CaringMatters CaringMatters 20 years of Supporting Carers in Brent 1994 - 2014 Call: 020 8795 6240 INDEPENDENT SUPPORT A new advice service for parent carers and young adults with learning needs or a disability. Does your child/children have a statement for their learning needs? Are you thinking about whether your child needs additional help at school? If the answer is yes, then you will need to know about the new Education, Health and Care Plans. Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans) will start to replace statements of special education needs and Learning Difficulty Assessments from 1st September 2014. EHC plans will be for children and young people aged 0-25 years old who have a learning need or a disability that cannot be met by the regular support that a school or college would usually provide. Additional support is required for the child or young person to progress and achieve their learning goals. An EHC plan is tailored for the individual child or young person’s needs, with the focus on: Information about the child/young person How the child/young person likes to communicate What the child/young person wants to achieve The type of support which is needed How this support will produce outcomes Brent Carers Centre has team of knowledgeable and helpful Independent Supporters who can assist families on the whole process of an Educational, Health & Care plan. We provide impartial information, advice and 1 to 1 support to ensure parent carers and young people know their rights, understand and can fully participate in the assessment process to ensure your views, needs and wishes are heard. We will also help you to ensure that the expectations to be achieved by the EHC plan are realistic and relevant to the personal goals of the child or young person. You will learn more about the Local Offer which is published In this Issue P2 Latest News Carers Counselling P3 Carers Forum Carers Profile P5 Community News P6 Carers Week Quest Highlights P8 Money Matters Travel Cost P9 Health Matters Health Passports P10 Young Carers Y.Carers Profile P11 Support Activities by Brent Council. It lists the provision and services available in the borough, you will also be advised on how the Local Offer can be helpful to you as a parent carer and your child or young person who has learning needs or a disability. If your child already has an educational statement, you WILL have to be assessed for the new EHC Plan. You don’t need to worry, as you will be contacted by Brent Council when it is time for your annual review or at a transitional point in your child's educational pathway. To obtain further information about our Independent Support Service or to obtain personal advice and support about a new EHC Plan or transferring from the old system, please call our Independent Support Service on 020 8795 6240 and ask to speak with an Independent Supporter. Message from ourChief Executive NEW -ACarer’s Counselling Service Well what a summer we have had, with a sweltering summer heat wave, a range of summer activities & outreach events in raising awareness on who is a carer, both in schools and in the community it has really been busy. It all seems such a long distance memory now, but we have really had a good summer! On pages 6 & 7 you can read all about our Carers Week Quest and the activities you enjoyed. We will shortly be launching a new Carers Counselling Service. We are very excited that we are able to provide this much needed service to carers in Brent. We’ve also been busy in recruiting new staff so we can re-organize ourselves in delivering good quality services efficiently to carers as well as increase our community awareness outreach to new and hidden Carers. Some of you may not be aware that Brent Carers Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, we are celebrating this with a special AGM to mark our progress and achievements, see page 9. We have also launched a new and really important advice and guidance service for Learning disability carers, It is such a valuable service that we have given it our prestigious front cover to ensure as many people are aware of it and know how to access the support. Don’t miss our Carers Rights Day on November 28th, this year see page 9. We hope you find the information useful and that we see you at our events. Happy Reading! Anne-Marie Morris BCCWelcomes New Staff We would like to extend a very warm welcome to the following new staff members: Deputy Chief Officer: Deborah Howe Carer Information Support Officers: Trusha Patel, Ezequial Irles and Clive Warrington. Clive Warrington Counsellor Co-ordinator: Jeraline George I have set up and managed counselling services for over thirteen years for a variety of charities throughout London, and am an accredited psychotherapist and counsellor. As mentioned in the last newsletter, the counselling service is being specifically developed to support carers who care for someone with a mental health condition, however sessions will also be available to other carers living in the Borough too. Carers will have a confidential space to talk about any emotional struggles or challenges they may be facing, difficulties they are encountering in their caring role, as well as many other issues which could include: Adjusting to being a Carer The challenge of caring for someone with a mental health condition Grief Anger Depression Isolation and loneliness Counselling can provide you with a space to look at your choices, make decisions that feel right for you and develop greater understanding of who you are and what you want in life so you feel happier. Jeraline George our new Counsellor Co-ordinator is very excited to be working in Brent and is passionate about providing carers with a safe space to talk about those things that are worrying them, so they can cope better in their caring roles, make decisions that are right for them and lead a life of their own life. The service should be ready to launch in December 2014. Carers can refer themselves to the service and we will also accept referrals from GP’s and any other professionals working with Carers. To find out how you can refer to the service or to enquire about a counselling placement please contact Jeraline by email: or call the confidential counselling line: 020 8795 6244 Man 2 Man Are you a male carer? We would like to invite you to lunch to meet other male carers, relax, have a chat and spend a little quality time just for you. Date, time and venue to be confirmed, perhaps you might suggest somewhere! Don’t be shy, give us a call - there are more male carers out there than you think. You are not alone! Call us now on 020 8795 6240 ACarer’s Profile Shabnam Shah We were very pleased that 61 carers were able to attend our Carers Forum on 26th June 2014. Our Guest Speakers were Amy Manji (Team Manager of Learning Disability Support Planning & Review Team) who talked about the customers journey within the Adult Social Care & the Disabilities Team, Pat Debengwa (Acute Liaison Nurse) presented on Learning Disability Strategies in Hospital & Joseph Umunegbu who introduced the Brent Shared Lives Scheme. Adult Social Care & the Disabilities Team The team aims to work with Carers to find solutions, help the cared for have a full and active life as possible. Referrals for Social Services come through the Customer Services Team who take basic details and check against the criteria. Those eligible then get a full assessment of needs. Part of Support Planning is to assess needs and plan how to meet them through services, followed later by review planning process to see if the needs are still being met. The aim is to support and maintain independence, so working with carers is very important to achieve this. Part of the assessment is to assess: Physical, health & wellbeing, keeping safe, looking after themselves, being part of the community. The criteria of needs which they are checked against are, critical needs and substantial needs. Learning Disability Strategies Pat shared how she worked and advocated on behalf of learning disability patients to ensure they were not misunderstood, misdiagnosed or discharged incorrectly because of their limited communications skills - Health Passports is an important document which every LD carer should have as it is a record of the LD persons needs, likes & dislikes etc. See page 9 for further details on Health Passports. Brent Shared Lives This is a scheme which is seeking carers who may be interested in providing paid care for an adult with a learning need or disability who would live with carer. If you have a spare room and are interested call 020 8937 4159 or 020 8937 4130 (Full notes of this meeng are available on request) Date: Venue: Friday 26th September 2014 10.30am - 13.00 Patidar House, 22 London Road, HA9 7EX Theme: Care Planning & Carers Roles, Learning Disability - Health Passports Independent Support Service - support on acquiring an Education Health & Care plans which replaces statements. Date: Venue: Friday 20th February 2015 10.30am - 13.00 The Unity Centre, Church Road, NW10 9EG Theme: TBC Refreshments available. Please call us to confirm your attendance so we can plan catering for refreshments. I care for a lot of people: my mother is elderly, my husband has a heart condition, my son has mental health needs, ulcerative colitis (similar to Crohn’s Disease) and ankylosing spondylitis which causes stiffening of the joints in the lower back and inflammation of the spine, my two brothers both have learning disabilities and mental health problems, I care for my niece who is profoundly physically and mentally disabled and her mother, my sister, who has mild learning difficulties. I also have 6 other surviving children ranging from 4 – 27, 4 of whom are under 18. I would say I have been a Carer all my life as I was helping with my brothers for as long as I can remember, I have always looked out for them. My mum can’t speak English so I helped translate at appointments and fill out forms. As I got older I understood more about their conditions and took on a more practical role, at 12 / 13 I started to deal directly with GPs and doctors. Being a carer is very stressful. There are lots of different and unexpected challenges. I have had to learn to cope and find strategies to resolve as many issues as possible. Typically my mum is at home with me every day, my brothers come to me from 3-5 Monday-Friday, all weekend and their holidays. My niece is here all weekend and school holidays. I go to her house in the evenings to support her mum with looking after her. My husband needs support with his appointments. My son is a young adult now and wants to take control of his health, so I am supporting him in this. He needs more support and care when his condition relapses. Juggling everything is difficult, making sure everyone is looked after to my standard. The most difficult time was when one of my son was diagnosed with Leukaemia in 2001 and then died in 2003 aged only 9. I still had all my usual caring responsibilities plus going into the hospital. I’ve never had the time to grieve. “My own health and needs always gets put on the back burner. I feel they are trivial. The reality is if my health is good or bad it makes no difference, I have to carry on.” on.” The problem with this approach is I have got really ill and ended up in hospital which caused a crisis. The most important thing a carer needs is someone to listen and be genuinely interested in helping. I always get that from the Brent Carers Centre. They have a calming influence on me when things are too much or there is a crisis I have to Continued on page 4 3 Carers Profile: Continued from page 3. deal with. I get practical advice and support. It’s important there is somewhere for Carers to go and get advice on a wide range of issues around caring. They have a lot of expertise. Brent Carers Centre is also independent which is so important. I would say Carers need a Key Worker [from Social Services] specifically for carers’ and a clear, set procedure to follow to make sure carers’ needs are assessed thoroughly and followed up on. At the moment you have an assessment and needs are identified, but there is no follow up. Where’s the consistency? Shabnams’ advice to a new carer is to: “try and balance everything out including your own health. If you neglect your own health you won’t be able to fulfil your caring responsibilities. Take care of your health first!” first!” If you would like to be featured in our Carers Profile please contact us on 020 8795 6240 or Carer Support Groups in Brent Do not under estimate the power of a carer support group. Peer support from other carers has been extremely helpful to carers over the years. They offer a lifeline of support from others who share similar experiences and challenges in their role as a carer. Carer benefit from the following: Share information advice and caring tips Hear about training and volunteering opportunities Receive news and updates on resources and information that may be helpful Quality time out with other like minded individuals. Take a little time out for yourself and attend a carers support group, you have a choice (see opposite). News Flash: A NewAdvice Surgery Offering 1-2-1 appointments with a Brent Adult Social Worker for carers who care for some with a Learning Disability. Starting in October 2014 from 12 noon - 1pm, straight after the LD Carers Support Group. Please call 020 8795 6240 to book an appointment. Brent Carers’ Support Groups All groups offer peer support for carers in a relaxed and friendly environment. To confirm your attendance to any one of our support groups please call us on 020 8795 6240 Wembley Carers’ Support Group Day | Thursday Time | 11 am – 1pm, Frequency | Monthly (2nd Thurs of each month) Location | Wembley Centre for Health & Care Willesden Carers’ Support Group Day | Friday Time | 1 - 3pm Frequency | Monthly (Last Friday of each Month) Location | Willesden Centre for Health & Care Kenton Carers’ Support Group Day | Tuesday Time | 2 - 3.30pm Frequency | Monthly (1st Tuesday of each Month) Location | Kenton Methodist Church Sudbury Dementia Carers’ Support Group Day | Wednesday Time | 11am - 1pm Frequency | Fortnightly Location | Harrow Road, Wembley Wembley Dementia Carers’ Support Group Day | Monday Time | 11am - 1pm Frequency | Fortnightly Location | Carlton Ave East, Wembley Willesden Mental Health Carers’ Support Group Facilitated by Brent MIND Day | Tuesday Time | 1.30pm - 3.30pm Frequency | Monthly (Last Tuesday of Each Month) Location | Willesden Centre for Health & Care For carers who care for someone with a mental health condition, including dementia. Wembley Mental Health Carers’ Support Group Facilitated by Brent MIND Day | Wednesday Time | 6.00pm - 7.30pm Frequency | Monthly (Third Wednesday of each Month) Location | Wembley Centre for Health & Care Willesden LD Carers Support Group facilitated by Anne Cover of Afaisic & Parent Carer Day | Tuesday Time | 10am - 12 noon Frequency | Monthly (Last Tuesday of Each Month) Location | Willesden Centre for Health & Care For carers who care for someone with a learning disability. A&E Services are changing at Central Middlesex & Hammersmith Hospital On Wednesday 10 September 2014, the accident and emergency (A&E) departments at Central Middlesex and Hammersmith hospitals closed. Both hospitals continue to provide treatment in the Urgent Care Centre's, for patients with minor illnesses and injuries that are not serious or life life-threatening, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You do not need an appointment. In an emergency, dial 999. If it’s not an emergency, you should contact your GP for medical advice. You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it’s not a life threatening situation. Call NHS 111 by dialing 111 from any landline or mobile phone free of charge. Northwick Park Hospital Open Mic An ‘Open Mic’ night is taking place at the Hospital Social Club on Thursday 2 October. The aim of this event is to raise money for the Theatre Departments, wonderful Charity N-Ghana Aid which has built a school and an operating theatre for a poor village in Ghana. They now need funds to complete the project. We also aim to give talented people a chance to perform in front of a live audience as well as have a fun night out. We are looking for staff or carers who can sing a song, play a musical instrument or tell a funny story. We have 5 acts including some Philippians dancers, with space for another five acts. Time slots are about 20mins. If you are talented or know someone who is who could help with this, then call: Charles 07909922450 or email: Last year they raised raised £1000 for the Philippian disaster! The event is on 2nd Oct starts at 18:00 and all welcome and cost is a donation at the door. It is at NPH social club. Carers - Your Involvement is Needed in the Planning of Brents‘ Future The Brent Borough Plan 2015-19 Consultation Some tough decisions will have to be made next year as Brent continues to face further cuts in its budgets amidst a climate of growing complex needs in the borough. Brent residents are being asked for their views on how local public services should evolve and what they can do to improve the borough given the continuing squeeze on budgets. The borough plan consultation which opened on September 16th invites residents to help shape the future of the borough in the context of significantly reduced budgets for local public services. Over the next four years services in Brent face the most challenging financial cuts ever. Despite the difficult financial position they have big ambitions for Brent – they want to make sure that all residents have the opportunity to use their full potential, to enjoy the best that Brent has to offer and to contribute actively to the community. They want to work with you to find the best way of building for the future and providing great services when we have less money and greater demands. For more information on how you can help plan Brent’s future, please visit the-borough-plan-consultation/the-challenges-brentfaces/ The deadline for participating is 28th November 2014. Please spread the word! Printed copies of the consultation form are available from our offices. Call us on 020 8795 6240 Book your place now to attend: Brent Carers Centre 20th Anniversary & AGM On 12th November 2014 @ Brent Civic Centre 6pm - 8.30pm Hot buffet, Anniversary Cake & Gifts bags See page 9 for full details. 5 SPECIALTHANKS to... Carers Week Quest Activities Our Carers Week Quest Partners, who have been great in promoting our activities and contributing to raising awareness of Carers in Brent. Carers week this year turned out to be a real success, we had three main aims this year and the lovely weather was a plus. Alperton for donating gift vouchers for our Carers raffle and welcoming us in promoting our charity work at the store during the summer, as well as inviting us back on a regular schedule later this year! The Queensbury Restaurant in Willesden Green for donating a meal out for two. As well as to our staff, trustees and volunteers for donating gifts and their time during Carers week. Raising Awareness with professionals to identify carers and direct them to support available. Raising awareness in the community on who carers are. Providing a wide range of respite activities for carers to enjoy whilst taking time out from caring. We were out in the community with our partners around the borough raising awareness on identifying new carers. Self Care & Healing with Nutrition & Herbs Bridge Park Complex on 10th June Thank you! Raffle PrizeWinners... Carers Quest Week Raffle Prize Winners Raffle was drawn at our Carer Bar Ms K Randhawa with CE Anne-Marie Morris Mr L Baldwin with CISO Vicky Trimikliniotis £100: Ms K Randhawa £35 Sainsbury Voucher: Ms D James Meal for 2: Mrs R Landeata Stacy Sullivan perfume: Mrs A Thompson Hamper: Mrs B Raithatha Champagne: Mr L Baldwin Cher Lloyd perfume: Ms C Daniel A selection of Spanish Biscuits: Vashakha Reminder: Ms C Daniel & Vashakha, please make arrangements to collect your prize by 31st October, After that date we will donate all left over prizes to the next raffle. Very pleased to say we raised £451 Ms D James This will be used to pay for a carers respite activity. Thank you to all those who participated! Brent Carers’ Summer BarBQ @ Brent Mencap’s Garden,14th June We also provided a range of respite activities for carers to participate in such as: Carers pampering day; Self-care & Healing with Nutrition & Herbs Seminar Options Day: Careers, Training & Employment Fair Day Trip to Kew Gardens Afternoon Tea at the Crown Moran Hotel Brent Carers Summer Barbecue Queens Park Open Gardens. Thriller theatre trip for Young Carers 2 days break @ Nottingham Uni for Young Carers Please see below a few picture highlights from some of our Carer Quest events & activities Options Day @ Bridge Park Complex on 11th June Brent SelfCare A new website has been put together by Brent CCG to provide you with advice and information related to maintaining your health and well being. It also provides advice on various health conditions, ie, dementia, diabetes, as well as provides guidance on exercise, diet and nutrition. Self care means looking after yourself in a healthy way, whether it’s brushing your teeth, taking medicine when you have a cold, or doing some exercise. If you have a long-term condition, there are extra things you may need to consider, such as making changes to your diet, different types of exercise or different types of medication you may need to take. Self care also means staying active by doing things that are important to you, such as gardening, seeing friends and family, going on holiday, or continuing to work, if possible. It involves looking at what you can do and want to do, rather than what you can’t do. Check it out on: Equipment for Sale or Donation? Quest Week Launch Event & Outreach at Sainsbury's Do you have mobility aids or adaptation equipment that you no longer need, taking up space? Would you like to donate or sell it to other carers? Let us help you find it another home, call us on: 020 8795 6240 Brent Big HealthCheck Up Day Queens Park Open Gardens 15th June Thursday 16th October 2014 10am - 3.30pm Bridge Park Community Leisure Centre Harrow Road, NW10 ORG Mencap & NHS Brent are holding a Health Check day for people with learning disabilities, their carers and health & social care professionals. How good or bad are health & Social Care Services in Brent for people with learning disabilities age 14 and older and carers? Have your say! Get Information about health, social care & staying safe. Take part in fun exercises and eat healthy food. You can come all day or just 1or 2 hrs, but you must book before 13th October. Contact Claudia on 020 8451 5278 7 TravelCost Reimbursement Fund Nominate Us - Support Us So We Can Support You! FOR CARERS OF MENTAL HEALTH DEPENDENTS The Travel Costs Reimbursement Fund is still open. Thank you to a Brent carer who will remain anonymous, for considering us being entered into the Santander Community Plus scheme. This scheme provide grants to local charities who help disadvantaged people in the community. Charities could be awarded up to £5,000 to help disadvantaged people in the community. This fund is for carers who care for someone with a mental health condition. We know that carers who care for someone with a mental health condition may have a lot of medical appointments to attend with their dependent, which can entail significant costs. This fund is designed to alleviate some of the high travel expenses incurred by carers. To claim reimbursement of travel expenses you must: Be registered with Brent Carers’ Centre as a Carer of someone with a mental health condition, such as clinical depression, bi-polar, dementia etc. Provide written proof on letter-headed for each of your medical appointments for your dependent. Provide original receipts of travel expenses. Travel expenses will be administered on a monthly basis. Each carer can claim up to £10 per trip maximum and up to 10 trips per annum, subject to availability of funds. Payments will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Brent Carers would like to use this grant to provide more respite grants to both adult carers’ and young carers’ in Brent, up to £200 per carer to replace or buy necessary equipment or used towards a respite break or activity. We know how valuable respite grant is to carers’. However to qualify we need you - carer, to nominate us. This can be done by simply dropping into any branch of Santander, completing a nomination form and dropping it into the Community Plus box, within the branch. A grant of £5,000 could help up to 25 carers’ in Brent. Bring this newsletter with you as it will have all the details you will need to complete the form. Thank you! To claim reimbursement of travel expenses, call our office on 020 8795 6240 and ask for a Mental Health Travel Expenses Claim form. Energy Bill Discounts For this winter you could get a £140 discount on your electricity bill through the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The Warm Home Discount Scheme is a one off payment discount, if you qualify, on your electric bill. Depending on your supplier, you could be entitled to up to £140, paid directly on your bill not to you. If your supplier is part of the scheme, they can tell you if you are eligible. Each supplier has their own rules and criteria. If you don’t qualify, some suppliers offer other discounts to vulnerable people (e.g. those on low income). To find out more information, contact your energy supplier and see if they are part of the Warm Home Discount Scheme. A team of specialists chosen by Brent is helping people stay warm and cosy in their homes. They assist households with children, the elderly, vulnerable people with long term illness and people living in fuel poverty or in cold homes. Services provided are for people who cannot afford to keep their homes up to the recommended levels of 21°C in living rooms and 18°C in other rooms. This may be because you have a broken or inefficient boiler, you may owe lots of money to their energy suppliers, or because you do not have enough money to feed the pre-payment meters. Whatever the reason we could refer you to this service to access help and support. Anybody can refer a case. The referral form can be found at: index.php Carers can favourite this page on their smart phones, laptops or tablets. Please do not think twice about using the link to alert them if you and/or your dependent are struggling to keep warm this winter. Health Passports The NHS Clinical Commissioning want to improve the healthcare for People with a learning disability in Brent. They have now launched Health Passport from ages 14+. This is a passport which will support a person with LD who has to go in a Care Environment whether that be the Acute Hospital, Nursing Home, Dentist, Opticians and Outpatients Appointments. This can also be used by other Health Professionals like Doctors, GPs, Nurses and Pharmacists. This will help them to listen to you as a Carer and the person with a disability enabling them to give the care and treatment that is best for your cared for. We think it is a good idea to have a Health Passport but it is your choice. This Health Passport will help you to explain your health problems so that you can get the right support, right treatment, right reasonable adjustments and right information. How a Health Passport has been helpful: A patient with a severe learning disability and autism was admitted to hospital with a chest infection. He did not have a Health Passport when he was admitted. During his stay he became what was considered to be “disruptive with challenging behaviour”. He was opening patients bedside cupboards and searching around. The staff were concerned and discussed his behaviour with his carers. His carers were encouraged to complete a Health Passport. By doing so they noticed that at home he goes around holding his teddy bear. It turned out that he was looking for his bear which comforted him. Once he got it he settled down. A Health Passport really helped staff to support the patient in having a stress free treatment, care and good experience whilst in hospital. BRENT CARERS CENTRE Annual General Meeting Celebrating 20 years of supporting Carers in Brent Wed 12th November 2014 6pm - 8.30pm Venue: Brent Civic Centre, Wembley, HA9 0FJ GUEST SPEAKER The Worshipful the Mayor of Brent Councillor Kana Naheerathan Performances by Young Carers Anniversary Cake & Gifts Bags! Hot buffet provided, please book to confirm your place on 020 8795 6240 Carers Rights Day Friday 28th November @ Bridgepark Community Centre Brentfield, London NW10 0RG The New Care Act 2014 The Implications for Carers in Brent By: Nancie Alleyne Head of Direct Services Brent Adult Social Care Education Health Care Plans Understand the changes By Brent Special Education Needs Assessment Team Health Passports Chris Harris Learning Disability and Adult Safeguarding Lead for CCG Lunch provided, please book to confirm your place on 020 8795 6240 9 YoungCarers Profile Junior is eight years old and has been a carer for his elderly father since last year Over the past 13 months Junior, has supported his dad by helping him to do food shopping, attend hospital appointments, and bring water so that his dad can take his medication. Junior’s dad has multiple illnesses and disabilities. He has a pacemaker, diabetes, cancer, and breathing problems. happen to his dad one day. Junior has received lots of support from Brent Carers, he has been invited to a different range of trips this year, such as Thriller at the Theatre, The Centre of the Cell, a narrow boat trip, have lunch at McDonalds, the Picnic and Horse riding. Junior said I have been lucky the kind staff have collected me so I could attend all the activities I have been on. They even wrote a special letter so I have now got back into a school, which is just a bus ride away. One of the things I would like to see happen is for someone to be a friend to my dad, so he is not lonely. In a normal week Junior does not attend school because his dad is unable to transport him there because of his Picture posed by a model illnesses and the distance they live from My dad is also happy about Brent Carers because school. This means that Junior remains at home and helps they have helped him with lots of forms. Brent Carers are his dad to prepare meals throughout the day. Junior also important for people like me because they look after me, goes out with dad to his hospital appointments. care about me, and give me and other children a break from Junior said that his most challenging times are not mixing with other children and going to school, and although, Junior does not have any illnesses of his own, his dads illness affects him because he worries that something may Drop inTimes areChanging... From the New year we will be changing our Drop in times for Carers at our offices. The drop in times will be: Tuesday Afternoons 2pm - 4pm Thursday Mornings 10am - 12noon Please note these changes will commence from 1st December 2014 Please call to make an appointment if you need to see someone outside of these times. AVery BigThankYou … The Board of Trustees, Chief Executive Officer and the Brent Carers staff team, would like to say a very big thank you to Silverholme Housing Association, for making a voluntary donation of £3,000 towards our work with young carers. The generosity will make an immense difference to our work with young carers, so thank you so very much indeed. We also know that our young carers very much appreciate the support. Thank you! caring. If I could tell other children who are new to looking after someone about Brent Carers Centre, I would tell them about the things they do and say they’re amazing! (Names has been changed for Anonymity) ParentCarers Forum For Learning Disability Carers. On Wednesday 5th November 2014 10.20am - 12.30pm @ Brent Civic Centre Board Rooms 7 & 8 RE: Education, Health & Care Plans + more Interested? Call us on 020 8795 6240 Brent CCG’s AGM Brent residents are invited to attend NHS Brent Clinical Commissioning Group’s AGM on Wednesday 15th October 2014 Sattavis Patidar Centre Forty Avenue, Wembley HA9 9PE 8 pm - 9.30 pm Hear them explain their work undertaken to improve healthcare, and outline its current work programme in Brent. You will also be able to ask questions. For further information contact Jenny Campbell via email or telephone 020 8795 6485. Carers Music Group Day | Tuesday Frequency | Fortnightly Time | 1pm – 2.30pm Location | Willesden, NW10 Beginners welcome. Learn to play tunes & read music. We have recorders to lend but you are welcome to bring any instruments of your own. Carers BookClub Day | Tuesday Frequency | Monthly (2nd Tue) Time | 11am – 12.30pm Do you love reading? Love talking about books? Then come along to the Carers Book Club, its friendly, informal and a place to meet other like minded carers. Tai Chi Classes Yoga forCarers Day | Thursday Frequency | Weekly Time | 11.30am – 1pm Location | Stonebridge NW10 No previous experience required. Wear comfortable clothing, be ready to work in bare feet; Taught by a former carer who knows the benefits of yoga, especially in reducing stress. RelaxationTherapies forCarers Day | Thursdays Frequency | Weekly Time | 1pm – 5pm (individual 45min sessions) Location | Wembley Central Fee | £2.00 per person. Day | Saturdays Frequency | Weekly Time | 11am – 12.00 noon Location| Wembley Fee | £8.00 per person. For 4 sessions Slow & graceful movements to improve health & wellbeing. Phone us on 020 8795 6240 to make your appointment. Massage, Indian Head Massage and Reflexology are currently available. Addaction 020 8459 9510 Brent Samaritans 020 8961 6181 Age UK Brent 020 8965 7711 Carers UK 0808 808 7777 Asian Peoples Disability Alliance 020 8459 1030 Citizens Advice Bureau (Brent) 0845 050 5250 Asian Women’s Resource Centre 020 8961 6549 Culture Dementia UK 0800 014 8682 Brent Bereavement Service 020 8459 6818 Debt Advice Foundation 0800 043 4050 Brent Council - Customer Services 020 8937 4300 Elders’ Voice 020 8968 8170 Brent Community Law Centre 020 8451 1122 Jewish Care 020 8922 2222 Brent Indian Association 020 8903 3019 NHS 111 Brent Irish Advisory Service 020 8459 6655 1 Voice Parent Group 020 8556 0983 Brent Mencap 020 8451 5278 The Junction Drug & Alcohol Service 020 8961 7007 Brent Mind 020 7604 5177 Sickle Cell Society 020 8961 7795 Brent Out of Hours Social Services 020 8937 5250 West Indian Senior Citizens Organisation 020 8965 3533 Please call us on 020 8795 6240 for further details or to book a place on any of the above support activities. If you have attended and event or use our services and would like to give feedback anonymously you can do so online, just select the relevant address and type the address to complete an online evaluation form. I only takes a few minutes: Young Carers Services: Young Carers Activities: Adult Carer Services: Adult Carer Activities: 11 CARERS’ TRAINING & ACTIVITIES YOUNG CARERS’ ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES Month Date & Time September 2014 Saturday 20th 12noon Young Carers Support Group & McDonalds, Wembley Sunday 28th 12 noon Horse Riding & Picnic Westway Thursday 30th 11am Cinema Vue, Acton November 2014 Saturday 22nd 1pm Bowling Acton, Park Royal December 2014 Saturday 13th Xmas Dinner Chiquito, Staples Corner October 2014 Details Location February 2015 Thursday 19th Young Carers Forum Wembley Centre for H &C Month Date & Time Details Location September 2014 Fri 26th 10am 12.30pm Carers Forum Patidar House, Wembley October 2014 Wed 8th 10am - 12 noon Healthy Eating on a Budget Willesden Centre for Health & Care Wed 22nd 2.30pm Memphis the Musical £3 per person Shaftesbury Theatre AGM & 20th Anniversary & Carers Rights Day Brent Civic Centre & Bridge Park Complex Full details on Page 9 Carer Information and Support Programme (CrISP) for Dementia Carers (You will need to attend all four sessions) Wembley Centre for Health & Care Carers Xmas Lunch - £5 per person Blue Check Restaurant, Wembley Carers Forum The Unity Centre, NW10 November 2014 12th Wed 6pm & 28th Friday 10am November 2014 Fri 14th, 21st Nov & 5th & 12 Dec 2014 10.30am - 1pm December 2014 Tuesday 9th @ 1pm February 2015 Friday 20th 10.30am Places for the above activities are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. To confirm your attendance at any one of our activities, please call us on 020 8795 6240 Do you have some news for us? Brent CarersCentre If you have some any news of offers that would be of use to carers, then please let us know and we will try and include it in future issues of our Caring Matters Newsletter. Wembley Centre for Health & Care 116 Chaplin Road Wembley Middx HA0 4UZ Follow us! Tel: 020 8795 6240 Fax: 020 8795 6250 E: W: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and keep up to date with our latest News. Events and Activities and much more! .com/brentcarer Opening Times: Mon to Fri: 9.00am - 5.30pm Wed: 9.00am - 8.00pm Last Saturday in every month: 12noon - 4pm Charity No: 1066691 Limited Co. No. 3354038
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