New Jersey • New York Association
of Collegiate Registrars and
Admissions Officers
Fa l l 2 0 1 4
C o n fe r e n c e
October 15, 2014
In the Fall Issue
Letter from the President P.1
Early Registration
due by
September 24 th
Conference Agenda P.2
Registration Form and Information P.4
Join us
Fashion Institute of
Technology (FIT)
State University of
New York
227 W 27th Street
New York
NY, 10001
Darlene Benzenberg
Associate RBHS Registrar
Rutgers University
Eugenio Chong
Associate Registrar - LIM College
Jacqueline Ottey
Director of Registration
Bergen Community College
Avraham Rothman
Associate Registrar - Touro College
Rajeev Jayadeva
Assistant Registrar - Molloy College
Letter from the President
Dear NJ-NY ACRAO Colleagues,
Kean University
Kean University
The Executive Board and Steering Committee members
have been hard at work to ensure you have a great Fall
2014 conference.
I am so excited that we will have the opportunity to:
 Share Ideas
 Inspire Each Other
 Connect with Colleagues
Kean University
It is an incredible time to be working in Higher Education.
How lucky we are to have the occasion to come together
and learn from one another. With passionate and creative
individuals and through common experiences we are slated
to have a great conference. What better ways than with
those who understand our challenges, share our concerns,
and speak our language.
I hope you will find that the program outlined in this
brochure for our Fall conference at the Fashion Institute of
Technology campus is full of sessions that will have new
resources, information, and helpful tips that you can put into
practice at your institution.
Yeshiva University
Adelphi University
It is my hope is that you will be inspired by sessions,
roundtable discussions, and our Keynote Speaker, and
return to campus with the tools needed to navigate the
constantly changing landscape of Higher Education.
I look forward to your joining us on October 15 th for a day of
professional growth, camaraderie, and networking.
Darlene Benzenberg
Caldwell University
Conference Agenda and Session Summaries - full details online!
8:30 a.m. Registration / Breakfast
9:15 a.m. First Timers’ Session
Session 1 - 9:30 a.m.
Admissions & Student Administrative
Services (SAS) Units in the Enrollment
Sand Box: Best Practices
Strategic Enrollment Management requires
a robust, malleable and budget conscious
communications plan. Admissions being
the first port of call must be staffed by
persons knowledgeable about all SAS
operations, enough to give a guided tour
and help all prospects, applicants,
transfers, and students navigate
institutional processes. There is usually no
second chance to make a first impression.
Whether your institution favors the onestop-shop, non-stop-shop, student
centered, or administrative centered
orientations, or the shop if you dare option,
information must flow in multiple directions.
In these arenas functional specializations
are recommended but Generalists are
required. Cross-training work teams, to
deliver a consistent brand promise of
students’ experience are an absolute
necessity. This workshop will look at the
different policy orientations towards
enrollment and find a conceptual if not
practical match, we discuss mildly
squelching sibling rivalry and other
territorial encroachments issues,
considering the interplay between your
mission, margin, merit and market trends.
Presenter: Dr. Ben Enoma/ Director of
Graduate Admissions/ Touro College
Explore the Benefits of Waitlisting Come
and see how waitlists can help your
institution with enrollment forecasts.
Sudents are not required to get approval by
a dean or department chair for a closed
course. Just add yourself to the waitlist.
Presenter: Jacqueline Ottey/ Director,
Registration/ Bergen Community College
A New Frontier-Career Transition Within
Higher Education
Join us for this open discussion on
transitioning in Higher Education. How did
you begin your career, and Where are you
now, and what happened in between. Join
us as we reflect on the Higher Education
Career Track. We welcome other
professionals to join our panel. Anyone is
welcome and encouraged to participate.
Presenter: Chester Barkan/ Registrar/
Nassau Community College
Presenter: Beth Wilcow/ Associate Dean,
Enrollment Services, University Registrar/
Long Island University
Managing a Territory
Effectively managing a recruitment territory
is a critical element for any successful
admissions operation. When assuming
responsibility for a new territory, where do
you begin and how do you organize? What
data and tools are available to help you
research your territory? How do you build
relationships with students, teachers and
guidance counselors? How do you assess
outcomes? This presentation will cover key
elements to managing a territory and best
practices to consider when on the road and
when returning to the office. Although this
session is geared to newer Admissions
professionals, all experience-levels are
welcome. Feel free to share your own
practices and insight!
Presenter: Richard Sunday/ Dean of
Admissions/ Long Island University
Session 2 - 10:45 a. m.
FERPA Case Studies
Join with the facilitator to review and
discuss various FERPA situations and
consider whether your institution is
vulnerable to a breach, ready to respond to
an inquiry, or otherwise covered when it
comes to FERPA and record privacy.
Presenter: Susan Nelson Hamilton/
Registrar/ Rutgers Biomedical and Health
Sciences/ Rutgers University
“Shake the Tree!”
When faced with continually growing
enrollment, yet shrinking graduation rates,
a team at Bergen Community College
decided, “It was time to shake the tree”.
Join us as we share how we discovered
‘lost produce’, developed practical data
farming techniques, and improved our
systems, which resulted in a substantially
increased crop. Learn how we applied our
4 branched approaches, which can be
used at any college, to consistently
increase graduation yield.
Presenter: Denise Liguori/ Dean, Student
Services, Ciarco Learning Center/ Bergen
Community College
Presenter: Monica Postle/ Coordinator,
Student Services, Ciarco Learning Center/
Bergen Community College
The New SAT - What can we expect?
The proposed new SAT exam will be
looked at in a historical context to see if the
exam is a step in the right direction. Also,
the impact of this new test will be
examined from an Admissions perspective.
Presenter: Steven Toplan/ Director of
Admissions/ Touro College
Advisement/ Registration Roundtable
Join this roundtable panel to discuss the
issues important to you. Whether you work
in a small school or large university, we all
face the same problems. Best Practices,
Doing More with Less, Compliance with
Federal, State and Local Mandates and
much more. This is your session; you
create this session by your participation. If
you have a topic you want to us to cover
send an email with details to
darlene.benzenberg@rutgers.edu by
October 1st.
Presenter: Helena Minerva/ Scheduling
Manager/ Fashion Institute of Technology
Presenter: Thomas Castiglione/ University
Registrar/ Stevens Institute of Technology
Presenter: Darlene Benzenberg/ Associate
Registrar/ RBHS/ Rutgers University
Presenter: Alison L. Maysilles/ Assistant
Director, Transfer Evaluator/ New Jersey
City University
12:00 p.m. Keynote Session
1:00 p.m. Lunch and Business
Session 3 – 2:15 p.m.
Federal Regulations - What has changed
since last conference?
New Federal regulations for higher
education are frequently created and
regulations seem to be changed or updated
even more frequently. This session will
discuss methods of keeping abreast of the
rules and best practices to comply. Topics
to include DoD MOU, 150% Rule for
Subsidized Loans, Gainful Employment and
Presenter: Michael E. Maysilles/ University
Registrar/ New Jersey Institute of
Blended Admissions/ Registrar Office –
The Good, The Bad, and We Can Make
This Work!
The trend in higher education has been
toward ‘one-stop’ offices combining
admissions, registrar, financial aid, and/or
student accounts in one location to provide
improved customer service. Here from
colleagues at Rutgers Biomedical and
Health Sciences how their Admissions &
Registrar combination has evolved over ten
years of staffing changes, new org charts,
personality differences, mergers and the
occasional system implementation and
budget woes. We’re gonna share it all!!
Presenter: Susan Nelson Hamilton/
Registrar/ Rutgers Biomedical and Health
Sciences/ Rutgers University
Presenter: Wendy Silverman/ Manager of
Admissions/ Rutgers University School of
Health Related Professions/School of
Presenter: Bianca Thompson-Owen/
Registrar/ Rutgers University School of
Health Related Professions/School of
Customer Relations: How To Create a
“Win-Win” Environment for Your Office
Join Clifford L Marshall, II, customer service
in education guru, as he discusses and
describes what a customer service friendly
environment should look and feel like. He
will also give step by step instructions on
how to take an office from worst to first.
Presenter: Clifford L Marshall, II/ Customer
Relations Manager/ Bronx Community
Bridging the Communication Gap: A
Cross-Functional Team Approach
Effective communication within and between
departments plays an essential role in the
provision of services to students, staff and
faculty. Having effective communication
between Admissions, Advisement, Student
Services, Faculty and Registrar offices
safeguards students from “falling through the
cracks.” This also provides faculty with
accurate data and allows staff the means to
assess and troubleshoot challenges
appropriately and confidently. In order to
bridge the communication gap, this session
will focus on the implementation of creative
cross-functional team approach to
communication that meets the demand for
students and faculty. This session will also
emphasize how effective communication
benefits students, staff and faculty and builds
a solid team.
Presenter: Jamaal Johnson/ Assistant
Registrar, Rutgers University /SHRP /SN
Presenter: Abdul Ali/ Assistant Registrar,
Rutgers University/SHRP /SN
Presenter: Sheila Zegarra/ Graduation
Coordinator, Rutgers University /SHRP /SN
Darlene Benzenberg
Associate RBHS Registrar
Stanley S. Bergen, Jr. Building – Suite 1441
65 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ 07101- 1709
Phone: 973-972-5338
Email: president@njnyacrao.org
Fal l
C onfer e n ce
Octob er 15 , 2014
The New Jersey - New York Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers is a volunteer
organization dedicated to professional development.
members, Steering Committee members, and others
contribute their time and expertise to conferences held
each Fall and Spring.
The objectives of the Association are:
To perpetuate, encourage, and expand the
professional educational development of professionals
in the region; to promote the interchange of ideas on
educational problems; to advance professional
competence; and to promote mutual helpfulness and
friendship within the association.
To these ends, the Conference Host, Session
Presenters and Conveners, Executive Committee
If you are interested in becoming a member of the NJNY ACRAO Steering Committee, hosting a conference,
or presenting a session, please contact a member of
the Executive Committee.
Registration and Database Update Form
YES, I can’t wait to attend the conference!
 YES. I will need a Kosher meal.
Please let us know by October
Sadly, NO, I cannot attend the conference; I just need to update my information.
For online registration and payment please visit: http://njnyacrao.org/conference/conference_registration
For paper registration please complete this form and mail it to us with your payment or, if you are just updating your information,
you may fax to us at (718) 253-6479. Please complete one form per attendee; payment may be combined. Payment must be
received by September 24 , to qualify for the discounted registration rate of $70. Registrations received after that date including
those made on-site will be charged the full rate of $90. The NJ-NY ACRAO Federal ID# is 22-3787696 and a copy of the W-9 is
available at http://njnyacrao.org/images/w9/w9ls.gif.
Presenting? Please check here: 
Is this your 1st
 No, it is not.  Yes it is, and I’ll be sure to go to the First Timers’ Session at 9:15!
would like to attend.
check session 2 event you
would like to attend.
check session 3 event you
would like to attend.
Admissions & Student Administrative
Services (SAS) Units in the Enrollment
Sand Box: Best Practices
FERPA Case Studies
Explore the Benefits of Waitlisting
“Shake the Tree!”
A New Frontier-Career Transition
Within Higher Education
The New SAT - What can we expect?
Managing a Territory
Advisement/ Registration Roundtable
Please mail your check made payable to NJ-NY ACRAO to:
NJ-NY ACRAO Treasurer
Avraham Rothman
Associate Registrar - Touro College
1602 Avenue J Brooklyn,
NY 11230
Federal Regulations - What has
changed since last conference?
Blended Admissions/ Registrar
Office – The Good, The Bad, and We
Can Make This Work!
Customer Relations: How To Create
a “Win-Win” Environment for Your
Bridging the Communication Gap: A
Cross-Functional Team Approach
Received After
September 24th: $90