S 5 12 19 26 M 6 13 20 27 T W TH F S 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 HOA website: pbhoa.net 2014 VAPB HOA ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 Pebble Brook Golf Course Clubhouse MEET and GREET: 6 PM—6:30 PM ANNUAL MEETING begins promptly at 6:30PM! VAPB HOA ANNUAL MEETING PROXY and AGENDA UPCOMING VAPB HOA MONTHLY BOARD MEETING The Board extends a personal invitation to ALL residents to attend the upcoming HOA Annual Meeting, which must be represented by proxy or in person by 25% of the homeowners to conduct business. Enclosed in this newsletter is the proxy and annual meeting agenda. Please detach and return the revocable proxy to VAPB HOA, P.O. Box 1033, Westfield, IN 46074 OR drop off to 17898 Albany Court OR email to Sandy Kern, HOA Secretary, at secretary@pbhoa.net. (See Page 3 for emailing proxy.) Meetings of the Association are scheduled MONTHLY and take place on the 2nd Thursday, unless otherwise stated. The next regular MEETING is scheduled to take place on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2014 6PM @ Ameriana Bank (3333 SR32, corner of Carey Road and SR 32) ANNUAL ASSESSMENT The 2015 Annual Assessment will increase by 10% to $360.00, which will be due in February 2015. This will be presented and discussed at the annual meeting. GREEN in JANUARY 2015! The Village Voice Newsletter will be available electronically via email to our residents, which is also posted monthly on the HOA website at pbhoa.net. Please forward your email address to the editor at cmearley@comcast.net. HARDCOPIES will be mailed upon request to Christine Earley at 702 Firethorn Circle, Noblesville, IN 46062. REMINDER: Any changes to your resident information for the directory, please email to cmearley@comcast.net. Howling HAUNTS in the Village Nominate your favorite Halloween haunt . . . or your own! SPOOKTACULAR homes will be highlighted in the upcoming issue of the Village Voice! Email the address of your favorite haunt and a snapshot to the editor at cmearley@comcast.net! Please submit your favorite Halloween Haunt w/pic by October 20th! As the Halloween season is rapidly approaching, just a suggestive thought to everyone to talk with your children about courtesy to other Pebblebrook neighbors’ property. Please remind them that ring and runs, egging houses and smashing pumpkins in the street should not be a part of the Halloween festivities. Have courage in the face of adversity to travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing. Page 2 VILLAGE VOICE, VILLAGES OF PEBBLEBROOK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ~ OCTOBER 2014 204 VAPB Homesteads Villages of Pebblebrook Real Estate News . F.C. Tucker Co., Inc. 317-846-7751 ofc. 317-216-8070 vm. UPDATED: September 2014 Active Easy Street 4851 Ashbrook Drive LP: $229,500 LD: 06/01/2014 FC Tucker 17965 Candlewood Court LP: $199,900 LD: 04/17/2014 Century 21 4871 Ashbrook Drive Carpenter FC Tucker Sold NONE AT THIS TIME LP: LD: CD: SD: OM: WD: President Treasurer Secretary Guests: Skip France Jeff Ralston Sandy Kern Pat Hildebrandt Christine Earley, Village Voice OLD BUSINESS Ash trees on Pebble Brook Drive will be removed incrementally. Paving of Ashbrook Drive is complete, doesn’t our neighborhood look much better, thanks to the City of Noblesville! Don’t forget to email your resident information, i.e., name, address, preferred telephone number and email address for the e-newsletter and directory to cmearley@comcast.net! Hardcopies of the Village Voice are upon request to Christine Earley,702 Firethorn Circle, Noblesville, IN 46062. RE: Village Voice Hardcopy Recipient NEW BUSINESS A special thank you goes out to Pat Hildebrandt for her involvement and professional contribution on the Board as “Member at Large”. 5054 Trull Brook Drive LP: $195,555 LD: 02/24/2014 IN ATTENDANCE The Annual Meeting is Thursday, October 16, 2014, 6:00 PM Social Hour, meeting starts promptly at 6:30 PM. Proxy enclosed. Pending LP: $199,900 LD: 08/21/2014 Thursday, September 11, 2014 @ 6PM ~ Ameriana Bank Called to Order: 6:00PM. The minutes of the August, 2014 meeting were read and approved. 5021 Trull Brook Dr LP: $204,900 LD: 07/14/2014 VILLAGES @ PEBBLEBROOK HOA MEETING List Price List Date Closing Date Sold Date Off Market Withdraw A “List of Tree Conditions” within the Pebblebrook community was conducted by the Tate Family on August 11, 2014. Results within the community: Total Number of Trees: 44 Total Number of Okay Trees: 21 Total Number of Removed Trees: 5 Total Number of Removed and Replaced Trees (by City): 1 Total Number of Diseased Trees: 18 Total Number of Missing Trees: 1 TREASURER’S REPORT Dates for UPCOMING VAPBHOA Meetings: MONTHLY MEETING OCTOBER 9, 2014 ANNUAL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH VAPB HOA Board Meetings will now meet monthly on the 2nd Thursday, unless otherwise stated. After much discussion, it was determined that we need more reserve to remain solvent, since our dues payment to the Boulevard Association has increased 10% and pool expenses were increased with unexpected repairs. Even with our cutting down on as many expenses as possible, we should have more reserve put aside. Dues will increase in 2015 to $360.00 per household. Per the documents for Villages of Pebblebrook – Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions: Article V – Section 3: Annual Assessments – A. From and after December 31, 1993, the maximum annual assessments may be increased each year not more than 10% above the maximum assessments permitted for the previous year, on a cumulative basis, without a vote of membership. ARCHITECTURAL REPORT New roof and gutters approved at 5052 Ashbrook Drive. AMENITIES ASSOCIATION REPORT No report or representation at the September 2014 meeting. BOULEVARD ASSOCIATION The next meeting is Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at the PB Golf Club at 4PM. Village Voice Deadline for submissions for the “Village Voice” November 2014 newsletter is OCTOBER 20th. OTHER MATTERS The Board has been notified by many residents concerning the trees at the entrance to Pebblebrook. The HOA is not responsible for this section of the community. This is the Boulevard Association’s responsibility. Please contact them and voice your concern. Meeting adjourned at 8PM. Upcoming Board Meeting will take place on Thursday, October 9, 2014 @ 6PM at Ameriana Bank —Submitted by Sandy Kern, VAPB HOA Secretary Page 3 VILLAGE VOICE, VILLAGES OF PEBBLEBROOK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ~ OCTOBER 2014 EMAIL YOUR PROXY!! If you would prefer to email your proxy to Sandy Kern, HOA Secretary, at secretary@pbhoa.net, below is the verbiage and content to be included: We, (Lot owners’ name) ___________________, with an ownership interest in the property identified below in the Villages of Pebble Brook, hereby designate the Board of Directors as the voting representative of such owners at the Homeowners Association meeting on October 16, 2014. Date Submitted Lot # Name of Resident (s) Address Phone Number AND email address BLOCK/CRIME WATCH CAPTAINS So that correspondence may be sent out regarding Crime Watch and other pertinent information to our Block and Crime Watch Captains, please contact Skip France at 270-3235. OFF YOUR FALL TO-DO LIST Cooler nights and football games announce fall's arrival. As the leaves begin to lose their green, be sure you're saving yours by tackling these fall projects. Furnace tune-up: There's nothing worse than going without heat on a cold winter day. Schedule a tune-up now to ensure your unit is in top working order before the chill sets in. Chimney cleaning: When was the last time someone cleaned your chimney? The build-up of soot can be a fire hazard. Hire a chimney sweep so you can enjoy cozy nights by the fireplace. Gutter cleaning: Clogged gutters can cause roof leaks, flood basements and damage siding. Home energy audit: Schedule a home energy audit to find all points of heat loss. Not only can you save on energy costs, inspectors use infrared cameras to locate air infiltration. Access the following link http://energizingindiana.com/programs/residential-homeenergy-assessments/ to enroll in a FREE home energy assessment. Right now is the best time to over-seed your yard. For yards that struggle each year with weeds and slow growth of grass you may want to consider aeration and over seeding. Core aerating the turf is a process where a machine punches holes in the lawn about three-inches deep and one inch in diameter. These holes allow air and water to penetrate to the root zones, relieve soil compaction to allow better root development and are the key to maintaining a healthy thatch and microbial structure. The fall is the very best time to aerate, as there is reduced weed pressure from the annual weeds. Over-seeding is an add-on practice to aeration, where after the cores have been made, the operator applies a heavy layer of grass seed. For lawns without irrigation most landscape companies will recommend you go with aeration and over-seeding to create and maintain a healthy lawn. Loose Leaf pick up begins October 6, 2014 Loose leaves may be raked as close to the edge of the street as possible without placing leaves in the street. Be sure that leaves are free of any other debris including brush. All loose leaves are picked up on the street side only. Loose leaves are not picked up in the alley. Street crews will make a continuous circuit with the leaf vacuums. After Friday, December 5th, we will continue to pick up loose leaves when weather and time allow. Please bag leaves after Friday, December 5th. MAKE A STATEMENT . . . VAPB Suggestion Box: Send your suggestion, comment or concern regarding the community to the Board. Email to any Board member listed or mail to VAPB, PO Box 1033, Westfield, IN 46074. (Your submission may stay anonymous.) KIDS @ WORK ANIMAL SITTER Holden Booher, experienced and dependable, 896-1191. Abby Crouch, Experienced, trustworthy & reliable. 896-5811. Jason Garrett, Experienced, dependable and trustworthy. 867-2782 BABYSITTING Allison Anderson, 3/99, 258-2197 Brooke Denny, CPR certified and experienced with babies and toddlers. Very responsible, with reasonable rates. 317-363-4950 or SokrGal72@yahoo.com Grace and Anna Judy, Safe Sitter Certified. Call 317-431-7663 Jessica Lampo, 896-5963. Sydney Tomlinson, Safe Sitter graduate — 896-1049 LAWN SERVICES Ben Crouch, lawn mowing only. Excellent work w/reasonable rates. Call 379-2581. Jack Judy, rake leaves, shovel snow, mow lawns-hard worker and very particular—317-431-7663. Hannah & Haley Tomlinson Rake leaves and shovel snow. Call 896-1049 OUR KIDS @ WORK LIST IS DEWINDLING! If you would like to have your child included/deleted/ updated in the Kids @ Work, please email the editor! NEED WE SAY MORE . . . Page 4 VILLAGE VOICE, VILLAGES OF PEBBLEBROOK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ~ OCTOBER 2014 Happenings Around Town Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5: First Fridays Courthouse square from 5:30PM-8PM. October is the Fall Festival and Soup Cook-off; November’s theme is the Holiday Open House; and December’s theme is Christmas on the Square. More information, go to (317) 776-0205 or www.noblesvillemainstreet.org. October 4: 10AM ~ 6PM Psychic Fair Annex/Winks ~ Hamilton County 4-H Fair October 4: Riverview Health Fair 8AM ~ 12 Noon Join us for a morning filled with health screenings, educational sessions and other wellness tips at the Riverview Health Fair. Here, you'll find information on a wide range of topics including women's services, joint care, heart health, rehabilitation and fitness, and sleep-related issues. Participants can take advantage of a number of free and discounted screenings. October 4: Potter’s Bridge Fall Festival The festival will feature over 40 art and craft booths, exhibitor booths, climbing wall, food, live music, and kids’ activities. More information about Potter's Bridge events, contact HC Parks at 770-4400. October 4 & 5: Fishers Renaissance Fair Saxony Developments (131st/Olio Road) Fishersrentair.com/fishersrenfair/ performance.html October 4 & 11: Noblesville Farmers Market 8AM—12PM Conner Street (SR32) and SR19 October 5th: Restaurant Industry JOB FAIR Free to attend!! CAMBRIA SUITES in Noblesville from 1PM—5PM. OVER 150 p/t and f/t positions are available. Positons: bakers sous-chefs, front end managers, line & prep cooks, dishwashers, servers, hosts and bartenders! October 11-31: Creepy Carnival Haunted House at the Children’s Museum Children under 2 are free. Lights-On and Frightening tickets are $7 online, museum Box Office, AAA and Orange Leaf locations. Lights-On and Frightening tickets $6 at Marsh Supermarkets. Save $2 on Haunted House/museum combo at Marsh Xtreme Scream tickets are $12 online or at the museum Box Office. October 16: 6PM ~ 8PM Breast Cancer Celebration of Life Riverview Health invites you to a special evening of fellowship, as survivors share their inspiring stories. The evening will be hosted by Julia Moffit, WTHR-Channel 13, and Vicki Kennedy, VP of Program Development. Hors d'oeuvres will be served and a cash bar will be available. riverview.org/classes/breast-cancercelebration-of-life/ Parks Department BUS TRIPS October 22 - Nashville, IN Sightseeing & Shopping December 6- Chicago, IL Sightseeing & Shopping For information/or to register go to www.noblesvilleparks.org or call the Parks’ Office at 317/776-6350. October 24: Noblesville Community Halloween Party Join the fun at the FREE family Halloween party at Forest Park from 6:30pm—8:30pm. Old fashioned Halloween party for the entire family. Come dressed in your favorite costume and enjoy games, entertainment, hayrides, and plenty of outdoor activities. For more information, contact the Noblesville Parks Department at (317) 776-6350. October 30: Conner Prairie Special ghost tour will be offered on the grounds as well. Learn the history of local legends, hear supernatural stories and personal accounts of unexplained happenings on the prairie. October 10 & 25: Nefarious Noblesville Ghost Walk October 30: Boo Bash 7PM ~ Courthouse Square EP: 317-840.6456 www.unseenpress.com Nickel Plate District Amphitheater Children of all ages can enter the costume contest, trick-or-treat and enjoy games and activities. October 10th – 12: Halloween Zooboo October 31: Noblesville Trick or Treat Hours http://www.indianapoliszoo.com October 10—12, 16-19, 23-26 Headless Horseman 6PM ~ 9PM Conner Prairie TH & SUN: $10 presale, $12 at gate FRI & SAT: $14 presale, $16 at gate Connerprairie.org The official trick or treat hours in the City of Noblesville will be Friday, October 31 from 5:30pm - 8:30pm. November 1: Day of the Dead Visit the Nickel Plate Arts Campus to celebrate Day of the Dead. The campus will be decked out with painted skulls, altars and storytellers to tell spooky tales. Noblesville Schools ALL SCHOOLS 10/7 10/13 10/28 10/29 11/12 11/26 School Board Work Session, 7PM Fall Break thru 10/24 School Board Meeting, 7PM Early Release Day, ALL Early Release Day, ELE/MIDDLE Schools Thanksgiving Vacation thru 11/28 Noblesville High School 10/7 Fall Band Concert 10/7 Graduation Cap/Gown Orders 10/8 Fall Orchestra Café Concert 10/8 Graduation Cap/Gown Orders 10/9 Fall Choir Concert 10/10 Picture Retakes 10/29 PSAT, 7AM 11/12 eLearning Day 11/13 Musical Performance thru 11/15 11/21 Jazz Festival Noblesville East Middle School 10/7 6th GD Strings & Honors Ensemble Concert 10/10 Miller Marathon 11/7 Picture Retakes 11/11 Digital Citizens Day Noblesville West Middle School No specific updates posted Hazel Dell 10/7 Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:10PM-3:45PM 10/7 Market Day Pickup, 5PM-6PM 10/10 Fall Parties, 2:30PM-3:15PM 10/29 MCT Vision Screening – KDG 10/29 Culver’s Spirit Night, 6PM-8PM 10/31 Pumpkin Day in Kindergarten 11/3 PTO Meeting, 7PM 11/4 Market Day Pickup, 5PM-6PM 11/7 Movie Night, 3:30-5:30PM Annual Fire Prevention Open House and Pancake Breakfast! Fire Prevention Week October 5—11 Saturday, October 5th from 7AM-11AM at Noblesville Fire Station 71 All You Can Eat - $5 Be a Fireman: Hose Training, Dress in Gear, Explore Fire Trucks, and more! Tips and Tricks to keep your family safe and prevent fire in your home Noblesville Fire shirt sale supporting breast cancer Remember that the first time the furnace goes on, you may experience a “funny” smell from summer dust. If you have allergies, open your windows to blow them out for approximately (1) one hour. Page 5 VILLAGE VOICE, VILLAGES OF PEBBLEBROOK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ~ OCTOBER 2014 VAPBHOA, PO Box 1033 Westfield, IN 46074 CLASSIFIED ADS WEBSITE: http://www.pbhoa.net Villages at Pebblebrook Homeowners' Association Board ROBIN I. RAUB, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY 317.773-3839 Responsible for residential Villages at Pebblebrook Homeowners' Association, common areas and the Moontown entrance. President Skip France (270-3235 president@pbhoa.net) Vice President Jack Cummings (896-2109 vp@pbhoa.net) Secretary Sandy Kern (896-2039 secretary@pbhoa.net) Treasurer Jeff Ralston (896–5969 treasurer@pbhoa.net) Member at Large Patricia Hildebrandt (867-4427 memberatlarge@pbhoa.net) Complete Dentistry for Adults and Children. Nitrous (gas), Analgesia, Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics, Implants. We specialize in Crowns, Bridges, Complete and Partial Dentures. Full sterilization and infectious disease control, in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. CALL 773-3839 19405 Little Chicago Road, Noblesville, SW Corner Little Chicago Rd. & SR 38. North Suburban Heating & Cooling, Inc.: Fall maintenance, we will clean and safety inspect your furnace or heat pump system for only $59.95. Offer available through November 28, 2014. Call (317) 773-5791. AD SPACE: $10.00/$12.00 Per Block, Classified per month.) Christine Earley 317.696.5395 marketingadworks@comcast.net cmearley@comcast.net Pebblebrook Boulevard Association Village Park Plaza www.hairquestetc.com 1950 E. Greyhound Pass Suite 12 ~ Carmel, IN 46032 317-848-3529 Fall In Love with a New color! Receive $25 off your first color Receive a cut and color for just $10 OFF your first hair cut! Receive a mani/pedi combo for just $50 $90 Not valid with any other offers. Valid only with select stylists. May include an up charge if hair is past shoulders. Mention when booking appointment. HOUSEHOLD or General items around your HOME for Sale? Submit a brief description of the item, the price and a contact information to Christine Earley (see contact page). Items will be in upcoming newsletter. NO business ads please! VAPB residents ONLY! FOR SALE: Boys Mountain Bike Trek 20B MT 60 $150.00 (317) 896-5969 Responsible for SR32 entrance, clock tower, Pebble Brook Boulevard, fountain and common area pond. President Phil Ephlin Pebblebrook Golf Course HM 896-5683, BP 896-5683, pepbgc@aol.com) Vice President Jeff Curry Pebblebrook Golf Course (HM 776-2357, BP 247-8421, jlcurry@gopalmergroup.com) Secretary/Treasurer Jim Hall Emerald Village, 804-5552 Members: Mike Matthews Representing Pinehurst Village Jacob Nichols Pebblebrook Golf Course Pat Hildebrandt Representing VAPBHOA Tamisa Lush Representing Amenities Association Charlie Kurtz Representing Pebble Brook Apartments Amenity Association: Responsible for swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts and playground. President Tamisa Lush (867-4733 tamisalush@comcast.net) Vice President Angela Ralston (896-5969 yellowjersey@frontier.com) Treasurer Russ Lush (867-4733 russlush@comcast.net) Commons & Pool Tim Davis (409-9951 russlush@comcast.net) Architectural Control Board: Responsible for reviewing requests for architectural changes. Submit your plans to Michey Mills (317-896-9095) or HM: 317-509-2642 and/or Sandy Kern (896-2039) email Sandy at indykern@frontier.com. Mailed requests may be sent to VAPB HOA, PO Box 1033, Westfield, IN 46074. The Board has thirty (30) days to review requests and respond. NEIGHBORHOOD GREETERS Marty Davis Village Way, 5258—5202 Ashbrook (Even), 5247-5297 Ashbrook (Odd), Bentgrass Drive (877-1719) Pat Perkins All of Sunridge Circle (867-0122) Marilynn Bejin Candlewood Court (867-2610) Sandy Kern Albany Court and (3) Ashbrook addresses—same side of road; 5047, 5121, 5089, 5073, 5061 Ashbrook (indykern@frontier.com) (896-2039) Webmaster: OPEN Thank you for your business! Let me assist you with all your insurance needs. The Village Voice Community Newsletter Responsible for preparing, editing, publishing, distribution and block/classified advertising. Editor/Advertising Referrals are always appreciated! Christine Earley Marketing & Ad’ Works Email: cmearley@comcast.net marketingadworks@comcast.net 702 Firethorn Circle Noblesville, IN 46062 Cell: 317.696.5395 Page 6 VILLAGE VOICE, VILLAGES OF PEBBLEBROOK MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ~ OCTOBER 2014 NORTH SUBURBAN HEATING & COOLING, INC. SALES * SERVICE * INSTALLATION Opal Propes, GRI, CRS, RECS REALTOR / NOTARY/BROKER Office 844-4646 Home Office 877-5614 www.TalkToOpal.com “Keep the Home Fire Burning—Not the Home” (317) 216-8070 VM Complete Chimney Service I strongly believe that service to my customers and clients is the key to my success! Please call and ask about my Professional Guarantee! Since 1977 Cleaning & Repair Dryer Vent Cleaning Chimney Caps & Covers Being transferred? I can help you receive information on your new city! 773-1011 F. C. Tucker Company, Inc. Realtor Since 1918 22354 Overdorf Road, Noblesville David J. Holloway, President * SERVICE ALL MAKES * Licensed * Bonded * Insured RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL Free Estimates on New Installations 773-5791 1754 Hannibal St. * Noblesville, IN 46060 Serving all of Hamilton County It’s Hard To Stop a Trane. Family Dentistry “FREE FINANCING AVAILABLE” Robin I. Raub, D.D.S. Specializing in Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics 19405 Little Chicago Road Noblesville, IN 46062 (317) 773-3839 “SW Corner Little Chicago Road & SR 38” EXAM ~ ALL X-RAYS ~ CLEANING $99.00 with this ad New Patients Only - “In absence of Periodontal Disease* COMMUNITY BANK • Carpet, upholstery, drapery, leather, area • • • • rugs & tile Water damage: structure & content drying Fire, smoke, odor & soot damage Certified & insured (317) 773-7683 Free estimates (866) 265-3367 TF: 1-888-265-9967 NOBLESVILLE 830 Logan Street 400 Noble Creek Drive 1007 S. 10th Street 201 N. 10th Street 651 Westfield Road P.O. Box 1990, Noblesville, IN 46061 773-0800 www.cbindianaonline.com www.boldens.com LOCALLY OWNED “Where Quality Comes First!” MEMBER FDIC House & Pet Watcher In your home professional pet care FREE P O Box 361 Arcadia, IN 46030 1st Mowing “HATS Off to Good Service” Tammy Petersen Serving Noblesville & Cicero 317-776-2997 bonded & insured Keep your pet in the home they love! General Services Undercar Services Heating and Cooling Services Electrical Services Transmission Services Auto & Light Truck Tire Sales Internal Engine Services & Miscellaneous Services Serving the Noblesville—Hamilton County Area w/1-Year Contract Lawn & Tree/Shrub Care Pruning • Edging • Mulching Landscape • Irrigation • Hardscape Shawn Flora - Consultant 317.758.5722 • Cell 317.339.1631 North 10th St. · Noblesville, IN hamilitonautoandtireservice.com This newsletter is printed by Copies for Less, 317.372.1168 Shawnf@carmelturfcare.com
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