High Priest. (Hebrews 2:17) 5. Keep yourselves in the love of YAH, looking for the mercy of our Lord YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST unto eternal life. He shall have mercy on and succor the afflicted and those seeking aid. 6. HE will bring help to the wretched and they shall experience mercy. 7. YAH shall grant, even to the unworthy, favor, benefits, opportunities and particularly salvation by CHRIST. (Romans 9:15) 8. He feels sympathy with the misery of others; such sympathy will manifest itself in an act, because of the inward feeling of compassion which abides in His heart. 9. As a criminal begs of His judge, the object of hopeless suffering is to obtain mercy. 10. Call out in exclamations and tears for the mercy of YAH towards sinners that He might exercise the virtue of mercy, showing Himself merciful. 11. The mercy and clemency of YAH is displayed in providing and offering to men salvation by CHRIST; through which is found the mercy of CHRIST whereby at His return to Judgment HE will bless True Christians with eternal life. (Luke 1:54) 12. We are vessels fitted for the reception of mercy by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 13. CHRIST will return, Hero like on a horse to pour out His violent passion, His vehement, furious anger on the wild, savage, boorish and rude men of the land; but He will lay hold of us to lead and take us away. 14. We shall accompany Him into the Court of Justice of the Magistrate to keep and celebrate the feast; this is our departure. 15. What has been unseen and invisible, the invisible things of YAH will become visible and open to view. (Romans 1:20) 16. We shall see Him with our eyes and become acquainted with Him by experience, beholding the DIVINE MAJESTY of CHRIST when HE exhibits proofs of His Divinity and MESSIAHSHIP. 17. We shall be admitted into intimate and blessed fellowship with YAH in HIS future Kingdom; this is GOD’s MAJESTY and saving purpose. 18. Y’SHUA’s return will be as visions during sleep or ecstasy coming upon you unexpectedly, on account of which He declares, “I will appear unto thee.” 19. The ALPHA&OMEGA will wash us off, washing the clothing of those who by faith so appropriate the results of CHRIST’s expiation as to be recognized by YAH as pure and sinless. 20. We shall be separated because we were heard and accordingly delivered from His fear. This is our departure and fleeing, of physical distance and time. 21. We will become members of a sect or society as a disciple and votary, bound by vows, fervently devoted as a faithful follower of YAH. DIVINELY DESIGNED AND FASHIONED ARTISTICALLY Chapter 33 11/23/11 1. The indecent, unseemly members of the body of CHRIST and our habitus, which is the physical and constitutional characteristics which make us susceptible to disease in our figure, bearing, discourse, actions and manners of life, shall be changed. (1 Corinthians 15:52, 12:23) 2. We shall be DIVINELY DESIGNED, configured and formed beautifully, FASHIONED ARTISTICALLY and designed for all ages. 3. We shall be closely joined by the bonds of natural blood, MARRIAGE, friendship, duty and law, to have and to hold CHRIST as a companion. 4. We shall wear garments having a covering hanging down from our heads. 5. Y’SHUA carries us in His heart and LOVES us constantly. 6. We shall be made rich by our HUSBAND and be subject to our MASTER in living union with the SON who is CHRIST and the FATHER by faith, knowledge and profession. (1 John2:23) 7. He shall take as a wife in lawful marriage the members of His Body and we shall stand before Him, in His presence, face to face and in the presence of the Four Beasts. (Revelations 4:7-9, Ezekiel 1:10, 10:14) 8. The Beast who is the Anti-christ will receive a wound and be possessed by a demon. (Revelations 13:14) 9. We shall be given intelligence and spiritual endowments, virtues, sensations, desires, emotions and affections without faults or defects. For our benefit it is incumbent that this be performed. 10. The Accuser will bring accusations against us; but we have that which is praiseworthy so accusations have NO power over us. The accuser can say nothing against us. 11. Y’SHUA will lay hold of us and we will be connected with Salvation through CHRIST, THE ALPHA&OMEGA THE BEGINNING AND THE END. 12. Those who are disorderly, deviating from the prescribed order of rule, the unruly shall be put in order. He will assign a place for them. (2 Thessalonians 3:11, Luke 12:45-46) 13. We shall be appointed, ordained, consecrated and ministered unto, because we are appointed by YAH to obtain Eternal Life, to be put under His control and authority. 14. The ALPHA&OMEGA was without offspring, He was childless on earth; but He will have children when we receive His NAME and are transferred to that intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of love, friendship and trust, just as between parents and children. 15. Disciples are called children of their teachers because they nourish the minds of their pupils and mold their characters. 16. We are the Children of GOD, the People of Israel, especially dear to YAH, who are led by the Spirit of YAH and thus closely related to YAH; just as the Children of the Devil whose thoughts and actions are prompted by the Devil and so reflect his character. 17. We shall become votaries of wisdom, souls who have, as it were, been nurtured and molded by wisdom; however, cursed children will be exposed to a curse and doomed to YAH’s wrath or penalty. 18. He will render help and assistance to us, but they will receive punishment, vengeance and penalty. (Hebrews 10:29) 19. He is our guardian and avenger of our honor; He will succor and come to help us as He takes vengeance on others. 20. We have been bought with a price, that price was paid with Blood money of the PREEMINENT ONE; because of this we receive honor appearing in rewards in the future life. (Romans 2:7,10) 21. A mark of honor will be given to the praise of all who are judged worthy. 22. Those who are not honored will be punished by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 23. Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of YAH, and from the GLORY of HIS power. (2 Thessalonians 1:9) SUBMIT YOURSELVES TO THE LIGHT Chapter 34 1. We shall be changed, given spiritual bodies in exchange for our physical bodies; we shall be given eternal bodies in return for our mortal bodies when we are constructed by the MOST HIGH. 2. We shall pass away and go through to the other side and vanish. This is a change for the better where we will be renewed. 3. YAH will resurrect the dead, they will be revived, regaining life, consciousness and strength, and we shall flourish with new life and energy when we change our garments. 4. Our form, outward appearance and essence will be altered and we will gain new strength. 5. YAH will make us brave so that we watch, stand fast and become strong. ( 1Cor 16:14) 6. HE is our betrothed and future husband of supreme intelligence and virtue. 7. We shall see angels and other heavenly beings, bear the form of men, even YAH and CHRIST. 8. The weakness by which man is lead into a mistake or prompted to sin is the corrupt nature of man, body and soul; for true Christians, this corrupt nature will be conformed to the nature of YAH. 9. I speak as a man to whom analogies from human affairs present themselves, while I illustrate divine things by an example drawn from human life. A man devoted to the service of YAH. 10. We shall behold the MOST HIGH when HE allows HIMSELF to be seen; when HE appears we will become acquainted with HIM by experience. 11. The Divine MAJESTY will be visited upon us when CHRIST exhibits proofs of HIS divinity and MESSIAHSHIP admitting us into intimate and blessed fellowship with YAH in HIS future kingdom. 12. We shall be as those privileged to see and associate with kings and in a heavenly state we will look upon HIM as sons who learn what they see their fathers doing. 13. These are divine things the counsels of YAH, the immediate and perfect knowledge of GOD without being taught by another. 14. Y’SHUA’s return will be as visions during sleep or ecstasy coming upon the world unexpectedly, on account of which, YESHUA declares, “I will appear unto thee.” 15. Behold, our betrothed and future husband is a man of victory and through HIM death is swallowed up in victory, literally vanquished forever. (1Cor 15:51-57) 16. We shall receive everlasting splendor and victory from our betrothed, when we go up to a higher place, to Heavenly Jerusalem, at HIS return. 17. The MESSIAH will make HIS appearance and we shall be established, arise and find influence with HIM as we depart to celebrate the feast. 18. The PREEMINENT one, HE that cometh, is about to come. The prophetic promise and universal expectation of the coming one, is about to be fulfilled through HE who is already coming, clothed with divine authority, the MESSIAH. 19. HE that publicly appeared and approved HIMSELF to be GOD’s son and ambassador by accomplishing expiation through the ordinances of baptism and the bloody death which He underwent shall return hereafter from Heaven in Majesty, borne on the clouds. 20. Commit yourselves to the instruction of Y’SHUA/JESUS and enter into fellowship with HIM. 21. Submit yourselves to the power of the light, follow HIM and you will accompany HIM into the midst of Heaven. (John 3:20) THE AXE IS LAID TO THE ROOT Chapter 35 1. Those who are ignorant to divine things commit sin because they have no understanding. 2. To understand you must think upon, heed, ponder and consider these things; attend to the events that occur, which will show the time to flee and you will have the capacity for spiritual truth which are the higher powers of the soul, recognizing good and hating evil. 3. Judge soberly, calmly and impartially and you will have understanding, you will be recognized as worthy of intimacy and love, whom YAH has judged worthy of the blessings of the gospel. 4. You shall receive the nature and will of GOD the FATHER, the holy will and affection by which HE aims to sanctify and redeem men through CHRIST; this is HIS consummate kindness towards us and the benefits redounding to us from fellowship with HIM. This is the love of YAH. 5. The ALPHA & OMEGA is man’s defender; HE is our betrothed and future husband, the Heavenly Being who bore the form of men; GOD and CHRIST in human form. 6. We shall look at and behold HIM when HE allows HIMSELF to be seen. 7. When HE appears and we see HIM with our eyes we will become acquainted with HIM by experience; having seen HIM exhibiting proofs of HIS divinity and MESSIAHSHIP. 8. We shall see the glory of YAH displayed in a miracle and we will be admitted into intimate and blessed fellowship with YAH in HIS future kingdom. 9. We will be as those who are privileged to see and associate with kings, when we are in our heavenly state with GOD. 10. The branch of the tree is tender and full of sap. 11. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when HIS branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. (Mat 24:32) 12. Many will try to deceive, beguile and cheat you. 13. Let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of YAH upon the children of disobedience. (Eph 5:6) 14. We shall go away and depart, this is our separation of physical distance and time in which we are constrained, entreated and compelled to go, given permission from YAH. 15. And straightway JESUS constrained HIS disciples to get into a ship and to go before HIM unto the other side, while HE sent the multitude away. (Mat 14:22); this is necessary due to circumstances, regarding our advantage because of calamity and distress we will be in the curves of HIS arms and taken into the midst of Heaven. 16. Many will be left behind, forsaken and left destitute. 17. Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief. (Heb. 4:6) They will be left behind because they lack and have been found wanting; union and fellowship with YAH has been destroyed. 18. We will be separated from them at our departure, by the builder, the King of Judah, skilled and master workman, the artificer and architect, the hypostatic wisdom of YAH, the Maker of the world. 19. Then I was by HIM as one brought up with HIM: and I was daily HIS delight, rejoicing always before HIM. (Prov. 8:30) 20. YAH will support and confirm the faithful. We shall be established, made to stand firm, unshaken, made sure and everlasting. 21. HE will carry us as one who carries and cares for a child, to nourish and sustain us, in long continuance, perennially, enduring indefinitely and forever as HIS servants and witnesses. 22. HE is only a stone’s throw away. 23. And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees; therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire. (Mat. 3:10) 24. HE will cast down the wicked. 25. And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of GOD, and the power of HIS CHRIST: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our GOD day and night. (Rev. 12:10) 26. HE will thrust in HIS sickle. 27. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the Earth, and gathered the vine of the Earth, and cast it into the great wine press of GOD’s wrath. (Rev. 14:19) 28. And some shall be violently shaken from position, and cast into prison and into the fire when he pours out HIS wrath. 29. And the stars of Heaven fell into the Earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. (Rev. 6:13) WORKING MIRACLES THROUGH THE POWER AND MIGHT OF YAH 11/25/11 1. What I am doing with my own hands as an eloquent and skilled orator and public speaker is done by the help and agency of YAH, symbolizing His might, activity and power in creating the universe. 2. YAH is present, upholding, preserving, protecting and aiding me; determining and controlling my destiny. 3. With the aid or service of an Angel, those things in the performance of which my hands take the principal part, He is working miracles. 4. There is a great gulf, a gaping opening or chasm between Heaven and Earth that we must cross and there will be stormy or rainy weather, a tempest and storms in the winter season. 5. Y’SHUA Himself personally, GOD Himself not another, the Heavenly things themselves, the Chief Leader, Master of Rest, He who has paid the penalty of our sins; He holds His winnowing shovel in His hand. 6. Whose fan is in His hand and He will thoroughly purge His floor and gather His wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (Matthew 3:12) 7. The wheat must be gathered from the inhabitants of the earth. 8. The Christians, those who may be able, those with whom He had been, those who have been purified, those who believed on him on account of His miracles, his ministers, companions, disciples and servants, preachers of the gospel shall be caught up in the air to meet YAH in the clouds. (1Thessalonians 4:17) 9. Even still, I speak into the air, without effect as one who speaks what is not understood by the hearers. (1 Corinthians 14:9) THE SHEPHERD DIVIDETH THE SHEEP FROM THE GOATS 11/25/11 Chapter 37 1. And before Him shall be gathered all nations; and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth His sheep from the goats: and He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. (Matthew 25:32) 2. Y’SHUA will make a distinction between the two, between those who are distinguished and of a different kind from all others that remain. 3. Burning live coals as coals of fire will be heaped upon the heads of your enemies. 4. This is called up by favors you confer on your enemy, the memory in him of the wrong he has done you, which shall pain him as if live coals were heaped on his head, that he might the more readily repent. 5. They will experience very acute mental pain, burning coals of the heart and fire in the liver, a head of burning fiery coals. 6. We are to be laid away, laid up and reserved for YAH, awaiting HIM. 7. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which KYRIOS, the Righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing. (2 Timothy 4:8) 8. As things which are quietly covered, as things put or set in place, we shall be brought to a City situated on a hill and we shall stand before the THRONE. 9. As grain laid up together, our vessels shall be gathered together to our foundation which is Y’SHUA/JESUS CHRIST. 10. This is YAH’s intent, aim, specific purpose and design to which we are destined and appointed. 11. His law, body of rules, principles and precepts of governing; His absolute and unquestioned authority, expressed in His DIVINE WILL shall be established and laid down. 12. All others that remain will be held in subjection by the Devil, under the power and authority of the Evil one. 13. We shall be separated from them as we flee the evil one; this is our departure of physical distance and time. WALK WITH ME CLOTHED IN WHITE Chapter 38 11/27/11 1. We shall experience a reciprocal relationship of mutual love and affection with THE MOST HIGH; distinguished from the rest who will remain on earth. 2. For many are called but few are chosen, (Matthew 22:14) 3. We shall meet HIM, coming into the company of HIS presence, assembling at HIS arrival, because we are proper, fit, right and judged worthy. 4. We have been deemed deserving as those HE desired and thinks good of, having a weight of value or worth. 5. We are befitting, congruous and worthy of our due reward; those who are unworthy will receive their reward as well. (Matthew 6:5) 6. Y’SHUA declares, “Receive the favor of an invitation to walk with me, clothed in white.” 7. We shall lodge with HIM because we are worthy of HIS fellowship and the blessings connected with it. (Revelations 3:4) 8. HE shall lay hold of us, to take us away and bring us to the point of destination, to the Court of Justice to keep and celebrate the feast 9. We are considered, suitable and worthy, after a goodly sort. (Eph 4:1, Col 1:10, 1 TH 2:12) Because of this we will receive our due reward when we depart to celebrate the feast. 10. All of these events will be completed and finished subsequent to the return of CHRIST. 11. Henceforth, from this time forward, the shewbread, which are loaves consecrated to YHWH, the bread used at the Love Feasts and the Sacred Supper, is the food which shall be served to the children of YAH. 12. We shall eat the food which we have procured for ourselves by our labor. (2 TH 3:12) 13. We shall be at the table of our companion, as HIS familiar friend. 14. Y’SHUA, who is the DIVINE BREAD from Heaven, who containing in Himself the source of Heavenly Life supplies celestial nutriment to souls that they may attain to life eternal. 15. We shall be raised up and elevated, lifted up from the ground, removed, taken and carried away. 16. Lift up your hands, eyes and voices, cry out with a sense of fear, hope, joy, and grief and HE shall remove the guilt and punishment of sin by expiation to cause that sin to be neither imputed nor punished. 17. He shall grant pardon for our offenses and allow us to enter into fellowship with CHRIST abiding in that fellowship at our separation, departure and fleeing of physical distance and time. 18. YAH will destroy, entirely abolish, ruin and give many over to eternal misery in Hell. They will perish because they are lost and rendered useless. 19. He will cause their emptiness to be perceived, which has caused them to lose eternal salvation. (Jam 4:12) 20. Eternal life begins on earth, just as soon as one becomes united to CHRIST by faith; it is they to whom it belongs to partake in salvation. 21. However those consigned to eternal misery are to be blotted out of the LAMBS’s Book of Life; they will perish, receiving destruction and death for the destruction of the flesh. 22. Many will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of YAH, and from the MAJESTY of HIS POWER. (2 TH 1:9) 23. For those that perish, separation and union or fellowship with YAH had been destroyed. 24. We have been baptized, cleansed by submerging, washed and made clean with water. We have received the Christian Baptism of Faith in Y’SHUA/JESUS CHRIST, in HIS NAME, for remission and washing away of sins, receiving the HOLY SPIRIT, producing a permanent change. 25. Those who perish shall be baptized in great and abounding calamities, overwhelming them who must bear them. 26. I implore you to desire salvation, seek admission to the benefits of the MESSIAH’s KINGDOM, receive the baptism of repentance, profess the NAME of Y’SHUA/JESUS CHRIST, become HIS follower and obtain forgiveness of sins. (Gal 3:27, Rom 6:3) 27. He has imbued us richly with the HOLY SPIRIT, just as its large bestowment is called an outpouring. (Mat 3:11, Mark 1:8) 28. HE will overwhelm those who do not repent with fire, subjecting them to the terrible penalties of Hell, by the Authority of YAH. 29. Rely on the NAME of Y’SHUA/JESUS CHRIST, reposing all your hope on HIM; wash your clothing in the Blood of the LAMB. (Rev 7:14, Rev 19:13) WE ARE A HOUSE INHABITED BY YAH Chapter 39 11/24/11 6.3 Hokkaido, Japan 1. The writings written in scripture, the books and its contents are Holy Scripture, Sacred Books with YAH speaking in them. 2. The illiterate and unlearned have been inscribed in the sacred writings which are a written acknowledgement of the debt that has been paid, so that we are enrolled with those whom eternal blessedness has been prepared. 3. I have been instructed to write these letters, to commit them to writing, and to give information and direction by the words written in these letters by the ALPHA&OMEGA. 4. My Father is Majesty, full of splendor, vigor and honor; HE is eminently beautiful as the Majesty of YAH. He is FATHER GOD, CREATOR, RULER, CHIEF and BENEVOLENT PROTECTOR and we are HIS beloved, persons welcomed by HIM. 5. HE will entertain us because we are loved dearly, HE is full of good will towards us and HE will exhibit the same. 6. This is the love which led CHRIST in procuring human salvation, undergoing death; because of this HE is unwilling to abandon us. 7. HE will love, kiss and approve of us because we hate our lives if it cannot be kept without denying CHRIST. HE is our friend and companion. 8. As a herd of sheep, the multitude will be gathered together and driven, guided, transported and propelled by an envoy, agents and messengers of YAH. A host of heavenly spirits, an army and great number that wait upon the MONARCH of the UNIVERSE and are sent to earth, now to execute HIS purposes and to make them known to men. 9. They will bring us out, leading us, taking us with them by laying hold of us to bring us to the point of destination. They will move and impel us forward, guiding and directing us as we go and depart to keep and celebrate the feast, causing us to vanish. 10. Many will perish and be destroyed because they have gone astray; they will be blotted out of the LAMB’s Book of Life; this is divine judgment on the lost and wandering sheep. 11. We have been made blameless, unrebukable, considered those that cannot be reprehended, are not open to censure and are irreproachable. (1 Tim 6:14) 12. HE shall lay hold of and take possession of us because we have attained our objective and achieved our goal. 13. HE will seize upon us with HIS hands, to rescue us from peril, to help and succor us as our leader who is YAH. 14. Struggle to obtain eternal life (Mat 14:31), and you will be taken up, removed and carried away. 15. Y’SHUA will claim and procure for Himself a companion; HE will choose, collect and gather what is offered to Him. He will give access to Himself, presiding and exercising power over us. 16. We shall take upon ourselves a vow, appropriating to ourselves the NAME of MESSIAH, showing that we belong to the ALPHAΩ becoming perennial as that which fadeth not away. 17. To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled; and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. (1 Pet 1:4) 18. “Many shall consume away, perish and have a miserable end.” Declares the ALPHA&OMEGA, the beginning and the end. 19. The Goat, the good for nothing, salacious, licentious, lewd, carnal being, Satan is the adversary we must contend, struggle and fight against. 20. Labor fervently with great emotion, zeal and hot glowing passion with difficulties and dangers and those who are antagonistic to the gospel. 21. Endeavour with strenuous zeal, strive to obtain an incorruptible crown. (Luke 13:24, 1 Cor. 1:25 22. Fight amid all hindrances; let us exert ourselves to the utmost to attain to the goal of perfection set before the followers of CHRIST. Struggle with dangers, annoyances, and obstacles standing in the way of faith, holiness and desire to spread the gospel. (1 TH 2:2), and you will be lead away to the Court of Justice to celebrate the feast. 23. Although we are in double straits, because of hostility to the ONE TRUE GOD and their endeavors to crush HIS people; we are without charge, made free; the ALPHA&OMEGA has devoured and consumed the cost. (Luke 4:18, Col 1:14) 24. We shall be caught and taken when He chooses for Himself HIS elect, all those HE prefers. (2 TH 2:13) 25. HE will raise us up from the ground to carry us away, removing the guilt and punishment of sin by expiation, to cause that sin to be neither imputed nor punished, to grant pardon for our offenses so that we may enter into fellowship with CHRIST. 26. What is impossible for us because we do not have strength, power or ability because we are weak, without strength, powerless and impotent, is possible for YAH. 27. What we could not do is possible for HIM because He is powerful, able, strong, mighty, strong in soul to bear calamities and trials with fortitude and patience. 28. HE is a MIGHTY MAN, the PREEMINENTLY MIGHTY ONE; ALMIGHTY GOD, who is capable, able, powerful and strong, the ALPHA&OMEGA. 29. HE is our gift, a present which was sacrificed and offered to YAH; as money cast into the treasury for the purposes of the temple and for the support of the poor. 30. The complete light flow shall be restrained, the visible illumination, the unbroken continuity, discharge and out pouring of LIGHT shall be restrained, held back and stopped suddenly. (2 TH 2:7) 31. The main sail of the ship which provides the primary power for sailing is being hoisted, now at this moment. 32. The present time we are living in is the most closely limited time to the subsequent return of CHRIST. (1 Cor. 13:12) 33. The shewbread, loaves consecrated to YAH, the bread at the Love Feasts and at YAH’s table are the food that is to be served to YAH’s Children. 34. Y’SHUA is the DIVINE BREAD come from Heaven, who containing in Himself the source of heavenly life, supplies celestial nutriment to souls that they may attain life eternal. 35. YAH will elevate and carry off what is committed to HIM. 36. He will re-build us, restoring us by building us up. (Acts 15:16) 37. He will edify, embolden, repair and establish us, promoting growth in Christian wisdom, affection, grace, virtue, holiness and blessedness. We will grow in wisdom, piety, devotion and reverence to YAH. 38. The Body of CHRIST is likened to a building or temple in which YAH and the HOLY SPIRIT dwells. (1 Cor. 3:9, 16), the erection of which temple will not be completely finished until the return of CHRIST from Heaven. 39. All who by action, instruction, exhortation and comfort promote the Christian wisdom of others and help them to live a correspondent life are regarded as taking part in the erection of that building. 40. YAH is the BUILDER and ARCHITECT engaged in the act of building up and edification of the body of CHRSIT which is the Church. 41. Proclaim the gospel of CHRIST and salvation from the roof tops. (Mat 10:27) 42. We are the house inhabited by YAH, the Palace, the House of YAH, the Tabernacle and HIS Dwelling place. 43. The family of YAH will be a household in the Temple in Heavenly Jerusalem, in the Heavenly Sanctuary of Heaven. 44. The Body of CHRISTIANS, the Church pervaded by the SPIRIT and POWER of YAH shall go into the midst of Heaven. WE HAVE REACHED THE END Chapter 40 11/28/11 1. The wicked, who break through the restraints of law and gratifies his lusts will be ordered to be put into prison and we will kneel down to be appointed, established ordained and set in place. 2. He has deposited in our minds the doctrine concerning reconciliation made for us; the one who lay down and gave up HIS life for us will serve us something to eat and drink. 3. He will appoint us to HIS service as others are decreed to be subject to the wrath of the ALPHA&OMEGA. 4. Be salted, because every true Christian is rendered ripe for a holy and happy association with YAH in HIS KINGDOM by fire; by the pain of afflictions and trials, which, if endured with constancy tend to purge and strengthen the soul. 5. Remain salted because you are the salt of the Earth and if the salt has lost its savor, how shall is be seasoned? It is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. (Mat 5:13, Mk 9:50) 6. Salt is a symbol of that health and vigor of soul which is essential to Christian virtue, salt is a symbol of lasting concord because it protects from putrefaction and preserves you unchanged, and is displayed in wisdom and grace through speech. 7. YAH will thresh and tread out the corn on the floor on which grain is threshed out; this is the threshing floor. 8. ‘The heap of grain already indeed threshed out, but still mixed with the chaff and straw remains.” Declares YAH. 9. Whose winnowing fan is in His hand and HE will thoroughly purge His floor and gather His wheat into His barn; but HE will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. (Mat 3:12) 10. The heavens will depart as a scroll rolled together. (Rev 6:4), when YAH pours out His wrath on the unprofitable, hurtful and pernicious; it is better to be useful, it is advantageous and it profits you. (Luke 17:2) 11. We have reached the end, a temporal end, the end of the MESSIANIC pangs, the end of eschatological events; the second coming and the last judgments are upon us. The last or third act of the resurrection, the very end appointed with evils to the procurement of their end, to destruction, to the uttermost end. 12. The fulfillment of prophecy is to be finished, many shall perish; this is their final lot and fate as recompense to them. (Mat 10:22, Mat 24:13, Mat 24:14) 13. Y’SHUA shall set the captives free because HE has procured our release and deliverance; as a ransom HE provided the means and power of releasing and loosing us. (Luke 4:18) 14. The four fallen angels shall be loosed from their bonds and set free, as prisoners discharged from prison. (Rev 9:14) 15. Many will see apocalyptic visions of the Devil. 16. Laws having binding force shall be annulled, subverted and done away with, to deprive them of authority. When we are in the Assembly, we shall be released from the bonds of death, by the ALPHA&OMEGA. (Isa 28:18, 2 Tim 1:10, 1 Cor. 15:26, 2 Cor. 3:14) 17. We shall be changed, exchanging our physical bodies for the spiritual, changing from earthy to heavenly. 18. This is a change for the better, when YAH will renew our strength in newness of life. We shall slip and glide with a swift motion of smoothness and slipperiness when HIS SPIRIT revives alters and changes our garments. (Mat 17:2) 19. HE will restore and return those who are asleep to life again and they will gain strength. 20. Y’SHUA declares, “I would have done it for them if certain conditions were met or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes. Perhaps ye would have said, “We should not have been wicked,” and I would have done it.” 21. If thou would have repented, YAH would not have condemned, if thou would have watched, if thou would have asked, ye would have rejoiced, ye would not have died and would have remained with us. 22. If YAH did not show mercy, no one would have been saved, all, even now would have to be regarded as those who had perished. 23. Some of those that perished, were want and lacked but little of it being done, which yet was not done because the condition was not fulfilled. 24. This is a matter of fact and certain; as many as touched HIM, HE has rightly restored from the time HE has risen up into the midst of Heaven. 25. We shall ascend as if going up a flight of stairs to the threshold and doorway to Heaven, going up in grade, degree, dignity and wholesome influence in the church, in degree, depth and height. 26. These are the deep things of YAH, things hidden above man’s scrutiny, the DIVINE COUNSELS of inexhaustible abundance and immense amount. 27. It will be like walking in a deep sleep when we ascend and go up, when we move from Earth to Heaven, upon the roof of the house, into the ship. 28. We shall be as those persons who have penetrated the Heavenly Mysteries. 29. CHRIST brought HIS knowledge of the DIVINE COUNSELS with HIM from Heaven in as much as HE had dwelt there prior to HIS incarnation. 30. We will take up residence in Heaven, when we go to the Palace of the Governor; we will ascend in HIS CHARIOT because none but CHRIST could get there except by ascending. 31. We shall walk into the midst of Heaven; we shall look up and recover lost sight, receiving sight as a man blind from birth who was cured by CHRIST. (Mat 5:11, 2 Kings 6:17) 32. We shall see and discern with our eyes, when we turn our eyes to look at and gaze at Y’SHUA. 33. Consider, contemplate, examine and weigh this carefully; we shall see the Mountain of YAH in the quarters of Heaven, being given power of seeing HIM who uttered the voice. (Rev 1:12) 34. We shall be as one who has free access to YAH, as princes, ministers and personal friends have to a King; as angels of the closest access or of highest rank observe the OMNISCIENT GOD, seeing in secret where man sees nothing. (Mat 6:4, 6, 18, Acts 9:7) 35. We shall see Y’SHUA/JESUS Crowned in the midst of Heaven. (Heb. 2:9) But others cannot enter into HIS rest because of unbelief. (Heb. 3:19, James 2:22)) 36. The disobedient are impersuasible and not compliant; they are contumacious and stubbornly obstinate. (2 Tim 3:2) We are to persuade and induce others to believe, make friends, win favor, gain goodwill and seek to win them over. 37. Strive to please THE MOST HIGH, believe, have faith, listen and obey HIM; yield, comply, trust and have confidence in the ALPHA&OMEGA. 38. HE will reconcile us completely bringing us back to a former state of harmony that we should be devoted to HIM. (Col 1:20) 39. HE will change us and receive us into HIS favor, YAH will cease to be angry or offended to whom HE grants HIS favor a new, who’s sins HE pardons. 40. HE will not impute to us our trespasses and HE has deposited the doctrine of reconciliation in the souls of the preachers of the Gospel. 41. Receive YAH’s favor, allow yourselves to be reconciled to YAH; do not oppose your return into HIS favor, but lay hold of that favor now offered to you. (2 Cor. 5:20) 42. HE will change and transform us (1 Cor. 15:51-52) and HE will be against all those who remain and are left behind. 43. HE will come down from Heaven having HIS head covered with a veil hanging down from HIS head. (Rev 1:13) 44. He will reach down into the depths, the deep extreme of poverty, indicting and accusing those who are in rebellion, fighting and prevailing against them. (Mat 10:35, 12:25, Rev 12:7) 45. We shall be separated when we depart and flee; this is a separation of physical distance and time.
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