4 Days / 1 Venue / 250+ Artists / theartistproject.com Explore Art Discover Talent From seasoned collectors and first-time art buyers, to gallery dealers and interior designers, visitors can explore and discover works of art from over 250 top contemporary artists from Canada and abroad. This is a unique opportunity to meet and buy art directly from artists at Toronto’s most celebrated contemporary art fair. The Artist Project celebrates its 7th year with another exciting show from February 20 to 23, 2014 at the Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place, Toronto. Top 5 Things to See at The Artist Project 1. SET SAIL Artist Competition Think nautical: wind, water, cruising! This year, artists are challenged to create a work of art based on their interpretation of the theme SET SAIL! Vote for your favourite entry for a chance to win a cruise for two! presented by 2. SONY 7 Studio 1 To celebrate the 7th year of the fair, SONY invited 7 photographers to create dynamic works of art using the latest full-frame compact system camera, the SONY A7. These photographs will be displayed in an exhibition of 7 LCD panels. presented by 3. Installation Zone 2 Art in public spaces has a way of altering its surrounding environment. Explore installations, large-scale sculpture, and conceptual art and discover how art expands and transforms liminal spaces throughout the show. 4. UNTAPPED Emerging Artists Competition Discover a Rising Star! The Artist Project supports the development of young, emerging artists in a dedicated feature space. Selected from hundreds of applications, 20 of the country’s best up-and-coming artists are invited to showcase their work for free. 4 5. Why We Ink Exhibit Why We Ink is dedicated to celebrate those with memorial and survival tattoos for cancer. A special exhibition of photographs reveals the stories and lives of those affected. 5 3 Opening Night Party Presented by Thursday, February 20 7–11 pm Art Walks Enjoy a spectacular night of hot art, small bites and cocktails at the Opening Night Party. With a SET SAIL theme, this event is a nod to the retro-nautical look of the 1940s. Get an airbrush tattoo by Black Line Studios, enjoy music by DJ Vinny Grüvhunter and DJ J-Lah, check out Fashion Performance: MeU! See the show through a different lens! Guided tours explore what inspires artists. Return any day for free! Pick up a re-admit slip before you leave. A portion of this night’s ticket sales will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society support services on behalf of Why We Ink. Art Walks are complimentary with admission and last approximately 20 minutes. Sign up at the Information Desk. Space is subject to availability. This is a 19+ event. Tour times Friday 2:30pm & 4:30pm Saturday & Sunday 12:30pm, 2:30pm & 4:30pm Entrance Installation Caterers & Party Supporters What does it mean to say “I’m Sorry”? I’m Only Human, a large-scale installation by Labspace Studio, examines the loaded language of regret using 100 golden, letter-shaped balloons. New! The Magazine Lounge Kid Space Food & Drink Relax in this Coffee Bar featuring our favourite Art & Culture publications! Let your kids create their own mini masterpieces with FELTRO in this kid-friendly zone. Open to children of all ages, area unsupervised. Full service restaurant provided at the Art Bistro. Light snacks and refreshments are also available in The Art Lounge and The Magazine Lounge. Features Italian furniture by PLANK and moss graffiti by Sprout Guerilla. Art Chats This popular discussion series offers a range of engaging talks hosted by leading art and design experts. Friday, February 21 6–7 pm Saturday, February 22 2–3 pm Sunday, February 23 1–2 pm From the Art Experts: Starting an Art Collection OCAD Alumni: Navigating the Contemporary World Success as an Artist: What is it? And How to Get There? Dr. Vladimir Spicanovic Leah Sandals Dr. Vladimir Spicanovic, Artist and Dean of Art at OCAD University, interviews and engages in a lively exchange with four recent OCAD University alumni to hear what they are doing now! This group of graduates will present their recent work and discuss their art practices in the context of contemporary culture shaped by new technology, social media and hyper aesthetic images. Success as an artist can be difficult to define. Is it simply finding the time to produce work, which can be an accomplishment in itself? Is it selling artworks, and if so to what extent? Is it garnering media attention? Leah Sandals, the online editor of Canadian Art magazine, joins a panel of artists in discussing these questions and exploring how their answers may change over time. Saturday, February 22 4–5 pm Sunday, February 23 3–4 pm The Art of the Portrait Steve Carty Considering Canada Sara Angel Celebrated portrait photographer Steve Carty offers insight into his photographic practice and the storytelling nature of portraiture. His modern, honest approach captures his subjects in a moment of time and reveals raw moments of beauty, depth, and truth. For anyone interested in understanding the history of making and collecting art in Canada, Sara Angel, Executive Director of The Art Canada Institute, addresses how to get a handle on the story of this country’s visual culture. She shares insights about what to consider when setting out to learn and collect both historical and contemporary Canadian art. Why are Damien Hirst’s work priced in the millions and other artists in the thousands? A panel of arts professionals offer insights and expert tips on how to start an art collection and buy art as investment. By the end of the panel discussion, you will be a savvy collector. Panel includes: Dr. Sarah Diamond, President, OCAD University Stephen Ranger, Vice President, Waddington’s Auctioneers Powell MacDougall, Gallery Dealer Isa Spalding, Art Consultant Natalie Ribkoff, Art Advisor Moderator: Vandana Taxali The Art Chats series are complimentary with admission. Space is subject to availability. 10 Works $500 & Under For more information on the artists visit theartistproject.com/artist-gallery 3 2 6 1. Elizabeth Lennie, Family, 2013 Oil on canvas, 8” x 8” $250 5 2. Alexander Eros Rocco, The Walk, 2008 Photograph on fibre silk paper, 10” x 15” $250 3. Juliana Kolesova, Play 16, 2013 Photograph, 15” x 15” $450 4. Adrienne Dagg, The Gossip II, 2013 Oil on linen, 10” x 10” $500 5. Mike McDonnell, Black Coffee, 2013 Pen and ink drawing, 11” x 17” $400 6. Dana Filibert, Bison, 2013 Repurposed objects, carved foam, epoxy, paint, 8” x 8” x 6” $350 8 7. Gwynne Giles, Bump, 2012 Acrylic on canvas, 16” x 20” $400 8. Maureen O’ Connor, Evening Light, 2012 Photograph, 16” x 20” $500 9. Janette Hayhoe, Asparagus Bagged, 2013 Oil on panel, 12” x 12” $500 9 10 10. Louis Cohen, Leisure, 2010 Archival ink & paper, 12.5" x 12.5" $300 Exhibitors A. collage drawing digital media encaustic glass installation mixed media oils & Acrylic Pastels photography printmaking sculpture textile UNTAPPED WATERCOLOUR C. Birksted, Mark markbirksted.com 522 Caballero, Antonio 141 Agensky, Harry Kingston, ON antoniocaballero.weebly.com artist-portfolio.net/hagensky Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 315 Bissonnette, Elizabeth elizabeth-bissonnette.com U-18 Cade, Stella 422 Ahnert, Richard Limoges, ON stellacadeart.tumblr.com mycanvas.ca Toronto, ON 319 Bittner, Thomas Toronto, ON thomasbittner.net 440 Carruthers, Vicki 705 Albano, RachelBuffalo, NY vickicarruthers.com rachelalbano.com Aurora, ON Elora, ON 700 Blakey, Lauren laurenblakey.com 537 Castonguay, Gabrielle S. 821 Albert, Chris Toronto, ON gabriellescastonguay.com chrisalbert.com Montreal, QC Toronto, ON I-5 Bowie, D’Andrea dandreabowie.com 919 Catalano, Matthew 929 Allion, Carlo Toronto, ON matthewcatalano.com carloallion.com Toronto, ON Oshawa, ON 205 Boyer, George ontariosocietyofartists.org 521 Chan-Dow, Elaine 305 Aram, Dara /georgeboyer elainechandow.com daraaram.webs.com Newmarket, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 316 Brohier, Russell 633 Archibald, Debra russellbrohier.com 812 Chang, Soo schangfineart.com debraarchibald.com Toronto, ON Downers Grove, IL Toronto, ON 306 Bromm, Jesse 724 Charles, Nicole 973 Armstrong, Erinbromm.ca nicoledcharles.com saatchionline.com/armstrong.e Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 341 Brown, Paul U-1 Arnold, Krista paulbrowngallery.com 124 Chmilar, Steven stevechmilar.com kristaarnold.tumblr.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON Aurora, ON 514 Browne, Jeremy 940 Cho, Eunah 507 Azhari, Imam jeremybrownestudios.com choeunart.com imamazhari.com Brampton, ON Richmond Hill, ON Toronto, ON 909 Brydon, JoEllen B. joellenbrydon.com 613 Christensen, Peer peerchristensen.com Cavan, ON Peterborough, ON 239 Barelkowski, Peter peterbarelkowski.com 930 Burden, Suzanne Toronto, ON suzanneburden.ca 541 Chung, Peter peterchungart.com Peterborough, ON Stouffville, ON 818 Barrer, Brian brianbarrer.com 907 Burgoyne, Paul Barrie, ON burgoynefineart.com 118 Cohen, Louis louiscohen.ca Vancouver, BC Toronto, ON U-4 Belanger, Bryan caughtincandy.com 609 Burns, Bill Toronto, ON burnsfineart.com 435 Colangelo, Adam adamcolangelo.com Oshawa, ON Toronto, ON 105 Bergeron, Marie-Josée mariejoseebergeron.com 322 Busher, Ian 339 Colbert, Janice Laval, QC ianbusher.com janicecolbert.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 401 Besedina, Tanya besedina.com 240 Colden, Jane Toronto, ON janecolden.com Kingston, ON I-3 Exhibitors collage drawing digital media encaustic glass installation mixed media oils & Acrylic Pastels photography printmaking sculpture textile UNTAPPED WATERCOLOUR 704 Collier, Gabriella 931 Davis, Sheila gabriellacollier.com sheiladavis.ca Oakville, ON Beaverton, ON 120 Cooperman, Dani facebook.com/ danicoopermanart Toronto, ON 936 Espina, Melissa melissaespina.com Toronto, ON F. 535 Dawson, David 126 Fabian, Justin daviddawson.ca Gravenhurst, ON justinfabian.com Kitchener, ON 505 DeLuca, Linda lindadeluca77.com 119 Farache, Eric U-13 Corkey, Tonya tonyacorkey.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON ericfarache.com Toronto, ON 614 Di Leo, Sandra sandradileoart.com 540 Farquhar, Susan 503 Côté, Claudia claudiacote.com Toronto, ON susanfarquhar.ca Quebec, QC Toronto, ON 202 Ding, Tina 640 Cowan, Maura tinadart.ca mauracowan.com Toronto, ON 906 Filiatrault, Lisabel lisabelfiliatrault.com Montreal, QC Mississauga, ON 439 Cowie, Ellen 509 Drage, Robyn robyndrage.com I-1 U-5 Drain, Alea aleadrain.com Toronto, ON artincanada.com Peterborough, ON Crombach, Nicholas nicholascrombach.com Toronto, ON 534 Crowley, Erin Vancouver, BC 912 Droug, Anya isabellafrancesco.com Toronto, ON 525 Duff, Andrew 830 Croxford, Rob werdna.org 738 Culic, Laura lauraculic.com Toronto, ON U-3 Curci, Alex alexcurci.com Thornhill, ON 219 Czub, Joanna joannaczub.ca Toronto, ON D. 414 Dagg, Adrienne adriennedagg.com Toronto, ON 736 Franke, Sandra sandrafranke.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON E. 235 Eekhoff, Paul pauleekhoffpicturelab.com Newmarket, ON 412 Elia, Paul floydelzinga.com Beamsville, ON 255 Fuhr, Maya mayafuhr.com Toronto, ON G. 802 Game, Robert robertgame.ca paulelia.ca Hamilton, ON 712 Elzinga, Floyd 605 Fischer, Peter peterfischer.ca Dundas, ON 926 Francesco, Isabella anyadroug.com acornnatural.com Toronto, ON Lakefield, ON robcroxford.com Toronto, ON 214 Filibert, Dana danafilibert.com Shelburne Falls, MA 437 Emmanuel, Richard Toronto, ON U-10 Gano, Noah noahgano.com Thornhill, ON gemscapestour.com 130 Giasson, Antoine Woodbridge, ON antoinegiasson.com Montreal, QC 227 Enchin, Harry 703Dage torontomomentsintime.com dagearts.com Carignan, QC Toronto, ON jerredavidsonglass.com Alma, ON 112 Giles, Gwynne gwynnegiles.com Toronto, ON 716 Engelberg, Randy 813 Davidson, Jerrerandyengelberg.com 138 Gillberry, Stephen Halifax, NS 241 Enzi, Jason enziart.com Orono, ON gillberry.com Cobourg, ON 722 Glazer, Harv harv.ca Toronto, ON 117 Harris, Deborah618 Hough, Tim deborahharris.ca timhough.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 933 Gleberzon, Mark 212 Harris, Patti Toronto, ON J. pattiharris.com Fort Erie, ON 634 Jeffrey, Catherine catherinejeffreystudio.com 939 Goral, Peter G. Dundas, ON behance.net/pgg 326 Harris, Elizabeth Dundas, ON harrisandfarmwurx.ca Vancouver, BC I-8 Jodoin-Eng, Camille camillejodoineng. 625 Gordon, Duane wordpress.com duanegordon.com 427 Harvey, Brian Toronto, ON Montreal, QC brianharvey.ca Toronto, ON 419Gosia 231 Jones, Darren gosia.ca darrencjones.com 334 Hawkins, Julie Toronto, ON Chicago, IL juliehawkins.ca Woodstock, ON I-6 Gough, Jennifer 402 Jones, Stewart mindseyestudioart.com stewartjones.ca 312 Hayhoe, Janette Kitchener, ON janettehayhoe.com Toronto, ON Guelph, ON 336 Grace, Kelly 810 Jouan, Anne-Yvonne kellective.com ayjouan.com I-12 Hejazi, Samar Toronto, ON Quebec, QC samarhejazi.com Toronto, ON 727 Greenson, Iaian K. iaiangreenson.com 841 Hemeon, Lisa Toronto, ON 732 Kalman, Audry lisahemeon.com Toronto, ON audrykalman.com Toronto, ON U-12 Groeneweg, Jonathan jonathangroeneweg.com 426 Hessel, Dieter Toronto, ON dieterhessel.com 608 Karavos, Mary Toronto, ON karavosart.com Guelph, ON 106 Grospic, Vlad Toronto, ON U-8 Higgins-Stirrup, Brynn brynnhigginsstirrup.com 641 Karmakar, Supria 630 Grossman, Marni Toronto, ON supriakarmakar.com marnigrossman.com Elora, ON Toronto, ON 340 Hillock, Sarah sarahhillock.com 116 Kawarsky, Karen karenkawarsky.com U-11 Gusta, NatashaToronto, ON Toronto, ON natashagusta.com East Selkirk, MB 206 Himel, Julie juliehimel.com 209 Kay, Laird Toronto, ON thelairdco.com 236 Guy, Jeremy Toronto, ON jeremy-guy.com Caledon East, ON 407 Hirano, Rose rosehirano.ca 127 Kearsley, Emily Richmond Hill, ON emilykearsleyart. H. wordpress.com Stouffville, ON 234 Hacker, Julia 740 Hirschberg, Martin juliahackerart.com martinhirschbergartist.com Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON 707 Keast, Bill paintingsbykeast.ca Belleville, ON I-11 Hamlyn, Noelle107 Hornbostel, Bill noellehamlyn.com billhornbostelphotography.com Mississauga, ON Port Hope, ON 318 Kim, Christine christinekim.ca 327 Hardinge, Elizabeth 709 Horrocks, Tiffany Toronto, ON elizabethhardinge.com guelphgoogenheim.com Toronto, ON Guelph, ON Exhibitors d The Magazine LOUNGE FURNITURE BY PLANK 941 939 937 935 933 931 929 927 925 923 I-13 Kim, Christine & Ganesharajah, Vanathy christinekim.ca Toronto, ON 917 King, Gillian 940 841 936 837 934 835 930 831 926 827 922 823 840 741 836 737 834 735 830 731 826 727 822 723 gillianking.com Gatineau, QC 826 Kingsmill, Niki nikikingsmill.com Burlington, ON 237 Kirouac, Tanya tanyakirouac.com Toronto, ON g first aid 740 738 736 732 728 641 639 637 633 629 724 722 627 625 623 337 Klassen, Lori loriklassen.com Toronto, ON U-15 Koh, KiSung 640 541 636 537 634 533 630 529 626 525 622 521 534 435 530 431 526 427 522 423 kisungkoh.com Toronto, ON 418 Kolesova, Juliana 540 538 536 441 439 437 601 Koukos, Tony tonykoukos.com Toronto, ON 440 438 436 341 339 337 julianakolesova.com Richmond Hill, ON 430 331 426 327 422 323 639 Kutishcheva, Anna mahnart.com Oakville, ON 340 L. 241 239 237 336 334 235 330 231 326 227 322 225 223 916 Labossière, Robert robertlabossiere.com Toronto, ON 218 Ladrón de Guevara, Lulu findlulu.ca Toronto, ON 240 236 234 230 226 222 141 137 133 129 127 125 130 126 124 122 120 123 925 Lai-Pollastrone, Amey ameylai.com Woodbridge, ON 133 Lajoie, Patrick patricklajoie.com Caledon, ON 142 138 134 o SET SAIL ARTIST COMPETITION presented by 701 Lasporte, Gabrielle bygabrielle.com Toronto, ON 300 Latourt, Diana Rosa dianaartist.ca Brampton, ON d THE ART LOUNGE décor by 3Design SONY 7 STUDIO presented by 919 915 913 911 909 917 920 821 916 817 818 719 906 807 912 813 814 715 903 907 812 713 902 803 $ Canadian Art 901 900 801 R INSTALLATION ZONE 810 806 802 800 709 707 705 703 701 Untapped Emerging artists competition 716 619 617 712 708 704 702 700 613 609 605 603 601 618 519 614 515 612 513 608 509 518 419 514 415 512 413 510 409 414 412 315 313 410 309 406 402 400 307 305 303 301 318 316 314 312 308 306 304 302 300 219 213 209 207 205 203 201 218 216 214 212 208 206 204 202 200 119 117 115 113 109 107 105 ART BISTRO 604 602 600 507 505 503 501 ART CHATS 418 319 217 506 407 502 403 500 401 WHY WE INK exhibit 101 Kid SPACE with feltro 118 116 114 112 110 106 104 100 I'm Only Human Installation, Labspace Studio e information social media wall $ entrance d $ R o COAT CHECK Exhibitors I-2 Lavrentieva, Svetlana svetlanalavrentieva. carbonmade.com Toronto, ON 501 Lee, Ka-sing leekasing.com Toronto, ON 823 Lennie, Elizabeth collage drawing digital media encaustic glass installation mixed media oils & Acrylic Pastels photography printmaking sculpture textile UNTAPPED WATERCOLOUR 441 McKinney, Amanda 506 Niezen, Rob manmckinney.blogspot.com robniezen.com Mount Hope, ON Douro, ON 114 McLennan, Peter 626 Nöel, Noëlla galleryinprint.com bayhausgallery.com North York, ON 137 McLorn Valle, Mary 518 Norberg, Christina marymv.com elizabethlennie.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 308 McNeely, Julia 500 Leonard, Lynn juliamcneely.com Prince Edward County, ON christinanorberg.com Vancouver, BC 323 Normand, Pascal lynnleonard.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON rustiquedesign.ca Montreal, QC 510 Lewis, Peter I-10 McPhee, Nancy Anne 934 Novak, Michael 513 Mendlowitz, Michelle O. peterlewisgallery.com St. John’s, NL 301 Lin, Jessica jessicalin.ca Toronto, ON 314 Liva, Sabine sabstudios.com Toronto, ON nancyannemcphee.com Hamilton, ON michellemendlowitz.com Toronto, ON 600 Middleton, Sandy M. 208 MacGillivray, Sandra Peterborough, ON 719 Mackay, Ian imackay.ca Toronto, ON 623 O’Connor, Maureen Toronto, ON middletonfolio.viewbook.com 935 Oreshyna, Olga St. Catharines, ON olga66.wordpress.com Ajax, ON 436 Mills, Catherine 530 Lobban, Malcolm catherinemillsartist.com lobbanphotography.com Toronto, ON gmichaelnovak.com Knowlton, QC Whitby, ON 927 Monk, Todd toddmonk.com Toronto, ON 122 Mori, Julia juliamori.com Oakville, ON U-7 Morton, Ella ellamorton.com 536 MacLean, JamieToronto, ON artistsincanada.com/jmaclean Toronto, ON 941 Mousa, Lubna lubnamousa.com Toronto, ON 526 Martin, Sandra sandramartinpaintings.com Guelph, ON 800 Mravyan, Valeria studiovalery.ca Kleinburg, ON 822 McCauley, Eva evamccauley.com Kitchener, ON 837 Musa, Musa artbymusa.org Woodbridge, ON 903 McCaw, Donald Ian mbafabrications.com Brampton, ON N. 735 Ortega, Jose joseortega.com Toronto, ON P. 806 Pallafray, Philippe pallafray.com Quebec, QC 207 Pan, Yang Yang yangyangpan.com Markham, ON 203 Pappas, Jeannie jeanniepappas.com Toronto, ON 602 Park, Jangmee jangmeepark.com Mississauga, ON 110 Parow, Lorraine scribbleography.ca Etobicoke, ON 104 Paterson, James Meaford, ON 216 McDonnell, Mike 125 Nahmias, Jordan 637 Pedroso, Armando mikemcdonnellart.com jordannahmias.com armandopedroso.com Thornhill, ON Toronto, ON Chicago, IL 840 McFadden, Diana Richmond Hill, ON 538 Neish, Frances francesneish.com Toronto, ON 201 Peycha, Andrew andrewpeycha.com Collingwood, ON 702 Phelan, Rundi 200 Rodin, Samantha I-14 Schklar, Lois rundiphelan.com samantharodin.com drawigncenter.org/ Toronto, ON Stouffville, ON viewingprogram Toronto, ON 519 Popadiuk, Lori 922 Roman, Theodora theodoraroman.com loripop.com U-19 Schleimer, Joanna Burlington, ON Vancouver, BC joannaschleimer.com Toronto, ON 817 Prada, Nadine 723 Rondeau, Emilie emilierondeau.com thepradagallery.com 142 Schneider, Olaf Rivière-Ouelle, QC Toronto, ON olaf.ca Toronto, ON 731 Preece, Christina 431 Rothstein, Erin christinapreece.com erinrothstein.com 803 Schumacher, Lynne Kitchener, ON Toronto, ON lynneschumacher.com Brampton, ON 622 Prouse, Rod 835 Roy, Robert P. rodprouse.com robertproyart.com 409 Sears, Karli Tiny, ON Kirkland, QC karlisearsglass.com Guelph, ON 900 Pryhodko, Svitlana I-9 RW / BC svitlanaart.com themovingworld.tumblr.com 920 Sehgal, Sarika Mississauga, ON Canada & USA sarikasehgal.com Toronto, ON R. 715 Ryan, Carol carolryanfineart.com U-14 Sehmbi, Niki Oak Park, IL 331 Raab, George nikisehmbi.blogspot.com Toronto, ON georgeraab.com Millbrook, ON S. 604 Sekaric Shex, Dragan shexart.com 309 Rankin, Margaret 515 Saari, Paul Toronto, ON magprint.etsy.com paulsaari.com Toronto, ON Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON 627 Shahrzad, Apama apamashahrzad.com 226 Rasko, Wesley U-6 Salehi, Shay Toronto, ON wnrglass.com shaysalehi.ca Calgary, AB Mississauga, ON 406 Shane, Tammy tammyshane.com 222 Rdest, Aleksandra 728 Sampson, Joe Kingston, ON aleksrdest.com sampsonstudio.com Toronto, ON Mississauga, ON 831 Reid, Dale M. 415 Sandbrook, Samantha dalemreidphotography.com Toronto, ON samanthasandbrook.com Toronto, ON 814 Richards, Lori 115 Sauvé, Renaud loririchards.ca Kingston, ON ateliersdescentans.com Irlande, QC 100 Rioux, Paul-Emile 902 Schaefer, Jameson landcuts.com Montreal, QC 923 Ritschel, Ronny ronnyritschel.com Ottawa, ON 129 Robitaille, Eric galeric.com Montreal, QC 223 Rocco, Alexander Eros alexanderrocco.com Toronto, ON Port Colborne, ON 302 Sherman, Judy shermanj.com Aurora, ON 113 Shields, Sara sarashields.com Aurora, ON 430 Shuster, Jodi jodishuster.com Toronto, ON 713 Schaman, Katrina 423 Shuter, Samara katrinaschaman.com samshuter.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 807 Scheffer, Danielle 913 Singh, Vin daniellescheffer.com Hemmingford, QC vinsingh.com Woodbridge, ON U-17 Scherzinger, Claire clairescherzinger.com Toronto, ON 413 Skantzos, Laurie laurieskantzos.com Guelph, ON Exhibitors collage drawing digital media encaustic glass installation mixed media oils & Acrylic Pastels photography printmaking sculpture textile UNTAPPED WATERCOLOUR 101 Smalley, Mike 134 Tichauer, Eileen mikesmalley-art.com eileentichauer.com Toronto, ON Toronto, ON 307 Westcott, Carol 230 Smith, Mike mikesmith.ca Cobourg, ON 911 Tiessen, Josh 512 Wilson Smith, Cheryl 213 Spaulding, Alexandra P. 313 Tippin, Steven 403 Winters, Lorne noisefornothing.com Buffalo, NY joshtiessen.com Stoney Creek, ON steventippin.com Wellesley, ON carolwestcott.ca Toronto, ON cherylwilsonsmith.com Red Lake, ON lornewinters.com Mississauga, ON I-4 Sprout Guerilla123 Tourikian, Michelle sproutguerilla.com michelletourikian.com Toronto, ON Richmond Hill, ON U-2 Woodward, David 827 St-Amant, Daniel U-9 Tremblay, Joani danielstamant.com joanitremblay.com Toronto, ON Montreal, QC Y. davidwoodward.ca Toronto, ON 741Yau, Stephen andreastajanferkul.com Mississauga, ON 438 Tuluoglu, Zahide saatchionline.com/zahide Toronto, ON stephenyau.com Richmond Hill, ON I-7 915 Turner, Jeff 619Ykema, Janice janiceykema.ca Hamilton, ON 303 Stajan-Ferkul, Andrea Stanford, Kim kimstanford.com Toronto, ON 617 Suaznabar, Marcelo marcelosuaznabar.com Aurora, ON T. jeffturnerphoto.com Toronto, ON V. 304 van den Enden, Katja katjavandenenden.blogspot.com Newmarket, ON Z. U-16 Zantingh, Rebekah rebekahzantingh.com Toronto, ON 410Zarowsky, Micheal zarowsky.net 636 Taggart, Rachel603 Vandenieuwegiessen, Toronto, ON racheltaggart.com Lucinda Toronto, ON saatchionline.com/ 708Zeitz, Jennifer vandenieuwegiessen jenniferzeitz.com Toronto, ON 834 Tapajna, Stephen Toronto, ON stephentapajna.com Toronto, ON 330 Vander Vennen, Alice 629ZoneLoQ alicevandervennen.ca zoneloq.ca Cobourg, ON Blainville, QC 204 Taylor, Silvia silviataylor.ca Toronto, ON I-15 Vanova, Apollonia 529ZurAdi apolloniavanova.com adizurart.com Garibaldi Highlands, BC Thornhill, ON 400 Taylor, Tony tonytaylorart.com Toronto, ON 109 Veenstra, Julia juliaveenstra.com Hamilton, ON 612 Taylor, Karen karentaylorart.com Toronto, ON 502 Visser, John johnvisserart.com Toronto, ON 801 Taylor, Kate katetaylorstudio.com Hamilton, ON W. 737 ten Hove, Beth bethtenhoveart.com Kingston, ON 217 Walsh, Brad visuphoria.ca Toronto, ON U-20 Testa, Andrew 836 Ward, Megan andrewtestaart.blogspot.ca Maple, ON megward.ca Bridgenorth, ON Hours & Admission VIP Program Opening Night Party $25 Many thanks to the following generous contributors who have committed to purchasing art at this year’s show through our VIP Program. PRESENTED BY CIBC Thursday 7–11 pm (Restricted to 19+) Friday 12–8 pm Saturday 11 am–8 pm Sunday 11 am–6 pm Adults $15 Seniors & Students $10 Children under 12 free Discounted tickets online at theartistproject.com Free re-admission Before you leave, pick up a re-admit slip and return any day for free! Arnold & Dianne Rubinoff Artzila.com Brian Pollard Chris Van Lierop & Tim Wisener GZ International Inc. Heather Laidlaw Henry Less & Sissy Federer-Less Jean Pickering Jeremy Tabarrok, JTWealth.ca John T. Drake Lisa Di Battista, flintdesign.ca Marawan & Alexandra El-Asfahani Meredith Millar Michael Chorr Patricia Hinton Rae White LLB Rob LePage & Jill Stewart Rob Newman & Beth MacKinnon Ronnie & Shana Strauss Sarah Gray Tracy Gaffney Van Dop Gallery We’re excited to announce that Uber, the app that connects you with a driver at the tap of a button, will be offering new users their first ride free, up to $30, to or from The Artist Project! Sign up online at Uber.com/go/ArtistProject14 using the code ArtistProject14. Sponsors Sponsors Opening Night Sponsor Charitable Partners Show Partners Media Partners Lulu Ladrón de Guevara, Touching Snow, 2013 Acrylic and mylar on wood panel, 30″ x 30″ x 4″ theartistproject.com #theartistproject Produced by
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