Ohio Youth Soccer Association North Request for Proposal (RFP) 2014 Bothwell Cup Purpose The Ohio North Youth Soccer Association North (Ohio North) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization youth development organization dedicated towards teaching and actively promoting: the sport of youth soccer the development of players, coaches and referees good sportsmanship life skills for children and youth players of all levels of interests and abilities in a safe and healthy environment. We make ethical decisions based on what is in the best interests for all our members. Currently, Ohio North is looking to contract for field facility use within Ohio North (state association) boundaries to host our annual Bothwell Cup (including President’s Cup U13-U14 divisions) in October, 2014. The Bothwell Cup is the first level of the US Youth Soccer President’s Cup Series for the winners of the U13 & U14 divisions, which concludes with the National Finals in July. Ohio North anticipates approximately 140 teams to participate in this year’s tournament. Age groups include U9 thru U14/15 Boys and Girls. This RFP may be submitted as to contract for a one-year period with an option to extend for the following year. History/ Background The Ohio North was founded in 1974 and later incorporated in 1988. Our membership is comprised of approximately 85 leagues, 52,000 players and approximately 8,000 team officials. Ohio North currently has a volunteer board of directors and five (5) full time staff members and one (1) part-time staff member. Ohio Youth Soccer Association North Request for Proposal (RFP) 2014 Bothwell Cup Requirements (A copy of all requirements must be submitted to Ohio North with the final proposal.) Dates of Tournament Fields Dimension of Fields Fees Security Deposit Proof of Insurance Concessions Referee Assignor Severe Weather Policy Emergency Room/Hospital Names & Locations Local Accommodations Field Map/Layout Media Check-In/Tents October 17-19, 2014 (Limited evening games on Friday, Oct. 17) Minimum of 16 fields required. Multiple sites will be considered provided a total of 16 fields are available for Ohio North use. Min. 6 full sized fields (min. 100 x 60 yds. max. 120x75 yds.); Min. 5 small-sided U9/10 fields (min. 55 x 40 yds. max. 60x45 yds.). Min. 5 small sided U11/12 fields (min. 75 x 50 yds. max. 80 x 55 yds.) Identify whether a flat fee, a fee per field, or no fee(s) would be charged to Ohio North for the usage of fields. Identify whether a security deposit would be charged to Ohio North. If so, identify dollar amount. Must provide a $1M general liability insurance certificate if proposal is accepted. Identify whether facility would retain all proceeds or if facility would share proceeds with Ohio North in some manner. Please indicate if a discount on concessions would be afforded to Ohio North board members, staff members and referees. Must provide Ohio North with name of local assignor(s). Assignor(s) must be certified by United States Soccer Federations (USSF). Must be provided with copy of proposal. Must be provided with copy of proposal. Must provide Ohio North with a list of local restaurants and hotels. Must provide Ohio North with a map of facility lay-out with field numbers and dimensions of each field. Must provide Ohio North with local media contacts. (e.g., newspapers, TV, etc.) Indoor or Outdoor facility with five (5) tables and Ohio Youth Soccer Association North Request for Proposal (RFP) 2014 Bothwell Cup Electricity Parking Trash Removal/ Field Cleaning Wireless Network 20 chairs must be made available for Ohio North use. (Please specify any charges to Ohio North.) Ohio North must have access to electricity at the Check-in location for computer/printing purposes. Indicate total quantity of parking spots available and/or if a shuttle is needed. (identify associated costs to Ohio North) Indicate if bus parking is available. Must indicate any/all (if applicable) costs associated with trash removal or field clean up. Ohio North prefers site(s) that can offer use of a wireless network for the purpose of posting scores. Other Proposals must indicate when the first games and the last games on each tournament day can commence. Are lights available? Proposals must indicate whether a spectator admission fee will be charged. If so, please indicate the dollar amount that would be assessed per spectator. Proposals must indicate if a parking fee will be charged to those attending the tournament. If so, please indicate the dollar amount that would be assessed per vehicle. Proposals must indicate whether or not parking attendants for this tournament are necessary. If so, please indicate the cost to Ohio North, per hour, for each parking attendant. Proposals must indicate whether port-a-johns and/or restroom facilities are available on-site and if they would be available to Ohio North at no cost. Proposals must indicate whether golf carts (maximum 4) can be on-site and if so, please indicate the costs to Ohio North for golf-cart usage and/or rental at the tournament. Please present any/all other information you feel appropriate to include or note as part of your proposal to Ohio North. Ohio Youth Soccer Association North Request for Proposal (RFP) 2014 Bothwell Cup Ohio North Sponsors Ohio North has relationships with University Hospitals, Kohl’s, Wilson Trophy, Shutterfly and other sponsors. All proposals should indicate whether or not Ohio North sponsor participation on-site presents any issues or conflicts. Ohio North, historically, sells t-shirts during the tournament. Each proposal must indicate if this presents a conflict of interest and/or if a vendor license is required for the selling of tournament t-shirts. Decision Criteria The decision criteria for Ohio North on making this decision will include, but not limited to, the location of the facility, the costs associated with Ohio North’s use of the facility or facilities, the quality of the fields, game time flexibility and sufficient parking for this tournament and overall perceived community support. Submission of Proposal This RFP will be released to the public for general distribution on or before January 31, 2014. RFPs are due on or before February 28, 2014. Proposals may be submitted by email to rriggs@ohionorthsoccer.org. Proposals may be sent by US Mail must be postmarked on or before due date and sent to: Ohio North Youth Soccer Bothwell Cup Proposal 6650 W. Snowville Rd., Ste. Y Brecksville, OH 44141. Submissions postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted or considered. Questions regarding any aspect of this RFP can be directed to: Jessica Chambers, Event Coordinator, at jchambers@ohionorthsoccer.org or Bob Riggs, Executive Director, at rriggs@ohionorthsoccer.org A decision will be made by the Ohio North Executive Director and/or Ohio North Board of Directors on or before March 20, 2014.
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