2014 Horse Catalogue TABLE OF CONTENTS Hawke’s Bay Show Contacts ........................................................................................................................... 3 Office Bearer’s and Committee ........................................................................................................................ 3 Heads Of Section ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Society Membership ........................................................................................................................................ 4 General Conditions .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Motor Vehicle Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Sponsors ......................................................................................................................................................... 9 Showing Conditions ......................................................................................................................................... 9 In Hand Pony................................................................................................................................................. 14 Saddle Hunter Pony ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Park Hack ...................................................................................................................................................... 18 Saddle Hunter Pony ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Riding Horse.................................................................................................................................................. 20 Sport Horse ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Morgan .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Working Hunter Horse ................................................................................................................................... 23 Working Hunter Pony .................................................................................................................................... 25 Bary Salver Senior Equestrian Event ............................................................................................................. 26 Thomas Salver Junior Equestrian Event ........................................................................................................ 26 Riding Classes .............................................................................................................................................. 27 Saddle Hunter Horse ..................................................................................................................................... 27 First Ridden ................................................................................................................................................... 29 Leading Rein Pony ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Hack .............................................................................................................................................................. 31 Senior Pony................................................................................................................................................... 32 Intermediate Pony ......................................................................................................................................... 33 Junior Pony ................................................................................................................................................... 34 NZ Riding Pony ............................................................................................................................................. 35 Pony Breeders of NZ Ridden Class ............................................................................................................... 36 Beamish Salver ............................................................................................................................................. 36 Pleasure Horse / Pony................................................................................................................................... 37 Pleasure Horse / Pony................................................................................................................................... 38 Pinto .............................................................................................................................................................. 40 Pony Club Unlead Section ............................................................................................................................. 42 Pony Club Beginner Ring .............................................................................................................................. 43 Riding For Disabled ....................................................................................................................................... 44 Harness ......................................................................................................................................................... 45 SHOWJUMPING ........................................................................................................................................... 47 Farmers Transport – Arena 1 ........................................................................................................................ 49 BetaVet – Arena 2 ......................................................................................................................................... 52 Arena 3.......................................................................................................................................................... 57 Dressage ....................................................................................................................................................... 62 Show Hunter - Horse ..................................................................................................................................... 65 Show Hunter - Pony ...................................................................................................................................... 66 Donkeys ........................................................................................................................................................ 69 Mounted Games ............................................................................................................................................ 70 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 2 Hawke’s Bay Show Contacts Hawke’s Bay A&P Society P O Box 349 Kenilworth Road Hastings Ph: 06 878 3123 Fax: 06 878 3121 Email: events@showgroundshb.co.nz Web: www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz General Manager Brent Linn Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 701) Mobile: 021 868 643 Email: gm@showgroundshb.co.nz Event Manager Anna Hamilton Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 704) Mobile: 021 244 0673 Email: events@showgroundshb.co.nz Administration Manager Carole Masters Ph: 06 878 3123 (ext 700) Email: admin@showgroundshb.co.nz Office Bearer’s and Committee President: R Chambers Vice President: P Penman Hon. Treasurer: R Loach Executive Committee: Mrs M Gourlie, M N Morton, P J Penman, J Roebuck, D Wilson Past Presidents: H S Logan, B L Pattullo, D W Hildreth, P R Holden, J R Renton, H A McKeesick, M G Lester, N R Chambers, S O Nelson, P E Tod, R B Pattullo Honorary Life Members: H S Logan, B L Pattullo, D W Hildreth, P R Holden, J R Renton, R Lee, H A McKeesick, M G Lester, E H W Hayes, N R Chambers, D R Nelson, S O Nelson, P E Tod, R Alexander, R Duncan General Committee: Roger Alexander, Tim Aitken, Ann Bary, Simon Averill, Tony Connor, Bob Bruce, Sarah Busby, Richard Chambers (Executive), Simon Collin, Ross Duncan, David Evans, Maria Gourlie (Executive), Doug Guild, Dudley Hammond, Kevin Hansen, Doug Laing, Regan Loach (Executive), Mrs Flo MacEwan, Tim Macphee, Duncan McPhail, Don McLeod, Peter Margoliouth, Max Morton (Executive), Dave Nelson, Peter Penman (Executive), Tim Redstone, Graham Revell, Jason Roebuck (Executive), Sam Russell, Leon Stallard, Jack Tarrant, Sue Thomas, David Wilson (Executive), Les Vesty 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 3 Heads Of Section SECTION SECTION HEAD CONTACT NUMBER Cattle Sam Russell (027) 495 4127 Sheep Nick Sullivan (06) 856 8585 Alpaca Sarah Busby (06) 874 8086 Horse Maria Gourlie (06) 874 3165 Dog Trials Bob Bruce (06) 857 5132 Poultry Geoff Burton (06) 870 0718 Home Industries George Johnson (06) 878 3384 Privileges Peter Margoliouth (06) 877 7565 Society Membership The Society is a membership-based organisation with annual Membership running from 1 April to 31 March each year. The benefits of membership, which centre on the Society’s Annual Show, are detailed below: MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION SHOW ADMISSION TICKETS $75.00 (incl.) 6 entry tickets The above provides a 33% saving on public Show admission prices. Contact the HB A&P Society Office if you wish to become a member of the society – or you may visit our website for an application form – www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 4 General Conditions To be read in conjunction with Section Conditions and with the Rules and by-laws of the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand (RAS). The Hawke’s Bay Show is run under the by Laws and Regulations for the RAS (copies available on request). Privacy Act The Society holds records and names and addresses of all members and exhibitors and will publish these as necessary for media show reports unless otherwise advised. Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all Livestock pavilions and Horse boxes. The Committee reserves the right to impose a fine on any person found smoking within these areas. Health & Safety The Society will not be responsible for any accident, loss or damage that may be caused to or suffered by an exhibit. Or which may be caused directly or indirectly by any other exhibit. Notwithstanding any alleged negligence on the part of any officer or servant of the Society. It shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold the Society indemnified against any claim in respect of any such accident, loss or damage caused by any exhibit of such exhibitors. By signing the entry form declaration, exhibitors accept the Societies conditions of entry and indemnify the Society under the provisions of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and any amendments thereafter. Each exhibitor must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazards created or accidents, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves or their animals at the showgrounds. Exhibitors must comply with the appropriate animal legislation and the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and any amendments thereafter. The Society reserves the right to order immediate removal from the Showgrounds, of any animal it considers unruly or unmanageable. It is the Societies policy to see that all due care is taken to protect property. And to protect, and to keep in 22-24 October 2014 efficient order its own property and to make provision for the protection of the property of others. The Society shall not be liable to any person in case of loss or damage by reason of any defect, accident, negligence or neglect howsoever arising. Persons occupying grandstands, buildings, other structures or other seating accommodation on the Showgrounds do so at their own risk, and no clam shall be made against the Association in respect of any loss, or injury by reason of any defect of accident, or by reason of any act or omission whether negligent or otherwise, on the part of the Society or of any employee or agent of the Society or on the part of any other person. Parking is entirely at the owners’ own risk. Any vehicles parked will be on this condition and the Society accepts no responsibility for any loss, theft, injury or damage is attributed to any negligence on the part of the Association, its employees or stewards. Substitution Once entries are catalogued, changes cannot be made and cannot be penned, unless the error originates from actions of the Show administration. (Exhibitors must check their entry forms carefully). No animal excepting those entered in the Catalogue, or as part of a Trade Display, will be allowed on the Showgrounds. Disruptive or Unacceptable Behaviour Any exhibitor who interferes with or abuses a Judge or Officer of the Society whilst acting in their official capacity as such will be dealt with as may be deemed fitting by the Committee, and Stewards are instructed to report such occurrences promptly. Each exhibitor shall be deemed to have guaranteed to the Society, by signature on their entry form, and have given warranty that each exhibit entered by him/her or brought upon the Showground, and every animal, bird, or other living thing brought by them onto the ground, is at the time of its entering upon the Showground free of any contagious or infectious disease. Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 5 Any exhibitor whose exhibit or animal that infringes this warranty shall be responsible to the Society, and to any other exhibitor who may suffer by reason of such breach. Should there be any reason to suspect that any exhibit is either diseased or dangerous; the Society shall have the right to refuse admission of such exhibit to the Showground or to remove the exhibit from the Showground at the expense of the exhibitor. Protests & Objections The determination of a judge shall be final as between all competitors, unless an objection is made to any exhibit and allowed on the ground of disqualification. The duly appointed member of the Committee, along with the Chief Stewards shall have, at their discretion, power to decide any dispute in their respective divisions after consultation with the Senior Stewards of the section involved, with the exception of regular protest and appeals. All objections or protest must be made in writing within one hour of judging of the class in question, signed by the person making such complaint, and delivered to the General Manager. No protest will be received later than one hour after the completion of the judging. If a prize-winner were afterwards disqualified, the Committee may, with or without the advice of the judge, decide whether the next animal on the list shall gain the prize. Prizes – Eligibility & Procedure Prize cards that have been awarded by the judges will be affixed as soon as possible after the judging has been completed and must remain displayed during the Show. Ribbons, prize colours or tickets awarded at other Shows may be displayed on stalls, pens or loose boxes but NOT on the animal itself. However, no such ribbon, prize colour or ticket may be displayed until all judging of classes or championships for which the animal concerned has been entered is complete where the exhibits are judged in the pens. In the event of there being no competition (i.e. one exhibit) in any Class, no prize will be given unless the Judge certifies to particular merit. 22-24 October 2014 Distribution of Prize Money Some prize money will be paid out during the Show and other sections will be paid within 30 days of the final show day. In some Sections prize money will be paid on the day in cash. All other prize money will be paid direct into bank accounts within 30 days of the Show. The payment will be made to the nominated bank account on your entry form. All persons who do not receive the same as above must apply to the Show Office for payment within two months of the date of the Show or the same may be forfeited. Class sponsorship monies, subject to confirmation, will be paid in lieu of Society prize money, although Breed Society special cash prizes will be additional. The Society takes no responsibility for sponsorships that do not eventuate. The Society shall not be responsible or liable of any error, misstatement or mis-description appearing in any Prize Schedule or Show Catalogue, or in any form or certificate of entry, or in any advertisement or notification, whether posed, displayed or published. It will, however, be the duty of the Society and other members of its office staff to take all proper care to avoid any such error, mis-description, misstatement. Forbidden Substances Exhibitors or persons entering or competing at Shows and Events affiliated to the RAS shall be deemed to accept and be bound by the ByLaws Regulations and Procedures of the RAS. The use of tranquilisers, stimulants, or any dugs capable of affecting the performance of animals is forbidden. Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the Show and that testing of all animals is at the owners risk. Testing for forbidden substances will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society Forbidden Substance Judicial Committee (FSJC). Any competitor, who has administered to their animal any drug during the seven days prior to this Show, is required to notify the Horse Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 6 Office before the competition and complete a medication advice form. Drugs or Forbidden Substance means any substance capable of affecting the speed, stamina, courage, conformation or conduct of an animal by its action upon the central or peripheral nervous system or the cardiovascular, respiratory, alimentary, digestive, muscoskeletal or urogenital systems. From the time any animal enters the ground of any Show or event or competes in any class or event the Society or its duly appointed officer shall have the powers to order a drug test and if a test is ordered, the existing FSJC rules (suitably adapted in accordance with the type of animal being tested) and procedures and fines shall apply. Competitor Obligations None of the exhibits shall be removed from the Showground under any condition whatsoever during the continuance of the Show, without the approval of the Senior Steward in Charge or the Section Chairman, or until after the Grand Parade. Exhibits being presented in the ring for judging without the allocated neck number, or identification number, will be disqualified from the class. All stock must be penned at the time specified in the programme or the animals may not be judged. No distinguishing mark of ownership or stud name, with the exception of “earmarks, tattoos, ear tags” and registered brands, may be attached to any animal exhibited. Stud or pedigree information may be displayed on pens. The Society reserves the right to make any alteration in Show Timetable or to postpone the Show or withdraw any event as may be deemed desirable. Motor Vehicle Policy The A&P Society has the safety of our competitors, patrons and staff as an essential part of a successful show and to this end we need to highlight the following: · the Transport Regulations and therefore the rules of the road apply here. · Operators of vehicles need to ensure they have the necessary licenses, permits, registrations and observe all of the safety regulations required when operating a vehicle on a public roadway. · We particular draw your attention to the compulsory wearing of approved safety helmets on all bikes and ATV’s. · Speed is a particular hazard where there is a large crowd of people, often whose attention may be diverted and as such we have a 10km maximum speed limit on the grounds. · For everyone’s safety these regulations will be enforced and if necessary offenders may be asked to leave the grounds and/or disqualified from competing. Help us make this a safe and enjoyable Show experience for all. Deco City Motor Lodge Grand Parade We have our Deco City Motor Lodge Grand Parade at 1.30pm on Friday around the Main Arena. All competitors who wish to take part are welcome to. Livestock competitors, your section heads will arrange who will represent the section in the Parade. Cattle must be led, Sheep will be trailered. You are most welcome to display ribbons. Horse competitors – all welcome. We invite you to be ready in the warm up Arena by the Horse Office from 1.15pm sharp where you will be marshaled into order. Please can all Champions be available for the Grand Parade on Friday. Competitors must be well presented and we welcome you to wear any prize ribbons you have won during the Show. The Parade will take approximately a half an hour after which the World Cup class will start. The Showgrounds are a public road under 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 7 Purina ‘Pro Plan’ Terrier Race On Friday of the Show, just before the Deco City Motor Lodge Grand Parade, we will be having the Purina ‘PRO PLAN’ Terrier Race along the front of the Grandstand. This is always good fun for competitive terriers which some great prizes up for grabs. If you have a Terrier keen to enter please contact Anna Hamilton, Events Manager on events@showgroundshb.co.nz for an entry form. We take entries right up until the race. Competitors are to meet at the end of the Grandstand under the Broadcast box at 1pm. Dogs are only permitted inside the Show from 12.45pm on Friday. The race will take place at approximately 1.15pm, after which the dogs will need to be removed from the Show. Dogs must be kept on leads before and immediately after the race. Owners must keep control of their dogs and we ask that competitors have appropriate manners and social skills to compete. G 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 8 Spo nsors Showing Conditions Late entries will be accepted in all Showing, Show Jumping & Show Hunter classes until 12 noon on Tuesday, 21 October 2014, these will incur a 50% additional charge. Stabling will not be guaranteed. Entries will not be catalogues. A JUDGES AND GROUND LEVY OF $15.50 PER HORSE WILL BE CHARGED Discounts will be offered for more than four horses - $7 per horse ALL NON COMPETING DOGS ARE BANNED FROM THE HAWKE’S BAY SHOWGROUNDS Prize Money All prize money will be paid out after the show into a nominated bank account. This will be done (subject to any queries) within 30 days of the final show day. Horse Section Supervisor Maria Gourlie – 027 498 3408 demand otherwise an exhibitor will not be allowed to start. Micro chips do not exempt riders from having a height certificate By Laws & Regulations Run under the By Laws and Regulations of the RAS and/or Local Conditions designated below. Each exhibitor must supervise and control their animals at all times and shall be liable for any hazards created or accident, illness or damage caused by the action of themselves or their animals at the Showgrounds. Exhibitors must comply with the appropriate animal Legislation and the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and any amendments thereafter. Warm Up The oval is available for warming up between 6am and 7.30am. This availability may be withdrawn by the Committee for any reason. Ring Master Sue Thomas – 021 906 814 New ESNZ Rules Rules: All riders, horses and ponies must compete with the appropriate ESNZ membership. All classes run under ESNZ rules current at the time of the Show. Levies & Fees: ESNZ JUMPING & SHOW HUNTER LEVY: $5 per equine (horse and pony). FLEXISTART: $10 per equine per day (compete in any jumping non-series class). Prize Money In events where there is less than four competitors only 1st and 2nd prize money will be awarded, 3rd placing will receive a ribbon only. The Inland Revenue Department have deemed that any prize money earned in any one class in excess of $500 will pay withholding tax of 20%. Please provide your IRD number in the space provided on your entry form if you are entering a class which this applies to. Horses and ponies may compete in Show Hunter under the Flexistart system, but will not be awarded ANY HOY Qualifying points. Late Entries A late entry is defined as an animal not officially entered (on the entry form) in The Show by the closing date and time specified in the schedule. Further information can be found at http://www.nzequestrian.org.nz Height Certificates / Novice Status Cards Height certificates and novice status cards must be carried at all times and presented on Entries During The Show Competitors will be able to place additional entries during the course of the Show for the following days events. These entries can be made at the Horse Office before 5pm the night 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 9 prior to the competition. The office will then process alterations and provide updated sheets for the next day’s competition. This will apply only to animals that are already entered/competing at the Show. These additional entries will carry a 50% surcharge on the entry fee, which must be paid at the time the additional entry is made. There will be no exception or variance to the detail above. Substitution May be permitted provided the horse or pony for which another entry is substituted takes no further part at the Show. The Substitution can only be made into the same class as the original entry and owned by the same person. Veterinarian’s certificates are not required. The substitution must be made to the Secretary at the Horse Office by 5pm prior to the day of competition. Catalogue Back Numbers Back numbers will be available at the Horse Office from 1pm on Tuesday, 21 October 2014. Numbers are to be returned to the same office at the end of competition. Failure to do so will result in a charge of $10 per number. Entry in the next show will not be accepted until payment is made. Scratching Refund of any fees will only be considered if scratching are made in writing officially with the Hawke’s Bay A&P Society Secretary until Monday 20, October 2014 from then on to the Secretary at the Horse Office by 5pm prior to the day of competition. Fax – 06 878 3121, email events@showgroundshb.co.nz The Hawke’s Bay A&P Society will retain 25% of the entry fee. Height Class Changes (Show Jumping) Competitors may transfer an entry to a different Height Class, under the following conditions: 1. Intended changes must be notified to the Horse Office by 5pm on the day prior to the event taking place. Fees: Horse/Pony $3 per transfer. 22-24 October 2014 2. Transferred entries will be the first to compete in the newly selected Classes. Local Conditions for Horses and Ponies Horse and Pony entered in Classes 1074 to 1087 and 1283 to 1293 must be mares or geldings. Age of Rider Novice horses and ponies may be ridden by riders of any age. Open ponies must be ridden by riders under 17 years of age except that riders turning 17 after 1 January are able to ride ponies until 31 July of the same year. A pony rider eligible to compete on the first day of an event may continue to compete at that event as a pony rider. Saddlery & Accessories Whips in ridden classes shall not exceed 76cm in length (except adult side-saddle riders, who may carry a whip or cane no more than one metre in length). Competitors in led classes may carry a dressage style whip, however horses and ponies showing welts from whip abuse will be immediately dismissed from the ring and disqualified without further recourse for the remaining events at that Show. Saddlecloths are optional in all ridden events. It is preferred that saddlecloths used in flat classes at least are cut to the shape of the saddle. A false tail is permitted unless the rules of an affiliate otherwise prescribe. Earplugs are permitted unless the rules of affiliates otherwise prescribe. Bearing reins, running reins or similar tackle shall not be used in led rein classes. Simple snaffle bridles with the lead attached to the cavesson are mandatory. A cane may be carried in Led Classes. Cutting whips are forbidden. The misuse of a whip or spurs, or the committing of an act of cruelty by an exhibitor to his horse or pony within the limits of the Showgrounds including rapping or misuse of a practice jump will be penalized. Any such act must be reported by any horse, pony steward or judge to the Judicial or Generall Committee. Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 10 Start Times Starting times are approximate only but will be adhered to as closely as possible. Although it is provided that horses may compete in more than one class, any or such classes may be judge simultaneously at the convenience of the Judges or Stewards. In all such cases exhibitors having an exhibit entered in more than one class must elect in which class they compete. Gate Entry All competitors will be supplied with wristbands. Wristbands are to be worn for the duration of the Show. Gate entry tickets will not be supplied to Horse Competitors. Competitors with between one or two animals receive two wristbands, between three and over, three wristbands. Extra wristbands will be supplied at the discretion of the Main Show Office. Additional Entry Tickets may be pre purchased at a reduced rate of $12 per adult and $6 per child. These tickets are available only through the main show office and only prior to the Show. The Cash Entry gate closest to the Horse area is Gate 5. The Horse Gate will only accept wristbands and Members Tickets for entry. Horses must be walked through security gates. Measuring Exhibitors in any class where a Certificate of Height is required may be asked to show this certificate at any time. They may not leave the ring to obtain a certificate and will forfeit awards if certificate is not shown. Measuring Rules The Measuring Rules of the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand will apply at this Show; Life Certificates: 1. Life Certificates may be issued to animals eight years old and over. 2. Life Certificates will not be issued on Show Days. 22-24 October 2014 Annual Certificates: 1. The age of Horses or Ponies is calculated as from 1 August. 2. These Certificates will be valid from 1 August to 31 July and will be issued by an RAS Measuring Steward, his/her signature must be witnessed. 3. Annual Certificates issued to Horses/Ponies that are seven years of age and over may incur an increased fee. 4. RAS Certificates must record the Horses/Ponies age, sex, name, colour, markings, brand (if any), owner’s name and address and date of measuring. 5. If normal shoes are fitted 0.5cm allowance shall be made, no allowance shall be made for thin shoes or racing plates. Life Certificates require the removal of shoes prior to measuring. 6. Ponies/Horses under three years of age are not eligible for Annual Certificates but may be measured on the day, for the day, or the duration of the Show. 7. The Horses/Ponies to be measured shall be handled quietly and allowed a reasonable time to settle down. 8. The measurement shall be taken at the highest point of the wither. 9. If the line on the movable part of the measuring machine is even slightly above the line on the set scale, the reading shall be taken to the nearest .5cm above. 10. If, in the opinion of the Measuring Steward, the Horse/Pony has been improperly prepared for measuring, it shall not be measured. 11. Annual Certificates and Life Certificates issued strictly in accordance with RAS Measuring Rules for Horses or Ponies, shall be accepted by all A&P Associations, Pony Clubs, NZ Equestrian Federation and other affiliated organisations. Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 11 12. Life or Annual Certificates which fail to comply with RAS Measuring Rules of Horses or Ponies are invalid. 2. Clarification – not to have won three firsts (0-2 wins) not to have won 6 firsts, (0-5 wins). 13. Life Certificates may be submitted to the Measuring Steward for alteration to metric equivalent in accordance with the table prepared by the Royal Agricultural Society of New Zealand. 3. Once a horse/pony/rider has three wins they are no longer eligible and can only go in the 0-5 win class. Once they have six wins, they can no longer enter in a novice class in that section. 14. Young stock are granted specific exemptions to the rules. Measurements allocated to a Horse or Pony under the age of three years after 1 October will be valid until 31 January next. Certificates endorsed after 1 January will be valid until the end of that Show season on 30 April. Young Stock Height Certificates must be issued and signed by an RAS Measuring Steward and carried out on an approved Metcalf Measuring Machine. 4. Exhibitors must carry a current performance card for every Novice Horse/Pony and make this available in the ring upon request. These must be signed by the Steward or Judge. General Hack / Saddle Hunter / Riding Horse Classes Once a horse or pony commences the Show Season as a Hack, or Saddle (flat) Hunter, or Saddle Pony or Hunter (flat) Pony, that horse or pony is not able to transfer to another section during that Show Season except for shows that do not hold the appropriate classes. Mares Mares shown in Brood Mare Classes must have a foal at foot or present a veterinary certificate of pregnancy that includes a projected foaling date. “Dry” mare is a mare not to foal during current show season (1 August to 31 July). Novice Novice ponies may be ridden by a rider of any age in novice pony classes only. 1. A Novice horse or pony or rider is one that has yet to win six classes in any division within the Competitions provided at any A&P Show. Upon achieving the sixth win in a division, a pony, horse or rider thereafter must compete in the appropriate open classes within that division. 5. All wins in Novice Classes within each division count and must be recorded on the Royal Agricultural Society Performance Measuring Card. Should a Novice Horse/Pony win an open conformation class, including ladies and gents class, these wins must also be recorded. 6. The number of Novice Wins is to be counted at the time of the Show, not the time of entry. 7. If a Novice entry has gained the permitted number of wins by the day of the Show, the competitor must advise the Secretary’s Office and change to an Open Class, or if no class remains to enter a refund will be auctioned after the Show. If a horse or pony misbehaves to the extent that it unduly disturbs other competitors it must leave the ring if requested to do so. The Senior Steward in charge may, at their discretion, transfer an entry to its appropriate class where it is found on being measured is wrongly entered. Advice must be given to the Secretary’s office. All Exhibitors who make an entry in the Show are liable for the fee. A Horse/Pony entered in a Novice Class may also be entered in an Open Class. A Hack may not compete as a Hunter or Riding Horse and a Hunter may not compete as a Hack or riding Horse. A Riding Horse may not compete as a Hack or a Hunter. This does not apply to The Beamish Salver. Stallions are permitted in all classes that they are eligible for but must if led be in the 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 12 appropriate harness prescribed by the Breed Society the Stallion is registered with or which is prescribed by the host Show, or if ridden must be in an appropriate bridle and be in total control. A Steward will order any Stallion considered out of contrll or to be causing undue disquiet to other horses from the ring without recourse from the Stallion owner/exhibitor/competitor. It is compulsory for all Stallions, regardless of age, to wear identification badge “S” at all Shows at all times. Motorbikes Motorbikes are permitted inside the security fence in the stables area only and may only be ridden by licensed drivers. Hats & Safety Helmets A hard hat is generally described as a hunting cap, a bowler, protective headwear or a safety helmet. Wearing a hard hat is compulsory for anyone competing on, working in or schooling or riding for any other reason a horse at an A&P Show or in any area considered to be for whatever reason a part of the Showgrounds. All riders 16 and under must wear protective headgear, which includes a retaining harness secured to the shell at more than two points. Such headgear must be worn with the chinstrap properly adjusted and fastened when in the arena or ring, the practice area, collecting rings or anywhere else within the Showgrounds. 22-24 October 2014 Drug Use The use of tranquillisers, stimulants, or any drugs capable of affecting the performance of horses and ponies is forbidden. Competitors are advised that tests for forbidden substances may be carried out during the show and that the testing of all animals is at the owners risk. Testing for forbidden substances will be carried out under the Royal Agricultural Society Forbidden Substance Judicial Committee (FSJC) procedures and rules (refer rule 97 RAS Equestrian Judges and Competitors Rule Book and Rule 55a of the RAS General Rules and Regulations). The administering of any drug which affects the performance of a horse or pony is forbidden. Any competitor, who has administered to their horse any drug during the seven days prior to this Show, is required to notify the Horse Office before the competition and complete a medication advice form. Protest Any protest is to be lodged no later than two hours after the completion of judging and must be lodged with the Chief Executive of the Society. Any protest is to be accompanied by a fee of $50 which is refundable should the protest be upheld. Farrier Ken Gumbley will be available over the Show and can provide shoes and stud. Ken is contactable on 879 5429 or 027 335 392. Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 13 In Hand Pony Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Blue Ring – 9am Judge: Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom NZ Pony Breeders Society will award a Young Stock Sash for Class 1046 and an Adult Sash for Class 1050. The NZ Riding Pony Society will award a Young Stock Sash for Class 1047. All ponies must have a current Height Certificate, to be produced on request. In all classes Judge to give special consideration to confirmation and suitability as a ridden pony. All Championships are judged from the winners in each section. The second placed pony to the champion to be judge alongside the remaining winners for reserve. Special consideration will be given to saddle confirmation in all classes. Trophies for Section The Phoenician Riding Pony Stud Breeders Trophy This Trophy will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Led Pony 1040 Best Presented Led Pony and Handler. Open to competitors in this led section. Bk Entry 326 Cardonald Spring Fever Nicole Thompson 123 KS Trick or Treat Michele Stowe 271 Kristabella Park Kotton Kandy Cara Norling 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 363 Nala Zephyrs Facination Alan Windle 163 Rosedale Evening Song Deborah Ferris 1041 Yearling colt, filly or gelding not to exceed 140cm Bk Entry 122 KS Red Rose KS Show Horses 271 Kristabella Park Kotton Kandy Cara Norling 308 Phoenician Centre Court Viv Staples 1042 2yr old colt, filly or gelding not to exceed 146cm Bk Entry 326 Cardonald Spring Fever Nicole Thompson 123 KS Trick or Treat Michele Stowe 362 Nala Nicholais Windchime Alan Windle 1043 3yr old colt, filly or gelding not to exceed 148cm Bk Entry 325 Cardonald Zin Zan Nicole Thompson 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 363 Nala Zephyrs Facination Alan Windle 293 Regal Gift Stephanie Santo 163 Rosedale Evening Song Deborah Ferris 1044 Saddle Hunter Young Stock 3 years and under Champion Youngstock In Hand Pony Reserve Champion Youngstock In Hand Pony 22-24 October 2014 1046 Pony Breeders Young Stock Sash. Open to Yearlings, two and three year olds Foals are not eligible and youngstock not to mature over 148cm. Registered with NZ Pony Breeders, registration number to be included with entry Bk Entry 326 Cardonald Spring Fever Nicole Thompson 325 Cardonald Zin Zan Nicole Thompson 271 Kristabella Park Kotton Kandy Cara Norling 122 KS Red Rose KS Show Horses 123 KS Trick or Treat Michele Stowe 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 362 Nala Nicholais Windchime Alan Windle 363 Nala Zephyrs Facination Alan Windle 308 Phoenician Centre Court Viv Staples 293 Regal Gift Stephanie Santo 163 Rosedale Evening Song Deborah Ferris 1047 Best Pony not to exceed 148cm, 3yrs and under - foal recorded or permanently registered NZ Riding Pony Society. Foal recordings or permanent registration numbers must be stated at time of entry and certificates to be shown on demand. Bk Entry 326 Cardonald Spring Fever Nicole Thompson 325 Cardonald Zin Zan Nicole Thompson 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 271 Kristabella Park Kotton Kandy Cara Norling 362 Nala Nicholais Windchime Alan Windle 363 Nala Zephyrs Facination Alan Windle 293 Regal Gift Stephanie Santo 163 Rosedale Evening Song Deborah Ferris 1048 Stallion Four Years and over, not to exceed 148cm Bk Entry 208 Mistylea Onyx Kylie James 364 Nala Zephyrs Inspiration Alan Windle 1049 Mare In Foal 4years & over, to foal before 31 January, or with foal at foot not to exceed 148cm. Bk Entry 124 Malibu Park Obsession KS Show Horses Champion Adult In Hand Pony Reserve Champion Adult In Hand Pony Supreme Champion In Hand Pony 1050 Pony Breeders Adult Sash Open to Stallions and Broodmares registered with the NZ Pony Breeders and not to exceed 148cm. Must be four years and over. Broodmares with foal at foot or to foal before 31 January. Registration number to be included with entry Bk Entry 124 Malibu Park Obsession KS Show Horses 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 1051 Progeny Group Two ponies by the same sire or out of the same mare Bk Entry Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 14 122 123 364 KS Red Rose KS Trick or Treat Nala Zephyrs Inspiration Welsh Pony KS Show Horses Michele Stowe Alan Windle 1052 Led Paced and Mannered not to exceed 148cm Bk Entry 326 Cardonald Spring Fever Nicole Thompson 325 Cardonald Zin Zan Nicole Thompson 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 362 Nala Nicholais Windchime Alan Windle 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Blue Ring – 1pm Judge: Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom All Ponies and Cobs must be registered with the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of NZ (Inc). Proof of registration must be given on Show Entry Form and produced on Show Day if requested by the Steward, Chief Steward or Judge. Registered Purebred Welsh Ponies and Cobs must not be plaited in In-Hand Classes unless exhibited in Ridden and Driven Classes on that day. Classes 1054, 1055, 1056 and 1057 to be registered with the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of New Zealand. Campion & Reserve Champion Purebreds from Classes 1054, 1055, 1056 and 1057. Champion & Reserve Champion Part bred from Classes 1058, 1059, 1060 and 1061. Trophies for Section The Ruapai Trophy Donated by Peter Freeman Concrete will be awarded for the Best Presented Welsh Exhibit – Winner of Class 1053 The Sherwood Stud Cup Donated by the Sloan Family will be awarded to the Best Pure or Part Bred Welsh Youngstock Exhibit to show best Welsh qualities and presentation 1053 Best Presented Pure or Partbred Welsh Exhibit Bk Entry 171 Alanda Lookout Sophie Freeman222 Aranui Pembroke Linton Family 223 Aranui Topaz Georgia Linton 325 Cardonald Zin Zan Nicole Thompson 161 Coroview Kingston Paris Masterson 242 Fortification Bon Fleur Jan McLennan 271 Kristabella Park Kotton Cara Norling 280 KS Touch Of Romance Rankin Family 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 208 Mistylea Onyx Kylie James 321 Moonstrike Donna Tholen 353 My Solar Flare Megan Williams 162 Ngakoroa Designer Boy Paris Masterson 334 Parikiore Elizabethan Bella Vujcich 240 Pied Piper Montana Karyn McLachlan 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 1054 Purebred Stallion 4 years and over Bk Entry 208 Mistylea Onyx Kylie James 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 15 1055 Purebred Mare In Foal 4 years and over To foal before 31 January, or with foal at foot 1056 Purebred Welsh 4 years and over. Mares and Geldings Registration number to be provided with entry. To show best Welsh Qualities. Bk Entry 171 Alanda Lookout Sophie Freeman222 Aranui Pembroke Linton Family 242 Fortification Bon Fleur Jan McLennan 1057 Purebred Yearling. 2 & 3 years Colt, Filly or Gelding To show best Welsh qualities. Registration number to be provided with entry Bk Entry 321 Moonstrike Donna Tholen 108 Pencoed Taran Pencoed Stud 1058 Partbred Stallion 4 years and over. To show best Welsh qualities 1059 Partbred Mare in Foal 4 years & over To foal before 31 January, or with foal at foot 1060 Partbred Welsh 4 years and over. Dry Mares & Geldings To show best Welsh qualities Bk Entry 223 Aranui Topaz Georgia Linton 291 Jubilee China Doll Ashleigh Santo 280 KS Touch Of Romance Rankin Family 162 Ngakoroa Designer Boy Paris Masterson 334 Parikiore Elizabethan Bella Vujcich 240 Pied Piper Montana Karyn McLachlan 245 Taurimu Da Vince Jan McLennan 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 1061 Partbred Yearling 2 & 3 years. Colt, Filly or Gelding To show best Welsh qualities Bk Entry 325 Cardonald Zin Zan Nicole Thompson 161 Coroview Kingston Paris Masterson 271 Kristabella Park Kotton Cara Norling 121 KS Gin and Tonic KS Show Horses 307 Lancewoods Davy Jones Catherine Spence 353 My Solar Flare Megan williams 1062 Bk 171 222 242 208 321 108 Best Movement Purebred Entry Alanda Lookout Sophie FreemanAranui Pembroke Linton Family Fortification Bon Fleur Jan McLennan Mistylea Onyx Kylie James Moonstrike Donna Tholen Pencoed Taran Pencoed Stud 1063 Bk 223 325 161 291 271 307 353 162 334 240 245 185 Best Movement Partbred Entry Aranui Topaz Cardonald Zin Zan Coroview Kingston Jubilee China Doll Kristabella Park Kotton Lancewoods Davy Jones My Solar Flare Ngakoroa Designer Boy Parikiore Elizabethan Pied Piper Montana Taurimu Da Vince Woodrow Chrislea 1064 Bk 222 242 208 321 108 Best Head Purebred Entry Aranui Pembroke Fortification Bon Fleur Mistylea Onyx Moonstrike Pencoed Taran 1065 Bk 223 325 161 291 271 307 353 162 240 245 185 Best Head Partbred Entry Aranui Topaz Cardonald Zin Zan Coroview Kingston Jubilee China Doll Kristabella Park Kotton Lancewoods Davy Jones My Solar Flare Ngakoroa Designer Boy Pied Piper Montana Taurimu Da Vince Woodrow Chrislea Georgia Linton Nicole Thompson Paris Masterson Ashleigh Santo Cara Norling Catherine Spence Megan williams Paris Masterson Bella Vujcich Karyn McLachlan Jan McLennan Oliva Haines Linton Family Jan McLennan Kylie James Donna Tholen Pencoed Stud Georgia Linton Nicole Thompson Paris Masterson Ashleigh Santo Cara Norling Catherine Spence Megan Williams Paris Masterson Karyn McLachlan Jan McLennan Oliva Haines Champion Purebred Welsh Pony Reserve Champion Purebred Welsh Pony Champion Partbred Welsh Pony Reserve Champion Partbred Welsh Pony Supreme Champion Welsh Pony 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 16 Saddle Hunter Pony Over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Red Ring – 9am Judge: Wendy Freeman, Palmerston North Rider under 17 years. Hunter Ponies should have substance, be active and well mannered with strong easy paces. Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Pony over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm will be selected from Classes 1071 and 1072. Champion & Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Pony over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm will be selected from Classes 1074 and 1075. The Supreme Champion Saddle Hunter Pony will be selected from the Champions of the 138cm and under and the 138cm and not exceeding 148cm classes. Trophies for Section The Rathbone Cup Presented by Miss S Talbot will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Saddle Hunter Pony 1070 In Hand Dry Mare not exceeding 148cm Bk No Entry 315 KS Heavenly Rose Brenna Tait 348 Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 1071 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony, 0-2 wins over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk No Entry 141 Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory 371 Greenlee Marksman Kelli Frewin 209 Kaimai Dafydd Hailey James 348 Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington 241 Rakanui Grace'N'Dazzle Minah Summerell 272 Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe 127 Wishful Lucy Buchanan 1072 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony, 0-5 wins over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk No Entry 141 Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory 331 Brookfields Dreamdancer Adrienne vanden Berk 209 Kaimai Dafydd Hailey James 341 Kyrewood Zest Jane Ward 348 Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington 241 Rakanui Grace'N'Dazzle Minah Summerell 272 Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 127 Wishful Lucy Buchanan 1073 Novice Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony, 0-5 wins over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk No Entry 223 Aranui Topaz Georgia Linton 141 Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory 331 Brookfields Dreamdancer Adrienne vanden Berk 371 Greenlee Marksman Kelli Frewin 209 Kaimai Dafydd Hailey James 341 Kyrewood Zest Jane Ward 348 Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington 241 Rakanui Grace'N'Dazzle Minah Summerell 272 Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 127 Wishful Lucy Buchanan 1074 Open Saddle Hunter Pony over 138cm & not exceeding 143cm Bk No Entry 223 Aranui Topaz Georgia Linton 220 Goodview The Whistleblower Ruby Liardet 104 Rosewood Classic Fame Rebecca Aplin 1075 Open Saddle Hunter Pony over 143cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk No Entry 141 Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory 331 Brookfields Dreamdancer Adrienne vanden Berk 315 KS Heavenly Rose Brenna Tait 341 Kyrewood Zest Jane Ward 166 Nickolas Nickleby Laura Foss 294 Phoenician Overture Ashleigh Santo 318 Skibbereen Legacy Regan Tarrant 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield Champion Saddle Hunter Pony over – 138cm & not exceeding 143cm Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Pony – over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Supreme Champion Saddle Hunter Pony 1076 Open Saddle Hunter Pony Paced & Mannered over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk No Entry 223 Aranui Topaz Georgia Linton 141 Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory 331 Brookfields Dreamdancer Adrienne vanden Berk 220 Goodview The Whistleblower Ruby Liardet 315 KS Heavenly Rose Brenna Tait 166 Nickolas Nickleby Laura Foss 294 Phoenician Overture Ashleigh Santo 104 Rosewood Classic Fame Rebecca Aplin 318 Skibbereen Legacy Regan Tarrant 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Pony – Over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 17 Park Hack 1077 NZ Riding Pony Society Saddle Hunter Pony 148cm & under. Bk No Entry 176 Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon 220 Goodview The Whistleblower Ruby Liardet 294 Phoenician Overture Ashleigh Santo 104 Rosewood Classic Fame Rebecca Aplin 318 Skibbereen Legacy Regan Tarrant Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Red Ring – 1pm Judge: Wendy Freeman, Palmerston North Sponsored by: Champion Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony Reserve Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Pony – over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm A Show Hack should show quality, elegance and gaiety, with very good paces. It must be well mannered and capable of giving its rider a pleasant and easy ride for a short journey. In selecting the Reserve Champion the second place getter in the Class from which the Champion is selected is eligible to parade with the other first prize horses. Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Park Hack will be selected from Classes 1081 and 1082. Champion & Reserve Champion will be selected from Classes 1084, 1085, 1086 and 1087. It is compulsory for the Champion and Reserve Campion Park Hacks to compete in the Beamish Salver. Trophies for Section The Eric Forbes Memorial Trophy Presented by the Forbes Family and will be awarded to the Champion Park Hack 1080 Best Presented Park Hack, open to all Hacks over 148cm and not exceeding 158cm. Bk Entry 135 Coleburg Rosabella Megan Chamberlain 154 Le Cygne Noir Emma Grammer 259 My Secret Hill Lily Moss 219 Phoenician Galaxy Sarah Liardet 320 Silk Park Fliratatious Pip Taylor 1081 Novice Park Hack, 0-2 wins Bk 135 154 Entry Coleburg Rosabella Le Cygne Noir 1082 Bk 135 154 320 Novice Park Hack, 0-5 wins Entry Coleburg Rosabella Megan Chamberlain Le Cygne Noir Emma Grammer Silk Park Fliratatious Pip Taylor Megan Chamberlain Emma Grammer Champion Novice Park Hack Reserve Champion Novice Park Hack 1083 Novice Paced & Mannered Park Hack, 0-5 wins Bk Entry 135 Coleburg Rosabella Megan Chamberlain 320 Silk Park Fliratatious Pip Taylor 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 18 1084 Bk 259 273 219 320 Open Park Hack over 148cm and under 156cm Entry My Secret Hill Lily Moss Phoenician Black Gold Axel Oswald Phoenician Galaxy Sarah Liardet Silk Park Fliratatious Pip Taylor 1085 Open Park Hack 156cm and not exceeding 158cm 1086 Park Hack most suitable for a Lady Bk Entry 219 Phoenician Galaxy Sarah Liardet 1087 Bk 259 273 Park Hack most suitable for a Gentleman Entry My Secret Hill Lily Moss Phoenician Black Gold Axel Oswald Champion Park Hack Saddle Hunter Pony 138cm & under Wednesday, 22 October 2014 White Ring – 9am Judge: Bron Monckton, Marton Rider under 17 years. Hunter Ponies should have substance, be active and well mannered with strong easy paces. Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Pony 138cm & under will be selected from Classes 1100 & 1101. Champion & Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Pony 138cm & under will be selected from the Champions of the 138cm & under and the 138cm & not exceeding 148cm classes. Please Note: NZ Riding Pony Society Registered Saddle Hunter Ponies of this height may also enter class 1077. Reserve Champion Park Hack 1088 Best Paced & Mannered Park Hack over 148cm and up to including 158cm Bk Entry 259 My Secret Hill Lily Moss 273 Phoenician Black Gold Axel Oswald 219 Phoenician Galaxy Sarah Liardet 320 Silk Park Fliratatious Pip Taylor 1089 Mare or Gelding best type and confirmation shown in hand Bk Entry 259 My Secret Hill Lily Moss 1090 Youth or Girls Park Hack (rider and owner not to exceed 21years) Bk Entry 259 My Secret Hill Lily Moss 273 Phoenician Black Gold Axel Oswald 1091 Local Hack or Park Hack 1092 Local Paced & Mannered Hack or Park Hack 1093 Park Hack Rider (On The Flat) 17 Years & Over Bk Entry 259 My Secret Hill Lily Moss 273 Phoenician Black Gold Axel Oswald 219 Phoenician Galaxy Sarah Liardet 1100 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony, 0-2 wins 138cm & under Bk Entry 303 Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw 137 Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton 1101 Novice Saddle Hunter Pony, 0-5 wins 138cm & under Bk Entry 222 Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family 303 Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw 355 Lancewoods Coppers Delight Georgie Wilson 137 Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton 214 Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Pony – 138cm & under Reserve Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Pony – 138cm & under 1102 Novice Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony, 138cm & under, 0-5 wins Bk Entry 222 Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family 303 Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw 134 Desert Storm Kaia Patene 355 Lancewoods Coppers Delight Georgie Wilson 168 Mangakaraa Ethereal Alyssa Fox 137 Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton 214 Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr 1103 Bk 171 222 355 139 334 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Open Saddle Hunter not exceeding 128cm Entry Alanda Lookout Sophie Freeman-Pointon Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family Lancewoods Coppers Delight Georgie Wilson Overdale Pippin Caitlin Rennie Parikiore Elizabethan Bella Vujcich 19 1104 Open Saddle Hunter over 128cm & not exceeding 138cm Bk Entry 176 Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon 134 Desert Storm Kaia Patene 168 Mangakaraa Ethereal Alyssa Fox 162 Ngakoroa Designer Boy Paris Masterson 316 Oaklanes Up The Tempo Denby-Rose Tait 137 Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton 128 Tamsin Lucy Buchanan 214 Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr Champion Saddle Hunter Pony 138cm & under Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Pony 138cm & under 1105 Open Saddle Hunter Pony Paced and Mannered 138cm & under Bk Entry 171 Alanda Lookout Sophie Freeman-Pointon 176 Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon 303 Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw 134 Desert Storm Kaia Patene 355 Lancewoods Coppers Delight Georgie Wilson 168 Mangakaraa Ethereal Alyssa Fox 162 Ngakoroa Designer Boy Paris Masterson 316 Oaklanes Up The Tempo Denby-Rose Tait 139 Overdale Pippin Caitlin Rennie 334 Parikiore Elizabethan Bella Vujcich 137 Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton 128 Tamsin Lucy Buchanan 214 Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr Champion Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter Pony Riding Horse Wednesday, 24 October 2014 White Ring – 1pm Judge: Bron Monckton, Marton The Riding Horse section is for the horse that does not fit the criteria of the Hack, Park Hack or Saddle Hunter Horse but still shows quality in conformation. Not eligible for the Hack, Park Hack, or Saddle Hunter sections. It is compulsory for the Champion & Reserve Champion Riding Horse to compete in the Beamish Salver. Champion & Reserve Champion Riding Horse will be selected from classes 1110, 1111, 1112 & 1113. Trophies for Section The Drummond Perpetual Cup Presented by the Late Mr H L G Drummond, will be awarded to Champion Riding Horse 1106 Best Presented Riding Horse, Open to all Riding Horses over 148cm Bk Entry 264 Ariostea Tessa Newton 251 Balmoral Boomerang Victoria Mepham 348 Booming Philippa Whitaker 253 Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1107 Bk 264 298 336 188 354 253 Novice Riding Horse 0.2 wins Entry Ariostea Tessa Newton Diplomat MVNZ Henrike Seifert Hades Kirstin Wahlberg IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1108 Bk 264 348 298 336 188 354 253 Novice Riding Horse 0.5 wins Entry Ariostea Tessa Newton Booming Philippa Whitaker Diplomat MVNZ Henrike Seifert Hades Kirstin Wahlberg IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell Champion Novice Riding Horse Reserve Champion Riding Horse 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 20 1109 Novice Riding Horse Paced and Mannered 0.5 wins Bk Entry 264 Ariostea Tessa Newton 348 Booming Philippa Whitaker 298 Diplomat MVNZ Henrike Seifert 336 Hades Kirstin Wahlberg 188 IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall 354 Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams 253 Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1110 Open Riding Horse over 148cm and not exceeding 163cm Bk Entry 264 Ariostea Tessa Newton 304 Atmospheric Natalie Short 336 Hades Kirstin Wahlberg 253 Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1111 Bk 251 348 170 354 1116 Bk 354 253 Local Paced and Mannered Riding Horse Entry Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1117 Riding Horse Rider (On The Flat) 17 Years & Over Bk Entry 264 Ariostea Tessa Newton 304 Atmospheric Natalie Short 251 Balmoral Boomerang Victoria Mepham 348 Booming Philippa Whitaker 298 Diplomat MVNZ Henrike Seifert 336 Hades Kirstin Wahlberg 354 Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams 253 Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell Open Riding Horse over 163cm Entry Balmoral Boomerang Victoria Mepham Booming Philippa Whitaker Mr Inquizitive Amanda Fraser Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams 1112 Ladies Riding Horse (may be ridden by lady or gentleman) Bk Entry 264 Ariostea Tessa Newton 304 Atmospheric Natalie Short 251 Balmoral Boomerang Victoria Mepham 336 Hades Kirstin Wahlberg 170 Mr Inquizitive Amanda Fraser 354 Tuahu Gemma Anna Williams 1113 Gentlemans Riding Horse (may be ridden by lady or gentleman) Bk Entry 348 Booming Philippa Whitaker 253 Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell Champion Riding Horse Reserve Champion Riding Horse 1114 Bk 264 304 251 348 336 170 253 Paced and Mannered Riding Horse Entry Ariostea Tessa Newton Atmospheric Natalie Short Balmoral Boomerang Victoria Mepham Booming Philippa Whitaker Hades Kirstin Wahlberg Mr Inquizitive Amanda Fraser Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1115 Bk 354 253 Local Riding Horse Entry Tuahu Gemma Ziggy Star Dust 22-24 October 2014 Anna Williams Lydia Mitchell Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 21 Sport Horse 201 170 101 270 Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Green Ring – 9am Judge: Debbie Knowles, Cambridge 1120 Bk 300 290 201 218 170 101 215 301 270 Best presented Sport Horse & Handler Entry Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce Greenmoor Shiraz Linda Santo High Command Anne Hjorth Laquiante Kirsty Lawrence Mr Inquizitive Amanda Fraser Royal Star Charlotte Annand Starstruck Liz Kingston West-lea Hyde Park Fiona Sharp Zanzipour Selwyn Norling 1121 Bk 309 302 Yearling Any Sex Entry Phoenician Red Carpet West-lea Harrington Park Phoenician Stud Fiona Sharp 1123 Bk 218 301 3 year old any sex Entry Laquiante West-lea Hyde Park Kirsty Lawrence Fiona Sharp High Command Mr Inquizitive Royal Star Zanzipour Anne Hjorth Amanda Fraser Charlotte Annand Selwyn Norling 1129 Young Horse 4 years & under to show suitability for eventing, showjumping & hunting. Bk Entry 290 Greenmoor Shiraz Linda Santo 218 Laquiante Kirsty Lawrence 301 West-lea Hyde Park Fiona Sharp 1130 Horse 5 years & over showing suitability for eventing, showjumping & hunting Bk Entry 300 Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce 367 Charlton Capone Carissa McCall 170 Mr Inquizitive Amanda Fraser 101 Royal Star Charlotte Annand Champion Junior Sport Horse Reserve Champion Junior Sport Horse 1124 Broodmare 4 years & over, in foal or with foal at foot 1125 Bk 300 290 201 170 101 215 270 Mare (Dry) or Gelding 4 years & over Entry Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce Greenmoor Shiraz Linda Santo High Command Anne Hjorth Mr Inquizitive Amanda Fraser Royal Star Charlotte Annand Starstruck Liz Kingston Zanzipour Selwyn Norling 1126 Stallion 4 years & over Champion Senior Sport Horse Reserve Champion Senior Sport Horse Supreme Champion Sport Horse 1127 Young Horse 4 years & under to show suitability for Hacking & Dressage Bk Entry 290 Greenmoor Shiraz Linda Santo 218 Laquiante Kirsty Lawrence 215 Starstruck Liz Kingston 302 West-lea Harrington Park Fiona Sharp 1128 Horse 5 years & over showing suitability for Hacking & Dressage Bk Entry 300 Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 22 1131 Bk 262 151 370 203 204 Morgan Working Hunter Horse Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Green Ring – to follow Sport Horses Wednesday, 22 October 104 Show Hunter Ring in Main Oval – 9am Judge: Debbie Knowles, Cambridge Judge: Jacqui Wadham, Pukekohe Pure Bred or Part Bred Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Mt Tulloch Master Denby Chanelle Stride Mt Tulloch Royal Pride Sandy Hooper Mt Tulloch Vermont Mt Tulloch Morgan Stud 1132 Pure Bred Morgan Any Sex Any Age Bk Entry 203 Mt Tulloch Royal Pride Sandy Hooper 1133 Part Bred Morgan 3 years and under 1134 Bk 262 151 370 204 Part Bred Morgan 4 yrs and Over Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Mt Tulloch Master Denby Chanelle Stride Mt Tulloch Vermont Mt Tulloch Morgan Stud 1135 Bk 262 151 370 203 204 Showmanship Wednesday Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Mt Tulloch Master Denby Chanelle Stride Mt Tulloch Royal Pride Sandy Hooper Mt Tulloch Vermont Mt Tulloch Morgan Stud Champion Morgan Reserve Champion Morgan No boots or bandages to be worn. Entries in all classes must jump at least two fences and up to five. You may be required to gallop before being judged on flat for conformation, type, soundness and manners. Judging: Jumping – 40% Conformation – 30% Paced & Mannered – 30% Conditions for Class 1136 – Certificate of qualification signed by the Master of Hunt must accompany the entry form otherwise entry will not be accepted. Complete Certificate enclosed. Horses will be called upon to jump the first fence, in front of the judge, without pointing, and then they will be judged for type, soundness of manners, and conformation, having proved their ability to jump. Champion Working Hunter – Winners of Classes 1138 & 1139 Trophies for Section The G P Donnelly Perpetual Cup This cup was re-donated by Mrs M Mackay, and will be awarded to the winner of Class 1136 The Hassall Memorial Cup (Perpetual) This cup was presented by the daughters of the Late Mr H Hassall and will be awarded to the Champion Working Hunter Woollen Dress Rug & Pewter Trophy Working Hunter Horse Points Prize from Classes 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1133, 1144. Prizemoney $300 sponsored by Bryan Hutchinson 1136 Qualified Hunter. See Conditions Bk Entry 210 Gravel Hill Rachel Moore 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 23 1137 Bk 178 268 150 114 298 210 188 257 344 158 253 Novice Hunter, 0-5 wins Entry Ballymena Bertie Betty Cor-Blimey Diplomat MVNZ Gravel Hill IRISH LEPRECHAUN Kiwi Dula Paradox Scanndal Ziggy Star Dust 1138 Bk 178 202 298 210 156 188 257 253 Light Weight Working Hunter Entry Ballymena Zoe Gordon Clunbury Cash Peter Hill Diplomat MVNZ Henrike Seifert Gravel Hill Rachel Moore Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Kiwi Dula Mollie Moffett Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1139 Bk 268 150 344 158 Heavy Weight Working Hunter Entry Bertie Betty Paradox Scanndal 1140 Bk 178 150 114 210 156 188 257 344 Ladies Working Hunter Entry Ballymena Zoe Gordon Betty Megan Dever Cor-Blimey Lisa Beck Gravel Hill Rachel Moore Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Kiwi Dula Mollie Moffett Paradox Sally Ward 1141 Bk 202 210 257 158 Gentlemans Working Hunter Entry Clunbury Cash Gravel Hill Kiwi Dula Scanndal Zoe Gordon Amie Nilsson Megan Dever Lisa Beck Henrike Seifert Rachel Moore Ashleigh Hall Mollie Moffett Sally Ward Michelle Dunn Lydia Mitchell Amie Nilsson Megan Dever Sally Ward Michelle Dunn 1142 Bk 178 210 156 188 257 344 Local Hunter Entry Ballymena Zoe Gordon Gravel Hill Rachel Moore Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Kiwi Dula Mollie Moffett Paradox Sally Ward 1143 Open Handy Hunter To jump a course as decided by the Steward. (Wire may be optional) Bk Entry 178 Ballymena Zoe Gordon 150 Betty Megan Dever 202 Clunbury Cash Peter Hill 210 Gravel Hill Rachel Moore 156 Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas 188 IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall 257 Kiwi Dula Mollie Moffett 344 Paradox Sally Ward 158 Scanndal Michelle Dunn 1144 Wire and Brush Open Open to Horses over 148cms. Over 6 fences, comprising wire & brush jumps. The Course will be marked out on the ground Bk Entry 178 Ballymena Zoe Gordon 202 Clunbury Cash Peter Hill 210 Gravel Hill Rachel Moore 156 Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas 188 IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall 257 Kiwi Dula Mollie Moffett Peter Hill Rachel Moore Mollie Moffett Michelle Dunn Champion Working Hunter Reserve Champion Working Hunter 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 24 Working Hunter Pony Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Show Hunter Ring in Main Oval – 1.30pm Judge: Jacqui Wadham, Pukekohe Ponies will be required to jump a minimum of two and a maximum of five fences. Judging: Jumping Style & Ability – 40% Conformation – 30% Paces & Manners – 30% May be required to gallop. Champion & Reserve Champion Working Pony Hunter will be selected from winners of Classes 1147 & 1148. The Champion will qualify for Horse of the Year. Trophies for Section The Bannister Trophy (Perpetual) Presented by the Trumper Family will be awarded to the Champion Working Pony Hunter The G Hollamby Memorial Trophy Will be awarded to the winner of Class 1146 The Lane Salver Perpetual Trophy Donated by Mr D N Lane and will be awarded to the winner of Class 1147 The Tally-Ho Cup (Perpetual) Woollen Dress Rug & Pewter Trophy This cup will be awarded to the winner of Class 1148 to keep Awarded to the winner of Class 1149, prizemoney 1st $100, 2nd $75, 3rd $25 sponsored by Bryan Hutchinson 1145 Bk 303 283 249 148 116 168 310 269 175 105 207 Novice 0-5 143cm & under Entry Camden Chat 'N' That Coast Spice Giovanni Little MacIntosh LUMACANDA Mangakaraa Ethereal McCumhall's Ashford My Star Raider Our Kiwi Nugget Pippi Longstocking Summer Cloud 22-24 October 2014 Kate Shaw Zana Renton Madeleine Meier Jess de Lautour Dylan Bibby Alyssa Fox Ally Stevenson Lily Nilsson Ben Gibbs Greta Averill Georgia Hulls 1146 Novice 0-5 over 143cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk Entry 149 Bridie Milly Dever 174 Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs 196 Frosted With Tequila Hannah Heappey 145 Harley Farley Molly Goodisson 129 Oporaes Sky High Tessa Wallace 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 130 VS Enviable Zoe Holt 1147 Bk 102 283 249 148 168 310 269 207 248 Open over 143cm & under Entry Bexley Lodge Tinkabella Coast Spice Giovanni Little MacIntosh Mangakaraa Ethereal McCumhall's Ashford My Star Raider Summer Cloud Tuki Jessie McNeil 1148 Bk 149 174 196 145 153 129 182 248 130 Open over 143cm & not exceeding 148cm Entry Bridie Milly Dever Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs Frosted With Tequila Hannah Heappey Harley Farley Molly Goodisson LIZZIE McGUIRE Sinead Dolman Oporaes Sky High Tessa Wallace Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield Tuki Jessie McNeil VS Enviable Zoe Holt Olivia Apatu Zana Renton Madeleine Meier Jess de Lautour Alyssa Fox Ally Stevenson Lily Nilsson Georgia Hulls 1149 Pony Hunter - 148cm & Under. Has Had To Have Qualified Has had to have qualified at three hunts in any season & at least one hunt this season. Certificate of qualification must accompany entry. Ponies will be called up to jump a brush & wire fence & then be judged on type, soundness, manners & conformation. Bk Entry 283 Coast Spice Zana Renton 174 Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs 148 Little MacIntosh Jess de Lautour 153 LIZZIE McGUIRE Sinead Dolman 175 Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs 130 VS Enviable Zoe Holt Champion Working Hunter Pony Reserve Champion Working Hunter Pony Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 25 Bary Salver Senior Equestrian Event Thomas Salver Junior Equestrian Event Thursday, 23 October 2014 Red Ring – 8.30am Thursday, 23 October 2014 Blue Ring – 8.30am Judges: Bron Monckton, Marton Debbie Knowles, Cambridge Judges: Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom Wendy Freeman, Palmerston North There will be a set workout available from the Horse Office (opposite the grandstand) from 8.30am on Wednesday, 22 October 2014. There will be a set workout available from the Horse Office (opposite the grandstand) from 8.30am on Wednesday, 22 October 2014. Costume informal. Shirt with collar, tie with jacket, waistcoat optional and gloves, jodhpurs and jodhpur boots. Coloured brow bands allowed. Costume informal. Shirt with collar, tie with jacket, waistcoat optional and gloves, jodhpurs and jodhpur boots. Coloured brow bands allowed. Judging: Conformation & Soundness – 50 Paced & Mannered – 50 Riding Ability – 50 Saddlery – 25 Costume - 25 Judging: Conformation & Soundness – 50 Paced & Mannered – 50 Riding Ability – 50 Saddlery – 25 Costume - 25 Trophies for Section The Bary Salver Presented by Ann Bary Trophies for Section The Thomas Salver Presented by the Thomas Family Sashes sponsored by Ann Bary Sashes sponsored the Thomas Family 1150 Riders 13 to 16 years inclusive on ponies 148cm and under Bk Entry 155 Aschbrooke Bracken Isabella Du Plessis 176 Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon 145 Harley Farley Molly Goodisson 316 Oaklanes Up The Tempo Denby-Rose Tait 318 Skibbereen Legacy Regan Tarrant 103 Woodlands Park Light O Day Rebecca Aplin 22-24 October 2014 1151 Bk 217 303 315 309 162 166 139 286 312 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show The Thomas Salver Entry Amberleigh Secret Promise Camden Chat 'N' That KS Heavenly Rose Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ngakoroa Designer Boy Nickolas Nickleby Overdale Pippin Sentinel of Rathowen Woodrow Concord Dominic Kupa Kate Shaw Brenna Tait Ally Stevenson Paris Masterson Laura Foss Caitlin Rennie Roach Family Paige Cromarty 26 Riding Classes Saddle Hunter Horse Thursday, 23 October 2014 To follow after Bary & Thomas Salvers’ Thursday, 23 October 2014 Red Ring – 2pm Judge: Bron Monckton, Marton Red Ring - Riders 13 & 14 and 15 & 16 Sponsored by the Holden Family Judge: Bron Monckton, Marton Judge: Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom Blue Ring – Riders 11 & 12 and 10 years & under Blue Ring 1152 Best Rider 10 & under Bk Entry 355 Lancewoods Coppers Delight 139 Overdale Pippin 214 Vanace Dolce 356 Windsor Merrylegs 312 Woodrow Concord 1153 Bk 217 303 220 315 125 309 162 166 334 286 Best Rider 11 & 12 Years Entry Amberleigh Secret Promise Camden Chat 'N' That Goodview The Whistleblower KS Heavenly Rose Leeara Park First Edition Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ngakoroa Designer Boy Nickolas Nickleby Parikiore Elizabethan Sentinel of Rathowen Georgie Wilson Caitlin Rennie Annabel Kerr Georgie Wilson Paige Cromarty Dominic Kupa Kate Shaw Ruby Liardet Brenna Tait Katie Bridgeman Ally Stevenson Paris Masterson Laura Foss Bella Vujcich Roach Family Red Ring 1154 Best Rider 13 & 14 Years Bk Entry 333 Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Amy Vujcich 155 Aschbrooke Bracken Isabella Du Plessis 176 Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon 249 Giovanni Madeleine Meier 316 Oaklanes Up The Tempo Denby-Rose Tait 103 Woodlands Park Light O Day Rebecca Aplin 1155 Bk 223 359 318 Best Rider 15 & 16 Years Entry Aranui Topaz Nala Nicholais Fern Skibbereen Legacy Champion Rider 22-24 October 2014 Georgia Linton A Windle & L Dolan Regan Tarrant The Saddle Hunter shown under saddle should have substance, be active and well mannered with strong easy paces. It must be capable of carrying the required weight for long distances over varied country. Will not be asked to jump in this section buy may be called upon to gallop. Novice Saddle Hunter is a horse which has not won a class as a Saddle Hunter in which conformation is taken into consideration at any Show at the time of the competition. Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Saddle Hunter will be selected from Classes 1157 & 1158. Champion & Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter will be selected from Classes 1160, 1161 & 1162. In selecting the Reserve Champion, the Saddle Hunter placed second in the Class from which the Champion is selected is eligible to parade with the other first prize horses. It is compulsory for the Champion & Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Horses to compete in the Beamish Salver. Trophies for Section The Firth Concrete (HB) Ltd Perpetual Cup Awarded to the winner of Class 1156 The Kinross White Cup This cup has been donated by the Late Mr & Mrs Duncan Holden in the memory of the Late Mr W Kinross White. It is a Perpetual Challenge Cup and will be awarded to the Champion Saddle Hunter. 1156 Hunter Turnout The Saddle Hunter will not be required to work. Both horse and rider must be nominated on entry form. Points will be awarded as follows: Horse 40, general hunting turnout of horse, gear and rider 60. Bk Entry 195 Jake Megan Hawkins 117 Marua Trewey Black 340 Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby 197 River Run Will He Claire Goddard 158 Scanndal Michelle Dunn 278 Te Kara Bob Danelle Phillips 211 Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 27 1157 Bk 299 114 311 265 188 117 197 158 278 211 Novice Saddle Hunter, 0-2 wins Entry Alexander M Henrike Seifert Cor-Blimey Lisa Beck Croftlea Padraig Paula Glasgow GIFTED Wendy Nichol IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Marua Trewey Black River Run Will He Claire Goddard Scanndal Michelle Dunn Te Kara Bob Danelle Phillips Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore 1162 Bk 268 311 195 117 340 197 158 278 211 1158 Bk 299 114 311 265 188 117 340 197 158 172 278 211 Novice Saddle Hunter, 0-5 wins Entry Alexander M Henrike Seifert Cor-Blimey Lisa Beck Croftlea Padraig Paula Glasgow GIFTED Wendy Nichol IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Marua Trewey Black Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby River Run Will He Claire Goddard Scanndal Michelle Dunn Sirocco Spice Sherree French Te Kara Bob Danelle Phillips Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore Reserve Champion Saddle Hunter Champion Novice Saddle Hunter Reserve Champion Novice Saddle Hunter 1159 Novice Saddle Hunter Paced And Mannered, 0-5 wins Bk Entry 299 Alexander M Henrike Seifert 114 Cor-Blimey Lisa Beck 311 Croftlea Padraig Paula Glasgow 265 GIFTED Wendy Nichol 117 Marua Trewey Black 340 Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby 197 River Run Will He Claire Goddard 158 Scanndal Michelle Dunn 172 Sirocco Spice Sherree French 278 Te Kara Bob Danelle Phillips 211 Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore 1160 Bk 265 285 Lightweight Saddle Hunter - Up To 76kgs Entry GIFTED Wendy Nichol X Factor Sue Reynolds 1161 Bk 114 338 172 Medium Weight Saddle Hunter - Up To 83kgs Entry Cor-Blimey Lisa Beck El Xtreme Angela Wakeford Sirocco Spice Sherree French 22-24 October 2014 Heavy Weight Saddle Hunter - Up To 95kgs Entry Bertie Amie Nilsson Croftlea Padraig Paula Glasgow Jake Megan Hawkins Marua Trewey Black Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby River Run Will He Claire Goddard Scanndal Michelle Dunn Te Kara Bob Danelle Phillips Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore Champion Saddle Hunter 1163 Bk 114 311 338 195 117 340 172 211 285 Best Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter Entry Cor-Blimey Lisa Beck Croftlea Padraig Paula Glasgow El Xtreme Angela Wakeford Jake Megan Hawkins Marua Trewey Black Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby Sirocco Spice Sherree French Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore X Factor Sue Reynolds 1164 Bk 338 117 278 211 285 Local Saddle Hunter Entry El Xtreme Marua Te Kara Bob Vierra Cruz X Factor 1165 Bk 338 117 278 211 285 Local Paced & Mannered Saddle Hunter Entry El Xtreme Angela Wakeford Marua Trewey Black Te Kara Bob Danelle Phillips Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore X Factor Sue Reynolds Angela Wakeford Trewey Black Danelle Phillips Rachel Moore Sue Reynolds 1166 Saddle Hunter Rider (on the flat) 17 years & over Bk Entry 299 Alexander M Henrike Seifert 340 Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby 158 Scanndal Michelle Dunn 172 Sirocco Spice Sherree French Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 28 First Ridden Thursday, 23 October 2014 White Ring – 10am Judge: Debbie Knowles, Cambridge There will be a “President’s Lolly Scramble” for the competitors at the completion of this section. Judging: Suitability & safeness – 60% Conformation & paces – 40% Ponies 138cm & under. Riders under 10 years. First Ridden Ponies should be safe and suitable with an even gait and not too wide for their small riders and must be ridden in a bridle with a single rein. Spurs are not allowed, however, a small cane may be carried. A whip 68cm long can be carried with a flap 2cm wide and 4cm long (overall length 68cm). No Stallions permitted. The Campion & Reserve Champion will be selected from Classes 1171 & 1172. A rider entered in this section may NOT enter in other sections. Riders will be asked to walk and trot and may be asked to canter during a work out. A First Ridden Pony may compete in the Open Riding with a different rider. A rider is only able to compete in this section for a maximum of 24 months from the date of their first Show in the First Ridden Section. Trophies for Section Moffett Family Cup Presented by the Moffett Family, will be awarded to the Champion Pony in the First Ridden 1167 Bk 333 335 216 119 355 244 254 281 186 Smartest on Parade. Pony and Rider Entry Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Olivia Haines Fairlight Acres Merlin Logan Vujcich La Cheval Royal Playgirl Samantha Weller Lakewood Falcon Penny Borthwick Lancewoods Coppers Delight Libby Wilson Nanteos Autumn Apple Blossom Olivia McLennan Rathowen Somersette Annie Moffett Sherwoods Mark 2 Ella Rankin Waimai Southern Lights Michaela Haines 1168 Bk 333 254 186 Rider 7 years and under Entry Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Rathowen Somersette Waimai Southern Lights 22-24 October 2014 Olivia Haines Annie Moffett Michaela Haines 1169 Bk 335 216 119 355 244 281 Rider 8 & 9 years Entry Fairlight Acres Merlin Logan Vujcich La Cheval Royal Playgirl Samantha Weller Lakewood Falcon Penny Borthwick Lancewoods Coppers Delight Libby Wilson Nanteos Autumn Apple Blossom Olivia McLennan Sherwoods Mark 2 Ella Rankin 1170 Bk 333 335 216 119 355 244 254 281 186 Paced and Mannered Entry Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Olivia Haines Fairlight Acres Merlin Logan Vujcich La Cheval Royal Playgirl Samantha Weller Lakewood Falcon Penny Borthwick Lancewoods Coppers Delight Libby Wilson Nanteos Autumn Apple Blossom Olivia McLennan Rathowen Somersette Annie Moffett Sherwoods Mark 2 Ella Rankin Waimai Southern Lights Michaela Haines 1171 Pony 123cm and under Judged on 60% suitability & safeness, 40% conformation & paces Bk Entry 335 Fairlight Acres Merlin Logan Vujcich 119 Lakewood Falcon Penny Borthwick 244 Nanteos Autumn Apple Blossom Olivia McLennan 281 Sherwoods Mark 2 Ella Rankin 186 Waimai Southern Lights Michaela Haines 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 1172 Pony over 123cm and not exceeding 138cm Judged 60% suitability & safeness, 40% conformation & paces Bk Entry 333 Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Olivia Haines 120 Greenlee Nevada Penny Borthwick 280 KS Touch Of Romance Ella Rankin 216 La Cheval Royal Playgirl Samantha Weller 355 Lancewoods Coppers Delight Libby Wilson 254 Rathowen Somersette Annie Moffett Champion First Ridden Pony Reserve Champion First Ridden Pony 1173 Bk 335 120 216 244 281 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Small Jump for First Ridden Competitors Entry Fairlight Acres Merlin Logan Vujcich Greenlee Nevada Penny Borthwick La Cheval Royal Playgirl Samantha Weller Nanteos Autumn Apple Blossom Olivia McLennan Sherwoods Mark 2 Ella Rankin 29 Leading Rein Pony Thursday, 23 October 2014 Blue Ring – 10.30am Judge: Wendy Freeman, Palmerston North There will be a “President’s Lolly Scramble” for the competitors at the completion of this section. Riders who have competed in the First Ridden or Novice and Open sections are no longer eligible for the Leading Rein Section. A rider entered in this section may not enter in any other section. Ponies 128cms & under. Riders 4 years & under 8 years led by an attendant. The Lead must be attached to the caveson of a single snaffle bridle. Spurs are not allowed although a small cane may be carried. A whip 68cm long can be carried with a flap 2cm wide and 4cm long (overall length 68cm). No Stallions permitted. A Leading Rein Pony may compete in the Open Ring with a different rider. The New Zealand Pony Breeders Society have donated a special sash to be awarded to the overall winner of Classes 1181 & 1182. The Pony must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of NZ (Inc) and be foaled in NZ. If it is subsequently found that the winner of a Pony Breeders Society Sash is not registered with the Society they will be required to forfeit this award. Trophies for Section The Ascot Pedro Perpetual Trophy Donated by G R Traber-Leitz, this trophy will be awarded to the Champion Leading Rein Pony The Bridgeman Trophy Donated by the Bridgeman Family, to be awarded to the Champion Paced & Mannered Leading Rein Pony 1175 Bk 222 161 242 291 280 276 332 169 317 185 Smartest on parade. Pony, Rider & Handler Entry Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family Coroview Kingston Mahsse Masterson Fortification Bon Fleur Amy McLennan Jubilee China Doll Kenley Santo KS Touch Of Romance Brooklyn Rankin Nala Nicholai's Holly Lillie Wallace Silvan Royal Portrait Maia vanden Berk Surreyholme Trinity Kendra Fox Taurimu Portrait Ruby Mclean-Smith Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 22-24 October 2014 1176 Bk 161 242 267 332 169 317 185 Pony, most suitable for a beginner Entry Coroview Kingston Mahsse Masterson Fortification Bon Fleur Amy McLennan Mangakaraa Blue Gum Amelia Nicoll Silvan Royal Portrait Maia vanden Berk Surreyholme Trinity Kendra Fox Taurimu Portrait Ruby Mclean-Smith Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 1177 Bk 242 291 Rider 5 years and under Entry Fortification Bon Fleur Jubilee China Doll 1178 Bk 222 161 280 267 276 332 169 317 185 Rider 6 and 7 years Entry Aranui Pembroke Coroview Kingston KS Touch Of Romance Mangakaraa Blue Gum Nala Nicholai's Holly Silvan Royal Portrait Surreyholme Trinity Taurimu Portrait Woodrow Chrislea Amy McLennan Kenley Santo Wilson Family Mahsse Masterson Brooklyn Rankin Amelia Nicoll Lillie Wallace Maia vanden Berk Kendra Fox Ruby Mclean-Smith Oliva Haines 1179 Paced & Mannered Leading Rein Pony Not exceeding 118cm Bk Entry 222 Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family 242 Fortification Bon Fleur Amy McLennan 267 Mangakaraa Blue Gum Amelia Nicoll 169 Surreyholme Trinity Kendra Fox 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines 1180 Paced & Mannered Leading Rein Pony over 118cm and not exceeding 128cm Bk Entry 161 Coroview Kingston Mahsse Masterson 280 KS Touch Of Romance Brooklyn Rankin 276 Nala Nicholai's Holly Lillie Wallace 332 Silvan Royal Portrait Maia vanden Berk 317 Taurimu Portrait Ruby Mclean-Smith Champion Paced & Mannered Leading Rein Pony Reserve Champion Paced & Mannered Leading Rein Pony 1181 Leading Rein Pony Not exceeding 118cm Judged on 60% Suitability & Safeness, and 40% Conformation & Paces. Judged at walk and trot. Bk Entry 222 Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family 242 Fortification Bon Fleur Amy McLennan 267 Mangakaraa Blue Gum Amelia Nicoll 169 Surreyholme Trinity Kendra Fox 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 30 1182 Leading Rein Pony Over 118cm & not exceeding 128cm Judged on 60% Suitability & Safeness and 40% Conformation & Paces. Judged at walk and trot. Bk Entry 161 Coroview Kingston Mahsse Masterson 291 Jubilee China Doll Kenley Santo 280 KS Touch Of Romance Brooklyn Rankin 276 Nala Nicholai's Holly Lillie Wallace 332 Silvan Royal Portrait Maia vanden Berk 317 Taurimu Portrait Ruby Mclean-Smith Champion Leading Rein Pony Reserve Champion Leading Rein Pony 1183 Bk 222 242 291 267 169 317 Jump over Poles on Ground Entry Aranui Pembroke Wilson Family Fortification Bon Fleur Amy McLennan Jubilee China Doll Kenley Santo Mangakaraa Blue Gum Amelia Nicoll Surreyholme Trinity Kendra Fox Taurimu Portrait Ruby Mclean-Smith Hack Friday, 24 October 2014 Red Ring – 8.30am Judge: Jacqui Wadham, Pukekohe A Show Hack should show quality, elegance and gaiety, with very good paces. It must be well mannered and capable of giving its rider a pleasant and easy ride for a short journey. In selecting the Reserve Champion the second place getter in the Class from which the Champion is selected is eligible to parade with the other first prize horses. Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Hack will be selected from Classes 1201 & 1202. Champion & Reserve Champion Hack will be selected from Classes 1204, 1205, 1206 & 1207. Second place getters to stand by for Reserve Champion. It is compulsory for the Champion & Reserve Champion Hacks to compete in the Beamish Salver. Trophies for Section The F L Gordon Perpetual Cup This cup was originally awarded in 1890 and now redonated. It will now be awarded to the winner of Class 1200 The J H MacNiven Memorial Cup Presented by the MacNiven Family, will be awarded to the Champion Hack The Morrin Shield Awarded to the Champion Hack 1200 Best Presented Hack, Open to all Hacks over 158cm Bk Entry 300 Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce 133 Devonport Kimberley Cameron 201 High Command Anne Hjorth 292 Jubilee Trilogy King Stephanie Santo 143 Mr Please Kohoperate Jenna Coumbe-Ewart 1201 Bk 292 143 Novice Hack over 158cm, 0-2 wins Entry Jubilee Trilogy King Stephanie Santo Mr Please Kohoperate Jenna Coumbe-Ewart 1202 Bk 342 292 143 Novice Hack over 158cm, 0-5 wins Entry Flyhalf Kate Ward Jubilee Trilogy King Stephanie Santo Mr Please Kohoperate Jenna Coumbe-Ewart Champion Novice Hack Reserve Champion Novice Hack 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 31 1203 Bk 113 342 292 143 Novice Paced & Mannered Hack, 0-5 wins Entry Best In The West Chrissie Beatson Flyhalf Kate Ward Jubilee Trilogy King Stephanie Santo Mr Please Kohoperate Jenna Coumbe-Ewart 1204 Bk 342 201 106 Hack , over 158cm and up to 163cm Entry Flyhalf Kate Ward High Command Anne Hjorth Touch of Honor Margaret Baird 1205 Bk 113 300 133 Hack over 163cm Entry Best In The West Carlton Extreme Edition Devonport 1206 Bk 133 201 Hack most suitable for a lady Entry Devonport Kimberley Cameron High Command Anne Hjorth 1207 Bk 113 300 342 106 Hack most suitable for a gentleman Entry Best In The West Chrissie Beatson Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce Flyhalf Kate Ward Touch of Honor Margaret Baird Friday, 24 October 2014 White Ring – 8.30am Judge: Debbie Knowles, Cambridge Sponsored by: Rider under 17 years. Pony heights over 138cm and not exceeding 148cm, except for Class 1215 which is 148cm and under. Chrissie Beatson Tina Sergeant-Boyce Kimberley Cameron Champion Hack Reserve Champion Hack 1208 Bk 113 300 133 201 106 Best Paced & Mannered Hack Entry Best In The West Chrissie Beatson Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce Devonport Kimberley Cameron High Command Anne Hjorth Touch of Honor Margaret Baird 1209 Bk 300 106 Local Hack Entry Carlton Extreme Edition Touch of Honor 1210 Bk 300 143 106 Local Paced & Mannered Hack Entry Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce Mr Please Kohoperate Jenna Coumbe-Ewart Touch of Honor Margaret Baird 1211 Bk 300 143 106 Hack Rider (on the flat) 17 & over Entry Carlton Extreme Edition Tina Sergeant-Boyce Mr Please Kohoperate Jenna Coumbe-Ewart Touch of Honor Margaret Baird 22-24 October 2014 Senior Pony Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Pony will be selected from Classes 1216 & 1217. Champion & Reserve Champion will be selected from Classes 1219 & 1220. The winner of Class 1221 to compete for the Supreme Champion Paced & Mannered Pony. Trophies for Section The Colin & Togo Kirkley Memorial Perpetual Cup Presented by the Late Mr Cedric Kirkley. The cup will be awarded to the Supreme Champion Saddle Pony, to be selected from the three Champion Ponies (Senior, Intermediate & Junior) The S Coop Gaiety Cup Presented by Miss Susan Coop, will be awarded to the Supreme Paced & Mannered Pony 1215 Pony Mare Most Suitable For Breeding Saddle Ponies. 148cm & under To be led by exhibitor under 17 years Bk Entry 295 Fleurdlene Fanfare Ashleigh Santo 254 Rathowen Somersette Annie Moffett 1216 Novice Pony, 0-2 wins Tina Sergeant-Boyce Margaret Baird 1217 Novice Pony, 0-5 wins Bk Entry 277 Glenmoor Topaz Reanna Pearce Champion Novice Senior Pony Reserve Champion Novice Senior Pony 1218 Bk 224 295 277 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Novice Paced & Mannered, 0-5 wins Entry Eastdale Encore Georgia Linton Fleurdlene Fanfare Ashleigh Santo Glenmoor Topaz Reanna Pearce 32 1219 Pony to be Shown in Saddle over 138cm and not exceeding 143cm Bk Entry 330 Brookfields Dreams Are Free Adrienne vanden Berk 295 Fleurdlene Fanfare Ashleigh Santo 277 Glenmoor Topaz Reanna Pearce 1220 Pony to be Shown in Saddle over 143cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk Entry 224 Eastdale Encore Georgia Linton 230 Laurieston Dream Chaser Katelyn Mason 103 Woodlands Park Light O Day Rebecca Aplin Champion Senior Pony Reserve Champion Senior Pony 1221 Bk 330 224 277 230 103 Best Paced & Mannered Pony Entry 1222 Bk 330 303 224 295 277 309 166 Local Pony - 148cm and under Entry Brookfields Dreams Are Free Intermediate Pony Friday, 24 October 2014 Green Ring – 8.30am Judge: Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom Sponsored by: Rider under 17 years. Pony heights over 128cm and not exceeding 138cm. Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Intermediate Pony will be selected from Classes 1225 & 1226. Adrienne vanden Berk Champion & Reserve Champion Intermediate Pony will be selected from Classes 1228 & 1229. Georgia Linton Reanna Pearce Katelyn Mason Rebecca Aplin The winner of Class 1230 to compete for the Supreme Champion Paced & Mannered Pony. Eastdale Encore Glenmoor Topaz Laurieston Dream Chaser Woodlands Park Light O Day The Champion Pony to compete for the Supreme Pony. Brookfields Dreams Are Free Camden Chat 'N' That Eastdale Encore Fleurdlene Fanfare Glenmoor Topaz Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Nickolas Nickleby Adrienne vanden Berk Kate Shaw Georgia Linton Ashleigh Santo Reanna Pearce Ally Stevenson Laura Foss 1223 Local Pony - Best Paced & Mannered - 148cm and under Bk Entry 330 Brookfields Dreams Are Free Adrienne vanden Berk 303 Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw 224 Eastdale Encore Georgia Linton 295 Fleurdlene Fanfare Ashleigh Santo 277 Glenmoor Topaz Reanna Pearce 309 Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ally Stevenson 166 Nickolas Nickleby Laura Foss 1224 Bk 224 295 103 Junior Handler 16 years & under Entry Eastdale Encore Georgia Linton Fleurdlene Fanfare Ashleigh Santo Woodlands Park Light O Day Rebecca Aplin 1225 Bk 138 225 Novice Pony, 0-2 wins Entry Eastdale Elpaso Linden Love Lilt Alana Clapperton Georgia Linton 1226 Bk 138 225 356 Novice Pony, 0-5 wins Entry Eastdale Elpaso Linden Love Lilt Windsor Merrylegs Alana Clapperton Georgia Linton Georgie Wilson Champion Novice Intermediate Pony Reserve Champion Novice Intermediate Pony 1227 Bk 138 356 Novice Paced & Mannered Pony, 0-5 wins Entry Eastdale Elpaso Alana Clapperton Windsor Merrylegs Georgie Wilson 1228 Pony to be shown in saddle. Over 128cm and not exceeding 133cm Bk Entry 125 Leeara Park First Edition Katie Bridgeman 359 Nala Nicholais Fern A Windle & L Dolan Supreme Pony Supreme Paced & Mannered Pony 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 33 Junior Pony 1229 Pony to be shown in saddle. Over 133cm & not exceeding 138cm Bk Entry 217 Amberleigh Secret Promise Dominic Kupa 333 Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Amy Vujcich 155 Aschbrooke Bracken Isabella Du Plessis 309 Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ally Stevenson 361 Nala Nicholais Sensational A Windle & L Dolan 286 Sentinel of Rathowen Roach Family 140 Willow Croft Tiger Lily Caitlin Rennie 356 Windsor Merrylegs Georgie Wilson Friday, 24 October 2014 Blue Ring – 8.30am Judge: Bron Monckton, Marton Sponsored by: Champion Intermediate Pony Rider 13 years and under. Pony 128cms and under. Reserve Champion Intermediate Pony 1230 Bk 217 333 155 125 309 359 140 356 Best Paced & Mannered Pony Entry Amberleigh Secret Promise Dominic Kupa Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Amy Vujcich Aschbrooke Bracken Isabella Du Plessis Leeara Park First Edition Katie Bridgeman Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ally Stevenson Nala Nicholais Fern A Windle & L Dolan Willow Croft Tiger Lily Caitlin Rennie Windsor Merrylegs Georgie Wilson 1222 Local Pony – 148cm & under (White Ring) 1223 Local Pony – Best Paced & Mannered – 148cm & under (White Ring) The HB A&P Society Special Prize of $10 for the Best Kept Saddlery in Class 1222 Champion & Reserve Champion Novice Junior Pony will be selected from Classes 1233 & 1234. Champion & Reserve Champion Junior Pony will be selected from Classes 1236 & 1237. The winner of Class 1238 to compete for the Supreme Champion Paced & Mannered Pony. 1233 Bk 161 186 Novice Pony, 0-2 wins Entry Coroview Kingston Waimai Southern Lights Paris Masterson Bella Vujcich 1234 Bk 161 221 186 Novice Pony, 0-5 wins Entry Coroview Kingston Monstevos Tinkerbelle Waimai Southern Lights Paris Masterson Vanessa Liley Bella Vujcich Champion Novice Junior Pony Reserve Champion Novice Junior Pony 1235 Bk 161 221 186 312 Novice Paced and Mannered, 0-5 wins Entry Coroview Kingston Paris Masterson Monstevos Tinkerbelle Vanessa Liley Waimai Southern Lights Bella Vujcich Woodrow Concord Paige Cromarty 1236 Pony to be shown in Saddle 123cm & under Bk Entry 186 Waimai Southern Lights Bella Vujcich 1237 Pony to be shown in Saddle over 123cm & not exceeding 128cm Bk Entry 161 Coroview Kingston Paris Masterson 287 Linden Summer Rhapsody Roach Family 360 Nala Nicholais Holly A Windle & B Tait 312 Woodrow Concord Paige Cromarty 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 34 NZ Riding Pony Champion Junior Pony Reserve Champion Junior Pony 1238 Bk 287 360 312 Best Paced & Mannered Pony 128cm & under Entry Linden Summer Rhapsody Roach Family Nala Nicholais Holly A Windle & B Tait Woodrow Concord Paige Cromarty 1222 Local Pony – 148cm & under (White Ring) 1223 Local Pony – Best Paced & Mannered – 148cm & under (White Ring) 22-24 October 2014 Friday, 24 October 2014 Green Ring – to follow judging of Pony Breeders (approx 11am) Judge: Bron Monckton, Marton The NZRP Society (Inc) have donated a sash for the winner of this class. Registration Number is required with entry. 1241 NZ Riding Pony - Registered NZ Riding Pony, Mare or Gelding 148 & under. Rider under 17years. Bk Entry 217 Amberleigh Secret Promise Dominic Kupa 333 Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Amy Vujcich 155 Aschbrooke Bracken Isabella Du Plessis 330 Brookfields Dreams Are Free Adrienne vanden Berk 295 Fleurdlene Fanfare Ashleigh Santo 230 Laurieston Dream Chaser Katelyn Mason 359 Nala Nicholais Fern A Windle & L Dolan 360 Nala Nicholais Holly A Windle & B Tait 286 Sentinel of Rathowen Roach Family 140 Willow Croft Tiger Lily Caitlin Rennie 103 Woodlands Park Light O Day Rebecca Aplin Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 35 Pony Breeders of NZ Ridden Class Beamish Salver Friday, 24 October 2014 To follow after Class 1230 Friday, 24 October 2014 Farmers Transport – Arena 1 – 12.30pm Judge: Wendy Freeman, Palmerston North Green Ring – 138cm & under Judges: Bron Monckton, Marton Wendy Freeman, Palmerston North Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom Judge: Robert Parker-Jones, United Kingdom White Ring – 138cm & not exceeding 148cm To be eligible for the Pony Breeders of New Zealand (Inc) ridden ponies must be 148cm or under, be fully registered with the Pony Breeders Society of New Zealand (Inc) and be foaled in New Zealand. Entries must be fully registered with the Pony Breeders’ Of NZ Society. Permanent Registration Number (PBNZ) to be stated on entry form. If it is subsequently found that the winner of a Pony Breeders Society Sash is not registered with the Society they will be required to forfeit their award. Judging: Conformation – 60% Paces & Manners – 40% Each horse will be worked individually in draw order to a set performance test. They will be judged on their conformation, manners, paces and performance. The judges will mark each horse independently and their marks will be displayed to the public. In the case of a tie an independent judge will make the final decision. Maximum points will be awarded as follows: Quality & Conformation – 60 Manners, Paces & Performance – 40 Total – 100 It is obligatory that the Champions and Reserve Champions listed in the Class participate in this class or prizemoney will be withheld from the qualifying class. Winners of Classes 1242 & 1243 to parade for the Pony Breeders of New Zealand (Inc) Sash. Green Ring 1242 Mare or Gelding 138cm & under Bk Entry 217 Amberleigh Secret Promise Dominic Kupa 333 Aschbrooke Bobby Dazzler Amy Vujcich 155 Aschbrooke Bracken Isabella Du Plessis 303 Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw 287 Linden Summer Rhapsody Roach Family 359 Nala Nicholais Fern A Windle & L Dolan 360 Nala Nicholais Holly A Windle & B Tait 361 Nala Nicholais Sensational A Windle & L Dolan 356 Windsor Merrylegs Georgie Wilson 185 Woodrow Chrislea Oliva Haines Trophies for Section The Beamish Salver Presented by the Noel Beamish Family, for the best horse, which, in the opinion of the judges, shows quality. The ownership of the Trophy shall remain the property of the Society. A Miniature Cup will be given to the winner. 1260 The Beamish Salver Park Hack – Champion & Reserve Saddle Hunter Horse – Champion & Reserve Hack – Champion & Reserve Riding Horse – Champion & Reserve White Ring 1243 Mare or Gelding over 138cm & not exceeding 148cm Bk Entry 330 Brookfields Dreams Are Free Adrienne vanden Berk 249 Giovanni Madeleine Meier 230 Laurieston Dream Chaser Katelyn Mason 103 Woodlands Park Light O Day Rebecca Aplin 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 36 Pleasure Horse / Pony Adult Riders – 17 years & over Friday, 24 October 2014 White Ring – 11am Judge: Megan Chamberlain Horses and Ponies may enter the Pleasure, Showjumping and Show Hunter sections. Horse/Ponies and riders are NOT eligible for the showing and dressage classes. No Stallions in this Section. This Section is aimed at non competitive riders and horses attending Saddle Up, Pony Club and other Pleasure activities. Riding attire is informal. Champion & Reserve Champion Adult Pleasure Horse / Pony – Classes eligible for champion and reserve is winners of Classes 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, second place getters to stand by. Champion Please Horse / Pony Adult Rider – Classes eligible for champion and reserve is winners from Classes 1267 & 1268. 1261 Smartest on Parade Pleasure Mount for horse/pony rider and gear Bk Entry 191 Benny Hill Rebecca Harper 226 Black Russian Mandy Loughlin 232 Cruze Control Sue McClanachan 194 Daria of Silvertrees Rachael Hartree 248 Maxwell Smart Jenny Meares 252 Milwin Savannah Patricia Millar 132 Miss Nutmeg Lyn Burns 159 Norfolk Enchants Kimmy Earnshaw 261 Red Dior Rosalind Muir 274 Rumour Has It Patrice Palleson 160 Vanilla Skyes Lydia Edginton 1262 Bk 191 226 232 194 248 252 132 159 261 274 160 Horse/Pony suitable for a beginner Entry Benny Hill Rebecca Harper Black Russian Mandy Loughlin Cruze Control Sue McClanachan Daria of Silvertrees Rachael Hartree Maxwell Smart Jenny Meares Milwin Savannah Patricia Millar Miss Nutmeg Lyn Burns Norfolk Enchants Kimmy Earnshaw Red Dior Rosalind Muir Rumour Has It Patrice Palleson Vanilla Skyes Lydia Edginton 22-24 October 2014 1263 Bk 191 226 232 194 248 252 132 159 261 274 160 Best Walking Horse/Pony Entry Benny Hill Black Russian Cruze Control Daria of Silvertrees Maxwell Smart Milwin Savannah Miss Nutmeg Norfolk Enchants Red Dior Rumour Has It Vanilla Skyes Rebecca Harper Mandy Loughlin Sue McClanachan Rachael Hartree Jenny Meares Patricia Millar Lyn Burns Kimmy Earnshaw Rosalind Muir Patrice Palleson Lydia Edginton 1264 Bk 191 226 232 248 252 132 159 261 274 160 Best Trotting Horse / Pony Entry Benny Hill Black Russian Cruze Control Maxwell Smart Milwin Savannah Miss Nutmeg Norfolk Enchants Red Dior Rumour Has It Vanilla Skyes Rebecca Harper Mandy Loughlin Sue McClanachan Jenny Meares Patricia Millar Lyn Burns Kimmy Earnshaw Rosalind Muir Patrice Palleson Lydia Edginton 1265 Best Paced & Horse/Pony Bk Entry 191 Benny Hill 226 Black Russian 232 Cruze Control 248 Maxwell Smart 252 Milwin Savannah 132 Miss Nutmeg 159 Norfolk Enchants 261 Red Dior 274 Rumour Has It 160 Vanilla Skyes Mannered combination Rebecca Harper Mandy Loughlin Sue McClanachan Jenny Meares Patricia Millar Lyn Burns Kimmy Earnshaw Rosalind Muir Patrice Palleson Lydia Edginton 1266 Best Unit - Combination of rider and Horse/Pony Bk Entry 191 Benny Hill Rebecca Harper 226 Black Russian Mandy Loughlin 232 Cruze Control Sue McClanachan 194 Daria of Silvertrees Rachael Hartree 248 Maxwell Smart Jenny Meares 252 Milwin Savannah Patricia Millar 261 Red Dior Rosalind Muir 274 Rumour Has It Patrice Palleson 160 Vanilla Skyes Lydia Edginton Champion Adult Pleasure Horse / Pony Reserve Champion Adult Pleasure Horse / Pony Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 37 1267 Best Rider 17-21 years Bk Entry 226 Black Russian 1268 Bk 194 248 252 132 159 261 274 160 Best Rider over 21 years Entry Daria of Silvertrees Maxwell Smart Milwin Savannah Miss Nutmeg Norfolk Enchants Red Dior Rumour Has It Vanilla Skyes Pleasure Horse / Pony Riders 16 years & under Mandy Loughlin Friday, 24 October 2014 Red Ring – 11am Judge: Jo Wynne-Lewis Rachael Hartree Jenny Meares Patricia Millar Lyn Burns Kimmy Earnshaw Rosalind Muir Patrice Palleson Lydia Edginton Champion Pleasure Horse / Pony Adult Rider Reserve Champion Pleasure Horse / Pony Rider Horses and Ponies may enter the Pleasure, Showjumping and Show Hunter sections. Horse/Ponies and riders are NOT eligible for the showing and dressage classes. No Stallions in this Section. This section is aimed at non competitive riders and horses attending Saddle Up, Pony Club and other Pleasure activities. Riding attire is informal with Pony Club uniforms acceptable. Champion & Reserve Champion Pleasure Horse / Pony 16 years & under – Classes eligible for champion and reserve is winners of Classes 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275 & 1276, second place getters to stand by. Champion & Reserve Champion Pleasure Horse / Pony Rider 16 years & under – Classes eligible for champion and reserve is winners from Classes 1277 & 1278. 1271 Smartest on Parade Pleasure Mount for Horse/Pony rider and gear Bk Entry 238 Ayn Dara Aphrodite Lauren Blakeley 313 Boxer Olivia Still 115 Dream Spinner Leah Bibby 322 Indianna Jive Paige Tholen 227 Kampic Gem Regan Marshall 147 Ladybird Emma de Lautour 151 Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey 240 Pied Piper Montana Minah Summerell 199 Radways Motown Meihaka Hirst 337 Winged Foot Zara Waldin 146 World Finesse Ffion Davis 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 38 1272 Bk 238 313 357 115 322 227 147 151 240 199 358 173 337 146 Horse/Pony Suitable for a Beginner Entry Ayn Dara Aphrodite Lauren Blakeley Boxer Olivia Still Bush Buddy Anna Wilson Dream Spinner Leah Bibby Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Kampic Gem Regan Marshall Ladybird Emma de Lautour Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Pied Piper Montana Minah Summerell Radways Motown Meihaka Hirst Shirika Tim Wilson Toby Rainnah Frogley Winged Foot Zara Waldin World Finesse Ffion Davis 1273 Bk 238 313 357 115 322 227 147 151 240 199 190 358 337 146 Best Walking Horse/Pony Entry Ayn Dara Aphrodite Boxer Bush Buddy Dream Spinner Indianna Jive Kampic Gem Ladybird Mt Tulloch Jupiter Pied Piper Montana Radways Motown Rubi Tuesday Shirika Winged Foot World Finesse Lauren Blakeley Olivia Still Anna Wilson Leah Bibby Paige Tholen Regan Marshall Emma de Lautour Amelia Dewey Minah Summerell Meihaka Hirst Ella Harkness Tim Wilson Zara Waldin Ffion Davis 1274 Bk 238 313 357 115 322 227 147 151 240 199 190 358 337 146 Best Trotting Horse/Pony Entry Ayn Dara Aphrodite Boxer Bush Buddy Dream Spinner Indianna Jive Kampic Gem Ladybird Mt Tulloch Jupiter Pied Piper Montana Radways Motown Rubi Tuesday Shirika Winged Foot World Finesse Lauren Blakeley Olivia Still Anna Wilson Leah Bibby Paige Tholen Regan Marshall Emma de Lautour Amelia Dewey Minah Summerell Meihaka Hirst Ella Harkness Tim Wilson Zara Waldin Ffion Davis 22-24 October 2014 1275 Bk 238 313 357 115 322 227 147 151 240 199 190 358 173 337 146 Best Paced & Mannered Horse/Pony Entry Ayn Dara Aphrodite Lauren Blakeley Boxer Olivia Still Bush Buddy Anna Wilson Dream Spinner Leah Bibby Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Kampic Gem Regan Marshall Ladybird Emma de Lautour Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Pied Piper Montana Minah Summerell Radways Motown Meihaka Hirst Rubi Tuesday Ella Harkness Shirika Tim Wilson Toby Rainnah Frogley Winged Foot Zara Waldin World Finesse Ffion Davis Champion Pleasure Horse / Pony Reserve Champion Pleasure Horse / Pony 1276 Best Unit - Combination Horse/Pony Bk Entry 238 Ayn Dara Aphrodite 313 Boxer 357 Bush Buddy 115 Dream Spinner 322 Indianna Jive 227 Kampic Gem 147 Ladybird 151 Mt Tulloch Jupiter 240 Pied Piper Montana 199 Radways Motown 190 Rubi Tuesday 358 Shirika 173 Toby 337 Winged Foot 146 World Finesse 1277 Bk 238 313 227 151 199 190 337 146 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show of Rider and Lauren Blakeley Olivia Still Anna Wilson Leah Bibby Paige Tholen Regan Marshall Emma de Lautour Amelia Dewey Minah Summerell Meihaka Hirst Ella Harkness Tim Wilson Rainnah Frogley Zara Waldin Ffion Davis Open Rider 12 years to 16years Entry Ayn Dara Aphrodite Lauren Blakeley Boxer Olivia Still Kampic Gem Regan Marshall Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Radways Motown Meihaka Hirst Rubi Tuesday Ella Harkness Winged Foot Zara Waldin World Finesse Ffion Davis 39 1278 Bk 357 115 322 147 240 358 173 337 Open Rider 11 years and under Entry Bush Buddy Anna Wilson Dream Spinner Leah Bibby Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Ladybird Emma de Lautour Pied Piper Montana Minah Summerell Shirika Tim Wilson Toby Rainnah Frogley Winged Foot Zara Waldin Champion Rider Reserve Champion Rider 1279 Bk 313 357 322 227 147 151 240 199 358 173 146 Small Round the Ring Jumps Entry Boxer Olivia Still Bush Buddy Anna Wilson Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Kampic Gem Regan Marshall Ladybird Emma de Lautour Mt Tulloch Jupiter Amelia Dewey Pied Piper Montana Minah Summerell Radways Motown Meihaka Hirst Shirika Tim Wilson Toby Rainnah Frogley World Finesse Ffion Davis Pinto This section is for Pinto coloured horses only. Horses MUST be registered in their correct division of the NZ Pinto Horse Society Inc at close of entries. Height Certificates must be carried at all times, no stallions under saddle. English or Western attire permitted in all in hand events. Pintos need to be registered with the NZPTHS to enter these events. Colt / Stallions – must be shown by a person 18 years of age and over. If shown English must be shown in a bit. If shown Western must be shown in halter and chain. If showing in English Attire horse two years of age and under may be shown in a halter. Clase 1a: Registered Pinto Classess – all horses entered must be registered with the NZ Pinto Horse Society and all owners must be financial members of the Society from 1 August 2013 – 31 July 2014 season. Champion & Reserve Champion Pinto Youngstock will be selected from Classes 1282 – 1284, second place getters to stand by. Champion & Reserve Champion Pinto Adult will be selected from Classes 1285 – 1287, second place getters to stand by. Supreme Champion Pinto judged from Champion Youngstock and Campion Adult. Champion & Reserve Champion Pony will be selected from Classes 1293 & 1295, second place getters to stand by. Champion & Reserve Champion Hack will be selected from Classes 1294 & 1296, second place getters to stand by. Supreme Ridden Pinto 2014 judged from Champion Pony and Hack winners In Hand Pinto Thursday, 23 October 2014 Green Ring – 8.30am Judge: Jacqui Wadham, Pukekohe 1281 Bk 365 180 279 181 206 205 253 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Best Presented Pinto Horse and Handler Entry Mustang's Peace Treaty Vicki Wolfe Mustangs Roulette Jonelle Gray Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock Showtym Royalty Tamsin Guilford Swanhaven James Charlotte Annand Westfield Skye Danielle Giles Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 40 1282 Best Pinto Foal & Yearling Foal born after 1/8/13 and yearling born after 1/8/12, any sex Bk Entry 205 Westfield Skye Danielle Giles 366 Zen Oaks Sarah Woodfield 1283 Best 2 Year Old 1284 Best 3 Year Old Bk Entry 206 Swanhaven James 1289 Bk 111 179 365 279 181 182 Ridden Pinto Thursday, 23 October 2014 Green Ring – 1pm Charlotte Annand Champion Pinto Youngstock Judge: Jacqui Wadham, Pukekohe Reserve Champion Pinto Youngstock 1285 Best Pinto Mare Dry, infoal or foal at foot, 4 year old and over Bk Entry 279 Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock 181 Showtym Royalty Tamsin Guilford 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 1286 Best Pinto Gelding 4 year old and over Bk Entry 111 Coke & Ice 179 Mustangs Mystery 365 Mustang's Peace Treaty 253 Ziggy Star Dust 1287 Best Pinto Stallion 4 year old and over Bk Entry 180 Mustangs Roulette Kathy Barrett Jonelle Gray Vicki Wolfe Lydia Mitchell Jonelle Gray Champion Pinto Adult Reserve Champion Pinto Adult Supreme Champion Pinto 1288 Best Colour and Pattern Ideal patterning whether Tobiano, Overo or Tovero, is 50/50 of white and colouring mix and ideal mirror image from side to side Bk Entry 111 Coke & Ice Kathy Barrett 365 Mustang's Peace Treaty Vicki Wolfe 279 Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock 181 Showtym Royalty Tamsin Guilford 206 Swanhaven James Charlotte Annand 182 Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 205 Westfield Skye Danielle Giles 22-24 October 2014 Best Paced And Mannered Ridden Pinto Entry Coke & Ice Kathy Barrett Mustangs Mystery Jonelle Gray Mustang's Peace Treaty Vicki Wolfe Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock Showtym Royalty Tamsin Guilford Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield 1292 Bk 157 284 319 365 350 279 246 189 253 Best Presented Horse and Rider Entry Alonzo Fanticy Emma Dunderdale Bertie Bassett Kate Renton Blue Mountains Smart Az Regan Tarrant Mustang's Peace Treaty Vicki Wolfe My Pretty Lady Vanessa Wilkins Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock Vanishing Act Andrew McLennan W T Spider Chrissy Hansen Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1293 Bk 319 246 Novice Pony 148cm & Under 0/5 Wins Entry Blue Mountains Smart Az Regan Tarrant Vanishing Act Andrew McLennan 1294 Bk 179 350 279 189 253 Novice Hack Over 148cm 0-5 Wins Entry Mustangs Mystery Jonelle Gray My Pretty Lady Vanessa Wilkins Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock W T Spider Chrissy Hansen Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell 1295 Open Pony 148cm & Under Open to Novice Ponies Bk Entry 157 Alonzo Fanticy Emma Dunderdale 319 Blue Mountains Smart Az Regan Tarrant 246 Vanishing Act Andrew McLennan 1296 Open Hack Over 148cm Open to Novice Hacks Bk Entry 284 Bertie Bassett 179 Mustangs Mystery 365 Mustang's Peace Treaty 350 My Pretty Lady 189 W T Spider 253 Ziggy Star Dust Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Kate Renton Jonelle Gray Vicki Wolfe Vanessa Wilkins Chrissy Hansen Lydia Mitchell 41 1297 Bk 157 319 Best Paced and Mannered Pony Entry Alonzo Fanticy Emma Dunderdale Blue Mountains Smart Az Regan Tarrant 1298 Bk 284 179 365 350 279 189 253 Best Paced & Mannered Hack Entry Bertie Bassett Kate Renton Mustangs Mystery Jonelle Gray Mustang's Peace Treaty Vicki Wolfe My Pretty Lady Vanessa Wilkins Pure Opium Delite Carolyn Pocock W T Spider Chrissy Hansen Ziggy Star Dust Lydia Mitchell Pony Club Unlead Section Friday, 24 October 2014 Green Ring – 11am Judge: Mandy Jarden Please Note: This ring is open to all poines and riders who have not entered any of the other rings within the whole show, including jumping sections. Riders must be Full Financial Members of the NZPCA. Pony Club uniform must be worn. Riders 9 years and under. Please state Pony Club Branch on entry form. Champion & Reserve Champion will be selected from Classes 1440 – 1444. Champion Pony Reserve Champion Pony Champion Hack Reserve Champion Hack Supreme Ridden Pinto 2014 Pony Club Points Prize – for Pony Club Branch with the most points 1439 Bk 136 144 167 117 339 351 Best Presented Pony, Rider & Tack - Unled Entry Cosmic Sophie Charlton Gem Gemma Cox Joe Madison Fitness Minnie Amy Bibby Storm in a Tea Cup Milly Waldin Te Awanui Twinkle Isabella Grieve 1440 Bk 136 144 167 117 339 351 Best Beginner Pony - Unled Entry Cosmic Gem Joe Minnie Storm in a Tea Cup Te Awanui Twinkle 1441 Bk 136 144 167 117 339 351 Best Paced & Mannered Pony - Unled Entry Cosmic Sophie Charlton Gem Gemma Cox Joe Madison Fitness Minnie Amy Bibby Storm in a Tea Cup Milly Waldin Te Awanui Twinkle Isabella Grieve 1442 Bk 136 144 167 117 339 351 Best Combination on the Flat - Unled Entry Cosmic Sophie Charlton Gem Gemma Cox Joe Madison Fitness Minnie Amy Bibby Storm in a Tea Cup Milly Waldin Te Awanui Twinkle Isabella Grieve Sophie Charlton Gemma Cox Madison Fitness Amy Bibby Milly Waldin Isabella Grieve 1443 Best Rider 6 years and under - Unled Bk Entry 117 Minnie Amy Bibby 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 42 1444 Bk 136 144 167 339 351 Best Rider 7 - 9 years - Unled Entry Cosmic Sophie Charlton Gem Gemma Cox Joe Madison Fitness Storm in a Tea Cup Milly Waldin Te Awanui Twinkle Isabella Grieve Champion Combination Reserve Champion Combination 1445 Bk 136 144 167 117 339 351 Walking Competition - Unled Entry Cosmic Gem Joe Madison Fitness Minnie Storm in a Tea Cup Te Awanui Twinkle 1446 Bk 136 144 117 339 351 Pair of Ponies - Unled Entry Cosmic Gem Minnie Storm in a Tea Cup Te Awanui Twinkle 1447 Bk 136 144 167 339 351 Walk, Trot, Canter & Jump - Unled Entry Cosmic Sophie Charlton Gem Gemma Cox Joe Madison Fitness Storm in a Tea Cup Milly Waldin Te Awanui Twinkle Isabella Grieve 1448 Bk 136 144 167 117 339 351 Lucky Dip Race - Unled Entry Cosmic Gem Joe Madison Fitness Minnie Storm in a Tea Cup Te Awanui Twinkle Pony Club Points Prize 22-24 October 2014 Sophie Charlton Gemma Cox Amy Bibby Milly Waldin Isabella Grieve Sophie Charlton Gemma Cox Amy Bibby Milly Waldin Isabella Grieve Sophie Charlton Gemma Cox Amy Bibby Milly Waldin Isabella Grieve Pony Club Beginner Ring Friday, 24 October 2014 Blue Ring – 11am Judge: Heather Grant Please Note: This ring is open to all poines and riders who have not entered any of the other rings within the whole show, including jumping sections. Riders must be Full Financial Members of the NZPCA. Pony Club uniform must be worn. Riders 9 years and under. Please ste Pony Club Branch on entry form. Rider classes may be adjusted depending on numbers. Champion & Reserve Champion Beginner Combination will be selected from classes 1451 – 1456. Pony Club Points Prize – for Pony Club Branch with the most points 1449 Best Turnout for Horse/Pony, Rider & Tack 13 years & under Bk Entry 262 Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera 198 Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey 235 My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor 112 Parera Corrizma Fleur Bary 1450 Best Turnout For Horse/Pony, Rider & Tack 14 - 25 years Bk Entry 327 Roxy Rhiannon Treadway 297 Tilly Tessa Scapens 1451 Bk 262 198 235 112 297 Best Pony Club Horse/Pony Entry Cameo Boy Mo Hawke My Cassanova Parera Corrizma Tilly Alexandra Naera Giorgia Hickey Caitlin McGregor Fleur Bary Tessa Scapens 1452 Open Horse/Pony Horse/Pony may have won flat classes at an A&P Show but NOT the same combination. Pony Club Horse/Pony in Class 1451 may enter this class Bk Entry 262 Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera 198 Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey 235 My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor 112 Parera Corrizma Fleur Bary 327 Roxy Rhiannon Treadway 297 Tilly Tessa Scapens Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 43 1453 Bk 262 198 235 112 327 297 Best Trotting Horse/Pony Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor Parera Corrizma Fleur Bary Roxy Rhiannon Treadway Tilly Tessa Scapens 1454 Bk 262 198 235 112 327 297 Best paced & Mannered Horse/Pony Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor Parera Corrizma Fleur Bary Roxy Rhiannon Treadway Tilly Tessa Scapens 1455 Bk 262 198 235 112 Best Rider 13 years and under Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor Parera Corrizma Fleur Bary 1456 Bk 327 297 Best Rider 14 - 25 years Entry Roxy Tilly Rhiannon Treadway Tessa Scapens Champion Beginner Combination Reserve Champion Beginner Combination 1457 Bk 262 198 235 327 297 Best Pair of Horses/Ponies Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor Roxy Rhiannon Treadway Tilly Tessa Scapens 1458 Bk 262 198 235 112 327 297 Walk, Trot, Canter & Jump Entry Cameo Boy Alexandra Naera Mo Hawke Giorgia Hickey My Cassanova Caitlin McGregor Parera Corrizma Fleur Bary Roxy Rhiannon Treadway Tilly Tessa Scapens 1459 Bk 262 198 235 112 327 297 Lucky Dip Race Entry Cameo Boy Mo Hawke My Cassanova Parera Corrizma Roxy Tilly Alexandra Naera Giorgia Hickey Caitlin McGregor Fleur Bary Rhiannon Treadway Tessa Scapens Riding For Disabled Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Ring 4 – 9am (entry via Gate 13 off Elwood Road) Judge: To Be Confirmed Steward: Napier & Hastings Riding for Disabled A roped arena will be built in the Arena to contain the ambulance and floats as well as the competition ring. Ribbons will be provided in all classes. Open to all disabled persons whose disability/ies preclude them from participating in the Open Classes. No rider in an Open Class is sligible to compete. RDA approved hard hats to be worn by all competitors. Consolation Disabled Rider – open to all competitors in Classes 1601 – 1607 who have not won a ribbon at the Show. No trotting to be included 1600 RDA Mount Most Suitable For Therapeutic Riding. (No Height Restriction) Leader Compulsory. Entry Jasper Matthew Dowse JD Ethan Coombe 1601 RDA Mount Most Suitable For A Disabled Rider. (No Height Restrictions) Leader Compulsory Entry Jasper Karen Pattison Sinni Jessica Newton Tonto Joemie Jones Tonto Olivia MacGregor 1602 Disabled Rider With Leader (Sidewalker/S Optional) - 12 Years And Under. Entry JD Ethan Simpson Tonto Jayden Austin Enya Mitchell Jones Sinni Matthew Dowse 1603 Disabled Rider With Leader (Sidewalker/s optional) – 13 to 16 years, Leaders to have full control Sinni Jessica Newton 1604 Disabled Rider with Leader (Sidewalker/s optional) - 17 years and over, Leaders to have full control. Entry Dantes Dream's Hot Phillip Sisam Jasper Karen Pattison Pony Club Points Prize 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 44 1605 Skills Event, Disabled Rider with Leader (Sidewalker/s optional) – 12 Years And Under Entry Enya Codey Burden Sinni Matthew Dowse Tonto Logan O’Connor Friday, 24 October 2014 Ring 4 – 9.30am (entry via Gate 13 off Elwood Road) 1606 Skills Event, Disabled Rider with leader (sidewalker/s optional) – 13 to 16 years Sinni Jessica Newton Champion & Reserve Champion Harness to be taken from firsts and seconds in Classes 1703, 1704, 1705, 1706, 1707 & 1708 1607 Skills Event, Disabled Rider with leader (sidewalker/s optional) – 17 years and over Jasper Karen Pattison 1700 Bk 328 233 107 1608 Consolation Disabled Rider Jasper Sinni Sinni Karen Pattison Jessica Newton Matthew Dowse Harness Judge: Michelle Reddy Turnout Entry Bandomares Lady Holly Midnight Magic TRRZ Team Jill Udy John McGough Malcolm Baker 1701 Concours D'Elegance To be judged on the move, by an artist or photographer, for general impression and most pleasing picture Bk Entry 328 Bandomares Lady Holly Jill Udy 233 Midnight Magic John McGough 349 Red Rupert Emma Wiggins 107 TRRZ Team Malcolm Baker 305 Zintara Rosemary Smith 1702 Novice. Not to have won more than three firsts previously at an A & P Show. Driving, Turnout & Timed events excluded Bk Entry 328 Bandomares Lady Holly Jill Udy 107 TRRZ Team Malcolm Baker 1703 Open up to and including 123cm Bk Entry 328 Bandomares Lady Holly Jill Udy 1704 Paced & Mannered up to and including 123cm Bk Entry 328 Bandomares Lady Holly Jill Udy 1705 Bk 233 305 Open over 123cm and up to 148cm Entry Midnight Magic John McGough Zintara Rosemary Smith 1706 Paced & Mannered over 123cm and up to 148cm Bk Entry 233 Midnight Magic John McGough 305 Zintara Rosemary Smith 1707 Bk 349 107 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Open over 148cm Entry Red Rupert TRRZ Team Emma Wiggins Malcolm Baker 45 1708 Bk 349 107 Paced & Mannered over 148cm Entry Red Rupert Emma Wiggins TRRZ Team Malcolm Baker Champion Harness Reserve Champion Harness 1709 Bk 328 233 349 107 305 Open Driver Friday Entry Bandomares Lady Holly Midnight Magic Red Rupert TRRZ Team Zintara 1710 Junior Driver Bk Entry 107 TRRZ Team Jill Udy John McGough Emma Wiggins Malcolm Baker Rosemary Smith Malcolm Baker 1711 Novice Driver. Not to have won a Driving Class at an A&P Show 1712 Bk 328 233 349 107 305 Cone Course. Any pace Entry Bandomares Lady Holly Midnight Magic Red Rupert TRRZ Team Zintara Jill Udy John McGough Emma Wiggins Malcolm Baker Rosemary Smith 1713 Bk 233 349 107 305 Slalom. Trot Only Entry Midnight Magic Red Rupert TRRZ Team Zintara John McGough Emma Wiggins Malcolm Baker Rosemary Smith 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 46 Showjumping Showjumping Conditions Hawke’s Bay is a Premier Show President of the Ground Jury – Penny Dodd, Australia Late entries will be accepted until 12 noon on Tuesday, 21 October 2014. This will incur a 50% additional charge. Stabling will NOT be guaranteed. Entries will NOT be catalogued. Please read the General Conditions. These apply to jumping events where applicable, including regulations governing Certificates of Height. Time of Events Times state in the Schedule for Jumping Conditions are approximate only and will be adjusted after entries close according to entries received. The right is reserved to start an event before the catalogues time. Overlap Consideration shall be shown to competitors who are entered in competition that may overlap. Please see the Senior Steward concerned but classes will not be delayed. Arena 1 Competitors must jump in the order as drawn and printed in the Catalogue. All riders must be suitable attired when entering the ring, and competitors will not be allowed in the ring without jackets. ESNZ Rules & Regulations Classes are run under ESNZ Rules & Regulations. For the new changes to the series classes and heights please visit www.nzequestrian.org.nz. A Horse/Pony can only have two starts per day except for the accumulator classes. If classes have an excessive number of entries they will be divided and prizes adjusted. Logos on Saddle Blankets will only be permitted if they have been registered with Equestrian Sports New Zealand. Rules for the FEI World Jumping Challenge 2014 – Category A (1.20m) Table A Open to competitors 15-18 years old. Riders to qualify need to be born between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 1999. Consists of two competitions of two rounds over two days in a 65 x 45 metre arena. The complete competition consists of four rounds. The final score of each competitor is the toal penalties of the four rounds and the total time in the two second rounds. If the torals of times are equal, the fastest time in the second round of the last competition will decide. Competitors may ride more than one horse, but the score of only one horse will count for points. This horse must be declared before and ridden first in each round. All horses must be fully registered with the ESNZ and must be six years and old and over. A full veterinary horse trot-up inspection will be carried out prior to the competition. A special prize will be awarded for the best presented horse at the trot up. Trot up 12pm, Wednesday, 22 October 2014, venue to be confirmed. For further information visit www.fei.org/fei/events/fei-world-challenge/jumping Rules for the World Cup Class – ART: 273.3, 273.4.3, 273.2.2 Table A A two round competition not against the clock in the first round and against the clock in the second round. Athletes return for the second round in accordance with art: 273.2.2. Athletes are classified according to their aggregate penalties over both rounds and the time incurred in the second round. Trot up 11.30am, Friday, 24 October 2014, Arena 1. 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 47 The FEI Cod of Conduct – For the Welfare of the Horse The Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences. 1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands. This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack, and transportation. 2. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use, surgical procedures that threaten the welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids. 3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weather conditions, stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event. 4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasis and retirement. Showjumping Judges: Rick White, Liz Hearn, Sue White, Kevin Thompson, Ann Train, Sue Castles FEI Judges: Penny Dodd, Peter Herrick Show Jumping Writers: Val Murphy, Gay Castles, Jill Deadman, Jean Edney, Kath Anderson, Jylie Thompson, Kath Anderson, Course Designers: Kevin Hansen – Arena 1 Heather McDonald – Arena 2 Glenn Brooks – Arena 3 Call Stewards: Blake Kean – Arena 1 TBC – Arena 2 Dean Atkins – Arena 3 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 48 Farmers Transport – Arena 1 All classes start at 8.30am each day Trophies for Section The Gamblers Stakes Perpetual Trophy Presented by the Dearden Family in memorial of the Late P R Deardon will be awarded in Class 1507 The Groome Family Perpetual Silver Salver This Salver will be awarded to the winner of Class 1512 The Ranui Cup Presented by the Late Mrs Anne MacDonald will be awarded in Class 1502 Wednesday, 23 October 2013 1500 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Horse 1.20m AM5 2 Phase Entry Smoken Up Horsesports Lancaster II NZ Bright Eyes Cabana Ulysses NZPH Detailed MSH Margaretamix Phoebe Nimmerdor On the Point Slic Chic Binverter Hit Parade Mr Sparkles Joia Hara Telestory Shiraz NZPH Strike Three Ngahiwi Cruise Tyche Unforgettable Sloane Square Pacman On the Point Eve Henton Excalibur Craighaven Blitz Tiger Lily Horsesports Wildcard II Kiwi Lansing Kiwi Jet Carnutelabryere 22-24 October 2014 Caroline Kennedy Bernard Denton Rachel McGregor Laura Inkster Bridget Hansen Sophie Burling Tasha Brown Lily Tootill Sally Steiner Helen McNaught Carol Stewart Danielle Maurer Rebecca Porter Tessa Ranger Hannah Bodle Trudi Mitchell Lily Tootill Katie Hercock Caroline Kennedy Barry Beatson Siobhan Ryan Sally Steiner Rachel McGregor Natasha Brooks Tracy Mason Bernard Denton Larina Dolman Rebecca Porter Helen McNaught 30 31 32 33 34 Equador MVNZ Louis Solano BG Conny Kiwi Express 1501 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Horse 1.30m AM5 2 Phase Entry Double J Angelic Rebekah van Tiel Winston V Driene Mathew Gilmour Vuvuzela Trudi Mitchell Ulysses NZPH Bridget Hansen Ngahiwi Flavour Julie Davey Victorias Secret Sally Clark Roulette MH Melody Matheson Carlotta Hannah Burnett-Grant Double J Rumours Brooke Zander Biarritz Samantha Morrison Cape Palliser Karen Niederer Clearwater Maurcie Beatson Toulon NZPH Bridget Hansen Kaipara Far Out Mathew Gilmour Letitbe GNZ Lucy Akers LT Eloquence John Cottle Carnutelabryere Helen McNaught Dunstan Carlo Katie Laurie Judge's Decision Trudi Mitchell Landsman GNZ Molly Bennett Shakespear NZPH Bridget Hansen Cheltenham Melody Matheson Vendange Taylor Burnett Forest Hill Geordie Bull Cuba D'Esquelmes Z Mathew Gilmour Wishing Crown Maurcie Beatson Ngahiwi Telephonic Briar Burnett-Grant Ultra Blue NZPH Oliver Edgecombe Kapattack Natasha Brooks Kiwi Sunray Emily Fraser Cormina Obolensky Hannah Burnett-Grant Tinapai Lucy Akers Kiwi Motto Chloe Akers Dunstan Lucca Katie Laurie Turn It Blue NZPH Bridget Hansen Mandalay Cove Maurcie Beatson NZ Fireball Rachel McGregor Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Rachel McGregor Sally Steiner Lily Tootill Hannah Burnett-Grant Katie Hercock 49 1502 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horse 1.40m AM5 Entry MY GOLLYWOG Dunstan Kiwi Iron Mark Socrates de la Vie Z Horsesports Suzuki Schimmel Warrior LR Ruegar MSH Cape Palliser Dunstan Springfield 1503 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pony 1.20m AM5 Entry Pioneer Jade ONO Chobidong Viva Pinata Tony The Pony Tane Mahuta Kabo Silver Hawai Haka Galaxy Knight Out Elite Lady Just Nuts Tuki Aorangi Ragtime Sir Samson Mighty Maximus Maurcie Beatson Katie Laurie Jaime Campbell Bernard Denton Maurcie Beatson Sophie Burling Karen Niederer Katie Laurie Briar Burnett-Grant Sarah Fannin Brayden Aarts Brooke Jenkins Hannah Fraser Tom Moffett Briar Burnett-Grant Lucy McHugh Ally Carson Sarah McKinnon Brayden Aarts Jessie McNeil Olivia Ahlborn Sarah Fannin Briar Burnett-Grant Thursday, 23 October 2013 1504 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pony Power 1.25m & Speed 1.15m Entry Pioneer Jade Briar Burnett-Grant Shiraz NZPH Hannah Bodle Hawai Haka Lucy McHugh ONO Sarah Fannin Kabo Cappesh Sara Brookes Just Nuts Brayden Aarts Kabo Silver Briar Burnett-Grant Tony The Pony Hannah Fraser Pioneer High Jinx Maddison Bult Viva Pinata Brooke Jenkins The Dreamer Sara Brookes Aorangi Ragtime Olivia Ahlborn Sir Samson Sarah Fannin Tuscan Treo Lucy McHugh Mr Black Magic Maddison Bult 22-24 October 2014 1505 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Horse Power 1.25m & Speed 1.15m Entry A P Ninja Emily Hayward-Morgan Mr Sparkles Danielle Maurer On the Point Eve Sally Steiner Cormina Obolensky Hannah Burnett-Grant Craighaven Blitz Natasha Brooks Phoebe Nimmerdor Lily Tootill Detailed MSH Sophie Burling Double J Angelic Rebekah van Tiel Unforgettable Caroline Kennedy Joia Hara Rebecca Porter Henton Excalibur Rachel McGregor Horsesports Lancaster II Bernard Denton Ngahiwi Telephonic Briar Burnett-Grant Imperial Diamond Annabelle Robson Invader CSNZ Rebekah van Tiel Kapattack Natasha Brooks Good Golly Miss Molly Maddison Bult Kiwi Sunray Emily Fraser Landsman GNZ Molly Bennett Louis Sally Steiner LT Eloquence John Cottle McMillans Clearmont MVNZ Simon Wilson BG Conny Hannah Burnett-Grant Ngahiwi Cruise Lily Tootill Horsesports Wildcard II Bernard Denton NZ Bright Eyes Rachel McGregor Biarritz Samantha Morrison Darceeduncan Desiree Foxley Kiwi Jet Rebecca Porter Showtym Levado GNZ Vicki Wilson Smoken Up Caroline Kennedy Solano Lily Tootill Sonic NZPH Maddison Bult Telestory Tessa Ranger Frolic Annabelle Gourlie Utah Jazz NZPH Elizabeth Vincent Vendange Taylor Burnett Vuvuzela Trudi Mitchell 1506 Golden Grove Stud 7 Year Old Horse AM5 Part of the 7 year old series St Entry 1 Mandalay Cove Maurcie Beatson 2 McMillans Fredrika RE Claire Wilson 3 Ultra Blue NZPH Oliver Edgecombe 4 Kiwi Lansing Larina Dolman 5 Wishing Crown Maurcie Beatson 6 Showtym Silloette Vicki Wilson 7 Equador MVNZ Rachel McGregor 8 Ulysses NZPH Bridget Hansen 9 Clearwater Maurcie Beatson Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 50 1507 Hastings Championship AM5 1.40m Horses may also enter Class 1509 St Entry 1 Ngahiwi Showtym Premier Vicki Wilson 2 Toulon NZPH Bridget Hansen 3 Letitbe GNZ Lucy Akers 4 McMillans Tipsey Claire Wilson 5 Conyers Maurcie Beatson 6 On the Point Slic Chic Sally Steiner 7 Cuba D'Esquelmes Z Mathew Gilmour 8 Showtym Cassanova Amanda Wilson 9 Showtym Cadet MVNZ Vicki Wilson 10 Shakespear NZPH Bridget Hansen 11 Ngahiwi Flavour Julie Davey 12 NZ Fireball Rachel McGregor 13 Dunstan Lucca Katie Laurie 14 Kaipara Far Out Mathew Gilmour 15 Schimmel Warrior Maurcie Beatson 16 Cape Palliser Karen Niederer 17 Showtym Viking Amanda Wilson 18 Turn It Blue NZPH Bridget Hansen 19 Carlotta Hannah Burnett-Grant 20 Winston V Driene Mathew Gilmour Friday, 24 October 2014 1508 Telford Junior Rider AM5 Part of the Junior Rider Series St Entry 1 Classic Arrow Caroline Kennedy 2 Kiwi Lansing Larina Dolman 3 178 Ballymena Zoe Gordon 4 Double Shott Drew Carson 5 Telestory Tessa Ranger 6 Mustang's Edition Will Moffett 7 Midnight Shadow Hannah Bodle 8 BACK AGAIN Hannah Fraser 9 Good Golly Miss Molly Maddison Bult 10 Kiwi Sunray Emily Fraser 11 Craighaven Blitz Natasha Brooks 12 Clifton Ali Emma Thurlow 13 MR HARRISON Rebecca Porter 14 Frolic Annabelle Gourlie 15 Ngamatea Glory Me Amber Yip 16 Invader CSNZ Rebekah van Tiel 17 A P Ninja Emily Hayward-Morgan 18 Circus Caitlyn Horton 19 Kiwi Exalt Brooke Jenkins 20 Boulevard II Laura Hilhorst 21 Sonic NZPH Maddison Bult 22 Cool Encounter Samantha Morrison 23 Windale Gracious Molly Griffith 24 Kiwi Ironheart Georgia Massie 25 Utah Jazz NZPH Elizabeth Vincent 26 Skewy Nakeysha Lammers 27 Shiraz NZPH Hannah Bodle 28 Driving Ambition Sam Spence 29 Phoebe Nimmerdor Lily Tootill 1509 Horse 1.35m Championship AM5 Horses may also enter Class 1507 St Entry 1 Toulon NZPH Bridget Hansen 2 BG Conny Hannah Burnett-Grant 3 NZ Fireball Rachel McGregor 4 Judge's Decision Trudi Mitchell 5 Showtym Levado GNZ Vicki Wilson 6 Ultra Blue NZPH Oliver Edgecombe 7 Ulysses NZPH Bridget Hansen 8 Showtym Viking Amanda Wilson 9 Cormina Obolensky Hannah Burnett-Grant 10 Dunstan Carlo Katie Laurie 11 LT Eloquence John Cottle 12 Vuvuzela Trudi Mitchell 13 Turn It Blue NZPH Bridget Hansen 14 On the Point Slic Chic Sally Steiner 15 Double J Rumours Brooke Zander 16 Ngahiwi Flavour Julie Davey 17 Forest Hill Geordie Bull 18 Carlotta Hannah Burnett-Grant 19 Landsman GNZ Molly Bennett 20 Shakespear NZPH Bridget Hansen 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 51 1510 Canterbury Equestrian Young Rider AM5 Part of the Young Rider Series St Entry 1 Double J Angelic Rebekah van Tiel 2 Biarritz Samantha Morrison 2 Ngahiwi Cruise Lily Tootill 3 Ngahiwi Telephonic Briar Burnett-Grant 4 Appleton Melanie Weal 5 Witheze Lucy Allen 6 Detailed MSH Sophie Burling 8 Kapattack Natasha Brooks 9 Maximillion II Emily Fraser 10 Roulette MH Melody Matheson 11 Solano Lily Tootill 1511 Pony Grand Prix ART 238.2.2 Part of the Pony Grand Prix Series St Entry 1 Pioneer Jade Briar Burnett-Grant 2 Sir Samson Sarah Fannin 3 Mr Black Magic Maddison Bult 4 Hawai Haka Lucy McHugh 5 Roo Baloo Zoe Stawbridge 6 Kabo Cappesh Sara Brookes 7 Aorangi Ragtime Olivia Ahlborn 8 Mighty Maximus Briar Burnett-Grant 9 Viva Pinata Brooke Jenkins 10 Tony The Pony Hannah Fraser 11 Pioneer High Jinx Maddison Bult 12 The Dreamer Sara Brookes 13 ONO Sarah Fannin 14 Kabo Silver Briar Burnett-Grant 1512 Hawke's Bay Championship – Ultramox World Cup Qualifier Part of the Ultramox FEI Word Cup Series Bk Entry 100 Carnutelabryere Helen McNaught 101 Cheltenham Melody Matheson 102 Conyers Maurcie Beatson 103 Dunstan Kiwi Iron Mark Katie Laurie 104 Dunstan Springfield Katie Laurie 105 Horsesports Suzuki Bernard Denton 106 Kiwi Exalt Brooke Jenkins 107 LR Ruegar MSH Sophie Burling 108 MY GOLLYWOG Maurcie Beatson 109 Ngahiwi Showtym Premier Vicki Wilson 110 Showtym Cadet MVNZ Vicki Wilson 111 Showtym Cassanova Amanda Wilson 112 Socrates de la Vie Z Jaime Campbell 113 Tinapai Lucy Akers 22-24 October 2014 BetaVet – Arena 2 All classes start at 8.30am each day Trophies for Section The Cropp Cup (Perpetual) Presented by Mr Ron Cropp will be awarded in Class 1533 Wednesday, 23 October 2013 1520 Horse 1.10m AM5 IJO Entry Air Hill Squaw Valley Jessie McNeil Alls Fair Emma Thurlow Archies Affair Sophie Devine Athena GNZ Molly Bennett Avichii AF Emma Deadman Ballymena Zoe Gordon Bill Hunt Andrew Ormond Brixie Nicki Main Code-Air Nikita Noord Dangerzone Noni Morgan Deo Volente Taylor Burnett Dolly Varden Siobhan Ryan Duke Kim Best El Molino Harvey Nelson Hermanito Lucy Akers HS Gold Rush Kieran Horton Jack The Lad William Lyles Josh Kim Best Just Jarrah Karen Niederer King Solomon Danielle Dewar Kiwi Cheroline Ashley Hart Kiwi Dance Arnika Noord Kiwi Legacy Katie Hercock Kiwi Major Ashley Hart Kiwi Silverkee Duncan McFarlane Kiwi Storm Duncan McFarlane Knowledge Molly Bennett Larinium LS Georgia Massie Lavetta Travis Morgan Montana Zena Warrior Princess Yani Mitchell Mr Copy Cat Molly Griffith My Call Cindy Dames My Kinda Guy Emma Deadman Ngahiwi Deja Blue Danielle Maurer Ngahiwi Elvis Sophie Richards Ngahiwi Onyx Oliver Edgecombe On The Point Sandy Phillip Steiner Peggy Blue Caroline Parkes Pintado Overland Bridget Newson-McNally Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 52 Popeye Porcelain Cat Quiet Time NZPH Showtym Vision Stone River Jackson Tax Blues NZPH Tell Tale Temujin Toomevara Uptown Girl NZPH Valentino NZPH Velocity NZPH Verdicchio NZPH Voila Volacious NZPH Waitangi Sky Net Wanda GNZ Wendy 1521 Horse 1.15m AM5 Entry Alls Fair Archies Affair Binverter Brixie Casebrook Lamond CentalRoc Cera Caruso Cool Encounter Deo Volente Double J Cloud 9 Dream On El Molino Esteban MVNZ Frolic High Plains Drifter Hit Parade Jack The Lad Just Jarrah Kiwi Ironheart Kiwi Lux Kiwi Silverkee Larinium LS Moving On Ngahiwi Elvis On The Point Sandy Peggy Blue Radiant Showtym Vision Stone River Jackson Supernova NZPH Uptown Girl NZPH Weiti VIP 22-24 October 2014 Kim Best Noni Morgan Nikki McHugh Nicki Main Jo Bell Ruby Hilhorst Jo Bell Tasha Brown Siobhan Ryan Phillip Steiner Helen Kippen Helen Kippen Bridget Hansen Emily Fraser Tracy Horton Molly Bennett Molly Bennett Katie Laurie Emma Thurlow Sophie Devine Helen McNaught Nicki Main Katie Laurie Julie Davey Carissa McCall Samantha Morrison Taylor Burnett Georgia Massie Harvey Nelson Harvey Nelson Rachel McGregor Annabelle Gourlie Leila Cross Carol Stewart William Lyles Karen Niederer Georgia Massie Ashley Hart Duncan McFarlane Georgia Massie Melanie Weal Sophie Richards Phillip Steiner Caroline Parkes Maurcie Beatson Nicki Main Jo Bell Danielle Maurer Phillip Steiner Mathew Gilmour 1522 Pony 1.10m AM5 Entry Chobidong Condoleezza Elite Lady Galaxy Knight Out Galaxy Samurai LIZZIE McGUIRE Mr Acho Oporaes Sky High Showtym Boy Showtym Cruiser Sir Bounty Hunter Strawberry Feilds Tiger Tale LS Tuff Enuff 111 Tuscan Treo Visare Dreamtime Brayden Aarts Jamie Dee Sarah McKinnon Ally Carson Emma Watson Sinead Dolman Ruby Mason Tessa Wallace Mollie Dyer Sarah West Sophie Dyer Sinead Dolman Ally Carson Sophie Devine Lucy McHugh Sarah West 1523 FEI World Jumping Challenge 2014 (2 Rounds 1.20m) - Round One Table A Kindly supported by Forbes Saddlery, BetaVet & One Black Horse Bk Entry 200 Adeaze Rebekah van Tiel 201 Appleton Melanie Weal 202 BACK AGAIN Hannah Fraser 203 Circus Caitlyn Horton 204 Classic Arrow Caroline Kennedy 205 Clifton Ali Emma Thurlow 206 Code-Air Nikita Noord 207 CoDIcea Tamara Silcock 208 Double Shott Drew Carson 209 Imperial Diamond Annabelle Robson 210 Johnny Be Good Kate Cregoe 211 Kiwi Dance Arnika Noord 106 Kiwi Exalt Brooke Jenkins 212 Kiwi Ironheart Georgia Massie 214 Maximillion II Emily Fraser 215 Midnight Shadow Hannah Bodle 216 Mosaic II Annabelle Gourlie 217 MR HARRISON Rebecca Porter 218 Mustang's Edition Will Moffett 219 Ngahiwi Bay Indoctro Tessa Ranger 220 Ngahiwi Warrior Bryony Smith 221 Ngamatea Glory Me Amber Yip 222 Oporaes Jackamoe Laura Inkster 223 Piatella Laura Hilhorst 224 Rewetu Lad Anna Cooper 225 Sir Gandolf Drew Carson 226 Skewy Nakeysha Lammers 227 Temptation NZPH Zoe Stawbridge 228 Wasabi Emily Hayward-Morgan 229 Windale Gracious Molly Griffith 230 Witheze Lucy Allen Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 53 1524 FEI World Jumping Challenge 2014 (2 Rounds 1.20m) Round 2 Table A Kindly supported by Forbes Saddlery, BetaVet & One Black Horse Bk Entry 200 Adeaze Rebekah van Tiel 201 Appleton Melanie Weal 202 BACK AGAIN Hannah Fraser 203 Circus Caitlyn Horton 204 Classic Arrow Caroline Kennedy 205 Clifton Ali Emma Thurlow 206 Code-Air Nikita Noord 207 CoDIcea Tamara Silcock 208 Double Shott Drew Carson 209 Imperial Diamond Annabelle Robson 210 Johnny Be Good Kate Cregoe 211 Kiwi Dance Arnika Noord 106 Kiwi Exalt Brooke Jenkins 212 Kiwi Ironheart Georgia Massie 213 Leeston Eagle Ruby Hilhorst 214 Maximillion II Emily Fraser 215 Midnight Shadow Hannah Bodle 216 Mosaic II Annabelle Gourlie 217 MR HARRISON Rebecca Porter 218 Mustang's Edition Will Moffett 219 Ngahiwi Bay Indoctro Tessa Ranger 220 Ngahiwi Warrior Bryony Smith 221 Ngamatea Glory Me Amber Yip 222 Oporaes Jackamoe Laura Inkster 223 Piatella Laura Hilhorst 224 Rewetu Lad Anna Cooper 225 Sir Gandolf Drew Carson 226 Skewy Nakeysha Lammers 227 Temptation NZPH Zoe Stawbridge 228 Wasabi Emily Hayward-Morgan 229 Windale Gracious Molly Griffith 230 Witheze Lucy Allen 22-24 October 2014 1525 Horse 1.10m AM5 IJO Entry Air Hill Squaw Valley Jessie McNeil Allouette Laura Knight Alls Fair Emma Thurlow Archies Affair Sophie Devine Avichii AF Emma Deadman Bill Hunt Andrew Ormond Collin Desiree Foxley Dangerzone Noni Morgan Double J Cloud 9 Georgia Massie Double J Sponge Bob Square Kaleigh Kent Down Wind Dana Sutton Driving Ambition Sam Spence Gravel Hill Rachel Moore HS Gold Rush Kieran Horton HS Latte Tracy Horton 156 Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas Just Jarrah Karen Niederer Kiwi Cheroline Ashley Hart Kiwi Legacy Katie Hercock Kiwi Major Ashley Hart Kiwi Storm Duncan McFarlane Knowledge Molly Bennett Lacano Danielle Maurer Larinium LS Georgia Massie Letino Laura Knight Midway Montana William Lyles Misty Mermaid Natasha Thomas Montana Zena Warrior Yani Mitchell Morpheus Rising Diana Cottle Mr Copy Cat Molly Griffith My Call Cindy Dames My Kinda Guy Emma Deadman Ngahiwi Deja Blue Danielle Maurer Ngahiwi Onyx Oliver Edgecombe Peggy Blue Caroline Parkes Pintado Overland Bridget Newson-McNally Porcelain Cat Noni Morgan Quiet Time NZPH Nikki McHugh Stone River Jackson Jo Bell Tax Blues NZPH Ruby Hilhorst Tell Tale Jo Bell Valentino NZPH Helen Kippen Velocity NZPH Helen Kippen Verdicchio NZPH Bridget Hansen Voila Emily Fraser Waitangi Sky Net Molly Bennett Wanda GNZ Molly Bennett Wendy Katie Laurie Whakanui De l'amore Hannah Bodle Yandoo Lady Gold Emily Hayward-Morgan Zactac Tiramisu Stephanie Ebbeling Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 54 1526 Caledonian Amateur Rider AM5 Part of the Cadeldonian Amateur Rider Series Entry Blue Mistress Desiree Foxley Brixie Nicki Main Dolly Varden Siobhan Ryan Double J Sponge Bob Square Kaleigh Kent Down Wind Dana Sutton Dream On Harvey Nelson El Molino Harvey Nelson 210 Gravel Hill Rachel Moore Hawkesdale Remy Travis Morgan High Plains Drifter Leila Cross Hit Parade Carol Stewart Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas Jack The Lad William Lyles Misty Mermaid Natasha Thomas Morpheus Rising Diana Cottle Ngahiwi Elvis Sophie Richards Ngahiwi Legend Rachel Holdsworth Peggy Blue Caroline Parkes Showtym Vision Nicki Main Sloane Square Barry Beatson Toomevara Siobhan Ryan Volacious NZPH Tracy Horton 1528 Pro Am Rider AM5 Part of the Pro Am Series Entry Darceeduncan Double J Rumours FIS Outrageous 4 Forest Hill 5 0 6 Kiwi Express 7 100 8 Margaretamix Pacman Sir Arthur Strike Three Tiger Lily Tyche Vendange Victorias Secret Desiree Foxley Brooke Zander Dean Morgan Geordie Bull Judge's Decision Trudi Mit Katie Hercock Kiwi Motto Chloe Ak Tasha Brown Siobhan Ryan Laura Knight Trudi Mitchell Tracy Mason Katie Hercock Taylor Burnett Sally Clark 1527 Horse 1.15m - 1.20m AM5 IJO Entry Alls Fair Emma Thurlow Athena GNZ Molly Bennett Blue Mistress Desiree Foxley CentalRoc Julie Davey Cool Encounter Samantha Morrison Deo Volente Taylor Burnett Double J Cloud 9 Georgia Massie Esteban MVNZ Rachel McGregor Hermanito Lucy Akers Hit Parade Carol Stewart Just Jarrah Karen Niederer Kiwi Lux Ashley Hart Kiwi Silverkee Duncan McFarlane Moving On Melanie Weal Ngahiwi Elvis Sophie Richards On The Point Sandy Phillip Steiner Radiant Maurcie Beatson Stone River Jackson Jo Bell Supernova NZPH Danielle Maurer Temujin Tasha Brown Uptown Girl NZPH Phillip Steiner Vamped NZPH Elizabeth Vincent Weiti VIP Mathew Gilmour 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 55 Friday, 24 October 2014 1529 East Coast Performance Horses 5 Year Old A1 Entry Ajaccio NZPH Helen Kippen Alezan Chablis Tessa Ranger Allouette Laura Knight Away We Go NZPH Tamzin Bates Chuck Claire Wilson Collin Desiree Foxley Duke Kim Best Floriant DHU Larina Dolman HS Latte Tracy Horton Kiwi Cheroline Ashley Hart Kiwi Major Ashley Hart Kiwi Ridge Noni Morgan Kiwi Storm Duncan McFarlane Lavetta Travis Morgan Letino Laura Knight Luxurious MVNZ Carissa McCall Midway Manolito William Lyles Mr Magoo Krista Donnelly Ngahiwi Onyx Oliver Edgecombe Whakanui De l'amore Hannah Bodle 1530 Mitavite 6 Year Old A1 Part of the 6 Year Old Series Entry Athena GNZ Bill Hunt Blue Mistress Casebrook Lamond CentalRoc Cera Caruso Dangerzone Driving Ambition Hermanito Hit Parade Kiwi Lux Peggy Blue Porcelain Cat Radiant Smoken Up Temujin Unforgettable Valentino NZPH Vamped NZPH Velocity NZPH Verdicchio NZPH 22-24 October 2014 Molly Bennett Andrew Ormond Desiree Foxley Katie Laurie Julie Davey Carissa McCall Noni Morgan Sam Spence Lucy Akers Carol Stewart Ashley Hart Caroline Parkes Noni Morgan Maurcie Beatson Caroline Kennedy Tasha Brown Caroline Kennedy Helen Kippen Elizabeth Vincent Helen Kippen Bridget Hansen 1531 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Horse 1.15m Championship AM3 Friday Entry Larinium LS Georgia Massie Hawkesdale Remy Travis Morgan Alls Fair Emma Thurlow Horsesports Wildcard II Bernard Denton Brixie Nicki Main Wanda GNZ Molly Bennett Jack The Lad William Lyles Moving On Melanie Weal Archies Affair Sophie Devine CoDIcea Tamara Silcock Hugo III Kaylene Dudding-Thomas Tell Tale Jo Bell El Molino Harvey Nelson Knowledge Molly Bennett Kiwi Jet Rebecca Porter FIS Outrageous Dean Morgan Montana Zena Warrior Princess Yani Mitchell Esteban MVNZ Rachel McGregor Showtym Vision Nicki Main Lacano Danielle Maurer Midway Montana William Lyles Kiwi Legacy Katie Hercock Misty Mermaid Natasha Thomas Hit Parade Carol Stewart Double J Cloud 9 Georgia Massie Just Jarrah Karen Niederer Tax Blues NZPH Ruby Hilhorst Avichii AF Emma Deadman Ngahiwi Elvis Sophie Richards Sir Gandolf Drew Carson Stone River Jackson Jo Bell Binverter Helen McNaught Kiwi Silverkee Duncan McFarlane Double J Sponge Bob Square Pants Kaleigh Kent Horsesports Lancaster II Bernard Denton Waitangi Sky Net Molly Bennett Dream On Harvey Nelson Sloane Square Barry Beatson Voila Emily Fraser 56 1532 St 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Horse 1.25m Championship AM3 Entry Equador MVNZ Rachel McGregor Margaretamix Tasha Brown Uniquely Blue NZPH Lisa Coupe Kiwi Express Katie Hercock Glenara Master Cognac Rosie Commons Strike Three Trudi Mitchell Henton Excalibur Rachel McGregor Darceeduncan Desiree Foxley Sir Arthur Laura Knight Mosaic II Annabelle Gourlie Tyche Katie Hercock Showtym Silloette Vicki Wilson Bates Corradino Lisa Coupe NZ Bright Eyes Rachel McGregor Joia Hara Rebecca Porter 1533 Pony 1.15m Championship AM5 Call Back – open to all ponies, except those combinations entered in Class 1511 St Entry 1 Showtym Boy Mollie Dyer 2 Visare Dreamtime Sarah West 3 Condoleezza Jamie Dee 4 Elite Lady Sarah McKinnon 5 Tuki Jessie McNeil 6 Galaxy Knight Out Ally Carson 7 Strawberry Feilds Sinead Dolman 8 Tuscan Treo Lucy McHugh 9 Galaxy Samurai Emma Watson 10 Showtym Cruiser Sarah West 11 Sir Bounty Hunter Sophie Dyer 12 Tiger Tale LS Ally Carson 22-24 October 2014 Arena 3 All classes start at 8.30am each day Wednesday, 22 October 2014 1540 Horse 0.9m AM5 IJO Entry Adolfo Cambiaso Lizzie Rangihuna Bel Cavallo Bree Wilton Chantilly Morag Robinson Dark Secret Sally Newall Double J Whitney Brooke Zander Hong Kong Barry Beatson Kahlos Nikita Noord Kinda Suprize Tiegan Holt Kiwi Doll Noni Morgan Kiwi King Ashley Hart Kiwi Showtime Ashley Hart Kiwi Super Kee Ashley Hart Le Bam Danielle Maurer LK Wizard Jane Stafford Mr Magoo Krista Donnelly Ngahiwi Stone Julie Davey Pakarae Lass Caroline Parkes Platinum Lord Cindy Dames Popeye Kim Best Replay NZPH Laura Stephens Resolution Nakeysha Lammers Scarlet Rose Sara Harvey Showtym Stardust Shelley Bridgeman Vierra Cruz Rachel Moore Wannabe Jimmy Briar Sykes 1541 Horse 1.00m AM5 IJO Entry Adolfo Cambiaso Air Hill Squaw Valley Ajaccio NZPH Alezan Chablis Ambience NZPH Balouboy du Busson Bel Cavallo Chantilly Dark Secret Double J Whitney Earls Court Fancy Pants FINAL ICE Floriant DHU For Fame HS Gold Rush HS Latte Kahlos Kinda Suprize King Solomon Kings Road Kiwi Ridge Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Lizzie Rangihuna Jessie McNeil Helen Kippen Tessa Ranger Helen Kippen Samantha Morrison Bree Wilton Morag Robinson Sally Newall Brooke Zander Barry Beatson Chloe Akers Kate Cregoe Larina Dolman Natasha Brooks Kieran Horton Tracy Horton Nikita Noord Tiegan Holt Danielle Dewar Barry Beatson Noni Morgan 57 Kiwi Storm Lacano Little Cree LK Wizard Luxurious MVNZ Midway Manolito Midway Montana Montana Zena Warrior Mr Magoo My Call Pakarae Lass Resolution Scarlet Rose Showtym Stardust Spinmyworld Suzie Q LS Vidal NZPH Volacious NZPH Wahid Zactac Tiramisu Duncan McFarlane Danielle Maurer Amiria Bates Jane Stafford Carissa McCall William Lyles William Lyles Yani Mitchell Krista Donnelly Cindy Dames Caroline Parkes Nakeysha Lammers Sara Harvey Shelley Bridgeman Siobhan Ryan Lucy McHugh Helen Kippen Tracy Horton Caitlyn Horton Stephanie Ebbeling 1542 Pony 0.8m AM5 IJO Entry A Kind of Magic Apache Bridie Camden Chat 'N' That Daveedo Frosted With Tequila Galaxy Colour Me Galaxy Touch and Go Galaxy Vice La Premiere Elizabeth My Sparkling Star Our Kiwi Nugget Pippi Longstocking Rednalhgih Thorn Rubi Tuesday Summer Cloud Tawa VS Enviable Wilterbury Willow Andrew McLennan Chelsea Burdan Milly Dever Kate Shaw Michaela Kennedy Hannah Heappey Mollie Dyer Emma Watson Sophie Dyer Brooke Cameron Brooke Cameron Ben Gibbs Greta Averill Sarah West Ella Harkness Georgia Hulls Olivia Apatu Zoe Holt Ally Stevenson 22-24 October 2014 1543 Pony 0.9m AM5 IJO Entry A Kind of Magic Apache Awanui Princess Bexley Lodge Tinkabella Bridie Coast Spice Frosted With Tequila Full Moon Fever Galaxy Black Diamond Galaxy Colour Me Galaxy Touch and Go Galaxy Vice Har Vey Go Harley Farley Maximus McCumhall's Ashford Mister Brumby My Sparkling Star Our Kiwi Nugget Painting Picasso Pekatahi Lady Pippi Longstocking Rubi Tuesday Something Special Spot the Difference Tui's Prada VS Enviable Wilterbury Willow Andrew McLennan Chelsea Burdan Emma Matches Olivia Apatu Milly Dever Zana Renton Hannah Heappey Ruby Mason Emma Watson Mollie Dyer Emma Watson Sophie Dyer Briar Sykes Molly Goodisson Jamie Dee Ally Stevenson Hannah Bodle Brooke Cameron Ben Gibbs Danielle Dewar Arnika Noord Greta Averill Ella Harkness Emmie Mulinder Jessie Lee Jessie Lee Zoe Holt Ally Stevenson 1544 Pony 1.00m AM5 IJO Entry Awanui Princess Bexley Lodge Tinkabella Coast Spice Colourful Foxden's Shiraz Full Moon Fever Galaxy Black Diamond Galaxy Samurai Harley Farley Jagard Ice LIZZIE McGUIRE Maximus McCumhall's Ashford Mister Brumby Painting Picasso Pekatahi Lady Something Special Spot the Difference Tuff Enuff 111 Tui's Prada Emma Matches Olivia Apatu Zana Renton Rosie Bates Ginny Gibbs Ruby Mason Emma Watson Emma Watson Molly Goodisson Rosie Bates Sinead Dolman Jamie Dee Ally Stevenson Hannah Bodle Danielle Dewar Arnika Noord Emmie Mulinder Jessie Lee Sophie Devine Jessie Lee Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 58 Wednesday, 22 October 2014 1545 Horse 0.95m AM3 IJO Entry Airhill No More Bel Cavallo Chantilly Diplomat MVNZ Double J Whitney Finnesse Hong Kong Kinda Suprize King Solomon Kiwi King Kiwi Showtime Kiwi Super Kee LK Wizard Miss Victoria Pakarae Lass Platinum Lord Resolution Rewae Showtym Stardust Space Invader Vierra Cruz Wannabe Jimmy Y Hoki 1546 Horse 1.00m AM3 IJO Entry Adolfo Cambiaso Airhill No More Ajaccio NZPH Alezan Chablis Ambience NZPH Away We Go NZPH Balouboy du Busson Bel Cavallo Chantilly Diplomat MVNZ Double J Whitney Earls Court Fancy Pants Floriant DHU For Fame Kahlos Kinda Suprize King Solomon Kings Road Kiwi Doll Kiwi Ridge Little Cree LK Wizard Midway Manolito Miss Victoria Mr Magoo 22-24 October 2014 Rachel Moore Bree Wilton Morag Robinson Henrike Seifert Brooke Zander Rachel Martin Barry Beatson Tiegan Holt Danielle Dewar Ashley Hart Ashley Hart Ashley Hart Jane Stafford Natasha Thomas Caroline Parkes Cindy Dames Nakeysha Lammers Rachel Martin Shelley Bridgeman Sally Ward Rachel Moore Briar Sykes Desiree Foxley Lizzie Rangihuna Rachel Moore Helen Kippen Tessa Ranger Helen Kippen Tamzin Bates Samantha Morrison Bree Wilton Morag Robinson Henrike Seifert Brooke Zander Barry Beatson Chloe Akers Larina Dolman Natasha Brooks Nikita Noord Tiegan Holt Danielle Dewar Barry Beatson Noni Morgan Noni Morgan Amiria Bates Jane Stafford William Lyles Natasha Thomas Krista Donnelly Hawke’s Bay A&P Show My Call Pakarae Lass Platinum Lord Resolution Cindy Dames Caroline Parkes Cindy Dames Nakeysha Lammers Showtym Stardust Space Invader Spinmyworld Suzie Q LS Vidal NZPH Wahid Wannabe Jimmy Zactac Tiramisu Shelley Bridgeman Sally Ward Siobhan Ryan Lucy McHugh Helen Kippen Caitlyn Horton Briar Sykes Stephanie Ebbeling 1547 Pony 0.85m AM3 IJO Thursday Entry Apache Chelsea Burdan Awanui Princess Emma Matches Bridie Milly Dever Daveedo Michaela Kennedy Demolition Rose Chanelle Stride Frosted With Tequila Hannah Heappey Galaxy Colour Me Mollie Dyer Galaxy Vice Sophie Dyer My Sparkling Star Brooke Cameron Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs Rednalhgih Thorn Sarah West Rubi Tuesday Ella Harkness 1548 Pony 0.95m AM3 IJO Thursday Entry Apache Chelsea Burdan Awanui Princess Emma Matches Bridie Milly Dever Coast Spice Zana Renton Dabraca-Abra Bridget de Lautour Demolition Rose Chanelle Stride Frosted With Tequila Hannah Heappey Full Moon Fever Ruby Mason Galaxy Black Diamond Emma Watson Galaxy Colour Me Mollie Dyer Galaxy Vice Sophie Dyer Har Vey Go Briar Sykes Little MacIntosh Jess de Lautour Maximus Jamie Dee Ngahiwi Stone Julie Davey Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs Painting Picasso Danielle Dewar Pekatahi Lady Arnika Noord Rubi Tuesday Ella Harkness Something Special Emmie Mulinder Spot the Difference Jessie Lee Sushi Ike Baker Tui's Prada Jessie Lee 59 1549 Pony 1.05m AM3 IJO Entry Colourful Dabraca-Abra Elite Lady Foxden's Shiraz Full Moon Fever Galaxy Black Diamond Galaxy Samurai Jagard Ice Little MacIntosh LIZZIE McGUIRE Maximus Mister Brumby Mr Acho Mt Tulloch Master Denby Oporaes Sky High Painting Picasso Pekatahi Lady Spot the Difference Sushi Tiger Tale LS Tuff Enuff 111 Tui's Prada 1550 Pony 1.10m AM5 IJO Entry Chobidong Condoleezza Elite Lady Galaxy Knight Out Galaxy Samurai LIZZIE McGUIRE Mr Acho Showtym Boy Showtym Cruiser Sir Bounty Hunter Strawberry Feilds Tane Mahuta Tiger Tale LS Tuff Enuff 111 Tuki Jessie McNeil Visare Dreamtime 22-24 October 2014 Friday, 24 October 2014 Rosie Bates Bridget de Lautour Sarah McKinnon Ginny Gibbs Ruby Mason Emma Watson Emma Watson Rosie Bates Jess de Lautour Sinead Dolman Jamie Dee Hannah Bodle Ruby Mason Chanelle Stride Tessa Wallace Danielle Dewar Arnika Noord Jessie Lee Ike Baker Ally Carson Sophie Devine Jessie Lee Brayden Aarts Jamie Dee Sarah McKinnon Ally Carson Emma Watson Sinead Dolman Ruby Mason Mollie Dyer Sarah West Sophie Dyer Sinead Dolman Tom Moffett Ally Carson Sophie Devine Sarah West 1551 Horse 1.00m AM3 IJO Entry Airhill No More Rachel Moore Ambience NZPH Helen Kippen Balouboy du Busson Samantha Morrison Bel Cavallo Bree Wilton Cowboy Boots Jontje Frogley Double J Whitney Brooke Zander Earls Court Barry Beatson Fancy Pants Chloe Akers For Fame Natasha Brooks Hong Kong Barry Beatson Kahlos Nikita Noord King Solomon Danielle Dewar Kings Road Barry Beatson Kiwi Doll Noni Morgan Little Cree Amiria Bates LK Wizard Jane Stafford Miss Victoria Natasha Thomas Montana Zena Warrior Yani Mitchell My Call Cindy Dames Pakarae Lass Caroline Parkes Pintado Overland Bridget Newson-McNally Stardust Shelley Bridgeman Suzie Q LS Lucy McHugh Vidal NZPH Helen Kippen Wahid Caitlyn Horton 1552 Pony 0.85m AM5 IJO Entry A Kind of Magic Apache Awanui Princess Bridie Burnt Sugar (Scrub) Camden Chat 'N' That Daveedo Demolition Rose Frosted With Tequila Galaxy Colour Me Galaxy Touch and Go Galaxy Vice Mr Mischief Our Kiwi Nugget Painting Picasso Rednalhgih Thorn Summer Cloud Totem Girl Triple Star Silver Shadow Willowbrooke Maestro Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Andrew McLennan Chelsea Burdan Emma Matches Milly Dever Bridget Haliburton Kate Shaw Michaela Kennedy Chanelle Stride Hannah Heappey Mollie Dyer Emma Watson Sophie Dyer Tim Wilson Ben Gibbs Danielle Dewar Sarah West Georgia Hulls Hannah O'Keeffe Phoebe Burns Olivia Brooks-Hore 60 1553 Pony 0.95m AM5 IJO Entry A Kind of Magic Andrew McLennan Apache Chelsea Burdan Awanui Princess Emma Matches Bridie Milly Dever Coast Spice Zana Renton Dabraca-Abra Bridget de Lautour Frosted With Tequila Hannah Heappey Galaxy Colour Me Mollie Dyer Galaxy Touch and Go Emma Watson Galaxy Vice Sophie Dyer Harley Farley Molly Goodisson Little MacIntosh Jess de Lautour McCumhall's Ashford Ally Stevenson Mt Tulloch Master Denby Chanelle Stride Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs Painting Picasso Danielle Dewar Spot the Difference Jessie Lee Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe Triple Star Silver Shadow Phoebe Burns Tui's Prada Jessie Lee Willowbrooke Maestro Olivia Brooks-Hore Wilterbury Willow Ally Stevenson 904 1554 Pony 1.05m AM5 Championship Call Back – only open to current combinations that have not jumped higher than 1.10m St Entry 1 LIZZIE McGUIRE Sinead Dolman 2 Wilterbury Willow Ally Stevenson 3 Tui's Prada Jessie Lee 4 Colourful Rosie Bates 5 Mister Brumby Hannah Bodle 6 Maximus Jamie Dee 7 Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs 8 Dabraca-Abra Bridget de Lautour 9 Harley Farley Molly Goodisson 10 Little MacIntosh Jess de Lautour 11 Jagard Ice Rosie Bates 12 Pekatahi Lady Arnika Noord 13 Galaxy Black Diamond Emma Watson 14 Spot the Difference Jessie Lee 15 Mt Tulloch Master Denby Chanelle Stride 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 61 Dressage Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Pologrounds, Bennett Road, Hastings 1350 Kate Annabel Madaleine Level One Pony Test 1A Wellington 239617 Prima Donna Gem Kerr 237049 Vanace Dolce Meier 233316 Giovanni 1351 Level One Horse Test 1A Dana Sherree Joanna Ingrid Carol Taylor Arnott French Harrison Bardsley Bloomfield Jennifer 1352 Katrina Olivia Level Two Pony Test 2A Watkins 233187 Aladins Rashul Goggin 223210 Greenmoor In Sync 24356 233312 1353 Dana Tracy Victoria Shiree Nikki Sherree Mary Lorraine Michelle Henrike Rae Danelle Lucy Level Two Horse Test 2A Arnott 207886 Arrowsmith 209536 Carver 238697 Hickey 171193 Lourie 179135 French 198948 Darby 112398 Chilcott 237002 Middelberg 225962 Selfert 227532 West 204976 Phillips 204529 Robertshawe 144881 239761 233673 22787 232741 233990 236321 233698 237003 224159 233583 226370 235969 237778 1354 Willa Willa Level Three Pony 3A Aitken 226293 Kirkwood Greenlight Aitken 226293 Maxwelton Roger Rabbit 27983 231024 1355 Cindy Anna Sarah Level Three Horse Test 3A Watkins 230756 JK Legacy Williams 199575 Zak Smith Marett 224187 Tui's Minstrel 235854 231159 227157 1356 Carol Anna Chris Lucy Level Four Horse Test 4A Bloomfield 198516 Williams 199575 Paston 141295 Robertshawe 144881 231919 231159 19119 231025 22-24 October 2014 207886 198948 122694 237708 198516 200504 Alcheringa Hallie Sirocco Spice Valid Point Apatchi Lad Fan Tastic Ehoa Alcheringa Hallie Waimanu Fancy That Dennis The Menace Daisy Deamin Zabaleo Sirocco Spice Fourcees Ash Haven Mid Summers Eve Raimund Alexander M Neo Lilburne Salute Mercury Arisen Zak Smith Alluring Equestro Matilda Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 239618 233920 221066 239761 236321 238873 237709 238598 236779 62 1357 Rachel Level Five Horse Test 5A Berry 202405 Berry Rich 225044 1358 Zoe Level Six Horse Test 6A Towler 204920 Winterstern 229332 1359 Kate Annabel Madaleine Level One Pony Test 1B Wellington 239617 Prima Donna Gem Kerr 237049 Vanace Dolce Meier 233316 Giovanni 239618 233920 221066 1360 Dana Sherree Joanna Ingrid Carol Taylor Jane Level One Horse Test 1B Arnott 207886 French 198948 Harrison 122694 Bardsley 237708 Bloomfield 198516 Jennifer 200504 Hunter 236870 239761 236321 238873 237709 238598 236779 125642 1361 Katrina Olivia Annabel Level Two Pony Test 2B Watkins 233187 Aladins Rashul Goggin 223210 Greenmoor In Sync Kerr 237049 Vanace Dolce 24356 233312 233920 1362 Tracy Victoria Shiree Nikki Mary Lorraine Michelle Henrike Rae Jane Danelle Lucy Level To Horse Test 2B Arrowsmith 209536 Carver 238697 Hickey 171193 Lourie 179135 Darby 112398 Chilcott 237002 Middelberg 225962 Selfert 227532 West 204976 Hunter 236870 Phillips 204529 Robertshawe 144881 233673 22787 232741 233990 233698 237003 224159 233583 226370 125642 235969 237778 1363 Willa Level Three Pony Test 3B AItken 226293 Kirkwood Greenlight 1364 Cindy Sarah Level Thre Horse Test 3B Watkins 230756 JK Legacy Marett 224187 Tui's Minstrel 22-24 October 2014 Alcheringa Hallie Sirocco Spice Valid Point Apatchi Lad Fan Tastic Ehoa Beanie Waimanu Fancy That Dennis The Menace Daisy Deamin Zabaleo Fourcees Ash Haven Mid Summers Eve Raimund Alexander M Neo Beanie Lilburne Salute Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 27983 235854 227157 63 1365 Carol Anna Chris Willa Lucy Level Four Horse Test 4B Bloomfield 198516 Williams 199575 Paston 141295 AItken 226293 Robertshawe 144881 1366 Rachel Level Five Horse Test 5B Berry 202405 Berry Rich 225044 1367 Zoe Level six Horse Text 6B Towler 204920 Winterstern 229332 1368 Anya Georgia Ungraded Pony Test 1A Peterson 201 Tarawhiti Lad Hulls 210 Barbie 101 113 1369 Penelope Ingrid Wendy Jane Ayme Liz Anna Judy Olivia Zoe Jane Dana Ungraded Horse Test 1A Ewart 203 Bardsley 204 Mitchell 205 Patrick 206 Roff-Isaac 207 Redmond 208 Williams 199575 Jeffery 198869 Townshend 209 Towler 204920 Maxwell 211 Arnott 202 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 102 1370 Anya Georgia Ungraded Pony Test 1B Peterson 201 Tarawhiti Lad Hulls 210 Barbie 101 113 1371 Dana Penelope Wendy Jane Liz Judy Olivia Zoe Jane Ungraded Horse Test 1B Arnott 202 Ewart 203 Mitchell 205 Patrick 206 Redmond 208 Jeffery 198869 Townshend 209 Towler 204920 Maxwell 211 102 103 105 106 108 110 111 112 114 22-24 October 2014 Mercury Arisen Zak Smith Alluring Maxwelton Roger Rabbit Equestro Matilda Wairua Jubilee Aaleigha Johnny Cash Nifty Fifty Kaliente Jess Tuahu Gemma Pagan DTS Phoenician Mirage Elmbrook Rockstar Memphis Red Rupert Red Rupert Wairua Jubilee Johnny Cash Nifty Fifty Jess Pagan DTS Phoenician Mirage Elmbrook Rockstar Memphis Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 231919 231159 19119 231024 231025 64 Show Hunter - Horse Friday, 24 October 2014 Main Oval – 9.30am Judge: Christine Rowe Steward: Cathie Forde Horses and Ponies may compete in Show Hunter under the Flexi Start System, but they will not be awarded HOY Qualifying Points and they are unable to start in ANY ESNZ Show Hunter Series Classes. All other membership requirements must be met: please refer to the ESNZ Web-site for membership and registration information www.nzequestrian.org.nz Run under ESNZ Show Hunter Rules V7 2014 & ESNZ Show Hunter Equitation Series Conditions 2014. ESNZ Show Hunter Series & Horse of the Year Qualifier Show. 1400 Bk 369 268 150 288 263 192 282 188 314 164 306 344 145 266 Open Hunter 90cm Entry Astek Gravitti Bertie Betty Chantilly Dark Secret Fourcees Hukatere Irish Cream IRISH LEPRECHAUN Just Kick On Kilrenny My Fire Fly Paradox Platinum Lord Royal Flush Phillip Steiner Amie Nilsson Megan Dever Morag Robinson Sally Newall Joanna Harrison Tessa Rees Ashleigh Hall Carmyn Strawbridge Katherine Foley Sam Spence Sally Ward Cindy Dames Lisa Nichol 1401 Bk 369 268 150 288 263 228 192 282 188 314 345 306 165 231 344 340 145 Open Hunter 90cm Entry Astek Gravitti Bertie Betty Chantilly Dark Secret Finnesse Fourcees Hukatere Irish Cream IRISH LEPRECHAUN Just Kick On Meersbrooke Fire'n'Ice My Fire Fly My Gummi Bear Ngahiwi Deja Blue Paradox Pintado Taihoa Platinum Lord Phillip Steiner Amie Nilsson Megan Dever Morag Robinson Sally Newall Rachel Martin Joanna Harrison Tessa Rees Ashleigh Hall Carmyn Strawbridge Jane Ward Sam Spence Ashleigh Forde Danielle Maurer Sally Ward Meghan Walker-Cudby Cindy Dames 22-24 October 2014 229 266 329 Rewae Royal Flush Sirocco Daisy Rachel Martin Lisa Nichol Laura van Velthooven 1402 Bk 247 178 150 288 263 192 188 314 257 345 306 165 231 344 145 329 Open Hunter - 1m Entry Air Hill Squaw Valley Ballymena Betty Chantilly Dark Secret Fourcees IRISH LEPRECHAUN Just Kick On Kiwi Dula Meersbrooke Fire'n'Ice My Fire Fly My Gummi Bear Ngahiwi Deja Blue Paradox Platinum Lord Sirocco Daisy Jessie McNeil Zoe Gordon Megan Dever Morag Robinson Sally Newall Joanna Harrison Ashleigh Hall Carmyn Strawbridge Mollie Moffett Jane Ward Sam Spence Ashleigh Forde Danielle Maurer Sally Ward Cindy Dames Laura van Velthooven 1403 Bk 247 178 188 314 257 152 345 344 340 Gyro Plastics Junior Hunter High Points 1m Entry Air Hill Squaw Valley Jessie McNeil Ballymena Zoe Gordon IRISH LEPRECHAUN Ashleigh Hall Just Kick On Carmyn Strawbridge Kiwi Dula Mollie Moffett Kiwi Lansing Larina Dolman Meersbrooke Fire'n'Ice Jane Ward Paradox Sally Ward Pintado Taihoa Meghan Walker-Cudby 1404 Bk 150 288 263 228 164 165 229 329 Albany Toyota Amateur Hunter High Points1m Entry Betty Megan Dever Chantilly Morag Robinson Dark Secret Sally Newall Finnesse Rachel Martin Kilrenny Katherine Foley My Gummi Bear Ashleigh Forde Rewae Rachel Martin Sirocco Daisy Laura van Velthooven Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 65 Show Hunter - Pony 1405 NRM Junior Equitation Series - 1m Thursday, 24 October 2014 Main Oval – 9am Bk 247 178 188 257 152 345 344 340 Entry Air Hill Squaw Valley Ballymena IRISH LEPRECHAUN Kiwi Dula Kiwi Lansing Meersbrooke Fire'n'Ice Paradox Pintado Taihoa 1406 Bk 282 164 165 329 NRM Adult Equitation Series - 1m Entry Hukatere Irish Cream Tessa Rees Kilrenny Katherine Foley My Gummi Bear Ashleigh Forde Sirocco Daisy Laura van Velthooven 1407 Bk 178 152 100 345 165 329 Open Hunter High Points 1.10m Entry Ballymena Zoe Gordon Kiwi Lansing Larina Dolman Kiwi Motto Chloe Akers Meersbrooke Fire'n'Ice Jane Ward My Gummi Bear Ashleigh Forde Sirocco Daisy Laura van Velthooven 1408 Bk 178 152 Open Hunter 1.15m Entry Ballymena Kiwi Lansing Jessie McNeil Zoe Gordon Ashleigh Hall Mollie Moffett Larina Dolman Jane Ward Sally Ward Meghan Walker-Cudby Champion Show Hunter Horse Reserve Champion Show Hunter Horse 22-24 October 2014 Zoe Gordon Larina Dolman Judge: Christine Rowe Steward: Cathie Forde & Mark Nelson Run under ESNZ Show Hunter Rules V7 2014 & SHNZ ESNZ Show Hunter Equitation Series Conditions 2014. ESNZ Show Hunter Series & Horse of the Year Qualifier Show 1410 Bk 322 147 126 275 221 137 239 351 214 246 352 337 110 127 1411 Bk 303 322 147 126 275 221 137 239 131 214 246 337 110 127 Open Hunter Category A 65cm Entry Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Ladybird Emma de Lautour Little Mindy Lou Katie Bridgeman Love Joy Grace Parker Monstevos Tinkerbelle Vanessa Liley Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton Pied Piper Top Shelf Aleisha Blakeley Te Awanui Twinkle Aidan Wilkins Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr Vanishing Act Andrew McLennan Waiaruhe Jenny Aidan Wilkins Winged Foot Zara Waldin Wish Upon A Star Abe Baker Wishful Lucy Buchanan Open Hunter Category A 70cm Entry Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Ladybird Emma de Lautour Little Mindy Lou Katie Bridgeman Love Joy Grace Parker Monstevos Tinkerbelle Vanessa Liley Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton Pied Piper Top Shelf Aleisha Blakeley Triple Star Silver Shadow Phoebe Burns Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr Vanishing Act Andrew McLennan Winged Foot Zara Waldin Wish Upon A Star Abe Baker Wishful Lucy Buchanan 1412 Bk 303 126 275 221 239 214 Category A High Points 70cm Entry Camden Chat 'N' That Kate Shaw Little Mindy Lou Katie Bridgeman Love Joy Grace Parker Monstevos Tinkerbelle Vanessa Liley Pied Piper Top Shelf Aleisha Blakeley Vanace Dolce Annabel Kerr Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 66 1413 Bk 157 176 141 187 283 212 347 249 200 220 322 147 116 168 309 269 175 137 105 349 207 128 272 131 337 127 146 Open Hunter Category B 75cm Entry Alonzo Fanticy Emma Dunderdale Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory Burnt Sugar (Scrub) Bridget Haliburton Coast Spice Zana Renton Daveedo Michaela Kennedy Galaxy Touch and Go Emma Watson Giovanni Madeleine Meier Golden Shelter Monisha'ar Meihaka Hirst Goodview The Whistleblower Ruby Liardet Indianna Jive Paige Tholen Ladybird Emma de Lautour LUMACANDA Dylan Bibby Mangakaraa Ethereal Alyssa Fox Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ally Stevenson My Star Raider Lily Nilsson Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs Phoenician Smalltalk Libby Charlton Pippi Longstocking Greta Averill Showtym Liberty Madison Whitfield Summer Cloud Georgia Hulls Tamsin Lucy Buchanan Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe Triple Star Silver Shadow Phoebe Burns Winged Foot Zara Waldin Wishful Lucy Buchanan World Finesse Ffion Davis 1414 Bk 157 176 141 187 283 212 347 249 200 220 116 168 309 269 175 105 349 207 128 272 131 337 146 Open Category B 80cm Entry Alonzo Fanticy Emma Dunderdale Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory Burnt Sugar (Scrub) Bridget Haliburton Coast Spice Zana Renton Daveedo Michaela Kennedy Galaxy Touch and Go Emma Watson Giovanni Madeleine Meier Golden Shelter Monisha'ar Meihaka Hirst Goodview The Whistleblower Ruby Liardet LUMACANDA Dylan Bibby Mangakaraa Ethereal Alyssa Fox Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ally Stevenson My Star Raider Lily Nilsson Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs Pippi Longstocking Greta Averill Showtym Liberty Madison Whitfield Summer Cloud Georgia Hulls Tamsin Lucy Buchanan Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe Triple Star Silver Shadow Phoebe Burns Winged Foot Zara Waldin World Finesse Ffion Davis 22-24 October 2014 1415 Bk 157 176 283 212 347 249 200 116 168 309 269 175 105 207 128 131 146 1416 Bk 141 177 149 187 323 174 236 145 372 258 348 272 182 146 Burger King Category B High Points 80cm Entry Alonzo Fanticy Emma Dunderdale Ataahua Classique Tess Gordon Coast Spice Zana Renton Daveedo Michaela Kennedy Galaxy Touch and Go Emma Watson Giovanni Madeleine Meier Golden Shelter Monisha'ar Meihaka Hirst LUMACANDA Dylan Bibby Mangakaraa Ethereal Alyssa Fox Maxwellton Dashing Dougall Ally Stevenson My Star Raider Lily Nilsson Our Kiwi Nugget Ben Gibbs Pippi Longstocking Greta Averill Summer Cloud Georgia Hulls Tamsin Lucy Buchanan Triple Star Silver Shadow Phoebe Burns World Finesse Ffion Davis Open Hunter Category C 80cm Entry Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory Ballerina Tess Gordon Bridie Milly Dever Burnt Sugar (Scrub) Bridget Haliburton Cortaflex Libby Pops Gift Tristan Thomas Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs Half Pie Sarah McKinnon Harley Farley Molly Goodisson La Premiere Elizabeth Brooke Cameron Piripi Will Moffett Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield World Finesse Ffion Davis 1417 Bk 177 149 323 212 347 249 236 145 258 109 182 146 NRM Pony Rider Equitation Series 80cm Entry Ballerina Tess Gordon Bridie Milly Dever Cortaflex Libby Pops Gift Tristan Thomas Daveedo Michaela Kennedy Galaxy Touch and Go Emma Watson Giovanni Madeleine Meier Half Pie Sarah McKinnon Harley Farley Molly Goodisson Piripi Will Moffett Red Baron Ike Baker Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield World Finesse Ffion Davis Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 67 1418 Bk 141 177 323 174 236 145 153 258 348 272 182 146 1419 Bk 177 323 174 236 145 153 258 348 272 182 146 Open Category C 90cm max Entry Baileys On Ice Georgia Coory Ballerina Tess Gordon Cortaflex Libby Pops Gift Tristan Thomas Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs Half Pie Sarah McKinnon Harley Farley Molly Goodisson LIZZIE McGUIRE Sinead Dolman Piripi Will Moffett Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield World Finesse Ffion Davis Aniwell Category C High Points 90cm Entry Ballerina Tess Gordon Cortaflex Libby Pops Gift Tristan Thomas Foxden's Shiraz Ginny Gibbs Half Pie Sarah McKinnon Harley Farley Molly Goodisson LIZZIE McGUIRE Sinead Dolman Piripi Will Moffett Prima Donna Gem Kate Wellington Totem Girl Hannah O'Keeffe Tui Surprise Ariana Hadfield World Finesse Ffion Davis 1420 Bk 177 174 236 145 153 Open Hunter 1m Max Entry Ballerina Foxden's Shiraz Half Pie Harley Farley LIZZIE McGUIRE Tess Gordon Ginny Gibbs Sarah McKinnon Molly Goodisson Sinead Dolman Champion Show Hunter Pony Reserve Champion Show Hunter Pony 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 68 Donkeys In Hand Donkey Section will be judged on conformation and action. Geldings are to be judged on an equal basis with jennies and jacks. Champion & Reserve Champion In Hand Donkey to be judged from first place getters in Classes 1942, 1943 & 1944. Champion & Reserve Champion Performance Donkey awarded on points system. Champion & Reserve Champion Harness Donkey awarded on points system. In Hand Donkey Thursday, 23 October 2014 Ring 4 (off Elwood Road) – 10am Judge: Heather Grant 1940 Best Presented Donkey and Handler Entry Biggles of Mamaku Susan Rogerson Clovercrest Starbuck Shelley Pender Cotswold Billy Bob Andrea Thomson Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson Pemberton Portia Andrea Thomson Pemberton Violetta Andrea Thomson 278 Penrichstar Jasmine Shelley Pender Valroa Gem Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1941 Novice Donkey Entry Biggles of Mamaku Penrichstar Jasmine Valroa Gem Susan Rogerson Shelley Pender Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1942 Jenny, Jack or Gelding (2yrs and under) Entry Penrichstar Jasmine Shelley Pender 1943 Open Jenny (3yrs and over) Entry Ashley Park Hermia Pemberton Violetta Andrea Thomson Andrea Thomson 1944 Open Jack or Gelding (3yrs and over) Bk Entry Biggles of Mamaku Susan Rogerson Clovercrest Starbuck Shelley Pender Cotswold Billy Bob Andrea Thomson Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson 1950 Ridden Donkey Entry Clovercrest Starbuck Pemberton Alfredo Pemberton Portia Valroa Gem Shelley Pender Andrea Thomson Andrea Thomson Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1951 Donkey In Hand Performance Challenge Entry Biggles of Mamaku Susan Rogerson Clovercrest Starbuck Shelley Pender Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson Penrichstar Jasmine Shelley Pender Valroa Gem Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1952 Bending Race Entry Biggles of Mamaku Clovercrest Starbuck Pemberton Alfredo Pemberton Portia Penrichstar Jasmine Valroa Gem Susan Rogerson Shelley Pender Andrea Thomson Andrea Thomson Shelley Pender Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1953 Pattern - triangle pattern Entry Biggles of Mamaku Susan Rogerson Clovercrest Starbuck Shelley Pender Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson Penrichstar Jasmine Shelley Pender Valroa Gem Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1954 Jumping Entry Clovercrest Starbuck Pemberton Alfredo Pemberton Portia Penrichstar Jasmine Valroa Gem Shelley Pender Andrea Thomson Andrea Thomson Shelley Pender Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1955 Long Reigning Entry Clovercrest Starbuck Pemberton Alfredo Valroa Gem Shelley Pender Andrea Thomson Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie Champion Performance Donkey Reserve Champion Performance Donkey Champion In Hand Donkey Reserve Champion In Hand Donkey Performance Section Donkey 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show 69 Mounted Games Harness Donkey Section Wednesday, 22 October 2014 Thursday, 23 October 2014 Black Ring, Karamu Road Paddock Briefing – 8.30am 1960 Best paced Donkey in Harness Entry Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson Valroa Gem Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1961 Driven Donkey Challenge Entry Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson Valroa Gem Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1962 Driven Pattern, Donkeys Entry Pemberton Alfredo Andrea Thomson Valroa Gem Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie 1963 Cone Course Entry Pemberton Alfredo Valroa Gem Andrea Thomson Amy Blok/ Janet Ritchie Champion Harness Donkey Reserve Champion Harness Donkey Judge: To be confirmed Ages are at 1 July 2014 Classes may be combined depending on entries 1900 Open (any age) Entry Hone Heke Magic 159 Norfolk Enchants Ritchie Rocky Tawney Tinkerbell 1901 Under 17 years Entry Sammy Claudia Wiltshire Isaac Chandler-Williams Kimmy Earnshaw Annabelle Harman Amy Wiltshire Sarah Farnsworth Emma Wiltshire Mauhana Babbington 1902 Seniors (17 years plus) Entry Isla Isaac Chandler-Williams Norfolk Enskill Kimmy Earnshaw 1904 Under 14 years Entry Blodwyn Merry Legs 1905 Minis (under 12 years) Glynmerlyn Fine Chance Marco 22-24 October 2014 Hawke’s Bay A&P Show Siena Harrison Olivia Brooks-Hore Karys Ramsay Rylee Mason 70
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