New Jersey Branch INTERNATIONAL DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION presents The Twenty-Ninth Annual FALL CONFERENCE LITERACY EDUCA AT TIO EDUCATION TION LEGISLA AT LEGISLATION TION “The Transformation Process” Friday, October 24, 2014 8:15 am – 3:00 pm KEYNOTE ADDRESS IMSLEC Continuing Education Credits Understanding Reading Disabilities Including Dyslexia: Assessment, Intervention and Technology. This includes the book: Essentials of Dyslexia Assessment with each registration. Nancy Mathers This Two-Hours of Professional Development Will Meet The New New Jersey Legislative Two-Hour PD requirement! Two-Day Course – It’s Complicated: The Relationship Among Executive Functions, Working Memory, Oral Language and Reading Comprehension Lydia H. Soifer, Ph.D., CCC/SL October 24-25, 2014 This course can be taken for one graduate credit through Farleigh Dickinson University. If taking for credit, remember to check the box for the two-day course and sign up for both conference sessions of the course. You must also attend the continuation sessions on Friday evening and Saturday. Hilton’s Somerset Double Tree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Centrally located: NJ Professional Development Hours Provider #254 EILEEN GRASSO SCHOLARSHIP AND AWARDS DINNER • Thursday, October 23, 6:00 pm (see page 5) Morning Sessions 7:00 a.m. Registration and Exhibits (coffee and pastries provided) 8:15 a.m. Welcome: Maria Torres-Kimmins, M.A., LDT-C, NJIDA President & Director of Children’s Dyslexia Center of Hasbrouck Heights Presentation of awards: Patricia Barden, M.A., Dyslexia Specialist, OGTT, NJIDA VP of Education, Co-Director of Children's Dyslexia Center of Tenafly 8:30 a.m. Keynote Address: Nancy Mathers, Professor of Learning Disabilities, University of Arizona This session will provide an overview of reading disabilities, dyslexia assessment and intervention, including the signs and symptoms, the characteristics of effective interventions and accommodations, and the importance of teacher training and support. 10:30 a.m. Morning Break 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Morning Sessions Abbreviation Key Age Group: Preschool (P), Elementary School (E), Middle School (M), High School (H), College (C), Adults (A) Audience: Parents (pa), Educators (ed), LDTCs (lc), Physicians (ph), Administrators (ad), Psychologists/ Social Workers (psw), Individuals with Dyslexia (id), General Audience (ga) Session 1: It’s Complicated: The Relationship Among Executive Functions, Working Memory, Oral Language and Reading Comprehension Manual will be available for purchase at special conference rate in session room on day of conference payable by check only. Audience: pa, ed, lc, ad, psw, id, ga Age Group: P, E, M, H, C, A Speaker: Lydia H. Soifer, Ph.D., CCC/SL, Director, The Soifer Center for Learning and Child Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Albert Einstein College of Medicine Effective reading comprehension is essential to school success. Underlying the language, literacy and strategic skills necessary for successful reading comprehension are both executive functions and self-regulatory skills. This course will review the oral foundations of literacy, identify the components of executive functions and self-regulation, as wellas discuss the nature of working memory. Further, a critical review of the components of reading comprehension and mtheir relationship to executive function, self-regulation and working memory will be considered. Finally, principles of instruction will be presented with specific strategies for improving reading comprehension. Session 2 : Project Read: Linguistics Audience: pa, ed, lc, ga Age Group: E,M, H, C, A Speaker: Victoria (Tori) Greene, Curriculum Author, Language Circle/Project Read Linguistics manual available for purchase by check only on day of conference in session room at special rate. The Project Read Linguistics curriculum builds upon a foundation of systematic phonics, using morphology, phonology, vocabulary, and spelling to explore the written word and educate students who are struggling to master the reading process .Activities are specifically tailored to 3rd grade-adult learners, and are designed to help students explore the building blocks of language through the study of sound/symbol recognition, syllabication, word formation, sentence com-position, story reading, and kinesthetic/tactile memory, students are able to build a richer understanding of oral and written language. Note- Part 1 of a 2 part course Linguistics manual will be available for purchase at a special rate in session on day of conference Session 3: DIBELS Next Workshop Audience: pa, ed, lc, ph, ad, psw, id, ga Age Group: P, E, M, H Speaker: Susan Miller, Certified DIBELS Mentor, Newgrange Education Center DIBELS- Next is a standardized universal screening assessment that is used throughout the country. The measures are quick and easy to administer, and most importantly aid in the identification of students, grades K-6, in need of intervention in the area of reading. Note= part 1 of a 2 part course Dibels Next Assessment Manuel needed during workshop Available for $25.00 at the conference payable by check only. Session 4: Writing for the Younger Student (Grades K-3): in Session room on day of Conference Audience: pa, ed, lc, ad Age Group: E, M, H, Speaker: William Van Cleave, M.A. Educational Consultant, W.V.C.ED Participants in this hands-on, interactive workshop will address sentence and paragraph construction for the elementary student. The presenter will share a general, conceptual understanding of the writing process, and then participants will spend the majority of the time working with activities useful for developing and expanding their students’ writing. Participants will take away many activities they can try with their students on Monday! (This workshop from writing expert William Van Cleave will make its debut at NJIDA!) Session 5: Setting the Foundational Skills for Reading and Writing with FUN! Audience: ed, ad, lc, ed, pa Age Group: E, M,H Speaker: Ann Pearce, MA, Literacy Specialist, Wilson Language Training This session provides an overview of Wilson Fundations® - a research-based supplemental (Tier 1) and intervention (Tier 2) program for students in K – 3rd grade, providing explicit instruction for effective RTI implementation within the Common Core State Standards in a 30-minute daily lesson. Session 6: A Look at the Predictive Assessment of Reading Audience: pa, ed, lc, id, ga,ad Age Group: E, Speaker: Georgette C Dickman, M.A; LDT/C; OG-ThT CoDirector of the Children’s Dyslexia Center; FDU Adjunct, Center for Dyslexia Studies During the 2014-2015 school year, PL 2013, C.210 requires school districts to screen students who exhibit one or more indicators of dyslexia no later than 1st semester of 2nd grade. The PAR measures K-3 proficiency for phonemic awareness, fluency, single word reading and vocabulary knowledge. It also established priorities for remediation and gauges the time and commitment require for successful intervention Session 7: The Perfect Marriage: How Assistive Technology Complements Language Remediation Audience: ad, ed, ga Age Group: M, H, C Speakers: Jamie Martin, BA, Assistive Technology Consultant, Eagle Hill School - Southport Theresa Collins, MS, Fellow – AOGPE, Director of Language Training, Eagle Hill School - Southport There is no disputing that language remediation has helped many students with dyslexia improve their reading and writing skills. At the same time, the accommodations provided by assistive technology have allowed those students to reach higher levels of academic success than ever before. On the surface, it may seem that remediation and accommodation are polar opposites. This session will strive to show that they are in fact complimentary. Assistive technology training can lead to improve language skills and language remediation can result in more efficient use of assistive technology. Following a specific discussion of AT tools that can help alleviate difficulties of dyslexia, the session will explore how students who use those tools while continuing to receive language remediation are often the most successful in school Session 8: The Social and Emotional Adjustment to College Life for Students with Learning Disabilities : A Counselor’s Perspective Audience: ad, ed, ga, psw Age Group M,H,C Speaker: Mary Hebert Ph.D.0Ed.D.0M.A.0M.Ed.0LDT/C0CCC/SLI Counselor, Regional Center for College Students with Learning Disabilities, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Florham Campus The Presentation will focus on college services to address academic, social and emotional needs designed to enhance college adjustment. Session 9: Tech for Success for Middle School and High School Audience: ad, ed, ga Age Group: M, H, C Speaker: Sue Schwartz, M.A, of Education, Reading Specialist, Jessica Schwartz, Technology Support A panel of students from middle school and high school will describe and demonstrate some of the apps and technology tools they use to help them achieve success in school. Come learn about tools that read to you, write for you, organize your work, remind you of due dates, and help you study. The technology we will share with you will let your children’s strengths and talents shine through. Can all students succeed in middle and high school? There are apps for that. Scan the QR code or visit: Afternoon Sessions 12:15 p.m.-1:15 p.m. Lunch & Exhibits 1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m. Afternoon Sessions Abbreviation Key Age Group: Preschool (P), Elementary School (E), Middle School (M), High School (H), College (C), Adults (A) Audience: Parents (pa), Educators (ed), LDTCs (lc), Physicians (ph), Administrators (ad), Psychologists/ Social Workers (psw), Individuals with Dyslexia (id), General Audience (ga) Session10 : It’s Complicated: The Relationship Among Executive Functions, Working Memory, Oral Language and Reading Comprehension, Lydia Soifer (continuation of Session 1. Please register for this session ONLY if you also register for Session 1) Session 11: Project Read: Linguistics Part 2. Victoria Greene (continuation of Session 2. Please register for this session ONLY if you also register for Session 2) Session 12: Dibels Next Workshop, Sue Miller (continuation of Session 3. Please register for this session ONLY if you also register for Session 3 Session 13: At the Core: Teaching Narrative, Persuasive, and Expository Writing Audience: pa, ed, lc, ad, g Age Group E, M, H, C Speaker: William Van Cleave, M.A. Educational Consultant, W.V.C.ED Participants in this workshop will examine overviews of each of the three major categories of writing (narrative, persuasive, and expository) with an eye towards developing strategies for interpreting the prompt, generating and organizing ideas, planning and writing a response, and revising the product. Participants will take away strategies they can use on Monday with their students! Session 14: Setting the Foundational Skills for Reading and Writing with FUN! Audience: pa, ed, lc, ad Age Group E, Speaker: Ann Pearce, MA, Literacy Specialist, Wilson Language Training This session provides an overview of Wilson Fundations® - a research-based supplemental (Tier 1) and intervention (Tier 2) program for students in K – 3rd grade, providing explicit instruction for effective RTI implementation within the Common Core State Standards in a 30-minute daily lesson. Session 15: Non-Fiction: The Reading Writing Connection Audience: pa, ed, lc, id, ga Age Group: E, M, H Speaker: Judy Sharpiro, M.A., CCC/SLI, Co-Director Children Dyslexia Center, Scotch Plains The very skills needed to comprehend non-fiction are the very skills called upon when writing expository text. Students benefit from these connections as they provide cohesive and structured approaches to both reading and writing non-fiction more effectively. Session 16: The Link Between Learning Disabilities and SocialEmotional Development Audience: pa, ed, lc, ph, ad, psw, Age Group: P, E, M, H, C, A Speaker: Emerson Dickman, J.D., Esq. This presentation examines the link between learning disabilities (LD) and social-emotional development. Subtypes of LD vary significantly in the severity of risk or predisposition for the development of antisocial behavior. Fundamental weaknesses in the system of special education preclude timely intervention and cause eminently predictable consequences to manifest into palpable disability before assistance is offered. Session 17: Panel Discussion: Using Assistive Technology to Assist College Students with Dyslexia Audience: pa, ed, lc, ad, id Age Group: M, H, C, A Speakers: William Presutti, M.S., LDTC, Campus Director, College at Florham, Farleigh Dickinson University, Regional Center for College Students with Learning Disabilities; Barbara Byrnes, M.A., Campus Director, Metropolitan Campus, Farleigh Dickinson University, Regional Center for College Students with Learning Disabilities; Michelle Meyer, M.A., Technology Coordinator, Learning Specialist, Metropolitan Campus, College at Florham, Farleigh Dickinson University, Regional Center for College Students with Learning Disabilities Description: This presentation will be about how technology can be used to assist students with in-class challenges, as well as out-of-class challenges. We will discuss and demonstrate how to use computer software, portable devices and i-Phone/i-Pad applications to assist students with reading textbooks, note taking, writing papers, and studying for exams. 2 DAY COURSE CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS If interested in taking course for one graduate credit through FDU, contact Grace Hottinger at or 201-692-2816. There will be a graduate tuition fee in addition to NJIDA conference fees and a required written assignment. 12.5 HOURS: Friday October 24 10:45 am – 12:15 • 1:15 – 2:45 pm • 3:15 – 6:45 pm Saturday October 25 8:00 am – 3:00 pm IMSLEC: Conference attendees can earn 12.5 hours of IMSLEC (International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council) CE credit. The Professional Development Hours form, supplied at the conference, is required for documentation. NJ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HOURS Certificate toward the 100-hour requirement will be provided at the conference NJ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HOURS Certificate toward the 100-hour requirement will be provided at the conference. It’s Complicated: The Relationship Among Executive Functions, Working Memory, Oral Language and Reading Comprehension Instructor: Lydia H. Soifer, Ph.D., CCC/SL, Director, The Soifer Center for Learning and Child Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Albert Einstein College of Medicine Effective reading comprehension is essential to school success. Underlying the language, literacy and strategic skills necessary for successful reading comprehension are both executive functions and self-regulatory skills. This course will review the oral foundations of literacy, identify the components of executive functions and self-regulation, as well as discuss the nature of working memory. (See session 1 description) Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit # 363 Union, NJ ® New Jersey Branch P. O. Box 32, Long Valley NJ 07853 Fall Conference: Friday, October 24, 2014 Driving Directions Location of the Two-Day Course and Conferences: The Somerset Double Tree Hotel, 200 Atrium Drive, Somerset NJ, 08873 – Phone number: (732) 469 – 2600 General Driving Instructions: From Route I-287 North Take exit 10 for Route 527 New Brunswick/Easton Ave. Follow Route 527 North to the first traffic light and make a left onto Davidson Avenue. Continue on Davidson Avenue for one half mile and make a left into Atrium Corporate Park. Follow to the front entrance of the hotel. From Airport Newark Liberty International Airport: - 22 miles: Take the New Jersey Turnpike south to Exit #10 at Metuchen and to 287 North. Go to Route 527 North. At the first light turn left onto Davidson Avenue. Continue for 1/2 mile and turn left into the Atrium Corporate Park. This will take you to the entrance of the hotel. From Philadelphia: Take the New Jersey Turnpike North to Exit 10 for/Edison to I-287 North. take exit 10 for Route 527 New Brunswick/Easton Ave. Follow Route 527 North to the first traffic light and make a left onto Davidson Ave. Continue on Davidson Avenue for one half mile and make a left into Atrium Corporate Park. Follow to the front entrance of the hotel. The conference room rate is $109.00 plus tax per night. Call hotel direct at (732) 469-2600 to make and pay your room reservations but reference the NJIDA Conference for this special rate. IDA DISCLAIMER: The International Dyslexia Association ( supports efforts to provide instruction for individuals with dyslexia and to identify these individuals at an early age. The Association believes that multisensory teaching and learning are the best approaches currently available for those affected by dyslexia. However, the Association does not endorse any specific program, speaker or instructional materials, noting there are a number of such which present the critical components of instruction. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION. THE DEADLINE FOR ALL REGISTRATION IS OCTOBER 9, 2014. For questions on Conference please go to or email Maria Kimmins and Mary Jo Rieg at Name Address: Cell Phone ( ) E-mail Professional Position 2 DAY COURSE* Check here. (Friday, October 24 and Saturday, October 25) FRIDAY OCTOBER 24 ONLY. *Must attend Friday sessions #1 (10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.) and #10 (1:15 p.m.-2:45 p.m.) and the continuation sessions Friday (3:15 p.m.-6:45 p.m.) and Saturday (8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m) Check here. Put “1” next to your 1st choice and “2” next to your 2nd choice in each list below. Sessions will be first come, first serve. You will automatically be placed in your second choice, if your first choice is full. MORNING SESSIONS AFTERNOON SESSIONS __1 Soifer __10 Soifer __2 Green __11 Green __3 Miller __12 Miller __4 Van Cleave __13 Van Cleave __5 Pearce __14 Pearce __6 Dickman __15 Shapiro __7 Martin, Collins __16 Dickman __8 Herbert __17 Presutti __9 Schwartz FEES (Circle those that apply.) Current Non Full- Parent IDA member time member student** 2-Day Graduate Course $313 $353 $219 Friday Conference Only $193 $223 $113 Total Enclosed $ $98 **Send proof of fulltime student status Fees include registration, lunch and parking and a copy of Keynote Speaker’s book.. Mail completed form and check or purchase order (payable to NJIDA) to: NJIDA, PO Box 32, Long Valley, NJ 07853. Fax: 908-876-0092 For online registration and payment using Pay Pal go to our website @ ATTENTION SCHOOL DISTRICTS Send five teachers for the price of four, plus the $23.00 cost of the key note speaker’s book for the 5th registrant. Please submit the five registration forms together with check or ourchase order. School Districts can email registrations and Purchase Orders to Do you need special accommodations? Please note here.__________________________________________ 17th Annual Grasso Scholarship Fundraising Dinner All are welcome to attend. October 23, 2014. Complimentary Bar 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m Eileen Grasso was an IDA board member and teacher. Scholarships are used for teacher education. The program will include a tribute to Eileen and the presentation of awards for Community Service, Outstanding Achievement, Literacy for All, and Nieswand Outstanding Student. Come greet the keynote speaker and get a sneak preview of the Keynote address. Please contact NJIDA for details or questions Ann Robinowitz or Clelia Esposito
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