THE PROBUS CLUB OF HARBOURLANDS NEWSLETTER - OCTOBER 2014 2014 Management Team Executive Co-Presidents: Co-Vice Presidents: Past Presidents: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Secretary: Membership: Newsletter: Social Coordinators: Speakers Committee: Pat Osmond, Joan O’Connell Zina Amey, Loreta Kongats Kathy Hayman, Jeanne Hazell Marlit Peirce Christine Brown Marie Melnichuk Jane Doyle, M.J. Jones Lillian Brown, Lynn Stewart Lee McLoughlin, Penny Bourne, Jan Bennett, Carol Riches, Sandra Cassidy Lynda McKean, Linda Markowsky Activity Leaders Book Club: Bridge: Euchre: Mah Jongg: Power Walking Snowshoeing: Ski Legends: Skating: Biking: Golf: Kayaking: Friendship: Refreshments: Rebecca Wall & Barbara Trafford Donna Hurst, Heather Ferguson Jane Doyle, M.J. Jones Margot Bevan, Joan Knight Beth Turner Janet Hogarth, Bridget Schmidt Barb Osinski, Rena Gould, Susan Holmes Barb Osinski, Donna Hurst, Pauline Akermans Eileen Scott, Susan Leat Jane Earthy, Jan Bennett, Marian Sinclair Susan Holmes, Pat L. Chalmers Peggy Lamming, Lil Velders Joan & Pat Presidents’ Message “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” Camus We tend to think of Autumn as a time of endings: the end of summer, the end of the garden, the end of long, lazy warm days. For us, it is also an ending as we finish our term as your co-presidents. It has been an exciting and eventful year and we thank you all for the support you have given us over the past 12 months. Our club prides itself on our many activities. The Social Committee members, Lee McLoughin, Penny Bourne, Jan Bennet, Carol Riches and Sandra Cassidy brought a wide spectrum of activities for us to enjoy. Lynda McKean and Lynda Markowsky found diverse and entertaining speakers throughout the year. It is that team work and your participation that makes Probus Club of Harbourlands such an active and vital club. Your Newsletter is on the web at Click your way through Probus Clubs in Canada, Ontario, Collingwood and Collingwood Harbourlands Speakers Fall is often a time of beginnings as well. The school year begins, activities start up again and here at Harbourlands we welcome our new Presidents: Zina Amey and Loreta Kongats and the new members of the Management Team. We want to thank the Management Committee members who are stepping down for their efforts. It has been most enjoyable working with you. We would also like to welcome the new members and we look forward to working with you. We wish all the Management Team an enjoyable term of office and pledge our support for another fantastic year. Oct. 8: Leslie Beaumont of the Lively Olive Tasting Room Nov. 12: Cathy Miller: Organic farming in our region Dec. 10: Christmas Luncheon Probus Harbourlands meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the Leisure Time Club: 2:00 - 4:00 PM Meetings 2014/15: October 8, November 12, December 10, January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10 October 2014 Pat and Joan -1- Probus Club of Harbourlands Distillery District Tour & Christmas Market - November 28 Membership Membership Renewal It’s that time of year again!! Changes have had to be made to this trip. The trip will now cost $98.00, but will include a three course lunch, tax and tip included. If you have decided not to renew your membership this year, please let us know as soon as possible. This trip is presently sold out and a waiting list has been started. Seats will only be confirmed with your $98.00 payment on October 8. After that time the seats will go to people on the waiting list first. A Renewal Form was emailed out at the end of August, but a copy is also available at today’s meeting. Please complete and return it to either Jane or M.J. along with your cheque made out to Probus Harbourlands. The fee is the same - $40 - this includes your Leisure Time Club dues. Although the LTC dues increased last year by $5 we are still not passing this cost onto you - Probus Harbourlands will again absorb this for 2015. Please note that no cheques will be deposited before October 1 and you are welcome to post-date your cheque for October 31. So that you don't run the risk of losing your membership, your completed renewal form, plus cheque, must be received by either M.J. or Jane by October 31, 2014. So if you're going to be away for the winter, please make sure you renew before you leave !! Please do NOT leave your form & cheque at the LTC after October 8 as we don't go there between October 8 - 31 and you will miss the deadline. We still have quite an extensive Waitlist at the moment so we hope that by renewing your membership it means you will be participating in the monthly meetings and upcoming social events. Any questions contact Sandra Cassidy at Gingerbread Houses – Dec. 4th & 5th We will be making gingerbread houses again this year at the home of Lillian Brown. Last year we had a great time decorating 28 Gingerbread Houses for various charities in the Collingwood area. Join us in making a house for charity and perhaps make one for yourself. Details at the meeting or contact Sue Edmunds for more information. Biking – one last outing! If you have any questions about membership renewal please contact us - we're happy to help. Many thanks Jane & M.J. Our Biking season is almost over. Christine Brown has offered to lead one more Cycling trip this year along the North Simcoe Trail on Oct. 20th, 2014. COMING UP THIS FALL We will be sending an "expression of interest" note ahead of time. Thank you all for the wonderful biking season. Probus Harbourlands Christmas Luncheon Pauline Ackermans (your next season Biking Leader), Donna Hurst and Barbara Osinski Wednesday December 10, 11:30 - 3:00 Toronto Ski Club, 796456 Grey Road 19 Walking - ‘till the snow flies! We are still walking! Mon Wed Fri at 9am...everyone welcome....wonderful way for new members to get to know other Probus members. We meet at the Pet Valu parking lot next to Canadian Tire. We will be selling tickets for the Christmas luncheon at the next two meetings. The cutoff date for ticket sales will be November 28th. Cheques should be made out to Probus Harbourlands for $30.00. Beth Turner Gaslight Tour – November 6 Walk & Wine Tour Wednesday October 15 Walk at 10 am along the Peasmarsh Beach (optional) followed by a Georgian Vineyards Wine Tour and Tasting. Starts at 11:30. Cost is $13.60. Our Probus outing toThe Gaslight Tour will take place on Thursday November 6th at 6:30 p.m. This will be a great show depicting stories about Collingwood during the Great War (1914-18). A few tickets may still be available at $35. Lunch/snack at the vineyard after the tour. Bring your own food or you may purchase the Victoria Platter for four. For more info please contact Penny Bourne at 705 2931781 or at October 2014 -2- Probus Club of Harbourlands Ski Legends Golf Day Probus Ski legends is made up of members of all area Probus Clubs (and some from out of town) who enjoy skiing and socializing. Each local Probus has hard working volunteer representatives on the “central” Legends executive, currently 20 strong, from a base of 11 local clubs. We negotiate privileged rates from service providers, arrange ski days, and trips and plan social activities. On Monday, September 8th, 46 women enjoyed a fabulous day of golf at The Georgian Bay Club. We had sunshine for the entire round, and it was probably one of the warmest days of the summer! The marshals reported that laughter could often be heard from the fairways, and even from some of the more challenging bunkers! Following the golf, everyone had a chance to gather on the patio for cocktails, and to share stories of the wonderful shots they had made during the day. The food was amazing, and the service impeccable. Thank you to everyone who participated in this event. Ski Trips* 1. Whistler, BC: Dec 5-12 The Nov. 15, 2014 cut-off date is fast approaching. 2. Snowmass, Co: Jan.27- Feb.3, 2015 – 25, almost sold out. 3. Lake Tahoe, Cal: Feb.24 – March 3, 2015 - 6 signed up) 4. Sun Peaks, BC: March 21st - 28th, 2015 (7 signed up) 5. Mont Tremblant Que.: March 1st - March 6, 2015 (wide open) Biking The Harbourlands biking group gathered at The Quarterdeck, Victoria Harbour, on September 24th. *Airfare prices are subject to change until booked and confirmed for all trips except Sunpeaks at this point. If you are planning to join us book soon to avoid any air fare increases that are bound to occur once the skiing season starts. Social Events DINNER DANCE and LUNCHEON will be by pre-purchased tickets only, with one price for Legends Members, and a slightly higher rate for guests. Tickets are first available at the Skiis & Bikes Open House and then from your Probus Legends reps – CHEQUES ONLY PLEASE payable to Probus Ski Legends. Ski Days at Private Clubs. We plan to visit Devils Glen, Alpine, Craigleith, Georgian Peaks and hopefully Osler Bluff twice For information call Lisa Dost at 1 800 268 5940 or 4482 PAST ACTIVITIES Mini-putt Day at the Village L to R: Barbara Osinski, Rena Gould, Pauline Ackermans, Donna Hurst, Cathy Nighbor, Heather Ferguson, Martha Lawrence, Margie Brannen, Jackie Morrison 28 ladies came out for the event on June 23rd! We had a great afternoon, putting on the Cascade Course at the Village, followed by an early dinner at the Firehall Pizza Company. Friendship If anyone knows of one of our Probus members who is ill or hospitalized, or for what ever reason should receive a card or flowers, please notify Susan Holmes (705-445-1743 or or Pat L. Chalmers (519-599-7720 or Above: l to r: Marilyn Young, Susan Allison, Jane Smith, Marilyn Rewak Right: l to r: Jan Bennett, Rosie Carruthers, Penny Bourne, Lee McLaughlin, Fiona Drysdale (Penny’s sister) October 2014 -3- Probus Club of Harbourlands ONGOING ACTIVITIES MEMBERS’ COLUMN Mah Jongg – Monday Afternoons For Sale: 7 PC SOLID WOOD (ASH) DINETTE SUITE Table expands from 40" diameter to 40" wide by 62" long (2 leaves) with 4 chairs. Very good condition. $150 Contact Sandra Cassidy at 705-445-4126 Mah Jongg is a fascinating rummy-like game played with tiles rather than cards. Every Monday, except holidays, the playing group averages about twelve people, with two to four tables of three or four players. Mah Jongg is a pretty flexible game. There is no sign-up required, just come and we will teach you how to play. This past Monday twelve of the MJ players had a delicious pot luck lunch prior to playing our games. We play at the Leisure Time Club every Monday at 1 PM. It takes a very small time and effort to learn “Maahj”, and you will be rewarded many times over by the enjoyment you derive from mastering the game and meeting new people. For more information contact: Margot Bevan ( or Joan Knight ( For Sale: 17" Snow tires & Lexus rims - Value $2600 asking $1300. Time Share with flexible dates in Dominican Republic - asking $3000. contact Annual Gift Basket & Scarf Sale Dates: Sat. Oct. 18th 10 – 5 & Sun. Oct. 19th 12-3 Place: 185 Hume St. (white house, NE corner of Hume & St. Paul across from the Y). Beautifully wrapped & decorated gift baskets filled with delicious assorted preserves & a whole array of beautiful scarves, some handknitted. Canadian & imported infinity and sraight styles and some very special designer ones from a Long Island NY ritzy estate sale all in great condition. Dress yourself up … wear a scarf !!! Baskets & scarves make perfect gifts (or treat yourself). All at great prices. Payment by cheque or cash. Sue Ecclestone 705-293-1078 Euchre – twice a month Meet at the Leisure Time Club, Rm. 4 (where we have our Probus meetings) at 1pm every other Friday afternoon starting January 9, 2015. The cost per person each time you come and play is $2 (paid to the LTC). 2015 Bridge Cruise: Join Gerry LaChance and Diane Keir aboard the beautiful Celebrity Equinox sailing from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Barcelona, Spain April 26 to May13, 2015. For more information contact: Diane Keir at 705-445-9274 or We have had a great response for playing Euchre … 28 ladies have expressed an interest. Some people don’t want to start until 2015, some are away all winter … and some brave ladies want to learn !! This is all good news. M.J. Jones is going to help me get this off the ground, and then we hope others will assist, or take over. If interested contact JaneDoyle Indicate whether you want to be part of the “core” group (playing every time) or be a “spare”. As we do need tables of 4 each time we play, it will be the responsibility of the “core” player to find a “spare” if they are unable to play one Friday. We thought it would be a good idea to all meet at the LTC on Friday, December 12 at 1 pm so that we can talk about how this will work, and perhaps even get in a few games. I hope this will be a great addition to our Probus Club activities. Please join us. Jane Doyle For Sale...Woodland Court Condo ...5 bedroom/3 bathrooms. Contact Beth Turner 705-445-9682 REMEMBER If you have anything you would like to buy, sell, just give away, or advertise an event, this is YOUR column to us FREE OF CHARGE September Birthday Dinner Book Club – Last Wednesdays The Book Club meets monthly at 1:30PM in the Collingwood Public Library. New members are welcome and a $10 fee is required upon joining to cover room rental costs and other expenses. This year the club hopes to expand its activities by attending literary events such as Canada Reads. The following books are being read: Oct. Sanctuary: The Story of Naturalist Mary Majka, Deborah Carr Nov. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Dec. The annual Christmas luncheon and book exchange. A Farley Mowat book will be discussed. Some members traveled by car or bike to the Beautiful Joe Park in Meaford Aug. 27 where we shared lunch and got caught up with each other’s summer activities and also discussed this Canadian classic. It was great fun. L to R: Judy Skeoch, Diane MacNair, Janis Miller, Rosemarie Carruthers, Rosemary Holzendorff and Kathy Fitzgerald Rebecca Wall & Barbara Trafford October 2014 -4- Probus Club of Harbourlands
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