2014 Exhibitor Prospectus 53rd Annual AECA Conference Conference— — October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs, AR AECA Conference Who is AECA? AECA is a non-profit organization comprised of 1200 early childhood professionals and parents who share a common concern about the well-being of young children and their families. For more than 50 years AECA has worked for quality care and education for the children of Arkansas. In conjunction with its affiliation with the Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA), a 14 state regional organization, our goal is to: Expand professional growth opportunities Produce beneficial publications Support public policy issues for southern children Who Attends our Conference? For profit & non-profit child care Head Start University and college students, staff and faculty Licensing agencies Family child care Early intervention staff Exhibiting at AECA 2014 Every year our conference brings an average attendance of 700 early childhood professionals who are looking for the newest products and services in the field. Exhibiting at AECA offers a valuable opportunity to network and interact with those working directly in the field of early childhood. We have great marketing opportunities to make your presence at the AECA 53rd Annual Conference a notable one, regardless of your size or budget. Booth Package Booth Package (8’ x 10’) 8’ back wall & 3’ side drapes One 6’ skirted table Two side chairs Wastebasket One 7” x 44” company identification sign One (1) Booth $250 Multiple Booths $225/each additional booth AECA will provide security for exhibit area. Prices listed are early-bird rates. All prices increase $50.00 after August 1, 2014. Exhibit contracts must be postmarked on or before August 1st to receive the discounted rate. One lunch ticket is included in the booth price. Additional lunch tickets can be ordered on the Booth Contract. Tabletop Package One 6’ skirted table Two side chairs Wastebasket One 7” x 44” company identification sign Price $150 AECA will provide security for exhibit area. Prices listed are early-bird rates. All prices increase $50.00 after August 1, 2014. Exhibit contracts must be postmarked on or before August 1st to receive the discounted rate. Lunch is not included in the table price. Lunch tickets can be ordered on the Table Contract. **Nonprofit Package One 6’ skirted table One 7” x 44” company identification sign Price $50.00 These tables are meant to be unmanned exhibits. No selling of goods are allowed to take place at these tables. Prices listed are early-bird rates. All prices increase $50.00 after August 1, 2014. Exhibit contracts must be postmarked on or before August 1st to receive the discounted rate. Lunch is not included in the table price. October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, AR Exhibit & Pricing Information 53rd Annual AECA Conference Conference— — October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs, AR Additional Information Application for Exhibit Space Contracts will be accepted by mail, fax or email and full payment must accompany the contract. No space will be reserved until payment has been received in the AECA office. Additional Services Electrical, internet and other services or equipment must be ordered through the Hot Springs Convention Center. Forms and pricing for these services are available on our website. Exhibit Schedules & Deadlines Exhibit Schedule Wednesday, October 8th Set Up, vendor packets and snacks 12:00-5:00 pm Thursday, October 9th Exhibits open 8:00 am-5:00 pm Friday, October 10th Exhibits open 7:30 am-5:00 pm Saturday, October 11th Exhibits open Tear down 8:00 am-1:00 pm 1:00-2:00 pm Deadlines Early-bird rates end August 1, 2014 Program Ad artwork due September 1, 2014 Hotlinks logo & links October 20, 2014 Conference Program Advertising Sponsorships Inside front cover (full page) Inside back cover (full page) Full page ad (9 3/4” x 7 1/2”) 1/2 page ad (5” x 7 1/2”) 1/3 page ad (9 3/4” x 2 3/8”) Sponsorships will be noted in the final conference program and signs will be posted at each event. Event titles are subject to change. $250 $250 $200 $100 $75 Platinum Sponsor: Gold Sponsor: Silver Sponsor: $2,500 $1,000 $500 Hot Links AECA is offering a new low cost marketing option this year. Market all year long by placing your company’s logo and link to your company’s site on the AECA website. Links will be full color, jpeg or gif images, and will be posted to the website in October 2014 and remain a full year until October 2015. Price $150 Contact Information Facility Hot Springs Convention Center 134 Convention Blvd. Hot Springs, AR 71901 (800) 922-6478 AECA Maurena Farr PO Box 2898 Little Rock, AR 72203 501-221-2635 info@arkansasearlychildhood.org Hotel Embassy Suites 400 Convention Blvd. Hot Springs, AR 71901 1-800-Embassy October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, AR Conference Marketing 53rd Annual AECA Conference Conference— — October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs, AR Exhibit Hall Schematics Exhibit Booths Exhibit Tables Nonprofit Tables Grand Lobby Stairs Nonprofit Tables are intended to be unmanned exhibits. However, each organization is welcome to designate a representative during formal exhibiting hours if desired. No selling of goods are allowed to take place at nonprofit exhibit tables. Lunch is not provided for table exhibits. October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, AR Exhibit Hall Schematics 53rd Annual AECA Conference Conference— — October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs, AR Exhibit Contract—Booths Type or Print Clearly Company _________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________ City ______________________ State ______ Zip _______ Contact Name _____________________________ Telephone_____________________________ Email _________________________________Website____________________________________ Company name as to appear on your identification sign Line 1___________________________________________________ Onsite Representatives Names _______________________________ Booth Package # of Booths ________ Booth Number/s Preference __________ *Add $50 after August 1, 2014 $___________ Hot Link $__________ Program Ad/ Size ________________________________________ $__________ Sponsorship Level _______________________________________ $__________ Additional Meals Needed _________@ $30.00 $__________ Total $__________ Payment Information VISA Make Check Payable to: AECA Mail to: PO Box 2898 Little Rock, AR 72203 Credit Card # ____________________________________ If paying by credit card, fax contract to 501-227-5297 Signature _______________________________________ MasterCard Discover Amex Expiration Date __________________________________ We hereby make application for exhibit space at the forthcoming conference of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association, October 9-11, 2014, at the Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas. We have read and fully understand all provisions as printed in the AECA Exhibitor Prospectus and agree to abide by all exhibit rules and regulations. ____________________________________ Authorized Representative (print or type) _______________________________________ Signature and Date Type or Print Clearly Company _________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________ City ______________________ State ______ Zip _______ Contact Name _____________________________ Telephone_____________________________ Email _________________________________Website____________________________________ Company name as to appear on your identification sign Line 1_____________________________________________________ Onsite Representatives Names __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Table # of Tables ________ @ $150 *Add $50 after August 1, 2014 Table Number/s Preference __________ $___________ Hot Link $__________ Program Ad/ Size ________________________________________ $__________ Sponsorship Level _______________________________________ $__________ Meals Needed _________@ $30.00 *Tables do not include meals $__________ Total $__________ Payment Information VISA Make Check Payable to: AECA Mail to: PO Box 2898 Little Rock, AR 72203 Credit Card # ____________________________________ If paying by credit card, fax contract to 501-227-5297 MasterCard Discover Amex Expiration Date __________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ We hereby make application for exhibit space at the forthcoming conference of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association, October 9-11, 2014, at the Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas. We have read and fully understand all provisions as printed in the AECA Exhibitor Prospectus and agree to abide by all exhibit rules and regulations. ____________________________________ Authorized Representative (print or type) _______________________________________ Signature and Date October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, AR Exhibit Contract—Tables 53rd Annual AECA Conference Conference— — October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs, AR Exhibit Contract—Nonprofit Table Type or Print Clearly Company _________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________ City ______________________ State ______ Zip _______ Contact Name _____________________________ Telephone_____________________________ Email _________________________________Website____________________________________ Company name as to appear on your identification sign Line 1___________________________________________ Table # of Tables ______@ $50 Table Number/s Preference __________ *Add $50 after August 1, 2014 $___________ Hot Link $__________ Program Ad/ Size ________________________________________ $__________ Sponsorship Level _______________________________________ $__________ Total $__________ Payment Information VISA Make Check Payable to: AECA Mail to: PO Box 2898 Little Rock, AR 72203 Credit Card # ____________________________________ If paying by credit card, fax contract to 501-227-5297 MasterCard Discover Amex Expiration Date __________________________________ Signature _______________________________________ We hereby make application for exhibit space at the forthcoming conference of the Arkansas Early Childhood Association, October 9-11, 2014, at the Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, Arkansas. We have read and fully understand all provisions as printed in the AECA Exhibitor Prospectus and agree to abide by all exhibit rules and regulations. ____________________________________ Authorized Representative (print or type) _______________________________________ Signature and Date Contract Stipulations By signing the contract you agree to the following stipulations. Booths One lunch will be provided per booth per day. If vendor chooses to have more than one onsite representative, an additional $30 per individual will be required to cover the cost of lunch both days, if desired. Tables Lunch is not provided for table exhibits. Lunch boxes may be ordered on the Table Contract if needed. Conducting Exhibits Vendor exhibits must be manned during all times when the exhibit area is open. Electrical or other mechanical apparatuses must be muffled so noise does not interfere with other vendors. Interviews, distribution of literature, samples and detailing should take place inside booths to avoid infringement of the rights and privileges of other vendors. **Nonprofit exhibits are intended to be unmanned exhibits. However each organization is welcome to designate a representative during formal exhibiting hours if desired. Refund Policy No refunds will be made for cancellations received after August 15, 2014. No refunds will be made if space is not used. Nor will any refund be made on space used only for a portion of the exhibit schedule. The original contracting exhibitor shall be liable for the full amount of the booth rental whether the booth is resold or not. Subletting of space will not be permitted. A $50.00 service fee will be charged on refunds requested, in writing, prior to August 15th. Liability Insurance Vendors agree to protect and keep harmless the Arkansas Early Childhood Association, the Hot Springs Advertising and Promotion Commission and its agents and employees for any damages to the premises, fittings, equipment, and furnishings of the facilities occasioned by or in connection with the use of the premises by vendor during the time the premises are used or occupied under this agreement, and against any claims of any and all persons for injury to persons or damage to property occasioned by or in connection with the use of the premises by vendor. Security and Insurance AECA cannot guarantee against loss or damage of any kind. Vendors wishing to insure their exhibit materials, good/wares on exhibit against theft, damage by fire, accident or loss of any kind must do so at their own expense. Protection of the Building Exhibitors will be held liable for any damage caused to the property, and no materials or matter of any kind shall be posted on, tacked on, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or any other parts of the building and furnishings. Whatever may be necessary to properly protect the building, equipment or furniture will be installed at the expense of the exhibitor. PAINTING IN THE CONVENTION CENTER IS PROHIBITED. Interpretations and Violations Any points not covered above or elsewhere are subject to settlement by the management. Any violations of these rules and regulations by any Vendor will void the agreement for booth space, and such vendor will forfeit all monies which have been paid. The Vendor Coordinator shall have the right to terminate the agreement for booth space and to re-enter and take possession of the space at the expense of the vendor. Written notice to terminate the agreement for booth space and re-entry is not required. October 99--11, 2014 2014— — Hot Springs Convention Center, Hot Springs, AR Contract Stipulations
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