A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
7.30am – 8.30am
CSE2014 Registration
7.00am – 7.45am
CSE2014 Registration
8.45am – 9.25am
“What your prospects “experience” during a sales
engagement is what determines your success”
Special Guest Speaker Joseph Blaney
7.50am – 8.00am
9.25am – 9.30am
CSE2014 Summit Opening
Bryn Hughes
Managing Director, The Centre of Sales
CSE2014 Day 2 Opening
Bryn Hughes
Managing Director, The Centre of Sales
8.00am – 8.40am
“Once upon a time - storytelling and selling”
Wayne Stewart
Director, Monte Rosa
8.40am – 9.30am
“Placing the Customer at the Core in the Pursuit
of World Class Sales Performance”
Joe Galvin
Chief Research Officer, MHI Research Institute
9.30am – 10.15am
“Serving our customers brilliantly; learnings
from the pharma industry”
Mahesh Malalage
Marketing Manager - Bio Medicine,
Eli Lilly Australia
10.15am – 10.45am
“Experience the Expo” & Morning Tea
10.45am –11.25am
“Case Study: Attracting, Selecting and Retaining
High Performing Sales Executives”
Mark Purbrick
Managing Director, Peoplogica
11.25am – 12.10pm
“Buyer 2.0: Armed and Dangerous”
Chris Carlson
Director of Global Channels,
Sales Performance International
12.10pm – 12.45pm
“Evaluating, training and coaching the Australia
Post salesforce”
Gavin Gomes General Manager Sales &
Marketing, P|StarTrack, Australia Post and
Paul Howdle Managing Consultant, Directional
12.45pm – 1.30pm
Lunch Break
1.30pm – 2.10pm
“Case Study: Achieving sales excellence in the field
– a development practitioners experience”
Jim Jusic
Sales Capability and Operations Manager,
Treasury Wine Estates
2.10pm – 2.45pm
“Embracing Tenders – Why Sales professionals
need to own these often maligned documents”
David Lunn
Director, Bid Write
2.45pm – 3.30pm
“Sales Forecasting 101”
Jason Jordan
Partner, Vantage Point Performance
3.30 - 4.00pm
Question Time
CSE2014 Close
9.30am – 10.15am
“Sales Force Automation is Dead: It’s time to
engage customers like never before”
Ian Kinsella
Regional Vice President, SAP Customer
Asia Pacific & Japan
10.15am – 10.45am
“Experience the Expo” & Morning Tea
10.45am – 11.30am
“The Power of Perspective”
Joe Galvin
Chief Research Officer, MHI Research Institute
11.30am – 12.10pm
12.10pm – 12.50pm
12.50pm – 1.45pm
1.45pm – 2.15pm
2.15pm – 3.15pm
“Harness the Power of Customer Insight through
Win Loss Analysis - Where Solution Selling meets
Social Selling”
Cian McLoughlin
Director, Trinity Perspectives
“Passionate Customers and Profitable Sales
Growth – How To Achieve Both”
Chris Pattas
Managing Director, BI WORLDWIDE
Lunch Break
“Engage the Buyer –Through the
Procurement Lens”
Jonathan Dutton
Director, JD Consultancy
“Cracking the Sales Management Code:
How to Gain Control Over Sales Performance”
Jason Jordan
Partner, Vantage Point Performance
3.15pm – 3.45pm
“Experience the Expo” & Afternoon Tea
3.45pm – 4.30pm
“Welcome to the Social Selling Era”
Matt Loop
Director of Sales, LinkedIn Sales Solutions
4.30pm – 5.10pm
“Relationship Intelligence - turning communication
data into insights and insights into action”
Adam Thorp & Adam Seedsman
Directors, TRED International
5.10pm – 5.45pm
“Enabling sellers for better engagement with
senior stakeholders”
Tony Hughes
Managing Director, RSVP Selling
5.45pm – 7.30pm
African Wildlife Safari Networking Evening
The Residence at Grand Hyatt
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A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Special Guest Speaker Joseph Blaney CMO, Business builder, Digital Marketer, Infotainer, Content Guru.
TITLE: What your prospects “experience” during a sales engagement is what determines your success
What is your Sales culture? What is your sales experience? Are they maximised for success?
Your Culture is a leading indicator of what your sales prospects experience. Whether you like it or not every organisation has a culture...
Has your culture been built is by accident or design?
Sell an experience rather than products and services and differentiate by how you sell and the experience your prospects have in the sales
Every concept is brought to light by Case studies from some of the world leading sales organisations Apple, Ritz Carlton, Zappos.
Ian Kinsella Regional Vice President, SAP Customer Asia Pacific & Japan
TITLE: Sales Force Automation is Dead: It’s time to engage customers like never before
Every client interaction – planned or unplanned – is an opportunity to differentiate your business from the competition.
Today’s customers are empowered and connected like never before. Their time is precious; keeping them means providing valuable
information and personalized service with every interaction. Your customers are also taking control of the sales conversation, actively
shaping your relationship by deciding when and how to interact with you. To meet their needs, your sellers must provide experience and
knowledge, tailored to each customer – attention that yields long-term benefits for both parties.
To respond to this new sales paradigm, successful sales leader must redesign their selling systems to align with customers’ expectations
and buying processes. This requires sales leaders develop people-centric selling systems designed with both customer and salesperson
in mind.
In this talk, we will discuss some of these challenges, and explore some of the approaches that SAP and its customers are using to engage
their customers like never before.
Joe Galvin Chief Research Officer, MHI Research Institute
TITLE: The Power of Perspective
Complex selling is getting tougher. The customer is both more informed and more demanding than ever. There are more decision makers
to deal with in an ever challenging organisational structure to navigate. Everyone is being tasked with doing more with less and to provide
and justify even more value.
How do you build top performers who can connect with customers and meet these challenges head-on? What is the defining difference
that sets a top-performer apart from the rest?
Find out in this interactive break-out session.
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A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Cian McLoughlin Director, Trinity Perspectives
TITLE: Harness the Power of Customer Insight through Win Loss Analysis - Where Solution Selling meets Social Selling
“I’m sorry, we’ve decided to go with Company X instead of you. But thanks for all your hard work”. As a sales leader, hearing this
statement from a prospective client is the bitterest of pills to swallow, particularly after a long, complex and costly sales cycle. In this
session we’ll focus on how to overcome this all too familiar problem and achieve: • Improved personal and company-wide win ratios
• Quicker close rates, through a deeper understanding of factors delaying prior sales cycles • A mechanism to establish clear Win/Loss
benchmarks to share across the organisation • Dramatic improvement in competitive win-rates, through analysis of prior losses against
key competitors • A culture of continuous improvement and a more client-centric sales model.
• Learn how to extract value from every single deal your organisation pursues, win, lose or draw
• How to increase your conversion rate by mapping your sales process to your customers buying process
• How to accurately predict which deals you will win and lose in advance and when to qualify out
Chris Pattas Managing Director, BI WORLDWIDE
TITLE: Passionate Customers and Profitable Sales Growth – How To Achieve Both
“I wish I could grow new business sales and still achieve my profit target”. Sound familiar? Every sales leader has the same challenge.
Assuming you have good product and service offerings and a skilled sales team, how do you inspire your team to smash their sales
targets without compromising margins? The secret, based on years of Behavioural Economics research and hundreds of real customer
examples, is this: “move the middle”. Don’t just focus on the 20% of your team who will always be high achievers. Focus on motivating,
communicating, engaging and rewarding the 60% of your team that don’t typically get as much attention as the star performers. Chris
Pattas, Managing Director of BI WORLDWIDE, will discuss how we go about achieving profitable sales growth for our clients using this
strategy - without compromising client satisfaction, quality or margins.
• How to drive incremental sales without losing margin
• How to increase sales performance of your high, middle and low performers
• How to engage your team to meet company wide goals
Jonathan Dutton Director, JD Consultancy
TITLE: Engage the Buyer –Through the Procurement Lens
Procurement is now the fastest growing profession in business.
More and more organisations are seeing the real value and the wide range of benefits of proactive supply side management.
Importantly these benefits are becoming far more strategic in nature, well beyond price.
The days of lazy salespeople blaming PRICE for losing an order are long gone.
• Who are Procurement Managers – what do they want?
• Why is Procurement now the fastest growing profession in business?
• How best can you work with procurement?
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A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Jason Jordan Partner, Vantage Point Performance
TITLE: Cracking the Sales Management Code: How to Gain Control Over Sales Performance
Companies put sales management in place for a single reason… to improve the performance of their sales forces. But how does sales
management actually do that? Literally... how does sales management do that? Join best-selling author Jason Jordan as he shares
ground breaking research into the nature of sales management – what managers can control, what they cannot, and what they should
do to improve sales performance.
• How to align field-level activities with your desired organisational outcomes
• Which sales metrics are important and which are just distractions
• How to identify the right sales processes for your sales force to excel
Matt Loop Director of Sales, LinkedIn Sales Solutions
TITLE: Welcome to the Social Selling Era
The digital age has changed the buying process forever. Buyers now do more research in advance and there are more decisions makers
involved. This session will show you how in order to succeed in this new normal, salespeople need to gain access to the right decision
makers and use tailored insights to develop valuable insights. This session will demonstrate the importance of social selling and how
it enables sales professionals to be better at sales lead generation, prospecting and building and maintaining relationships. During the
presentation, real customer success stories will also be highlighted.
• Changing buying landscape
• How to adapt to this new normal
• How to embrace social selling and examples of success stories
Adam Thorp and Adam Seedsman Directors, TRED International
TITLE: Relationship Intelligence - turning communication data into insights and insights into action.
Unlocking the relationship intelligence data organisations didn’t know they had is now empowering them to uncover more opportunities
and accelerate sales. ‘Relationship Intelligence’ – is the new breed of sales velocity technology. Its analytics engine is having more
impact on an organisation’s revenue generation ecosystem and the frameworks they operate within than any other data source.
Both prescriptive and predictive, you can now instantly understand; where the strongest relationships are, how best to get a warm
introduction, which deals will close and when, as well as a unique view of the ‘sales motions’ that generate the most value with client
interaction. In this session; learn more about the new breed of Sales Velocity Technology - Relationship Intelligence, how to unlock and
activate this asset, identify what ‘sales motion’s’ generate the greatest value, understand the framework adjustments that will deliver
you the greatest efficiencies and effectiveness.
• Learn more about Sales Velocity Technology and Relationship Intelligence, how to unlock and activate this asset
• Identify what ‘sales motions’ generate the greatest value
• Understand the framework adjustments that will deliver you the greatest efficiencies and effectiveness.
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A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Tony Hughes Managing Director, RSVPSelling
TITLE: Enabling sellers for better engagement with senior stakeholders
Sales people need to reshape their conversations in a way that earns engagement at more senior levels, and then leads to business-case
value while differentiating from the competition. The right conversations at the right levels are therefore essential in complex B2B selling
but most sales people struggle to lead with insight or shape the agenda around business value. This session will show you how to enable
your sellers to lead in creating stronger senior customer engagement.
Tony has a track record of enabling insight selling in the real world and has helped sales teams transform current messaging and
questioning frameworks to lead to value (including a focus on risk mitigation) and away from commoditisation. Tony will provide tangible
examples of insight selling consistent with the Challenger concepts. His workshop tools will be shared and he will also provide recent
case study examples of ‘value worksheets’.
• How to kick-start the sales team with insight selling
• Real world examples (case studies) of the approach
• A tool and framework for creating your own
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A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Wayne Stewart Director, Monte Rosa
TITLE: Once upon a time - storytelling and selling
Everyone knows that selling keeps getting harder, each and every year. Buyers are more informed, they’re more focused on price and
they’re receiving more support from professional procurement functions.
Success requires Sales Directors to use every tool at their disposal because these days even the best pitch can get lost in the noise.
So how do we create impact? How can we ensure that our insight, our data and our compelling value propositions hit the mark and lead
to a sale?
In this session Wayne Stewart will demonstrate how powerful storytelling techniques can be used to build on the consultative, solution
and insight selling skills your team already possess. Drawing on Hollywood’s rich vein of blockbuster films Wayne will show you what your
sales team can learn from an afternoon at the cinemas and how they can put these lessons to work to secure more sales.
• Client decision making is BOTH rational and irrational
• Effective selling requires us to captivate the client on all levels we need to use every tool at our disposal
• Hollywood Blockbusters show us how to use storytelling to make our pitches even more effective
Joe Galvin Chief Research Officer, MHI Research Institute
TITLE: Placing the Customer at the Core in the Pursuit of World Class Sales Performance
World Class Sales Organisations have distinguished themselves through the execution and performance of 12 strategic initiatives.
Joe will share the data and analysis behind these initiatives and explore the underlying strategic issues that are driving the thinking of
the World Class Sales Organisation leader. Joe will also showcase the results of the 2014 Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study and
provide insights into the key attributes and behaviours that enable growth and drive success within World Class Sales Organisations.
• Learn the 3 cultural questions to identify and define a sales performance culture
• Be able to identify the three core behaviours of the World Class sales professional and how they connect to the organisational attributes
of world-class performance
• Compare their organisational behaviours to those of World-Class sales professionals and organisations
Mahesh Malalage Marketing Manager - Bio Medicine, Eli Lilly Australia
TITLE: Serving our customers brilliantly; learnings from the pharma industry
The pharma industry is unique for many reasons but one significant aspect is our dependence on a physical sales force calling on
customers (i.e. physicians) who are actually not the end users of our products. Recently, most companies within the industry have
embarked on a journey of serving our customers well. This is the story of one company that wants to take it higher.
• Why do we need to serve our customers brilliantly in the pharma industry and how does that impact the bottom line?
• Why does every single interaction with a company matter when it comes to building loyalty?
• How does a compelling vision, trust, consistency, alignment and individual responsibility help create the brilliant customer experience?
0431 057 001
A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Mark Purbrick Managing Director, Peoplogica
CASE STUDY: Attracting, Selecting and Retaining High Performing Sales Executives
There is a definite link between employees having “fit” to their respective roles and their resultant engagement levels. In addition, recent
studies prove that organisations that increase employee engagement levels enjoy increased revenue, profitability and customer service/
loyalty levels. This case study demonstrates how to extract the success DNA of your proven top performers and then use this information
to improve sales performance and recruitment outcomes by measuring “fit”.
Chris Carlson Director of Global Channels, Sales Performance International
TITLE: Buyer 2.0: Armed and Dangerous
In order to succeed in sales these days, sellers need to be worthy collaborators with the highly knowledgeable buyers they encounter.
No longer can sellers drive and control the sale because many buyers are too empowered and savvy. Global economic uncertainty and
the recent recessions in major economies have made both individual and corporate buyers demand material results and a Return on
Investment (ROI) for purchasing your products or services. This means that buyers are more cautious than ever before and they are
acutely aware of the risks of making bad decisions.
Our research and direct experience with clients shows that even though Buyer 2.0 now waits longer to invite sellers to participate, there
are still effective ways that sellers can engage with early stage buyers and bring value. If done properly, Buyer 2.0 will appreciate this
interaction and will see those sellers as subject matter experts and have more initial trust. In fact, our clients report that when their
sellers engage first with a buyer, they win business over five times more often than those who wait for buyers to engage them.
There is a right way to gain access to and influence early stage buyers, but it means significant behaviour changes in how most sellers
conduct business development activities. In order to find new opportunities with Buyer 2.0, sellers must embrace and master a new
sales persona – the Micro-Marketer. Sellers must align with where their buyers are at in the buying process and collaborate with them in
an open and transparent manner. The sellers who do this are winning more business and transforming sales techniques forever.
Gavin Gomes General Manager Sales & Marketing, P|StarTrack, Australia Post and
Paul Howdle Managing Consultant, Directional
TITLE: Evaluating, training and coaching the Australia Post salesforce
Australia Post is going through a major transformation away from letter deliveries, and towards parcels and ecommerce-related
services driven by the rapid growth of online retailing. This, combined with our recent integration of StarTrack, creates major challenges
for our sales-forces. What skills do our sales managers and sales-people need to enable this transformation? How do we build a
coaching culture among sales managers and sales directors? How do we address their development needs to meet growing customer
expectations? We’re working with Directional to answer these questions and help us make the transformation.
• Sales management capability is key, but what does this include for the Australia Post of today?
• Sales managers untrained in objective evaluation recruit, coach and reinforce training poorly. How do we solve this?
• A typical 3 day workshop touches 15-20% of the competencies required in a B2B sales role. So how do we ensure coaching and
training focuses on the critical issues?
0431 057 001
A world class sales conference that addresses the Sales Directors entire Value Chain
Jim Jusic Sales Capability and Operations Manager, Treasury Wine Estates
CASE STUDY: Achieving sales excellence in the field – a development practitioners experience
A differentiated sales proposition is recognisably valuable and often the primary focus of many organisations, but when this
organisation under appreciated the importance of seller behaviours their results were disappointing and something needed to change.
In this session attendees will learn how one organisation understood the misalignment and improved their results through a sequence of
well thought out initiatives dedicated to developing critical seller behaviours. The results of their Solution Selling development program
continues to demonstrate that focused best practice implementation is critical to ensuring sales success.
• How are they measuring sales behaviours gaps?
• How are they measuring alignment or lack of?
• How are they prioritising next steps to improve effectiveness?
David Lunn Director, Bid Write
TITLE: Embracing Tenders – Why Sales professionals need to own these often maligned documents
Do tenders really add value to the sales process or are they just a loathsome necessity?
Why do organisations relegate tender preparation to junior staff and an array of disengaged part-time contributors?
What is the real purpose of a tender anyway? Pricing? Ticking a compliance box in our prospects’ buying process?
…or is it possible that tenders are vastly more important that most people realise?
Smart sellers know the crucial roles tenders and proposals play in cementing business development effort, winning work and setting up
for delivery success and customer satisfaction.
Using leading global practices, shared through real life examples, this session will:
• Discuss the 4 most common tendering mistakes and how they can be readily corrected
• Explore emerging tendering trends and developments to help you stay in front of your competitors
• Demonstrate why the rapidly growing tender and proposal management profession needs to be part of the modern Sales agenda
Jason Jordan Partner, Vantage Point Performance
TITLE: Sales Forecasting 101
Everybody does sales forecasting. And nobody likes it. Even more distressing, research shows that 69% of us don’t even trust OUR OWN
forecasts. How can something so important and pervasive be done so poorly by legions of smart, motivated forecasters? Join researcher
Jason Jordan as he reveals how traditional forecasting models can lead you astray, because they neglect your customer’s actual buying
behaviour. This session includes a self-assessment of your own forecasting model and provides insights to make your forecasts more
efficient and more accurate.
• Which forecasting method is best for your sales force
• How to create sales forecasts you can trust
• How to use forecasting to improve sales performance
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