Holy Angels Parish 64 Cooper Street · Woodbury, NJ 08096 Phone: 856856-845845-0123 • Fax: 856856-845845-7409 Office Hours: 9:00A.M. - 4:00P.M. Monday - Friday Web: www.holyangelsnj.org · Email: mail@holyangelsnj.org · Facebook: www.facebook.com/HolyAngelsParish Most Holy Redeemer Church St. Matthew Church St. Patrick Church Worship Center 1219 Delsea Drive 4th & Monument Avenue 86 Cooper Street 96 Green Avenue Westville Grove, NJ 08093 National Park, NJ 08063 Woodbury, NJ 08096 Woodbury, NJ 08096 Holy Trinity Regional School 1215 Delsea Drive Westville Grove, NJ 08093 856-848-6826 Ministry Center 8 Green Avenue Woodbury, NJ 08096 Activities Center 1210 Hessian Avenue West Deptford, NJ 08093 Family Faith Formation 211 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ 08096 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Mass Schedule Weekday Saturday 6:45AM St. Patrick Church 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 7:00AM St Matthew Church (M,T,TH,F) 4:00PM Worship Center 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 5:30PM St. Matthew Church Holy Day Vigil 7:00PM St. Patrick Church Sacrament of Reconciliation Mon-Fri 9:30A.M.—St. Patrick Church Saturday 3:30P.M.—Worship Ctr. · 5:00P.M.—St. Matthew Church Also by appointment. Please call the parish office. Anointing of Sick -Saturdays 5:00P.M.—Worship Ctr.; 6:30P.M.—St. Matthew Church Communion Calls For sick or homebound, please call the parish office. Blessed Sacrament Adoration Monday, 7:00PM St. Patrick Church 7:30AM 9:00AM 9:30AM 10:00AM Sunday St. Patrick Church 10:30AM Most Holy Redeemer Church St Matthew Church 11:30AM Worship Center Worship Center 6:00PM Worship Center St Patrick Church Holy Day 6:45AM St. Patrick Church 9:00AM St. Patrick Church 12:10PM St. Patrick Church Rev. Monsignor Joseph V. Di Mauro, Pastor Rev. Thomas S. Capperella, Parochial Vicar Rev. Robert J. Kantz, Parochial Vicar Rev. Hugh J. Bradley, Part-Time Parochial Vicar Rev. Alfred Onyutha, Hospital Chaplain Deacon Philip E. Giordano Deacon Vincent Latini Deacon William J. Rumaker, Sr. †PARISH MINISTRIES† The monthly calendar is available at the doors of the Churches and Worship Center and on the website at www.holyangelsnj.org LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: Fr. Capperella, Moderator Altar Linen Committee Altar Servers: Arts & Environment Barbara Worrell Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers to the sick Lectors Music Ministry Sacristan Ushers: Eileen Turco 845-3076 Joanne Brown 845-0123 jbrown@holyangelsnj.org Mary Jane Smith 848-6373 848-7205 baworrell@comcast.net Barbara Gallagher 848-6385 ems@holyangelsnj.org David Misilewich, OFS 251-9086 d.misilewich@verizon.net Craig Gallagher 848-6385 lectors@holyangelsnj.org Michael Plunkett 853-0019 Mark Chapman 845-0123 Katrina Homola 845-8564 LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION: Fr. Kantz, Moderator Jerry Washko 845-6944 jerry.washko@verizon.net Family Faith Formation Irene Clark, C.R.E. 845-1660 familyfaith@holyangelsnj.org Administrative Secretary Sara Weiss Safe Environment Coord Jeannie McParland RCIA/Adult Education Sue & Joe Krause 848-4575 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 8:15AM 10:00AM 10:30AM 12:30PM 1:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Faith Formation Classes Grades 2-6—Worship Ctr. RCIA — Ministry Ctr. Faith Formation Classes Grades 2-6—Worship Ctr. Baptisms—Worship Ctr. Christmas Play Sign Ups/Rehearsal—Activities Ctr. Faith Formation Class 8th Gr..—Worship Ctr. BINGO—HTRS Gym 11:00AM 6:30PM 6:30PM Art Class—Ministry Ctr. Karate—Activities Ctr. Parish Intramural Basketball and Cheerleading—Activities Ctr. Benediction/Adoration—St. Patrick Church Bible Study—Worship Ctr. Knights of Columbus Mtg. — Ministry Ctr. MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 Adult Scripture Study PASTORAL CARE/SERVICE Catholic Welcome Home Sue & Joe Krause Coffee Klatch Mary Tracey & Ann Hink Ecumenical Ministry Jerry Washko Grief Support Judi Humphreys judianne28@verizon.net Hospitality Committee Cindy Trovato Marriage Preparation Deacon Phil Giordano deacphil@msn.com Parish Health Sue Scully choprn1127@yahoo.com Prayer Line/Cards/ Pat Parchinski pparchi1@verizon.net Respect Life/Prayer Group Anne Connor anbrec@cs.com St. Vincent de Paul John McIntyre Vocations Deacon Vincent Latini Welcome Committee Margaret Curran Rita Deluzio 848-4575 845-0123 845-6944 889-5730 853-8115 845-5404 Performing Arts Young Adults Council #11713 848-7744 845-0123 384-1090 848-4212 Joe Olimpo 430-9875 gabbyrose97@comcast.net Leon Sumoski 845-8418 lesmski3@comcast.net PARISH STAFF Ministry Coordinator THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 9:30AM 6:30PM 7:00PM Coffee Klatch—St. Patrick Lower Church Karate—Activities Ctr. 4th Degree Knights of Columbus Mtg. — Ministry Ctr 6:00PM Trunk or Treat—HTRS Parking Lot FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 845-4182 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #1994 Bible Study—Worship Ctr. Faith Formation Classes Grades 2-6—FFF Bldg. Choir Practice—St. Patrick Church Grief Support—Ministry Ctr. 848-2938 Pat Wirbick 304-8201 patwirbick@hotmail.com Anne Maria Sanders 374-2261 anne-sanders@comcast.net Jennifer Liberto 374-2261 jsanders2@ymail.com Desiree Wirbick 304-8202 dwirbick@gmail.com Sports Program TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 10:00AM 4:45PM 6:45PM 7:00PM 845-0274 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES Sr. Youth Group 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Joanne Brown 845-0123 ext.115 jbrown@holyangelsnj.org Parish Bookkeeper Delores Frey 845-0123 ext.101 dfrey@holyangelsnj.org Parish Facilities Mgr Rob Curtis 845-0123 robcurt@aol.com Part Time Office Assistant Ann Smalfus 845-0123 ext.103 asmalfus@holyangelsnj.org Parish Secretary Kathi Roswell 845-0123 ext.106 kroswell@holyangelsnj.org LOW-GLUTEN HOSTS If you are in need of a low- gluten host when receiving Communion, please arrive earlier for Mass and speak to the priest of that Mass to make your request. Be sure to come up in his line, and signal that you requested the low gluten host. FLOWERS and SANCTUARY CANDLE To honor loved ones with altar flower bouquets or to reserve the weekly sanctuary candle, please contact Mary Jane Smith at 848-6373. Arrangements should be made in advance to make sure that the week is available. BAPTISMS Preparation Program for new & expectant parents held monthly on the 2ND Monday of the month at 7:00PM in the Worship Center. It is mandatory for both parents. Baptisms are held most Sundays. Please call the Parish Office, Mondays and Tuesdays, to register for class and to schedule a Baptism. MARRIAGES Must be arranged at least 1 year in advance. Engaged couples should reserve the Church prior to scheduling the reception. Please call the Parish Office to register. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program that prepares adults to be received into the Catholic Church. Persons who complete the program receive the sacraments of Baptism (if not yet baptized), First Eucharist, and Confirmation. The program starts after Labor Day and continues through the following spring. The program is also available for Catholics who have never received the sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. For information, please call Sue & Joe Krause at 856-848-4575. PRAYER LINE: Please call Pat Parchinski to add someone to the Parish Prayer Line or to receive a get well card. 8482938. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT SUBMISSIONS The Deadline for receiving information is Monday by noon for the following weekend. Please email: mail@holyangelsnj.org TO ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN Please call Bob Arnold at John Patrick Publishing: 800-333-3166 ext. 146, or cell: 856-840-5582. Page 2—635 †MASS INTENTIONS† SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 9:00AM-STP Alfred LaGamba r/b John Carlucci 4:00PM-WC Joseph S. Young r/b wife, Marguerite 5:30PM-STM James Curran r/b wife, Marie SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 7:30AM-STP Agnes O’Donnell r/b Sandy Santo 9:00AM-STM Patrick Fitzgerald r/bwife, Sadie 9:30AM-WC Dorothy Spies r/b Pat & Joanne Brown & Family 10:00AM-STP Margaret Juppe r/b The Gazzola Family 10:30AM-MHR Harry O. Bush r/b Friends at UMH Labs 11:30AM-WC Michael Viet r/b Jill & Family 6:00PM-WC Anne & Coyle Luska r/b The Moraca Family MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 6:45AM-STP People of the Parish 7:00AM-STM Ignatius Ranno r/b wife, Helen 9:00AM-STP Carol Figured r/b daughter & Family TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:45AM-STP Loretta Stayton r/b Tim & JoAnn Egan 7:00AM-STM Intentions of the Celebrant 9:00AM-STP Intentions of Catherine Chukwueke r/b Mary & Rick WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 6:45AM-STP Alfred Vacca r/b Bill & Marge Vacca 9:00AM-STP Donny Dixon r/b Dolores & Kim Howe THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 6:45AM-STP Anthony DeMasi r/b wife, Maria 7:00AM-STM Jackie Lodge r/b Sadie Fitzgerald 9:00AM-STP Clinnie Barnett r/b Knights of Columbus Council #11713 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 6:45AM-STP Christie Lee Yula r/b Family 7:00AM-STM Andrew & Emma Napoli & Deceased Family Members r/b The Napoli Family 9:00AM-STP William Jackie Lodge r/b Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 9:00AM-STP Linda D. Kelly r/b Sean & Ruby Rattle 4:00PM-WC Katherine Sooy r/b Morris County Right to Life 5:30PM-STM George & Berkie Curtis r/b The Pegues Family OFFERTORY PROCESSION If the Mass you are attending is for a loved one, please let the usher know when you arrive that you would like to take up the Offertory Gifts. Patti Alexander, Phyllis Barton, Heather Beasley, Austin Bombaro, Hugh Bradley, Jr., Jim Castor, Mary Chuba, Joan C. Connelly, Stephanie Connelly, Richard Dupras, Marie Duran, Christopher Eckmeyer Jr., Rosemarie Edl, Bert Edzenga, Joey Fiorentino, Ed Friedrich, Ted Gamble, Giavanna Gatti, Gail Gillono, Dcn. Phil Giordano, Jacob Goldsmith, Barbara Haas, Jean Hall, Patricia Harry, Lia Hart, Maureen Hastings, Maryann Hoppe, Joe Houdart, Eleanor Houser, Susan Hughes, Alle Izzo, Agnes Janik, Robert Johnson, Rev. Robert Kantz, Richard Klinge, Ray Kozej, Josephine Lanzilotti, Eileen Lloret, Carrie Lounsberry, Terence McGehrin, Elizabeth McHenry, John McKeown, Midge McMullen, Sr. Jean Merrell, Sr. St. Michele -I.H.M, Nancy Middlebusher, Mary Ann Minguez, Jennifer Misilewich, Billy Mower, Jr., Lucille Nelson, Mary Nichols, Angel O’Leary, Martin Passeri, Joe Polk, Ryley Powell, Kathryn Powis, Paul Putt, Ruby Rattle, Donna Raymond, Christina Ruggerio, Marie Rumaker, Beth Sanders, Kevin Santoro, Michael Savage, Carol Schorn, Molly Sholders, Arnold Slater, Paul S. Smith, Sr., Ruth Staniski, Kevin Stewart, Cheryl Weiss-Strobino, Rose Sumoski, Donna Tessmer, Elizabeth Thomas, Geraldine Tierney, John Trischitta, Sue Villari, Ginny Wasdick, Mackenzie Grace West, Kathleen Wilson, Pat Winter, Marge Wolford, Brigie Wynne, Virginia “Ginny” Zizas Reese Marie Helder Olivia Ann Reiter Kennedy Grace Smith Please continue to pray for ALL of our Troops Congratulations! Michael & Courtney McCabe Timothy & Bernadette Perry Stephen & Kristi Johnson BANNS OF MARRIAGE III: Thomas Strenge & Karen Donnelly III: Denis Kretovich & Debra Tomasetti I: Daniel Fletcher & Jessica Savidge Please pray for the repose of the soul of JOHN E. COLLINS, SR. May the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen TOTAL TRANSFORMATION 2014 Mass Intentions are still available: 6:45AM ST. PATRICK CHURCH 7:00AM ST. MATTHEW CHURCH Please call or visit the parish office to have your loved ones remembered. Thank you. 856-845-0123 May Jesus fill you with His holy love, and may He transform you totally in Him! May our most sweet Savior remove your heart, as He did with His servant St. Catherine of Siena, in order to grant you His most divine heart, through which you can then live totally of His holy love. May Jesus fill you with His holy love, and may He transform you totally in Him! May our most sweet Savior remove your heart, as He did with His servant St. Catherine of Siena, in order to grant you His most divine heart, through which you can then live totally of His holy love. - -from The Joyful Spirit of Padre Pio Page 3—635 †PARISH COMMUNITY † PRAYER FOR EXTRAORDINARY SYNOD OF BISHOPS MEETING— ROME OCTOBER 5-19 “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God's plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen.” 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Cherry Hill Women’s Center 502 N. Kings Highway · Cherry Hill 856-234-6198 Now through November 2nd, our community will join hundreds of other cities participating in 40 Days for Life, a life-saving campaign made up of three components: Prayer & Fasting, Community Outreach, and Peaceful Vigil AMERICAN CATHOLIC HISTORY COURSE Each Thursday, beginning November 6th 10:30AM Family Faith Formation - Media Room Facilitator: Fr. Robert J. Kantz Classes last approximately 1 hour and feature videos from the Catholics / Americans video series. No pre-registration is required. Simply show up at class. All are welcome! B U D D I N G A R T I S T S Page 4—635 Holy Angels parishioner, Anne Connor, is in charge of the 3 hours from 10AM—1PM on Wednesdays during this 40-day period. If you can help fill those slots, please contact her at 856-265-1926 or Anbrec@cs.com. Otherwise, please check the Cherry Hill vigil s c h ed u l e o n l in e t o s ig n u p fo r an o th e r h o u r : www.abortionclinicvigil.com. Visit www.40daysforlife.com for further information. For more information about the Art Club, please call Gerry O’Donnell 856-534-0063 VISIT HOLY ANGELS PARISH ON FACEBOOK STEWARDS OF GOD’S GIFTS “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”- - Matthew 22:21B Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “Stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us. All God is asking is that we give back a portion of what He gave us. This is the essence of Stewardship. God should be our first priority in everything. All else comes second. THIS WEEKEND’S SECOND COLLECTION: “The Lord’s disciples persevere in joy when they sense His presence, do His will and share with others their faith, hope and evangelical charity.” AND Like US! Share with your friends. Help us increase viewership on the parish Facebook page: Facebook www.facebook.com/HolyAngelsParish HOUSE OF CHARITY REMINDER. . .if you are one of our parishioners who donates to the House of Charity through the United Way or other Employee Giving entity, we want to make sure that your gift is recognized and properly credited to Holy Angels Parish. Please call 856-848-8847 or the parish office to let us know of your intention should you utilize Employee Giving. - -Thank you! Page 4—635 †L I F E L O N G F A I T H F O R M A T I O N † †SCHOOL NEWS† The mission of Holy Trinity Regional School is to strengthen academic excellence of all students through teaching, living and proclaiming Catholic values with justice, respect and compassion. . . . .SCHOOL EVENTS . . . . Home School (Grs.3-6) 9:30AM Mass & Mtg.: Sun., Oct. 19th REGISTRATIONS FOR THE 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR ARE STILL BEING ACCEPTED! 8th Gr. Sacrament Prep 6:00PM Mass & Mtg: Sun. Oct. 19th (Catholic School and Religious Ed) 7th Gr. Sacrament Prep 6:00PM Mass & Mtg: Sun., Oct. 26th TRUNK OR TREAT Friday, October 24th 6:00-8:00PM HTRS Parking Lot $10 fee to decorate your trunk due by Oct 17th PLEASE notify our office with any changes to addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. 2nd ANNUAL FALL CRAFT FAIR Saturday, November 1st 9:00AM - 3:00PM TABLES CAN BE RESERVED FOR $25 92.5 WXTU will be here 12:00-2:00PM! COW CHIP BINGO 1:00-4:00PM Buy a $20 block for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $1,000. There will also be four $100 winners! HALLOWEEN SOCIAL Sponsored by Knights of Columbus Fr. McColgan Council #11713 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th Holy Trinity Regional School Gym 7:00PM—12:00MID $20 per person / $30 per couple BOOBOO-FFET and Setups Included Door Prizes—Costume Optional For Tickets call: Joe Seward 848-0867 or Erich Berke 848-2642 DESIGNERS FALL DESIGNER BAG BINGO! Saturday, November 15th Doors open 5:00PM Bag Bingo starts 7:00PM Featuring bags from Michael Kors, Coach, and Henri Bendel!!! Tickets are now on sale! $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Hurry!!!! This event sells out fast! 2015 CALENDAR JACKPOT LOTTERY! 25% OFF BOSCOV SHOPPING PASS Valid only Tuesday, October 21ST from 9AM-11PM at ALL Boscov locations. Pass entitles you to 25% off your purchases and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions. Shopping passes are only $5.00 and benefit Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries, Inc. To purchase, call Jean or Jerry Washko at 856-845-6944. If you leave a message, please clearly leave name and phone number to request a pass. PARISH CHRISTMAS PLAY “Back to the Manger” Sign-Ups & Rehearsals October 19th & 26th 1:00-4:00PM Holy Angels Activities Center Two performances: Saturday, December 13th at 2:00PM and 6:45PM Holy Angels Activity Center For more information contact Jennifer Liberto jsanders@ymail.com 856-374-2261 Choose your lucky number and donate $25 per calendar for a chance to be a winner for the entire year! It makes a great gift! APPLE iPAD MINI RAFFLE All proceeds donated to the HTRS 8th Grade Graduation Fund! Tickets $5 each To purchase tickets, contact Diane DiRenzo at 610-547-5464 Drawing: during “Breakfast with Santa” December 14th— HTRS Gym (WINNER NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN) For more information, on all school activities, please contact Michelle DiCapua, Marketing Coordinator, at 856-848-6826 or email: marketing@holytrinityregionalschool.org. BINGO EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT! Come one, come all for a most enjoyable evening! Doors open 5:00PM Games begin 7:00PM Admission: $1.00 Books to play: $1.00 each Page 5—635 †AROUND THE DIOCESE† CHILD ASSAULT PREVENTION (CAP) SESSIONS CAP Phase 1 Mon., Oct. 20, 7:00PM, Our Lady Star of the Sea School, Atlantic City Thur., Oct. 23, 7:00PM, St. Mary, Cherry Hill, Parish Hall CAP Phase 2 – Bullying Prevention Mon., Oct. 20, 7:00PM, Christ the Good Shepherd, Vineland, Sacred Heart Church Hall CAP PHASE 3 – Cyber Empowerment Thur., Oct. 23, 7:00PM, Assumption School, Galloway, Cafeteria Wed., Oct. 29, 7:00PM, Our Lady of Peace, Williamstown, Assumption Hall Thur., Oct. 30, 7:00PM, St. Katharine Drexel, Egg Harbor Twp. , Parish Life Center To attend a class, please call the CAP registration line in the Office of Child and Youth Protection at 856-583-6165 or email Diane.Diggons@camdendiocese.org to register. Please register at least five days before the session you would like to attend. CAP schedule, location, phone numbers/directions may be found on the diocesan website @ www.camdendiocese.org In case of inclement weather, please call the location directly. RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT ~ November 21ST—23RD ~ Hurting from Abortion? The Camden Diocese is offering a confidential retreat weekend for men and women who are suffering from the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. For further information, please contact Margarita, 856-691-2299 or send an email to: projectrachel.pjp2rc@verizon.net. All calls and emails are kept CONFIDENTIAL! WOMEN’S DISCERNMENT GROUP “Give your servant… an understanding heart……” Are you seeking to know what God has in mind for your life? If you are a single, Catholic woman, 17-35 years of age, who wonders if God is calling you to vowed life in our Church, consider meeting monthly with other like-minded women exploring this possibility. We will meet monthly to pray, share questions, and to learn more about the elements of religious life. Come join us at the Franciscan Sisters’ Mother Mary Joseph Micarelli Center of Hospitality, 1215 Kresson Rd. Cherry Hill, NJ. Discernment group meets on the first Monday of each month, from 7:00-9:00PM as follows: 2014: November 3rd Prayer Sr. Joann Burzichelli, RSM December 1st Spiritual Direction Sr. Bonnie McMenamin, SSJ 2015: January 5th The Call to Holiness Barbara Salapek, SFO February 2nd Community Life Sr. Michele DeGregorio, FMIJ March 2nd The Vows Sr. Rose Mulligan, IHM May 4th Family Sr. Mary Ann Gecina, MPF June 1st What Are Your Needs? Sr. Mary McGarrity, IHM For further information or to RSVP, please call 856-848-6049 or email sisterdiannafmij@yahoo.com. Sponsored by Office of the Delegate for Women Religious-Diocese of Camden IHM DISCERNMENT RETREAT November 14th—16th Friday 6:00PM - Sunday 1:00PM Villa Maria House of Studies Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for this retreat , focusing on the IHM Charism, the importance of listening to God's call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Time included for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to interact with the Sisters in Formation. Call 610-889-1553 or email: ihmvoc@aol.com MASS OF REMEMBRANCE FOR OUR DECEASED BISHOPS, PRIESTS AND DEACONS Tuesday, November 4th · 12:05 PM Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 642 Market Street, Camden We will remember in a special way those who have died this past year: Dcn. Pablo Berrios Rev. Mgr. David F. Budney Rev. William F. Collins Rev. Monsignor Eugene J. Fitzsimmons Rev. William H. Hart Dcn. E. Michael Henry Rev. Wayne Patrick Lavin Rev. Thomas E. Ploude Rev. Msgr. Thomas H. Sharkey Rev. Robert O. Yori 2014 ENGAGED ENCOUNTER 2014: November 7-9 2015: Feb. 13-15; Jun. 12-14; Aug. 7-9; Nov. 6-8 Pope John Paul II Retreat Ctr. · Vineland Weekend begins promptly at 8:00PM Friday and closes by 3:00PM Sunday All meals/ accommodations included in reservation fee. Visit the Diocesan website for more information: www.camdendiocese.org/index.php/workshops78/engagedencounter; email: MarriagePrep@camdendiocese.org.or call 856-583-6132. When registering for Engaged Encounter you will be registered for the weekend, including lodging and meals, for the fee of $395. The online payment of your registration fee confirms your place in the program. Please save the receipt. Choose carefully as there is a $25 rescheduling/cancellation fee to cover administrative expenses. WOMEN OF WISDOM RETREAT October 28th—30th Marianist Family Retreat Center Cape May Point Empty Nest? Retired? Retiring? Downsizing? You were once a girl who became a woman then a mother (to your own or another of God’s creation). How did you get here? Where is God calling you now? Come explore the wise, witty and occasionally wild world of the mature woman! Intended for women 55+. Cost: $115 pr person. Interested? Call 609-884-3829. Visit our website: www.capemaymarianists.org REACHING OUT TO THEOSE IN NEED Holy Name of Camden Ministries will host a celebration featuring Dr. Jeffrey Brenner, CEO of the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers as guest of honor on Tuesday, October 28th at Tavistock Country Club, Haddonfield. The annual “Reaching Out To Those In Need” award will be presented to the Kenney Family, sponsors of the Kenney Scholars Program and to Dr. Eugene O. & Letitia R. Principato., In Memoriam, generous supporters of the Holy Name of Camden Ministries. Proceeds of this event support the ministries that serve the families and children in North Camden and surrounding communities: Holy Name School, Holy Name Scholars, St. Luke’s Catholic Medical Services, Camden Ctr for Law & Social Justice, and Guadalupe Family Services. Tickets are $100 per person. For information and reservations, call 856-965-1001 or go to www.holynameofcamden.org Page 6—635
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