NEW JERSEY ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHILDREN (NJAEYC) STEM: AN PREPARING OUR YOUNG CHILDREN FOR THE FUTURE L A U N NFERENCE O C 2014 OCTOBER 17-18, 2014 HILTON MEADOWLANDS HOTEL EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ HELEN MUSCATO, CONFERENCE INFORMATION (732) 329-0033 MAIL@NJAEYC.ORG New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children Schedule Overview Thursday October 16, 2014 Friday October 17, 2014 Saturday October 18, 2014 Hilton Meadowlands Hilton Meadowlands Hilton Meadowlands Pre-Conference Session Breakfast/Exhibits/ Registration 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Breakfast/Exhibits/ Registration 7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Welcome 8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Welcome/Awards 8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Keynote Presentation 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Keynote Presentation 9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Book Signing & Exhibits 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Workshops 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. See brochure for specific time Workshops 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch/Exhibitors (Lunch Included) 1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Workshops 2:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. Break 3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunch/Exhibitors (Lunch Included) 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Workshops 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Closing Session 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Workshops 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Special Presentation 5:45 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. NJAEYC provides a forum through which individuals can gather and discuss issues vital to those who work on behalf of children and families. Although NJAEYC encourages the exchange of diverse opinions, the ideas presented do not necessarily reflect any of NJAEYC’s official positions. NJAEYC assumes no responsibility for any statement of fact or opinion presented at this conference, nor does acceptance of advertising or exhibits imply endorsement of any products or services by NJAEYC. Photographs will be taken during the conference and may appear on the NJAEYC website. 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION What is STEM? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. This educational focus has become a top priority across all sectors of our society. In January 2010, President Obama released $250 million to support the “Educate to Innovate” Campaign to support STEM education. Educators, in public-private partnerships with corporations, foundations and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education’s Race to the Top Fund were asked to prioritize programs that offer rigorous courses and to help prepare students for careers in STEM fields. REGISTRATION AND FEES • Early Bird registration must be post-marked by September 16, 2014. • After September 16, 2014, mailed registrations will only be processed if the payment includes a $25 late fee. • On-site registration (based on availability) fees will be $25 higher than early bird registrations. PAYMENT OF FEES • Fees are listed on the registration page. • Payment must accompany your registration form. NJAEYC does not accept purchase orders for • Checks must be made payable to NJAEYC. conference registration. • Refunds of registration fees are made only upon written request prior to September 16, 2014. A $25.00 processing fee is deducted from each refund. Absolutely no refunds are issued after September 16, 2014. • A registration can be transferred to another person upon request. • Send your registration and payment to: NJAEYC Conference PO Box 1024 Barnegat Light, NJ 08006 CONFIRMATION • NO CONFIRMATION WILL BE SENT. YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR NAME TAG AND CONFERENCE MATERIALS AT THE CONFERENCE. 1 CORE KNOWLEDGE AREAS CORE KNOWLEDGE identifies specific base areas that a professional must have and apply when working with children, their families and other professionals. All areas are intrinsically interrelated and interdependent. The Core Knowledge Areas are: 1. Assessment and Evaluation 2. Child Growth and Development 3.Curriculum 4. Family and Community Relationships 5. Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities 6. Professionalism and Leadership 7. Program Organization and Management LEVELS (appear in parentheses after workshop title) • Level I - Individuals at this level are at the first step in their commitment to a career in early care and education. • Level II - Individuals at this level have participated in formal study leading to a degree and/or certificate and have refined their knowledge through guided and reflective experience with young children. • Level III - Individuals at this level have extensive academic preparation and experience in the field and can be responsible for mentoring those at Levels I and II. L&A = Leadership and Administration I/T = Infant/Toddler P = Preschool K = Kindergarten/School age FCC = Family Child Care SEATING • Seating in workshops is limited to those people who are specifically registered for that particular workshop and assigned workshops will appear on your name tag. FOOD • There will be a complimentary continental breakfast provided on Friday and Saturday for conference attendees. • Attendees will also receive complimentary lunches on Friday and Saturday. PARKING • Free parking is available at the hotel. CEUs • Continuing Education Units will be awarded for successful completion of requirements. Packets must be picked up at registration. • Department of Education - Registered Provider (qualifies for Professional Development hours for public school teachers). 2 SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION . . . “Where Ideas Learn to Fly” As Quality Grows for Garden State’s Kids, Take the Path of Possibility Through the Demonstration Room of Quality Engagements Delve into a guided learning tour of this 2,500 square feet of collaboration space designed to inspire quality learning engagements for infants, toddlers and young children through thoughtful placement of intentional materials. Visit this demonstration room with other PINJ-registered professionals and examine both materials and requirements needed to meet and exceed licensing standards and support quality measures. Navigate your way through a three dimensional exhibit, “Where Ideas Learn to Fly,” to gain new insight about observing, documenting, and co-learning with children. Gather practices to help you apply the new Core Knowledge and Competencies Framework to overlap with the NJ Birth- to -Three Early Learning Standards and/or the NJ DOE 2013 Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards. Find ways to support staff with these tools across their own learning paths. The exhibit at this conference is part of a collaboration with Ohio Voices for Learning, Professional Impact New Jersey, NJAEYC and New Jersey First Steps to support state-wide participation in Grow NJ Kids. Take a guided tour during the vendor visitation schedule. Test and grow your own ability to use a quality measure tool. Apply the ITERS, ECERS or FCCERS to assess the featured spaces designed for play inside this room. Win door prizes and vendor discounts on materials for your efforts. Workshops will be offered during the regular workshop schedule by Professional Impact NJ and NJ First Steps. 3 NJAEYC Your Professional Early Childhood Organization Are YOU a member? Join the National NAEYC and automatically become a member of your state and local affiliate. 3 easy ways to join: WEB: Phone: 1-800-424-2460 E-mail: The NJAEYC conference committee has a limited number of positions open for Undergraduate and Graduate students to attend the conference at no cost. Visit our website at to download the NJAEYC Student Volunteer Application Form. *Remember to sign up early, student applications are accepted in the order in which they are received. 4 THURSDAY PRE-CONFERENCE SESSION Medication Administration in Early Education and Child Care Settings Schedule: 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon- Light breakfast will be provided in the morning 12:00 - 1:00 PM - Lunch on your own 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Ritamarie Giosa, MSN, RN, CPN, Nursing Program and Undergraduate Student Advisor, Thomas Edison State College Based on the American Academy of Pediatrics “Healthy Futures” curriculum, this full day workshop will cover policies, regulations, liability, measuring, administration, storage, disposal and documentation procedures that promote administering medications safely. The session will also include when medication administration may not be appropriate, dealing with parents, Special Needs Care Plans, and inclusion of children with asthma and life threatening allergies along with special delivery devices such as nebulizers, inhalers and the EpiPen®. Current CPR and First Aid certification preferred. AWARDS CEREMONY TO HONOR NEW JERSEY’S EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION LEADERS This ceremony honors the four winners of the 2014 Dr. Maxine Fischel Professional Development Awards. These awards are made possible through a collaboration of Professional Impact NJ, New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC) and the NJ Statewide Coalition for Child Care. The Awardees were selected from nominations submitted by their peers. Please join in celebrating the accomplishments of New Jersey’s future leaders on Saturday morning. 5 FRIDAY, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM KEYNOTE ADDRESS HEDDA SHARAPAN, Director of Early Childhood Initiatives, The Fred Rogers Company Hedda Sharapan recently celebrated the start of her 48th year with Fred Rogers and the small nonprofit company that he founded. Hedda met Fred Rogers in 1965, before Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, looking for advice about a possible career in children’s television. At his suggestion, she pursued a master’s degree in Child Development from the University of Pittsburgh. She was asked to work on his production from the very first day of the Neighborhood series in 1966, and served as Assistant Director, Assistant Producer, Associate Producer and currently serves as Director of Early Childhood Initiatives. Continuing to carry on Fred Rogers’ legacy, her work includes writing for articles, books, and websites, consulting on scripts for Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, along with creating and presenting professional development materials for early childhood educators. Her monthly professional development newsletter “What we can continue to learn from Fred Rogers” reaches nearly 15,000 subscribers. As “ambassador on the road” for the Neighborhood, she’s a highly sought-after speaker at national and statewide education conferences. Hedda connects the insight she’s gained over the years from working closely with Fred Rogers with treasured video segments and stories from early childhood professionals around the country. In 2010 Hedda was named one of two “Heroes on the Horizon” at the annual NAEYC conference, and in 2011 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from NAFCC (The National Association for Family Child Care). In 2013 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA. KEYNOTE ADDRESS: STEM might be Science, Technology, Engineering and Math to the world, but it begins in early childhood with “What’s this?” and “What can I do with it?” Adding the A for Arts to make it STEAM makes it an even more natural fit for young children. Through videos, like the all-time favorite crayon factory - maybe you remember it from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood? -- and stories from child care professionals around the country, we’ll explore everyday ways to get comfortable with STEAM concepts in early childhood. It’s not just to inspire scientists, architects and engineers these basic concepts are at the foundation for all of children’s future learning! 6 Friday workshops 11:30 am - 1:00 pm ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION 1. Taking Apart the Environment Rating Scales (I/T, P, Level I) Tricia Sifford, Senior Acct Manager, Branagh Information Group Environment Rating Scale – assessments are designed to give more than a score. Used appropriately, assessments provide a road map for planning quality improvement efforts. This session will provide a deeper understanding of the scales and see before/after pictures of classroom quality improvements. Child Growth and Development 2. Multi-Sensory Strategies to Enhance Classroom Learning (P, K, Level II, III) Eleanor Campbell, Pediatric Physical Therapist, Advanced Physical Therapy Associates, Alison Bielinski, OTR Learn how to help your students improve gross, fine and visual motor skills, improve body awareness and self-regulation and wake the brain up for learning. This workshop explores the connection between the mind and body, in relation to learning and self-regulation. It will provide easy, practical strategies for teachers using common classroom materials. 3. Kindness in an Unkind World (L&A, Level I, II, IIII) Moya Fewson, HighScope Teacher Education Centre This workshop will examine ways to help preschoolers deal with a stressful world full of visions of violence and cruelty. It will help teachers focus on compassion, courage and kindness from an adult to child perspective and a child to child perspective. Kindness, like other social skills, needs to be modelled and it needs to be taught! 4. Baby Sign Language (I/T, Level I) Sherri Begleiter, Early Childhood Consultant Why learn baby sign language? For a host of reasons: it bridges the gap between understanding language and being able to communicate by helping children communicate before they can speak. This helps reduce frustration for infants and toddlers, it helps practice interperson communication skills, creates a common language for a classroom that might be multilingual, increases attention and engagement while increasing a child’s sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Sign language enhances finger play and helps ease transitions as well as reaching children with special needs. Most of all, it’s fun and easy to learn! We will learn the alphabet, numbers, simple directions, animals and a couple of special surprises! Curriculum 5. Dan Zanes House Party: Songs and Stories from American Neighborhoods (I/T, PS, Level II) Dan Zanes, Grammy Award Winner, Festival Five Records and Joy Marilie Sing, dance, listen and learn to make music an integral part of children’s everyday lives while interacting with the music and stories of the diverse culture that make up America’s neighborhoods. Experience in the workshop how children in the class are able to explore the rich tapestry of American folk traditions through songs, stories, movement, puppets and games. 7 Friday workshops 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 6. Preschoolers as Photographers (P, Level I, II) Elizabeth Cottino, M. Ed. William Paterson University Child Development Center; Cindy Gennarelli, M.Ed. William Paterson University Child Development Center The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with an in-depth look at how one preschool classroom integrated the use of digital cameras and iPads to follow the children’s interest in photography. Participants will learn about the journey (curriculum including literature and activities, documentation and the photography exhibit) that took place during this unit of study. 7. Making Storytime More Fun! (I/T, PS, K, Level I, II, III) Don Dougherty, Author, Storyteller, Rocketeer; Classroom Adventure Stories, LLC This is NOT your typical workshop! So get ready to go on an exciting, highly-interactive adventure, with Don Dougherty of Classroom Adventure Stories! Don has been a Professional Storyteller since 2007. He’s performed thousands of times for tens of thousands of children and adults in a variety of settings. In this workshop, he’ll perform one of his stories, and then give you tips on how you, yourself, can make story time more fun in your classroom. But remember: “It’s NOT just a workshop -- It’s an ADVENTURE!” 8. The Joy of Yoga & Music: Songs, Activities, Tips and Tools (P, K, Level II) Bari Koral: Music, Movement & Kids Yoga A trip to the moon? Growing from seeds into apple trees, chasing the gingerbread man? Discover a wonderful world of beloved songs and activities that help teach children the love of yoga & movement. As we move and play you’ll discover life changing tools you can easily incorporate into your classroom. Everyone will be encouraged to participate in the fun while we play songs that build confidence, strength, balance and coordination. 9. Oceans Alive! A showcase of hands-on aquatic science programs for young children (I/T, P, K, Level I, II, III) Estelle M. Kerdock, Outreach Manager, New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences This session will introduce participants to the various traveling programs offered for young children, toddlers through 2nd grade, by New Jersey Academy for Aquatic Sciences. In this session, participants will experience firsthand, mini-sessions of Tidepool Toddlers (for 2-3 yr), Oceans in Motion (PS-1st), and Feathers and Scales and Fur Oh My! (for PS-2nd). Hands-on with live animals! 10. Activate Your Curriculum – Bring Kinesthetic Learning Into Your School (PS, FCC, Level I, II, III) Monica Levy, Founder/Owner LeapSmart Educators will learn how to invent their own custom tailored educational movement activities for any curriculum through creative activities, inspirational PowerPoint and spirited discussions. Educators will learn step-by-step techniques and will leave the workshop confident and prepared to incorporate kinesthetic learning into their classrooms resulting in improved classroom management and increased retention. 11. “Where Ideas Learn to Fly”: An Exhibit Demonstrating Approaches to Learning (L&A, Level I, II, III) Dr. Arlene R. Martin, Executive Director of Professional Impact New Jersey, (PINJ); Kim M. Cornell, Director of New Initiatives, PINJ Utilizing the Ohio Voices for Learning exhibit “Where Ideas Learn to Fly” as inspiration, we’ll look at standards with new eyes. Make connections to the Approaches to Learning from NJ DOE 2013 Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards. Participate in a learning community discussion about how a shift to thinking in reverse can reveal standards as opportunities rather than obstacles. 8 Friday workshops 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Family and Community Relationships 12. Family Literacy Workshops: Thousands of Possibilities – Incredible Results. Get Yours! Anita R. Kumar, Assistant Professor and Coordinator – Department of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Passaic County Community College; Nicole DeNude, Administrator - Child Development Center, Passaic County Community College Do you want to engage families through fun literacy building activities? Join us to learn research-based strategies to share with families to build oral language, vocabulary, comprehension, phonemic awareness, letter knowledge and writing through home environments, daily interactions and routines and culturally and socially relevant practices. Materials, activities and parent handouts to use for family literacy workshops will be shared. Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities 13. Nutrition and Fitness in Early Childhood (I/T, P, FCC, Level I, II) Pat Lutner, Goddard Instructor and Pat Zauflik, Goddard Systems, Inc. This workshop explores the basics of nutrition and fitness for young children. It guides adults to become good role models in food choices and fitness activities for the children and families they serve. Professionalism and Leadership 14. Respectful, Effective and Positive Communication (All, Level I, II) Cindy Rzasa Bess, Developmental Psychologist, Education Consultant So often as adults (parents and co-workers) we forget how important building positive and productive relationships are to our success, especially with young children. We must always be mindful of what we say, what our intended message is, and how we look when speaking, if we truly want to make our voice heard, our message clear, and our point understood. 15. Breaking Free – Using Your Inner Strength (All, Level I, II, III) Sylvia F. Pfeffer and Lauretta Freeman, Consultants – Center for Educational Services This workshop will engage attendees in experiences to help them become more aware of their own strengths. Participants will be exposed to techniques which can enrich their lives on a daily basis. 16. First Annual NJAEYC Leadership Summit (Part I) (L&A, Level I, II, III) Amanda Blagman, Coordinator of Early Education Quality Initiatives, Programs for Parents Come and be part of our First Annual NJAEYC Leadership Summit as we discuss Race to the Top, QRIS, Accreditation and what’s happening in early childhood education in New Jersey and the nation. Help define your role as an early childhood leader. Join the NJAEYC Public Policy Team for a lively interactive discussion on these topics and more. Program Organization and Management 17. NJ Immunization Requirements: Tools for Best Practice (P, K, Level I, II, III) Jenish Sudhakaran, MPH Population Assessment Coordinator and Jennifer Smith, MPH, CHES Health Educator; NJ Department of Health Vaccine Preventable Disease Program This interactive presentation will provide an overview of NJ’s child care and preschool immunization requirements (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4). The speakers will share tools for best practice for interpreting and applying school immunization requirements. 9 Friday WORKSHOPS 2:15 PM - 3:45 pm Assessment and Evaluation 18. Do You Know R.O.S.I.E.? (I/T, P. K. FCC, Level II, III) Angie DeFazio, ECE Consultant/Trainer, Is It Good For Children, LLC ROSIE (Rating Observation Scale for Inspiring Environments) is a self-assessment tool that looks at environments in a new way—Sprouting, Budding and Blooming. Teachers are invited to come and learn how to enhance their classrooms by emphasizing aesthetic environmental qualities that are often overlooked in early childhood classrooms, such as nature, color, furnishings, textures, displays, lighting and focal points. CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 19.How to Deal with Anger and Aggression (I/T, P, FCC, Level I, II) Sherri Begleiter, Early Childhood Consultant Being angry is normal human emotion. Learning to handle anger in a safe, healthy way is sometimes more difficult. We will cover biting, aggressive vs nonaggressive, why children become aggressive, helping children identify their emotions, and a toolbox of techniques for teachers to use in their classroom. Curriculum 20. Music Centers….Indoor or Out! (P, Level I) Dina Lopreiato, Preschool Teacher, Little Egg Harbor School District Have you ever wondered if a child initiated outdoor music center would enhance children’s language and build vocabulary while supporting social emotional growth? Workshop participants will learn how one teacher engaged in an investigative study from observing and documenting children’s interest in music. Children were active participants, creating an outdoor music center that is now a favorite place to create and march to joyful sounds, rhythms and beats. 21. Paint Me a Story (P, Level II) Kerry Scott, Early Learning Program Coordinator and Beth Cooper, Curator of Education, New Jersey State Museum “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” Pablo Picasso. How can art give children the classroom skills they need for grade school? This workshop will present techniques to promote critical thinking, creativity, language development, and interdisciplinary learning. Participants will receive a curriculum guide and resource packet. 22. Enhancing Children’s Literacy Skills in a Preschool Classroom (P, FCC, Level I, II) Denielle Carr, Group Teacher, William Paterson University Child Development Center This interactive workshop will introduce participants to various ways to actively engage children while reading a book. Through a mixture of demonstration, practice and reflection, participants will learn how to support key literacy skills such as fluency, vocabulary, recall and sequencing. They will also learn developmentally appropriate ways of reinforcing the book theme throughout the centers in the classroom while addressing the Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards. They will also have the opportunity to create their own props and games to several children’s books. 10 Friday workshops 2:15 pm - 3:45 pm 23. The Scientist in Your Cupboard (Level P, K, I, II) Carole O’Brien, Early Childhood Consultant Science is a perfect fit in the early childhood classroom, but we aren’t teaching it enough. Children are born motivated to explore, question, seek and discover their world. For teachers, we have an opportunity to build on our student’s natural inclination to question the way the world works and why. A good science curriculum will include capturing, as well as creating, the science moments that occur throughout a child’s day. Science is fun, and our goal is to get teachers excited and engaged, so they in turn will engage young children. This workshop will present strategies for both creating and capturing science. 24. Finding Math in Every Place and Every Space – Linking the Arts and Mathematics in the Early Childhood Classroom (P, K, Level I, II) Jamie Mayer, Associate Director of In-School Programs, NJPAC; Wincey Terry, NJPAC Master Teaching Artist During this highly interactive workshop, participants will learn how to tap young children’s love of music and movement to spark meaningful explorations of math by using the art forms as a teaching tool. Teachers will walk away with simple strategies for creating songs and facilitating movement in the early childhood classroom. Workshop participants will also learn how to link these lessons to literacy and empower children to actively apply critical thinking skills and evaluate their learning. 25. “If You Have the Time, Preschoolers Have the Answer” (P, K, Level II) Joanne Jasmine, Ed. D., Professor of Education, Caldwell College A student centered approach is effective in addressing the needs of preschoolers. However, this method disappears as students enter elementary school. This workshop addresses 6 tenets and their applications that should occur in preschool and continue through elementary school. They are as follows: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), Reading Comprehension, Student Centered Learning/Differentiation, Multisensory Approach, HIB Law/Prevention and Assessment. 26. Continuing the Conversation (P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Hedda Sharapan, Keynote, Director of Early Childhood Initiatives, The Fred Rogers Company Join us for fun, hands-on, everyday ideas to help you build on the STEAM concepts from the keynote. Hedda has lots of engaging and developmentally appropriate activities to share and practical ways to help you become more comfortable encouraging children’s meaningful experiences with STEAM concepts. 27. NJ First Steps: Active by Design (L&A, Level I, II, III) Cynthia Soete, MSed, New Jersey First Steps Infant/Toddler Specialist; Maureen Greiner, New Jersey First Steps Infant/Toddler Specialists Consultant to Programs for Parents, Inc. New Jersey First Steps Care giver practices determine the availability and accessibility of challenging materials. Increase the quality measure of your care by learning ways to offer low cost infant/toddler engagements across nine items from the ITERS/FCCERS/ECERS Activities Subscales. Practice ways to increase quality at your site through a hands-on visit to the Demonstration Room of Quality Engagements and make adjustments to materials with guidance from the NJ First Steps team. 11 Friday workshops 2:15 pm - 3:45 pm 28. Enough! No More Plastic Bags (P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Barbara Reynolds, Teacher, Free To Be Child Care Center at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Learn about the problems caused by plastic bags and how to create a cool alternative: recycling T-shirts into cloth bags. In 10 minutes, with no sewing, turn your shirt into a warm & fuzzy replacement for plastic bags. You are encouraged to bring your own T-shirt. A limited supply of T-shirts will also be available. Donations of T-shirts will also be available. Donations of T-shirts (old/new, big/little) are welcome. Come prepared to brainstorm additional solutions to the plastic problem that can be implemented in your early childhood setting. Young children are the future caretakers of our planet. They are the solution! Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities 29. Yoga for You and Your Students (P, K, FCC, Level I, II, III) Beth and Scott Bierko, Owners, Rivertown Center for Yoga and Health Experience the benefits of yoga – stress reduction, improved concentration, pain relief and a stronger, more flexible body. Participants will also learn how to use yoga with children to improve body awareness, concentration and imagination. 30. Teaching Healthy Eating Habits in the Classroom in 5 Easy Steps (I/T, P, K, FCC, Level I, II, III) Dina Rose, PhD, Sociologist, Feeding Expert, Author; Caron Gremont, MPP Teaching kids to eat right is much harder than just providing healthy food. Come learn easy, research-based solutions to the most common eating problems (including kids who refuse anything green). We’ll also help you better communicate with families about eating habits, and share tips on how you can offer healthier food, even on a tight budget. Professionalism and Leadership 31. Dealing with Difficult Behaviors (L&A, Level I, II, III) Robert Kane and Mark Kremen, Senior Partners, Training Unlimited, LLC We all know someone whose behaviors we find difficult, whether a friend, co-worker, or client. They may be rude, ignorant, demanding, a screamer, or just plain old mean. This program looks at a variety of behaviors and how to deal with them in a professional manner. It separates the person from the behavior. A must program for anyone who deals with people. Program Organization and Management 32. Top Three Legal Issues Effecting ECE Programs (L&A, Level II) Janice Nieliwocki, Child Care Specialist, Ronald V. McGuckin & Associates This session will look at the recent trends in legal actions facing Early Care and Education Programs. Participants will examine the effect the current economy has had on Unemployment Compensation Claims. The presenter will outline how to best prepare for an Unemployment case and what specific documentation and language should be used to help you. Participants will also discuss Discrimination claims. Finally, participants will examine claims filed with the Department of Labor and specifically, information will be presented related to paying Overtime, what is considered work, training pay and “comp time”. 12 Friday workshops 2:15 pm - 3:45 pm 33. Grow NJ Kids . . New Jersey’s Path to Quality Early Care and Education (L&A, Level II, III) Andrea Breitwieser, Grow NJ Kids Coordinator, NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Child Care Operations; Shonda Laurel, NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Child Care Operations Join us for this information session to learn more about Grow NJ Kids, New Jersey’s quality rating and improvement system. This system is designed to create universal standards of quality for all early care and education programs, including Head Start, child care, public preschool and family child care programs. Grow NJ Kids provides a road map for improving quality in five program areas: (1) Safe, Healthy Learning Environment, (2) Curriculum and Learning Environment, (3) Family and Community Engagement, (4) Workforce/ Professional Development and (5) Administration and Management. Find out more about the various incentives and resources. All programs can enroll so don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your program’s quality! Friday workshops 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Assessment and Evaluation 34. Pre-K Assessments for Readiness, Writing, Literacy, and Math: A Systematic Approach (P, Level I) Diane Eldridge, RN, COTA/L, Handwriting Without Tears Pre-K assessments are powerful tools for educators to guide individual and classroom instruction. This session presents three simple, informal assessments that address children’s growth in crucial foundation skills in readiness/writing, language/literacy, and numbers/math. Attendees will examine and analyze the activities, observation checklists, and assessment records that are universal and developmentally appropriate for children 4-5 years. Child Growth and Development 35. Fine Motor Matters: Promoting the Fine Motor Skills of Young Students in the Inclusive Preschool and Kindergarten Classroom (P, K, Level II, III) Alison Hales, Occupational Therapist, Mani Educational and Therapeutic Resources; Laurie Donovan, Occupational Therapist, Mani Educational and Therapeutic Resources Learn about the role fine motor skills have on the academic success of young children and how problems in this area impact classroom performance. Learn to recognize when and how to help your students who are displaying difficulties with fine motor skills. This session will provide an overview of fine motor skills development, current fine motor programs and current research. 36. Breaking the Bullying Circle (P, K, Level I, II, III) Ron Shuali, National Speaker-Shua Life Skills The participants in this workshop will get a deeper understanding on why bullying occurs in their classrooms and schools. Educators will see how they unknowingly and unintentionally initiate bullying amongst their students, co-workers and parents through a dynamic and interactive program. Every participant will get the opportunity to experience what their children feel so that they can empathize and transform their environment into a bully free learning environment. Only through the eyes of the bully and the victim can we truly take on the responsibility and power to lead our young learners. 13 Friday Workshops 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Curriculum 37. The Science of Traditional Play Behind Early Childhood STEM Education (P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Kelley O. Williams, Customer Experience; Rachel Williams, Director, The Honey Bee Company Fostering a love for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) starts early, but how do you get students interested in these concepts early? Delve into how to implement STEM learning at the early childhood level through the science of play. During this session, you will also get some playtime of your own to test out what you’ve learned! 38. Science, Math and Music (I/T, P, K, Level II) Michael Napolitano, Founder of Preschool of Rock We will use intriguing instruments, drum circles and musical performance to teach the basics of preschool math and science. 39.How to Foster Scientific Thinking or Mr. Feynman’s Excellent Curriculum (P, K, FCC, Level I, II, III) Judi Pack, Early Childhood Consultant Richard Feynman, award-winning physicist, was lucky enough to have a father who inspired him to think deeply. In this workshop we will explore how Mr. Feynman’s approach can be used in our classrooms to further develop the young child’s natural curiosity and love of learning and discover how we are all scientists as we live our lives among young children. 40. Designing a Three-Dimensional Curriculum (I/T, P, Level I, II) This workshop will be a collaboration between the Christian Kjeldsen Leadership Institute of Professional Impact NJ and NJ First Steps, a State-wide Infant/Toddler Initiative Navigate your way through a three dimensional exhibit, “Where Ideas Learn to Fly”, to gain new insight about observing, documenting and co-learning with children. In this hands-on workshop, in a demonstration room of resources and ideas, you will explore a variety of infant, toddler and preschool engagement activities by taking a quality materials inventory to identify the equipment and environments needed to inspire further explorations. Family and Community Relationships 41. Building Bridges Instead of Walls: Improving Parent/Staff Communication (All, Level I, II, III) Sue Gellert, MS, Ed. Technical Assistance Quality Specialist, Bergen County Office for Children Open sharing of information between program staff and parents helps to strengthen home/school connections. By building bridges, providers can enhance the comprehensive services they provide for children. Learn how to share and gather sensitive information with families using a relationship-based approach. This workshop will provide you with practical strategies for enhancing your communication skills. Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities 42. Medication Administration Review and Update Ritamarie Giosa MSN, RN, CPN., W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing, Thomas Edison State College; Dianne Burdette MS, RN, CPNP, K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital Wellness Center, Midtown Community Elem. School, Neptune This workshop will reinforce previously learned essential concepts relative to medication administration in early care and school age programs, expose the participant to updated resources and best practices, and allow the participant to demonstrate skill in measuring and administering selected medications for this population. Must bring to the class: Evidence of (certificate) from previous class in medication administration (any program) and a current CPR and First Aid certification card. 14 Friday Workshops 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM 43. Movement, Motivation and More: Stemming the Tide to Childhood Obesity (P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Debbie Clement, Arts Enrichment Specialist; Author/Illustrator Picture Books Get UP! Get Active!! Come learn simple songs and dances that are based on active movement. Learn the choreography that brings the dances to life, patterns and sequences that scaffold upon each other. Cross the midline with your feet! Build group cohesion through shared dancing experience. Lets MOVE! 44. Imaginative and Invigorating Music and Movement Activities (P, FCC, Level I, II) Abby Connors, Early Childhood Music Educator The purpose of this workshop is to explore how young children benefit physically, socially, and cognitively from moving to music of a wide variety of styles and cultures. It’s based on my ongoing research in this area as well as my original games and activities using music of other cultures and genres, which are engaging and developmentally appropriate for young children. Professionalism and Leadership 45. Supporting New Educators as They Begin Their Teaching Journey (L&A, Level II, III) Moya Fewson, HighScope Teacher Education Centre – Canada This workshop is useful to coaches. It will examine the stages new teachers go through, investigate the interpersonal skills mentors/coaches need to support them, look at ongoing observation and feedback as a tool for learning and develop specific strategies to work with teachers at each stage of their journey. 46. First Annual NJAEYC Leadership Summit (Part II) (L&A, Level I, II, III) JoAnne Kirk, Family Child Care Education Coordinator, BCCAP Where do we go from here? Work with your colleagues in a roundtable discussion to develop concrete steps to face new challenges and take advantage of new opportunities in early childhood education. Become a leader and make your voice heard. (Session 1 is not a pre-requisite to attend Session 2 - all are welcome.) Program Organization and Management 47. What’s New in Licensing? (L&A, Level II, III) Marilyn Lidlow, BS, Supervisor, Child Care Quality Assurance Inspector; Antonette Franklin, BA, Child Care Quality Assurance Inspector II, NJ Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing Staff from the NJ Office of Licensing will answer your questions and provide information on licensing requirements for child care centers, adopted on 9/1/13. 48. Easy and Not So Evil Evaluations (L&A, Level II, III) Lynette Galante, President, Future Generation Consulting Services Directors, Center Supervisors – Do you dread staff evaluations and appraisals? Is finding the time to observe and evaluate your staff challenging? Join me and we will solve all of your job description and evaluation nightmares! 49. Issues and Solutions for Creating A Successful Natural Playground (P, K, Level II, III) Eric Strickland, Ph.D., CPSI, Grounds for Play Providing more natural experiences for children on playgrounds requires thoughtful planning and attention to more than rocks, sticks and dirt. This session will focus on creating a blended natural environment that meets the developmental needs of children, provides a wide range of experiences and minimizes safety concerns. 15 ~ SPECIAL EVENT ~ Friday evening 5:45 pm - 6:45 pm Early Childhood STEM Learning Through the Arts: NJ Wolf Trap Program “Turning STEM INTO STEAM” –Infusing the artistic process into the Sciences NJPAC’s Arts Education Team and NJ Wolf Trap Teaching Artists (NJPAC is the regional provider of the National Wolf Trap Program.) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education has become a top priority across all sectors of our society, as exemplified by the January 6, 2010 announcement by President Obama of a $250 million “Educate to Innovate” Campaign to support STEM educators, a public-private partnership with corporations, foundations, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Race to the Top Fund, whose Competitive Preference Priority is for programs that offer rigorous courses and prepare students for careers in STEM fields. Research into early childhood study of science has shown that children are capable of more complex scientific thinking and work using basic scientific methods than even some scholars previously thought possible (Gelman and Brenneman, 2004). Despite ample research showing that young children have the potential to become competent math learners before entering elementary school, few children realize this potential. Yet research now shows that student’s math skills as they enter Kindergarten are the strongest predictor of later school achievement. The active learning inherent in arts-based lessons proves to be an especially effective teaching strategy for early childhood educators. Experimental evidence shows that Wolf Trap arts-infused methodology promotes the development of math and science skills of pre-K and Kindergarten children and significantly improves their academic readiness for elementary school. The Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts supports the cognitive, emotional, and physical development of children ages three months to five years old, with the goal of increasing their school readiness. The Institute provides in-classroom training and professional development programs for early childhood educators — all to infuse the performing arts into standard lesson plans, helping young children: • Develop their emergent literacy skills and language; • Learn math and science concepts, vocabulary, and habits of mind; • Practice and experience 21st century skills such as communication, creativity, collaboration, and cooperation, which are key to future success; and • Achieve pre-K and Kindergarten learning outcomes as defined by national education organizations and local education districts. Our work is continually updated to align with the latest guidelines and recommendations for developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Head Start, the International Reading Association, and the Committee on Early Childhood Mathematics, as well as state and national early education standards and curricula. 16 SATURDAY, 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM KEYNOTE ADDRESS Vincent Nunes, Children’s Recording Artist, Lighthouse Records A musician of Portuguese descent, Vincent composes and performs original, interactive music for children. His nationally distributed CDs, Vincent and the Big Bad Kitchen Band, Read to Me, Brand New Day, Just One Step and Working Together have won numerous national awards, including: the Parents’ Choice Award, NAPPA and Parent’s Guide to Children’s Media. Vincent has also won a number of ASCAP awards for songwriting. His newest CD, Smart Songs for Active Children, released in June 2014 is terrifically entertaining and continues to reflect Vincent's committment to early childhood learning. He has performed across the country, from Massachusetts to California, and from Texas to Michigan, in schools, libraries and teacher conferences, and has been featured on national children’s radio. Vincent has offered keynote and featured presentations, as well as workshops, at regional and National Association for the Education of Young Children conferences since 1989, including signing songs for the hearing impaired. Vincent is also affiliated with Young Audiences of Rochester, New York. In May 2014, he launched a new website: KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Smart Songs for Active Children: InterActive Music to Enhance Curriculum, Encourage Creativity and Introduce Community Values Vincent presents his original music for children to provide theoretical and practical ways to enhance core curriculum standards (including STEM fields) for early childhood educators and their learners. The presentation is accessible and applicable to a wide range of children, from PreSchool to 3rd grade. Attendees will develop confidence and skill in identifying and using this kind of music to encourage creative thinking and introduce shared community values, while providing a foundation for curriculum modules throughout the year. 17 Saturday EARLYBIRD WORKSHOP 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Health, safety, nutrition & physical activities 50. “Zumba with Darlene” (All, Level I, II, III) Darlene Anderson – Zumba Instructor Come join Darlene for an early morning Zumba class. It’s fun with great music and anyone can do it. Saturday workshops 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Assessment and Evaluation 51. Pre-K Assessments for Readiness, Writing, Literacy, and Math: A Systematic Approach (P, Level I) Diane Eldridge, RN, COTA/L, Handwriting Without Tears Pre-K assessments are powerful tools for educators to guide individual and classroom instruction. This session presents three simple, informal assessments that address children’s growth in crucial foundation skills in readiness/writing, language/literacy, and numbers/math. Attendees will examine and analyze the activities, observation checklists, and assessment records that are universal and developmentally appropriate for children 4-5 years. Child Growth and Development 52. Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with the Child and Extend Their Learning (I/T, PS, FCC, Level II, III) Tychawn Johnson, Early Childhood Consultant This interactive session will examine Powerful Interactions in which teachers intentionally connect with the child and extend the child’s learning. Participants will learn how to turn everyday interactions into Powerful Interactions using a three-step approach: be present so you can be intentional; connect to deepen your relationship with the child; and extend learning in ways that are individually responsive to each child. 53. Toddler Watch (I/T, FCC, Level I, II, III) Marjorie Brickley, Faculty Bank Street College of Education Observing toddlers at play offers us an opportunity to think about development, curriculum and interactions. We will be joined by toddlers! 54. Fine Motor Matters: Promoting the Fine Motor Skills of Young Students in the Inclusive Preschool and Kindergarten Classroom (P, K, Level II, III) Alison Hales, Occupational Therapist, Mani Educational and Therapeutic Resources; Laurie Donovan, Occupational Therapist, Mani Educational and Therapeutic Resources Learn about the role fine motor skills have on the academic success of young children and how problems in this area impact classroom performance. Learn to recognize when and how to help your students who are displaying difficulties with fine motor skills. This session will provide an overview of fine motor skills development, current fine motor programs and current research. Curriculum 55. Building a Better Community Song by Song (P, FCC, K, Level I, II) Vincent Nunes, Children’s Recording Artist Community values are shared in early childhood, shaping young lives from the very beginning. Vincent performs his multiple award-winning, original, interactive songs to assist early childhood professionals to enrich children’s learning experiences as they encounter shared values, such as racial tolerance, cultural diversity, harmony with our environment, cooperation, teamwork, and gender equity. 18 Saturday Workshops 10:30 am - 12:00 PM 56. Play, Learn, Grow! Developmentally Appropriate & Fun Thematic Activities for Young Learners (I/T, P, FCC, Level I, II, III) Jacqueline G. Lopez, Founder/Educator, Little Hands, Busy Minds; Valeria E. Lopez, Education Specialist, Little Hands, Busy Minds Play, Learn, Grow! will feature developmentally appropriate activities that encourage discovery, independence and learning through play. Participants will learn how to use everyday low-budget items to develop activities for toddlers and preschoolers in all learning areas. Topics to be discussed include: science and art activities, circle time, finger plays, and transition exercises. 57. Recycle, Repurpose and Play (I/T, P, FCC, Level I, II) Denece Young, Quality Improvement Specialist, Programs for Parents, Inc. This activity was designed to promote play that is stimulating and keeps children curious and engaged on a limited budget. Recycled items are being repurposed into supplies that can enrich learning in areas of science, math, reading, social interaction and art. Included in this workshop are instructions to help you plan developmentally appropriate activities for children. 58. Science, Math and Music (I/T, P, K, Level II) Michael Napolitano, Founder of Preschool of Rock We will use intriguing instruments, drum circles and musical performance to teach the basics of preschool math and science. 59. You Can Play the Ukulele (P, K, FCC, Level I, II, III) Scott and Beth Bierko, Co-Owner, Beth & Scott and Friends Bring the gift of music to your children. Learn the fundamentals for life-long enjoyment of this easy to play instrument. Learn why live music is essential for children and grown-ups too. Participants will have the option to purchase a ukulele at the conference (although not mandatory). 60. NJ First Steps: Active by Design (L&A, Level I, II, III) Cynthia Soete, MSed, New Jersey First Steps Infant/Toddler Specialist; Maureen Greiner, New Jersey First Steps Infant/Toddler Specialists Consultant to Programs for Parents, Inc. New Jersey First Steps Care giver practices determine the availability and accessibility of challenging materials. Increase the quality measure of your care by learning ways to offer low cost infant/toddler engagements across nine items from the ITERS/FCCERS/ECERS Activities Subscales. Practice ways to increase quality at your site through a hands-on visit to the Demonstration Room of Quality Engagements and make adjustments to materials with guidance from the NJ First Steps team. Family and Community Relationships 61. Rethinking Our Preschool Traditions (P, K, FCC, Level II, III) Elizabeth Carlson, Head Teacher, Hollingworth Preschool, Teachers College, Columbia University; Marisa Chin-Calubaquib, Head Teacher; Heather Pinedo-Burns, Director – Hollingworth Preschool Traditions are expected and important components of preschool culture. With an increasing number of children diagnosed with food allergies, we began rethinking food-oriented celebrations - new traditions, Craft Day and Messy Day, highlight author/illustrators and science concepts. On these days, families are invited to participate in an hour of special activities. Four years later, these “new” traditions are loved by children, families and staff. 19 Saturday Workshops 10:30 am - 12:00 PM 62. Building Positive Relationships With Parents and Children (I/T, P, Level I, II) Sereeta Cantres, Independent Credentialed Trainer The workshop will make participants think about the types of relationships participants have with their students and their parents. We will discuss 3 appropriate strategies of building positive relationships with children and 3 strategies with parents. Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities 63. Understanding Toddlers Who are Fussy Eaters (I/T, FCC, Level I, II) Debbie Silver, Director of Professional Development – Child Care Resources of Rockland Toddlers who are fussy/picky eaters can often be challenging for caregivers! This workshop will explore why toddlers exhibit this behavior and offer strategies for dealing with it. Professionalism and Leadership 64. New Jersey Pyramid Model Partnership (All, Level I, II, III) Keri Giordano, Director, Children’s Learning Center, New Jersey City University The NJ Pyramid Model Partnership is an interagency, collaborative working group started in 2009 with the goal of increasing the social-emotional competency of infants and young children across the state. In this session, participants will learn about the work of the group, future professional development opportunities, and opportunities to get involved. 65. A Creative Life (I/T, P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Ed Shankman, Children’s Author Award-winning children’s book author talks about his creative process, including where his ideas come from, the magic of inspiration and the power of discipline. Program Organization and Management 66. It Takes a Village to Define a Leader – Effectively Managing and Motivating Others (All, Level I, II) Cindy Rzasa Bess, Ph.D., Developmental Psychologist, Education Consultant In the ECE setting, the best way to ensure classrooms run smoothly, and jobs are done correctly and efficiently, is to effectively manage teams, use positive communication, and delegate responsibility successfully. Directors are ultimately responsible for how programs run, and teachers are responsible for how the classroom operates. Yet all must be invested to make a program work and run well. 20 Saturday Workshops 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Assessment and Observation 67. The View from the Little Chair in the Corner – Making the MOST of the Information Obtained from Classroom Setting Observations (I/T, P. FCC, Level I, II) Cindy Rzasa Bess, Developmental Psychologist, Education Consultant All teachers can improve what they do, present, and offer the children in their care. Good practice comes from making necessary changes to improve the classroom environment, integrating knowledge of child development with effective communication and strong meaningful learning experiences, and optimizing one’s personal teaching style to make strong, solid connections with young children. Best practice can only come from understanding at a deeper level why these changes are needed. Child Growth and Development 68. Exploring Deafness and Diversity (P, K, Level I, II) Brianna Franco, Early Childhood Teacher; Sue Mankiw, Associate Professor, William Paterson University Exploring Deafness opens dialogue on diversity issues and allows children to pose questions about disability culture. In this workshop participants will get a glimpse at how children in one kindergarten class responded to a unit of study about deafness. Participants will learn promising classroom applications for incorporating disability into the early childhood curriculum. 69. The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children – What Childcare Providers Need to Know (I/T, P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Stacy Rodgers, MSW, ACSW, DVS, WTS, Founder & CEO PURE I.M.A.G.E.S Inc.; Jocelyn D. Britt, BA, WTS Owner/Director Fruits of the Spirit Family Day Care This workshop aims to enlighten teachers and directors with an understanding of the effects of domestic violence on children and the developmental coping experiences of children who observe and/or experience abuse, and the impact that these experiences have on a child’s ability to function in your center. It will also provide early childhood professionals with insights into their roles and responsibilities – identification and support. Curriculum 70. Finding Math in Every Place and Every Space – Linking the Arts and Mathematics in the Early Childhood Classroom (P, K, Level I, II) Jamie Mayer, Associate Director of In-School Programs, NJPAC; Wincey Terry, NJPAC Master Teaching Artist During this highly interactive workshop, participants will learn how to tap young children’s love of music and movement to spark meaningful explorations of math by using the art forms as a teaching tool. Teachers will walk away with simple strategies for creating songs and facilitating movement in the early childhood classroom. Workshop participants will also learn how to link these lessons to literacy and empower children to actively apply critical thinking skills and evaluate their learning. 21 Saturday workshops 1:30 pm - 3:00 PM 71.“Keep it Upbeat! Keep ‘em Moving!” Using Music and Movement to Keep Kids Actively Engaged in Learning” (P, Level I, II, III) Mr. Scott the Music Man, Movement Motivator/Performer/Educator; Valerie Frost-Lewis, Director, Peppermint Tree Child Development Center A non-stop fun, energetic and motivating exploration of the joys and benefits of infusing music and movement throughout the day. Come prepared to move to the high energy, original music of New Jersey’s very own Mr. Scott the Music Man. 72. The Science of Traditional Play Behind Early Childhood STEM Education (P, K, FCC, Level I, II) Kelley O. Williams, Customer Experience; Rachel Williams, Director, The Honey Bee Company Fostering a love for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) starts early, but how do you get students interested in these concepts early? Delve into how to implement STEM learning at the early childhood level through the science of play. During this session, you will also get some playtime of your own to test out what you’ve learned! 73. “Lyrics to Literacy: Playful Connections Between Singing & Early Literacy” (I/T, PS, K, Level I, II, III) Debbie Clement, Arts Enrichment Specialist; Author/Illustrator Picture Books Join a nationally, award-wining picture book author and illustrator in an upbeat romp through her books based on her original song lyrics. Learn the sign language to support the performance of the songs: Affirmation, Earth Science, Patriotism, Early Childhood Civics. You’re invited to be delighted. Prepare to laugh AND perhaps cry, too. 74. Dan Zanes House Party: Songs and Stories from American Neighborhoods (I/T, PS, Level II) Dan Zanes, Grammy Award Winner, Festival Five Records and Joy Marilie Sing, dance, listen and learn to make music an integral part of children’s everyday lives while interacting with the music and stories of the diverse culture that make up America’s neighborhoods. Experience in the workshop how children in the class are able to explore the rich tapestry of American folk traditions through songs, stories, movement, puppets and games. 75. Sing, Sing, Sing! Playful Approaches to Nurturing the Child’s Singing Voice (I/T, P, K, FCC, Level I, II, III) Emily Westlake, Early Childhood and General Music Specialist, Graduate Assistant, Temple University In this session, participants will engage in playful activities designed to nurture the development of the child’s singing voice, and in turn, improve their own vocal model. Interspersed among the activities will be suggestions garnered from practice and research to aid the teacher or caregiver in creating a musically rich environment in their own settings. 76. “Where Ideas Learn to Fly”: An Exhibit Demonstrating Approaches to Learning (L&A, Level I, II, III) Dr. Arlene R. Martin, Executive Director of Professional Impact New Jersey (PINJ); Kim M. Cornell, Director of New Initiatives, PINJ Utilizing the Ohio Voices for Learning exhibit “Where Ideas Learn to Fly” as inspiration, we’ll look at standards with new eyes. Make connections to the Approaches to Learning from NJ DOE 2013 Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards. Participate in a learning community discussion about how a shift to thinking in reverse can reveal standards as opportunities rather than obstacles. 22 Saturday workshops 1:30 pm - 3:00 PM Family and Community Relationships 77. Effectively Solving Problems with Families (All, Level I, II) Keri Giordano, Director, Children’s Learning Center, New Jersey City University During this session, participants will discuss various parenting styles that may be challenging for some teachers to work with. Participants will learn how to take the parent’s perspective. Strategies will be introduced that participants can use to successfully work with “difficult” parents. Participants will practice their newly learned skills in small group scenarios. Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities 78. Teaching Healthy Eating Habits in the Classroom in 5 Easy Steps (I/T, P, K, FCC, Level I, II, III) Dina Rose, PhD, Sociologist, Feeding Expert, Author; Caron Gremont, MPP Teaching kids to eat right is much harder than just providing healthy food. Come learn easy, research-based solutions to the most common eating problems (including kids who refuse anything green). We’ll also help you better communicate with families about eating habits, and share tips on how you can offer healthier food, even on a tight budget. 79. Relax, Refresh, Renew and Rejuvenate (All, Level I, II, III) Miriam Moran Shankman, Mir-Yam School of Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Meditation Take the time to recharge. We will learn and have fun. Listen to your inner self and to the people around you. So much can be accomplished when we let ourselves rest and relax. Professionalism and Leadership 80. Breaking Free – Using Your Inner Strength (All, Level I, II, III) Sylvia F. Pfeffer and Lauretta Freeman, Consultants – Center for Educational Services This workshop will engage attendees in experiences to help them become more aware of their own strengths. Participants will be exposed to techniques which can enrich their lives on a daily basis. Program Organization and Management 81. Quality Begins With You (L&A, Level II, III) Lynette Galante, Future Generation Consulting Services This workshop will help you create and develop center policies, practices and procedures that will support your program goals as well as refine your skills as an effective leader. You will learn how to interview and hire the right employees, and to provide and lead staff orientation and effective supervision. 23 SATURDAY, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM CLOSING KEYNOTE ADDRESS Don Dougherty Author, Storyteller, Rocketeer Don Dougherty is the Founder and Sole Proprietor of Classroom Adventure Stories, LLC. He's had a passion for writing and storytelling since the age of ten. He's always loved children, and spent four Summers working as a Counselor, Sports Director, and Program Director at Camp Neumann. They were the four best Summers of his youth! Don is thrilled to be a Professional Storyteller. He believes that he has the best job in the world. He loves to make-up stories, and he loves children -- so he really does have the best job in the world! Through the use of his interactive, adventure stories, Don teaches children some very important "Life Lessons", such as Perseverance, Cooperation, The Value of Hard Work, etc. He has found that, when presented in a very fun and stimulating environment, children will remember these important lessons. Don earned a B.A. degree in English/Communications from Holy Family University. When his children were a little bit younger, he enjoyed coaching them in ice hockey, lacrosse, and basketball. He is married to the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. He lives with his wife and three children in bucolic Bucks County, Pennsylvania. To be a children's author and storyteller is truly his dream come true! KEYNOTE ADDRESS: “The Importance of Making Learning FUN!” It’s difficult for children to retain the myriad of lessons that we try to teach them on a daily basis. Repetition certainly helps, and patience is a definite requirement. But there’s another way to help children remember important lessons -- Make Learning FUN! If you think back to some of the lessons you learned as a child, most of those that have stayed with you were taught in a fun and stimulating manner. At our Closing Keynote Address, children’s author and professional storyteller, Don Dougherty, will remind us of this, and challenge us to do the same for our students. 24 HOTEL INFORMATION RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 HILTON MEADOWLANDS HOTEL 2 Meadowlands Plaza, East Rutherford, NJ 07073 • (201) 896-0500 RATES: SINGLE/DOUBLE/TRIPLE/QUAD $149.00. Mention group code NJJ16A when making your reservation. Relax & Re-Energize . . . Dining & Amenities • The Chairman’s Grill and The Lounge • Stay Connected (located on the lobby level) offering complimentary High Speed Internet access • In Room Dining from 6 am to 11 pm • Complimentary Shuttle Service to Harmon Meadow Secaucus Outlets, Mill Creek Mall, The Plaza at the Meadows and Secaucus Junction Train Station (direct 12 minute train to NYC) *Shuttle based on availability as it is First Come, First Service. For pick up call the hotel: 201-896-0500 • Hilton Fitness Center includes: Cardiovascular Equipment & Training Equipment with 24 hour access, Indoor Heated Pool from 5 am to 12 am. • Full Service Gift Shop 25 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Michelle Barnea Shelania Blunt Bel Gwiazdowski Helen Muscato NJAEYC AFFILIATE PRESIDENTS Atlantic Bay President John Toland Essex-Hudson President Carolyn Simpson Kenyon President Melinda Wilson Northwest President Amanda L. DiScala Ocean President Michelle Keenan Shore Cindy Terebush Southern Co-Presidents Diane Morrow Kathryn Nichols Susan Mittelstadt Sussex President NJAEYC EXECUTIVE BOARD 2014 - 2015 President Amanda DiScala Past-President Kathy Burke Vice-President - Affiliate Relations John Rich Vice-President - Organizational Dev. Nancy Kalvin Vice-President - Professional Dev. Michelle Barnea Vice President - Public Policy JoAnne Kirk Treasurer Bel Gwiazdowski Recording Secretary Sue Lincoln 26 NJAEYC CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Before completing this form be sure you have read the terms and fees. Please print clearly to ensure your information is accurate. Complete one registration form (both sides) for each person. ANY WALK-INS OR REGISTRATIONS POSTMARKED AFTER SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 MUST INCLUDE A $25 LATE FEE TO ENSURE PROCESSING. SPACE IS LIMITED. IF THE CONFERENCE IS SOLD OUT, CHECKS AND REGISTRATIONS WILL BE RETURNED. Last Name First Name Address City State Zip Position/Title School/Work Day Phone # Evening Phone # E-mail Address: Are you a current member of NJAEYC? Member ID # If yes, which Affiliate? Mail payments to: NJAEYC c/o Helen Muscato P.O. Box 1024 Barnegat Light, NJ 08006 VOUCHERS & PURCHASE ORDERS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED NOTE: If 3 or more people from 1 center attend and are paid for by one check, deduct $10 from each registration. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 PCHECK APPROPRIATE BOX MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION o (FEE INCLUDES BREAKFAST) Member $49.00 o Non-member $64.00 EARLY BIRD RATES (Registrations postmarked by September 16, 2014 Please check only one option P OPTION 1 Friday ONLY Current Member* o o Non Member OPTION 2 Saturday ONLY o o $130.00 $195.00 $130.00 $195.00 OPTION 3 Friday AND Saturday o o $220.00 $305.00 RATES (Registrations postmarked after September 16, 2014) Please check only one option P OPTION 1 Friday ONLY Current Member* o o Non Member OPTION 2 Saturday ONLY o o $155.00 $220.00 $155.00 $220.00 OPTION 3 Friday AND Saturday o o $245.00 $330.00 *In order to receive the discounted membership conference rate, you must be a current member of NJAEYC. If you wish to join NJAEYC prior to the conference, please go to and join online. For additional information contact Helen Muscato, Conference Coordinator at (732) 329-0033 or online at 27 NJAEYC CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Please indicate the seminar, workshop or session number you are selecting: FRIDAY 11:30 AM - 5:30 PM 1st CHOICE 2nd CHOICE AM Workshops Sessions #1 - 17 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PM Workshops Sessions #18 - 33 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM PM Workshops Sessions #34 - 49 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM SATURDAY EARLYBIRD 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Session #507:00 AM - 8:00 AM SATURDAY 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM AM Workshops Sessions #51 - 66 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PM Workshops Sessions #67 - 81 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM For additional information contact Helen Muscato, Conference Coordinator at (732) 329-0033 or on-line at 28 3rd CHOICE NEW JERSEY ASSOCIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHILDREN Our Mission Statement The New Jersey Association for the Education of Young Children (NJAEYC) is dedicated to advancing excellence in the field of early childhood education. “This is YOUR NJAEYC . . . become a member today! You’ll receive: • 20% discount on books, videos, posters and other resources through the NAEYC website • YOU choose your subscription to an award winning magazine: Young Children or Teaching Young Children • Professional development opportunities on a local and state level • Reduced rates to local state and national conferences • Lots of networking opportunities • Sign up for e-news updates on policy issues • State newsletter to keep you informed • You vote in NJAEYC elections to help shape the future of our organization • Reduced subscription fees for the highly respected Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Exchange Magazine, Highlights High Five and Education Week • Access to members-only section of NJAEYC website • Volunteer and leadership opportunities • Coming soon . . . e-learning opportunities • Opportunities to participate in various insurance plans designed to meet your personal and professional needs, including professional liability insurance -and an Association-sponsored credit card service from Bank of America. • Join as a Comprehensive member and you’ll receive five or six publications automatically as they are released throughout the year (a $100 value). What an easy way to enhance your professional development while building your personal professional library or early childhood education resources! Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 535 Trenton, NJ NJAEYC C/O HELEN MUSCATO P.O. BOX 1024 BARNEGAT LIGHT, NJ 08006 (732) 329-0033 Promoting High Quality Early Childhood Education
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