MACK BRUSH – RETAIL PRICE LIST + GST JULY 2013 ORIGINAL MACK PINSTRIPING BRUSHES – 10 SERIES 10-‐000 10-‐00 10-‐0 10-‐1 10-‐2 10-‐3 10-‐4 Original Mack Pinstriping Brush Original Mack Pinstriping Brush Original Mack Pinstriping Brush Original Mack Pinstriping Brush Original Mack Pinstriping Brush Original Mack Pinstriping Brush Original Mack Pinstriping Brush $17.50 $18.00 $18.50 $19.00 $19.50 $20.00 $21.00 $19.50 $20.00 $20.50 $13.00 $13.50 $14.50 $15.50 $16.50 $17.50 $85.00 $14.00 $14.50 $15.60 $65.00 HANSON/MACK “KING 13” 13-‐000 13-‐0 0 13-‐0 Hanson/Mack “King 13” Hanson/Mack “King 13” Hanson/Mack “King 13” SWORD STRIPERS (PINSTRIPING & TOUCH-‐UP) 20-‐00 20-‐0 20-‐1 20-‐2 20-‐3 20-‐4 20 Sword Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Sword Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Sword Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Sword Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Sword Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Sword Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Sword Striper Assortment (6 Brush Set) DAGGER STRIPERS (PINSTRIPING & TOUCH-‐UP) 30-‐00 30-‐0 30-‐1 Dagger Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Dagger Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) Dagger Striper (Pinstriping & Touch Up) HANNUKAINE QUILLS 79-‐Set Hannukaine Quills – 6 Piece Set WIZARD TYPHOON SCROLL STRIPERS 84WT-‐0 84WT-‐1 84WT-‐2 Wizard Typhoon Scroll Striper Wizard Typhoon Scroll Striper Wizard Typhoon Scroll Striper $13.40 $13.80 $14.20 $12.50 $13.00 $13.30 $13.70 $15.40 $17.00 $22.10 $25.00 $12.50 $13.00 $13.30 $13.70 $15.40 $17.00 $22.10 $25.00 $13.30 $14.70 $17.80 $19.70 BROWN PENCIL QUILL PLAIN 179-‐2 179-‐ 3 179-‐4 179-‐5 179-‐6 179-‐8 179-‐10 179-‐12 Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain Brown Pencil Quill Plain BROWN PENCIL QUILL LACQUERED 179L-‐2 179L-‐3 179L-‐4 179L-‐5 179L-‐6 179L-‐8 179L-‐10 179L-‐12 Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered Brown Pencil Quill Lacquered GREY PENCIL QUILL PLAIN 189-‐2 189-‐4 189-‐6 189-‐8 Grey Pencil Quill Plain Grey Pencil Quill Plain Grey Pencil Quill Plain Grey Pencil Quill Plain GREY PENCIL QUILL LACQUERED 189L-‐2 189L-‐4 189L-‐6 189L-‐8 Grey Pencil Quill Lacquered Grey Pencil Quill Lacquered Grey Pencil Quill Lacquered Grey Pencil Quill Lacquered $13.30 $14.70 $17.80 $19.70 Scrolling/Script Brush “The Virus” Scrolling/Script Brush “The Virus” Scrolling/Script Brush “The Virus” Scrolling/Script Brush “The Virus” Scrolling/Script Brush “The Virus” $8.00 $8.50 $9.00 $9.50 $10.00 SCROLLING/SCRIPT BRUSHES “THE VIRUS” 444-‐0 444-‐1 444-‐2 444-‐4 444-‐6 PEEWEE 800 LONGLINERS 800-‐0 800-‐1 Peewee 800 Longliner Peewee 800 Longliner $24.50 $25.50 Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable Lettering Brush – Red Sable $9.00 $9.50 $10.50 $12.50 $15.00 $18.00 $23.00 $29.00 $8.50 $9.00 $9.50 LETTERING BRUSH – RED SABLE 818-‐2 818-‐4 818-‐6 818-‐8 818-‐10 818-‐12 818-‐14 818-‐16 OUTLINERS – KAZAN SQ. & OX MIXTURE 839-‐0 839-‐1 839-‐2 Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture 839-‐3 839-‐4 839-‐ 5 839-‐6 Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture Outliners – Kazan Sq. & Ox Mixture $10.50 $11.60 $12.80 $15.20 $22.00 $22.50 $23.00 $7.00 $9.00 $10.50 $13.50 $18.00 $21.00 $27.00 $33.00 $39.00 $7.80 $8.90 $10.20 $12.00 $13.50 $18.20 $27.60 DC FLATLINER STRIPING BRUSHES 1310-‐00 1310-‐0 1310-‐1 DC Flatliner Striping Brush DC Flatliner Striping Brush DC Flatliner Striping Brush JET STROKE – LETTERING BRUSHES 1962-‐1/8 1962-‐1/4 1962-‐3/8 1962-‐1/2 1962-‐5/8 1962-‐3/4 1962-‐1 1962-‐1.25 1962-‐1.5 Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush Jet Stroke – Lettering Brush ONE STROKE FLAT, SQUIRREL/TAKLON 2962-‐1/8 2962-‐1/4 2962-‐3/8 2962-‐1/2 2962-‐5/8 2962-‐3/4 2962-‐1 One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon One Stroke Flat, Squirrel/Taklon LONG HANDLED BOBBO SUPER QUAD LINERS 7800-‐00 7800-‐0 7800-‐1 7800-‐2 Long Handled Bobbo Super Quad Liner Long Handled Bobbo Super Quad Liner Long Handled Bobbo Super Quad Liner Long Handled Bobbo Super Quad Liner $12.00 $13.50 $15.00 $17.00 BOBBO MACK SUPER QUAD BMSQ-‐00 BMSQ-‐0 BMSQ-‐1 BMSQ-‐2 Bobbo Mack Super Quad Bobbo Mack Super Quad Bobbo Mack Super Quad Bobbo Mack Super Quad $12.50 $13.00 $13.50 $14.00 Kelly Mack Set $36.00 $14.75 $15.25 $15.50 $16.00 $70.00 $23.80 $24.60 $25.20 Mack/Tidwell – 6 Piece Brush Set Mack/Tidwell – 3 Piece Brush Set $45.00 $25.00 KELLY MACK KM-‐Set LONG BOB PINSTRIPING AND SCROLLING LB-‐000 LB-‐00 LB-‐1 LB-‐2 Long Bob Pinstriping and Scrolling Long Bob Pinstriping and Scrolling Long Bob Pinstriping and Scrolling Long Bob Pinstriping and Scrolling LAVALLEE/MACK L/M-‐Set Lavallee/Mack – 5 Piece Brush Set MACK NORRIS TRICKSTER MNT-‐00 MNT-‐0 MNT-‐1 Mack Norris Trickster Mack Norris Trickster Mack Norris Trickster MACK/TIDWELL M/T-‐6 Set M/T-‐3 Set GILDERS RP-‐3 RP-‐5 Gilders Gold Surplus Removal Brush Gilders Sizing Brush (formally the RP-‐2) $15.00 $20.00 XCALIBER PINSTRIPING BRUSHES X-‐0000 X-‐000 X-‐00 X-‐0 Xcaliber Pinstriping Brush Xcaliber Pinstriping Brush Xcaliber Pinstriping Brush Xcaliber Pinstriping Brush $21.25 $21.75 $22.25 $22.75 $28.00 $38.00 $3.00 $3.00 $11.50 $15.00 $15.00 BRUSH BOXES -‐ METAL BB 31 BB 62 Brush Box – Metal (5” x 6.5”) Brush Box – Metal (5” x 14”) OMNI CHROME PENCILS 108-‐0 108-‐3 Omni Chrome Pencil – White Omni Chrome Pencil – Blue WIPE OUT TOOL 2240 Wipe Out Tool ED ROTH PINSTRIPING BOOKS BOOK-‐101 BOOK-‐102 101 Pinstriping Ideas – Ed Roth Pinstriping by Roth – Ed Roth
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