Development of a prototype for Fluorescence detector Array of Single-pixel Telescopes (FAST) Segmented mirror telescope Variable angles of elevation – steps. 45 deg 15 deg P. J. A. Matalon1, P. Motloch1, M. Casolino3, Y. Takizawa3, M. Bertaina4, J. N. Matthews5, K. Yamazaki6, B. Dawson7, M. Malacari7 T. Fujii1,2, 1KICP Privitera1, Jiang1, construction is still in development 7 Joint Laboratory of Optics Olomouc – March 2014 University of Chicago, 2ICRR University of Tokyo, 3RIKEN, 4University of Torino, 5University of Utah, 6Osaka City University, 7University of Adelaide 2014/Oct/15, UHECR 2014 Physics Goal and Future Prospects Origin and Nature of UHECRs Particle Interaction at the Highest Energies 5 - 10 years Exposure and full sky coverage TA×4 + Auger JEM-EUSO: Pioneer detection from space and sizable increase of exposure 10 - 20 years P. Privitera et al., KICP workshop, September, 2013 Detector R&D Radio, SiPM detector, FD or SD “Precision” measurement Auger Muon Upgrade Low energy enhancement (TALE+TA-muon+NICHE, Auger infill+HEAT+AMIGA) Next Generation Observatories In space (100×exposure) Ground (10×exposure with high quality events) 2 Fluorescence detector Array of Single-Pixel Telescopes (FAST) ✦ Target : > 1019.5 eV, UHE nuclei and neutral particles ✦ Huge target volume ⇒ Fluorescence detector array Too expensive to cover a large area Fine pixelated camera (Auger, TA) Segmented mirror telescope Low cost single pixel telescope (FAST) Variable angles of elevation – steps. 15 deg 45 deg Shower profile reconstruction by given geometry Fluorescence detector Array of Single-Pixel Telescopes (FAST) ✦ Reference design: 1 m2 aperture, 15°×15° FoV per single PMT ✦ 12 Telescope, 48 PMTs, 30°×360° FoV in each station. ✦ If 127 stations are installed with 20 km spacing, a ground coverage is ~ 40,000 km2 ✦ Geometry: Radio, SD or three coincidence of FAST. Photons at diaphragm 20 km 1 3 Segmented mirror telescope 1 2 Variable angles of elevation – steps. Photons at diaphragm 3 zenith 500 Photons at diaphragm 56 EeV 45 deg 15 deg 2 4 16 Window of Opportunity at EUSO-TA Telescope Array, Utah, USA Black Rock Mesa site EUSO-TA optics EUSO prototype ✦ Temporally borrow the EUSO-TA optics at the TA site. M. Casolino (RIKEN), M. Bertaina, M. Marengo, F. Borotto, B. Giraudo (INFN-Torino) ✦ Two Fresnel lenses (+ 1 UV acrylic plate in front for protection) ✦ 1 m2 aperture, 14°×14° FoV ≒ FAST reference design. ✦ Installation in February 2014, test measurements in April and June 2014. ✦ Collaboration between Pierre Auger, Telescope Array and JEM-EUSO. 5 Camera of FAST PMT 8 inch R5912-03 ✦ E7694-01(AC coupling) ✦ MUG6 UV band pass filter ✦ YAP (YAIO3: Ce) scintillator with 241Am (50 Hz) to monitor gain stability. Np.e. / 100 ns ✦ 6 YAP Signal DAQ System TAFD external trigger, 3~5 Hz Anode & dynode Signal 15 MHz low pass filter Portable VME Electronics - Struck FADC 50 MHz sampling, SIS3350 - GPS board, HytecGPS2092 Camera of FAST High Voltage power supply, N1419 CAEN All modules are remotely controlled through wireless network. Amplifiers R979 CAEN 777,Phillips scientific Signal×10 7 Signal×50 Installation in February 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Start observation!! 8 Operation in Clear Night Figure 2: DAQ system of the prototype of FAST. Become quieter background Night sky background Close Open Electronic noise level Variance is proportional to PMT ance under shutter closing shows a noise of the electrics and that under opening shows hours operation on April 30th 2014.Electronic noise is current. ht sky backgrounds. negligible with regard to night sky background. 9 12.7°C 4.6°C ✦ +8% ✦ ure 3: Variances measured by the PMT under the shutter closing and opening. Figure The 4: Stability of the variance caused by night sky backgrounds every 5 minutes during YAP signal 7 hours data taking Good gain stability during data taking, consistent with PMT gain temperature dependence of -1%/℃ GPS Timing and CLF Signal Histogram Central Laser Facility Vertical UV laser shooting every 30 minutes, 21 km from FAST, 10 Hz, 2.2 mJ, 300 shots Entries CHAPTER 3. TELESCOPE ARRAY EXPERIMENT Np.e. / (100 ns) Entries 28592 Mean 20.86 2500 RMS 0.09781 2000 1500 1000 500 ure 3.28: The CLF system located at the center of TA (left) and the inside ure of CLF (right). 0 19.5 Average of 223 shots Additionally, the LIDAR system has been installed at CLF location in tember 2010. When shooting the laser, the back-scattered photons are ected at the ground. Thus, the telescope system same as LIDAR was set up measure back scattered photons from CLF laser. Fig. 3.29 shows the image LIDAR system and the typical result of VAOD measured by both LIDAR tems located at BRM and CLF. While the LIDAR at BRM operates in the e to start and finish every observation, CLF is shooting the laser every 30 utes. Since these results are consistent and complementary, we can use the mospheric parameter with better time resolution in near future. ure 3.29: The image of LIDAR system installed at the CLF location (left) 3000 20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 GPS timing difference (FAST - TAFD) [µs] ✦ FAST-TAFD timing resolution, 100 ns. (20.9 µs is the TAFD trigger processing time.) ✦ laser signal ~ 1019.5 eV at 21 km ✦ peak signal ~ 7 p.e. / 100 ns (σp.e. = 12 p.e.) at the limit of detectability 10 gure 8: Observed signal from the vertical UV laser at a distance of 20.9 km from the Np.e. / (100 ns) Preliminary CLF Simulation Data Raytracing Y. Takizawa (RIKEN) +14 +7 0 Distance : L 8 inch 7 FOV -7 1bin = 6.0e-3 km 10,000 photons in the a bin of laser length Laser length: 20 usec -14 t=0 bin = 0 Np.e. Simulation e 8: Observed signal from the vertical UV laser at a distance of 20.9 km from the 7 prototype. As the signal is at the detection limit, 233 consecutive laser shot signals are 6 ged to increase the signal to noise ratio. 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time (20 ns / bin) 11 Efficiency Np.e. / (100 ns) Directional sensitivity Np.e. / 6 Portable Laser Signal 5 4 Figure 6: Stability of YAP signals during 7 hours operation on April 30th 2014. 3 2 1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time (20 ns / bin) Figure 11: CLF signal estimated using ray-tracing of the JEM-EUSO optics and knowledge Np.e. / (100 ns) compared to the observed signal as shown in Figure 8. FAST Single laser shot Np.e. / (100 ns) Np.e. / (100 ns) of the scattering processes in the air (without night sky background). This Figure can be 450 ✦ Simulation 400 350 300 250 Operated by K. Yamazaki (OCU) 200 150 100 50 0 0 Vertical UV laser with same energy of CLF (~1019.5 eV) at 6 km from FAST. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ✦ Peak signal ~ 300 p.e. / 100 ns. All shots are detected. ✦ Expected signal TAFD/FAST: (7 m2 aperture × 0.7 shadow × 0.9 mirror) / (1 m2 aperture × 0.43 optics efficiency) ~ 10 3000 3500 4000 Time (20 ns / bin) Figure 12: PLS signal estimated using ray-tracing of the JEM-EUSO optics and knowledge of the scattering processes in the air (without night sky background). This Figure can be compared with the observed signal as shown in Figure 9. 18 TAFD FAST FOV Hit Cloud ure 7: Observed waveform emitted from a single vertical UV laser from 6.1 km from the ototype of FAST. The clear signal can be seen in the waveform. 11 12 Shower Signal Search TAFD FAST FoV Np.e. / (100 ns) log(E/eV)=18.0 ✦ We searched for FAST signals in coincidence with TAFD showers in the FAST FoV. ✦ Data set: April and June observation, 19 days, 83 hours. ✦ 16 candidates found. ✦ Low energy showers as expected. FAST 13 Example of Signal Candidates FAST TAFD log(E/eV)=17.2 log(E/eV)=18.3 log(E/eV)=18.3 log(E/eV)=17.9 14 Comparison with simulated signal using (a) Data: E = 10result eV (b) Data: = 10 eV reconstructed byETAFD 60 18.0 Np.e. / (100 ns) Np.e. / (100 ns) 17.2 log(E/eV)=17.2 50 Simulation 40 50 log(E/eV)=18.0 40 Simulation 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 0 3000 3500 4000 Time (20 ns / bin) (c) Simulation: E = 1017.2 eV 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Time (20 ns / bin) (d) Simulation: E = 1018.0 eV Data Data Figure 15: Observed signals with the FAST prototype for shower candidates, (a) and (b), an expected signals estimated from shower simulation using information reconstructed by the T fluorescence detector, (c) and (d) respectively. A signal location is fluctuated within the TAFD trigger frame of 12.8 µs. (a) Data: E = 1017.2 eV 15 (b) Data: E = 1018.0 eV Distance vs Energy (from TAFD) for Candidates Np.e. / (100 ns) April+June RUN 2 10 Impact parameter [km] Preliminary le b ta c te e D 10 1 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 log10(E (eV)) 19.5 20 Figure 14: Distribution of the impact parameter as a function of the primary energy reconstructed by TA for shower candidates detected by the FAST prototype. The line indicates the maximum detectable distance by the FAST prototype (not fitted). FAST FoV Almost! log(E/eV)=19.1 log(E/eV)=18.1 20 16 Simulation Study Segmented mirror telescope Variable angles of elevation – steps. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ logE Proton Iron 18.5 0.65 0.56 19.0 0.88 0.89 19.5 0.99 1.00 600 With smearing SD accuracy of geometry, Xmax resolution of FAST is 30 g/cm2 at 1019.5 eV. 100% efficiency at 45 deg Reconstruction efficiency construction is still in development FAST with 20 km spacing 1019.5 ✦ 4 PMTs Telescope Entries ✦ 15 deg 500 400 300 200 eV Under implementing a reconstruction by only FAST. 17 100 Proton EPOS Joint Laboratory of Optics Olomouc – March 2014 7 Iron Iron EPOS Proton 1019.5 eV fIncluding = 1.17 Xmax resolution 0 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Reconstructed Xmax [g/cm2] Summary and Future Plans ✦ Promising results from the first field test of FAST concept: ✦ very stable and simple operation ✦ robust behavior under night sky background (gain stability, a single bright star does not matter when integrating over the large FAST FOV) ✦ laser shots and shower candidates detected ✦ sensitivity is consistent with simulated expectation 102 ✦ ✦ Very successful example of Auger, TA, JEM-EUSO collaboration. Several improvements possible, e.g. high Q.E. PMT, narrow UV pass filter, mirror design, reconstruction method, etc. Segmented mirror telescope Variable angles of elevation – steps. 15 deg ✦ 45 deg Impact parameter [km] Preliminary ble ta tec De 10 1 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 log10(E (eV)) 20 Figure 14: Distribution of the impact parameter as a function of the primary energy re structed by TA for shower candidates detected by the FAST prototype. The line indic the maximum detectable distance by the FAST prototype (not fitted). Next step: full 30°×30° prototype. 18 19.5 20 Backup 19 Coverage and the number of FAST stations L 20 km L=4 Nst=61 173 km2 S = 16,608 km2 20 N_st 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 7 19 37 61 91 127 169 217 271 331 397 469 547 631 721 817 919 1027 1141 1261 S'[km^2] 0 1038 4152 9342 16608 25950 37368 50862 66432 84078 103800 125598 149472 175422 203448 233550 265728 299982 336312 374718 415200 Cost'M$USD 0.1 0.7 1.9 3.7 6.1 9.1 12.7 16.9 21.7 27.1 33.1 39.7 46.9 54.7 63.1 72.1 81.7 91.9 102.7 114.1 126.1 cost Gain Calibration by LED in Laboratory 1 p.e. Gain LED pulse with 2500 V 107 106 Gain 908 V -> 5×104 105 104 600 800 100012001400160018002000220024002600 Integrated counts High Voltage [V] 21
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