Ministry for Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution for Higher Professional Education «Moscow State Linguistic University» Programme of the Second International Conference «Discourse as Social Practice: Priorities and Prospects» 16–17 October 2014 Moscow 2014 Conference Programme Advisory Committee Rector of MSLU, full member of the Russian Academy of Education, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor I.I. Khaleeva Chair Professor A. J. Cienki, Ph.D. Professor V.Z. Demiankov, Ph.D. Professor R.K. Potapova, Ph.D. Professor O.K. Iriskhanova, Ph.D. Organizing Committee I. I. KHALEEVA, Rector of MSLU, Director of the Centre for Socio-Cognitive Studies of Discourse (Chair); V. K. SHLEG, Vice-Rector for International Relations (Vice-Chair); O. K. IRISKHANOVA, Vice-Director of the Centre for Socio-Cognitive Studies of Discourse (Vice-Chair); I. A. KRAEVA, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Applied Sciences; G. B. VORONINA, Dean of the Faculty of the German Language; I. A. GUSEINOVA, Dean of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation; M. V. TOMSKAYA, Director of the Gender Laboratory (Conference Secretary); E. I. KARPENKO, Vice-Director of the PoliMod Laboratory 2 Conference Programme THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 08.00–09.30 Registration of the participants 09.30–09.50 Opening ceremony (Ostozhenka, 38, The Assembly Hall) Welcoming address: Rector of MSLU Irina I. Khaleeva Deputy Minister of Education and Science of RF Alexander A. Klimov Vice-director of the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Z. Demiankov Vice-director of the National Research Centre Kurchatov Insitute Marat A. Kambolov PLENARY SESSION 09.50–10.15 Professor Irina I. Khaleeva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Education (MSLU, Moscow) Dialogue between civilizations: geopolitical determinants of social communication 10.15–10.40 Professor Mark Turner, Ph.D., Professor of Cognitive Science (Case Western Reserve University, USA) Language, gesture, bodily stance: grammar as a multimodal system 10.40–11.05 Professor Valery Z. Demiankov, Ph.D. (Dr. habil.) (Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) On the contrastive sociology of discourse 10.05–11.30 Professor Cornelia Müller, Ph.D., Dr. habil. (European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany) Gestures with speech: variable cognitive-semantic relations 11.30–12.00 Coffee Break 12.00–12.25 Professor Alan Cienki, Ph.D. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; MSLU, Moscow) Repetitions in view of talk as variably multimodal 3 Conference Programme 12.25–12.50 Professor Olga V. Aleksandrova, Ph.D. (MSU, Moscow) The phantom of discourse: the past, the present and the future 12.50–13.15 Professor Rodmonga K. Potapova, Ph.D., full member of the International Academy of Informatics (MSLU, Moscow) Social-network discourse as an object of interdisciplinary study 13.15–14.30 Lunch 14.30–16.00 Sessions 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Sessions 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner (Ostozhenka, 38, The Dining Hall) 4 Conference Programme FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 PLENARY SESSION 09.30–09.55 Professor Helga Kotthoff, Ph.D., Dr. habil. (University Freiburg, Germany) Transcultural humor in the mass media and everyday talk 09.55–10.20 Professor Svetlana N. Plotnikova, Ph.D. (EurAsian Linguistic Institute (MSLU), Irkutsk) Discursive construal of the social world 10.20–10.45 Professor Aliyah Morgenstern, Ph.D. (University New Sorbonne, France) Multimodal approaches to language acquisition 10.45–11.10 Professor Olga K. Iriskhanova, Ph.D. (MSLU, Moscow) A sociocultural model of PRESTIGE: managing information in multimodal discourse 11.10–11.30 Coffee Break 11.30–13.00 Sessions 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Sessions 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary Session. Conference Closing (The Assembly Hall) 5 Thursday, October 16 SESSION 1 Discourse of social institutions: politics, business, advertising (Room 61) Mediators: Assistant Professor E. N. Tsvetayeva, Ph.D., Assistant Professor L.A. Kochetova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor A. O. Stebletsova, Ph.D. 14.30–16.00 Olga I. Titkova*1 Recurrent units in different types of discourse Natalya N. Troshina* Communicative genres of symbolic management in Russian business discourse Anna O. Stebletsova* Business discourse and its subtypes: the issue of discourse modelling Natalya S. Dankova, Tatyana V. Dubrovskaya, Svetlana O. Gulyaikina The image of judicial power in mass media in Penza: the role of genre Anna M. Chashina Discourse analysis of political interviews: the strategy of selfpresentation Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 1 The asterisk marks session speeches with the time limit of 15 minutes (+ 5 min. for discussion). Session presentations (unmarked) are allotted 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. 6 Thursday, October 16 16.30–18.00 Elena N. Tsvetayeva* Spatial and nonspatial relations in ‘heated’ social discourse Larisa A. Kochetova* The evolution of tonal characteristics in English advertising discourse Anna V. Kremneva* Does every text dream of becoming precedent? (based on political discourse analysis) Oksana D. Pastukhova Characteristics and current trends of political discourse Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 2 Discourse of social institutions: education, law, religion, etc. (Room 304 – Centre of Armenian Language and Culture) Mediators: Professor I. A. Guseinova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor N. P. Glinskaya, Ph.D., Assistant Professor A. V. Vereshagina, Ph.D. 14.30–16.00 Innara A. Guseinova* “Open day” as an instrument of construing reality and directing attention of mass audience Nelly P. Glinskaya* The terminonymic representation of legal concepts in the judicial discourse of the US Supreme court Nadezhda M. Perelgut, Oksana Y. Yakovishak* Evolution or revolution in academic discourse? Viktoria S. Tabakova Sports discourse as a special form of social practice Discussion 7 Thursday, October 16 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Angelina V. Vereshagina* Studying religious discourse in Ancient Greek classes (based on the New Testament) Elena A. Mishutinskaya* Interpenetration of elements from different types of discourse Darya V. Atanova, Alexandra M. Bozhenkova On the issue of explicating linguo-cultural dominant ideas of institutional discourse Maria V. Basinskaya Neologisms in ecological discourse: functional aspects Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 3 Methodologies and methods of discourse studies (Room 205 (4) – Centre of German Language and Culture) Mediators: 14.30–16.00 Professor, Leading Researcher K.Y. Sigal, Ph.D., Professor, Leading Researcher N. M. Yuryeva, Ph.D., Assistant Professor I. V. Zykova, Ph.D. Kirill Y. Sigal* Linguistic experiment as a form of discourse practice Evgenia V. Ponomarenko* Linguosynergetics as a method of discourse analysis Nadezhda M. Yuryeva* The verbal embodiment of narrative in story-telling by preschool children Anastasia A. Kareva Analysis of the effectiveness of verbal manipulation of advertisements (experimental research) Inna Y. Esaulova 8 Thursday, October 16 Categorical characteristics in discourse of uncertainty Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Irina V. Zykova* Phraseologisms in discourse practices: theory in light of contemporary empirical data Tatyana G. Skrebtsova, Irina F. Ukhvanova* On the possibility of creating an encyclopedic dictionary of discourse analysis Lubov N. Maslova, Valentina V. Streltsova* Methods for researching inter-ethnic tension Alexandra S. Vanichkina The axiological aspect of advertising: a diachronic approach Viktoria L. Saakian Features of theme perception in a noisy environment Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 4 Cognitive studies of discourse (Room 509) Mediators: 14.30–16.00 Professor O. V. Yevtushenko, Ph.D., Professor K. M. Iriskhanova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor M. I. Kiose, Ph.D. Christopher Hart* Point of view in depictions and description of political protests Kira M. Iriskhanova* Cognitive dissonance in poetic discourse Olga V. Yevtushenko* The communicative consciousness of the postmodern era and the hybridization of discourses 9 Thursday, October 16 Anastasia A. Rzheshevskaya Shifts of perspective in dramatic discourse Evgenia V. Fyodorova “Metaphysical Play-Doh” or conceptual integration as a core human capacity for new meaning creation in critical reviews Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Bertie Kaal* A spatial model for multi-cultural discourse analysis Lidia P. Kovalchyuk* Particularities of how conceptual integration functions in fairy tales Maria I. Kiose* Functions of direct and indirect naming in texts Daria V. Vafina Cognitive mechanisms of spontaneous humor in dialogue Olga A. Guseva Communicatively relevant … laughter Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 5 Social identity and discourse (Room 63) Mediators: 14.30–16.00 Professor N.V. Yudina, Ph.D., Professor N. N. Germanova, Ph.D. Natalya N. Germanova* Language norming as a means of constructing different types of social and cultural identity Costas Canakis * Discourse of same-sex parenthood in contemporary Greece 10 Thursday, October 16 Anna V. Solopenko The semantics of gender roles as reflected in slogans for cosmetic products Darya V. Vialtseva Spoken discourse of 6 and 7-year-old children Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Natalya V. Yudina* Several priorities in the discourse activity of the Russian linguistic personality in the 21st century reviewed Aktolkyn T. Kulsariyeva* The concept “Zheruyik” (the promised land) in ideological discourse of contemporary Kazakhstan Mostafa Boieblan Social identity and domestic violence: a cognitive approach Irina A. Chudova Immigrant discourse in “The Life Before Us”by E. Ajar: the linguo-cultural meaning and functions of Arabic words Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 6 Communicative strategies in professional and other contexts (Room 205 (1) – Centre of German Language and Culture) Mediators: 14.30–16.00 Professor A. E. Levitsky, Ph.D., Professor V. A. Tyrygina, Ph.D., Professor E. I. Kalmykova, Ph.D. Andrey E. Levitsky* Projection of the future as a basis of prophetic discourse Valentina A. Tyrygina* 11 Thursday, October 16 Resistive strategies in readers’ discourse Natalya Y. Subirkina* The concept of “prediction” in French economic discourse and intuitive foresight Anastasia A. Arkhipova Means of verbalizing prognostic strategies (based on contemporary French economic articles) Elena V. Yermakova On the problem of optimizing the delivery of illocutionary force in the translation of legal discourse Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Elena I. Kalmykova* Economic discourse in German mass media: social priorities Yulia V. Ageyeva* Main communicative strategies of recruitment officers Nasima S. Sharafutdinova Antonymous terms in aviation discourse Yulia V. Sorokina The strategy of self-presentation as part of effective linguistic manipulation in Russian and American pedagogic discourse Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 7 Multimodal Dimensions of Discourse. Gestures in Speech (International Workshop) (Assembly Hall) Mediators: 14.30–16.00 12 Professor N. K. Ryabtseva, Ph.D., Professor A. Cienki, Ph.D. Dominique Boutet* Gestural negation: A kinesiological point of view Thursday, October 16 Nadezhda K. Ryabtseva* Hypermodality of social communication in Internet-space Maira Avelar Miranda* Image-schemas in speech and gestures: an analysis of legislative sessions Yulia V. Nikolayeva* Gestures’ contribution in discourse Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Larisa A. Manerko* Contemporary models of interpretation in the light of social determination and multimodality of knowledge in the discourse theory Darya A. Dyomina, Olga V. Negodova* 3D technology in forming secondary linguistic worldview Evgenia V. Alyoshinskaya The construction of social identity in musical discourse: a multimodal analysis Maria V. Tolmachyova The genre peculiarities of info-analytical discourse of French TV Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 8 Discourse and mass mediatechnologies (Room 87) Mediators: 14.30–16.00 Professor T. E. Litvinenko, Ph.D., Professor A.V. Polonsky, Ph.D., Assistant Professor G. V. Zaschitina, Ph.D. Tatiana E. Litvinenko* Multireferentiality as a characteristic of contemporary media discourse 13 Thursday, October 16 Andrey V. Polonsky* The problem of massmediativity in view of the modern communication processes Marina R. Zheltukhina* American and Russian political media fears in the 21 st century Anna I. Sinina Periphrasis formation in English mass media texts Alexander Y. Salikhov Values of talk show discourse (based on US and Russian talk shows) Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Raisa I. Babayeva* Comments with a smile in media discourse (based on the example of the German “Heute Show”) Yulia V. Danyushina* Muslim web discourses Galina V. Zaschitina* The communicative role of stylistic means of interpreting reality in modern English mass media discourse Tatyana V. Kozharina The concept of national memory in the context of French media discourse Viktoria O. Fyodorovskaya Literary and art criticism as part of critical discourse in Germany Discussion 18.00–19.30 14 Buffet dinner Thursday, October 16 SESSION 9 Innovation in language and discourse: from the past to the present (Room 57 – Austrian Centre) Mediators: Professor N. V. Lyubimova, D. of Ped. Sc., Professor I. K. Seskutova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor E. F. Kosichenko, Ph.D. 14.30–16.00 Natalia V. Lyubimova* Alpine motives in the political and literary discourses of Switzerland: the past and the present Evgenia A. Nilsen* The conceptual metaphor of time in Early Modern English Elena F. Kosichenko* Classification of proper names in fictional texts Alla O. Manukhina Means of verbalizing intertextual connections in medieval discourse: the case of the Old French Chronicle of Morea, the 14th century Natalya V. Evtodiyeva Development of time and space in W. Schnurre's parables Discussion 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 16.30–18.00 Larisa A. Averkina* Sociocultural identity and peculiarities in the discourse of D. Kehlmann's novel "Die Vermessung der Welt" Irina K. Seskutova* Meaning construction in English literary discourse: conversion algorithms Konstantin I. Shpetny* Linguo-stylistic characteristics of oratory discourse from a diachronic perspective 15 Thursday, October 16 Alina P. Guseva Liberature as a new genre of literature Nina N. Konoplyova (Durinova) Literary reception of W. Shakespeare’s tragedies in the Romantic critical discourse Discussion 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner SESSION 10 Working with discourse: translation practices (Master class for interpreters and translators) (Room 64) 14.30–16.00 Master class for interpreters and translators of Honorary President of CIUTI, Prof. Dr. Hannelore Lee-Jahnke and Secretary General of CIUTI, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Forstner (German – English) 16.00–16.30 Coffee Break 18.00–19.30 Buffet dinner 16 Friday, October 17 SESSION 1 Discourse in social institutions: politics, business, advertising (Room 61) Mediators: Professor A. V. Alfyorov, Ph.D., Professor L. V. Moiseyenko, Ph.D., Assistant Professor S. Y. Khovanova, Ph.D. 11.30–13.00 Alexander V. Alfyorov, Elena Y. Kustova* Interactional mapping of parliamentary discourse practices (based on the official site of the French National Assembly) Svetlana Y. Khovanova* English nouns from phrasal verbs in mass media discourse: a socio-cognitive perspective Evgenia M. Maslennikova* Discourse markers as ideologemes Anna Y. Chaikina On the conceptual organization of texts in English political discourse Fatima S. Dzutseva, Elmira I. Karazhaeva Content analysis of campaign speeches of Barack Obama and John McCain Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Elena S. Gritsenko, Anastasia V. Alikina* The role of English in Russian recruitment discourse Edgar Hoffmann* German-language print media on Russian business Lilia V. Moiseyenko* Strategies of interpreting political events in modern communication Maria V. Opolovnikova, Marina V. Zimina Logical particles as a means of verbal influence in political discourse: analysis of a New Year speech by German Friday, October 17 Chancellor A. Merkel Tatyana S. Sidorovich Communicative characteristics of interviews as a genre of political discourse Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) SESSION 2 Discourse of social institutions: education, law, religion, etc. (Room 304 – Centre of Armenian Language and Culture) Mediators: Professor O. V. Kulikova, Ph.D., Assistant Professor E. A. Bocharnikova, Ph.D. 11.30–13.00 Ekaterina A. Bocharnikova* Economic discourse as the synthesis of disciplinary knowledge (the analysis of academic economic texts) Alla V. Anishenko* Studying for a second degree in Linguistics as a variety of academic discourse Maria A. Samkova Self-similarity of pedagogical discourse Ekaterina S. Shlyakhova Pronunciation dictionaries in Great Britain in the XVIII – XXI centuries as part of institutional discourse: the evolution of the genre Galina L. Efimova The structure of argumentative discourse Discussion 13.00–14.15 18 Lunch Friday, October 17 14.15–15.45 Olga V. Kulikova* Discourse and education in the humanities: interdisciplinary foundations Tatyana A. Letuchina Some features of verbal expression of moral evaluation in the French discourse of defense Yulia N. Sdobnova Some peculiarities of institutional military communication: the linguistic reflection of modern social tendencies based on the French armed forces discourse Yulia Y. Dubrova On the specific features of military discourse Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) SESSION 3 Methodologies and methods of discourse studies (Room 205 (4) – Centre of German Language and Culture) Mediators: Professor M. V. Khitina, Ph.D., Professor T. G. Dobrosklonskaya, Ph.D., Assistant Professor K. V. Manyorova, Ph.D. 11.30–13.00 Tatyana G. Dobrosklonskaya* Mass media discourse in the system of contemporary discourse practices Marina V. Khitina* Analysis of spoken discourse: a case study Elena G. Loginova* A socio-semiotic approach to the study of discourse (focusing on the drama of the absurd) Evgenia P. Bogatikova, Svetlana L. Mishlanova Applied linguistics in the analysis of health communication 19 Friday, October 17 Ekaterina V. Isayeva Graph semantic modelling of computer security terminology Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Elena V. Lukashevich* The verbal influence in discursive practice of state power bodies of the Altai region: a study of website contents Valery G. Kuznetsov* Discourse at the 19th International Congress of Linguists Alla V. Kirilina* Internet discourse research in the light of post-nonclassical episteme. Kristina V. Manyorova* Phraseological modifications in German media text in relation to intertextuality Michał Kozdra Меthods of Polish ethnolinguistic school in discourse research: problems and prospects Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) SESSION 4 Cognitive studies of discourse (Assembly Hall) Mediators: 11.30–13.00 20 Professor L. A. Nozdrina, Ph.D., Professor E. E. Golubkova, Ph.D., Lyudmila A. Nozdrina* Cognitive aspects of textual categories Friday, October 17 Ekaterina E. Golubkova* Dialect variation in the lexicon as a manifestation of alternative means of conceptualizing activity: the analysis of English phrasal verbs Yana A. Volkova* The conceptual space of destructiveness in linguistic consciousness Olga N. Pavlenkova Litotes as a means of semantic defocusing in antithesis Ekaterina A. Ivashko Discursive aspects of how category indicators are distributed in adjectival nominalizations Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Pavel B. Parshin* Tactile metaphors in political discourse Irina I. Kashtanova* A discursive approach in the study of concepts: the case of “protection” Lylia A. Usmanova The syntagmatics of literary discourse: the cognitive-semantic aspect Ekaterina B. Kivilyova The phenomenon of selective projection in nomination: names of people and artefacts Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) 21 Friday, October 17 SESSION 5 Social identity and discourse (Room 63) Mediators: 11.30–13.00 Assistant Professor G. I. Boiko, Ph.D., Assistant Professor M. V. Tomskaya, Ph.D., Assistant Professor O. A. Shershukova, Ph.D. Marina A. Lappo* Modelling verbal marking of self-identity Maria V. Tomskaya* Interrelation of social identity parameters in academic discourse Galina I. Boiko The role of immigrant discourse in preserving socio-cultural identity (exemplified by the works of S. Özdogan) Anastasia A. Sharapkova Knighthood as a social institution in fictional discourse: the gender issue Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Oksana A. Shershukova* Forms of addressing in Portuguese literature for children: communicative and grammatical aspects Ekaterina V. Troshenkova* Republicans and democrats in American political discourse: the meta-representational side of critical thinking Natalya V. Luchkina Researching particularities of the discourse of the material world of Russians Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) 22 Friday, October 17 SESSION 6 Communicative strategies in professional and other contexts (Room 205 (1) – Centre of German Language and Culture) Mediators: 11.30–13.00 Professor E. Y. Ilyinova, Ph.D., Professor V. M. Glushak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor E. L. Tunitskaya, Ph.D., Elena Y. Ilyinova* Ironic style as a type of socially oriented discourse Elena L. Tunitskaya* The pragmatics of repetitions and repeated questions in French drama dialogues Anna V. Kuleshova The perlocutionary potential of an aspectual opposition: SER/ESTAR Varvara L. Burova Housekeeping as a genre of spoken discourse and organized social interaction Elena M. Kirsanova Identifying patterns of communicative behaviorsof Russian and German managers (comparative aspect) Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Lyudmila K. Saliyeva* Modern discourse through M. Bakhtin’s texts Vasily M. Glushak* Changing the polite and aggressive communication mode into the mode of familiarity: communicative strategies of approaching Tatyana Y. Golechkova Discourse features of English textson computer science Maxim B. Chikov On the teaching of professional uptake of text and discourse 23 Friday, October 17 Anna D. Plissetskaya Representation of domination in the 2013 Moscow mayoral election campaign (anti-immigrant discourse) Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) SESSION 7 Multimodal Dimensions of Discourse. Gestures in Speech Room 101 16.15–18.00 Mediators: Master class for MSLU students «Gestures in Speech» Professor A. Cienki, Ph.D., Professor A. Morgenstern, Ph.D. SESSION 8 Discourse and mass media technologies (Room 87) Mediators: 11.30–13.00 Professor V. A. Mityagina, Ph.D., Professor L. I. Grishayeva, Ph.D., Assistant Professor T. A. Boldova, D. Ped. Sc. Nadezhda N. Panchenko* Transforming information in fake news Vera A. Mityagina* The discourse of tourism on the Internet: errors in naming as a negative factor in intercultural communication Elina Y. Novikova* Glocal city: the pragmatics of a city website Pavel V. Koshel Genre compatibility in Internet communication 24 Friday, October 17 Joanna Wasyluk Lexical peculiarities of mass media discourse: language of Russian websites (Runet) Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Lyudmila I. Grishayeva* Media discourse as a means of transforming information into manipulation Tatyana A. Boldova* Contemporary Internet discourse in the context of multicultural communication Valeria S. Nechayeva Mechanisms of objectivizing cognitive conflict in electronic business communication in German Olga V. Popova Functional features of proper names in blogs: a comparative study Oksana M. Ladosha The speech act of complaint in Internet discourse (based on German personal weblogs) Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) SESSION 9 Innovation in language and discourse: from the past to the present (Room 509) Mediators: 11.30–13.00 Professor N. B. Kudryavtseva, Ph.D., Professor S. Obermaier, Ph.D., Professor G. M. Fadeyeva, Ph.D. Sabine Obermaier* Talking about dogs as (inter)action between people – Part 1: 25 Friday, October 17 the Middle Ages Elena I. Karpenko* Talking about dogs as (inter)action between people – Part 2: the Modern Age Frank Göbler* The entomological discourse in Nabokov's prose work (drawing on the example of the short story "Pilgram" / "The Aurelian") Galina M. Fadeyeva* About the notion of extra-temporal discourse as exemplified in ‘Maxims and Reflections’ by J. W. Goethe Discussion 13.00–14.15 Lunch 14.15–15.45 Nadezhda B. Kudryavtseva* The discursive potential of language games (based on French grammar) Irina A. Kondakova* Place-name metaphors in Biblical and contemporary literary discourse: similarities and differences Valentina A. Tyrygina, Darya S. Krashennikova Derivative words in discourse analysis Gayane R. Vlasian Spoken dialogue as an open self-developing system Discussion 15.45–16.15 Coffee Break 16.30 Plenary session. Conference closing (The Assembly Hall) SECTION 10 end of session 26
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