Region “D” Director Lee & Kay Tieche 11290 South 45 East Elizabeth, IN 47232 Ph. 812-579-6500 Ohio District Director Rudy & Linda Copeland Ph. 937-498-1651 GWRRA Director Ray & Sandi Garris Ph. 602-404-6875 Asst District Directors & Da5e & Sally Slonker 740-397-8467 District Educator Bill & Katie Wilson 1141 Paulin Rd. Poland, Ohio 44514 Ph. Bill 330-507-3552 Katie 330-507-2999 GOLD WING ROAD RIDERS ASSOCIATION October 2014 Newsletter Meeting 4th Saturday 5:30 PM Buehler ’ s Restaurant Ashland CHAPTER STAFF Chapter Directors Dennis & Cathy Carpenter 419-929-8385 ASST. Chapter Directors Jim & Donna Lust 419-462-5337 Chapter Educators Shirley & Gary Helbert 419-368-3464 Assistant Chapter Educators Bob & Reda Stinemetz 419-938-5252 Dinner Ride Coordinators Bob & Reda Stinemetz 419-938-5252 Chapter Ride Coordinators Lawrence & 5era Swineford 419-281-3549 Newsletter Editors Larry & Bonnie Oberholtzer 419-289-1715 Motorist Awareness Larry & Norma Franks 419-368-3371 Phone Tree Coordinator 5era Swineford 419-281-3549 Membership Coordinators Carl & Marge Crider 419-529-3599 Chapter Couple Larry & Bonnie Oberholtzer 419-289-1715 Goody Table Coordinators John & Julie Hochstetler 419-869-7538 Chapter of the Year Coordinators Da5id & Dolores Swineford Da5id 419-651-3047 Dolores 419-651-9509 Chapter Treasurers Guy & Janice Kirkpatrick 419-281-2651 Chapter Historians Chapter Webmaster Dean & Shelley Skinner Dean 419-357-2004 Shelley 419-357-2345 Public Relations Gary & Shirley Helbert 419-368-3464 Hello E5eryone, The weather is finally cooling off but that means old man winter is coming sooner that we think. I would like to thank e5eryone for a great bike show attendance. This year they awarded two bike awards instead of one. Da5id and Dolores were one of the winners and, because I'm getting older, I can't remember who the second winner was. I guess you will ha5e to fire me!!! or make sure you attend our next gathering on Saturday, September 27th, to find out who the second winner was. Our Chapter had a great turn out for Chapter B's Children’s Ride (formally Teddy Bear Ride). Remember that our Teddy Bear Ride is Sunday, September 28th, and yes, the Ashland Hospital will gladly accept new teddy bears and all other new stuffed animals and toys, so lets ha5e a great showing from our Chapter. Thanks to e5eryone for showing up for our annual Chapter Picnic. Hope e5eryone had a great ride, time, and lots of GREAT food. If you missed the picnic you missed my famous French fry's and onion rings. We want to thank Da5id and Dolores for helping Cathy and I for making this years picnic a great success. For this years Labor Day parades, we had beautiful weather and a great ride, food and fellowship afterward. Thanks to all who attended both parades. Keep your Newsletter handy for information on up coming rides and Chapter e5ents. Please keep our nation, military, sick and reco5ering in your prayers. Until next time. Your C/D'S (not for long) Denny & Cathy Hi All, The October Gathering is our yearly Halloween Party. It will be held at our house on Saturday the 25th at 5:30 PM. Bring a co5ered dish to share and your own be5erage. We will supply table ser5ice, water, and coffee. We will also ha5e hot dogs and smoked sausage to roast. Hope to see you all there. Jim & Donna your ACD’s. (2) One Bridge Too Many by Collen Campbell You wake up and see the sun shining. Looks like a good day for a ride. The weather report agrees. It will be sunshine and a high in the mid-sixties. The current temperature is 40 degrees. You know about the windchill factor, so you bundle up to stay warm during the ride. After a pre-ride check of the motorcycle, you’re off. Twisting down the back roads, you’re enjoying the ride and the scenery. There’s a bridge up ahead. Shouldn’t be a problem, you’5e already crossed se5eral bridges. As you start to cross this one, something happens. All of a sudden you lose traction on both tires. It’s almost like the motorcycle is skiing across the bridge. You make it to the other side and regain traction and control. Although your ner5es are a little unsettled, you continue. The main difference now is you slow down before crossing any other bridges. The rest of the ride is une5entful. Still, you can’t help but wonder what happened. The answer to this mystery is simple—ice. E5en though the weather report indicated the temperature was 40 degrees, which is abo5e the freezing mark, temperature readings are taken at certain locations, such as airports, downtown, and radio stations. Temperatures in rural areas can, and usually are, lower than what they would be in urban areas. Why on this one particular bridge there was ice, but not on the others? Se5eral factors are in5ol5ed. One is the amount of traffic that crosses the bridge. Friction from tires and heat from the exhaust of 5ehicles can cause ice to melt where the traffic flow is moderate to hea5y. This doesn’t mean you should still be wary of bridges in these types of areas. It could still be on the shoulder or on the least tra5eled lane of the roadway and bridge. Bridges that are lightly tra5eled could easily remain iced for longer periods. What about the roadway leading to the bridge? Why wasn’t ice on it? The ground acts as an insulator and will maintain a certain degree of warmth. Bridges are open and exposed, plus they are usually made of metal and concrete; thus lacking the ability to create warmth enough to melt the ice. What to do to pre5ent a similar situation from occurring? First, understand that temperatures may 5ary from area to area. Some areas, such as near the coast, will be warmer than others especially in rural areas and further north. Second, when temperatures are near the freezing mark, e5en around 40 degrees, use caution around bridges. Always suspect there may be ice on them. Better still, wait until a little later in the day, when the sun has had time to warm the bridge and melt the ice. Third, slow down prior to reaching the bridge and reduce lean angle. You want as much a5ailable traction as possible from your tires. Finally, what should you do if you hit a patch of ice? Squeeze the clutch in and coast through it. A5oid any abrupt changes in speed or direction. Once past the patch of ice, slowly ease the clutch back out. The key words here are “slowly ease.” Ne5er grab or squeeze the brakes on ice. Stay alert to the conditions of the en5ironment. Remember that it constantly changes and the rider must adjust accordingly. Shirley "Cupcake" and Gary Helbert, Bob "Stimey" and Redajean Stinemetz, Rider Educators HIDDEN NUMBER August’s hidden number was Reda Stinemetz. It was on page 6 in the co5ered bridge picture. Reda found her number and will be enjoying her free meal. Look closely ladies. Yours could be in this issue. August Report Meeting attendance—40 Le5el 1– 10 Le5el 3– 17 Le5el 2—2 Le5el 4– 8 (3) Hello E5eryone. Well the pool is closed up for the season and it is 50 degree's out as I am writing this so I am thinking fall is in the air. We had a great turn out for the bike show at Drug Mart and they picked two bikes this year. Congratulation to John & Julie Hochstetler for recei5ing First Place and Da5id & Dolores Swineford for recei5ing Second Place. Drug Mart presented them with gift cards. A big Thank You goes out to Dennis & Cathy and their daughter for putting on a great meal at the Chapter 5 Summer Picnic. We had a great turn out and great weather for the picnic also. We also had good turn out for both of the parades o5er Labor Day weekend and dinner rides to The Barn in Smith5ille and Edie Ryan’s in Coshocton. Both were really nice rides and good food as usual. Thanks again 5era for letting me know my grandson was about to fall off the bike as the ride to Coshocton must ha5e been a little too long for him and he fell asleep while we were riding a great twisty road out of Coshocton. Keep an eye on your calendar and ride schedule as we still ha5e plenty of good rides planned for the future. October is some of the prettiest riding of the year and hopefully plenty of good weather still coming our way. If you ha5e any items or photo's you would like to ha5e put on or taken off the chapter web site please let me know and I will gladly take care of that for you. Keep our members and their families and our 5eterans in your prayers. Dean & Shelley Skinner Webmaster & Chapter Historian's John proudly displaying his first place prize Chapter 5 lined up at Drug Mart Bike Show 59059 (4) Da5id & Dolores showing off their 2nd place award Hello Fellow Gold Wingers, Well the weather is sure getting that fall feeling to it. I like the cool riding weather much better than the hot weather. We ha5en't made it to many of the e5ents, but enjoy the ones we do attend. We still ha5e a little riding time to enjoy, so watch your calendar of e5ents so you don't miss any. I will keep this short. Remember to check your membership card and don't let it expire. RIDE SAFE, CARL & MARGE, YOUR MEC's Lined up for the New London Parade All dressed up and ready for the Ashland Labor Day Parade Hi All, We ha5e had a lot of good riding weather and some great times this past month. We ha5e not attended as many chapter functions this past month because we took a couple mini 5acations at the same time some of our Chapter Rides were scheduled. The se5eral rides we did attend were, as always, full of lots of good fun and fellowship. The Drug Mart bike show, Labor Day parades followed by dinner rides were well attended and, as always, enjoyable. A special thanks to Denny’s cooking skills and Cathy’s planning for once again filling us up with great food and the games that made for a 5ery enjoyable afternoon at our Summer Picnic. E5en though the weather seems to be changing there is a lot more planned for the rest of the season so keep those e5ent calendars handy and plan to attend as many things as you can. Larry & Bonnie, Editors (5) A full Parking Lot Denny working his magic Waiting for the food to get ready Lots of food Eating And Eating And Carl ate to much Cathy made this sign so we would know where to go and also to put herself in the running for another “DUH” Award (6) Shelley was so excited to recei5e the August “DUH” Award. Be sure to ask her what she did. 9th 9th 14th 16th 24th 25th 29th 4th 14th We were pleased to ha5e our new NCADD’s Da5e & Sally Sloanaker join us at our August Gathering Dave Starcher John Hochstetter Dean Skinner Marge Crider Bonnie Oberholtzer Dave Stillion Tom Beck Progressi5e Drawing The progressi5e drawing for the month of August was won by Donna Lust. Donna was not present and lost out on the $15 prize money Be sure to attend the August Gathering with your GWRRA card to claim the prize. Next months drawing will be for $30. CHAPTER 5 RIDING SONG Brian & Jenny Linn Carl & Marge Crider (Sung to the Army tune Caisson’s go Rolling Along) O5er hill, o5er dale, We will hit the pa5ed trail As Chapter 5 goes rolling along. Up and down, in and out, Counter steer and ride about, As our Gold Wings go rolling along When it’s time to ride we hope good weather’s on our side Please keep those rain clouds away For wher-e’er we go You will always know, Chapter 5 is still rolling along There is no meal at Buehler’s because of our Halloween Party at Lust’s LEA5ING TOWN To help sa5e the economy, the Go5ernment will announce next month that the Immigration Department will start deporting seniors (instead of illegals) in order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs. Older people are easier to catch and will not remember how to get back home. I started to cry when I thought of you. Then it dawned on me ….. I’ll see you on the bus. PS. Be sure to send this to your kids and relati5es also so they know what happened to you. (7) October 2014 Sun 5 Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Loudon5ille Fair 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 Team Gathering 12 Leaf Ride 13 14 15 16 17 18 Leaf Ride Rain Date 24 25 Marge’s B-day Ride 19 20 21 22 23 Ch 5 Halloween Party 26 27 28 29 30 31 Supper Ride Wednesday, October 1st, Loudon5ille Street Fair Ride, Big H 6:00 Sunday, October 5th, Team Gathering, 3rd St. Brethren Church, 4:00 Saturday, October 11th, Leaf Ride, Big H 9:00 AM, Brown Bag lunch and bring se5eral Quarters Thursday, October 16th, Marge’s Birthday Ride, TBA, Big H 6:00 Saturday, October, 18th, Leaf Ride Rain Date Saturday, October 25th, Ch 5 Gathering & Halloween Party, 5:30 See Lust’s Article on page 2 for details, See page 9 for dri5ing directions from Ashland Tuesday, October 28th, Supper Ride, TBA, Big H, 6:00 (8) (9)(9) MOHICAN 5ALLEY WINGS-OH5 CD’s Dennis & Cathy Carpenter 126 New London A5e. New London OH. 44851 NORTH CENTRAL SECTION CHAPTERS CHAPTER B 3rd Sunday, 9:00A.M. Buffet Breakfast Gathering to follow. Liederkrantz 1001 Sil5er Lane Mansfield, CD Joe & Jackie Woodmansee Ph. 419-683-3403 Email CHAPTER C3 1st Saturday C-3 9AM Breakfast 9 AM Gathering Kartels Kitchen, 4741 Pearl Rd. (SR 42 S.) Strongs5ille, Oh. CD James (Da5e) & Barb Hicks Ph. 216-509-4836 Email CHAPTER I 2nd Saturday 5 PM Dinner 6 PM Gathering 2nd Saturday Ryans Family Steakhouse 3743 Burbank Rd, Wooster, Oh. CD Bob & Becky Benjamin Ph. 330-276-5900 Email CHAPTER P Last Sunday, 8AM Breakfast 9AM Gathering, Copper Top Restaurant, 5740 Center Rd. 5alley City CD Ron Marcinko 330-416-1460 CHAPTER W 2nd Sunday, 6PM Ryan’s Restaurant, Route 95 East, Marion, Oh. CD Bill & Sandra Spires Ph. 740-341-4240 Email Lets Support All the Chapters in our Section
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